def calculate_spectrogram(input_array, framesize, hopsize, window_function = numarray.linear_algebra.mlab.hanning, keep_bands_until = 0, axis = 0): """Calculate the spectrogram.""" do_fft = lambda arr: abs(numarray.fft.real_fft(arr, axis = axis))[:keep_bands_until] keep_bands_until = keep_bands_until or int(framesize / 2) input_shape = map(None, numarray.shape(input_array)) window = window_function(framesize) if len(input_shape) > 1: window = transpose(array([list(window)] * input_shape[1])) # print "input_shape:", shape(input_array) zeros_shape = input_shape # this allows for both 1 and 2 dim inputs zeros_shape[0] = framesize / 2 input_array_plus_zeros = numarray.concatenate((numarray.zeros(zeros_shape), input_array, numarray.zeros(zeros_shape))) fft_range = range(0, len(input_array) - framesize, hopsize) fft_array = numarray.zeros(([len(fft_range)] + map(None, numarray.shape(do_fft(window)))), # do_fft(window) is used here because it gives the right shape numarray.Float32) * 1.0 # this *1.0 is necessary! for result_counter, input_counter in enumerate(fft_range): frame = window * input_array_plus_zeros[input_counter : input_counter + framesize] fft_array[result_counter] = 10 * numarray.log10(0.1 + do_fft(frame)) return fft_array
def read_data(filename, hdu = -1, verbose=0): ##################################################################### # Reads and return a NumPy array containing the data in extension # # hdu. # ##################################################################### if verbose: print "Opening ",filename, p = pcfitsio.fits_open_file(filename,0) if verbose: print ". Done." if hdu!=-1: pcfitsio.fits_movabs_hdu(p,hdu) if verbose: print "Reading image size.", n = pcfitsio.fits_read_keys_lng(p,"NAXIS",1,10) if verbose: print n,"Done." if n==[] or n==[0]: pcfitsio.fits_close_file(p) raise KeyError," Could not read NAXIS values" if verbose: print "Reading data.", data = 0 l = [] for i in range(len(n)): l.append(n[len(n)-i-1]) data = pcfitsio.fits_read_img(p,1,numarray.multiply.reduce(l) ,0.)[0] if verbose: print "Data read ok.",numarray.shape(data),numarray.multiply.reduce(l) if verbose: print "Reshape ",l data=numarray.reshape(data,l) if verbose: print "Reshape ",l," ok." if verbose: print "Read",n,"=",numarray.multiply.reduce(n),"elements.", if verbose: print "Done." if verbose: print "Closing",filename, pcfitsio.fits_close_file(p) if verbose: print ".Done." return data
def fig3b(t, m, w, p): """ Plot image of age,metallicity weights -- nearest neighbor interpolation""" NREP = 50 xi = pylab.linspace(0.1, 15, 512) yi = pylab.linspace(-2.5, 0.9, 512) z = numarray.zeros((len(xi), len(yi)), numarray.Float) # create t, metallicity array y = numarray.repeat(m, NREP) dt = t[1] - t[0] x = numarray.arange(t[0], t[-1] + 2 * dt, dt / NREP) x = x[0:len(y)] x = 10.**x / 1.e9 weight = numarray.repeat(w, NREP) # Find the indices in the array xindex = numarray.searchsorted(xi, x) print "shape(x), shape(y), shape(weight)", numarray.shape( x), numarray.shape(y), numarray.shape(weight) if p.sigma > 0: if p.dsigmadlogt == 0.: for i in range(len(y)): nstars = weight[i] * normgauss(yi, y[i], p.sigma) j = xindex[i] z[j, :] += nstars if p.dsigmadlogt != 0.: for i in range(len(y)): logt0 = numarray.log10(x[0]) logt = numarray.log10(x[i]) sigma = p.sigma + p.dsigmadlogt * (logt - logt0) nstars = weight[i] * normgauss(yi, y[i], sigma) j = xindex[i] z[j, :] += nstars else: sigma = 0.01 for i in range(len(y)): nstars = weight[i] * normgauss(yi, y[i], sigma) j = xindex[i] z[j, :] += nstars # yindex = numarray.searchsorted(yi,y) # z[xindex,yindex] = z[xindex,yindex] + weight # increment the 2-d array zz = numarray.transpose(z) pylab.imshow(zz, extent=[0.1, 15, -2.5, 0.9], aspect='auto') pylab.xlabel("Age (Gyr)") pylab.ylabel("[Fe/H]") return xi, yi, zz
def fig3b(t,m,w,p): """ Plot image of age,metallicity weights -- nearest neighbor interpolation""" NREP = 50 xi = pylab.linspace(0.1,15,512) yi = pylab.linspace(-2.5,0.9,512) z = numarray.zeros((len(xi),len(yi)),numarray.Float) # create t, metallicity array y = numarray.repeat(m,NREP) dt = t[1]-t[0] x = numarray.arange(t[0],t[-1]+2*dt,dt/NREP) x = x[0:len(y)] x = 10.**x/1.e9 weight = numarray.repeat(w,NREP) # Find the indices in the array xindex = numarray.searchsorted(xi,x) print "shape(x), shape(y), shape(weight)", numarray.shape(x),numarray.shape(y), numarray.shape(weight) if p.sigma > 0: if p.dsigmadlogt == 0.: for i in range(len(y)): nstars = weight[i]*normgauss(yi,y[i],p.sigma) j = xindex[i] z[j,:] += nstars if p.dsigmadlogt != 0.: for i in range(len(y)): logt0 = numarray.log10(x[0]) logt = numarray.log10(x[i]) sigma = p.sigma + p.dsigmadlogt*(logt-logt0) nstars = weight[i]*normgauss(yi,y[i],sigma) j = xindex[i] z[j,:] += nstars else: sigma = 0.01 for i in range(len(y)): nstars = weight[i]*normgauss(yi,y[i],sigma) j = xindex[i] z[j,:] += nstars # yindex = numarray.searchsorted(yi,y) # z[xindex,yindex] = z[xindex,yindex] + weight # increment the 2-d array zz = numarray.transpose(z) pylab.imshow(zz,extent=[0.1,15,-2.5,0.9],aspect='auto') pylab.xlabel("Age (Gyr)") pylab.ylabel("[Fe/H]") return xi,yi,zz
def decode_mixture(P, entropy_cutoff): """ Given P, a (|sequences| x |models|)-matrix where P_{ij} = P[model j| sequence i] return a list of size (|sequences|) which contains j, the model which maximizes P[model j| sequence i] for a sequence, if the entropy of the discrete distribution { P[ . | sequence i] } is less than the entropy_cutoff and None else. """ nr_seqs = numarray.shape(P)[0] result = [None] * nr_seqs for i in xrange(nr_seqs): e = Entropy(P[i]) #print e, P[i] if e < entropy_cutoff: result[i] = int(numarray.argmax(P[i])) return result
def fig3e(t,m,w,p): """ Plot image of log(age),metallicity weights -- nearest neighbor interpolation""" xi = pylab.linspace(8,10.25,512) yi = pylab.linspace(-2.5,0.9,512) z = numarray.zeros((len(xi),len(yi)),numarray.Float) # create t, metallicity array x = t y = m # Find the indices in the array xindex = numarray.searchsorted(xi,x) if p.sigma > 0: for i in range(len(y)): nstars = w[i]*normgauss(yi,y[i],p.sigma) print "shape(z),len(nstars)", numarray.shape(z), len(nstars) z[xindex[i],:] += nstars else: yindex = numarray.searchsorted(yi,y) z[xindex,yindex] = z[xindex,yindex] + weight # increment the 2-d array zz = numarray.transpose(z) pylab.imshow(zz,extent=[8,10.25,-2.5,0.9],aspect='auto')
def plot_PCA_residuals(data, D=None, newfig=True, marker='o'): if D is None: D = shape(data)[1] p=doPCA(data, D, D) spec=zeros((D,1),Float) for i in range(1,D): spec[i] = norm(p.d[:i]) res = transpose(sqrt(spec[-1]**2-spec**2)/spec[-1])[0] print "2-norm of PCA spectrum =", spec[-1] if newfig: figure() style='k'+marker else: style=marker semilogy(res,style) ## title('PCA residuals') xlabel(r'$\rm{Dimension}$',fontsize=20) ylabel(r'$\rm{PCA \ residual}$',fontsize=20) return p, res
def plot_PCA_residuals(data, D=None, newfig=True, marker='o'): if D is None: D = shape(data)[1] p = doPCA(data, D, D) spec = zeros((D, 1), Float) for i in range(1, D): spec[i] = norm(p.d[:i]) res = transpose(sqrt(spec[-1]**2 - spec**2) / spec[-1])[0] print "2-norm of PCA spectrum =", spec[-1] if newfig: figure() style = 'k' + marker else: style = marker semilogy(res, style) ## title('PCA residuals') xlabel(r'$\rm{Dimension}$', fontsize=20) ylabel(r'$\rm{PCA \ residual}$', fontsize=20) return p, res
def fig3e(t, m, w, p): """ Plot image of log(age),metallicity weights -- nearest neighbor interpolation""" xi = pylab.linspace(8, 10.25, 512) yi = pylab.linspace(-2.5, 0.9, 512) z = numarray.zeros((len(xi), len(yi)), numarray.Float) # create t, metallicity array x = t y = m # Find the indices in the array xindex = numarray.searchsorted(xi, x) if p.sigma > 0: for i in range(len(y)): nstars = w[i] * normgauss(yi, y[i], p.sigma) print "shape(z),len(nstars)", numarray.shape(z), len(nstars) z[xindex[i], :] += nstars else: yindex = numarray.searchsorted(yi, y) z[xindex, yindex] = z[xindex, yindex] + weight # increment the 2-d array zz = numarray.transpose(z) pylab.imshow(zz, extent=[8, 10.25, -2.5, 0.9], aspect='auto')
def _rc(self, a): if len(shape(a)) == 0: return a else: return Matrix(a)
def write_to_hdf_old_style(self, hdffile, where, name, title, complib=None, complevel=None): accu_group=hdffile.createGroup(where=where,name=name,title=title) accu_group._v_attrs.damaris_type="Accumulation" if self.contains_data(): self.lock.acquire() try: # save time stamps if self.time_period is not None and len(self.time_period)>0: accu_group._v_attrs.earliest_time="%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"%(self.time_period[0].year, self.time_period[0].month, self.time_period[0].day, self.time_period[0].hour, self.time_period[0].minute, self.time_period[0].second, self.time_period[0].microsecond/1000) accu_group._v_attrs.oldest_time="%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"%(self.time_period[1].year, self.time_period[1].month, self.time_period[1].day, self.time_period[1].hour, self.time_period[1].minute, self.time_period[1].second, self.time_period[1].microsecond/1000) if self.common_descriptions is not None: for (key,value) in self.common_descriptions.iteritems(): accu_group._v_attrs.__setattr__("description_"+key,str(value)) # save channel data for channel_no in xrange(len(self.y)): y_mean=self.get_ydata(channel_no) y_sigma=self.get_yerr(channel_no) for index_no in xrange(len(self.index)): index=self.index[index_no] # set time data timedata=numarray.array(type = numarray.Float64, shape = (2*(index[1]-index[0]+1),)) timedata[0::2]=y_mean[index[0]:index[1]+1] if len(y_sigma): timedata[1::2]=y_sigma[index[0]:index[1]+1] else: timedata[1::2]=numarray.zeros(type = numarray.Float64, shape = ((index[1]-index[0]+1),)) timedata.setshape((index[1]-index[0]+1,2)) time_slice_data=None if complib is not None: if complevel is None: complevel=9 chunkshape = numarray.shape(timedata) if len(chunkshape) <= 1: chunkshape = (min(chunkshape[0],1024*8),) else: chunkshape = (min(chunkshape[0],1024*8), chunkshape[1]) time_slice_data=hdffile.createCArray(accu_group, name="idx%04d_ch%04d"%(index_no,channel_no), shape=timedata.getshape(), atom=tables.Float64Atom(shape=chunkshape, flavor="numarray"), filters=tables.Filters(complevel=complevel, complib=complib, shuffle=1), title="Index %d, Channel %d"%(index_no,channel_no)) time_slice_data[:]=timedata else: time_slice_data=hdffile.createArray(accu_group, name="idx%04d_ch%04d"%(index_no,channel_no), object=timedata, title="Index %d, Channel %d"%(index_no,channel_no)) timedata=None # set attributes time_slice_data._f_setAttr("index",numarray.array(index_no, type=numarray.Int32)) time_slice_data._f_setAttr("channel",numarray.array(channel_no, type=numarray.Int32)) time_slice_data._f_setAttr("number",numarray.array(self.n, type=numarray.Int64)) time_slice_data._f_setAttr("dwelltime",numarray.array(1.0/self.sampling_rate, type=numarray.Float64)) time_slice_data._f_setAttr("start_time",numarray.array(1.0/self.sampling_rate*index[0], type=numarray.Float64)) finally: time_slice_data=None accu_group=None self.lock.release()
def whiten(data): wdata=zeros(shape(data),Float) for d in range(shape(data)[1]): x = data[:,d] wdata[:,d] = (x-mean(x))/std(x) return wdata
def write_data(filename, data, bitpix = -1, hdu = -1, append=0, verbose=0): ############################################################################# # Write an array, or a list, to the file filename # # The type of the array determines the value of bitpix, which can be # # overwritten if necessary. Data will be written to the extension # # indicated by the parameter hdu=. If that extension does not exist but the # # parameter appen= is set to 1, then a new hdu is appended to the data # # Setting verbose=1 turns on the verbose mode # ############################################################################# import posixpath if type(filename) != type(" "): raise InvalidFilename try: data = numarray.asarray(data) # data = numarray.transpose(data) naxes = numarray.asarray(numarray.shape(data)).tolist() l = [] for i in range(len(naxes)): l.append(naxes[len(naxes)-i-1]) naxes=l except: raise InvalidData if bitpix == -1: if data.typecode()=='l': bitpix = 32 if data.typecode()=='d': bitpix = -32 if not (bitpix in [-32,8,16,32]): print "Invalid BITPIX: ",bitpix return ok = 0 new = 1 if (posixpath.isfile(filename)): p = pcfitsio.fits_open_file(filename,1) ok = 1 new = 0 if hdu != -1: try: if verbose: print "Trying to move to extension #"+`hdu` pcfitsio.fits_movabs_hdu(p,hdu) append = 0 ok = 1 except: if verbose: print "Failed to move to extension #"+`hdu` if append: # Create a new image extension if verbose: print "Appending an image extension.", pcfitsio.fits_create_img(p,bitpix,naxes) if verbose: print "Done.", # Find out the number of extensions # hdunum = pcfitsio.fits_get_num_hdus(p) # if verbose: print "Total #hdu:",hdunum # pcfitsio.fits_movabs_hdu(p,hdunum) ok = 1 else: if verbose: print "File not found." if verbose: print "Creating:",filename, p = pcfitsio.fits_create_file(filename) new = 1 if verbose: print "Done." if verbose: print "Appending an image extension.", pcfitsio.fits_create_img(p,bitpix,naxes) pcfitsio.fits_close_file(p) p = pcfitsio.fits_open_file(filename,1) if verbose: print "Done.", # Find out the number of extensions hdunum = pcfitsio.fits_get_num_hdus(p) if verbose: print "Total #hdu:",hdunum pcfitsio.fits_movabs_hdu(p,hdunum) ok = 1 # Write the data to the file which is now opened/created if ok: if new == 0: if verbose: print "Resizing img ext..", pcfitsio.fits_resize_img(p,bitpix,naxes) if verbose: print "Writing data.",naxes, if verbose: print numarray.multiply.reduce(naxes) pcfitsio.fits_write_img(p,1,numarray.multiply.reduce(naxes),data) if verbose: print "Done." if verbose: print "Closing",filename, pcfitsio.fits_close_file(p) if verbose: print "Done."
def write_to_hdf_old_style(self, hdffile, where, name, title, complib=None, complevel=None): accu_group=hdffile.createGroup(where=where,name=name,title=title) accu_group._v_attrs.damaris_type="ADC_result" if self.contains_data(): self.lock.acquire() try: # save time stamps if "job_date" in dir(self) and self.job_date is not None: accu_group._v_attrs.time="%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"%(self.job_date.year, self.job_date.month,, self.job_date.hour, self.job_date.minute, self.job_date.second, self.job_date.microsecond/1000) if self.description is not None: for (key,value) in self.description.iteritems(): accu_group._v_attrs.__setattr__("description_"+key,str(value)) # save channel data for channel_no in xrange(len(self.y)): y_mean=self.get_ydata(channel_no) for index_no in xrange(len(self.index)): index=self.index[index_no] # set time data timedata=numarray.array(y_mean[index[0]:index[1]+1], type = numarray.Int32) time_slice_data=None if complib is not None: if complevel is None: complevel=9 chunkshape = numarray.shape(timedata) if len(chunkshape) <= 1: chunkshape = (min(chunkshape[0],1024*8),) else: chunkshape = (min(chunkshape[0],1024*8), chunkshape[1]) time_slice_data=hdffile.createCArray(accu_group, name="idx%04d_ch%04d"%(index_no,channel_no), shape=timedata.getshape(), atom=tables.Int32Atom(shape=chunkshape, flavor="numarray"), filters=tables.Filters(complevel=complevel, complib=complib), title="Index %d, Channel %d"%(index_no,channel_no)) time_slice_data[:]=timedata else: time_slice_data=hdffile.createArray(accu_group, name="idx%04d_ch%04d"%(index_no,channel_no), object=timedata, title="Index %d, Channel %d"%(index_no,channel_no)) timedata=None # set attributes time_slice_data._f_setAttr("index",numarray.array(index_no, type=numarray.Int32)) time_slice_data._f_setAttr("channel",numarray.array(channel_no, type=numarray.Int32)) time_slice_data._f_setAttr("dwelltime",numarray.array(1.0/self.sampling_rate, type=numarray.Float64)) time_slice_data._f_setAttr("start_time",numarray.array(1.0/self.sampling_rate*index[0], type=numarray.Float64)) finally: time_slice_data=None accu_group=None self.lock.release()
def whiten(data): wdata = zeros(shape(data), Float) for d in range(shape(data)[1]): x = data[:, d] wdata[:, d] = (x - mean(x)) / std(x) return wdata
def write_to_hdf_new_style(self, hdffile, where, name, title, complib=None, complevel=None): accu_group=hdffile.createGroup(where=where,name=name,title=title) accu_group._v_attrs.damaris_type="ADC_result" if self.contains_data(): self.lock.acquire() try: # save time stamps if "job_date" in dir(self) and self.job_date is not None: accu_group._v_attrs.time="%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"%(self.job_date.year, self.job_date.month,, self.job_date.hour, self.job_date.minute, self.job_date.second, self.job_date.microsecond/1000) if self.description is not None: for (key,value) in self.description.iteritems(): accu_group._v_attrs.__setattr__("description_"+key,str(value)) # save interval information filter=None if complib is not None: if complevel is None: complevel=9 filter=tables.Filters(complevel=complevel,complib=complib,shuffle=1) index_table=hdffile.createTable(where=accu_group, name="indices", description={"start": tables.UInt64Col(), "length": tables.UInt64Col(), "start_time": tables.Float64Col(), "dwelltime": tables.Float64Col()}, title="indices of adc data intervals", filters=filter, expectedrows=len(self.index)) # save channel data new_row=index_table.row for i in xrange(len(self.index)): new_row["start"]=self.index[i][0] new_row["dwelltime"]=1.0/self.sampling_rate new_row["start_time"]=1.0/self.sampling_rate*self.index[i][0] new_row["length"]=self.index[i][1]-self.index[i][0]+1 new_row.append() index_table.flush() new_row=None index_table=None # prepare saving data channel_no=len(self.y) timedata=numarray.array(shape = (len(self.y[0]),channel_no), type = numarray.Int32) for ch in xrange(channel_no): timedata[:,ch]=self.get_ydata(ch) # save data time_slice_data=None if filter is not None: chunkshape = numarray.shape(timedata) if len(chunkshape) <= 1: chunkshape = (min(chunkshape[0],1024*8),) else: chunkshape = (min(chunkshape[0],1024*8), chunkshape[1]) time_slice_data=hdffile.createCArray(accu_group, name="adc_data", shape=timedata.getshape(), atom=tables.Int32Atom(shape=chunkshape, flavor="numarray"), filters=filter, title="adc data") time_slice_data[:]=timedata else: time_slice_data=hdffile.createArray(accu_group, name="adc_data", object=timedata, title="adc data") finally: timedata=None time_slice_data=None accu_group=None self.lock.release()