コード例 #1
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: shiningsurya/rfpipe
def blstd(data, mask):
    """ Calculate std over baselines (ignoring zeros).
    Expects masked array as input

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape
    # getting "data type not understood" if this typed as float32
    blstd = np.zeros((nint, nchan, npol), dtype=complex64)

    for i in range(nint):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                ss = complex64(0)
                weight = int64(0)
                for l in range(nbl):
                    ss += data[i, l, j, k]
                    if mask[i, l, j, k] is False:
                        weight += 1
                if weight > 0:
                    mean = ss / weight
                    ss = complex64(0)
                    for l in range(nbl):
                        if mask[i, l, j, k] is False:
                            ss += np.abs((data[i, l, j, k] - mean)**2)
                    blstd[i, j, k] = np.sqrt(ss / weight)
                    blstd[i, j, k] = complex64(0)

    return blstd.real
コード例 #2
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: realfastvla/rfpipe
def _meantsub_jit(data):
    """ Calculate mean in time (ignoring zeros) and subtract in place

    Could ultimately parallelize by computing only on subset of data.

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape

    for i in range(nbl):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                ss = complex64(0)
                weight = int64(0)
                for l in range(nint):
                    ss += data[l, i, j, k]
                    if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                        weight += 1
                if weight > 0:
                    mean = ss/weight
                    mean = complex64(0)

                if mean:
                    for l in range(nint):
                        if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                            data[l, i, j, k] -= mean
コード例 #3
def _meantsub_jit(data):
    """ Calculate mean in time (ignoring zeros) and subtract in place

    Could ultimately parallelize by computing only on subset of data.

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape

    for i in range(nbl):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                ss = complex64(0)
                weight = int64(0)
                for l in range(nint):
                    ss += data[l, i, j, k]
                    if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                        weight += 1
                if weight > 0:
                    mean = ss / weight
                    mean = complex64(0)

                if mean:
                    for l in range(nint):
                        if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                            data[l, i, j, k] -= mean
コード例 #4
def _sinewave(num, den):
    """Generate a complex sine wave of frequency sample_rate*num/den.
    Length is chosen such that a continuous sine wave
    can be made by repeating the returned signal."""

    # The code below fails for num=0, so handle that as a special case
    if num == 0:
        return nb.complex64([1.0])

    # "% den" is not absolutely necessary here, but wrapping the phase
    # using integers may avoid loss of floating point precision.
    phase = \
        (np.arange(0, num*den, num, dtype = np.int64) % den) \
        .astype(np.float32) * nb.float32(2.0 * np.pi / den)
    return np.cos(phase) + np.sin(phase) * nb.complex64(1j)
コード例 #5
def _meantsub_gu(data):
    b""" Subtract time mean while ignoring zeros.
    Vectorizes over time axis.
    Assumes time axis is last so use np.swapaxis(0,3) when passing visibility array in

    ss = complex64(0)
    weight = int64(0)
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        ss += data[i]
        if data[i] != complex64(0):
            weight += 1
    mean = ss / weight
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        data[i] -= mean
コード例 #6
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: realfastvla/rfpipe
def _meantsub_gu(data):
    b""" Subtract time mean while ignoring zeros.
    Vectorizes over time axis.
    Assumes time axis is last so use np.swapaxis(0,3) when passing visibility array in

    ss = complex64(0)
    weight = int64(0)
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        ss += data[i]
        if data[i] != complex64(0):
            weight += 1
    mean = ss/weight
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        data[i] -= mean
コード例 #7
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: shiningsurya/rfpipe
def _2ptsub_jit(data):
    """ Calculate 2-pt time trend and evaluate to subtract at each time.

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape

    for i in range(nbl):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                # first half mean
                ss1 = complex64(0)
                weight1 = int64(0)
                for l in range(0, nint // 2):
                    ss1 += data[l, i, j, k]
                    if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                        weight1 += 1
                if weight1 > 0:
                    mean1 = ss1 / weight1
                    mean1 = complex64(0)

                # second half mean
                ss2 = complex64(0)
                weight2 = int64(0)
                for l in range(nint // 2, nint):
                    ss2 += data[l, i, j, k]
                    if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                        weight2 += 1
                if weight2 > 0:
                    mean2 = ss2 / weight2
                    mean2 = complex64(0)

                # calc mean per int
                if mean1 and mean2:
                    slope = (mean2 - mean1) / (nint // 2)
                    mean0 = (mean2 + mean1) / 2
                    for l in range(nint):
                        if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                            data[l, i, j, k] -= slope * (l - nint // 2) + mean0
                else:  # or just blank data
                    for l in range(nint):
                        data[l, i, j, k] = 0j
コード例 #8
    def execute(self, input):
        firlen = self.firlen
        interpolation = self.interpolation
        decimation = self.decimation

        lo_phase = self.lo_phase
        fir_phase = self.fir_phase
        fir_i = self.fir_i

        #output = np.zeros_like(input)
        output = np.zeros(1000, dtype=np.complex64)  # TODO: size of the array
        outn = 0  # number of output samples produced
        for sample_in in input:
            # Mix input with local oscillator
            mixed = sample_in * self.lo_table[lo_phase]

            #lo_phase = (lo_phase + 1) % len(self.lo_table)
            lo_phase += 1
            if lo_phase >= len(self.lo_table):
                lo_phase = 0

            # Store to buffer.
            # Fake circular buffering by storing the samples twice.
            self.firbuf[fir_i         ] = \
            self.firbuf[fir_i + firlen] = mixed

            #fir_i = (fir_i + 1) % firlen
            fir_i += 1
            if fir_i >= firlen:
                fir_i = 0

            fir_phase += interpolation
            while fir_phase >= decimation:
                fir_phase -= decimation
                assert fir_phase >= 0
                assert fir_phase < interpolation

                t = self.taps[fir_phase::interpolation]
                fb = self.firbuf[fir_i:fir_i + firlen]

                # This loop seems to be faster than calling np.dot
                o = nb.complex64(0.0)
                for j in range(firlen):
                    o += t[j] * fb[j]

                output[outn] = o
                outn += 1
                assert outn <= len(output)

        self.lo_phase = lo_phase
        self.fir_phase = fir_phase
        self.fir_i = fir_i
        return output[0:outn]
コード例 #9
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: shiningsurya/rfpipe
def _2ptinterp_jit(data):
    """ Calculate 2-pt time trend and evaluate to subtract at each time.

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape

    for i in range(nbl):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                # first half mean
                ss1 = complex64(0)
                weight1 = int64(0)
                for l in range(0, nint // 2):
                    ss1 += data[l, i, j, k]
                    if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                        weight1 += 1
                if weight1 > 0:
                    mean1 = ss1 / weight1
                    mean1 = complex64(0)

                # second half mean
                ss2 = complex64(0)
                weight2 = int64(0)
                for l in range(nint // 2, nint):
                    ss2 += data[l, i, j, k]
                    if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                        weight2 += 1
                if weight2 > 0:
                    mean2 = ss2 / weight2
                    mean2 = complex64(0)

                ff = interpolate.interp1d([nint // 4, 3 * nint // 4],
                                          [mean1, mean2],
                for l in range(nint):
                    if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                        data[l, i, j, k] -= slope * (l - nint // 2) + mean0
コード例 #10
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: shiningsurya/rfpipe
def _cssub1_jit(data, dataavginterp):
    """ Use interpolated data to subtract while ignoring zeros

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape

    for i in range(nbl):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                for l in range(nint):
                    if data[l, i, j, k] == 0j:
                        dataavginterp[l, i, j, k] = complex64(0)
                    data[l, i, j, k] -= dataavginterp[l, i, j, k]
コード例 #11
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: realfastvla/rfpipe
def meantsub_cuda(data, cache=True):
    """ Calculate mean in time (ignoring zeros) and subtract in place """

    x, y, z = cuda.grid(3)
    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape
    if x < nbl and y < nchan and z < npol:
        sum = complex64(0)
        weight = 0
        for i in range(nint):
            sum = sum + data[i, x, y, z]
            if data[i, x, y, z] == 0j:
                weight = weight + 1
        mean = sum/weight
        for i in range(nint):
            data[i, x, y, z] = data[i, x, y, z] - mean
コード例 #12
def meantsub_cuda(data, cache=True):
    """ Calculate mean in time (ignoring zeros) and subtract in place """

    x, y, z = cuda.grid(3)
    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape
    if x < nbl and y < nchan and z < npol:
        sum = complex64(0)
        weight = 0
        for i in range(nint):
            sum = sum + data[i, x, y, z]
            if data[i, x, y, z] == 0j:
                weight = weight + 1
        mean = sum / weight
        for i in range(nint):
            data[i, x, y, z] = data[i, x, y, z] - mean
コード例 #13
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: shiningsurya/rfpipe
def _cssub0_jit(data, dataavg):
    """ Use scipy calculate 4-pt mean as input to spline estimate.
    zeroed data is treated as flagged

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape
    piece = nint // 4

    for i in range(nbl):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                # mean in each piece
                for pp in range(4):
                    ss = complex64(0)
                    weight = int64(0)
                    for l in range(pp * piece, (pp + 1) * piece):
                        ss += data[l, i, j, k]
                        if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                            weight += 1
                    if weight > 0:
                        dataavg[pp, i, j, k] = ss / weight
                        dataavg[pp, i, j,
                                k] = complex64(0)  # TODO: instead use nearest?
コード例 #14
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: shinkira/Suite2P
import numpy as np
from numba import vectorize, complex64
from numpy import fft
from scipy.fftpack import next_fast_len
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d

    from mkl_fft import fft2, ifft2
except ModuleNotFoundError:
        "mkl_fft not installed.  Install it with conda: conda install mkl_fft",

@vectorize([complex64(complex64, complex64)], nopython=True, target='parallel')
def apply_dotnorm(Y, cfRefImg):
    return Y / (np.complex64(1e-5) + np.abs(Y)) * cfRefImg

    'complex64(int16, float32, float32)',
    'complex64(float32, float32, float32)'
def addmultiply(x, mul, add):
    return np.complex64(np.float32(x) * mul + add)

コード例 #15
ファイル: cpu_kernels.py プロジェクト: nzaker/abTEM
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from numba import jit, prange

@nb.vectorize([nb.complex64(nb.float32), nb.complex128(nb.float64)])
def complex_exponential(x):
    return np.cos(x) + 1.j * np.sin(x)

@nb.vectorize([nb.float32(nb.complex64), nb.float64(nb.complex128)])
def abs2(x):
    return x.real**2 + x.imag**2

@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, parallel=True)
def interpolate_radial_functions(array, disc_indices, positions, v, r, dvdr,
    n = r.shape[0]
    dt = np.log(r[-1] / r[0]) / (n - 1)
    for i in range(positions.shape[0]):
        for j in prange(disc_indices.shape[0]):
            k = int(round(positions[i, 0] / sampling[0]) + disc_indices[j, 0])
            l = int(round(positions[i, 1] / sampling[1]) + disc_indices[j, 1])

            if ((k < array.shape[0]) & (l < array.shape[1]) & (k >= 0) &
                (l >= 0)):
                r_interp = np.sqrt((k * sampling[0] - positions[i, 0])**2 +
                                   (l * sampling[1] - positions[i, 1])**2)

                idx = int(np.floor(np.log(r_interp / r[0] + 1e-7) / dt))
コード例 #16
ファイル: primary_beam.py プロジェクト: ska-sa/katsdpmodels
    def from_hdf5(cls, hdf5: h5py.File) -> 'PrimaryBeam':
        model_format = models.get_hdf5_attr(hdf5.attrs, 'model_format',
                                            str) or ''
        if model_format == 'aperture_plane':
            return PrimaryBeamAperturePlane.from_hdf5(hdf5)
            raise models.ModelFormatError(
                f'Unknown model_format {model_format!r} for {cls.model_type}')

    def to_hdf5(self, hdf5: h5py.File) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError()  # pragma: nocover

def _expjm2pi(x):
    """Equivalent to ``exp(-2j * np.pi * x)`` where `x` is real.

    x is reduced to a small value before multiplication, which
    improves precision at a small cost in performance.
    y = np.float32(-2 * np.pi) * (x - np.rint(x))
    return complex(np.cos(y), np.sin(y))

def _asarray(x: ArrayLike, dtype: Optional[DTypeLike] = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Convert an array-like to an array.

    Unlike np.ndarray, this will reject astropy Quantities with dimensions
    and convert dimensionless quantities correctly even if they have scale.
コード例 #17
from numba import vectorize, complex64, boolean, jit
import time
import numpy as np
from stats import cpu_stats,gpu_stats
from time import sleep	

def f(z):
    return (z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag) < 4.0

@vectorize([complex64(complex64, complex64)])
def g(z,c):
    return z*z + c 

def mandelbrot_numpy(c, maxiter):
    output = np.zeros(c.shape, np.int)
    z = np.empty(c.shape, np.complex64)
    for it in range(maxiter):
        notdone = f(z)
        output[notdone] = it
        z[notdone] = g(z[notdone],c[notdone]) 
    output[output == maxiter-1] = 0
    return output

def mandelbrot_set(width,height,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,maxiter):
    r1 = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, width, dtype=np.float32)
    r2 = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, height, dtype=np.float32)
    c = r1 + r2[:,None]*1j
    n3 = mandelbrot_numpy(c,maxiter)
    return (r1,r2,n3.T)
コード例 #18
            out[xs + d, ys + d] = err / cn
    return out.argmin()

def abs2(x):
    return x.real * x.real + x.imag * x.imag

def abs2c(x):
    return x.real * x.real + x.imag * x.imag + 0j

def fill(data, invalid=None):
    fill invalid values by closest valid value. invalid: mask of invalid values, default: np.isnan(data)
    if invalid is None:
        invalid = _np.isnan(data)
    ind = _snd.distance_transform_edt(invalid,
コード例 #19
ファイル: numba.py プロジェクト: draustin/mathx
    def expj(x):
        return math.cos(x) + 1j * math.sin(x)

    def abs_sqd(x):
        return np.real(x * np.conj(x))

    def sum_abs_sqd(x):
        return np.sum(np.real(x * np.conj(x)))

    def sum_abs_sqd_1d(x):
        return np.sum(np.real(x * np.conj(x)), axis=0)


    def expj(x):
        return math.cos(x) + 1j * math.sin(x)

    )  # ([numba.float64(numba.complex128),numba.float32(numba.complex64)])
    def abs_sqd(x):
        return x.real**2 + x.imag**2

    def sum_abs_sqd_1d(x, cache=True):
        r = 0
        for i in range(len(x)):
コード例 #20
ファイル: gpu_signature.py プロジェクト: swha0105/myarchive
def smoothing_real_space(quantity,smoothing_scale):
    array_size = len(np.arange(0,cluster_grid,4))
    smoothing_array = np.zeros([array_size,array_size,array_size],dtype=np.float32)
    for ix,i in enumerate(np.arange(0,cluster_grid,4)):
        for iy,j in enumerate(np.arange(0,cluster_grid,4)):
            for iz,k in enumerate(np.arange(0,cluster_grid,4)):
                i = int(i)
                j = int(j)
                k = int(k)
                smoothing_array[ix,iy,iz] = np.mean(quantity[i:i+smoothing_scale,j:j+smoothing_scale,k:k+smoothing_scale])
    return smoothing_array

def smoothing_k_space(fft_array,smoothing_scale,cluster_length,cluster_grid):
    smoothing_array = copy.deepcopy(fft_array)
    cluster_length = 40
    # cluster_grid = 201

    for ix in range(int(fft_array.shape[0]/2)):
        for iy in range(int(fft_array.shape[1]/2)):
            for iz in range(int(fft_array.shape[2]/2)):

                k = np.sqrt( (ix/cluster_length)**2 + (iy/cluster_length)**2 + (iz/cluster_length)**2 )

                smoothing_array[ix,iy,iz] = fft_array[ix,iy,iz]*np.exp( (-(k**2)*smoothing_scale**2)/2)

        for iy in range(int(cluster_grid/2),cluster_grid-1):
            for iz in range(int(cluster_grid/2),cluster_grid-1):
コード例 #21
ファイル: dada.py プロジェクト: telegraphic/interfits
__all__ = ['DadaReader', 'lookup_warn', '__version__', '__all__']

def lookup_warn(table, key, default=None):
        return table[key]
    except KeyError:
        if default is not None:
            print "#Warning: No key '%s'; using default value of %s" \
                  % (key, default)
            return default
            print "#Warning: No key '%s'" % key
            return None

@jit(complex64(float32), target='cpu')
def data2cplx(data):
    """ Convert data into complex form

    Helper function to allow for JIT compilation
    #shape: (200, 2, 600, 2176)
    data = data[:, 0, :, :] + np.complex(-1j) * data[:, 1, :, :]
    return data

@jit(complex64(complex64), target='cpu')
def reorderTranspose(mat, n_int, n_chans, n_station, n_pol):
    """ Do reorder and transpose operation """
    # Reorder so that pol products change fastest
    mat = mat.reshape(n_int, n_chans, n_station, n_pol, n_station, n_pol)
    mat = mat.transpose([0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5])
コード例 #22
ファイル: math.py プロジェクト: draustin/otk
    return k - (kx**2 + ky**2) / (2 * k)

@numba.vectorize([numba.float64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64)])
def calc_kz_quadratic(k, kx, ky):
    return -(kx**2 + ky**2) / (2 * k)

@numba.vectorize([numba.float64(numba.float64, numba.float64)])
def calc_kz_quadratic_1d(k, q):
    """kz not included."""
    return -q**2 / (2 * k)

    numba.complex64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64)
def calc_propagator_exact(k, kx, ky, l):
    return mathx.expj(calc_kz_exact(k, kx, ky) * l)

    numba.complex64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64)
def calc_propagator_paraxial(k, kx, ky, l):
    return mathx.expj(calc_kz_paraxial(k, kx, ky) * l)

    numba.complex64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64)
コード例 #23
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jul 11 20:50:04 2015

@author: raghavsinghal
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numba import jit, complex64, float64, int64
from math import pi

@jit(complex64(float64, complex64[:, :], float64, float64, float64, float64))
def f(t, u, a, b, g, e):
    dx = np.zeros((18, 1), dtype='complex')

    ua = u[0, 0]
    ub = u[1, 0]
    ug = u[2, 0]

    va = u[3, 0]
    vb = u[4, 0]
    vg = u[5, 0]

    ha = u[6, 0]
    hb = u[7, 0]
    hg = u[8, 0]

    u_a = u[9, 0]
    u_b = u[10, 0]
    u_g = u[11, 0]
コード例 #24
    def norm_squared(x):
        return dot(x, x)

    def norm(x):
        return norm_squared(x)**0.5

    def normalize(x):
        return np.asarray(x)/norm(x)

    @numba.vectorize([numba.complex64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64)], cache=True)
    def calc_ideal_lens_phase_paraxial(x, y, k_on_f):
        return cmath.exp(-0.5j*(x**2 + y**2)*k_on_f)

    @numba.vectorize([numba.complex64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64)], cache=True)
    def calc_ideal_lens_phase(x, y, k, f):
        return cmath.exp(-1j*k*((x**2 + y**2 + f**2)**0.5 - f))

    @numba.vectorize([numba.complex64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.float64)], cache=True)
    def calc_ideal_square_lens_array_phase_paraxial(x, y, pitch, k_on_f):
        half_pitch = pitch/2
        u = (x%pitch) - half_pitch
        v = (y%pitch) - half_pitch
        return cmath.exp(-0.5j*(u**2 + v**2)*k_on_f)
コード例 #25
"""Variants of standard maths functions written for speed."""

import numpy as np
import numba

def expj2pi(x):
    """Equivalent to ``expj(2 * np.pi * x)`` where `x` is real.

    x is reduced to a small value before multiplication, which
    improves precision at a small cost in performance.
    y = 2 * np.pi * (x - np.rint(x))
    return complex(np.cos(y), np.sin(y))

def nansum(x, *args, **kwargs):
    """Like np.nansum, provided `x` is a floating-point type."""
    return np.sum(x, *args, where=~np.isnan(x), **kwargs)
コード例 #26

#%% Function declarations
import cmath
from numba import vectorize, complex128, complex64

    [complex64(complex64, complex64),
     complex128(complex128, complex128)],
def nb_add(x, y):
    return x + y

    [complex64(complex64, complex64),
     complex128(complex128, complex128)],
def nb_subtract(x, y):
    return x + y
