コード例 #1
    def _ufunc_lookup(cls, name):
        Returns an arithmetic ufunc using lookup tables. These ufuncs are compiled for each Galois field since the lookup tables are compiled
        into the ufuncs as constants.
        key = (name, cls.characteristic, cls.degree, cls._irreducible_poly_int)

        if key not in cls._UFUNC_CACHE_LOOKUP:
            # These variables must be locals for Numba to compile them as literals
            EXP = cls._EXP
            LOG = cls._LOG
            ZECH_LOG = cls._ZECH_LOG
            ZECH_E = cls._ZECH_E

            function = getattr(cls, f"_{name}_lookup")
            if cls._UFUNC_TYPE[name] == "unary":
                cls._UFUNC_CACHE_LOOKUP[key] = numba.vectorize(
                    ["int64(int64)"], nopython=True)(
                        lambda a: function(a, EXP, LOG, ZECH_LOG, ZECH_E))
                cls._UFUNC_CACHE_LOOKUP[key] = numba.vectorize(
                    ["int64(int64, int64)"],
                    nopython=True)(lambda a, b: function(
                        a, b, EXP, LOG, ZECH_LOG, ZECH_E))

        return cls._UFUNC_CACHE_LOOKUP[key]
コード例 #2
 def test_vectorize_no_args(self):
     a = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 10)
     b = numpy.linspace(1, 2, 10)
     ufunc = vectorize(add)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(ufunc(a, b) == (a + b)))
     ufunc2 = vectorize(add)
     c = numpy.empty(10)
     ufunc2(a, b, c)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(c == (a + b)))
コード例 #3
 def test_vectorize_no_args(self):
     a = numpy.linspace(0,1,10)
     b = numpy.linspace(1,2,10)
     ufunc = vectorize(add)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(ufunc(a,b) == (a + b)))
     ufunc2 = vectorize(add)
     c = numpy.empty(10)
     ufunc2(a, b, c)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(c == (a + b)))
コード例 #4
 def test_vectorize_no_args(self):
     a = np.linspace(0,1,10)
     b = np.linspace(1,2,10)
     ufunc = vectorize(add)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(ufunc(a,b), a + b)
     ufunc2 = vectorize(add)
     c = np.empty(10)
     ufunc2(a, b, c)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(c, a + b)
コード例 #5
    def test_is_jitted(self):
        def foo(x):

        self.assertFalse(is_jitted(guvectorize("void(float64[:])", "(m)")(foo)))
コード例 #6
 def test_vectorize_no_args(self):
     a = np.linspace(0,1,10)
     b = np.linspace(1,2,10)
     ufunc = vectorize(add)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(ufunc(a,b), a + b)
     ufunc2 = vectorize(add)
     c = np.empty(10)
     ufunc2(a, b, c)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(c, a + b)
コード例 #7
    def test_cpu_vs_parallel(self):
        def add(x, y):
            return x + y

        custom_vectorize = vectorize([], identity=None, target='cpu')


        custom_vectorize_2 = vectorize([], identity=None, target='parallel')

コード例 #8
ファイル: gf.py プロジェクト: alishakiba/galois
    def _compile_lookup_ufuncs(cls, target):
        # Export lookup tables to global variables so JIT compiling can cache the tables in the binaries
        global CHARACTERISTIC, ORDER, EXP, LOG, ZECH_LOG, ZECH_E, ADD_JIT, MULTIPLY_JIT  # pylint: disable=global-statement
        CHARACTERISTIC = cls.characteristic
        ORDER = cls.order
        EXP = cls._EXP
        LOG = cls._LOG
        ZECH_LOG = cls._ZECH_LOG
        if cls.characteristic == 2:
            ZECH_E = 0
            ZECH_E = (cls.order - 1) // 2

        kwargs = {"nopython": True, "target": target}
        if target == "cuda":

        # JIT-compile add and multiply routines for reference in other routines
        ADD_JIT = numba.jit("int64(int64, int64)", nopython=True)(_add_lookup)
        MULTIPLY_JIT = numba.jit("int64(int64, int64)", nopython=True)(_multiply_lookup)

        # Create numba JIT-compiled ufuncs using the *current* EXP, LOG, and MUL_INV lookup tables
        cls._numba_ufunc_add = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_add_lookup)
        cls._numba_ufunc_subtract = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_subtract_lookup)
        cls._numba_ufunc_multiply = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_multiply_lookup)
        cls._numba_ufunc_divide = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_divide_lookup)
        cls._numba_ufunc_negative = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64)"], **kwargs)(_additive_inverse_lookup)
        cls._numba_ufunc_multiple_add = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_multiple_add_lookup)
        cls._numba_ufunc_power = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_power_lookup)
        cls._numba_ufunc_log = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64)"], **kwargs)(_log_lookup)
        cls._numba_ufunc_poly_eval = numba.guvectorize([(numba.int64[:], numba.int64[:], numba.int64[:])], "(n),(m)->(m)", **kwargs)(_poly_eval_lookup)
コード例 #9
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: agolovanov/schrodinger
    def __init__(self, x_max, dx, dt, potential=None, stationary=False):
        Creates a solver for the interval [-x_max, x_max] with a spatial step `dx` and a time step `dt`.
        :param x_max:
        :param dx:
        :param dt:
        :param potential:
        :param stationary: if True, the potential is considered constant in time
        self.dx = dx
        self.dt = dt
        n1 = int(x_max / dx)
        if n1 * dx < x_max - 0.01 * dx:
            n1 += 1

        self.n_points = 2 * n1 + 1
        self.x = _np.linspace(-n1 * dx, n1 * dx, self.n_points)
        self.stationary = stationary
        if potential is None:
            self.potential = _numba.vectorize(nopython=True)(lambda x: 0.0j)
            self.stationary = True
        elif isinstance(potential, _potential.Potential):
            if not isinstance(potential, _potential.Potential1D):
                raise ValueError("Only 1D potentials are allowed")
            self.potential = potential.get_potential()
            self.stationary = potential.is_stationary()
            self.delta_depth = potential.get_delta_depth()
            self.potential = potential
        self._psi = _np.zeros(self.x.shape, dtype=_np.complex)
コード例 #10
def numba_funcify_Elemwise(op,
    scalar_op_fn = numba_funcify(op.scalar_op, node, **kwargs)

    input_names = ", ".join([v.auto_name for v in node.inputs])

    if use_signature:
        signature = [create_numba_signature(node, force_scalar=True)]
        signature = []

    numba_vectorize = numba.vectorize(signature, identity=identity)
    global_env = {
        "scalar_op": scalar_op_fn,
        "numba_vectorize": numba_vectorize

    elemwise_fn_name = f"elemwise_{get_name_for_object(scalar_op_fn)}"
    elemwise_src = f"""
def {elemwise_fn_name}({input_names}):
    return scalar_op({input_names})
    elemwise_fn = compile_function_src(elemwise_src, elemwise_fn_name,

    return elemwise_fn
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self,
        self.expression = expression
        self.arguments = arguments
        self.argument_dtypes = argument_dtypes
        self.return_dtype = return_dtype
        self.verbose = verbose
        import numba
        argument_dtypes_numba = [
            getattr(numba, argument_dtype.name)
            for argument_dtype in argument_dtypes
        argstring = ", ".join(arguments)
        code = '''
from numpy import *
def f({0}):
    return {1}'''.format(argstring, expression)
        if verbose:
            print('Generated code:\n' + code)
        scope = {}
        exec(code, scope)
        f = scope['f']
        return_dtype_numba = getattr(numba, return_dtype.name)
        vectorizer = numba.vectorize(
        self.f = vectorizer(f)
コード例 #12
ファイル: polynomial.py プロジェクト: xnd-project/numba-xnd
def main():

    N = 1e+8 // 2
    print('Data size', N)

    targets = ['cpu', 'parallel']

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print('== Target', target)
        vect_discriminant = vectorize(['f4(f4, f4, f4)', 'f8(f8, f8, f8)'],

        A, B, C = generate_input(N, dtype=np.float32)
        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_discriminant(A, B, C)
        te = time()

        total_time = (te - ts)

        print('Execution time %.4f' % total_time)
        print('Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time))

        if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
コード例 #13
ファイル: polynomial.py プロジェクト: stuartarchibald/numba
def main():

    N = 1e8 // 2
    print("Data size", N)

    targets = ["cpu", "parallel"]

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print("== Target", target)
        vect_discriminant = vectorize(["f4(f4, f4, f4)", "f8(f8, f8, f8)"], target=target)(discriminant)

        A, B, C = generate_input(N, dtype=np.float32)
        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_discriminant(A, B, C)
        te = time()

        total_time = te - ts

        print("Execution time %.4f" % total_time)
        print("Throughput %.4f" % (N / total_time))

        if "-verify" in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
コード例 #14
ファイル: sum.py プロジェクト: xnd-project/numba-xnd
def main():
    targets = ['cpu', 'parallel']

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print('== Target', target)
        vect_sum = vectorize(['f4(f4, f4)', 'f8(f8, f8)'], target=target)(sum)

        A = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float32)
        B = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float32)
        assert A.shape == B.shape
        assert A.dtype == B.dtype
        assert len(A.shape) == 1

        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        print('Data size', N)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_sum(A, B)
        te = time()

        total_time = (te - ts)

        print('Execution time %.4f' % total_time)
        print('Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time))

        if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
コード例 #15
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: alsoto25/geneticclassifier
def greyscale_image(arr):
    vectorized_greyscale_img = nb.vectorize(greyscale_pixel)
    split_arr = np.split(arr, 3)

    res = vectorized_greyscale_img(split_arr[0], split_arr[1], split_arr[2])

    return res
コード例 #16
ファイル: sum.py プロジェクト: FedericoStra/numba
def main():
    targets = ['cpu', 'parallel']

    # run just one target if is specified in the argument
    for t in targets:
        if t in sys.argv[1:]:
            targets = [t]

    for target in targets:
        print('== Target', target)
        vect_sum = vectorize(['f4(f4, f4)', 'f8(f8, f8)'],

        A = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float32)
        B = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float32)
        assert A.shape == B.shape
        assert A.dtype ==  B.dtype
        assert len(A.shape) == 1

        D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)

        print('Data size', N)

        ts = time()
        D = vect_sum(A, B)
        te = time()

        total_time = (te - ts)

        print('Execution time %.4f' % total_time)
        print('Throughput %.4f' % (N / total_time))

        if '-verify' in sys.argv[1:]:
            check_answer(D, A, B, C)
コード例 #17
ファイル: mappings.py プロジェクト: Brieden/pyDive
def __apply_MapOp(mesh, particles_pos, shape_function, mapOp):
    half_supp = 0.5 * shape_function.support
    num_coeffs_per_axis = int(np.ceil(shape_function.support))
    dim = len(np.shape(mesh))

    # ndarray which holds the non-zero particle assignment values of one particle
    coeffs = np.empty([num_coeffs_per_axis] * dim)

    if vectorize:
        # vectorize shape function to a compiled ufunc
        v_shape_function = vectorize(['f4(f4)', 'f8(f8)'])(shape_function.__call__)
        # numpy fallback
        v_shape_function = np.vectorize(shape_function.__call__)

    for idx, pos in enumerate(particles_pos):
        # lowest mesh indices that contributes to the mapping
        begin = np.ceil(pos - np.ones(dim) * half_supp).astype(int)

        # rearrange mapping area if it overlaps the border
        begin = np.maximum(begin, np.zeros(dim, dtype=int))
        begin = np.minimum(begin, np.shape(mesh) - np.ones(dim) * half_supp)

        # compute coefficients (particle assignment values)
        for coeff_idx in np.ndindex(np.shape(coeffs)):
            rel_vec = begin + coeff_idx - pos
            coeffs[coeff_idx] = np.prod(v_shape_function(rel_vec))

        # do the actual mapping
        window = [slice(begin[i], begin[i] + num_coeffs_per_axis) for i in range(dim)]
        mapOp(mesh[window], coeffs, idx)
コード例 #18
def __apply_MapOp(mesh, particles_pos, shape_function, mapOp):
    half_supp = 0.5 * shape_function.support
    num_coeffs_per_axis = int(np.ceil(shape_function.support))
    dim = len(np.shape(mesh))

    # ndarray which holds the non-zero particle assignment values of one particle
    coeffs = np.empty([num_coeffs_per_axis] * dim)

    if vectorize:
        # vectorize shape function to a compiled ufunc
        v_shape_function = vectorize(['f4(f4)',
        # numpy fallback
        v_shape_function = np.vectorize(shape_function.__call__)

    for idx, pos in enumerate(particles_pos):
        # lowest mesh indices that contributes to the mapping
        begin = np.ceil(pos - np.ones(dim) * half_supp).astype(int)

        # rearrange mapping area if it overlaps the border
        begin = np.maximum(begin, np.zeros(dim, dtype=int))
        begin = np.minimum(begin, np.shape(mesh) - np.ones(dim) * half_supp)

        # compute coefficients (particle assignment values)
        for coeff_idx in np.ndindex(np.shape(coeffs)):
            rel_vec = begin + coeff_idx - pos
            coeffs[coeff_idx] = np.prod(v_shape_function(rel_vec))

        # do the actual mapping
        window = [
            slice(begin[i], begin[i] + num_coeffs_per_axis) for i in range(dim)
        mapOp(mesh[window], coeffs, idx)
コード例 #19
ファイル: composite.py プロジェクト: kasperbrink/datashader-1
def operator(f):
    """Define and register a new composite operator"""
    f2 = nb.vectorize(f)
    f2._compile_for_argtys((nb.types.uint32, nb.types.uint32))
    f2._frozen = True
    composite_op_lookup[f.__name__] = f2
    return f2
コード例 #20
def test_vectorize(filter_str, shape, dtypes, input_type):
    if _helper.platform_not_supported(filter_str):

    if _helper.skip_test(filter_str):

    def vector_add(a, b):
        return a + b

    dtype, sig_dtype = dtypes
    sig = [sig_dtype(sig_dtype, sig_dtype)]
    size, shape = shape

    if input_type == "array":
        A = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
        B = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
    elif input_type == "scalar":
        A = dtype(1.2)
        B = dtype(2.3)

    with dppy.offload_to_sycl_device(filter_str):
        f = vectorize(sig, target="dppy")(vector_add)
        expected = f(A, B)
        actual = vector_add(A, B)

        max_abs_err = np.sum(expected) - np.sum(actual)
        assert max_abs_err < 1e-5
コード例 #21
 def _run_and_compare(cls, func, sig, A, *args, **kwargs):
     if cls.wrapper is not None:
         func = cls.wrapper(func)
     numba_func = vectorize(sig, target=cls.target)(func)
     numpy_func = np.vectorize(func)
     result = numba_func(A, *args)
     gold = numpy_func(A, *args)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(result, gold, **kwargs)
コード例 #22
 def _test_target_nopython(self, target, warnings, with_sig=True):
     a = np.array([2.0], dtype=np.float32)
     b = np.array([3.0], dtype=np.float32)
     sig = [float32(float32, float32)]
     args = with_sig and [sig] or []
     with self.check_warnings(warnings):
         f = vectorize(*args, target=target, nopython=True)(vector_add)
         f(a, b)
コード例 #23
 def _run_and_compare(cls, func, sig, A, *args, **kwargs):
     if cls.wrapper is not None:
         func = cls.wrapper(func)
     numba_func = vectorize(sig, target=cls.target)(func)
     numpy_func = np.vectorize(func)
     result = numba_func(A, *args)
     gold = numpy_func(A, *args)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(result, gold, **kwargs)
コード例 #24
 def _compile(self, expr, args, argtypes, function_name):
     function_str = '''def %s(%s):
         return %s
     ''' % (function_name, ','.join(args), expr)
     scope = {_implicit_math_module: math}
     exec(function_str, scope)
     vectorizer = vectorize([argtypes], target=self.target)
     return vectorizer(scope[function_name])
コード例 #25
 def _compile(self, expr, args, argtypes, function_name):
     function_str = '''def %s(%s):
         return %s
     ''' % (function_name, ','.join(args), expr)
     scope = {_implicit_math_module: math}
     exec(function_str, scope)
     vectorizer = vectorize([argtypes], target=self.target)
     return vectorizer(scope[function_name])
コード例 #26
ファイル: gmfs.py プロジェクト: oarcher/xsarsea
    def _gmf_function(self, ftype='numba_vectorize'):
         get vectorized function for gmf

        name: str
            gmf name

        ftype: str
            return function type. Allowed values are:

                - 'numba_vectorize': vectorized with `numba.vectorize` (default)
                - 'numba_guvectorize': vectorized with `numba.guvectorize`
                - 'vectorize': vectorized with `numpy.vectorize`, without signature
                - 'guvectorize': vectorized with `numpy.vectorize`, with signature
                - 'numba_njit': compiled with `numba.njit` (only scalar input will be allowed)
                - None: pure python function (only scalar input will be allowed)

            `sigma0_linear = function(inc, wspd, [phi])`

        gmf_function = None

        if ftype is None:
            gmf_function = self._gmf_pyfunc_scalar
        elif ftype == 'numba_njit':
            gmf_function = njit([float64(float64, float64, float64)], nogil=True, inline='never')(
        elif ftype == 'numba_vectorize':
            gmf_function = vectorize(
                    float64(float64, float64, float64),
                    float32(float32, float32, float64)
                ], target='parallel', nopython=True)(self._gmf_pyfunc_scalar)
        elif ftype == 'numba_guvectorize':
            func_njit = self._gmf_function(ftype='numba_njit')

                    (float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64[:, :, :]),
                    (float32[:], float32[:], float32[:], float32[:, :, :])
                ], '(n),(m),(p)->(n,m,p)', target='cpu')
            def func(inc, wspd, phi, sigma0_out):
                for i_phi, one_phi in enumerate(phi):
                    for i_wspd, one_wspd in enumerate(wspd):
                        for i_inc, one_inc in enumerate(inc):
                            sigma0_out[i_inc, i_wspd, i_phi] = func_njit(one_inc, one_wspd, one_phi)

            gmf_function = func
            raise TypeError('ftype "%s" not known' % ftype)

        return gmf_function
コード例 #27
 def _test_template_3(self, target):
     numba_scaled_sinc = vectorize(['float64(float64, uint32)'],
     numpy_scaled_sinc = np.vectorize(scaled_sinc)
     A = np.arange(100, dtype=np.float64)
     scale = np.uint32(3)
     result = numba_scaled_sinc(A, scale)
     gold = numpy_scaled_sinc(A, scale)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(result, gold, atol=1e-8)
コード例 #28
 def _test_template_3(self, target):
     numba_scaled_sinc = vectorize(['float64(float64, uint32)'],
     numpy_scaled_sinc = np.vectorize(scaled_sinc)
     A = np.arange(100, dtype=np.float64)
     scale = np.uint32(3)
     result = numba_scaled_sinc(A, scale)
     gold = numpy_scaled_sinc(A, scale)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(result, gold, atol=1e-8)
コード例 #29
 def check_ufunc_raise(self, **vectorize_args):
     f = vectorize(['float64(float64)'], **vectorize_args)(sqrt)
     arr = np.array([1, 4, -2, 9, -1, 16], dtype=np.float64)
     out = np.zeros_like(arr)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
         f(arr, out)
     self.assertIn('Value must be positive', str(cm.exception))
     # All values were computed except for the ones giving an error
     self.assertEqual(list(out), [1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4])
コード例 #30
ファイル: feateng.py プロジェクト: jeethu/autofeat
 def compile_func_combinations(func_combinations):
     d = {}
     for fc in func_combinations:
         s, t = sympy.symbols("s t")
         expr_temp = func_combinations[fc](s, t)
         fn = lambdify((s, t), expr_temp)
         vect = nb.vectorize(["float32(float32, float32)"], nopython=True)
         d[fc] = vect(fn)
     return d
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_errors.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/numba
 def check_ufunc_raise(self, **vectorize_args):
     f = vectorize(['float64(float64)'], **vectorize_args)(sqrt)
     arr = np.array([1, 4, -2, 9, -1, 16], dtype=np.float64)
     out = np.zeros_like(arr)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
         f(arr, out)
     self.assertIn('Value must be positive', str(cm.exception))
     # All values were computed except for the ones giving an error
     self.assertEqual(list(out), [1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4])
コード例 #32
 def _test_target_unrecognized_arg(self, target, with_sig=True):
     a = np.array([2.0], dtype=np.float32)
     b = np.array([3.0], dtype=np.float32)
     sig = [float32(float32, float32)]
     args = with_sig and [sig] or []
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as raises:
         f = vectorize(*args, target=target, nonexistent=2)(vector_add)
         f(a, b)
     self.assertIn("Unrecognized options", str(raises.exception))
コード例 #33
    def make_wrapper(func):
        vecd_f = vectorize(dtype_args)(func)

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            arrays = [arg.values for arg in args]
            ans = vecd_f(*arrays)
            return ans
        return wrapper
コード例 #34
    def make_wrapper(func):
        vecd_f = vectorize(dtype_args)(func)

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            arrays = [arg.values for arg in args]
            ans = vecd_f(*arrays)
            return ans

        return wrapper
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_fastmath.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/numba
 def test_vectorize(self):
     def foo(x):
         return x + math.sin(x)
     fastfoo = vectorize(fastmath=True)(foo)
     slowfoo = vectorize(foo)
     x = np.random.random(8).astype(np.float32)
     # capture the optimized llvm to check for fast flag
     with override_config('DUMP_OPTIMIZED', True):
         with captured_stdout() as slow_cap:
             expect = slowfoo(x)
         slowllvm = slow_cap.getvalue()
         with captured_stdout() as fast_cap:
             got = fastfoo(x)
         fastllvm = fast_cap.getvalue()
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expect, got)
     self.assertIn('fadd fast', fastllvm)
     self.assertIn('call fast', fastllvm)
     self.assertNotIn('fadd fast', slowllvm)
     self.assertNotIn('call fast', slowllvm)
コード例 #36
    def test_vectorize_output_kwarg(self):
        Passing the output array as a keyword argument (issue #1867).
        def check(ufunc):
            a = np.arange(10, 16, dtype='int32')
            out = np.zeros_like(a)
            got = ufunc(a, a, out=out)
            self.assertIs(got, out)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(out, a + a)
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                ufunc(a, a, zzz=out)

        # With explicit sigs
        ufunc = vectorize(['int32(int32, int32)'], nopython=True)(add)
        # With implicit sig
        ufunc = vectorize(nopython=True)(add)
        check(ufunc)  # compiling
        check(ufunc)  # after compiling
コード例 #37
    def test_vectorize_output_kwarg(self):
        Passing the output array as a keyword argument (issue #1867).
        def check(ufunc):
            a = np.arange(10, 16, dtype='int32')
            out = np.zeros_like(a)
            got = ufunc(a, a, out=out)
            self.assertIs(got, out)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(out, a + a)
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                ufunc(a, a, zzz=out)

        # With explicit sigs
        ufunc = vectorize(['int32(int32, int32)'], nopython=True)(add)
        # With implicit sig
        ufunc = vectorize(nopython=True)(add)
        check(ufunc)  # compiling
        check(ufunc)  # after compiling
コード例 #38
    def test_vectorize(self):
        def foo(x):
            return x + math.sin(x)

        fastfoo = vectorize(fastmath=True)(foo)
        slowfoo = vectorize(foo)
        x = np.random.random(8).astype(np.float32)
        # capture the optimized llvm to check for fast flag
        with override_config('DUMP_OPTIMIZED', True):
            with captured_stdout() as slow_cap:
                expect = slowfoo(x)
            slowllvm = slow_cap.getvalue()
            with captured_stdout() as fast_cap:
                got = fastfoo(x)
            fastllvm = fast_cap.getvalue()
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expect, got)
        self.assertIn('fadd fast', fastllvm)
        self.assertIn('call fast', fastllvm)
        self.assertNotIn('fadd fast', slowllvm)
        self.assertNotIn('call fast', slowllvm)
コード例 #39
ファイル: test_errors.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/numba
 def check_divmod_float(self, pyfunc, values, messages):
     Test 1 // 0 and 0 // 0.
     f = vectorize(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
     a = np.array([5., 6., 0., 9.])
     b = np.array([1., 0., 0., 4.])
     expected = np.array(values)
     with self.check_warnings(messages):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #40
 def check_divmod_float(self, pyfunc, values, messages):
     Test 1 // 0 and 0 // 0.
     f = vectorize(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
     a = np.array([5., 6., 0., 9.])
     b = np.array([1., 0., 0., 4.])
     expected = np.array(values)
     with self.check_warnings(messages):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #41
ファイル: test_errors.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/numba
 def check_divmod_int(self, pyfunc, values):
     Test 1 % 0 and 0 % 0.
     f = vectorize(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
     a = np.array([5, 6, 0, 9])
     b = np.array([1, 0, 0, 4])
     expected = np.array(values)
     # No warnings raised because LLVM makes it difficult
     with self.check_warnings([]):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #42
ファイル: test_errors.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/numba
 def test_power_float(self):
     Test 0 ** -1 and 2 ** <big number>.
     f = vectorize(nopython=True)(power)
     a = np.array([5., 0., 2., 8.])
     b = np.array([1., -1., 1e20, 4.])
     expected = np.array([5., float('inf'), float('inf'), 4096.])
     with self.check_warnings(["divide by zero encountered",
                               "overflow encountered"]):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #43
ファイル: test_errors.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/numba
 def check_truediv_real(self, dtype):
     Test 1 / 0 and 0 / 0.
     f = vectorize(nopython=True)(truediv)
     a = np.array([5., 6., 0., 8.], dtype=dtype)
     b = np.array([1., 0., 0., 4.], dtype=dtype)
     expected = np.array([5., float('inf'), float('nan'), 2.])
     with self.check_warnings(["divide by zero encountered",
                               "invalid value encountered"]):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #44
 def check_truediv_real(self, dtype):
     Test 1 / 0 and 0 / 0.
     f = vectorize(nopython=True)(truediv)
     a = np.array([5., 6., 0., 8.], dtype=dtype)
     b = np.array([1., 0., 0., 4.], dtype=dtype)
     expected = np.array([5., float('inf'), float('nan'), 2.])
     with self.check_warnings(
         ["divide by zero encountered", "invalid value encountered"]):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #45
 def test_power_float(self):
     Test 0 ** -1 and 2 ** <big number>.
     f = vectorize(nopython=True)(power)
     a = np.array([5., 0., 2., 8.])
     b = np.array([1., -1., 1e20, 4.])
     expected = np.array([5., float('inf'), float('inf'), 4096.])
     with self.check_warnings(
         ["divide by zero encountered", "overflow encountered"]):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #46
 def check_divmod_int(self, pyfunc, values):
     Test 1 % 0 and 0 % 0.
     f = vectorize(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
     a = np.array([5, 6, 0, 9])
     b = np.array([1, 0, 0, 4])
     expected = np.array(values)
     # No warnings raised because LLVM makes it difficult
     with self.check_warnings([]):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #47
ファイル: numba.py プロジェクト: CaptainAL/Spyder
def _get_numba_ufunc(expr):
    """Construct a numba ufunc from a blaze expression

    expr : blaze.expr.Expr

    f : function
        A numba vectorized function

    >>> from blaze import symbol
    >>> import numpy as np

    >>> s = symbol('s', 'float64')
    >>> t = symbol('t', 'float64')

    >>> x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    >>> y = np.array([2.0, 3.0, 4.0])

    >>> f = get_numba_ufunc(s + t)

    >>> f(x, y)
    array([ 3.,  5.,  7.])

    See Also
    if isinstance(expr, Broadcast):
        leaves = expr._scalars
        expr = expr._scalar_expr
        leaves = expr._leaves()

    s, scope = funcstr(leaves, expr)

    scope = dict((k, numba.jit(nopython=True)(v) if callable(v) else v)
                 for k, v in scope.items())
    # get the func
    func = eval(s, scope)
    # get the signature
    sig = compute_signature(expr)
    # vectorize is currently not thread safe. So lock the thread.
    # TODO FIXME remove this when numba has made vectorize thread safe.
    with lock:
        ufunc = numba.vectorize([sig], nopython=True)(func)
    return ufunc
コード例 #48
ファイル: symbolic.py プロジェクト: exa-analytics/exa
 def lambdify(self, recompile=False):
     Compile the function for discrete evaluation.
     if self._discrete_func is None or recompile == True:
         npfunc = sy.lambdify(sorted(self.free_symbols), self, 'numpy')
         if self._compile_type == "jit":
             self._discrete_func = jit(nopython=True)(npfunc)
         elif self._compile_type == "vectorize":
             self._discrete_func = vectorize([], nopython=True)(npfunc)
             raise NotImplementedError()
     return self._discrete_func
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_errors.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/numba
 def test_power_integer(self):
     Test 0 ** -1.
     Note 2 ** <big number> returns an undefined value (depending
     on the algorithm).
     dtype = np.int64
     f = vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], nopython=True)(power)
     a = np.array([5, 0, 6], dtype=dtype)
     b = np.array([1, -1, 2], dtype=dtype)
     expected = np.array([5, -2**63, 36], dtype=dtype)
     with self.check_warnings([]):
         res = f(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
コード例 #50
    def test_type_inference(self):
        global vector_add
        vector_add = vectorize([
            bool_(double, int_),
            double(double, double),
            float_(double, float_),

        cfunc = jit(func)

        self.assertEqual(cfunc(np.dtype(np.float64), np.dtype('i')), int8[:])
        self.assertEqual(cfunc(np.dtype(np.float64), np.dtype(np.float64)),
        self.assertEqual(cfunc(np.dtype(np.float64), np.dtype(np.float32)),
コード例 #51
    def test_cuda_vectorize_device_call(self):
        ufunc = vectorize([float32(float32, float32, float32)], target='cuda')(

        N = 100

        X = np.array(np.random.sample(N), dtype=np.float32)
        Y = np.array(np.random.sample(N), dtype=np.float32)
        Z = np.array(np.random.sample(N), dtype=np.float32) + 0.1

        out = ufunc(X, Y, Z)

        gold = (X ** Y) / Z

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(out, gold))
コード例 #52
ファイル: numba.py プロジェクト: ChampagneDev/blaze
def _get_numba_ufunc(expr):
    """Construct a numba ufunc from a blaze expression

    expr : blaze.expr.Expr

    f : function
        A numba vectorized function

    >>> from blaze import symbol
    >>> import numpy as np

    >>> s = symbol('s', 'float64')
    >>> t = symbol('t', 'float64')

    >>> x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    >>> y = np.array([2.0, 3.0, 4.0])

    >>> f = get_numba_ufunc(s + t)

    >>> f(x, y)
    array([ 3.,  5.,  7.])

    See Also
    if isinstance(expr, Broadcast):
        leaves = expr._scalars
        expr = expr._scalar_expr
        leaves = expr._leaves()

    # we may not have a Broadcast instance because arithmetic expressions can
    # be vectorized so we use getattr
    s, scope = funcstr(leaves, expr)

    scope = dict((k, numba.jit(nopython=True)(v) if callable(v) else v)
                 for k, v in scope.items())
    func = eval(s, scope)
    sig = compute_signature(expr)
    return numba.vectorize([sig], nopython=True)(func)
コード例 #53
 def test_vectorize_error_in_objectmode(self):
     # An exception raised inside an object mode @vectorized function
     # is printed out and ignored.
     ufunc = vectorize(['int32(int32)'], forceobj=True)(uerror)
     a = numpy.arange(4, dtype='int32')
     b = numpy.zeros_like(a)
     with support.captured_stderr() as err:
         ufunc(a, out=b)
     err = err.getvalue()
     if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
         self.assertIn("Exception ignored in: 'object mode ufunc'", err)
         self.assertIn("MyException: I'm here", err)
         self.assertRegexpMatches(err, r"Exception [^\n]* in 'object mode ufunc' ignored")
         self.assertIn("I'm here", err)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(b == numpy.array([1, 2, 0, 4])))
コード例 #54
    def _test_template_4(self, target):
        sig = [int32(int32, int32),
               uint32(uint32, uint32),
               float32(float32, float32),
               float64(float64, float64)]
        basic_ufunc = vectorize(sig, target=target)(vector_add)
        np_ufunc = np.add

        def test(ty):
            data = np.linspace(0., 100., 500).astype(ty)
            result = basic_ufunc(data, data)
            gold = np_ufunc(data, data)
            np.testing.assert_allclose(gold, result)

コード例 #55
 def test_vectorize_identity(self):
     sig = 'int32(int32, int32)'
     for identity in self._supported_identities:
         ufunc = vectorize([sig], identity=identity)(add)
         expected = None if identity == 'reorderable' else identity
         self.assertEqual(ufunc.identity, expected)
     # Default value is None
     ufunc = vectorize([sig])(add)
     self.assertIs(ufunc.identity, None)
     # Invalid values
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         vectorize([sig], identity='none')(add)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         vectorize([sig], identity=2)(add)
コード例 #56
ファイル: expression.py プロジェクト: maartenbreddels/vaex
    def __init__(self, expression, arguments, argument_dtypes, return_dtype, verbose=False):
        self.expression = expression
        self.arguments = arguments
        self.argument_dtypes = argument_dtypes
        self.return_dtype = return_dtype
        self.verbose = verbose
        import numba
        argument_dtypes_numba = [getattr(numba, argument_dtype.name) for argument_dtype in argument_dtypes]
        argstring = ", ".join(arguments)
        code = '''
from numpy import *
def f({0}):
    return {1}'''.format(argstring, expression)
        if verbose:
            print('Generated code:\n' + code)
        scope = {}
        exec(code, scope)
        f = scope['f']
        return_dtype_numba = getattr(numba, return_dtype.name)
        vectorizer = numba.vectorize([return_dtype_numba(*argument_dtypes_numba)])
        self.f = vectorizer(f)
コード例 #57
ファイル: neural_networks.py プロジェクト: Zaharid/nnets
    def get_evaluate_functions(self):
        """Return compiled functions with fixed network parameters"""
        if self._ev_fs and self._evaluate_sync:
            return self._ev_fs

        ev_fs = []
        param_symbols = self.parameter_symbols
        param_values = self.parameter_values
        input_symbols = list(self.input_symbols)
        input_len = len(input_symbols)

        for f in self.total_output_formulas:
            expr = f.subs(zip(param_symbols, param_values))
            func = sympy.lambdify(input_symbols, expr)
            signature = 'float64(%s)' % ','.join(repeat('float64',input_len))


        self._evaluate_sync = True
        self._ev_fs = ev_fs
        return ev_fs
コード例 #58
ファイル: test_vectorize.py プロジェクト: maartenscholl/numba
def template_vectorize(self, target):
    # build basic native code ufunc
    sig = [int32(int32, int32),
           uint32(uint32, uint32),
           float32(float32, float32),
           float64(float64, float64)]
    basic_ufunc = vectorize(sig, target=target)(vector_add)

    # build python ufunc
    np_ufunc = np.add

    # test it out
    def test(ty):
        data = np.linspace(0., 100., 500).astype(ty)
        result = basic_ufunc(data, data)
        gold = np_ufunc(data, data)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(gold, result))

コード例 #59
    def test_type_inference(self):
        """This is testing numpy ufunc dispatch machinery
        global vector_add
        vector_add = vectorize([
            bool_(double, int_),
            double(double, double),
            float_(double, float_),

        cfunc = jit(func)

        def numba_type_equal(a, b):
            self.assertEqual(a.dtype, b.dtype)
            self.assertEqual(a.ndim, b.ndim)

        numba_type_equal(cfunc(np.dtype(np.float64), np.dtype('i')), bool_[:])
        numba_type_equal(cfunc(np.dtype(np.float64), np.dtype(np.float64)),
        # This is because the double(double, double) matches first
        numba_type_equal(cfunc(np.dtype(np.float64), np.dtype(np.float32)),