def test(test_loader, model, data_dir, save_dir, iteration): model.eval() itedir_out = os.path.join(save_dir, 'testResults', str(iteration)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_dir, 'testResults')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(save_dir, 'testResults')) if not os.path.exists(itedir_out): os.mkdir(itedir_out) model = model.cuda() print('def test') for step, (images, enhance_params, fileName) in enumerate(test_loader): images = images.cuda() inputs = Variable(images, volatile=True) outputs = model(inputs) normalized_params = ( denormalized_params = denormalize(normalized_params) #save descaled params, enhanced photos param_to_photoEnhance2test.param_to_photoEnhance( denormalized_params.flatten(), fileName[0], data_dir, itedir_out, 'test')
patches = all_patches(256, *dims_desired)"patches leng is {len(patches)} and predict is {len(prediction)}") for i in range(len(patches)): output[patches[i]]=prediction[i] return output ML_FULL_ARRAY = rebuild(prediction, dims_desired) #y TRUTH_FULL_ARRAY = rebuild(truth, dims_desired) #x #%% #renormalize data ( raw and ML outputs) yy = normalize.denormalize(whichtruth, ML_FULL_ARRAY) xx = normalize.denormalize(whichtruth, TRUTH_FULL_ARRAY)'saving full images') np.savez(spath + 'fullsize.npz', truth = xx, prediction = yy) print( 'DNB raw truth max is', np.nanmax(xx)) print( 'DNB raw truth min is', np.nanmin (xx)) print( 'ML raw rad max is', np.max(yy)) print( 'ML raw rad min is', np.min(yy)) #%% #ERF applications on ML and truth values for image translation'starting the ERF processes')
def process_channel(Ycol, MLRcol, c, figdir, nick, metdict, shape, denormed): R2 = metrics.r2_score(Ycol, MLRcol) RMSE = metrics.mean_squared_error(Ycol, MLRcol, squared=False) MAE = metrics.mean_absolute_error(Ycol, MLRcol) metdict[c] = {} metdict[c][ "regressions"] = f'R2 = {R2:.4f}, RMSE = {RMSE:.4f}, MAE = {MAE:.4f}''{c} y variance explained by all predictors fit = ' + str(np.round(R2, 5)))'{c} RMSE = ' + str(np.round(RMSE, 5)))'{c} MAE = ' + str(np.round(MAE, 5))) plotdata(Ycol, MLRcol, c, figdir, nick) MLR_pred = normalize.denormalize(c, MLRcol) truth = normalize.denormalize(c, Ycol) MLR_pred_r = MLR_pred.reshape(shape) truth_r = truth.reshape(shape) denormed[c] = np.stack((MLR_pred_r, truth_r), axis=-1) #boxplots' making boxplots') plt.boxplot([truth.flatten(), MLR_pred.flatten()], labels=["truth", "MLR"], sym='') plt.title(f'Data Point Distribution for {c}') plt.savefig(figdir / f"{nick}_{c}_boxplot.png") plt.close() plt.boxplot(truth.flatten(), sym='') plt.title(f'Data Point Distribution for {c} truth') plt.savefig(figdir / f"{nick}_{c}_boxplot_truth.png") plt.close() plt.boxplot(MLR_pred.flatten(), sym='') plt.title(f'Data Point Distribution for {c} MLR') plt.savefig(figdir / f"{nick}_{c}_boxplot_MLR.png") plt.close() coledir = figdir / "RAWimages" coledir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) should_invert = 'log' in c for i in range(shape[0]): #COLE PLOTTING show_byte_img(scale(truth_r[i], 5, invert=should_invert), name=coledir / f"{nick}_{c}_COLE_truth_{i}.png") show_byte_img(scale(MLR_pred_r[i], 5, invert=should_invert), name=coledir / f"{nick}_{c}_COLE_MLR_truth_{i}.png") truth_min, truth_max = np.nanmin(truth), np.nanmax(truth) MLR_min, MLR_max = np.nanmin(MLR_pred), np.nanmax(MLR_pred) metdict[c][ "denorm_raw"] = f'truth min/max = {truth_min:.4f}/{truth_max:.4f}, MLR_truth min/max = {MLR_min:.4f}/{MLR_max:.4f}' plotdata(MLR_pred, truth, c, figdir, nick + "denorm") #ERF applications on ML and truth values for image translation'starting the ERF processes') ERFimage_truth, ERFimage_ML = ERF(truth, "truth"), ERF(MLR_pred, "MLR_pred") # plotting image pair x = ERFimage_truth.reshape(shape) #[:2000] y = ERFimage_ML.reshape(shape) #[:2000] denormed[f'{c}_BVI'] = np.stack((y, x), axis=-1) imagedir = figdir / "ERFimages" imagedir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # makes ERF for i in range(shape[0]):'processing {i} image plotting') #ERF PLOTTING img = x[i] imgplot = plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray') #, vmin=2000, vmax=5000) plt.grid(False) plt.title('ERF imagery truth') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(imagedir / f"{nick}_{c}_ERFtruth_{i}.png") plt.close() img2 = y[i] imgplot = plt.imshow(img2, cmap='gray') #,vmin=2000, vmax=5000) plt.grid(False) plt.title("ERF imagery ML") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(imagedir / f"{nick}_{c}_ERF_MLR_truth_{i}.png") plt.close()
"my_csi50_metric": my_csi50_metric,\ "my_bias20_metric": my_bias20_metric,\ "my_bias35_metric": my_bias35_metric,\ "my_bias50_metric": my_bias50_metric}) # "model_file" #whichtruth = data['y_channel'][0] #TODO - with new array adjust this whichtruth = 'DNB_full_moon_norm' truth = data['Ydata_train'] prediction = model.predict(data['Xdata_train']) #%% #renormalize data ( raw and ML outputs) xx = normalize.denormalize(whichtruth, truth) yy = normalize.denormalize(whichtruth, prediction) print('DNB raw truth max is', np.nanmax(yy)) print('DNB raw truth min is', np.nanmin(yy)) print('ML raw rad max is', np.max(xx)) print('ML raw rad min is', np.min(xx)) ## #calculate RMSE from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error fxx = xx.flatten() fyy = yy.flatten() RMSDtruth = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(fxx, fyy)) print("the real RMSE is", RMSDtruth)
mil = 'init' with open('model/additional_x') as f: additional = list(map(float,'\n'))) while True: try: mil = float(input("Enter Milleage:")) except: print("Not float input, exiting") exit() try: mil_n = normalize_pred_x(mil, *additional) except: print("Retrain with suggested normalize!") exit() pred = a * mil_n + b real_norm_pred = real_norm_a * mil_n + real_norm_b real_pred = real_a * mil + real_b pred_d = denormalize(pred) real_norm_pred_d = denormalize(real_norm_pred) print("Predict : ", pred_d) print("Predict real normalized : ", real_norm_pred_d) print("Error real normalized : ", abs(real_norm_pred_d - pred_d)) print("Predict real : ", real_pred) print("Error real : ", abs(real_pred - pred_d))