コード例 #1
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: SpotlightKid/pynsmclient
clients which may have some interdependence (say, peer to peer OSC 
connections) that the session is fully loaded and all their peers 
are available.
Do not use it to auto-connect jack connections. No auto-conncect from
within a session! Jack connections are stored in a seperate NSM client
which belongs to the session.

optionalFunctions = {
		"function_quit" : None,  #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
		"function_showGui" : None, #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
		"function_hideGui" : None, #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
		"function_sessionIsLoaded" : None, #No return value needed.

ourNsmClient, process = nsmclient.init(prettyName = YourApplicationName, capabilities = capabilities, requiredFunctions = requiredFunctions, optionalFunctions = optionalFunctions,  sleepValueMs = 0) 

#Direct send only functions for your program.
#ourNsmClient.updateProgress(value from 0.1 to 1.0) #give percentage during load, save and other heavy operations
#ourNsmClient.setDirty(True or False) #Inform NSM of the save status. Are there unsaved changes?
#ourNsmClient.sendError(errorCode or String, message string) #for a list of error codes: http://non.tuxfamily.org/nsm/API.html#n:1.2.5.

"""Instead of this while loop, call this function from your own event 
loop. Whatever that might be. A Gui event loop, a python module, or 
indeed a while loop. Don't worry about performance in THIS while 
loop, don't input a sleep value. choose a ms value in the init() 

If you are running this in a Qt timer or similar, good, 
unblocking manner just let sleepValueMs at 0 ms because cpu load management is 
done by another part of the program. sleepValueMs over 0 are just 
コード例 #2
def myShowGui():
    return True
def myHideGui():
    return True

def myQuit():
    return True

#Optional functions
optionalFunctions = {
        "function_quit" : myQuit,  #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
        "function_showGui" : myShowGui, #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
        "function_hideGui" : myHideGui, #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
        "function_sessionIsLoaded" : None, #No return value needed.

ourNsmClient, process = nsmclient.init(prettyName = prettyName, capabilities = capabilities, requiredFunctions = requiredFunctions, optionalFunctions = optionalFunctions,  sleepValueMs = 100) 

#Direct send only functions for your program.
#ourNsmClient.updateProgress(value from 0.1 to 1.0) #give percentage during load, save and other heavy operations
#ourNsmClient.setDirty(True or False) #Inform NSM of the save status. Are there unsaved changes?
#ourNsmClient.sendError(errorCode or String, message string) #for a list of error codes: http://non.tuxfamily.org/nsm/API.html#n:1.2.5.

while True:
コード例 #3
requiredFunctions = {
	"function_open" : myLoadFunction, #Accept two parameters. Return two values. A bool and a status string. Otherwise you'll get a message that does not help at all: "Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not iterable" in 'liblo._callback' ignored"
	"function_save" : mySaveFunction, #Accept one parameter. Return two values. A bool and a status string. Otherwise you'll get a message that does not help at all: "Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not iterable" in 'liblo._callback' ignored"					

def quitty():
	ourNsmClient.sendStatusMessage("Preparing to quit. Wait for progress to finish")
	#Fake quit process
	return True

optionalFunctions = {
		"function_quit" : quitty,  #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
		"function_showGui" : None, #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
		"function_hideGui" : None, #Accept zero parameters. Return True or False
		"function_sessionIsLoaded" : None, #No return value needed.

ourNsmClient, process = nsmclient.init(prettyName = "PyNsmTestClient", capabilities = capabilities, requiredFunctions = requiredFunctions, optionalFunctions = optionalFunctions,  sleepValueMs = 100) 
#Direct send only functions for your program.
#ourNsmClient.updateProgress(value from 0.1 to 1.0) #give percentage during load, save and other heavy operations
#ourNsmClient.setDirty(True or False) #Inform NSM of the save status. Are there unsaved changes?

while True: