コード例 #1
ファイル: dtest.py プロジェクト: fxia22/ASM_xf
def testqr(a, eps):
	q,r = qr_decomposition(a,mode='e')
	q,r = qr_decomposition(a,mode='r')
	q,r = qr_decomposition(a,mode='full')
	res = num.matrixmultiply(q,r)
	b = num.ravel( num.abs(res - a) )
        if num.maximum.reduce(b) > eps:
            raise SelftestFailure
            print "OK"
コード例 #2
ファイル: dtest.py プロジェクト: joshfermin/AI
def testqr(a, eps):
    q, r = qr_decomposition(a, mode='e')
    q, r = qr_decomposition(a, mode='r')
    q, r = qr_decomposition(a, mode='full')
    res = num.matrixmultiply(q, r)
    b = num.ravel(num.abs(res - a))
    if num.maximum.reduce(b) > eps:
        raise SelftestFailure
        print "OK"
コード例 #3
ファイル: LinearAlgebra2.py プロジェクト: joshfermin/AI
def linear_least_squares(a, b, rcond=1.e-10):
    """solveLinearLeastSquares(a,b) returns x,resids,rank,s 
where x minimizes 2-norm(|b - Ax|) 
      resids is the sum square residuals
      rank is the rank of A
      s is an rank of the singual values of A in desending order

If b is a matrix then x is also a matrix with corresponding columns.
If the rank of A is less than the number of columns of A or greater than
the numer of rows, then residuals will be returned as an empty array
otherwise resids = sum((b-dot(A,x)**2).
Singular values less than s[0]*rcond are treated as zero.
    one_eq = len(b.getshape()) == 1
    if one_eq:
        b = b[:, num.NewAxis]
    _assertRank2(a, b)
    m  = a.getshape()[0]
    n  = a.getshape()[1]
    n_rhs = b.getshape()[1]
    ldb = max(n,m)
    if m != b.getshape()[0]:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Incompatible dimensions'
    t =_commonType(a, b)
    real_t = _array_type[0][_array_precision[t]]
    bstar = num.zeros((ldb,n_rhs),t)
    bstar[:b.getshape()[0],:n_rhs] = copy.copy(b)
    a,bstar = _castCopyAndTranspose(t, a, bstar)
    s = num.zeros((min(m,n),),real_t)
    nlvl = max( 0, int( math.log( float(min( m,n ))/2. ) ) + 1 )
    iwork = num.zeros((3*min(m,n)*nlvl+11*min(m,n),), 'l')
    if _array_kind[t] == 1: # Complex routines take different arguments
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite2.zgelsd
        lwork = 1
        rwork = num.zeros((lwork,), real_t)
        work = num.zeros((lwork,),t)
        results = lapack_routine( m, n, n_rhs, a, m, bstar,ldb , s, rcond,
                        0,work,-1,rwork,iwork,0 )
        lwork = int(abs(work[0]))
        rwork = num.zeros((lwork,),real_t)
        a_real = num.zeros((m,n),real_t)
        bstar_real = num.zeros((ldb,n_rhs,),real_t)
        results = lapack_lite2.dgelsd( m, n, n_rhs, a_real, m, bstar_real,ldb , s, rcond,
                        0,rwork,-1,iwork,0 )
        lrwork = int(rwork[0])
        work = num.zeros((lwork,), t)
        rwork = num.zeros((lrwork,), real_t)
        results = lapack_routine( m, n, n_rhs, a, m, bstar,ldb , s, rcond,
                        0,work,lwork,rwork,iwork,0 )
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite2.dgelsd
        lwork = 1
        work = num.zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine( m, n, n_rhs, a, m, bstar,ldb , s, rcond,
                        0,work,-1,iwork,0 )
        lwork = int(work[0])
        work = num.zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine( m, n, n_rhs, a, m, bstar,ldb , s, rcond,
                        0,work,lwork,iwork,0 )
    if results['info'] > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, 'SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares'
    resids = num.array([],type=t)
    if one_eq:
        x = copy.copy(num.ravel(bstar)[:n])
        if (results['rank']==n) and (m>n):
            resids = num.array([num.sum((num.ravel(bstar)[n:])**2)])
        x = copy.copy(num.transpose(bstar)[:n,:])
        if (results['rank']==n) and (m>n):
            resids = copy.copy(num.sum((num.transpose(bstar)[n:,:])**2))
    return x,resids,results['rank'],copy.copy(s[:min(n,m)])