コード例 #1
    def interpret(self, bytecode):
        Generate IR for this bytecode.
        self.bytecode = bytecode

        self.scopes = []
        global_scope = ir.Scope(parent=None, loc=self.loc)

        if PYVERSION < (3, 7):
            # Control flow analysis
            self.cfa = controlflow.ControlFlowAnalysis(bytecode)
            if config.DUMP_CFG:

            # Data flow analysis
            self.dfa = dataflow.DataFlowAnalysis(self.cfa)
            flow = Flow(bytecode)
            self.dfa = AdaptDFA(flow)
            self.cfa = AdaptCFA(flow)
            if config.DUMP_CFG:

        # Temp states during interpretation
        self.current_block = None
        self.current_block_offset = None
        self.syntax_blocks = []
        self.dfainfo = None

        firstblk = min(self.cfa.blocks.keys())
        self.scopes.append(ir.Scope(parent=self.current_scope, loc=self.loc))
        # Interpret loop
        for inst, kws in self._iter_inst():
            self._dispatch(inst, kws)


        # Prepare FunctionIR
        fir = ir.FunctionIR(
        return fir
コード例 #2
class Interpreter(object):
    """A bytecode interpreter that builds up the IR."""

    def __init__(self, func_id):
        self.func_id = func_id
        self.arg_count = func_id.arg_count
        self.arg_names = func_id.arg_names
        self.loc = self.first_loc = ir.Loc.from_function_id(func_id)
        self.is_generator = func_id.is_generator

        # { inst offset : ir.Block }
        self.blocks = {}
        # { name: [definitions] } of local variables
        self.definitions = collections.defaultdict(list)
        # A set to keep track of all exception variables.
        # To be used in _legalize_exception_vars()
        self._exception_vars = set()

    def interpret(self, bytecode):
        Generate IR for this bytecode.
        self.bytecode = bytecode

        self.scopes = []
        global_scope = ir.Scope(parent=None, loc=self.loc)

        if PYVERSION < (3, 7):
            # Control flow analysis
            self.cfa = controlflow.ControlFlowAnalysis(bytecode)
            if config.DUMP_CFG:

            # Data flow analysis
            self.dfa = dataflow.DataFlowAnalysis(self.cfa)
            flow = Flow(bytecode)
            self.dfa = AdaptDFA(flow)
            self.cfa = AdaptCFA(flow)
            if config.DUMP_CFG:

        # Temp states during interpretation
        self.current_block = None
        self.current_block_offset = None
        self.syntax_blocks = []
        self.dfainfo = None

        firstblk = min(self.cfa.blocks.keys())
        self.scopes.append(ir.Scope(parent=self.current_scope, loc=self.loc))
        # Interpret loop
        for inst, kws in self._iter_inst():
            self._dispatch(inst, kws)


        # Prepare FunctionIR
        fir = ir.FunctionIR(
        return fir

    def _legalize_exception_vars(self):
        """Search for unsupported use of exception variables.
        Note, they cannot be stored into user variable.
        # Build a set of exception variables
        excvars = self._exception_vars.copy()
        # Propagate the exception variables to LHS of assignment
        for varname, defnvars in self.definitions.items():
            for v in defnvars:
                if isinstance(v, ir.Var):
                    k = v.name
                    if k in excvars:
        # Filter out the user variables.
        uservar = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("$"), excvars))
        if uservar:
            # Complain about the first user-variable storing an exception
            first = uservar[0]
            loc = self.current_scope.get(first).loc
            msg = "Exception object cannot be stored into variable ({})."
            raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg.format(first), loc=loc)

    def init_first_block(self):
        # Define variables receiving the function arguments
        for index, name in enumerate(self.arg_names):
            val = ir.Arg(index=index, name=name, loc=self.loc)
            self.store(val, name)

    def _iter_inst(self):
        for blkct, block in enumerate(self.cfa.iterliveblocks()):
            firstinst = self.bytecode[block.offset]
            self.loc = self.loc.with_lineno(firstinst.lineno)
            if blkct == 0:
                # Is first block
            for offset, kws in self.dfainfo.insts:
                inst = self.bytecode[offset]
                self.loc = self.loc.with_lineno(inst.lineno)
                yield inst, kws

    def _start_new_block(self, offset):
        oldblock = self.current_block
        # Ensure the last block is terminated
        if oldblock is not None and not oldblock.is_terminated:
            # Handle ending try block.
            tryblk = self.dfainfo.active_try_block
            # If there's an active try-block and the handler block is live.
            if tryblk is not None and tryblk["end"] in self.cfa.graph.nodes():
                # We are in a try-block, insert a branch to except-block.
                # This logic cannot be in self._end_current_block()
                # because we the non-raising next block-offset.
                branch = ir.Branch(
            # Handle normal case
                jmp = ir.Jump(offset, loc=self.loc)
        # Get DFA block info
        self.dfainfo = self.dfa.infos[self.current_block_offset]
        self.assigner = Assigner()
        # Check out-of-scope syntactic-block
        while self.syntax_blocks:
            if offset >= self.syntax_blocks[-1].exit:

    def _end_current_block(self):
        # Handle try block
        if not self.current_block.is_terminated:
            tryblk = self.dfainfo.active_try_block
            if tryblk is not None:
        # Handle normal block cleanup

    def _inject_call(self, func, gv_name, res_name=None):
        """A helper function to inject a call to *func* which is a python

        func : callable
            The function object to be called.
        gv_name : str
            The variable name to be used to store the function object.
        res_name : str; optional
            The variable name to be used to store the call result.
            If ``None``, a name is created automatically.
        gv_fn = ir.Global(gv_name, func, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=gv_fn, name=gv_name, redefine=True)
        callres = ir.Expr.call(self.get(gv_name), (), (), loc=self.loc)
        res_name = res_name or "$callres_{}".format(gv_name)
        self.store(value=callres, name=res_name, redefine=True)

    def _insert_try_block_begin(self):
        """Insert IR-nodes to mark the start of a `try` block."""
        self._inject_call(eh.mark_try_block, "mark_try_block")

    def _insert_try_block_end(self):
        """Insert IR-nodes to mark the end of a `try` block."""
        self._inject_call(eh.end_try_block, "end_try_block")

    def _insert_exception_variables(self):
        """Insert IR-nodes to initialize the exception variables."""
        tryblk = self.dfainfo.active_try_block
        # Get exception variables
        endblk = tryblk["end"]
        edgepushed = self.dfainfo.outgoing_edgepushed.get(endblk)
        # Note: the last value on the stack is the exception value
        # Note: due to the current limitation, all exception variables are None
        if edgepushed:
            scope = self.current_scope
            const_none = ir.Const(value=None, loc=self.loc)
            # For each variable going to the handler block.
            for var in edgepushed:
                if var in self.definitions:
                    raise AssertionError(
                        "exception variable CANNOT be defined by other code",
                self.store(value=const_none, name=var)

    def _insert_exception_check(self):
        """Called before the end of a block to inject checks if raised."""
        # Do exception check
        self._inject_call(eh.exception_check, "exception_check", "$exception_check")

    def _remove_unused_temporaries(self):
        Remove assignments to unused temporary variables from the
        current block.
        new_body = []
        for inst in self.current_block.body:
            if (
                isinstance(inst, ir.Assign)
                and inst.target.is_temp
                and inst.target.name in self.assigner.unused_dests
        self.current_block.body = new_body

    def _insert_outgoing_phis(self):
        Add assignments to forward requested outgoing values
        to subsequent blocks.
        for phiname, varname in self.dfainfo.outgoing_phis.items():
            target = self.current_scope.get_or_define(phiname, loc=self.loc)
            stmt = ir.Assign(value=self.get(varname), target=target, loc=self.loc)
            if not self.current_block.is_terminated:

    def get_global_value(self, name):
        Get a global value from the func_global (first) or
        as a builtins (second).  If both failed, return a ir.UNDEFINED.
            return get_function_globals(self.func_id.func)[name]
        except KeyError:
            return getattr(builtins, name, ir.UNDEFINED)

    def get_closure_value(self, index):
        Get a value from the cell contained in this function's closure.
        If not set, return a ir.UNDEFINED.
        cell = self.func_id.func.__closure__[index]
            return cell.cell_contents
        except ValueError:
            return ir.UNDEFINED

    def current_scope(self):
        return self.scopes[-1]

    def code_consts(self):
        return self.bytecode.co_consts

    def code_locals(self):
        return self.bytecode.co_varnames

    def code_names(self):
        return self.bytecode.co_names

    def code_cellvars(self):
        return self.bytecode.co_cellvars

    def code_freevars(self):
        return self.bytecode.co_freevars

    def _dispatch(self, inst, kws):
        assert self.current_block is not None
        fname = "op_%s" % inst.opname.replace("+", "_")
            fn = getattr(self, fname)
        except AttributeError:
            raise NotImplementedError(inst)
                return fn(inst, **kws)
            except errors.NotDefinedError as e:
                if e.loc is None:
                    loc = self.loc
                    loc = e.loc

                err = errors.NotDefinedError(e.name, loc=loc)
                if not config.FULL_TRACEBACKS:
                    raise value from None
                    raise err

    # --- Scope operations ---

    def store(self, value, name, redefine=False):
        Store *value* (a Expr or Var instance) into the variable named *name*
        (a str object). Returns the target variable.
        if redefine or self.current_block_offset in self.cfa.backbone:
            rename = not (name in self.code_cellvars)
            target = self.current_scope.redefine(name, loc=self.loc, rename=rename)
            target = self.current_scope.get_or_define(name, loc=self.loc)
        if isinstance(value, ir.Var):
            value = self.assigner.assign(value, target)
        stmt = ir.Assign(value=value, target=target, loc=self.loc)
        return target

    def get(self, name):
        Get the variable (a Var instance) with the given *name*.
        # Implicit argument for comprehension starts with '.'
        # See Parameter class in inspect.py (from Python source)
        if name[0] == "." and name[1:].isdigit():
            name = "implicit{}".format(name[1:])

        # Try to simplify the variable lookup by returning an earlier
        # variable assigned to *name*.
        var = self.assigner.get_assignment_source(name)
        if var is None:
            var = self.current_scope.get(name)
        return var

    # --- Block operations ---

    def insert_block(self, offset, scope=None, loc=None):
        scope = scope or self.current_scope
        loc = loc or self.loc
        blk = ir.Block(scope=scope, loc=loc)
        self.blocks[offset] = blk
        self.current_block = blk
        self.current_block_offset = offset
        return blk

    # --- Bytecode handlers ---

    def op_NOP(self, inst):

    def op_PRINT_ITEM(self, inst, item, printvar, res):
        item = self.get(item)
        printgv = ir.Global("print", print, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=printgv, name=printvar)
        call = ir.Expr.call(self.get(printvar), (item,), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=call, name=res)

    def op_PRINT_NEWLINE(self, inst, printvar, res):
        printgv = ir.Global("print", print, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=printgv, name=printvar)
        call = ir.Expr.call(self.get(printvar), (), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=call, name=res)

    def op_UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, inst, iterable, stores, tupleobj):
        count = len(stores)
        # Exhaust the iterable into a tuple-like object
        tup = ir.Expr.exhaust_iter(value=self.get(iterable), loc=self.loc, count=count)
        self.store(name=tupleobj, value=tup)

        # then index the tuple-like object to extract the values
        for i, st in enumerate(stores):
            expr = ir.Expr.static_getitem(
                self.get(tupleobj), index=i, index_var=None, loc=self.loc
            self.store(expr, st)

    def op_BUILD_SLICE(self, inst, start, stop, step, res, slicevar):
        start = self.get(start)
        stop = self.get(stop)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        if step is None:
            sliceinst = ir.Expr.call(
                self.get(slicevar), (start, stop), (), loc=self.loc
            step = self.get(step)
            sliceinst = ir.Expr.call(
                self.get(slicevar), (start, stop, step), (), loc=self.loc
        self.store(value=sliceinst, name=res)

    def op_SLICE_0(self, inst, base, res, slicevar, indexvar, nonevar):
        base = self.get(base)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (none, none), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        expr = ir.Expr.getitem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=expr, name=res)

    def op_SLICE_1(self, inst, base, start, nonevar, res, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        start = self.get(start)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (start, none), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        expr = ir.Expr.getitem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=expr, name=res)

    def op_SLICE_2(self, inst, base, nonevar, stop, res, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        stop = self.get(stop)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (none, stop,), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        expr = ir.Expr.getitem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=expr, name=res)

    def op_SLICE_3(self, inst, base, start, stop, res, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        start = self.get(start)
        stop = self.get(stop)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (start, stop), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        expr = ir.Expr.getitem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=expr, name=res)

    def op_STORE_SLICE_0(self, inst, base, value, slicevar, indexvar, nonevar):
        base = self.get(base)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (none, none), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc)

    def op_STORE_SLICE_1(self, inst, base, start, nonevar, value, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        start = self.get(start)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (start, none), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc)

    def op_STORE_SLICE_2(self, inst, base, nonevar, stop, value, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        stop = self.get(stop)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (none, stop,), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc)

    def op_STORE_SLICE_3(self, inst, base, start, stop, value, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        start = self.get(start)
        stop = self.get(stop)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (start, stop), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)
        stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc)

    def op_DELETE_SLICE_0(self, inst, base, slicevar, indexvar, nonevar):
        base = self.get(base)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (none, none), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        stmt = ir.DelItem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc)

    def op_DELETE_SLICE_1(self, inst, base, start, nonevar, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        start = self.get(start)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (start, none), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        stmt = ir.DelItem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc)

    def op_DELETE_SLICE_2(self, inst, base, nonevar, stop, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        stop = self.get(stop)

        nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=nonegv, name=nonevar)
        none = self.get(nonevar)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (none, stop,), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)

        stmt = ir.DelItem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc)

    def op_DELETE_SLICE_3(self, inst, base, start, stop, slicevar, indexvar):
        base = self.get(base)
        start = self.get(start)
        stop = self.get(stop)

        slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=slicegv, name=slicevar)

        index = ir.Expr.call(self.get(slicevar), (start, stop), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=index, name=indexvar)
        stmt = ir.DelItem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc)

    def op_LOAD_FAST(self, inst, res):
        srcname = self.code_locals[inst.arg]
        self.store(value=self.get(srcname), name=res)

    def op_STORE_FAST(self, inst, value):
        dstname = self.code_locals[inst.arg]
        value = self.get(value)
        self.store(value=value, name=dstname)

    def op_DELETE_FAST(self, inst):
        dstname = self.code_locals[inst.arg]
        self.current_block.append(ir.Del(dstname, loc=self.loc))

    def op_DUP_TOPX(self, inst, orig, duped):
        for src, dst in zip(orig, duped):
            self.store(value=self.get(src), name=dst)

    op_DUP_TOP = op_DUP_TOPX
    op_DUP_TOP_TWO = op_DUP_TOPX

    def op_STORE_ATTR(self, inst, target, value):
        attr = self.code_names[inst.arg]
        sa = ir.SetAttr(
            target=self.get(target), value=self.get(value), attr=attr, loc=self.loc

    def op_DELETE_ATTR(self, inst, target):
        attr = self.code_names[inst.arg]
        sa = ir.DelAttr(target=self.get(target), attr=attr, loc=self.loc)

    def op_LOAD_ATTR(self, inst, item, res):
        item = self.get(item)
        attr = self.code_names[inst.arg]
        getattr = ir.Expr.getattr(item, attr, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(getattr, res)

    def op_LOAD_CONST(self, inst, res):
        value = self.code_consts[inst.arg]
        if isinstance(value, tuple):
            st = []
            for x in value:
                nm = "$const_%s" % str(x)
                val_const = ir.Const(x, loc=self.loc)
                target = self.store(val_const, name=nm, redefine=True)
            const = ir.Expr.build_tuple(st, loc=self.loc)
            const = ir.Const(value, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(const, res)

    def op_LOAD_GLOBAL(self, inst, res):
        name = self.code_names[inst.arg]
        value = self.get_global_value(name)
        gl = ir.Global(name, value, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(gl, res)

    def op_LOAD_DEREF(self, inst, res):
        n_cellvars = len(self.code_cellvars)
        if inst.arg < n_cellvars:
            name = self.code_cellvars[inst.arg]
            gl = self.get(name)
            idx = inst.arg - n_cellvars
            name = self.code_freevars[idx]
            value = self.get_closure_value(idx)
            gl = ir.FreeVar(idx, name, value, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(gl, res)

    def op_STORE_DEREF(self, inst, value):
        n_cellvars = len(self.code_cellvars)
        if inst.arg < n_cellvars:
            dstname = self.code_cellvars[inst.arg]
            dstname = self.code_freevars[inst.arg - n_cellvars]
        value = self.get(value)
        self.store(value=value, name=dstname)

    def op_SETUP_LOOP(self, inst):
        assert self.blocks[inst.offset] is self.current_block
        loop = ir.Loop(inst.offset, exit=(inst.next + inst.arg))

    def op_SETUP_WITH(self, inst, contextmanager):
        assert self.blocks[inst.offset] is self.current_block
        exitpt = inst.next + inst.arg
        wth = ir.With(inst.offset, exit=exitpt)

    def op_SETUP_EXCEPT(self, inst):
        # Removed since python3.8

    def op_SETUP_FINALLY(self, inst):

    def op_WITH_CLEANUP(self, inst):

    def op_WITH_CLEANUP_START(self, inst):

    def op_WITH_CLEANUP_FINISH(self, inst):

    def op_END_FINALLY(self, inst):

    def op_BEGIN_FINALLY(self, inst, temps):
        # The *temps* are the exception variables
        const_none = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc)
        for tmp in temps:
            # Set to None for now
            self.store(const_none, name=tmp)

    if PYVERSION < (3, 6):

        def op_CALL_FUNCTION(self, inst, func, args, kws, res, vararg):
            func = self.get(func)
            args = [self.get(x) for x in args]
            if vararg is not None:
                vararg = self.get(vararg)

            # Process keywords
            keyvalues = []
            removethese = []
            for k, v in kws:
                k, v = self.get(k), self.get(v)
                for inst in self.current_block.body:
                    if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign) and inst.target is k:
                        keyvalues.append((inst.value.value, v))

            # Remove keyword constant statements
            for inst in removethese:

            expr = ir.Expr.call(func, args, keyvalues, loc=self.loc, vararg=vararg)
            self.store(expr, res)


        def op_CALL_FUNCTION(self, inst, func, args, res):
            func = self.get(func)
            args = [self.get(x) for x in args]
            expr = ir.Expr.call(func, args, (), loc=self.loc)
            self.store(expr, res)

        def op_CALL_FUNCTION_KW(self, inst, func, args, names, res):
            func = self.get(func)
            args = [self.get(x) for x in args]
            # Find names const
            names = self.get(names)
            for inst in self.current_block.body:
                if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign) and inst.target is names:
                    # scan up the block looking for the values, remove them
                    # and find their name strings
                    named_items = []
                    for x in inst.value.items:
                        for y in self.current_block.body[::-1]:
                            if x == y.target:
                    keys = named_items

            nkeys = len(keys)
            posvals = args[:-nkeys]
            kwvals = args[-nkeys:]
            keyvalues = list(zip(keys, kwvals))

            expr = ir.Expr.call(func, posvals, keyvalues, loc=self.loc)
            self.store(expr, res)

        def op_CALL_FUNCTION_EX(self, inst, func, vararg, res):
            func = self.get(func)
            vararg = self.get(vararg)
            expr = ir.Expr.call(func, [], [], loc=self.loc, vararg=vararg)
            self.store(expr, res)

    def _build_tuple_unpack(self, inst, tuples, temps):
        first = self.get(tuples[0])
        for other, tmp in zip(map(self.get, tuples[1:]), temps):
            out = ir.Expr.binop(fn=operator.add, lhs=first, rhs=other, loc=self.loc)
            self.store(out, tmp)
            first = self.get(tmp)

    def op_BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL(self, inst, tuples, temps):
        # just unpack the input tuple, call inst will be handled afterwards
        self._build_tuple_unpack(inst, tuples, temps)

    def op_BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK(self, inst, tuples, temps):
        self._build_tuple_unpack(inst, tuples, temps)

    def op_BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP(self, inst, keys, keytmps, values, res):
        # Unpack the constant key-tuple and reused build_map which takes
        # a sequence of (key, value) pair.
        keyvar = self.get(keys)
        # TODO: refactor this pattern. occurred several times.
        for inst in self.current_block.body:
            if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign) and inst.target is keyvar:
                # scan up the block looking for the values, remove them
                # and find their name strings
                named_items = []
                for x in inst.value.items:
                    for y in self.current_block.body[::-1]:
                        if x == y.target:
                keytup = named_items
        assert len(keytup) == len(values)
        keyconsts = [ir.Const(value=x, loc=self.loc) for x in keytup]
        for kval, tmp in zip(keyconsts, keytmps):
            self.store(kval, tmp)
        items = list(zip(map(self.get, keytmps), map(self.get, values)))
        expr = ir.Expr.build_map(items=items, size=2, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_GET_ITER(self, inst, value, res):
        expr = ir.Expr.getiter(value=self.get(value), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_FOR_ITER(self, inst, iterator, pair, indval, pred):
        Assign new block other this instruction.
        assert inst.offset in self.blocks, "FOR_ITER must be block head"

        # Emit code
        val = self.get(iterator)

        pairval = ir.Expr.iternext(value=val, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(pairval, pair)

        iternext = ir.Expr.pair_first(value=self.get(pair), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(iternext, indval)

        isvalid = ir.Expr.pair_second(value=self.get(pair), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(isvalid, pred)

        # Conditional jump
        br = ir.Branch(

    def op_BINARY_SUBSCR(self, inst, target, index, res):
        index = self.get(index)
        target = self.get(target)
        expr = ir.Expr.getitem(target, index=index, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_STORE_SUBSCR(self, inst, target, index, value):
        index = self.get(index)
        target = self.get(target)
        value = self.get(value)
        stmt = ir.SetItem(target=target, index=index, value=value, loc=self.loc)

    def op_DELETE_SUBSCR(self, inst, target, index):
        index = self.get(index)
        target = self.get(target)
        stmt = ir.DelItem(target=target, index=index, loc=self.loc)

    def op_BUILD_TUPLE(self, inst, items, res):
        expr = ir.Expr.build_tuple(items=[self.get(x) for x in items], loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_BUILD_LIST(self, inst, items, res):
        expr = ir.Expr.build_list(items=[self.get(x) for x in items], loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_BUILD_SET(self, inst, items, res):
        expr = ir.Expr.build_set(items=[self.get(x) for x in items], loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_BUILD_MAP(self, inst, items, size, res):
        items = [(self.get(k), self.get(v)) for k, v in items]
        expr = ir.Expr.build_map(items=items, size=size, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_STORE_MAP(self, inst, dct, key, value):
        stmt = ir.StoreMap(
            dct=self.get(dct), key=self.get(key), value=self.get(value), loc=self.loc

    def op_UNARY_NEGATIVE(self, inst, value, res):
        value = self.get(value)
        expr = ir.Expr.unary("-", value=value, loc=self.loc)
        return self.store(expr, res)

    def op_UNARY_POSITIVE(self, inst, value, res):
        value = self.get(value)
        expr = ir.Expr.unary("+", value=value, loc=self.loc)
        return self.store(expr, res)

    def op_UNARY_INVERT(self, inst, value, res):
        value = self.get(value)
        expr = ir.Expr.unary("~", value=value, loc=self.loc)
        return self.store(expr, res)

    def op_UNARY_NOT(self, inst, value, res):
        value = self.get(value)
        expr = ir.Expr.unary("not", value=value, loc=self.loc)
        return self.store(expr, res)

    def _binop(self, op, lhs, rhs, res):
        op = BINOPS_TO_OPERATORS[op]
        lhs = self.get(lhs)
        rhs = self.get(rhs)
        expr = ir.Expr.binop(op, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def _inplace_binop(self, op, lhs, rhs, res):
        immuop = BINOPS_TO_OPERATORS[op]
        op = INPLACE_BINOPS_TO_OPERATORS[op + "="]
        lhs = self.get(lhs)
        rhs = self.get(rhs)
        expr = ir.Expr.inplace_binop(op, immuop, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_BINARY_ADD(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("+", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_SUBTRACT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("-", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_MULTIPLY(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("*", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("/?", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("/", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("//", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_MODULO(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("%", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_POWER(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("**", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_MATRIX_MULTIPLY(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("@", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_LSHIFT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("<<", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_RSHIFT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop(">>", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_AND(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("&", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_OR(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("|", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BINARY_XOR(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._binop("^", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_ADD(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("+", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_SUBTRACT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("-", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_MULTIPLY(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("*", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("/?", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("/", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("//", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_MODULO(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("%", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_POWER(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("**", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_MATRIX_MULTIPLY(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("@", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_LSHIFT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("<<", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_RSHIFT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop(">>", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_AND(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("&", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_OR(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("|", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_INPLACE_XOR(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        self._inplace_binop("^", lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_JUMP_ABSOLUTE(self, inst):
        jmp = ir.Jump(inst.get_jump_target(), loc=self.loc)

    def op_JUMP_FORWARD(self, inst):
        jmp = ir.Jump(inst.get_jump_target(), loc=self.loc)

    def op_POP_BLOCK(self, inst, kind=None):
        if kind is None:
        elif kind == "try":

    def op_RETURN_VALUE(self, inst, retval, castval):
        self.store(ir.Expr.cast(self.get(retval), loc=self.loc), castval)
        ret = ir.Return(self.get(castval), loc=self.loc)

    def op_COMPARE_OP(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res):
        op = dis.cmp_op[inst.arg]
        if op == "in" or op == "not in":
            lhs, rhs = rhs, lhs

        if op == "not in":
            self._binop("in", lhs, rhs, res)
            tmp = self.get(res)
            out = ir.Expr.unary("not", value=tmp, loc=self.loc)
            self.store(out, res)
        elif op == "exception match":
            gv_fn = ir.Global("exception_match", eh.exception_match, loc=self.loc,)
            exc_match_name = "$exc_match"
            self.store(value=gv_fn, name=exc_match_name, redefine=True)
            lhs = self.get(lhs)
            rhs = self.get(rhs)
            exc = ir.Expr.call(
                self.get(exc_match_name), args=(lhs, rhs), kws=(), loc=self.loc,
            self.store(exc, res)
            self._binop(op, lhs, rhs, res)

    def op_BREAK_LOOP(self, inst, end=None):
        if end is None:
            loop = self.syntax_blocks[-1]
            assert isinstance(loop, ir.Loop)
            end = loop.exit
        jmp = ir.Jump(target=end, loc=self.loc)

    def _op_JUMP_IF(self, inst, pred, iftrue):
        brs = {
            True: inst.get_jump_target(),
            False: inst.next,
        truebr = brs[iftrue]
        falsebr = brs[not iftrue]
        bra = ir.Branch(
            cond=self.get(pred), truebr=truebr, falsebr=falsebr, loc=self.loc

    def op_JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, inst, pred):
        self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=False)

    def op_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, inst, pred):
        self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=True)

    def op_POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, inst, pred):
        self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=False)

    def op_POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, inst, pred):
        self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=True)

    def op_JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP(self, inst, pred):
        self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=False)

    def op_JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP(self, inst, pred):
        self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=True)

    def op_RAISE_VARARGS(self, inst, exc):
        if exc is not None:
            exc = self.get(exc)
        tryblk = self.dfainfo.active_try_block
        if tryblk is not None:
            # In a try block
            stmt = ir.TryRaise(exception=exc, loc=self.loc)
            self.current_block.append(ir.Jump(tryblk["end"], loc=self.loc))
            # Not in a try block
            stmt = ir.Raise(exception=exc, loc=self.loc)

    def op_YIELD_VALUE(self, inst, value, res):
        # initialize index to None.  it's being set later in post-processing
        index = None
        inst = ir.Yield(value=self.get(value), index=index, loc=self.loc)
        return self.store(inst, res)

    def op_MAKE_FUNCTION(
        self, inst, name, code, closure, annotations, kwdefaults, defaults, res
        if annotations is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "op_MAKE_FUNCTION with annotations is not implemented"
        if kwdefaults is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "op_MAKE_FUNCTION with kwdefaults is not implemented"
        if defaults:
            if isinstance(defaults, tuple):
                defaults = tuple([self.get(name) for name in defaults])
                defaults = self.get(defaults)

        assume_code_const = self.definitions[code][0]
        if not isinstance(assume_code_const, ir.Const):
            msg = (
                "Unsupported use of closure. "
                "Probably caused by complex control-flow constructs; "
                "e.g. try-except"
            raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg, loc=self.loc)
        fcode = assume_code_const.value
        if name:
            name = self.get(name)
        if closure:
            closure = self.get(closure)
        expr = ir.Expr.make_function(name, fcode, closure, defaults, self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)

    def op_MAKE_CLOSURE(
        self, inst, name, code, closure, annotations, kwdefaults, defaults, res
            inst, name, code, closure, annotations, kwdefaults, defaults, res

    def op_LOAD_CLOSURE(self, inst, res):
        n_cellvars = len(self.code_cellvars)
        if inst.arg < n_cellvars:
            name = self.code_cellvars[inst.arg]
                gl = self.get(name)
            except NotDefinedError as e:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Unsupported use of op_LOAD_CLOSURE encountered"
            idx = inst.arg - n_cellvars
            name = self.code_freevars[idx]
            value = self.get_closure_value(idx)
            gl = ir.FreeVar(idx, name, value, loc=self.loc)
        self.store(gl, res)

    def op_LIST_APPEND(self, inst, target, value, appendvar, res):
        target = self.get(target)
        value = self.get(value)
        appendattr = ir.Expr.getattr(target, "append", loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=appendattr, name=appendvar)
        appendinst = ir.Expr.call(self.get(appendvar), (value,), (), loc=self.loc)
        self.store(value=appendinst, name=res)

    # NOTE: The LOAD_METHOD opcode is implemented as a LOAD_ATTR for ease,
    # however this means a new object (the bound-method instance) could be
    # created. Conversely, using a pure LOAD_METHOD no intermediary is present
    # and it is essentially like a pointer grab and forward to CALL_METHOD. The
    # net outcome is that the implementation in Numba produces the same result,
    # but in object mode it may be that it runs more slowly than it would if
    # run in CPython.

    def op_LOAD_METHOD(self, *args, **kws):
        self.op_LOAD_ATTR(*args, **kws)

    def op_CALL_METHOD(self, *args, **kws):
        self.op_CALL_FUNCTION(*args, **kws)