def test_validation_with_wrong_action(self): serializer = RecipeSerializer(data={ 'action': 'action-that-doesnt-exist', 'arguments': {} }) with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) assert serializer.errors['arguments'] == [ 'Could not find arguments schema.' ]
def test_validation_with_wrong_action(self): serializer = RecipeSerializer(data={ "action_id": "9999", "arguments": {} }) with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) assert serializer.errors["action_id"] == [ serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField. default_error_messages["does_not_exist"].format(pk_value=9999) ]
def test_validation_with_invalid_action(self): serializer = RecipeSerializer(data={ "action_id": "action-that-doesnt-exist", "arguments": {} }) with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) assert serializer.errors["action_id"] == [ serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField. default_error_messages["incorrect_type"].format(data_type="str") ]
def test_validation_with_wrong_arguments(self): action = ActionFactory(name="show-heartbeat", arguments_schema=ARGUMENTS_SCHEMA) serializer = RecipeSerializer( data={ "action_id":, "name": "Any name", "extra_filter_expression": "true", "arguments": { "surveyId": "", "surveys": [ { "title": "", "weight": 1 }, { "title": "bar", "weight": 1 }, { "title": "foo", "weight": 0 }, { "title": "baz", "weight": "lorem ipsum" }, ], }, }) with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) assert serializer.errors["arguments"] == { "surveyId": "This field may not be blank.", "surveys": { 0: { "title": "This field may not be blank." }, 2: { "weight": "0 is less than the minimum of 1" }, 3: { "weight": "'lorem ipsum' is not of type 'integer'" }, }, }
def test_validation_with_jexl_exception(self): serializer = RecipeSerializer( data={ "name": "bar", "enabled": True, "extra_filter_expression": '"\\', "action": "show-heartbeat", "arguments": { "surveyId": "lorem-ipsum-dolor", "surveys": [ { "title": "adipscing", "weight": 1 }, { "title": "consequetar", "weight": 1 }, ], }, }) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors["extra_filter_expression"] == [ 'Could not parse expression: "\\' ]
def test_validation_with_invalid_filter_expression(self): ActionFactory(name="show-heartbeat", arguments_schema=ARGUMENTS_SCHEMA) serializer = RecipeSerializer( data={ "name": "bar", "enabled": True, "extra_filter_expression": "inv(-alsid", "action": "show-heartbeat", "arguments": { "surveyId": "lorem-ipsum-dolor", "surveys": [ { "title": "adipscing", "weight": 1 }, { "title": "consequetar", "weight": 1 }, ], }, }) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors["extra_filter_expression"] == [ "Could not parse expression: inv(-alsid" ]
def test_validation_with_invalid_filter_expression(self): ActionFactory(name='show-heartbeat', arguments_schema=ARGUMENTS_SCHEMA) serializer = RecipeSerializer( data={ 'name': 'bar', 'enabled': True, 'extra_filter_expression': 'inv(-alsid', 'action': 'show-heartbeat', 'arguments': { 'surveyId': 'lorem-ipsum-dolor', 'surveys': [{ 'title': 'adipscing', 'weight': 1 }, { 'title': 'consequetar', 'weight': 1 }] } }) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors['extra_filter_expression'] == [ 'Could not parse expression: inv(-alsid' ]
def test_validation_with_wrong_arguments(self): action = ActionFactory(name='show-heartbeat', arguments_schema=ARGUMENTS_SCHEMA) serializer = RecipeSerializer( data={ 'action_id':, 'arguments': { 'surveyId': '', 'surveys': [{ 'title': '', 'weight': 1 }, { 'title': 'bar', 'weight': 1 }, { 'title': 'foo', 'weight': 0 }, { 'title': 'baz', 'weight': 'lorem ipsum' }] } }) with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) assert serializer.errors['arguments'] == { 'surveyId': 'This field may not be blank.', 'surveys': { 0: { 'title': 'This field may not be blank.' }, 2: { 'weight': '0 is less than the minimum of 1' }, 3: { 'weight': '\'lorem ipsum\' is not of type \'integer\'' } } }
def test_validation_with_valid_data(self): mockAction = ActionFactory(name='show-heartbeat', arguments_schema=ARGUMENTS_SCHEMA) channel = ChannelFactory(slug='release') country = CountryFactory(code='CA') locale = LocaleFactory(code='en-US') serializer = RecipeSerializer( data={ 'name': 'bar', 'enabled': True, 'extra_filter_expression': '[]', 'action_id':, 'channels': ['release'], 'countries': ['CA'], 'locales': ['en-US'], 'arguments': { 'surveyId': 'lorem-ipsum-dolor', 'surveys': [{ 'title': 'adipscing', 'weight': 1 }, { 'title': 'consequetar', 'weight': 1 }] } }) assert serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.validated_data == { 'name': 'bar', 'extra_filter_expression': '[]', 'action': mockAction, 'arguments': { 'surveyId': 'lorem-ipsum-dolor', 'surveys': [{ 'title': 'adipscing', 'weight': 1 }, { 'title': 'consequetar', 'weight': 1 }] }, 'channels': [channel], 'countries': [country], 'locales': [locale], } assert serializer.errors == {}
def test_validation_with_valid_data(self): mockAction = ActionFactory(name="show-heartbeat", arguments_schema=ARGUMENTS_SCHEMA) serializer = RecipeSerializer( data={ "name": "bar", "enabled": True, "extra_filter_expression": "[]", "action_id":, "arguments": { "surveyId": "lorem-ipsum-dolor", "surveys": [ { "title": "adipscing", "weight": 1 }, { "title": "consequetar", "weight": 1 }, ], }, }) assert serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.validated_data == { "name": "bar", "extra_filter_expression": "[]", "action": mockAction, "arguments": { "surveyId": "lorem-ipsum-dolor", "surveys": [ { "title": "adipscing", "weight": 1 }, { "title": "consequetar", "weight": 1 }, ], }, } assert serializer.errors == {}