def validate_configuration_file( config=None, filepath: str = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION, raise_on_failure: bool = False) -> Union[bool, Tuple[bool, tuple]]: if config is None: config = configparser.ConfigParser() if not config.sections(): raise NodeConfiguration.InvalidConfiguration( "Empty configuration file") required_sections = ("nucypher", "blockchain") missing_sections = list() try: operating_mode = config["nucypher"]["mode"] except KeyError: raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError( "No operating mode configured") else: modes = ('federated', 'testing', 'decentralized', 'centralized') if operating_mode not in modes: missing_sections.append("mode") if raise_on_failure is True: raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError( "Invalid nucypher operating mode '{}'. Specify {}".format( operating_mode, modes)) for section in required_sections: if section not in config.sections(): missing_sections.append(section) if raise_on_failure is True: raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError( "Invalid config file: missing section '{}'".format( section)) if len(missing_sections) > 0: result = False, tuple(missing_sections) else: result = True, tuple() return result
def _parse_keyfile(keypath: str): """Parses a keyfile and returns key metadata as a dict.""" with open(keypath, 'r') as keyfile: try: key_metadata = json.loads(keyfile) except json.JSONDecodeError: raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError("Invalid data in keyfile {}".format(keypath)) else: return key_metadata
def validate_passphrase(passphrase) -> bool: """Validate a passphrase and return True or raise an error with a failure reason""" rules = ((len(passphrase) >= 16, 'Passphrase is too short, must be >= 16 chars.'), ) for rule, failure_message in rules: if not rule: raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError(failure_message) return True
def destroy_configuration(self) -> None: if raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError( "Cannot destroy a temporary node configuration") click.confirm(''' *Permanently and irreversibly delete all* nucypher files including: - Private and Public Keys - Known Nodes - TLS certificates - Node Configurations Located at {}?'''.format(self.node_configuration.config_root), abort=True) shutil.rmtree(self.node_configuration.config_root, ignore_errors=True) click.secho("Deleted configuration files at {}".format( self.node_configuration.config_root), fg='blue')
def connect_to_blockchain(self): if self.federated_only: raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError( "Cannot connect to blockchain in federated mode") if self.deployer: self.registry_filepath = NodeConfiguration.REGISTRY_SOURCE if self.compile: click.confirm("Compile solidity source?", abort=True) self.blockchain = Blockchain.connect(provider_uri=self.provider_uri, deployer=self.deployer, compile=self.compile) if self.poa: w3 = self.blockchain.interface.w3 w3.middleware_stack.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0) self.accounts = self.blockchain.interface.w3.eth.accounts self.log.debug("CLI established connection to provider {}".format( self.blockchain.interface.provider_uri))
def __destroy(configuration): if temp: raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError("Cannot destroy a temporary node configuration") click.confirm("Permanently destroy all nucypher files, configurations, known nodes, certificates and keys?", abort=True) shutil.rmtree(configuration.config_root, ignore_errors=True) click.echo("Deleted configuration files at {}".format(node_configuration.config_root))