shutil.move(fname_only+"_files", os.path.join(rst_target_dir, fname_only+"_files")) elif OUTPUT == "html": from notebook_output_template import notebook_template new_html = os.path.join(rst_target_dir, fname_only+".rst") # get the title out of the notebook because sphinx needs it title_cell = nb['worksheets'][0]['cells'].pop(0) try: assert title_cell['cell_type'] == 'heading' except: print "Title not in first cell for ", fname_only print "Not generating rST" html_out = nb2html(nb) # indent for insertion into raw html block in rST html_out = "\n".join([" "+i for i in html_out.split("\n")]) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(title_cell["source"]+u"\n") f.write(u"="*len(title_cell["source"])+u"\n\n") f.write(notebook_template.substitute(name=fname_only, body=html_out)) hash_funcs.update_hash_dict(filehash, fname_only) except Exception, err: raise err finally: os.chdir(cur_dir) # probably not necessary del notebook_runner
os.path.join(rst_target_dir, fname_only + "_files")) elif OUTPUT == "html": from notebook_output_template import notebook_template new_html = os.path.join(rst_target_dir, fname_only + ".rst") # get the title out of the notebook because sphinx needs it title_cell = nb['worksheets'][0]['cells'].pop(0) try: assert title_cell['cell_type'] == 'heading' except: print "Title not in first cell for ", fname_only print "Not generating rST" html_out = nb2html(nb) # indent for insertion into raw html block in rST html_out = "\n".join([" " + i for i in html_out.split("\n")]) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(title_cell["source"] + u"\n") f.write(u"=" * len(title_cell["source"]) + u"\n\n") f.write( notebook_template.substitute(name=fname_only, body=html_out)) hash_funcs.update_hash_dict(filehash, fname_only) except Exception, err: raise err finally: os.chdir(cur_dir) # probably not necessary del notebook_runner
shutil.move( fname_only + "_files", os.path.join(rst_target_dir, fname_only + "_files")) elif OUTPUT == "html": from notebook_output_template import notebook_template new_html = os.path.join(rst_target_dir, fname_only + ".rst") # get the title out of the notebook because sphinx needs it title_cell = nb['worksheets'][0]['cells'].pop(0) try: assert title_cell['cell_type'] == 'heading' except: print "Title not in first cell for ", fname_only print "Not generating rST" html_out = nb2html(nb) # indent for insertion into raw html block in rST html_out = "\n".join([" " + i for i in html_out.split("\n")]) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(title_cell["source"] + u"\n") f.write(u"=" * len(title_cell["source"]) + u"\n\n") f.write(notebook_template.substitute(body=html_out)) hash_funcs.update_hash_dict(filehash, fname_only) except Exception, err: raise err finally: os.chdir(cur_dir) # probably not necessary del notebook_runner
if os.path.exists(fname_only+"_files"): shutil.move(fname_only+"_files", os.path.join(rst_target_dir, fname_only+"_files")) elif OUTPUT == "html": from notebook_output_template import notebook_template new_html = os.path.join(rst_target_dir, fname_only+".rst") # get the title out of the notebook because sphinx needs it title_cell = nb['worksheets'][0]['cells'].pop(0) try: assert title_cell['cell_type'] == 'heading' except: print "Title not in first cell for ", fname_only print "Not generating rST" html_out = nb2html(nb) # indent for insertion into raw html block in rST html_out = "\n".join([" "+i for i in html_out.split("\n")]) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(title_cell["source"]+u"\n") f.write(u"="*len(title_cell["source"])+u"\n\n") f.write(notebook_template.substitute(body=html_out)) hash_funcs.update_hash_dict(filehash, fname_only) except Exception, err: raise err finally: os.chdir(cur_dir) # probably not necessary del notebook_runner