コード例 #1
 def make_complex(self, typ):
     cls, _ = builtins.get_complex_info(typ)
     return cls
コード例 #2
    def cast(self, builder, val, fromty, toty):
        if fromty == toty or toty == types.Any or isinstance(toty, types.Kind):
            return val

        elif ((fromty in types.unsigned_domain and
                       toty in types.signed_domain) or
                  (fromty in types.integer_domain and
                           toty in types.unsigned_domain)):
            lfrom = self.get_value_type(fromty)
            lto = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if lfrom.width <= lto.width:
                return builder.zext(val, lto)
            elif lfrom.width > lto.width:
                return builder.trunc(val, lto)

        elif fromty in types.signed_domain and toty in types.signed_domain:
            lfrom = self.get_value_type(fromty)
            lto = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if lfrom.width <= lto.width:
                return builder.sext(val, lto)
            elif lfrom.width > lto.width:
                return builder.trunc(val, lto)

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty == types.float32 and toty == types.float64:
                return builder.fpext(val, lty)
            elif fromty == types.float64 and toty == types.float32:
                return builder.fptrunc(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            if fromty == types.float32:
                if toty == types.complex128:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float64)
                    real = val

            elif fromty == types.float64:
                if toty == types.complex64:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float32)
                    real = val

            if toty == types.complex128:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float64, 0)
            elif toty == types.complex64:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float32, 0)
                raise Exception("unreachable")

            cmplx = self.make_complex(toty)(self, builder)
            cmplx.real = real
            cmplx.imag = imag
            return cmplx._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.sitofp(val, lty)
                return builder.uitofp(val, lty)

        elif toty in types.integer_domain and fromty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if toty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.fptosi(val, lty)
                return builder.fptoui(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            cmplxcls, flty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)
            cmpl = cmplxcls(self, builder)
            cmpl.real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, flty)
            cmpl.imag = self.get_constant(flty, 0)
            return cmpl._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.complex_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            srccls, srcty = builtins.get_complex_info(fromty)
            dstcls, dstty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)

            src = srccls(self, builder, value=val)
            dst = dstcls(self, builder)
            dst.real = self.cast(builder, src.real, srcty, dstty)
            dst.imag = self.cast(builder, src.imag, srcty, dstty)
            return dst._getvalue()

        elif (isinstance(toty, types.UniTuple) and
                  isinstance(fromty, types.UniTuple) and
                      len(fromty) == len(toty)):
            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty))
            items = [self.cast(builder, i, fromty.dtype, toty.dtype)
                     for i in olditems]
            tup = self.get_constant_undef(toty)
            for idx, val in enumerate(items):
                tup = builder.insert_value(tup, val, idx)
            return tup

        elif toty == types.boolean:
            return self.is_true(builder, fromty, val)

        elif fromty == types.boolean:
            # first promote to int32
            asint = builder.zext(val, Type.int())
            # then promote to number
            return self.cast(builder, asint, types.int32, toty)

        raise NotImplementedError("cast", val, fromty, toty)