コード例 #1
def get_pair_matches(alpha_inds, beta_conjuncts, beta_inds, conds):
    n_vars = len(conds.vars)
    pair_matches = List(
        [List.empty_list(i8_i8_arr_tuple) for _ in range(n_vars)])
    # print(beta_inds)
    for i in range(n_vars):
        pair_matches_i = pair_matches[i]
        for j in range(n_vars):

            if (beta_inds[i, j] != -1):
                terms_ij = beta_conjuncts[beta_inds[i, j]]
                if (len(terms_ij) > 1):
                    # When two or more beta nodes act on the same pair of variables
                    #   we need to find the intersection of the pairs they form
                    #   Note: this could probably be rethought to be more performant
                    #     but it is probably a rare enough case that it doesn't matter
                    pair_set = None
                    for term in terms_ij:
                        pairs = filter_beta(term, alpha_inds[i], alpha_inds[j])
                        _pair_set = Dict.empty(i8_x2, u1)
                        if (pair_set is None):
                            for pair in pairs:
                                _pair_set[(pair[0], pair[1])] = u1(1)
                            for pair in pairs:
                                t = (pair[0], pair[1])
                                if (t in pair_set): _pair_set[t] = u1(1)
                        pair_set = _pair_set
                    pairs = np.empty((len(pair_set), 2), dtype=np.int64)
                    for k, (a, b) in enumerate(pair_set.keys()):
                        pairs[k][0] = a
                        pairs[k][1] = b

                    # The more common case: there is just one beta term for this
                    #  pair of variables
                    term = terms_ij[0]
                    pairs = filter_beta(term, alpha_inds[i], alpha_inds[j])

                pair_matches_i.append((j, pairs))
    return pair_matches
コード例 #2
def fit_tree(tree, config, iterative=False):
    Refits the tree from its DataStats
    cache_nodes = False
    # print("Z")
    context_stack, node_dict, nodes =  \

    # print("A")

    while (len(context_stack) > 0):
        # print("AZ")
        c = context_stack.pop()
        update_nominal_impurities(tree, c, iterative)
        # print("BZ")
        # print(c.impurities[:,0],c.start,c.end)
        best_split = np.argmin(c.impurities[:, 0])
        for split in [best_split]:
            # print("S", split)

            inds_l, inds_r, y_counts_l, y_counts_r, imp_tot, imp_l, imp_r, val = \
                extract_nominal_split_info(tree, c, split)

            # print("S1", split)

            # if(impurity_decrease[split] <= 0.0):

            if (c.impurity - imp_tot <= 0):
                c.node.ttype = TTYPE_LEAF

                # print("S2", split)
                ptr = _pointer_from_struct(c)
                locs = (c, best_split, val, iterative, node_dict,
                        context_stack, cache_nodes)
                node_l = new_node(locs, tree, inds_l, y_counts_l, imp_l, 0)
                node_r = new_node(locs, tree, inds_r, y_counts_r, imp_r, 1)

                split_data = SplitData(u1(False), i4(split), i4(val),
                                       i4(node_l), i4(node_r))
                #np.array([split, val, node_l, node_r, -1],dtype=np.int32)
                c.node.op_enum = OP_EQ

            # print("B")
            if (not iterative):
            # print("C")

        # _decref_pointer(ptr)
    return 0
def biInterpolation(distorted, i, j):
    i = u2(i)
    j = u2(j)
    Q11 = distorted[j, i]
    Q12 = distorted[j, i + 1]
    Q21 = distorted[j + 1, i]
    Q22 = distorted[j + 1, i + 1]

    return u1(
        Q11 * (i + 1 - i) * (j + 1 - j)
        + Q12 * (i - i) * (j + 1 - j)
        + Q21 * (i + 1 - i) * (j - j)
        + Q22 * (i - i) * (j - j)
コード例 #4
    def _init_signature(cls):
        assert hasattr(
            cls, 'signature'), "Operator %r missing signature." % cls.__name__
        out_type, arg_types = parse_signature(cls.signature)
        out_type = TYPE_ALIASES.get(out_type, out_type)
        arg_types = [TYPE_ALIASES.get(x, x) for x in arg_types]
        # print(arg_types)
        cls.out_type = out_type
        cls.arg_types = arg_types

        resolved_out_type = REGISTERED_TYPES[out_type]
        resolved_arg_types = [REGISTERED_TYPES[x] for x in arg_types]

        cls.signature = "{}({})".format(out_type, ",".join(arg_types))
        cls.signature_obj = resolved_out_type(
        )  #"{}({})".format(out_type,",".join(arg_types))
        cls.cond_signature = "u1({})".format(",".join(arg_types))
        cls.cond_signature_obj = u1(*resolved_arg_types)

        u_types, u_inds = np.unique(arg_types, return_inverse=True)
        cls.u_arg_types = u_types
        cls.u_arg_inds = u_inds

        if (isinstance(cls.commutes, bool)):
            if (cls.commutes == True):
                cls.commutes = [
                    np.where(i == u_inds)[0].tolist()
                    for i in range(len(u_types))
                cls.commutes = []
            assert (isinstance(cls.commutes, Iterable))

        right_commutes = Dict.empty(i8, i8[::1])
        for i in range(len(cls.commutes)):
            commuting_set = cls.commutes[i]
            # print(commuting_set)
            for j in range(len(commuting_set) - 1, 0, -1):
                right_commutes[commuting_set[j]] = np.array(commuting_set[0:j],
                for k in commuting_set[0:j]:
                    assert u_inds[k] == u_inds[commuting_set[j]], \
                     "invalid 'commutes' argument, argument %s and %s have different types \
					  %s and %s"                                 % (j, k, u_types[u_inds[j]], u_types[u_inds[k]])
        cls.right_commutes = right_commutes
コード例 #5
ファイル: RadarMsgs.py プロジェクト: vbillys/foobar
	    # b[index] = msg_bytearray[index]
	    # index = index + 1
    return b

def isSignalSignedType(signal):
    if signal._valuetype == '+':
	return False
	return True

def twosComplement(number, signalsize):
    return (number - (1 << signalsize))

def getArrayIdxFromStartBit(n):
    return (0 if (n+1)%8 == 0 else 8-((n+1)%8))  + (n/8)*8

def getFactorIsIntegerFromSignal(signal):
    return True if float(signal._factor).is_integer() else False

def getOffsetIsIntegerFromSignal(signal):
    return True if float(signal._offset).is_integer() else False

# @jit
def getSignalNumber(barray_unpacked, barray, start_bit, signalsize, isByteorderIntel, isValuetypeiSigned, factor, offset):
    # just guard againts unhandled (yet) intel bytecode
    # motorola only for now
    if 1 == isByteorderIntel: raise UserWarning
コード例 #6
        akd[h] = elems

@njit(nogil=True, fastmath=True)
def akd_get(akd, _arr, h=None):
    '''Gets an i4 from a dictionary keyed by an array _arr'''
    arr = _arr.view(np.uint8)
    if (h is None): h = hasharray(arr)
    if (h in akd):
        for elem in akd[h]:
            if (len(elem[0]) == len(arr) and (elem[0] == arr).all()):
                return elem[1]
    return -1

TTYPE_NODE = u1(1)
TTYPE_LEAF = u1(2)

def next_split_chain(c, is_right, is_cont, split, val):
    l = len(c.split_chain)
    split_chain = np.empty(l + 1, dtype=np.uint64)
    split_chain[:l] = c.split_chain
    split_chain[l] = (is_cont << 63) | (is_right << 62) | (split << 32) | val
    return split_chain

def new_node(locs, tree, sample_inds, y_counts, impurity, is_right):
    c, best_split, best_val, iterative, node_dict, context_stack, cache_nodes = locs
コード例 #7

#### TreeNode ####

treenode_fields = [
    ('op_enum', u1),
    ('counts', u4[:])

TreeNode, TreeNodeType = define_structref("TreeNode",treenode_fields,define_constructor=False) 

OP_NOP = u1(0)
OP_GE = u1(1)
OP_LT = u1(2) 
OP_ISNAN = u1(3)
OP_EQ = u1(4)

# i4_arr = i4[:]

def TreeNode_ctor(ttype, index, counts):
    st = new(TreeNodeType)
    st.ttype = ttype
    st.index = index
    st.op_enum = OP_NOP
    st.split_data = List.empty_list(SplitDataType)
    st.counts = counts
コード例 #8
import itertools
import random
import sys
import time
from time import strftime, localtime
import numpy as np
from numba import vectorize, njit, prange, jit, u1

@jit(u1(u1[:], u1[:]))
def hamming_distance(array1, array2):
    Calculates the hamming distance between two numpy arrays of uint8s
    if (array1.shape != array1.shape):
        raise ValueError("Shape of array1 & array2 does not match")
    distance = 0
    for i in range(array1.shape[0]):
        if (array1[i] != array2[i]):
            distance += 1
    return distance

def gen_max_hamming_set(N):
    Generates maximal hamming distance permutation set
    N - the number of permutations in the returned set
    # There a 9! permutations, factorial function avoided for numba
コード例 #9
ファイル: can_test_msg.py プロジェクト: vbillys/foobar
#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from foobar.msg import Canbus as CanBusMsg
from numba import jit , njit
import numba
import numpy as np

canbus_msg = CanBusMsg()

def getArrayIdxFromStartBit(n):
    return (0 if (n+1)%8 == 0 else 8-((n+1)%8))  + (n/8)*8

# @njit(numba.u8(numba.u1[:],numba.u1,numba.u1,numba.u8))
def setBigEndiNumberToNpArr(blist, idx, size, number):
    # print number
    # print [number & (1 << (size - i  - 1)) for i in range (0,size)]
    for i in range (0,size):
	if (number & (1 << (size - i  - 1))):
	    blist[idx+i] = 1
	    blist[idx+i] = 0

def startRosNode():
    rospy.init_node('can_test_msg_node', anonymous=True)

    # pub_can_msg  = rospy.Publisher('radar_packet/can0/send', CanBusMsg, queue_size=10)
    pub_can_msg  = rospy.Publisher('radar_packet/can0/recv', CanBusMsg, queue_size=300)
    pub_can_msg2 = rospy.Publisher('radar_packet/can1/recv', CanBusMsg, queue_size=300)
    pub_can_msg3 = rospy.Publisher('radar_packet/can2/recv', CanBusMsg, queue_size=300)