def test_ops_healthz_fail(session, client): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Assert that the service is unhealthy if a connection toThe database cannot be made.""" engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgresql://*****:*****@exist:5432/nada') SESSION.configure(bind=engine) rv = client.get('/ops/healthz') assert rv.status_code == 500 assert rv.json() == {'message': 'api is down'}
def __init__( self, bind: Union[str, Engine, Connection, None], debug: bool = False, routes: List[BaseRoute] = None, template_directory: str = None, title: str = 'Notify API', description: str = '', version: str = '1.0.0', openapi_url: Optional[str] = '/openapi.json', openapi_prefix: str = '', docs_url: Optional[str] = '/docs', redoc_url: Optional[str] = '/redoc', **extra: Dict[str, Any], ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Init.""" super().__init__(debug=debug, routes=routes, template_directory=template_directory, title=title, description=description, version=version, openapi_url=openapi_url, openapi_prefix=openapi_prefix, docs_url=docs_url, redoc_url=redoc_url, **extra) if bind is not None: if isinstance(bind, str): self.bind = create_engine(bind, pool_pre_ping=True, pool_size=20) else: self.bind = bind db_session.configure(bind=self.bind) else: self.bind = None
def engine_fixture(): """Connect to the database.""" engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(AppConfig.SQLALCHEMY_TEST_DATABASE_URI) SESSION.configure(bind=engine) return engine
def engine_fixture(): """Connect to the database.""" engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine( get_api_settings().NOTIFY_DATABASE_TEST_URL) SESSION.configure(bind=engine) return engine