def run_test(m, output_dir_name, show_connectivity=True, repeats=1, n_show_only=None, add_noise=True, dropouts=[{ 'E': 0, 'I': 0 }]): n_cells_driven = m.N_DRIVING_CELLS * m.PROJECTION_NUM w_u_e_drive = np.zeros(m.N_DRIVING_CELLS) w_u_e_drive[0] = m.W_U_E w_u_e = np.repeat(np.diag(w_u_e_drive), m.PROJECTION_NUM, axis=0) ## input weights w_u = { # localized inputs to trigger activation from start of chain 'E': np.block([ [w_u_e, np.zeros([n_cells_driven, m.N_EXC + m.N_INH])], [ np.zeros([ m.N_EXC + m.N_INH - n_cells_driven, m.N_EXC + m.N_INH + m.N_DRIVING_CELLS ]) ], ]), 'I': np.zeros((m.N_EXC + m.N_INH, m.N_DRIVING_CELLS + m.N_EXC + m.N_INH)), 'A': np.zeros((m.N_EXC + m.N_INH, m.N_DRIVING_CELLS + m.N_EXC + m.N_INH)), } e_i_r = np.stack( [rand_n_ones_in_vec_len_l(10, m.N_EXC) for i in range(m.N_INH)]) i_e_r = np.stack( [rand_n_ones_in_vec_len_l(20, m.N_INH) for i in range(m.N_EXC)]) w_e_e_r = generate_chain_weight_mat(m) w_e_e_r[:m.N_EXC, :m.N_EXC] += m.RAND_WEIGHT_MAX * np.random.rand( m.N_EXC, m.N_EXC) np.fill_diagonal(w_e_e_r, 0.) connectivity = np.ones((m.N_EXC, m.N_EXC)) ## recurrent weights w_r_base = { 'E': np.block([ [w_e_e_r, np.zeros((m.N_EXC, m.N_INH))], [e_i_r * m.W_E_I_R, np.zeros((m.N_INH, m.N_INH))], ]), 'I': np.block([ [np.zeros((m.N_EXC, m.N_EXC)), i_e_r * m.W_I_E_R], [np.zeros((m.N_INH, m.N_EXC)), np.zeros((m.N_INH, m.N_INH))], ]), 'A': np.block([ [ m.W_A * np.diag(np.ones((m.N_EXC))), np.zeros((m.N_EXC, m.N_INH)) ], [np.zeros((m.N_INH, m.N_EXC)), np.zeros((m.N_INH, m.N_INH))], ]), } w_r_for_dropouts = [] for dropout in dropouts: w_r = copy(w_r_base) # w_r['E'][:, :m.N_EXC] = dropout_on_mat(w_r['E'][:, :m.N_EXC], dropout['E']) # w_r['I'][:, m.N_EXC:] = dropout_on_mat(w_r['I'][:, m.N_EXC:], dropout['I']) w_r_for_dropouts.append(w_r) # generate timesteps and initial excitatory input window t = np.arange(0, S.T, S.DT) all_rsps = [] # run simulation for same set of parameters for rp_idx in range(repeats): show_trial = (type(n_show_only) is int and rp_idx < n_show_only) rsps_for_trial = [] ## external currents if add_noise: i_ext = m.SGM_N / S.DT * np.random.randn( len(t), m.N_EXC + m.N_INH) + m.I_EXT_B else: i_ext = m.I_EXT_B * np.ones((len(t), m.N_EXC + m.N_INH)) ## inp spks spks_u_base = np.zeros((len(t), m.N_DRIVING_CELLS + m.N_EXC + m.N_INH), dtype=int) # trigger inputs activation_times = np.concatenate([ np.random.poisson(m.DRIVING_HZ * S.DT, size=(len(t), 1)) for i in range(m.N_DRIVING_CELLS) ], axis=1) spks_u = copy(spks_u_base) spks_u[:, :m.N_DRIVING_CELLS] = np.zeros((len(t), m.N_DRIVING_CELLS)) burst_t = np.arange(0, 4 * int(m.BURST_T / S.DT), int(m.BURST_T / S.DT)) for t_idx, driving_cell_idx in zip(*activation_times.nonzero()): try: spks_u[burst_t + t_idx, driving_cell_idx] = 1 except IndexError as e: pass rsps_for_trial = [] for d_idx, dropout in enumerate(dropouts): w_r_for_dropout = w_r_for_dropouts[d_idx] w_max = m.W_MAX / m.M if show_connectivity: graph_weights(copy(w_r_for_dropout), copy(w_u), v_max=w_max) ntwk = LIFNtwkG( c_m=m.C_M_E, g_l=m.G_L_E, e_l=m.E_L_E, v_th=m.V_TH_E, v_r=m.E_R_E, t_r=m.T_R_E, e_s={ 'E': M.E_E, 'I': M.E_I, 'A': M.E_A }, t_s={ 'E': M.T_E, 'I': M.T_E, 'A': M.T_A }, w_r=copy(w_r_for_dropout), w_u=copy(w_u), plasticity_indices=np.arange(m.N_EXC), connectivity=connectivity, W_max=m.W_MAX, m=m.M, eta=m.ETA, epsilon=m.EPSILON, dt=S.DT, gamma=m.GAMMA, alpha=m.ALPHA, fr_set_points=m.FR_SET_POINTS, output_freq=1000, homeo=True, ) clamp = Generic(v={0: np.repeat(m.E_L_E, m.N_EXC + m.N_INH)}, spk={}) # run smln rsp = dt=S.DT, clamp=clamp, i_ext=i_ext, output_dir_name=f'{output_dir_name}_{rp_idx}_{d_idx}', spks_u=spks_u, dropouts=[(m.DROPOUT_TIME, dropouts[d_idx])], ) if show_connectivity: graph_weights(rsp.ntwk.w_r, rsp.ntwk.w_u, v_max=w_max) w_r_e = rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][:m.N_EXC, :m.N_EXC] graph_weight_matrix(w_r_e, 'Exc->Exc Weights\n', v_max=w_max) graph_weight_matrix(np.sqrt(, w_r_e.T)), 'W * W.T \n', v_max=w_max) rsps_for_trial.append({ 'spks_t': copy(rsp.spks_t), 'spks_c': copy(rsp.spks_c), 'spks_u': spks_u.nonzero(), 'w_r': copy(rsp.ntwk.w_r), 'activation_times': activation_times.nonzero(), }) all_rsps.append(rsps_for_trial) return all_rsps
def run_test(m, output_dir_name, show_connectivity=True, repeats=1, n_show_only=None, add_noise=True, dropouts=[{'E': 0, 'I': 0}], w_r_e=None, w_r_i=None, epochs=500): output_dir = f'./figures/{output_dir_name}' os.makedirs(output_dir) robustness_output_dir = f'./robustness/{output_dir_name}' os.makedirs(robustness_output_dir) w_u_e = np.diag(np.ones(m.N_DRIVING_CELLS)) * m.W_U_E ## input weights w_u = { # localized inputs to trigger activation from start of chain 'E': np.block([ [ w_u_e, np.zeros([m.N_DRIVING_CELLS, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH]) ], [ np.zeros([m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH - m.N_DRIVING_CELLS, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH + m.N_DRIVING_CELLS]) ], ]), 'I': np.zeros((m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH , m.N_DRIVING_CELLS + m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)), 'A': np.zeros((m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH, m.N_DRIVING_CELLS + m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)), } connectivity = np.ones((m.N_EXC, m.N_EXC)) def solid_unit_func(): return np.ones((m.PROJECTION_NUM, m.PROJECTION_NUM)) def rand_unit_func(): return np.random.rand(m.PROJECTION_NUM, m.PROJECTION_NUM) if w_r_e is None: w_e_e_r = generate_exc_ff_chain(m) scaled_down_mask = np.random.rand(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT, 1) < m.SCALE_DOWN_PROB scaled_down_amp = np.random.rand(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT, 1) * m.W_E_E_SCALE_DOWN_FACTOR scaled_down_amp_e_i = np.random.rand(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT, 1) * m.W_E_I_SCALE_DOWN_FACTOR w_e_e_r = np.where(scaled_down_mask, scaled_down_amp, 1) * w_e_e_r np.fill_diagonal(w_e_e_r, 0.) con_per_i = m.E_I_CON_PER_LINK * m.N_EXC / m.PROJECTION_NUM e_i_r = rand_per_row_mat(int(con_per_i), (m.N_INH, m.N_EXC)) e_i_r = np.where(scaled_down_mask.T, scaled_down_amp_e_i.T, 1) * e_i_r s_e_r = rand_per_row_mat(int(0.1 * m.N_SILENT), (m.N_EXC, m.N_SILENT)) w_r_e = np.block([ [ w_e_e_r, s_e_r * m.W_E_E_R / m.PROJECTION_NUM, np.zeros((m.N_EXC, m.N_INH)) ], [ np.zeros((m.N_SILENT, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)) ], [ e_i_r * m.W_E_I_R, np.zeros((m.N_INH, m.N_INH + m.N_SILENT)) ], ]) if w_r_i is None: i_e_r = mat_1_if_under_val(m.I_E_CON_PROB, (m.N_EXC, m.N_INH)) w_r_i = np.block([ [ np.zeros((m.N_EXC, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)), i_e_r * m.W_I_E_R ], [ np.zeros((m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)) ], ]) ## recurrent weights w_r = { 'E': w_r_e, 'I': w_r_i, 'A': np.block([ [ m.W_A * np.diag(np.ones((m.N_EXC))), np.zeros((m.N_EXC, m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)) ], [ np.zeros((m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)) ], ]), } all_rsps = [] # run simulation for same set of parameters for rp_idx in range(repeats): show_trial = (type(n_show_only) is int and rp_idx < n_show_only) rsps_for_trial = [] for d_idx, dropout in enumerate(dropouts): e_cell_fr_setpoints = None i_cell_fr_setpoints = None e_cell_pop_fr_setpoint = None active_cells_pre_dropout_mask = None surviving_cell_indices = None w_r_copy = copy(w_r) for i_e in range(epochs): if i_e == m.DROPOUT_ITER: w_r_copy['E'][:, :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)], surviving_cell_indices = dropout_on_mat(w_r_copy['E'][:, :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)], dropout['E'], min_idx=m.DROPOUT_MIN_IDX, max_idx=m.DROPOUT_MAX_IDX) t = np.arange(0, S.T, S.DT) ## external currents if add_noise: i_ext = m.SGM_N/S.DT * np.random.randn(len(t), m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH) + m.I_EXT_B else: i_ext = m.I_EXT_B * np.ones((len(t), m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)) ## inp spks spks_u_base = np.zeros((len(t), m.N_DRIVING_CELLS + m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH), dtype=int) # trigger inputs activation_times = np.zeros((len(t), m.N_DRIVING_CELLS)) for t_ctr in np.arange(0, S.T, 1./m.DRIVING_HZ): activation_times[int(t_ctr/S.DT), :] = 1 np.concatenate([np.random.poisson(m.DRIVING_HZ * S.DT, size=(len(t), 1)) for i in range(m.N_DRIVING_CELLS)], axis=1) spks_u = copy(spks_u_base) spks_u[:, :m.N_DRIVING_CELLS] = np.zeros((len(t), m.N_DRIVING_CELLS)) burst_t = np.arange(0, 5 * int(m.BURST_T / S.DT), int(m.BURST_T / S.DT)) for t_idx, driving_cell_idx in zip(*activation_times.nonzero()): input_noise_t = np.array(np.random.normal(scale=m.INPUT_STD / S.DT), dtype=int) try: spks_u[burst_t + t_idx + input_noise_t, driving_cell_idx] = 1 except IndexError as e: pass def create_prop(prop_exc, prop_inh): return cc([prop_exc * np.ones(m.N_EXC), prop_inh * np.ones(m.N_INH)]) c_m = create_prop(m.C_M_E, m.C_M_I) g_l = create_prop(m.G_L_E, m.G_L_I) e_l = create_prop(m.E_L_E, m.E_L_I) v_th = create_prop(m.V_TH_E, m.V_TH_I) e_r = create_prop(m.E_R_E, m.E_R_I) t_r = create_prop(m.T_R_E, m.T_R_I) ntwk = LIFNtwkG( c_m=c_m, g_l=g_l, e_l=e_l, v_th=v_th, v_r=e_r, t_r=t_r, e_s={'E': M.E_E, 'I': M.E_I, 'A': M.E_A}, t_s={'E': M.T_E, 'I': M.T_E, 'A': M.T_A}, w_r=w_r_copy, w_u=w_u, plasticity_indices=np.arange(m.N_EXC), connectivity=connectivity, W_max=m.W_E_E_R_MAX, m=m.M, output=False, output_freq=100000, weight_update=False, ) clamp = Generic(v={0: np.repeat(m.E_L_E, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)}, spk={}) # run smln rsp =, clamp=clamp, i_ext=i_ext, output_dir_name=f'{output_dir_name}_{rp_idx}_{d_idx}', spks_u=spks_u, dropouts=[], m=m, repairs=[], ) scale = 0.8 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9 * scale, 9 * scale), tight_layout=True) axs = [fig.add_subplot(gs[:2]), fig.add_subplot(gs[2])] spks_for_e_cells = rsp.spks[:, :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] spks_for_i_cells = rsp.spks[:, (m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT):(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT + m.N_INH)] if surviving_cell_indices is not None: spks_for_e_cells[:, ~(surviving_cell_indices.astype(bool))] = 0 spk_bins, freqs = bin_occurrences(spks_for_e_cells.sum(axis=0), max_val=200, bin_size=1) if surviving_cell_indices is not None: freqs[0] -= np.sum(np.where(~(surviving_cell_indices.astype(bool)), 1, 0)) axs[1].bar(spk_bins, freqs, alpha=0.5) axs[1].set_xlabel('Spks per neuron') axs[1].set_ylabel('Frequency') axs[1].set_xlim(-0.5, 20.5) axs[1].set_ylim(0, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT) raster = np.stack([rsp.spks_t, rsp.spks_c]) inh_raster = raster[:, raster[1, :] > (m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] spk_bins_i, freqs_i = bin_occurrences(spks_for_i_cells.sum(axis=0), max_val=100, bin_size=1) axs[1].bar(spk_bins_i, freqs_i, color='black', alpha=0.5) if active_cells_pre_dropout_mask is not None: exc_cells_initially_active = copy(spks_for_e_cells) exc_cells_initially_active[:, ~active_cells_pre_dropout_mask] = 0 exc_cells_initially_active = np.stack(exc_cells_initially_active.nonzero()) exc_cells_newly_active = copy(spks_for_e_cells) exc_cells_newly_active[:, active_cells_pre_dropout_mask] = 0 exc_cells_newly_active = np.stack(exc_cells_newly_active.nonzero()) axs[0].scatter(exc_cells_initially_active[0, :] * S.DT * 1000, exc_cells_initially_active[1, :], s=1, c='black', zorder=0, alpha=0.2) axs[0].scatter(exc_cells_newly_active[0, :] * S.DT * 1000, exc_cells_newly_active[1, :], s=1, c='green', zorder=1, alpha=1) else: exc_raster = raster[:, raster[1, :] < (m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] axs[0].scatter(exc_raster[0, :] * 1000, exc_raster[1, :], s=1, c='black', zorder=0, alpha=1) axs[0].scatter(inh_raster[0, :] * 1000, inh_raster[1, :], s=1, c='red', zorder=0, alpha=1) axs[0].set_ylim(-1, m.N_EXC + m.N_INH) axs[0].set_xlim(0, 0.15 * 1000) axs[0].set_ylabel('Cell Index') axs[0].set_xlabel('Time (ms)') for i in range(len(axs)): set_font_size(axs[i], 14) fig.savefig(f'{output_dir}/{d_idx}_{zero_pad(i_e, 4)}.png') first_spk_times = process_single_activation(exc_raster, m) if i_e == 0: sio.savemat(robustness_output_dir + '/' + f'title_{title}_dropout_{d_idx}_eidx_{zero_pad(i_e, 4)}', { 'first_spk_times': first_spk_times, 'w_r_e_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][:m.N_EXC, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'w_r_e_i_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][m.N_EXC:, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'spk_bins': spk_bins, 'freqs': freqs, 'exc_raster': exc_raster, 'inh_raster': inh_raster, }) else: if i_e >= m.DROPOUT_ITER: spks_for_e_cells[:, ~surviving_cell_indices.astype(int)] = 0 # filter e cell spks for start of bursts def burst_kernel(spks): if spks.shape[0] > 1 and np.count_nonzero(spks[:-1]) > 0: return 0 else: return spks[-1] filtered_spks_for_e_cells = np.zeros(spks_for_e_cells.shape) t_steps_in_burst = int(4e-3/S.DT) for i_c in range(spks_for_e_cells.shape[1]): for i_t in range(spks_for_e_cells.shape[0]): idx_filter_start = (i_t - t_steps_in_burst) if (i_t - t_steps_in_burst) > 0 else 0 idx_filter_end = (i_t + 1) filtered_spks_for_e_cells[i_t, i_c] = burst_kernel(spks_for_e_cells[idx_filter_start: idx_filter_end, i_c]) stdp_burst_pair = 0 # E SINGLE-CELL FIRING RATE RULE fr_update_e = 0 if i_e >= m.E_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[0] and i_e < m.E_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[1]: if e_cell_fr_setpoints is None: e_cell_fr_setpoints = np.sum(spks_for_e_cells > 0, axis=0) else: e_cell_fr_setpoints += np.sum(spks_for_e_cells > 0, axis=0) elif i_e == m.E_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[1]: e_cell_fr_setpoints = e_cell_fr_setpoints / (m.E_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[1] - m.E_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[0]) where_fr_is_0 = (e_cell_fr_setpoints == 0) if not m.SINGLE_CELL_FR_SYM: e_cell_fr_setpoints[where_fr_is_0] = np.random.normal ( loc=m.SINGLE_CELL_FR_SETPOINT_MIN, scale=m.SINGLE_CELL_FR_SETPOINT_MIN_STD, size=e_cell_fr_setpoints[where_fr_is_0].shape[0] ) elif i_e > m.E_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[1]: e_diffs = e_cell_fr_setpoints - np.sum(spks_for_e_cells > 0, axis=0) # STDP FOR E CELLS: put in pairwise STDP on filtered_spks_for_e_cells for i_t in range(spks_for_e_cells.shape[0]): stdp_start = i_t - m.CUT_IDX_TAU_PAIR if i_t - m.CUT_IDX_TAU_PAIR > 0 else 0 stdp_spk_hist = filtered_spks_for_e_cells[stdp_start:i_t, :] t_points_for_stdp = stdp_spk_hist.shape[0] curr_spks = filtered_spks_for_e_cells[i_t, :] if t_points_for_stdp > 0: sparse_curr_spks = csc_matrix(curr_spks) sparse_spks = csc_matrix(np.flip(stdp_spk_hist, axis=0)) # compute sparse pairwise correlations with curr_spks and spikes in stdp pairwise time window & dot into pairwise kernel stdp_burst_pair += kron(curr_spks, sparse_spks)[:t_points_for_stdp]).reshape(spks_for_e_cells.shape[1], spks_for_e_cells.shape[1]) else: stdp_burst_pair += 0. stdp_burst_pair[e_diffs <= 0, :] = 0 if not m.SINGLE_CELL_FR_SYM: e_diffs[e_diffs >= 0] = 0 fr_update_e = e_diffs.reshape(e_diffs.shape[0], 1) * np.ones((m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)).astype(float) # E POPULATION-LEVEL FIRING RATE RULE fr_pop_update = 0 if i_e >= m.POP_FR_TRIALS[0] and i_e < m.POP_FR_TRIALS[1]: if e_cell_pop_fr_setpoint is None: e_cell_pop_fr_setpoint = np.sum(spks_for_e_cells) else: e_cell_pop_fr_setpoint += np.sum(spks_for_e_cells) elif i_e == m.POP_FR_TRIALS[1]: e_cell_pop_fr_setpoint = e_cell_pop_fr_setpoint / (m.POP_FR_TRIALS[1] - m.POP_FR_TRIALS[0]) elif i_e > m.POP_FR_TRIALS[1]: fr_pop_update = e_cell_pop_fr_setpoint - np.sum(spks_for_e_cells) # I SINGLE-CELL FIRING RATE RULE fr_update_i = 0 if i_e >= m.I_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[0] and i_e < m.I_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[1]: if i_cell_fr_setpoints is None: i_cell_fr_setpoints = np.sum(spks_for_i_cells > 0, axis=0) else: i_cell_fr_setpoints += np.sum(spks_for_i_cells > 0, axis=0) elif i_e == m.I_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[1]: i_cell_fr_setpoints = i_cell_fr_setpoints / (m.I_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[1] - m.I_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[0]) elif i_e > m.I_SINGLE_FR_TRIALS[1]: i_diffs = i_cell_fr_setpoints - np.sum(spks_for_i_cells > 0, axis=0) i_diffs[(i_diffs <= 1) & (i_diffs >= -1)] = 0 fr_update_i = i_diffs.reshape(i_diffs.shape[0], 1) * np.ones((m.N_INH, m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)).astype(float) print('fr_pop_update') report_mat(fr_pop_update) print('fr_update_i') report_mat(fr_update_i) e_total_potentiation = m.ETA * (m.ALPHA_1 * fr_update_e + m.BETA * stdp_burst_pair + m.GAMMA * fr_pop_update) i_total_potentiation = m.ETA * (m.ALPHA_2 * fr_update_i) if type(e_total_potentiation) is not float: e_total_potentiation[:m.DROPOUT_MIN_IDX, :] = 0 e_total_potentiation[m.DROPOUT_MAX_IDX:, :] = 0 e_total_potentiation[:, :m.DROPOUT_MIN_IDX] = 0 e_total_potentiation[:, m.DROPOUT_MAX_IDX:] = 0 if type(i_total_potentiation) is not float: try: i_total_potentiation[:, :m.DROPOUT_MIN_IDX] = 0 i_total_potentiation[:, m.DROPOUT_MAX_IDX:] = 0 except TypeError as e: breakpoint() print('delta_e_fr') mat_delta_e_fr = fr_update_e * w_r_copy['E'][:(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT), :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] report_mat(m.ALPHA_1 * mat_delta_e_fr) print('delta_e_stdp') mat_delta_e_stdp = stdp_burst_pair * w_r_copy['E'][:(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT), :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] report_mat(m.BETA * mat_delta_e_stdp) w_r_copy['E'][:(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT), :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] += (e_total_potentiation * w_r_copy['E'][:(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT), :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)]) w_r_copy['E'][(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT):, :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] += (i_total_potentiation * w_r_copy['E'][(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT):, :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)]) w_r_copy['E'][w_r_copy['E'] < 0] = 0 w_e_e_hard_bound = m.W_E_E_R_MAX / m.PROJECTION_NUM w_r_copy['E'][:(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT), :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)][w_r_copy['E'][:(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT), :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] > w_e_e_hard_bound] = w_e_e_hard_bound w_e_i_hard_bound = m.W_E_I_R_MAX w_r_copy['E'][(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT):, :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)][w_r_copy['E'][(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT):, :(m.N_EXC + m.N_SILENT)] > m.W_E_I_R_MAX] = m.W_E_I_R_MAX if i_e == m.DROPOUT_ITER - 1: active_cells_pre_dropout_mask = np.where(spks_for_e_cells.sum(axis=0) > 0, True, False) if i_e % 10 == 0: if i_e < m.DROPOUT_ITER: if i_e % 250 == 0: sio.savemat(robustness_output_dir + '/' + f'title_{title}_dropout_{d_idx}_eidx_{zero_pad(i_e, 4)}', { 'first_spk_times': first_spk_times, 'w_r_e_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][:m.N_EXC, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'w_r_e_i_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][m.N_EXC:, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'w_r_e': rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'], 'w_r_i': rsp.ntwk.w_r['I'], 'spk_bins': spk_bins, 'freqs': freqs, 'exc_raster': exc_raster, 'inh_raster': inh_raster, }) else: sio.savemat(robustness_output_dir + '/' + f'title_{title}_dropout_{d_idx}_eidx_{zero_pad(i_e, 4)}', { 'first_spk_times': first_spk_times, 'w_r_e_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][:m.N_EXC, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'w_r_e_i_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][m.N_EXC:, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'spk_bins': spk_bins, 'freqs': freqs, 'exc_raster': exc_raster, 'inh_raster': inh_raster, }) else: if i_e % 250 == 0: sio.savemat(robustness_output_dir + '/' + f'title_{title}_dropout_{d_idx}_eidx_{zero_pad(i_e, 4)}', { 'first_spk_times': first_spk_times, 'w_r_e_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][:m.N_EXC, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'w_r_e_i_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][m.N_EXC:, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'w_r_e': rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'], 'w_r_i': rsp.ntwk.w_r['I'], 'spk_bins': spk_bins, 'freqs': freqs, 'exc_cells_initially_active': exc_cells_initially_active, 'exc_cells_newly_active': exc_cells_newly_active, 'inh_raster': inh_raster, 'surviving_cell_indices': surviving_cell_indices, }) else: sio.savemat(robustness_output_dir + '/' + f'title_{title}_dropout_{d_idx}_eidx_{zero_pad(i_e, 4)}', { 'first_spk_times': first_spk_times, 'w_r_e_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][:m.N_EXC, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'w_r_e_i_summed': np.sum(rsp.ntwk.w_r['E'][m.N_EXC:, :m.N_EXC], axis=1), 'spk_bins': spk_bins, 'freqs': freqs, 'exc_cells_initially_active': exc_cells_initially_active, 'exc_cells_newly_active': exc_cells_newly_active, 'inh_raster': inh_raster, 'surviving_cell_indices': surviving_cell_indices, })