def _cmeans0(data, u_old, c, m, metric):
    Single step in generic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm.

    Modified from Ross, Fuzzy Logic w/Engineering Applications (2010),
    pages 352-353, equations 10.28 - 10.35.

    Parameters inherited from cmeans()
    # Normalizing, then eliminating any potential zero values.
    u_old = normalize_columns(u_old)
    u_old = np.fmax(u_old, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)

    um = u_old**m

    # Calculate cluster centers
    data = data.T
    cntr = / np.atleast_2d(um.sum(axis=1)).T

    d = _distance(data, cntr, metric)
    d = np.fmax(d, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)

    jm = (um * d**2).sum()

    u = normalize_power_columns(d, -2. / (m - 1))

    return cntr, u, jm, d
def _cmeans_predict0(test_data, cntr, u_old, c, m, metric):
    Single step in fuzzy c-means prediction algorithm. Clustering algorithm
    modified from Ross, Fuzzy Logic w/Engineering Applications (2010)
    p.352-353, equations 10.28 - 10.35, but this method to generate fuzzy
    predictions was independently derived by Josh Warner.

    Parameters inherited from cmeans()

    Very similar to initial clustering, except `cntr` is not updated, thus
    the new test data are forced into known (trained) clusters.
    # Normalizing, then eliminating any potential zero values.
    u_old = normalize_columns(u_old)
    u_old = np.fmax(u_old, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)

    um = u_old**m
    test_data = test_data.T

    # For prediction, we do not recalculate cluster centers. The test_data is
    # forced to conform to the prior clustering.

    d = _distance(test_data, cntr, metric)
    d = np.fmax(d, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)

    jm = (um * d**2).sum()

    u = normalize_power_columns(d, -2. / (m - 1))

    return u, jm, d
コード例 #3
def _pfcm0(data, centers_old, gamma, c, m, eta, a, b):
    """ Single step of pfcm"""

    dist = _distance(data, centers_old)
    dist = np.fmax(dist,
                   )  #Nullen vorsichtshalber durch minimum Wert ersetzen"

    #Zugehörigkeitsgrade berechnen (u_i_k)
    u = normalize_power_columns(dist, -2. / (m - 1))

    #Berechnung der Typischkeitswerte
    #Wichtige Funktionen:
    #np.reciprocal: reciprocal(x) entspricht 1/x, nur Elementweise
    #np.ones: Matrix mit Dimension (x,y) mit Einsen gefüllt, x Anzahl der Zeilen, y Spalten
    # Compute typicality values
    d2 = dist**2
    d2 = np.fmax(d2, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
    t = np.reciprocal(
        np.add(np.ones((c, data.shape[0])),
               (np.divide(np.multiply(d2, b).T, gamma).T**(1. / (eta - 1)))))

    #Clusterzentroiden berechnen (v_i)
    #ut entspricht der Summe (a*u_i_k**m + b*t_i_k**eta)
    ut = np.add(np.multiply((u**m), a), np.multiply((t**eta), b))
    centers = np.divide((, (ut.sum(axis=1)).T).T

    #Berechnung der Zielfunktion J_m_eta
    d_new = _distance(data, centers)
    d_new = np.fmax(d_new, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
    d_new = d_new**2
    d_new = np.fmax(d_new, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
    jm = np.multiply(ut, d_new).sum() + np.multiply(gamma, (np.subtract(
        np.ones((c, data.shape[0])), t)**eta).sum(axis=1).T).sum()

    return centers, u, t, jm