コード例 #1
def interpolate(points, t):
    """points=(x,y), list of x's and y's. "t" ... list of x, for which we want
    to evaluate the dependence "y". returns a list of "y" evaluated at the grid
    Assumes t is sorted in ascending order
    Assumes points x axis are sorted in ascending order
    xx, yy = points
    x = t

    t0 = numarray.compress(x <= min(xx), x)
    #   t1 = numarray.compress( (x>min(xx)) & (x<max(xx)), x )
    t1 = numarray.compress((x > min(xx)) & (x < xx[-1]), x)
    #   t2 = numarray.compress(x>=max(xx), x)
    t2 = numarray.compress(x >= xx[-1], x)
    if (xx[1] - xx[0] == 0):
        slope0 = sign(yy[1] - yy[0]) * 1e20
        slope0 = (yy[1] - yy[0]) / (xx[1] - xx[0])
    slope2 = (yy[-1] - yy[-2]) / (xx[-1] - xx[-2])
    indices = numarray.searchsorted(xx, t1)
    x0 = xx[indices - 1]
    x1 = xx[indices]
    y0 = yy[indices - 1]
    y1 = yy[indices]
    slope = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)

    y1 = slope * (t1 - x0) + y0
    y0 = slope0 * (t0 - xx[0]) + yy[0]  # extrapolate
    y2 = slope2 * (t2 - xx[-1]) + yy[-1]  # extrapolate

    y = numarray.concatenate((y0, y1, y2))
    return y
コード例 #2
ファイル: bezier.py プロジェクト: certik/chemev
def interpolate(points,t):
    """points=(x,y), list of x's and y's. "t" ... list of x, for which we want
    to evaluate the dependence "y". returns a list of "y" evaluated at the grid
    Assumes t is sorted in ascending order
    Assumes points x axis are sorted in ascending order

    t0 = numarray.compress(x<=min(xx), x)
#   t1 = numarray.compress( (x>min(xx)) & (x<max(xx)), x )
    t1 = numarray.compress( (x>min(xx)) & (x<xx[-1]), x )
#   t2 = numarray.compress(x>=max(xx), x)
    t2 = numarray.compress(x>=xx[-1], x)
    if (xx[1]-xx[0] == 0):
        slope0 = sign(yy[1]-yy[0])*1e20
        slope0 = (yy[1]-yy[0])/(xx[1]-xx[0])
    slope2 = (yy[-1]-yy[-2])/(xx[-1]-xx[-2])
    indices = numarray.searchsorted(xx,t1)
    x0 = xx[indices-1]
    x1 = xx[indices]
    y0 = yy[indices-1]
    y1 = yy[indices]
    slope = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)

    y1 = slope*(t1-x0)+y0
    y0 = slope0*(t0-xx[0])+yy[0]    # extrapolate
    y2 = slope2*(t2-xx[-1])+yy[-1]    # extrapolate

    y = numarray.concatenate((y0,y1,y2))
    return y
コード例 #3
ファイル: plotsmooth.py プロジェクト: certik/chemev
def fig3e(t,m,w,p):
    """ Plot image of log(age),metallicity weights -- nearest neighbor interpolation"""
    xi = pylab.linspace(8,10.25,512)
    yi = pylab.linspace(-2.5,0.9,512)
    z = numarray.zeros((len(xi),len(yi)),numarray.Float) # create t, metallicity array
    x = t
    y = m
    # Find the indices in the array
    xindex = numarray.searchsorted(xi,x)
    if p.sigma > 0:
        for i in range(len(y)):
            nstars = w[i]*normgauss(yi,y[i],p.sigma)
            print "shape(z),len(nstars)", numarray.shape(z), len(nstars)
            z[xindex[i],:] += nstars
        yindex = numarray.searchsorted(yi,y)
        z[xindex,yindex] = z[xindex,yindex] + weight # increment the 2-d array
    zz = numarray.transpose(z)
コード例 #4
def fig3e(t, m, w, p):
    """ Plot image of log(age),metallicity weights -- nearest neighbor interpolation"""
    xi = pylab.linspace(8, 10.25, 512)
    yi = pylab.linspace(-2.5, 0.9, 512)
    z = numarray.zeros((len(xi), len(yi)),
                       numarray.Float)  # create t, metallicity array
    x = t
    y = m
    # Find the indices in the array
    xindex = numarray.searchsorted(xi, x)
    if p.sigma > 0:
        for i in range(len(y)):
            nstars = w[i] * normgauss(yi, y[i], p.sigma)
            print "shape(z),len(nstars)", numarray.shape(z), len(nstars)
            z[xindex[i], :] += nstars
        yindex = numarray.searchsorted(yi, y)
          yindex] = z[xindex, yindex] + weight  # increment the 2-d array
    zz = numarray.transpose(z)
    pylab.imshow(zz, extent=[8, 10.25, -2.5, 0.9], aspect='auto')
コード例 #5
def fig6(m, w):  # Metallicity distribution
    """ fig6(t,w) -- differential metallicity distribution """
    mmin, mmax, mstep = -2.5, 1.0, 0.2
    mmin = mmin - mstep
    mbins = numarray.arange(mmin, mmax, mstep)
    indices = numarray.searchsorted(mbins, m)
    weight = numarray.zeros(len(mbins)) * 0.
    for i in range(len(m)):
        weight[indices[i]] += w[i]
    pylab.bar(mbins[1:], weight[:-1], width=mstep, edgecolor=None)
    return mbins[1:], weight[:-1]
コード例 #6
ファイル: plotsmooth.py プロジェクト: certik/chemev
def fig6(m,w): # Metallicity distribution
    """ fig6(t,w) -- differential metallicity distribution """
    mmin,mmax,mstep = -2.5,1.0,0.2
    mmin = mmin-mstep
    mbins = numarray.arange(mmin,mmax,mstep)
    indices = numarray.searchsorted(mbins,m)
    weight = numarray.zeros(len(mbins))*0.
    for i in range(len(m)):
        weight[indices[i]] += w[i] 
    return mbins[1:],weight[:-1]
コード例 #7
def fig7b(t, w):  # Age distribution
    """ fig7b(t,w) -- differential age distribution """
    tmin, tmax, tstep = 0.0, 14.5, 0.5
    tmin = tmin - tstep
    tbins = numarray.arange(tmin, tmax, tstep)
    t_gyr = 10.**t / 1.e9
    indices = numarray.searchsorted(tbins, t_gyr)
    weight = numarray.zeros(len(tbins)) * 0.
    for i in range(len(w)):
        weight[indices[i]] += w[i]
    pylab.bar(tbins[1:], weight[:-1], width=tstep, edgecolor=None)
    pylab.xlabel("Age (Gyr)")
    return tbins[1:], weight[:-1]
コード例 #8
ファイル: plotsmooth.py プロジェクト: certik/chemev
def fig7b(t,w): # Age distribution
    """ fig7b(t,w) -- differential age distribution """
    tmin,tmax,tstep = 0.0,14.5,0.5
    tmin = tmin-tstep
    tbins = numarray.arange(tmin,tmax,tstep)
    indices = numarray.searchsorted(tbins,t_gyr)
    weight = numarray.zeros(len(tbins))*0.
    for i in range(len(w)):
        weight[indices[i]] += w[i] 
    pylab.xlabel("Age (Gyr)")
    return tbins[1:],weight[:-1]
コード例 #9
def fig3b(t, m, w, p):
    """ Plot image of age,metallicity weights -- nearest neighbor interpolation"""
    NREP = 50
    xi = pylab.linspace(0.1, 15, 512)
    yi = pylab.linspace(-2.5, 0.9, 512)
    z = numarray.zeros((len(xi), len(yi)),
                       numarray.Float)  # create t, metallicity array
    y = numarray.repeat(m, NREP)
    dt = t[1] - t[0]
    x = numarray.arange(t[0], t[-1] + 2 * dt, dt / NREP)
    x = x[0:len(y)]
    x = 10.**x / 1.e9
    weight = numarray.repeat(w, NREP)
    # Find the indices in the array
    xindex = numarray.searchsorted(xi, x)
    print "shape(x), shape(y), shape(weight)", numarray.shape(
        x), numarray.shape(y), numarray.shape(weight)
    if p.sigma > 0:
        if p.dsigmadlogt == 0.:
            for i in range(len(y)):
                nstars = weight[i] * normgauss(yi, y[i], p.sigma)
                j = xindex[i]
                z[j, :] += nstars
        if p.dsigmadlogt != 0.:
            for i in range(len(y)):
                logt0 = numarray.log10(x[0])
                logt = numarray.log10(x[i])
                sigma = p.sigma + p.dsigmadlogt * (logt - logt0)
                nstars = weight[i] * normgauss(yi, y[i], sigma)
                j = xindex[i]
                z[j, :] += nstars
        sigma = 0.01
        for i in range(len(y)):
            nstars = weight[i] * normgauss(yi, y[i], sigma)
            j = xindex[i]
            z[j, :] += nstars

#       yindex = numarray.searchsorted(yi,y)
#       z[xindex,yindex] = z[xindex,yindex] + weight # increment the 2-d array
    zz = numarray.transpose(z)
    pylab.imshow(zz, extent=[0.1, 15, -2.5, 0.9], aspect='auto')
    pylab.xlabel("Age (Gyr)")
    return xi, yi, zz
コード例 #10
ファイル: plotsmooth.py プロジェクト: certik/chemev
def fig3b(t,m,w,p):
    """ Plot image of age,metallicity weights -- nearest neighbor interpolation"""
    NREP = 50
    xi = pylab.linspace(0.1,15,512)
    yi = pylab.linspace(-2.5,0.9,512)
    z = numarray.zeros((len(xi),len(yi)),numarray.Float) # create t, metallicity array
    y = numarray.repeat(m,NREP)
    dt = t[1]-t[0]
    x = numarray.arange(t[0],t[-1]+2*dt,dt/NREP)
    x = x[0:len(y)]
    x = 10.**x/1.e9
    weight = numarray.repeat(w,NREP)
    # Find the indices in the array
    xindex = numarray.searchsorted(xi,x)
    print "shape(x), shape(y), shape(weight)", numarray.shape(x),numarray.shape(y), numarray.shape(weight)
    if p.sigma > 0:
        if p.dsigmadlogt == 0.:
            for i in range(len(y)):
                nstars = weight[i]*normgauss(yi,y[i],p.sigma)
                j = xindex[i]
                z[j,:] += nstars
        if p.dsigmadlogt != 0.:
            for i in range(len(y)):
                logt0 = numarray.log10(x[0])
                logt = numarray.log10(x[i])
                sigma = p.sigma + p.dsigmadlogt*(logt-logt0)
                nstars = weight[i]*normgauss(yi,y[i],sigma)
                j = xindex[i]
                z[j,:] += nstars
        sigma = 0.01
        for i in range(len(y)):
            nstars = weight[i]*normgauss(yi,y[i],sigma)
            j = xindex[i]
            z[j,:] += nstars
#       yindex = numarray.searchsorted(yi,y)
#       z[xindex,yindex] = z[xindex,yindex] + weight # increment the 2-d array
    zz = numarray.transpose(z)
    pylab.xlabel("Age (Gyr)")
    return xi,yi,zz
コード例 #11
ファイル: recipe-335390.py プロジェクト: bhramoss/code
def find_closest(input_array, target_array, tol):

    Find the set of elements in input_array that are closest to
    elements in target_array.  Record the indices of the elements in
    target_array that are within tolerance, tol, of their closest
    match. Also record the indices of the elements in target_array
    that are outside tolerance, tol, of their match.

    For example, given an array of observations with irregular
    observation times along with an array of times of interest, this
    routine can be used to find those observations that are closest to
    the times of interest that are within a given time tolerance.

    NOTE: input_array must be sorted! The array, target_array, does not have to be sorted.

      input_array:  a sorted Float64 numarray
      target_array: a Float64 numarray
      tol:          a tolerance

      closest_indices:  the array of indices of elements in input_array that are closest to elements in target_array
      accept_indices:  the indices of elements in target_array that have a match in input_array within tolerance
      reject_indices:  the indices of elements in target_array that do not have a match in input_array within tolerance

    input_array_len = len(input_array)
    closest_indices = numarray.searchsorted(input_array, target_array) # determine the locations of target_array in input_array
    acc_rej_indices = [-1] * len(target_array)
    curr_tol = [tol] * len(target_array)

    est_tol = 0.0
    for i in xrange(len(target_array)):
        best_off = 0          # used to adjust closest_indices[i] for best approximating element in input_array

        if closest_indices[i] >= input_array_len:
            # the value target_array[i] is >= all elements in input_array so check whether it is within tolerance of the last element
            closest_indices[i] = input_array_len - 1
            est_tol = target_array[i] - input_array[closest_indices[i]]
            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
                acc_rej_indices[i] = i
        elif target_array[i] == input_array[closest_indices[i]]:
            # target_array[i] is in input_array
            est_tol = 0.0
            curr_tol[i] = 0.0
            acc_rej_indices[i] = i
        elif closest_indices[i] == 0:
            # target_array[i] is <= all elements in input_array
            est_tol = input_array[0] - target_array[i]
            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
                acc_rej_indices[i] = i
            # target_array[i] is between input_array[closest_indices[i]-1] and input_array[closest_indices[i]]
            # and closest_indices[i] must be > 0
            top_tol = input_array[closest_indices[i]] - target_array[i]
            bot_tol = target_array[i] - input_array[closest_indices[i]-1]
            if bot_tol <= top_tol:
                est_tol = bot_tol
                best_off = -1           # this is the only place where best_off != 0
                est_tol = top_tol

            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
                acc_rej_indices[i] = i

        if est_tol <= tol:
            closest_indices[i] += best_off

    accept_indices = numarray.compress(numarray.greater(acc_rej_indices, -1), acc_rej_indices)
    reject_indices = numarray.compress(numarray.equal(acc_rej_indices, -1), numarray.arange(len(acc_rej_indices)))
    return (closest_indices, accept_indices, reject_indices)
コード例 #12
def interp(datain,lonsin,latsin,lonsout,latsout,checkbounds=False,mode='nearest',cval=0.0,order=3):
 dataout = interp(datain,lonsin,latsin,lonsout,latsout,mode='constant',cval=0.0,order=3)

 interpolate data (datain) on a rectilinear lat/lon grid (with lons=lonsin
 lats=latsin) to a grid with lons=lonsout, lats=latsout.

 datain is a rank-2 array with 1st dimension corresponding to longitude,
 2nd dimension latitude.

 lonsin, latsin are rank-1 Numeric arrays containing longitudes and latitudes
 of datain grid in increasing order (i.e. from Greenwich meridian eastward, and
 South Pole northward)

 lonsout, latsout are rank-2 Numeric arrays containing lons and lats out desired
 output grid (typically a native map projection grid).

 If checkbounds=True, values of lonsout and latsout are checked to see that
 they lie within the range specified by lonsin and latsing.  Default is
 False, and values outside the borders are handled in the manner described
 by the 'mode' parameter (default mode='nearest', which means the nearest
 boundary value is used). See section 20.2 of the numarray docs for 
 information on the 'mode' keyword.

 See numarray.nd_image.map_coordinates documentation for information on
 the other optional keyword parameters.  The order keyword can be 0 
 for nearest neighbor interpolation (nd_image only allows 1-6) - if
 order=0 bounds checking is done even if checkbounds=False.
    # lonsin and latsin must be monotonically increasing.
    if lonsin[-1]-lonsin[0] < 0 or latsin[-1]-latsin[0] < 0:
        raise ValueError, 'lonsin and latsin must be increasing!'
    # optionally, check that lonsout,latsout are 
    # within region defined by lonsin,latsin.
    # (this check is always done if nearest neighbor 
    # interpolation (order=0) requested).
    if checkbounds or order == 0:
        if min(N.ravel(lonsout)) < min(lonsin) or \
           max(N.ravel(lonsout)) > max(lonsin) or \
           min(N.ravel(latsout)) < min(latsin) or \
           max(N.ravel(latsout)) > max(latsin):
            raise ValueError, 'latsout or lonsout outside range of latsin or lonsin'
    # compute grid coordinates of output grid.
    delon = lonsin[1:]-lonsin[0:-1]
    delat = latsin[1:]-latsin[0:-1]
    if max(delat)-min(delat) < 1.e-4 and max(delon)-min(delon) < 1.e-4:
        # regular input grid.
        xcoords = (len(lonsin)-1)*(lonsout-lonsin[0])/(lonsin[-1]-lonsin[0])
        ycoords = (len(latsin)-1)*(latsout-latsin[0])/(latsin[-1]-latsin[0])
        # irregular (but still rectilinear) input grid.
        lonsoutflat = N.ravel(lonsout)
        latsoutflat = N.ravel(latsout)
        ix = N.searchsorted(lonsin,lonsoutflat)-1
        iy = N.searchsorted(latsin,latsoutflat)-1
        xcoords = N.zeros(ix.shape,'f')
        ycoords = N.zeros(iy.shape,'f')
        for n,i in enumerate(ix):
            if i < 0:
                xcoords[n] = -1 # outside of range on lonsin (lower end)
            elif i >= len(lonsin)-1:
                xcoords[n] = len(lonsin) # outside range on upper end.
                xcoords[n] = float(i)+(lonsoutflat[n]-lonsin[i])/(lonsin[i+1]-lonsin[i])
        xcoords = N.reshape(xcoords,lonsout.shape)
        for m,j in enumerate(iy):
            if j < 0:
                ycoords[m] = -1 # outside of range of latsin (on lower end)
            elif j >= len(latsin)-1:
                ycoords[m] = len(latsin) # outside range on upper end
                ycoords[m] = float(j)+(latsoutflat[m]-latsin[j])/(latsin[j+1]-latsin[j])
        ycoords = N.reshape(ycoords,latsout.shape)
    coords = [ycoords,xcoords]
    # interpolate to output grid using numarray.nd_image spline filter.
    if order:
        return nd_image.map_coordinates(datain,coords,mode=mode,cval=cval,order=order)
        # nearest neighbor interpolation if order=0.
        # uses index arrays, so first convert to numarray.
        datatmp = N.array(datain,datain.typecode())
        xi = N.around(xcoords).astype('i')
        yi = N.around(ycoords).astype('i')
        return datatmp[yi,xi]
コード例 #13
ファイル: basemap.py プロジェクト: jtomase/matplotlib
def interp(datain,
 dataout = interp(datain,lonsin,latsin,lonsout,latsout,mode='constant',cval=0.0,order=3)

 interpolate data (datain) on a rectilinear lat/lon grid (with lons=lonsin
 lats=latsin) to a grid with lons=lonsout, lats=latsout.

 datain is a rank-2 array with 1st dimension corresponding to longitude,
 2nd dimension latitude.

 lonsin, latsin are rank-1 Numeric arrays containing longitudes and latitudes
 of datain grid in increasing order (i.e. from Greenwich meridian eastward, and
 South Pole northward)

 lonsout, latsout are rank-2 Numeric arrays containing lons and lats out desired
 output grid (typically a native map projection grid).

 If checkbounds=True, values of lonsout and latsout are checked to see that
 they lie within the range specified by lonsin and latsing.  Default is
 False, and values outside the borders are handled in the manner described
 by the 'mode' parameter (default mode='nearest', which means the nearest
 boundary value is used). See section 20.2 of the numarray docs for 
 information on the 'mode' keyword.

 See numarray.nd_image.map_coordinates documentation for information on
 the other optional keyword parameters.  The order keyword can be 0 
 for nearest neighbor interpolation (nd_image only allows 1-6) - if
 order=0 bounds checking is done even if checkbounds=False.
    # lonsin and latsin must be monotonically increasing.
    if lonsin[-1] - lonsin[0] < 0 or latsin[-1] - latsin[0] < 0:
        raise ValueError, 'lonsin and latsin must be increasing!'
    # optionally, check that lonsout,latsout are
    # within region defined by lonsin,latsin.
    # (this check is always done if nearest neighbor
    # interpolation (order=0) requested).
    if checkbounds or order == 0:
        if min(N.ravel(lonsout)) < min(lonsin) or \
           max(N.ravel(lonsout)) > max(lonsin) or \
           min(N.ravel(latsout)) < min(latsin) or \
           max(N.ravel(latsout)) > max(latsin):
            raise ValueError, 'latsout or lonsout outside range of latsin or lonsin'
    # compute grid coordinates of output grid.
    delon = lonsin[1:] - lonsin[0:-1]
    delat = latsin[1:] - latsin[0:-1]
    if max(delat) - min(delat) < 1.e-4 and max(delon) - min(delon) < 1.e-4:
        # regular input grid.
        xcoords = (len(lonsin) - 1) * (lonsout - lonsin[0]) / (lonsin[-1] -
        ycoords = (len(latsin) - 1) * (latsout - latsin[0]) / (latsin[-1] -
        # irregular (but still rectilinear) input grid.
        lonsoutflat = N.ravel(lonsout)
        latsoutflat = N.ravel(latsout)
        ix = N.searchsorted(lonsin, lonsoutflat) - 1
        iy = N.searchsorted(latsin, latsoutflat) - 1
        xcoords = N.zeros(ix.shape, 'f')
        ycoords = N.zeros(iy.shape, 'f')
        for n, i in enumerate(ix):
            if i < 0:
                xcoords[n] = -1  # outside of range on lonsin (lower end)
            elif i >= len(lonsin) - 1:
                xcoords[n] = len(lonsin)  # outside range on upper end.
                xcoords[n] = float(i) + (lonsoutflat[n] - lonsin[i]) / (
                    lonsin[i + 1] - lonsin[i])
        xcoords = N.reshape(xcoords, lonsout.shape)
        for m, j in enumerate(iy):
            if j < 0:
                ycoords[m] = -1  # outside of range of latsin (on lower end)
            elif j >= len(latsin) - 1:
                ycoords[m] = len(latsin)  # outside range on upper end
                ycoords[m] = float(j) + (latsoutflat[m] - latsin[j]) / (
                    latsin[j + 1] - latsin[j])
        ycoords = N.reshape(ycoords, latsout.shape)
    coords = [ycoords, xcoords]
    # interpolate to output grid using numarray.nd_image spline filter.
    if order:
        return nd_image.map_coordinates(datain,
        # nearest neighbor interpolation if order=0.
        # uses index arrays, so first convert to numarray.
        datatmp = N.array(datain, datain.typecode())
        xi = N.around(xcoords).astype('i')
        yi = N.around(ycoords).astype('i')
        return datatmp[yi, xi]
コード例 #14
ファイル: p_gene_factor.py プロジェクト: polyactis/annot
	def group_data(self, data_list_2d, key_column=0, no_of_groups=6, group_size=None, cluster_column=-1):
			output: a dictionary
			group the data based on the key_column, but each key has similar amount of clusters
			from cluster_column. idea is similar to equal.count().
		sys.stderr.write("Grouping data...")
		data_array = array(data_list_2d)
		cluster_list = list(data_array[:,cluster_column])
		cluster_set = Set(cluster_list)
		if group_size:
			unit_length = group_size
			unit_length = len(cluster_set)/no_of_groups
		#06-28-05 construct a key 2 set of cluster_id(mcl_id)'s
		key2cluster_set = {}
		for i in range(len(data_array)):
			key = data_array[i,key_column]
			cluster_id = data_array[i, cluster_column]
			if key not in key2cluster_set:
				key2cluster_set[key] = Set()
		if self.debug:
			print key2cluster_set
		#06-28-05 convert key2cluster_set to a 2d list. and sort it based on key
		key_cluster_2d_list = []
		for key,cluster_set in key2cluster_set.iteritems():
		if self.debug:
			print key_cluster_2d_list
		#06-28-05	construct the boundaries for bin's
		bin_boundaries = [key_cluster_2d_list[0][0]]	#first key is already pushed in
		bin_set = Set()
		for key,cluster_set in key_cluster_2d_list:
			if len(bin_set) < unit_length:
				#the limit hasn't been reached.
				bin_set |= cluster_set
				bin_set = cluster_set
		if self.debug:
			print "The bin_boundaries is ", bin_boundaries
		#06-28-05	construct the final data structure to return
		key2data_array = {}
		for entry in data_list_2d:
			key = entry[key_column]
			bin_key_index = searchsorted(bin_boundaries, key)	#the trick is that the range is (...]. my bin_boundaries is [...)
													#transform below
			if bin_key_index==len(bin_boundaries):
				bin_key = bin_boundaries[bin_key_index-1]
			elif bin_boundaries[bin_key_index] == key:
				bin_key = key
				bin_key = bin_boundaries[bin_key_index-1]
			if bin_key not in key2data_array:
				key2data_array[bin_key] = []
		if self.debug:
			print "key2data_array is ",key2data_array
		return key2data_array
コード例 #15
ファイル: recipe-335390.py プロジェクト: zlrs/code-1
def find_closest(input_array, target_array, tol):

    Find the set of elements in input_array that are closest to
    elements in target_array.  Record the indices of the elements in
    target_array that are within tolerance, tol, of their closest
    match. Also record the indices of the elements in target_array
    that are outside tolerance, tol, of their match.

    For example, given an array of observations with irregular
    observation times along with an array of times of interest, this
    routine can be used to find those observations that are closest to
    the times of interest that are within a given time tolerance.

    NOTE: input_array must be sorted! The array, target_array, does not have to be sorted.

      input_array:  a sorted Float64 numarray
      target_array: a Float64 numarray
      tol:          a tolerance

      closest_indices:  the array of indices of elements in input_array that are closest to elements in target_array
      accept_indices:  the indices of elements in target_array that have a match in input_array within tolerance
      reject_indices:  the indices of elements in target_array that do not have a match in input_array within tolerance

    input_array_len = len(input_array)
    closest_indices = numarray.searchsorted(
        target_array)  # determine the locations of target_array in input_array
    acc_rej_indices = [-1] * len(target_array)
    curr_tol = [tol] * len(target_array)

    est_tol = 0.0
    for i in xrange(len(target_array)):
        best_off = 0  # used to adjust closest_indices[i] for best approximating element in input_array

        if closest_indices[i] >= input_array_len:
            # the value target_array[i] is >= all elements in input_array so check whether it is within tolerance of the last element
            closest_indices[i] = input_array_len - 1
            est_tol = target_array[i] - input_array[closest_indices[i]]
            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
                acc_rej_indices[i] = i
        elif target_array[i] == input_array[closest_indices[i]]:
            # target_array[i] is in input_array
            est_tol = 0.0
            curr_tol[i] = 0.0
            acc_rej_indices[i] = i
        elif closest_indices[i] == 0:
            # target_array[i] is <= all elements in input_array
            est_tol = input_array[0] - target_array[i]
            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
                acc_rej_indices[i] = i
            # target_array[i] is between input_array[closest_indices[i]-1] and input_array[closest_indices[i]]
            # and closest_indices[i] must be > 0
            top_tol = input_array[closest_indices[i]] - target_array[i]
            bot_tol = target_array[i] - input_array[closest_indices[i] - 1]
            if bot_tol <= top_tol:
                est_tol = bot_tol
                best_off = -1  # this is the only place where best_off != 0
                est_tol = top_tol

            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
                acc_rej_indices[i] = i

        if est_tol <= tol:
            closest_indices[i] += best_off

    accept_indices = numarray.compress(numarray.greater(acc_rej_indices, -1),
    reject_indices = numarray.compress(numarray.equal(acc_rej_indices, -1),
    return (closest_indices, accept_indices, reject_indices)