def isSameModulePath(path1, path2): if Utils.basename(path1) == "": path1 = Utils.dirname(path1) if Utils.basename(path2) == "": path2 = Utils.dirname(path2) return Utils.abspath(path1) == Utils.abspath(path2)
def executeMain(binary_filename, tree, clean_path): main_filename = tree.getFilename() if Options.isStandaloneMode(): name = binary_filename elif main_filename.endswith(".py"): name = main_filename[:-3] else: name = main_filename name = Utils.abspath(name) args = (binary_filename, name) callExec(clean_path=clean_path, add_path=False, args=args)
def considerFilename(module_filename): module_filename = Utils.normpath(module_filename) if Utils.isDir(module_filename): module_filename = Utils.abspath(module_filename) module_name = Utils.basename(module_filename) module_relpath = Utils.relpath(module_filename) return module_filename, module_relpath, module_name elif module_filename.endswith(".py"): module_name = Utils.basename(module_filename)[:-3] module_relpath = Utils.relpath(module_filename) return module_filename, module_relpath, module_name else: return None
def considerFilename(module_filename, module_package): assert module_package is None or \ ( type(module_package) is str and module_package != "" ) module_filename = Utils.normpath(module_filename) if Utils.isDir(module_filename): module_filename = Utils.abspath(module_filename) module_name = Utils.basename(module_filename) module_relpath = Utils.relpath(module_filename) return module_filename, module_relpath, module_name elif module_filename.endswith(".py"): module_name = Utils.basename(module_filename)[:-3] module_relpath = Utils.relpath(module_filename) return module_filename, module_relpath, module_name else: return None
def _detectBinaryPathDLLsWindows(original_dir, binary_filename, package_name): result = set() depends_exe = getDependsExePath() # The search order by default prefers the system directory, where a # wrong "PythonXX.dll" might be living. with open(binary_filename + ".dwp", 'w') as dwp_file: dwp_file.write("""\ KnownDLLs SysPath AppDir {original_dir} 32BitSysDir 16BitSysDir OSDir AppPath SxS """.format(original_dir = "UserDir %s" % original_dir if original_dir is not None else "") ) ( depends_exe, "-c", "-ot%s" % binary_filename + ".depends", "-d:%s" % binary_filename + ".dwp", "-f1", "-pa1", "-ps1", binary_filename ), env = _makeBinaryPathPathDLLSearchEnv(package_name), ) inside = False first = False for line in open(binary_filename + ".depends"): if "| Module Dependency Tree |" in line: inside = True first = True continue if not inside: continue if "| Module List |" in line: break if ']' not in line: continue # Skip missing DLLs, apparently not needed anyway. if '?' in line[:line.find(']')]: continue # Skip DLLs that failed to load, apparently not needed anyway. if 'E' in line[:line.find(']')]: continue dll_filename = line[line.find(']')+2:-1] # The executable itself is of course exempted. We cannot check its path # because depends.exe mistreats unicode paths. if first: first = False continue assert Utils.isFile(dll_filename), dll_filename dll_name = Utils.basename(dll_filename).upper() # Win API can be assumed. if dll_name.startswith("API-MS-WIN-") or \ dll_name.startswith("EXT-MS-WIN-"): continue if dll_name in ("SHELL32.DLL", "USER32.DLL", "KERNEL32.DLL", "NTDLL.DLL", "NETUTILS.DLL", "LOGONCLI.DLL", "GDI32.DLL", "RPCRT4.DLL", "ADVAPI32.DLL", "SSPICLI.DLL", "SECUR32.DLL", "KERNELBASE.DLL", "WINBRAND.DLL", "DSROLE.DLL", "DNSAPI.DLL", "SAMCLI.DLL", "WKSCLI.DLL", "SAMLIB.DLL", "WLDAP32.DLL", "NTDSAPI.DLL", "CRYPTBASE.DLL", "W32TOPL", "WS2_32.DLL", "SPPC.DLL", "MSSIGN32.DLL", "CERTCLI.DLL", "WEBSERVICES.DLL", "AUTHZ.DLL", "CERTENROLL.DLL", "VAULTCLI.DLL", "REGAPI.DLL", "BROWCLI.DLL", "WINNSI.DLL", "DHCPCSVC6.DLL", "PCWUM.DLL", "CLBCATQ.DLL", "IMAGEHLP.DLL", "MSASN1.DLL", "DBGHELP.DLL", "DEVOBJ.DLL", "DRVSTORE.DLL", "CABINET.DLL", "SCECLI.DLL", "SPINF.DLL", "SPFILEQ.DLL", "GPAPI.DLL", "NETJOIN.DLL", "W32TOPL.DLL", "NETBIOS.DLL", "DXGI.DLL", "DWRITE.DLL", "D3D11.DLL", "WLANAPI.DLL", "WLANUTIL.DLL", "ONEX.DLL", "EAPPPRXY.DLL", "MFPLAT.DLL", "AVRT.DLL", "ELSCORE.DLL", "INETCOMM.DLL", "MSOERT2.DLL", "IEUI.DLL", "MSCTF.DLL", "MSFEEDS.DLL", "UIAUTOMATIONCORE.DLL", "PSAPI.DLL", "EFSADU.DLL", "MFC42U.DLL", "ODBC32.DLL", "OLEDLG.DLL", "NETAPI32.DLL", "LINKINFO.DLL", "DUI70.DLL", "ADVPACK.DLL", "NTSHRUI.DLL", "WINSPOOL.DRV", "EFSUTIL.DLL", "WINSCARD.DLL", "SHDOCVW.DLL", "IEFRAME.DLL", "D2D1.DLL", "GDIPLUS.DLL", "OCCACHE.DLL", "IEADVPACK.DLL", "MLANG.DLL", "MSI.DLL", "MSHTML.DLL", "COMDLG32.DLL", "PRINTUI.DLL", "PUIAPI.DLL", "ACLUI.DLL", "WTSAPI32.DLL", "FMS.DLL", "DFSCLI.DLL", "HLINK.DLL", "MSRATING.DLL", "PRNTVPT.DLL", "IMGUTIL.DLL", "MSLS31.DLL", "VERSION.DLL", "NORMALIZ.DLL", "IERTUTIL.DLL", "WININET.DLL", "WINTRUST.DLL", "XMLLITE.DLL", "APPHELP.DLL", "PROPSYS.DLL", "RSTRTMGR.DLL", "NCRYPT.DLL", "BCRYPT.DLL", "MMDEVAPI.DLL", "MSILTCFG.DLL", "DEVMGR.DLL", "DEVRTL.DLL", "NEWDEV.DLL", "VPNIKEAPI.DLL", "WINHTTP.DLL", "WEBIO.DLL", "NSI.DLL", "DHCPCSVC.DLL", "CRYPTUI.DLL", "ESENT.DLL", "DAVHLPR.DLL", "CSCAPI.DLL", "ATL.DLL", "OLEAUT32.DLL", "SRVCLI.DLL", "RASDLG.DLL", "MPRAPI.DLL", "RTUTILS.DLL", "RASMAN.DLL", "MPRMSG.DLL", "SLC.DLL", "CRYPTSP.DLL", "RASAPI32.DLL", "TAPI32.DLL", "EAPPCFG.DLL", "NDFAPI.DLL", "WDI.DLL", "COMCTL32.DLL", "UXTHEME.DLL", "IMM32.DLL", "OLEACC.DLL", "WINMM.DLL", "WINDOWSCODECS.DLL", "DWMAPI.DLL", "DUSER.DLL", "PROFAPI.DLL", "URLMON.DLL", "SHLWAPI.DLL", "LPK.DLL", "USP10.DLL", "CFGMGR32.DLL", "MSIMG32.DLL", "POWRPROF.DLL", "SETUPAPI.DLL", "WINSTA.DLL", "CRYPT32.DLL", "IPHLPAPI.DLL", "MPR.DLL", "CREDUI.DLL", "NETPLWIZ.DLL", "OLE32.DLL", "ACTIVEDS.DLL", "ADSLDPC.DLL", "USERENV.DLL", "APPREPAPI.DLL", "BCP47LANGS.DLL", "BCRYPTPRIMITIVES.DLL", "CERTCA.DLL", "CHARTV.DLL", "COMBASE.DLL", "COML2.DLL", "DCOMP.DLL", "DPAPI.DLL", "DSPARSE.DLL", "FECLIENT.DLL", "FIREWALLAPI.DLL", "FLTLIB.DLL", "MRMCORER.DLL", "NTASN1.DLL", "SECHOST.DLL", "SETTINGSYNCPOLICY.DLL", "SHCORE.DLL", "TBS.DLL", "TWINAPI.APPCORE.DLL", "TWINAPI.DLL", "VIRTDISK.DLL", "WEBSOCKET.DLL", "WEVTAPI.DLL", "WINMMBASE.DLL", "WMICLNT.DLL"): continue result.add( Utils.normcase(Utils.abspath(dll_filename)) ) Utils.deleteFile(binary_filename + ".depends", must_exist = True) Utils.deleteFile(binary_filename + ".dwp", must_exist = True) return result
def main(): """ Main program flow of Nuitka At this point, options will be parsed already, Nuitka will be executing in the desired version of Python with desired flags, and we just get to execute the task assigned. We might be asked to only re-compile generated C++, dump only an XML representation of the internal node tree after optimization, etc. """ # Main has to fullfil many options, leading to many branches and statements # to deal with them. pylint: disable=R0912 positional_args = Options.getPositionalArgs() assert len(positional_args) > 0 filename = Options.getPositionalArgs()[0] # Inform the importing layer about the main script directory, so it can use # it when attempting to follow imports. Importing.setMainScriptDirectory( main_dir = Utils.dirname(Utils.abspath(filename)) ) # Detect to be frozen modules if any, so we can consider to not recurse # to them. if Options.isStandaloneMode(): for module in detectEarlyImports(): ModuleRegistry.addUncompiledModule(module) if module.getName() == "site": origin_prefix_filename = Utils.joinpath( Utils.dirname(module.getCompileTimeFilename()), "orig-prefix.txt" ) if Utils.isFile(origin_prefix_filename): data_files.append( (filename, "orig-prefix.txt") ) # Turn that source code into a node tree structure. try: main_module = createNodeTree( filename = filename ) except (SyntaxError, IndentationError) as e: # Syntax or indentation errors, output them to the user and abort. sys.exit( SyntaxErrors.formatOutput(e) ) if Options.shallDumpBuiltTreeXML(): for module in ModuleRegistry.getDoneModules(): dumpTreeXML(module) elif Options.shallDisplayBuiltTree(): displayTree(main_module) else: result, options = compileTree( main_module = main_module ) # Exit if compilation failed. if not result: sys.exit(1) if Options.shallNotDoExecCppCall(): sys.exit(0) # Remove the source directory (now build directory too) if asked to. if Options.isRemoveBuildDir(): shutil.rmtree( getSourceDirectoryPath(main_module) ) if Options.isStandaloneMode(): binary_filename = options["result_name"] + ".exe" standalone_entry_points.insert( 0, (binary_filename, None) ) dist_dir = getStandaloneDirectoryPath(main_module) for module in ModuleRegistry.getDoneUserModules(): standalone_entry_points.extend( Plugins.considerExtraDlls(dist_dir, module) ) if Utils.getOS() == "NetBSD": warning("Standalone mode on NetBSD is not functional, due to $ORIGIN linkage not being supported.") copyUsedDLLs( dist_dir = dist_dir, standalone_entry_points = standalone_entry_points ) for source_filename, target_filename in data_files: shutil.copy2( source_filename, Utils.joinpath( getStandaloneDirectoryPath(main_module), target_filename ) ) # Modules should not be executable, but Scons creates them like it, fix # it up here. if Utils.getOS() != "Windows" and Options.shallMakeModule(): ( "chmod", "-x", getResultFullpath(main_module) ) ) # Execute the module immediately if option was given. if Options.shallExecuteImmediately(): if Options.shallMakeModule(): executeModule( tree = main_module, clean_path = Options.shallClearPythonPathEnvironment() ) else: executeMain( binary_filename = getResultFullpath(main_module), clean_path = Options.shallClearPythonPathEnvironment() )
def decideModuleTree(filename, package, is_shlib, is_top, is_main): # Many variables, branches, due to the many cases, pylint: disable=R0912 assert package is None or type(package) is str assert filename is not None if is_main and Utils.isDir(filename): source_filename = Utils.joinpath(filename, "") if not Utils.isFile(source_filename): sys.stderr.write( "%s: can't find '__main__' module in '%s'\n" % ( Utils.basename(sys.argv[0]), filename ) ) sys.exit(2) filename = source_filename main_added = True else: main_added = False if Utils.isFile(filename): source_filename = filename source_ref = SourceCodeReferences.fromFilename( filename = filename, ) if is_main: module_name = "__main__" else: module_name = Utils.basename(filename) if module_name.endswith(".py"): module_name = module_name[:-3] if is_shlib: module_name = module_name.split('.')[0] if '.' in module_name: sys.stderr.write( "Error, '%s' is not a proper python module name.\n" % ( module_name ) ) sys.exit(2) if is_shlib: result = PythonShlibModule( name = module_name, package_name = package, source_ref = source_ref ) elif is_main: result = PythonMainModule( main_added = main_added, source_ref = source_ref ) else: result = PythonModule( name = module_name, package_name = package, source_ref = source_ref ) elif Importing.isPackageDir(filename): if is_top: package_name = Utils.splitpath(filename)[-1] else: package_name = Utils.basename(filename) source_filename = Utils.joinpath(filename, "") if not Utils.isFile(source_filename): source_ref, result = createNamespacePackage( package_name = package_name, module_relpath = filename ) source_filename = None else: source_ref = SourceCodeReferences.fromFilename( filename = Utils.abspath(source_filename), ) result = PythonPackage( name = package_name, package_name = package, source_ref = source_ref ) else: sys.stderr.write( "%s: can't open file '%s'.\n" % ( Utils.basename(sys.argv[0]), filename ) ) sys.exit(2) if not Options.shallHaveStatementLines(): source_ref = source_ref.atInternal() return result, source_ref, source_filename
def getCompileTimeFilename(self): return Utils.abspath(self.getSourceReference().getFilename())
def _detectBinaryPathDLLsWindows(binary_filename, package_name): result = set() depends_exe = getDependsExePath() # The search order by default prefers the system directory, where a # wrong "PythonXX.dll" might be living. with open(binary_filename + ".dwp", 'w') as dwp_file: dwp_file.write("""\ KnownDLLs SysPath AppDir 32BitSysDir 16BitSysDir OSDir AppPath SxS """) ( depends_exe, "-c", "-ot%s" % binary_filename + ".depends", "-d:%s" % binary_filename + ".dwp", "-f1", "-pa1", "-ps1", binary_filename ), env = _makeBinaryPathPathDLLSearchEnv(package_name), ) inside = False for line in open(binary_filename + ".depends"): if "| Module Dependency Tree |" in line: inside = True continue if not inside: continue if "| Module List |" in line: break if ']' not in line: continue # Skip missing DLLs, apparently not needed anyway. if '?' in line[:line.find(']')]: continue # Skip DLLs that failed to load, apparently not needed anyway. if 'E' in line[:line.find(']')]: continue dll_filename = line[line.find(']')+2:-1] assert Utils.isFile(dll_filename), dll_filename # The executable itself is of course exempted. if Utils.normcase(dll_filename) == \ Utils.normcase(Utils.abspath(binary_filename)): continue dll_name = Utils.basename(dll_filename).upper() # Win API can be assumed. if dll_name.startswith("API-MS-WIN-") or \ dll_name.startswith("EXT-MS-WIN-"): continue if dll_name in ("SHELL32.DLL", "USER32.DLL", "KERNEL32.DLL", "NTDLL.DLL", "NETUTILS.DLL", "LOGONCLI.DLL", "GDI32.DLL", "RPCRT4.DLL", "ADVAPI32.DLL", "SSPICLI.DLL", "SECUR32.DLL", "KERNELBASE.DLL", "WINBRAND.DLL", "DSROLE.DLL", "DNSAPI.DLL", "SAMCLI.DLL", "WKSCLI.DLL", "SAMLIB.DLL", "WLDAP32.DLL", "NTDSAPI.DLL", "CRYPTBASE.DLL", "W32TOPL", "WS2_32.DLL", "SPPC.DLL", "MSSIGN32.DLL", "CERTCLI.DLL", "WEBSERVICES.DLL", "AUTHZ.DLL", "CERTENROLL.DLL", "VAULTCLI.DLL", "REGAPI.DLL", "BROWCLI.DLL", "WINNSI.DLL", "DHCPCSVC6.DLL", "PCWUM.DLL", "CLBCATQ.DLL", "IMAGEHLP.DLL", "MSASN1.DLL", "DBGHELP.DLL", "DEVOBJ.DLL", "DRVSTORE.DLL", "CABINET.DLL", "SCECLI.DLL", "SPINF.DLL", "SPFILEQ.DLL", "GPAPI.DLL", "NETJOIN.DLL", "W32TOPL.DLL", "NETBIOS.DLL", "DXGI.DLL", "DWRITE.DLL", "D3D11.DLL", "WLANAPI.DLL", "WLANUTIL.DLL", "ONEX.DLL", "EAPPPRXY.DLL", "MFPLAT.DLL", "AVRT.DLL", "ELSCORE.DLL", "INETCOMM.DLL", "MSOERT2.DLL", "IEUI.DLL", "MSCTF.DLL", "MSFEEDS.DLL", "UIAUTOMATIONCORE.DLL", "PSAPI.DLL", "EFSADU.DLL", "MFC42U.DLL", "ODBC32.DLL", "OLEDLG.DLL", "NETAPI32.DLL", "LINKINFO.DLL", "DUI70.DLL", "ADVPACK.DLL", "NTSHRUI.DLL", "WINSPOOL.DRV", "EFSUTIL.DLL", "WINSCARD.DLL", "SHDOCVW.DLL", "IEFRAME.DLL", "D2D1.DLL", "GDIPLUS.DLL", "OCCACHE.DLL", "IEADVPACK.DLL", "MLANG.DLL", "MSI.DLL", "MSHTML.DLL", "COMDLG32.DLL", "PRINTUI.DLL", "PUIAPI.DLL", "ACLUI.DLL", "WTSAPI32.DLL", "FMS.DLL", "DFSCLI.DLL", "HLINK.DLL", "MSRATING.DLL", "PRNTVPT.DLL", "IMGUTIL.DLL", "MSLS31.DLL", "VERSION.DLL", "NORMALIZ.DLL", "IERTUTIL.DLL", "WININET.DLL", "WINTRUST.DLL", "XMLLITE.DLL", "APPHELP.DLL", "PROPSYS.DLL", "RSTRTMGR.DLL", "NCRYPT.DLL", "BCRYPT.DLL", "MMDEVAPI.DLL", "MSILTCFG.DLL", "DEVMGR.DLL", "DEVRTL.DLL", "NEWDEV.DLL", "VPNIKEAPI.DLL", "WINHTTP.DLL", "WEBIO.DLL", "NSI.DLL", "DHCPCSVC.DLL", "CRYPTUI.DLL", "ESENT.DLL", "DAVHLPR.DLL", "CSCAPI.DLL", "ATL.DLL", "OLEAUT32.DLL", "SRVCLI.DLL", "RASDLG.DLL", "MPRAPI.DLL", "RTUTILS.DLL", "RASMAN.DLL", "MPRMSG.DLL", "SLC.DLL", "CRYPTSP.DLL", "RASAPI32.DLL", "TAPI32.DLL", "EAPPCFG.DLL", "NDFAPI.DLL", "WDI.DLL", "COMCTL32.DLL", "UXTHEME.DLL", "IMM32.DLL", "OLEACC.DLL", "WINMM.DLL", "WINDOWSCODECS.DLL", "DWMAPI.DLL", "DUSER.DLL", "PROFAPI.DLL", "URLMON.DLL", "SHLWAPI.DLL", "LPK.DLL", "USP10.DLL", "CFGMGR32.DLL", "MSIMG32.DLL", "POWRPROF.DLL", "SETUPAPI.DLL", "WINSTA.DLL", "CRYPT32.DLL", "IPHLPAPI.DLL", "MPR.DLL", "CREDUI.DLL", "NETPLWIZ.DLL", "OLE32.DLL", "ACTIVEDS.DLL", "ADSLDPC.DLL", "USERENV.DLL", "APPREPAPI.DLL", "BCP47LANGS.DLL", "BCRYPTPRIMITIVES.DLL", "CERTCA.DLL", "CHARTV.DLL", "COMBASE.DLL", "DCOMP.DLL", "DPAPI.DLL", "DSPARSE.DLL", "FECLIENT.DLL", "FIREWALLAPI.DLL", "FLTLIB.DLL", "MRMCORER.DLL", "MSVCRT.DLL", "NINPUT.DLL", "NTASN1.DLL", "PCACLI.DLL", "RTWORKQ.DLL", "SECHOST.DLL", "SETTINGSYNCPOLICY.DLL", "SHCORE.DLL", "TBS.DLL", "TWINAPI.DLL", "TWINAPI.APPCORE.DLL", "VIRTDISK.DLL", "WEBSOCKET.DLL", "WEVTAPI.DLL", "WINMMBASE.DLL", "WMICLNT.DLL"): continue result.add( Utils.normcase(Utils.abspath(dll_filename)) ) Utils.deleteFile(binary_filename + ".depends", must_exist = True) Utils.deleteFile(binary_filename + ".dwp", must_exist = True) return result
def decideModuleTree(filename, package, is_shlib, is_top, is_main): # Many variables, branches, due to the many cases, pylint: disable=R0912,R0915 assert package is None or type(package) is str assert filename is not None if is_main and Utils.isDir(filename): source_filename = Utils.joinpath(filename, "") if not Utils.isFile(source_filename): sys.stderr.write( "%s: can't find '__main__' module in '%s'\n" % ( Utils.basename(sys.argv[0]), filename ) ) sys.exit(2) filename = source_filename main_added = True else: main_added = False if Utils.isFile(filename): source_filename = filename source_ref = SourceCodeReferences.fromFilename( filename = filename, ) if is_main: module_name = "__main__" else: module_name = Utils.basename(filename) if module_name.endswith(".py"): module_name = module_name[:-3] if is_shlib: module_name = module_name.split('.')[0] if '.' in module_name: sys.stderr.write( "Error, '%s' is not a proper python module name.\n" % ( module_name ) ) sys.exit(2) if is_shlib: result = PythonShlibModule( name = module_name, package_name = package, source_ref = source_ref ) elif is_main: result = PythonMainModule( main_added = main_added, source_ref = source_ref ) else: if package is not None: full_name = package + "." + module_name else: full_name = module_name decision = Plugins.decideCompilation(full_name, source_ref) if decision == "compiled": result = CompiledPythonModule( name = module_name, package_name = package, source_ref = source_ref ) else: source_code = readSourceCodeFromFilename(module_name, filename) source_code = Plugins.onFrozenModuleSourceCode( module_name = full_name, is_package = False, source_code = source_code ) bytecode = compile(source_code, filename, "exec") bytecode = Plugins.onFrozenModuleBytecode( module_name = module_name, is_package = False, bytecode = bytecode ) result = UncompiledPythonModule( name = module_name, package_name = package, bytecode = bytecode, filename = filename, user_provided = True, technical = False, source_ref = source_ref ) # Don't read it anymore. source_filename = None elif Importing.isPackageDir(filename): if is_top: package_name = Utils.splitpath(filename)[-1] else: package_name = Utils.basename(filename) source_filename = Utils.joinpath(filename, "") if not Utils.isFile(source_filename): source_ref, result = createNamespacePackage( package_name = package_name, module_relpath = filename ) source_filename = None else: source_ref = SourceCodeReferences.fromFilename( filename = Utils.abspath(source_filename), ) if package is not None: full_name = package + "." + package_name else: full_name = package_name decision = Plugins.decideCompilation(full_name, source_ref) if decision == "compiled": result = CompiledPythonPackage( name = package_name, package_name = package, source_ref = source_ref ) else: bytecode = compile(source_code, filename, "exec") bytecode = Plugins.onFrozenModuleBytecode( module_name = module_name, is_package = False, bytecode = bytecode ) result = UncompiledPythonPackage( name = module_name, package_name = package, bytecode = bytecode, filename = filename, user_provided = True, technical = False, source_ref = source_ref ) # Don't read it anymore. source_filename = None else: sys.stderr.write( "%s: can't open file '%s'.\n" % ( Utils.basename(sys.argv[0]), filename ) ) sys.exit(2) if not Options.shallHaveStatementLines(): source_ref = source_ref.atInternal() return result, source_ref, source_filename
def main(): """ Main program flow of Nuitka At this point, options will be parsed already, Nuitka will be executing in the desired version of Python with desired flags, and we just get to execute the task assigned. We might be asked to only re-compile generated C++, dump only an XML representation of the internal node tree after optimization, etc. """ # Main has to fullfil many options, leading to many branches and statements # to deal with them. pylint: disable=R0912,R0915 positional_args = Options.getPositionalArgs() assert len(positional_args) > 0 filename = Options.getPositionalArgs()[0] # Inform the importing layer about the main script directory, so it can use # it when attempting to follow imports. Importing.setMainScriptDirectory( main_dir=Utils.dirname(Utils.abspath(filename))) # Detect to be frozen modules if any, so we can consider to not recurse # to them. if Options.isStandaloneMode(): for module in detectEarlyImports(): ModuleRegistry.addUncompiledModule(module) if module.getName() == "site": origin_prefix_filename = Utils.joinpath( Utils.dirname(module.getCompileTimeFilename()), "orig-prefix.txt") if Utils.isFile(origin_prefix_filename): data_files.append((filename, "orig-prefix.txt")) # Turn that source code into a node tree structure. try: main_module = createNodeTree(filename=filename) except (SyntaxError, IndentationError) as e: # Syntax or indentation errors, output them to the user and abort. If # we are not in full compat, and user has not specified the Python # versions he wants, tell him about the potential version problem. error_message = SyntaxErrors.formatOutput(e) if not Options.isFullCompat() and \ Options.getIntendedPythonVersion() is None: if python_version < 300: suggested_python_version_str = getSupportedPythonVersions()[-1] else: suggested_python_version_str = "2.7" error_message += """ Nuitka is very syntax compatible with standard Python. It is currently running with Python version '%s', you might want to specify more clearly with the use of e.g. '--python-version=%s' option, if that's not the one expected. """ % (python_version_str, suggested_python_version_str) sys.exit(error_message) if Options.shallDumpBuiltTreeXML(): for module in ModuleRegistry.getDoneModules(): dumpTreeXML(module) elif Options.shallDisplayBuiltTree(): displayTree(main_module) else: result, options = compileTree(main_module=main_module) # Exit if compilation failed. if not result: sys.exit(1) if Options.shallNotDoExecCppCall(): sys.exit(0) # Remove the source directory (now build directory too) if asked to. if Options.isRemoveBuildDir(): shutil.rmtree(getSourceDirectoryPath(main_module)) if Options.isStandaloneMode(): binary_filename = options["result_name"] + ".exe" standalone_entry_points.insert(0, (None, binary_filename, None)) dist_dir = getStandaloneDirectoryPath(main_module) for module in ModuleRegistry.getDoneUserModules(): standalone_entry_points.extend( Plugins.considerExtraDlls(dist_dir, module)) for module in ModuleRegistry.getUncompiledModules(): standalone_entry_points.extend( Plugins.considerExtraDlls(dist_dir, module)) copyUsedDLLs(dist_dir=dist_dir, standalone_entry_points=standalone_entry_points) for module in ModuleRegistry.getDoneModules(): data_files.extend(Plugins.considerDataFiles(module)) for source_filename, target_filename in data_files: target_filename = Utils.joinpath( getStandaloneDirectoryPath(main_module), target_filename) Utils.makePath(Utils.dirname(target_filename)) shutil.copy2(source_filename, target_filename) # Modules should not be executable, but Scons creates them like it, fix # it up here. if Utils.getOS() != "Windows" and Options.shallMakeModule():"chmod", "-x", getResultFullpath(main_module))) # Execute the module immediately if option was given. if Options.shallExecuteImmediately(): if Options.shallMakeModule(): executeModule( tree=main_module, clean_path=Options.shallClearPythonPathEnvironment()) else: executeMain( binary_filename=getResultFullpath(main_module), clean_path=Options.shallClearPythonPathEnvironment())
def decideModuleTree(filename, package, is_shlib, is_top, is_main): # Many variables, branches, due to the many cases, pylint: disable=R0912,R0915 assert package is None or type(package) is str assert filename is not None if is_main and Utils.isDir(filename): source_filename = Utils.joinpath(filename, "") if not Utils.isFile(source_filename): sys.stderr.write("%s: can't find '__main__' module in '%s'\n" % (Utils.basename(sys.argv[0]), filename)) sys.exit(2) filename = source_filename main_added = True else: main_added = False if Utils.isFile(filename): source_filename = filename source_ref = SourceCodeReferences.fromFilename(filename=filename, ) if is_main: module_name = "__main__" else: module_name = Utils.basename(filename) if module_name.endswith(".py"): module_name = module_name[:-3] if is_shlib: module_name = module_name.split('.')[0] if '.' in module_name: sys.stderr.write( "Error, '%s' is not a proper python module name.\n" % (module_name)) sys.exit(2) if is_shlib: result = PythonShlibModule(name=module_name, package_name=package, source_ref=source_ref) elif is_main: result = PythonMainModule(main_added=main_added, source_ref=source_ref) else: if package is not None: full_name = package + "." + module_name else: full_name = module_name decision = Plugins.decideCompilation(full_name, source_ref) if decision == "compiled": result = CompiledPythonModule(name=module_name, package_name=package, source_ref=source_ref) else: source_code = readSourceCodeFromFilename(module_name, filename) source_code = Plugins.onFrozenModuleSourceCode( module_name=full_name, is_package=False, source_code=source_code) bytecode = compile(source_code, filename, "exec") bytecode = Plugins.onFrozenModuleBytecode( module_name=module_name, is_package=False, bytecode=bytecode) result = UncompiledPythonModule(name=module_name, package_name=package, bytecode=bytecode, filename=filename, user_provided=True, technical=False, source_ref=source_ref) # Don't read it anymore. source_filename = None elif Importing.isPackageDir(filename): if is_top: package_name = Utils.splitpath(filename)[-1] else: package_name = Utils.basename(filename) source_filename = Utils.joinpath(filename, "") if not Utils.isFile(source_filename): source_ref, result = createNamespacePackage( package_name=package_name, module_relpath=filename) source_filename = None else: source_ref = SourceCodeReferences.fromFilename( filename=Utils.abspath(source_filename), ) if package is not None: full_name = package + "." + package_name else: full_name = package_name decision = Plugins.decideCompilation(full_name, source_ref) if decision == "compiled": result = CompiledPythonPackage(name=package_name, package_name=package, source_ref=source_ref) else: bytecode = compile(source_code, filename, "exec") bytecode = Plugins.onFrozenModuleBytecode( module_name=module_name, is_package=False, bytecode=bytecode) result = UncompiledPythonPackage(name=module_name, package_name=package, bytecode=bytecode, filename=filename, user_provided=True, technical=False, source_ref=source_ref) # Don't read it anymore. source_filename = None else: sys.stderr.write("%s: can't open file '%s'.\n" % (Utils.basename(sys.argv[0]), filename)) sys.exit(2) if not Options.shallHaveStatementLines(): source_ref = source_ref.atInternal() return result, source_ref, source_filename