def create_card(request, deckid): ''' Accepts an AJAX POST request to create a new card. Returns card information in HTML to be inserted into the page. ''' if request.method == 'POST': userID = user = User.objects.get(pk=userID) # redundant filter to make sure user owns the deck deck = get_object_or_404(Deck, pk=deckid, author=user) form = cardForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): front = form.cleaned_data['front'] back = form.cleaned_data['back'] card = Card(front=front, back=back, deck=deck) # Card goes into a select box so we use the <option> tag content = '<option>{0} -- {1}</option>'.format(front, back) return HttpResponse(status=201, content=content, content_type='text/html') else: return render(request, 'notecards/build.html', {'form': form})
def clone_deck(request): '''Creates a copy of a user's deck for another user to own.''' deckid = request.GET.get('did') userID = user = User.objects.get(pk=userID) deck = Deck.objects.get(pk=deckid) # Make sure user isn't trying to clone their own deck if != user: newDeck, created = Deck.objects.get_or_create(author=user, title=deck.title) # Check to make sure that user doesn't already have a deck the # same title if not created: return HttpResponse('Error: You already own a deck with ' 'this title') # Copy the deck newDeck.slug = deck.slug newDeck.description = deck.description newDeck.published = False # Copy the tags tags = deck.tags.names() for tag in tags: newDeck.tags.add(tag) # Copy the cards for card in deck.card_set.all(): newCard = Card(front=card.front, back=card.back, deck=newDeck, score=0) # Redirect user to their newly cloned deck url = reverse('view_deck') + '?did=' + str( return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: return HttpResponse('Error: You already own this deck')