def considerExtraDlls(dist_dir, module): """Ask plugins to provide extra DLLs. Notes: These will be of type nuitka.freezer.IncludedEntryPoints.IncludedEntryPoint and currently there is a backward compatibility for old style plugins that do provide tuples of 3 elements. But plugins are really supposed to provide the stuff created from factory functions for that type. """ result = [] for plugin in getActivePlugins(): for extra_dll in plugin.considerExtraDlls(dist_dir, module): # Backward compatibility with plugins not yet migrated to getExtraDlls usage. if len(extra_dll) == 3: extra_dll = makeDllEntryPointOld( source_path=extra_dll[0], dest_path=extra_dll[1], package_name=extra_dll[2], ) if not os.path.isfile(extra_dll.dest_path): plugin.sysexit( "Error, copied filename %r for module %r that is not a file." % (extra_dll.dest_path, module.getFullName())) else: if not os.path.isfile(extra_dll.source_path): plugin.sysexit( "Error, attempting to copy plugin determined filename %r for module %r that is not a file." % (extra_dll.source_path, module.getFullName())) makePath(os.path.dirname(extra_dll.dest_path)) copyFile(extra_dll.source_path, extra_dll.dest_path) if extra_dll.executable: addFileExecutablePermission(extra_dll.dest_path) result.append(extra_dll) return result
def packDistFolderToOnefileLinux(onefile_output_filename, dist_dir, binary_filename): """Pack to onefile binary on Linux. Notes: This is mostly a wrapper around AppImage, which does all the heavy lifting. """ if not locateDLL("fuse"): postprocessing_logger.sysexit( """\ Error, the fuse library ( from fuse2, *not* fuse3) must be installed for onefile creation to work on Linux.""" ) # This might be possible to avoid being done with --runtime-file. apprun_filename = os.path.join(dist_dir, "AppRun") with open(apprun_filename, "w") as output_file: output_file.write( """\ #!/bin/bash exec -a $ARGV0 $APPDIR/%s $@""" % os.path.basename(binary_filename) ) addFileExecutablePermission(apprun_filename) binary_basename = os.path.basename(getResultBasepath()) icon_paths = getIconPaths() assert icon_paths extension = os.path.splitext(icon_paths[0])[1].lower() shutil.copyfile(icon_paths[0], getResultBasepath() + extension) with open(getResultBasepath() + ".desktop", "w") as output_file: output_file.write( """\ [Desktop Entry] Name=%(binary_basename)s Exec=%(binary_filename)s Icon=%(binary_basename)s Type=Application Categories=Utility;""" % { "binary_basename": binary_basename, "binary_filename": os.path.basename(binary_filename), } ) "Creating single file from dist folder, this may take a while." ) stdout_filename = binary_filename + ".appimage.stdout.txt" stderr_filename = binary_filename + ".appimage.stderr.txt" stdout_file = open(stdout_filename, "wb") stderr_file = open(stderr_filename, "wb") # Starting the process while locked, so file handles are not duplicated. appimagetool_process = subprocess.Popen( ( _getAppImageToolPath( for_operation=True, assume_yes_for_downloads=assumeYesForDownloads() ), dist_dir, "--comp", "xz", "-n", onefile_output_filename, ), shell=False, stdin=getNullInput(), stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file, ) result = appimagetool_process.wait() stdout_file.close() stderr_file.close() if not os.path.exists(onefile_output_filename): postprocessing_logger.sysexit( "Error, expected output file %r not created by AppImage, check its outputs %r and %r." % (onefile_output_filename, stdout_filename, stderr_filename) ) if result != 0: # Useless now. os.unlink(onefile_output_filename) if b"Text file busy" in getFileContents(stderr_filename, mode="rb"): postprocessing_logger.sysexit( "Error, error exit from AppImage because target file is locked." ) postprocessing_logger.sysexit( "Error, error exit from AppImage, check its outputs %r and %r." % (stdout_filename, stderr_filename) ) os.unlink(stdout_filename) os.unlink(stderr_filename)"Completed onefile creation.")
def packDistFolderToOnefileLinux(onefile_output_filename, dist_dir, binary_filename): """Pack to onefile binary on Linux. Notes: This is mostly a wrapper around AppImage, which does all the heavy lifting. """ # This might be possible to avoid being done with --runtime-file. apprun_filename = os.path.join(dist_dir, "AppRun") with open(apprun_filename, "w") as output_file: output_file.write("""\ #!/bin/sh exec $APPDIR/%s $@""" % os.path.basename(binary_filename)) addFileExecutablePermission(apprun_filename) binary_basename = os.path.basename(getResultBasepath()) icon_paths = getIconPaths() assert icon_paths extension = os.path.splitext(icon_paths[0])[1].lower() shutil.copyfile(icon_paths[0], getResultBasepath() + extension) with open(getResultBasepath() + ".desktop", "w") as output_file: output_file.write( """\ [Desktop Entry] Name=%(binary_basename)s Exec=%(binary_filename)s Icon=%(binary_basename)s Type=Application Categories=Utility;""" % { "binary_basename": binary_basename, "binary_filename": os.path.basename(binary_filename), }) "Creating single file from dist folder, this may take a while.") # Starting the process while locked, so file handles are not duplicated. appimagetool_process = subprocess.Popen( ( getAppImageToolPath(), dist_dir, "--comp", "xz", "-n", onefile_output_filename, ), shell=False, stderr=getNullOutput(), stdout=getNullOutput(), ) # TODO: Exit code should be checked. result = appimagetool_process.wait() if not os.path.exists(onefile_output_filename): postprocessing_logger.sysexit( "Error, expected output file %s not created by AppImage." % onefile_output_filename)"Completed onefile creation.") assert result == 0, result
def packDistFolderToOnefileLinux(onefile_output_filename, dist_dir, binary_filename): """Pack to onefile binary on Linux. Notes: This is mostly a wrapper around AppImage, which does all the heavy lifting. """ if not locateDLL("fuse"): postprocessing_logger.sysexit("""\ Error, the fuse library ( from fuse2, *not* fuse3) must be installed for onefile creation to work on Linux.""") # This might be possible to avoid being done with --runtime-file. apprun_filename = os.path.join(dist_dir, "AppRun") putTextFileContents( apprun_filename, contents="""\ #!/bin/bash exec -a $ARGV0 $APPDIR/%s \"$@\"""" % os.path.basename(binary_filename), ) addFileExecutablePermission(apprun_filename) binary_basename = os.path.basename(getResultBasepath()) icon_paths = getIconPaths() assert icon_paths extension = os.path.splitext(icon_paths[0])[1].lower() copyFile(icon_paths[0], getResultBasepath() + extension) putTextFileContents( getResultBasepath() + ".desktop", contents="""\ [Desktop Entry] Name=%(binary_basename)s Exec=%(binary_filename)s Icon=%(binary_basename)s Type=Application Categories=Utility;""" % { "binary_basename": binary_basename, "binary_filename": os.path.basename(binary_filename), }, ) "Creating single file from dist folder, this may take a while.") stdout_filename = binary_filename + ".appimage.stdout.txt" stderr_filename = binary_filename + ".appimage.stderr.txt" stdout_file = openTextFile(stdout_filename, "wb") stderr_file = openTextFile(stderr_filename, "wb") command = ( _getAppImageToolPath(for_operation=True, assume_yes_for_downloads=assumeYesForDownloads()), dist_dir, "--comp", getAppImageCompression(), "-n", onefile_output_filename, ) stderr_file.write(b"Executed %r\n" % " ".join(command)) # Starting the process while locked, so file handles are not duplicated, we # need fine grained control over process here, therefore we cannot use the # Execution.executeProcess() function without making it too complex and not # all Python versions allow using with, pylint: disable=consider-using-with # pylint: disable appimagetool_process = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=False, stdin=getNullInput(), stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file, ) result = appimagetool_process.wait() stdout_file.close() stderr_file.close() if result != 0: # Useless result if there were errors, so now remove it. deleteFile(onefile_output_filename, must_exist=False) stderr = getFileContents(stderr_filename, mode="rb") if b"Text file busy" in stderr: postprocessing_logger.sysexit( "Error, error exit from AppImage because target file is locked." ) if b"modprobe fuse" in stderr: postprocessing_logger.sysexit( "Error, error exit from AppImage because fuse kernel module was not loaded." ) postprocessing_logger.sysexit( "Error, error exit from AppImage, check its outputs '%s' and '%s'." % (stdout_filename, stderr_filename)) if not os.path.exists(onefile_output_filename): postprocessing_logger.sysexit( "Error, expected output file %r not created by AppImage, check its outputs '%s' and '%s'." % (onefile_output_filename, stdout_filename, stderr_filename)) deleteFile(stdout_filename, must_exist=True) deleteFile(stderr_filename, must_exist=True)"Completed onefile creation.")