コード例 #1
def solve(x0, A, b, omega, tol):
    '''Wrapper function to use SOR algorithm to solve Ax = b
    x0: numpy array
        First guess for solution
    A: numpy array
        matrix describing linear system
    b: numpy array
        vector of constants
    omega: float
        relaxation factor
    tol: float
        error tolerancd for stopping iteration (error for convergence)

    # Format dtype of all parameters to numba double precision float
    # this helps @njit work correctly
    x0 = f8(x0)
    A = f8(A)
    b = f8(b)
    omega = f8(omega)
    M = u8(10**6)
    tol = f8(tol)

    # call actual SOR algorithm (need the numba dtypes to allow njit compile)
    x = solve_body(x0, A, b, omega, M, tol)

    return x
コード例 #2
def solve_body(x0, A, b, omega, M, tol):
    '''SOR function. Iterates until errror is less than specified, or M 
    iterations, whichever comes first.
    x0: numpy array
        First guess for solution
    A: numpy array
        matrix describing linear system
    b: numpy array
        vector of constants
    omega: float
        relaxation factor
    M: integer
        maximum number of steps while seeking convergence
    tol: float
        error size for stopping iteration (error for convergence)

    x = x0  # set initial guess
    err = f8(tol + 1000000)  # initial error level

    # While loop. Main loop exit after M iterations, but has a secondary break
    # that stops when the observed error is less than selected tolerance
    for i in range(M):
        x_new = SOR_iter(x, A, b, omega)  # perform SOR iteration
        err = resid(x_new, A, b)  # compute new residual
        x = x_new  # reset x for new pass (or for output)

        # second break parameter (under error tolerance)
        if err < tol:

    return x
コード例 #3
ファイル: projected_sor.py プロジェクト: gconine88/MATH_6204
def resid(x_new, x):
    ''' Calculate L2-norm of x and x_new'''

    # need to be numba double precision float so njit will work in body of
    # solve function
    err = f8(np.linalg.norm(x_new - x))

    return err
コード例 #4
def resid(x, A, b):
    ''' Calculate L2-norm of b and x dot A '''

    # need to be numba double precision float so njit will work in body of
    # solve function
    err = f8(np.linalg.norm(b - np.dot(A, x)))

    return err
コード例 #5
def convolve(signal, ref, window, result):
    smem = cuda.shared.array(0, f8)

    i, j = cuda.grid(2)
    S = signal.size
    W = window.size
    R = ref.shape[0]

    Bix = cuda.blockIdx.x  # Block index along the x dimension       -> indexing the signal
    BDx = cuda.blockDim.x  # Number of threads along x               -> Many things
    tix = cuda.threadIdx.x  # x thread id within block [0,blockdim.x) -> indexing the window
    tiy = cuda.threadIdx.y  # y thread id within block [0,blockdim.y) -> indexing of memory
    tif = tix + tiy * BDx  # thread index within a block (flat)      -> indexing lines and shared memory

    index = j + tix  # reference and signal index

    value = f8(0)
    if (tix < W) & (index < S):
        value = window[tix] * (ref[R, index] * signal[index])
    value = reduce_warp(value, u4(0xffffffff))
    # Reduced sum should be present in the value of all threads with lane index == 0

    # Store the warp reduction in the shared memory
    if tif % 32 == 0:  # For all threads with lane index == 0
        smem[tif // 32] = value  # Flat warp id

    # When the blocksize is smaller than a single warp (32), we are done.
    # In this case we can be very specific about the locations we need
    if (BDx <= 32) and (tix == 0):
        result[Bix, j] = smem[tiy]

    # Otherwise, take values from the shared memory van reduce.
    # NOTE: maximum number of threads is 1024 which is 32 times a warp (consisting of 32 threads)
    # This means, the warp reductions of 32 warps, fit baxck into a single warp.

    # Disperse the reduction values from the memory over the first threads along the x direction.
    # All others become 0
    Nwx = (BDx - 1) // 32 + 1
    if (tix < BDx // 32):
        values = smem[tix + Nwx * tiy]
        values = 0
    # Perhaps its better to put the index definition outside the if-else block and remove this barrier

    # All threads in a first warp along x
    if tix // 32 == 0:
        value = reduce_warp(value, u4(0xffffffff))

    if (tix == 0) and (j < S):
        result[Bix, j] = value
コード例 #6
ファイル: mc_option.py プロジェクト: gconine88/MATH_6204
def MC_Amer_call(S0, K, mu, r, d, sigma, t, T, delta_t, N):
    S0: float
        Initial value of stock process
    mu: float
        Drift of stock process
    r: float
        Risk Free rate
    delta: float
        Continuous dividend yield
    sigma: float
        Volatility of stock process
    T: float
        Time horizon
    delta_t: float
        Time step size
    N: integer
        Number of paths to generate
    C: Float
        Value of American call option

    M = int((T - t) / delta_t)  # number of steps. Must be an integer.

    S = generate_paths(S0, mu, d, sigma, delta_t, N, M)

    h = np.maximum(S - K, 0)  #compute exercise values
    g = h[M]  #set up excercised value vector
    tau = np.repeat(T, N)  #set up stopping time vector

    for j in range(M - 1, 0, -1):
        k = S[j] > K  #in the money boolean vector
        x = S[j, k]  # in the money points
        y = g[k] * np.exp(-(r - d) * (tau[k] - t * delta_t))

        a, __ = fit(func, x, y)  #regression step
        C_hat = func(S[j, k], a[0], a[1], a[2],
                     a[3])  #find estimated continuation value

        g[k][C_hat >= h[j, k]] = h[j, k][
            C_hat >= h[j, k]]  #update g where excercise more than continuation
        tau[k][C_hat >= h[j, k]] = j / f8(M) * (
            T - t)  #update optimal excercise time

    C_0 = np.sum(np.exp(-(r - d) * delta_t * tau).T * g) / N
    V_0 = np.maximum(C_0, h[0, 0])

    return V_0
コード例 #7
def solve(A, d):
    '''Helper function for Thomas algorith. Breaks matrix into tridiagonal
    elements for easier processing by algorithm. '''

    # pass numba float64 dtype np.arrays to the solve function - need to
    # perform this step to allow for nopython execution of thomas algorithm
    # which yields maximum speed
    a = f8(np.diagonal(A, offset=0))
    b = f8(np.diagonal(A, offset=1))
    c = f8(np.diagonal(A, offset=-1))
    dfloat = f8(d)

    D = np.diag(a, 0) + np.diag(b, 1) + np.diag(c, -1)  #create test matrix

    # test if D is 'close enough' to A - if not that means A was not
    # tridiagonal and the function raises an exception
    if not np.allclose(A, D):
        raise Exception('The given A is not tridiagonal')

    # pass to thomas algorithm solver
    x = solve_body(a, b, c, dfloat)

    return x
コード例 #8
def run_target(N, target):
    print '== Target', target
    vect_discriminant = vectorize([f4(f4, f4, f4), f8(f8, f8, f8)],

    A, B, C = generate_input(N, dtype=np.float32)
    D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

    ts = time()
    D = vect_discriminant(A, B, C)
    te = time()

    total_time = (te - ts)

    print 'Execution time %.4f' % total_time
    print 'Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time)

    if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
        check_answer(D, A, B, C)
コード例 #9
ファイル: projected_sor.py プロジェクト: gconine88/MATH_6204
def solve_body(v0, b, g, omega, tol, theta, lamb, M):
    '''Projected SOR function. Iterates until errror is less than specified, or M 
    iterations, whichever comes first. 

    # set initial guess
    err = f8(tol + 1000000)  # initial error level
    v = v0

    # While loop. Main loop exit after M iterations, but has a secondary break
    # that stops when the observed error is less than selected tolerance

    for k in range(0, M):
        v_new = SOR_iter(b, v, g, omega, tol, theta,
                         lamb)  # perform SOR iteration
        err = resid(v_new, v)  # compute new residual
        v = v_new

        # second break parameter (under error tolerance)
        if err < tol:

    return v
コード例 #10
ファイル: projected_sor.py プロジェクト: gconine88/MATH_6204
def solve(v0, b, g, omega, tol, theta, lamb):
    '''Wrapper function to use SOR algorithm to solve Ax = b
    xv: numpy array
        First guess for solution
    b: numpy array
        vector to represent A * w
    g: numpy array
        vector representing early excercise values
    omega: float
        relaxation factor
    tol: float
        error tolerancd for stopping iteration (error for convergence)
    theta: float
        parameter controlling what discretization method is being used
    lamb: float
        lambda parameter from option pricing model

    # Format dtype of all parameters to numba double precision float
    # this helps @njit work correctly
    v0 = f8(v0)
    b = f8(b)
    g = f8(g)
    omega = f8(omega)
    M = u8(10**6)
    tol = f8(tol)
    theta = f8(theta)
    lamb = f8(lamb)

    # call actual SOR algorithm (need the numba dtypes to allow njit compile)
    x = solve_body(v0, b, g, omega, tol, theta, lamb, M)

    return x
コード例 #11
    # this is actually a rotation with -rad (use symmetry of sin/cos)
    sin_rad = sin(rad)
    cos_rad = cos(rad)
    return point[0] * cos_rad + point[2] * sin_rad, point[
        1], point[2] * cos_rad - point[0] * sin_rad

# @cc.export('coords2cartesian', dtype_3floattuple(f8, f8))
@jit(dtype_3floattuple(f8, f8), nopython=True, cache=True)
def coords2cartesian(lng_rad, lat_rad):
    return cos(lng_rad) * cos(lat_rad), sin(lng_rad) * cos(lat_rad), sin(

# @cc.export('distance_to_point_on_equator', f8(f8, f8, f8))
@jit(f8(f8, f8, f8), nopython=True, cache=True)
def distance_to_point_on_equator(lng_rad, lat_rad, lng_rad_p1):
    uses the simplified haversine formula for this special case (lat_p1 = 0)
    :param lng_rad: the longitude of the point in radians
    :param lat_rad: the latitude of the point
    :param lng_rad_p1: the latitude of the point1 on the equator (lat=0)
    :return: distance between the point and p1 (lng_rad_p1,0) in km
    this is only an approximation since the earth is not a real sphere
    # 2* for the distance in rad and * 12742 (mean diameter of earth) for the distance in km
    return 12742 * asin(
        sqrt(((sin(lat_rad / 2))**2 + cos(lat_rad) * (sin(
            (lng_rad - lng_rad_p1) / 2))**2)))

コード例 #12
def y_rotate(rad, point):
    # y stays the same
    # this is actually a rotation with -rad (use symmetry of sin/cos)
    sin_rad = sin(rad)
    cos_rad = cos(rad)
    return point[0] * cos_rad + point[2] * sin_rad, point[1], point[2] * cos_rad - point[0] * sin_rad

# @cc.export('coords2cartesian', dtype_3float_tuple(f8, f8))
@njit(dtype_3float_tuple(f8, f8), cache=True)
def coords2cartesian(lng_rad, lat_rad):
    return cos(lng_rad) * cos(lat_rad), sin(lng_rad) * cos(lat_rad), sin(lat_rad)

# @cc.export('distance_to_point_on_equator', f8(f8, f8, f8))
@njit(f8(f8, f8, f8), cache=True)
def distance_to_point_on_equator(lng_rad, lat_rad, lng_rad_p1):
    uses the simplified haversine formula for this special case (lat_p1 = 0)
    :param lng_rad: the longitude of the point in radians
    :param lat_rad: the latitude of the point
    :param lng_rad_p1: the latitude of the point1 on the equator (lat=0)
    :return: distance between the point and p1 (lng_rad_p1,0) in km
    this is only an approximation since the earth is not a real sphere
    # 2* for the distance in rad and * 12742 (mean diameter of earth) for the distance in km
    return 12742 * asin(sqrt(((sin(lat_rad / 2)) ** 2 + cos(lat_rad) * (sin((lng_rad - lng_rad_p1) / 2)) ** 2)))

# @cc.export('haversine', f8(f8, f8, f8, f8))
@njit(f8(f8, f8, f8, f8), cache=True)
コード例 #13


MAX_CAR_SPEED = 2300.0

BOOST_CONSUMPTION_RATE = 33.3  # per second

# constants of the acceleration between 0 to 1400 velocity: acceleration = a * velocity + b

fast_jit = jit(f8(f8, f8), nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)

State = namedtuple("State", ["dist", "vel", "boost", "time"])

class VelocityRange:
    max_speed = None
    use_boost = None

    def distance_traveled(t: float, v0: float) -> float:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def velocity_reached(t: float, v0: float) -> float:
        raise NotImplementedError
コード例 #14
        if mean.shape[0] != cov.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("mean and cov must have same length")
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(cov)

    from numpy.random import standard_normal
    z = standard_normal(final_shape).reshape(mean.shape[0],-1)
    x = L.dot(z).T
    x += mean
    x.shape = tuple(final_shape)
    return x, L

#@nb.njit(nb.f8[:](nb.f8[:, :], nb.f8[:, :]), nogil=True)
@nb.njit(nb.f8(nb.f8[:, :], nb.f8[:, :]), nogil=True, cache=True)
def poly_line_intersect(poly, line):
#    extend_line = True
    eps = 1e-6
    none = np.inf  # np.zeros(1)

    v0v1 = poly[1, :] - poly[0, :]
    v0v2 = poly[2, :] - poly[0, :]

    dir = line[1, :] - line[0, :]
    line_len = math.sqrt(np.sum(dir**2))
    if line_len < eps:
        return none

    dir = dir/line_len
    pvec = cross3d(dir, v0v2)
@jit(Tuple((f8[::1], i8))(f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8[::1], f8[::1]), nopython=True)
def calc_host_propensity_vectors(TAU_H, B_H, D_H, K_H, dtBac, c, dtVec):
    birthPropVec = (1 + B_H * c) / TAU_H
    deathPropVec = (1 - D_H * c) * c.size / (K_H * TAU_H)
    totPropVec = np.concatenate((birthPropVec, deathPropVec))
    cumulPropVec = totPropVec.cumsum()
    # calc number of required time steps
    (dtHost, numSubStep) = calc_dynamic_timestep(cumulPropVec[-1], dtVec,
    # calc probVec
    cumulPropVec *= dtHost
    return (cumulPropVec, numSubStep)

# get composition of host parent that will give birth
@jit(f8(f8[::1], f8[::1], i8), nopython=True)
def host_create_offspring(c, d, id_group):
    # draw offspring composition
    fracPar = c[id_group] / (c[id_group] + d[id_group])
    return fracPar

# update host dynamics while keeping microbial dynamics fixed
    Tuple((f8[::1], f8[::1], f8[::1], i8))(f8[::1], f8[::1], f8[::1], f8[::1],
                                           i8, f8, f8, f8[:, ::1], i8))
def update_host(CVec, DVec, AgeVec, cumulPropVec, numSubStep, n0, sigma,
                rndMat, ridx):
    # init  vectors that keep track of changes in host
    numGroup = CVec.size
    cNewTemp = np.zeros(numSubStep)
コード例 #16
ファイル: getNegatives2.py プロジェクト: motrom/voxeljones
    smally2 = y2 // 3
    largey2 = smally2 if y2 == smally2 * 3 else smally2 + 1
    largez1 = z1 // 3
    smallz1 = largez1 if z1 == largez1 * 3 else largez1 + 1
    smallz2 = z2 // 3
    largez2 = smallz2 if z2 == smallz2 * 3 else smallz2 + 1
    if np.any(roughgrid[smallx1:smallx2, smally1:smally2, smallz1:smallz2]):
        return True
    if not np.any(roughgrid[largex1:largex2, largey1:largey2,
        return False
    return np.any(grid[x1:x2, y1:y2, z1:z2])

    nb.f8(nb.b1[:, :, :], nb.b1[:, :, :], nb.i8, nb.i8, nb.i8, nb.i8[:, :, :],
          nb.f8[:, :], nb.i8))
def useBoostedTree2(grid, roughgrid, anchorx, anchory, direction, btsplits,
                    btleaves, ntrees):
    score = 0.
    for tree in range(ntrees):
        splitidx = 0
        for depth in range(3):
            tsplit = btsplits[tree, splitidx]
            if direction == 0:
                x1 = anchorx + tsplit[0]
                x2 = anchorx + tsplit[3]
                y1 = anchory + tsplit[1]
                y2 = anchory + tsplit[4]
                x1 = anchorx + 48 - tsplit[
                    3]  ### change when changing anchor!!!
コード例 #17
    n = int(n)
    fib = [0] * n
    fib[1] = 1
    for i in range(2, n):
        fib[i] = fib[i - 2] + fib[i - 1]
    return pd.Series(fib)

def fibratio(n):
    n = int(n)
    f = fib(n)
    return f / f.iat[n - 1]

@jit(f8(f8[:], i8, i8), nopython=True)
def __rci_d__(v, i, p):
    sum = 0.0
    for j in range(p):
        o = 1
        k = v[i - j]
        for l in range(p):
            if k < v[i - l]:
                o = o + 1
        sum = sum + (j + 1 - o)**2
    return sum

@jit(void(f8[:], i8, i8, f8[:]), nopython=True)
def __rci_core__(v, n, p, r):
    k = (p * (p**2 - 1))
コード例 #18
                        S01 = S[y1, x0, k]
                        S10 = S[y0, x1, k]
                        S11 = S[y1, x1, k]
                        ustar01 = ustar[y1, x0, k]
                        ustar11 = ustar[y1, x1, k]
                        ustar21 = ustar[y1, x2, k]
                        vstar10 = vstar[y0, x1, k]
                        vstar11 = vstar[y1, x1, k]
                        vstar12 = vstar[y2, x1, k]

                        if isnan(S11) == True:
                            ZonalFlux[j, i, k:] = nan
                            MeridFlux[j, i, k:] = nan
                            ZonalFlux[j, i, k] = cal_a_GM_Flux(S00, S01, S10, S11, ustar01, ustar11, ustar21, ew_dist)
                            MeridFlux[j, i, k] = cal_a_GM_Flux(S00, S10, S01, S11, vstar10, vstar11, vstar12, ns_dist)

    return ZonalFlux, MeridFlux

@jit(f8(f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8))
def cal_a_GM_Flux(S00, S01, S10, S11, U0, U1, U2, dist):
    Mt = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
    if any(isnan([S00, S01, S10, S11, U0, U1, U2])) == False:
        Flux = -((U2 + U1) * (S10 + S11) / 4.0 - (U1 + U0) * (S01 + S00) / 4.0) / dist * Mt
        Flux = nan

    return Flux
コード例 #19
ファイル: drx_numba.py プロジェクト: lidiatanasova/compas
from compas.numerical.drx.drx_numpy import _beam_data
from compas.numerical.drx.drx_numpy import _create_arrays

# from compas_hpc.geometry import cross_vectors_numba as cross
# from compas_hpc.geometry import dot_vectors_numba as dot
# from compas_hpc.geometry import length_vector_numba as length

from time import time

__all__ = [

@jit(f8(f8[:]), nogil=True, nopython=True, parallel=False, cache=True)
def length(a):
    """Calculate the length of a vector.

    a : array
        XYZ components of the vector.

    float: The length of the vector.
    return sqrt(a[0]**2 + a[1]**2 + a[2]**2)

コード例 #20
@njit(f8[:](f8[:], f8[:]))
def update_state(x, c_params):

    μ_c, ρ, ϕ_z, v, d, ϕ_σ = c_params

    z, σ = x

    # update state
    σ2 = v * σ**2 + d + ϕ_σ * randn()
    σ = np.sqrt(max(σ2, 0))
    z = ρ * z + ϕ_z * σ * randn()

    return np.array((z, σ))

@njit(f8(f8[:], f8[:], f8[:]))
def eval_kappa(x, y, c_params):
    Computes kappa_{t+1} given z_t and sigma_t
    μ_c, ρ, ϕ_z, v, d, ϕ_σ = c_params
    z, σ = x

    return μ_c + z + σ * randn()

def by_function_factory(by, parallelization_flag=False):
    Produces functions that compute the stability test value Lambda 
    via Monte Carlo.
コード例 #21
SPLIT_CHOICE_all_max = 2

PRED_CHOICE_majority = 1
PRED_CHOICE_pure_majority = 2
PRED_CHOICE_majority_general = 3
PRED_CHOICE_pure_majority_general = 4

N = 100

def time_ms(f):
    f()  #warm start
    return " %0.6f ms" % (1000.0 * (timeit.timeit(f, number=N) / float(N)))

@njit(f8(u4, u4[:]), cache=True)  #,inline='always')
def gini(total, counts):
    if (total > 0):
        s = 0.0
        for c_i in counts:
            prob = c_i / total
            s += prob * prob
        return 1.0 - s
        return 0.0

@njit(nogil=True, fastmath=True, cache=False)
def unique_counts(inp):
        Finds the unique classes in an input array of class labels
コード例 #22
import numpy as np
import numba
from numba import f8, void

Functions operating on 2-Dimensional vectors.
# TODO: Normal, Tangent

def wrap_to_pi(rad):
    Wraps angles in rad in radians, to the interval [−pi pi].

    Pi maps to pi and −pi maps to −pi. (In general, odd, positive multiples of
    pi map to pi and odd, negative multiples of pi map to −pi.)


    :param rad: Angle in radians.
    :return: Angle in [-pi, pi].
    rad_ = rad % (2 * np.pi)
    if rad < 0 and rad_ == np.pi:
        # negative multiples of pi map to −pi
        return -np.pi
    elif rad_ > np.pi:
        return rad_ - (2 * np.pi)
        return rad_
コード例 #23
    for i in range(n):
        for l in range(i):
            val = 0
            for j in range(m):
                val += M[j] * C[j, i] * C[j, l]
            H[i, l] = val
    d = np.empty((1, n))
    for i in range(n):
        val = 0
        for j in range(m):
            val += M[j] * C[j, i] * C[j, i]
        d[0, i] = val
    return H, d, g.T, f

@nb.jit(nb.f8(nb.f8[:, :], nb.f8[:]))
def function_values(C, x):
    eCx = exp(dot(C, x))
    f = sum(log1p(eCx))
    return f

def shrinkage(a, kappa):
    return maximum(0, a - kappa) - maximum(0, -a - kappa)

def l1_OLS(A, b, lam, x, z):
    return 0.5 * sum((A.dot(x) - b)**2) + lam * np.norm(z, 1)

def lasso_admm_cholesky(A, rho):
コード例 #24
def split__(array, length, dim, threshold, res):
    for i in range(length):
        if array[i, dim] <= threshold:
            res[i] = True

def split(array, dim, threshold):
    length = len(array)
    res = np.zeros((length), dtype=bool)
    split__(array, length, dim, threshold, res)
    return res

def calc_bbox_growth(data, node_min_d, node_max_d):
    Calculate the difference in linear dimension between the
    current node, and the incoming data. Roughly, this means
    calculating how much the bounding box would have to grow
    to accommodate all the new points, in each dimension, and
    then summing across these dimensions.
    n_rows, n_cols = data.shape
    total = 0
    for j in range(n_cols):

        # Keep track of maximum extension required for lower
        # and upper bound, respectively, in this dimension
        l_extension = 0
コード例 #25
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, b1, i1, i8, f8
from numba.types import UniTuple

@njit(f8(i8, i8, f8, f8, b1[:, :], b1[:, :], f8[:, :], b1), cache=True)
def signals_order_func_np(i, col, run_cash, run_shares, entries, exits, volume,
    """Order function to buy/sell based on signals."""
    if run_shares > 0:
        if entries[i, col] and not exits[i, col]:
            if accumulate:
                return volume[i, col]
        elif not entries[i, col] and exits[i, col]:
            return -volume[i, col]
        if entries[i, col] and not exits[i, col]:
            return volume[i, col]
        elif not entries[i, col] and exits[i, col]:
            if accumulate:
                return -volume[i, col]
    return 0.

@njit(f8(i8, i8, f8, f8, f8[:, :], b1), cache=True)
def orders_order_func_np(i, col, run_cash, run_shares, orders, is_target):
    """Buy/sell the amount of shares specified by orders."""
    if is_target:
        return orders[i, col] - run_shares
        return orders[i, col]
コード例 #26
ファイル: rebin.py プロジェクト: lbl-anp/becquerel
        RebinError: for the following cases:

            old:   └┴┴┴┴┘
            new:             └┴┴┴┘

            old:           └┴┴┴┴┘
            new:   └┴┴┴┘
    if (in_edges[..., -1] <= out_edges[..., 0]).any():
        raise RebinError("Input edges are all smaller than output edges")
    if (in_edges[..., 0] >= out_edges[..., -1]).any():
        raise RebinError("Input edges are all larger than output edges")

@nb.vectorize([nb.f8(nb.f8, nb.f8, nb.f8, nb.f8)], nopython=True)
def _linear_offset(slope, cts, low, high):
    Calculate the offset of the linear approximation of slope when splitting
    counts between bins.

      cts: counts within the bin
      low: lower bin edge energy
      high: higher bin edge energy

      the offset
    if np.abs(slope) < 1e-6:
コード例 #27
ファイル: basic_numba.py プロジェクト: tclim/compas
    if axis == 0:
        b = array([0., 0., 0.])
        for i in prange(m):
            b[0] += a[i, 0]
            b[1] += a[i, 1]
            b[2] += a[i, 2]

    elif axis == 1:
        b = np.zeros(m)
        for i in prange(m):
            b[i] += a[i, 0] + a[i, 1] + a[i, 2]

    return b

@jit(f8(f8[:]), nogil=True, nopython=True, parallel=True)
def norm_vector_numba(a):
    """ Calculate the L2 norm or length of a vector.

        a (array): XYZ components of the vector.

        float: The L2 norm of the vector.
    return sqrt(a[0]**2 + a[1]**2 + a[2]**2)

@jit(f8[:](f8[:, :]), nogil=True, nopython=True, parallel=False)
コード例 #28
    # this is actually a rotation with -rad (use symmetry of sin/cos)
    sin_rad = sin(rad)
    cos_rad = cos(rad)
    return point[0] * cos_rad + point[2] * sin_rad, point[
        1], point[2] * cos_rad - point[0] * sin_rad

# @cc.export('coords2cartesian', dtype_3float_tuple(f8, f8))
@njit(dtype_3float_tuple(f8, f8), cache=True)
def coords2cartesian(lng_rad, lat_rad):
    return cos(lng_rad) * cos(lat_rad), sin(lng_rad) * cos(lat_rad), sin(

# @cc.export('distance_to_point_on_equator', f8(f8, f8, f8))
@njit(f8(f8, f8, f8), cache=True)
def distance_to_point_on_equator(lng_rad, lat_rad, lng_rad_p1):
    uses the simplified haversine formula for this special case (lat_p1 = 0)
    :param lng_rad: the longitude of the point in radians
    :param lat_rad: the latitude of the point
    :param lng_rad_p1: the latitude of the point1 on the equator (lat=0)
    :return: distance between the point and p1 (lng_rad_p1,0) in km
    this is only an approximation since the earth is not a real sphere
    # 2* for the distance in rad and * 12742 (mean diameter of earth) for the distance in km
    return 12742 * asin(
        sqrt(((sin(lat_rad / 2))**2 + cos(lat_rad) * (sin(
            (lng_rad - lng_rad_p1) / 2))**2)))

コード例 #29
    tmp = 1 + 4 * ((alpha - theta2) / fwhm)**2
    return 1 / tmp

def pseudo_voigt(theta2, alpha, fwhm, eta):
    Original Pseudo-Voigt function for profiling peaks
    - Thompson, D. E. Cox & J. B. Hastings (1986).

    L = lorentzian(theta2, alpha, fwhm)
    G = gaussian(theta2, alpha, fwhm)
    return eta * L + (1 - eta) * G

@nb.njit(nb.f8(nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:], nb.f8, nb.i8, nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:]))
def similarity_calculate(r, w, d, Npts, fy, gy):
    Compute the similarity between the pair of spectra f, g

    xCorrfg_w, aCorrff_w, aCorrgg_w = 0, 0, 0
    for r0, w0 in zip(r, w):
        Corrfg, Corrff, Corrgg = 0, 0, 0
        shift = int(r0 / d)
        for i in range(Npts):
            if 0 <= i + shift <= Npts - 1:
                Corrfg += fy[i] * gy[i + shift] * d
                Corrff += fy[i] * fy[i + shift] * d
                Corrgg += gy[i] * gy[i + shift] * d
コード例 #30
"""Evacuation related functions"""
import numba
import numpy as np
from numba.typing.typeof import typeof

from crowddynamics.core.geom2D import line_intersect
from crowddynamics.core.sensory_region import is_obstacle_between_points
from crowddynamics.core.structures import obstacle_type_linear
from crowddynamics.core.vector2D import length
from numba import i8, f8, optional

from crowddynamics.simulation.agents import NO_TARGET

@numba.jit(f8(f8, f8, optional(f8), f8), nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True)
def narrow_exit_capacity(d_door, d_agent, d_layer=None, coeff=1.0):
    Capacity estimation :math:`\beta` of unidirectional flow through narrow
    bottleneck. Capacity of the bottleneck increases in stepwise manner.

    Estimation 1
        Simple estimation

        .. math::
           \beta_{simple} = c \left \lfloor \frac{d_{door}}{d_{agent}} \right \rfloor

    Estimation 2
        More sophisticated estimation [Hoogendoorn2005a]_, [Seyfried2007a]_

        .. math::
           \beta_{hoogen} = c \left \lfloor \frac{d_{door} - (d_{agent} - d_{layer})}{d_{layer}} \right \rfloor,\quad d_{door} \geq d_{agent}
コード例 #31
import numba
from numba import f8
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.qhull import Delaunay
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point

@numba.jit(f8(f8[:], f8[:], f8[:]), nopython=True, nogil=True)
def triangle_area(a, b, c):
    return np.abs(a[0] * (b[1] - c[1]) +
                  b[0] * (c[1] - a[1]) +
                  c[0] * (a[1] - b[1])) / 2

@numba.jit(f8[:](f8[:], f8[:], f8[:]), nopython=True, nogil=True)
def random_sample_triangle(a, b, c):
    Uniform sampling of a triangle
    Generate uniform random sample from a triangle defined by points A, B
    and C [1]_, [2]_. Point inside the triangle is given

    .. math::
       P = (1 - \sqrt{r_1}) A + (\sqrt{r_1} (1 - r_2))  B + (r_2 \sqrt{r_1}) C,

    where random variables are

    .. math::
       r_1, r_2 \sim \mathcal{U}(0, 1)

コード例 #32
Monte Carlo based computation of the test value, SSY model, with active

Unfortunately this file replicates a huge amount of code from
ssy_monte_carlo_test.py.  This is purely for reasons of efficiency, and the
limits of what can and can't be done with current versions of Numba.


from numpy.random import randn
from numba import jit, njit, f8, prange

from ssy_model import *

def truncated_randn(truncation_val):
    y = randn()
    if y > truncation_val:
        return truncation_val
    if y < -truncation_val:
        return -truncation_val
    return y

@njit(f8[:](f8[:], f8[:], f8))
def update_state(x, c_params, trunc_val):

    μ_c, ρ, ϕ_z, σ_bar, ϕ_c, ρ_hz, σ_hz, ρ_hc, σ_hc = c_params
    z, h_z, h_c = x
コード例 #33
# import glob
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import os
# import pandas as pd
# from utils.helper_fncs import save_obj, load_obj
# import pickle
from numba import jit, njit
import numba as nb

@njit(nb.f8(nb.u8, nb.u8, nb.u8, nb.u8))
def compute_overlap(xA, xB, yA, yB):
    # x,y files, A start, B end
    num = yB - yA + xB - xA
    den = max(xB, yB) - min(xA, yA)
    folap = max(0, num / den - 1)

    return folap

@njit(nb.f8(nb.u8, nb.u8, nb.u8, nb.u8))
def compute_intersect(xA, xB, yA, yB):
    num = yB - yA + xB - xA
    den = max(xB, yB) - min(xA, yA)
    intersct = max(num - den, 0)

    return intersct

@njit(nb.b1[:](nb.u8[:, :], nb.u8[:, :], nb.f8[:, :], nb.f8))
コード例 #34
import numba as nb
from numba import jit, f8, int32,b1

# Fluid Specific Heat
@jit(f8 (f8 ,f8 ),nopython=True)
def fCp(Tref,percglyvol=percGly):
        return 0.6502826505e5 - 0.55296090e8 / Tref + 0.8269255092e2 * percglyvol - 0.8130626690e-1 * percglyvol ** 2 + 0.167409225e11 / Tref ** 2 - 0.180431100e4 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) ** 2 - 0.44220204e7 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) / Tref - 0.16876350e13 / Tref ** 3 - 0.68413806e3 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) ** 3 + 0.52095834e6 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) ** 2 / Tref + 0.54229338e9 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) / Tref ** 2
        return (0.2451e6 - 0.25033e4 * Tref + 0.867151e1 * Tref ** 2 - 0.100147e-1 * Tref ** 3) * (0.1560553517e2 - 0.13270e5 / Tref + 0.1984462465e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1951194310e-4 * percglyvol ** 2 + 0.40175e7 / Tref ** 2 - 0.43300e0 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) ** 2 - 0.10612e4 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) / Tref - 0.4050e9 / Tref ** 3 - 0.16418e0 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) ** 3 + 0.12502e3 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) ** 2 / Tref + 0.13014e6 * (0.6336420000e-3 + 0.1107710000e-1 * percglyvol - 0.1089140000e-4 * percglyvol ** 2) / Tref ** 2)
コード例 #35
import numpy as np
# import scipy.special as scsp

import numba as nub

# # @nub.autojit(nub.double(nub.double, nub.double, nub.double))
# @nub.autojit()
# def loglike_vonmises(x, params):
#     mu = params[0]
#     kappa = params[1]
#     out = kappa*np.cos(x - mu) - np.log(2.*np.pi) - np.log(scsp.i0(kappa))

#     return out

# @nub.autojit(locals={'thetas':nub.double[:], 'datapoint':nub.double[:], 'ATtcB':nub.double, 'sampled_feature_index':nub.int_, 'mean_fixed_contrib':nub.double[:], 'inv_covariance_fixed_contrib':nub.double[:,:]})
@nub.jit(nub.f8(nub.f8, nub.f8[:], nub.f8[:], nub.object_, nub.f8, nub.int_, nub.f8[:], nub.f8[:, :]))
def loglike_fct(new_theta, thetas, datapoint, rn, ATtcB, sampled_feature_index, mean_fixed_contrib, inv_covariance_fixed_contrib):
        Compute the loglikelihood of: theta_r | n_tc theta_r' tc
    # print 'what?', params, len(params)

    # thetas = params[0]
    # datapoint = params[1]
    # # rn = params[2]
    # # theta_mu = params[3]
    # # theta_kappa = params[4]
    # ATtcB = nub.double(params[5])
    # sampled_feature_index = params[6]
    # mean_fixed_contrib = params[7]