コード例 #1
def code_to_function(text, name, args_size, return_size):
    from numpy import zeros
    from numpy import exp, log
    from numpy import sin, cos, tan
    from numpy import arcsin as asin
    from numpy import arccos as acos
    from numpy import arctan as atan
    from numpy import sinh, cosh, tanh
    from numpy import pi
    from numpy import inf
    d = locals()
    e = {}
    exec(text, d, e)
    fun = e[name]
    from numba.vectorize import GUVectorize
    from numba import float64
    signature = str.join(',',
                         ['(n{})'.format(i) for i in range(len(args_size))])
    signature += '->(n)'.format(return_size)
    args_types = [float64[:]] * (len(args_size) + 1)
    gufunc = GUVectorize(fun, signature)
    fun = gufunc.build_ufunc()
    return fun
コード例 #2
def code_to_function(text, name, args_size, return_size):
    from numpy import zeros
    from numpy import exp, log
    from numpy import sin, cos, tan
    from numpy import arcsin as asin
    from numpy import arccos as acos
    from numpy import arctan as atan
    from numpy import sinh, cosh, tanh
    from numpy import pi
    from numpy import inf
    d = locals()
    e = {}
    exec(text, d, e)
    fun = e[name]
    from numba.vectorize import GUVectorize
    from numba import float64
    signature = str.join(',',['(n{})'.format(i) for i in range(len(args_size))])
    signature += '->(n)'.format(return_size)
    args_types = [float64[:]]*(len(args_size)+1)
    gufunc = GUVectorize(fun, signature)
    fun = gufunc.build_ufunc()
    return fun
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_gufunc_scalar.py プロジェクト: dichaelen/numba
def test_exp_avg():
    vect = GUVectorize(exp_avg, '(t),()->(t)')
    vect.add('void(f8[:], f8, f8[:])')
    ufunc = vect.build_ufunc()

    arr_t = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.float64)
    decay_length = numpy.float64(123)
    out_t = numpy.empty(10, dtype=numpy.float64)

    ufunc(arr_t, decay_length, out_t)

    expect = numpy.zeros_like(out_t)
    exp_avg(arr_t, decay_length, expect)

    numpy.allclose(expect, out_t)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_gufunc_scalar.py プロジェクト: Tillsten/numba
def test_exp_avg():
    vect = GUVectorize(exp_avg, '(t),()->(t)')
    vect.add('void(f8[:], f8, f8[:])')
    ufunc = vect.build_ufunc()

    arr_t = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.float64)
    decay_length = numpy.float64(123)
    out_t = numpy.empty(10, dtype=numpy.float64)

    ufunc(arr_t, decay_length, out_t)

    expect = numpy.zeros_like(out_t)
    exp_avg(arr_t, decay_length, expect)

    numpy.allclose(expect, out_t)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_gufunc.py プロジェクト: tpn/numba
def test_gufunc_array_expressions():
    gufunc = GUVectorize(array_expr_gufunc, '(m,n),(n,p)->(m,p)')
    gufunc.add(argtypes=[float_[:, :], float_[:, :], float_[:, :]])
    gufunc = gufunc.build_ufunc()

    matrix_ct = 10
    A = np.arange(matrix_ct * 2 * 4, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 2, 4)
    B = np.arange(matrix_ct * 4 * 5, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 4, 5)

    C = gufunc(A, B)
    Gold = ut.matrix_multiply(A, B)

    if (C != Gold).any():
        raise ValueError
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_gufunc_scalar.py プロジェクト: dichaelen/numba
def test_scalar_output():
    gufunc = GUVectorize(mycore, '(m,n)->()')
    gufunc.add('void(float32[:,:], float32[:])')
    gufunc.add('void(float64[:,:], float64[:])')

    myfunc = gufunc.build_ufunc()

    A = numpy.arange(2 * 2 * 10).reshape(10, 2, 2)
    out = numpy.zeros(10)
    myfunc(A, out=out)

    expect = numpy.zeros_like(out)
    for i in range(A.shape[0]):
        expect[i] = A[i].sum()

    numpy.allclose(expect, out)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_gufunc.py プロジェクト: FrancescAlted/numba
def test_gufunc_array_expressions():
    gufunc = GUVectorize(array_expr_gufunc, '(m,n),(n,p)->(m,p)')
    gufunc.add(argtypes=[float_[:,:], float_[:,:], float_[:,:]])
    gufunc = gufunc.build_ufunc()

    matrix_ct = 10
    A = np.arange(matrix_ct * 2 * 4, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 2, 4)
    B = np.arange(matrix_ct * 4 * 5, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 4, 5)

    C = gufunc(A, B)
    Gold = ut.matrix_multiply(A, B)

    if (C != Gold).any():
        raise ValueError
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_gufunc_scalar.py プロジェクト: Tillsten/numba
def test_scalar_output():
    gufunc = GUVectorize(mycore, '(m,n)->()')
    gufunc.add('void(float32[:,:], float32[:])')
    gufunc.add('void(float64[:,:], float64[:])')

    myfunc = gufunc.build_ufunc()

    A = numpy.arange(2 * 2 * 10).reshape(10, 2, 2)
    out = numpy.zeros(10)
    myfunc(A, out=out)

    expect = numpy.zeros_like(out)
    for i in range(A.shape[0]):
        expect[i] = A[i].sum()

    numpy.allclose(expect, out)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_gufunc.py プロジェクト: tpn/numba
def _test_gufunc(backend, target):
    gufunc = GUVectorize(matmulcore, '(m,n),(n,p)->(m,p)')
    gufunc.add(argtypes=[f4[:, :], f4[:, :], f4[:, :]])
    gufunc = gufunc.build_ufunc()

    matrix_ct = 1001  # an odd number to test thread/block division in CUDA
    A = np.arange(matrix_ct * 2 * 4, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 2, 4)
    B = np.arange(matrix_ct * 4 * 5, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 4, 5)

    C = gufunc(A, B)
    Gold = ut.matrix_multiply(A, B)

    #     print(A)
    #     print(B)
    #    print(C)
    #    print(Gold)
    assert np.allclose(C, Gold)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_gufunc.py プロジェクト: FrancescAlted/numba
def _test_gufunc(backend, target):
    gufunc = GUVectorize(matmulcore, '(m,n),(n,p)->(m,p)')
    gufunc.add(argtypes=[f4[:,:], f4[:,:], f4[:,:]])
    gufunc = gufunc.build_ufunc()

    matrix_ct = 1001 # an odd number to test thread/block division in CUDA
    A = np.arange(matrix_ct * 2 * 4, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 2, 4)
    B = np.arange(matrix_ct * 4 * 5, dtype=np.float32).reshape(matrix_ct, 4, 5)

    C = gufunc(A, B)
    Gold = ut.matrix_multiply(A, B)

#     print(A)
#     print(B)
#    print(C)
#    print(Gold)
    assert np.allclose(C, Gold)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_gufunc_scalar.py プロジェクト: dichaelen/numba
def test_saxpy():
    vect = GUVectorize(saxpy, '(),(t),(t)->(t)')
    vect.add('void(f4, f4[:], f4[:], f4[:])')
    gusaxpy = vect.build_ufunc()

    A = numpy.array(numpy.float32(2))
    X = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(5, 2)
    Y = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(5, 2)

    out = gusaxpy(A, X, Y)

    for j in range(5):
        for i in range(2):
            exp = A * X[j, i] + Y[j, i]
            assert exp == out[j, i], (exp, out[j, i])

    A = numpy.arange(5, dtype=numpy.float32)
    out = gusaxpy(A, X, Y)

    for j in range(5):
        for i in range(2):
            exp = A[j] * X[j, i] + Y[j, i]
            assert exp == out[j, i]
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_gufunc_scalar.py プロジェクト: Tillsten/numba
def test_saxpy():
    vect = GUVectorize(saxpy, '(),(t),(t)->(t)')
    vect.add('void(f4, f4[:], f4[:], f4[:])')
    gusaxpy = vect.build_ufunc()

    A = numpy.array(numpy.float32(2))
    X = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(5,2)
    Y = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(5,2)

    out = gusaxpy(A, X, Y)

    for j in range(5):
        for i in range(2):
            exp = A * X[j, i] + Y[j, i]
            assert exp == out[j, i], (exp, out[j, i])

    A = numpy.arange(5, dtype=numpy.float32)
    out = gusaxpy(A, X, Y)

    for j in range(5):
        for i in range(2):
            exp = A[j] * X[j, i] + Y[j, i]
            assert exp == out[j, i]