def runValgrind(descr, tool, args, include_startup, save_logfilename=None): # Many cases to deal with, pylint: disable=too-many-branches if isWin32Windows(): sys.exit("Error, valgrind is not available on Windows.") if descr: my_print(descr, tool, file=sys.stderr, end="... ") with withTemporaryFile() as log_file: log_filename = command = ["valgrind", "-q"] if tool == "callgrind": command += ("--tool=callgrind", "--callgrind-out-file=%s" % log_filename) elif tool == "massif": command += ("--tool=massif", "--massif-out-file=%s" % log_filename) else: sys.exit("Error, no support for tool '%s' yet." % tool) # Do not count things before main module starts its work. if not include_startup: command += ( "--zero-before=init__main__()", "--zero-before=init__main__", "--zero-before=PyInit___main__", "--zero-before=PyInit___main__()", ) command.extend(args) _stdout_valgrind, stderr_valgrind, exit_valgrind = executeProcess( command) assert exit_valgrind == 0, stderr_valgrind if descr: my_print("OK", file=sys.stderr) if save_logfilename is not None: copyFile(log_filename, save_logfilename) max_mem = None for line in getFileContentByLine(log_filename): if tool == "callgrind" and line.startswith("summary:"): return int(line.split()[1]) elif tool == "massif" and line.startswith("mem_heap_B="): mem = int(line.split("=")[1]) if max_mem is None: max_mem = 0 max_mem = max(mem, max_mem) if tool == "massif" and max_mem is not None: return max_mem sys.exit("Error, didn't parse Valgrind log file successfully.")
def runValgrind(descr, tool, args, include_startup, save_logfilename=None): if descr: my_print(descr, tool, file=sys.stderr, end="... ") with withTemporaryFile() as log_file: log_filename = command = ["valgrind", "-q"] if tool == "callgrind": command += ("--tool=callgrind", "--callgrind-out-file=%s" % log_filename) elif tool == "massif": command += ("--tool=massif", "--massif-out-file=%s" % log_filename) else: sys.exit("Error, no support for tool '%s' yet." % tool) # Do not count things before main module starts its work. if not include_startup: command += ( "--zero-before=init__main__()", "--zero-before=init__main__", "--zero-before=PyInit___main__", "--zero-before=PyInit___main__()", ) command.extend(args) process = subprocess.Popen(args=command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _stdout_valgrind, stderr_valgrind = process.communicate() exit_valgrind = process.returncode assert exit_valgrind == 0, stderr_valgrind if descr: my_print("OK", file=sys.stderr) if save_logfilename is not None: shutil.copyfile(log_filename, save_logfilename) max_mem = None for line in getFileContentByLine(log_filename): if tool == "callgrind" and line.startswith("summary:"): return int(line.split()[1]) elif tool == "massif" and line.startswith("mem_heap_B="): mem = int(line.split("=")[1]) if max_mem is None: max_mem = 0 max_mem = max(mem, max_mem) if tool == "massif" and max_mem is not None: return max_mem sys.exit("Error, didn't parse Valgrind log file successfully.")
def runValgrind(descr, tool, args, include_startup, save_logfilename=None): if descr: my_print(descr, tool, file=sys.stderr, end="... ") with withTemporaryFile() as log_file: log_filename = command = ["valgrind", "-q"] if tool == "callgrind": command += ["--tool=callgrind", "--callgrind-out-file=%s" % log_filename] elif tool == "massif": command += ["--tool=massif", "--massif-out-file=%s" % log_filename] else: sys.exit("Error, no support for tool '%s' yet." % tool) # Do not count things before main module starts its work. if not include_startup: command += [ "--zero-before=init__main__()", "--zero-before=init__main__", "--zero-before=PyInit___main__", "--zero-before=PyInit___main__()", ] command.extend(args) process = subprocess.Popen( args=command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) _stdout_valgrind, stderr_valgrind = process.communicate() exit_valgrind = process.returncode assert exit_valgrind == 0, stderr_valgrind if descr: my_print("OK", file=sys.stderr) if save_logfilename is not None: shutil.copyfile(log_filename, save_logfilename) max_mem = None for line in getFileContentByLine(log_filename): if tool == "callgrind" and line.startswith("summary:"): return int(line.split()[1]) elif tool == "massif" and line.startswith("mem_heap_B="): mem = int(line.split("=")[1]) if max_mem is None: max_mem = 0 max_mem = max(mem, max_mem) if tool == "massif" and max_mem is not None: return max_mem sys.exit("Error, didn't parse Valgrind log file successfully.")
import sys from nuitka.Tracing import general from nuitka.utils.FileOperations import withTemporaryFile source_code = """ import sys from PySide2.QtQuick import QQuickView from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication from PySide2.QtCore import QUrl QApplication(sys.argv) viewer = QQuickView() viewer.setSource(QUrl.fromLocalFile(sys.argv[1])) """ qml_code = """ import QtQuick 2.0 """ with withTemporaryFile(suffix=".qml", delete=False) as qml_file: qml_file.write(qml_code) qml_filename = with withTemporaryFile(suffix=".py", delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file.write(source_code) temp_filename = getRuntimeTraceOfLoadedFiles( logger=general, command=[sys.executable, temp_filename, qml_filename] )
def main(): goHome() parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--upload", action="store_true", dest="upload", default=False, help="""\ Upload to requires access rights and is done by the official servers automatically only. Without this, create the local html folder only. Default is %default.""", ) options, _positional_args = parser.parse_args() shutil.rmtree("html", ignore_errors=True) doxygen_path = getExecutablePath("doxygen") # Extra ball on Windows, check default installation PATH too. if not doxygen_path and getOS() == "Windows": with withEnvironmentPathAdded("PATH", r"C:\Program Files\Doxygen\bin"): doxygen_path = getExecutablePath("doxygen") if not doxygen_path: sys.exit( "Error, need to install Doxygen and add it to PATH for this to work." ) try: import doxypypy # @UnusedImport pylint: disable=I0021,unused-import,unused-variable except ImportError: sys.exit("Error, needs to install doxypypy into this Python.") with withTemporaryFile(suffix=".doxyfile", delete=False) as doxy_file: doxy_config = getFileContents("doc/Doxyfile.template") with withTemporaryFile( suffix=".bat" if getOS() == "Windows" else ".sh", delete=False) as doxy_batch_file: if getOS() == "Windows": doxy_batch_file.write("%s -m doxypypy.doxypypy -a -c %%1" % sys.executable) else: doxy_batch_file.write( "#!/bin/sh\nexec '%s' -m doxypypy.doxypypy -a -c $1" % sys.executable) doxy_batch_filename = doxy_config = doxy_config.replace("%DOXYPYPY%", doxy_batch_filename) doxy_file.write(doxy_config) doxy_filename = print("Running doxygen:") try: subprocess.check_call([doxygen_path, doxy_filename]) finally: os.unlink(doxy_filename) os.unlink(doxy_batch_filename) # Update the repository on the web site. if options.upload: assert (os.system( "rsync -avz --delete html/ --chown www-data [email protected]:/var/www/apidoc/" ) == 0) print("Finished.")
def main(): goHome() parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--upload", action="store_true", dest="upload", default=False, help="""\ Upload to requires access rights and is done by the official servers automatically only. Without this, create the local html folder only. Default is %default.""", ) options, _positional_args = parser.parse_args() shutil.rmtree("html", ignore_errors=True) doxygen_path = getExecutablePath("doxygen") # Extra ball on Windows, check default installation PATH too. if not doxygen_path and getOS() == "Windows": with withEnvironmentPathAdded("PATH", r"C:\Program Files\Doxygen\bin"): doxygen_path = getExecutablePath("doxygen") if not doxygen_path: sys.exit("Error, need to install Doxygen and add it to PATH for this to work.") try: import doxypypy # @UnusedImport pylint: disable=I0021,unused-import,unused-variable except ImportError: sys.exit("Error, needs to install doxypypy into this Python.") with withTemporaryFile(suffix=".doxyfile", delete=False) as doxy_file: doxy_config = getFileContents("doc/Doxyfile.template") with withTemporaryFile( suffix=".bat" if getOS() == "Windows" else ".sh", delete=False ) as doxy_batch_file: if getOS() == "Windows": doxy_batch_file.write( "%s -m doxypypy.doxypypy -a -c %%1" % sys.executable ) else: doxy_batch_file.write( "#!/bin/sh\nexec '%s' -m doxypypy.doxypypy -a -c $1" % sys.executable ) doxy_batch_filename = doxy_config = doxy_config.replace("%DOXYPYPY%", doxy_batch_filename) doxy_file.write(doxy_config) doxy_filename = print("Running doxygen:") try: subprocess.check_call([doxygen_path, doxy_filename]) finally: os.unlink(doxy_filename) os.unlink(doxy_batch_filename) # Update the repository on the web site. if options.upload: assert ( os.system( "rsync -avz --delete html/ --chown www-data [email protected]:/var/www/apidoc/" ) == 0 ) print("Finished.")