コード例 #1
def calc_caloric_production_from_lulc(input_lulc_uri):
    # Data from Johnson et al 2016.
    calories_per_cell_uri = os.path.join(ag_dir, 'calories_per_cell.tif')
    calories_per_cell = nd.ArrayFrame(calories_per_cell_uri)

    ndv = calories_per_cell.no_data_value

    # Project the full global to robinson (to match volta projeciton and also to allow np.clip_by_shape)
    calories_per_cell_projected_uri = os.path.join(
        project_dir, 'calories_per_cell_projected.tif')
    if not os.path.exists(calories_per_cell_projected_uri):
        calories_per_cell_projected = nd.reproject(
        calories_per_cell_projected = nd.ArrayFrame(

    # Polygon of the Volta (also in Robinson projection)
    aoi_uri = 'input/Baseline/PASOS_cuencas_robinson.shp'

    # Clip the global data to the volta, but keep at 5 min for math summation reasons later
    clipped_calories_per_5m_cell_uri = 'input/Baseline/clipped_calories_per_5m_cell.tif'
    if not os.path.exists(clipped_calories_per_5m_cell_uri):
        clipped_calories_per_5m_cell = calories_per_cell_projected.clip_by_shape(
        clipped_calories_per_5m_cell = nd.ArrayFrame(

    # Load the baseline lulc for adjustment factor calculation and as a match_af
    lulc_uri = 'input/Baseline/lulc.tif'
    lulc = nd.ArrayFrame(lulc_uri)
    lulc_ndv = lulc.no_data_value

    # resample to LULC's resolution. Note that this will change the sum of calories.
    calories_resampled_uri = 'input/Baseline/calories_resampled.tif'
    if not os.path.exists(calories_resampled_uri):
        calories_resampled = clipped_calories_per_5m_cell.resample(
            lulc, output_uri=calories_resampled_uri, no_data_value=ndv)
        calories_resampled = nd.ArrayFrame(calories_resampled_uri)

    # Base on teh assumption that full ag is twice as contianing of calroies as mosaic, allocate the
    # caloric presence to these two ag locations. Note that these are still not scaled, but they are
    # correct relative to each other.
    # This simplification means we are doing the equivilent to the invest crop model beacause
    # the cells to allocate are lower res than the target.
    unscaled_calories_baseline = np.where(lulc.data == 12,
                                          calories_resampled.data, 0)
    unscaled_calories_baseline = np.where(lulc.data == 14,
                                          0.5 * calories_resampled.data,

    # Multiply the unscaled calories by this adjustment factor, which is the ratio between the actual calories present
    # calculated from the 5 min resolution data, and the unscaled.
    n_calories_present = np.sum(clipped_calories_per_5m_cell)
    n_unscaled_calories_in_baseline = np.sum(unscaled_calories_baseline)
    adjustment_factor = n_calories_present / n_unscaled_calories_in_baseline

    calc_baseline_calories = False
    if calc_baseline_calories:
        baseline_calories = unscaled_calories_baseline * adjustment_factor
        baseline_calories_uri = 'input/Baseline/baseline_calories.tif'
        # NOTE, this uses numdal in a weired way because it has THREE inputs (of which the last is jammed into kwargs).
        baseline_calories_af = nd.ArrayFrame(baseline_calories,

    input_lulc = nd.ArrayFrame(input_lulc_uri)
    unscaled_calories_input_lulc = np.where(input_lulc.data == 12,
                                            calories_resampled.data, 0)
    unscaled_calories_input_lulc = np.where(input_lulc.data == 14,
                                            0.5 * calories_resampled.data,

    output_calories = unscaled_calories_input_lulc * adjustment_factor

    output_calories_uri = os.path.join(
        'calories_in_' + nd.explode_uri(input_lulc_uri)['file_root'] + '.tif')
    output_calories_af = nd.ArrayFrame(output_calories,
    # output_calories_af.save(output_uri=output_calories_uri)
    sum_calories = output_calories_af.sum()
    print('Calories from ' + input_lulc_uri + ': ' + str(sum_calories))

    return sum_calories
コード例 #2
def calc_caloric_production_from_lulc_uri(input_lulc_uri, aoi_uri, output_uri):
    # First check that the required files exist, creating them if not.
    # Data from Johnson et al 2016.

    working_dir = os.path.split(os.path.split(input_lulc_uri)[0])[0]
    baseline_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, 'Baseline')
    scenario_dir = os.path.split(input_lulc_uri)[0]

    calories_resampled_uri = os.path.join(scenario_dir, 'calories_per_ha_2000.tif')
    if not os.path.exists(calories_resampled_uri):
        # Get global 5m calories map from base data
        calories_per_cell_uri  = os.path.join(ag_dir, 'calories_per_cell.tif')
        calories_per_cell = nd.ArrayFrame(calories_per_cell_uri)
        ndv = calories_per_cell.no_data_value

        # Project the full global map to projection of lulc
        calories_per_cell_projected_uri  = os.path.join(baseline_dir, 'calories_per_cell_projected.tif')
        output_wkt = nd.get_projection_from_uri(input_lulc_uri)
        # print('projection', projection)
        # output_wkt = projection.ExportToWkt()
        calories_per_cell_projected = nd.reproject(calories_per_cell, calories_per_cell_projected_uri,
                                                   output_wkt=output_wkt, no_data_value=ndv)

        # Clip the global data to the project aoi, but keep at 5 min for math summation reasons later
        clipped_calories_per_5m_cell_uri = 'input/Baseline/clipped_calories_per_5m_cell.tif'
        clipped_calories_per_5m_cell = calories_per_cell_projected.clip_by_shape(aoi_uri, output_uri=clipped_calories_per_5m_cell_uri,
        # Load the baseline lulc for adjustment factor calculation and as a match_af
        baseline_lulc_uri = os.path.join(baseline_dir, 'lulc.tif')
        baseline_lulc = nd.ArrayFrame(baseline_lulc_uri)
        input_lulc = nd.ArrayFrame(input_lulc_uri)

        # Resample baseline lulc to the intput_lulc (a slight size change happens with the scenario generator)
        baseline_resampled_lulc = baseline_lulc.resample(input_lulc, discard_at_exit=True)

        # Resample calories to lulc
        calories_resampled = clipped_calories_per_5m_cell.resample(input_lulc, output_uri=calories_resampled_uri, no_data_value=ndv)
        calories_resampled = None

    input_lulc = nd.ArrayFrame(input_lulc_uri)
    ndv = input_lulc.no_data_value

    calories_resampled = nd.ArrayFrame(calories_resampled_uri)

    baseline_lulc_uri = os.path.join(baseline_dir, 'lulc.tif')
    baseline_lulc = nd.ArrayFrame(baseline_lulc_uri)
    baseline_resampled_lulc = baseline_lulc.resample(input_lulc, discard_at_exit=True)

    # baseline_lulc_uri = os.path.join(baseline_dir, 'lulc.tif')
    # print('baseline_lulc_uri', baseline_lulc_uri)
    # baseline_lulc = nd.ArrayFrame(baseline_lulc_uri)

    clipped_calories_per_5m_cell_uri = 'input/Baseline/clipped_calories_per_5m_cell.tif'
    clipped_calories_per_5m_cell = nd.ArrayFrame(clipped_calories_per_5m_cell_uri)

    # Base on teh assumption that full ag is twice as contianing of calroies as mosaic, allocate the
    # caloric presence to these two ag locations. Note that these are still not scaled, but they are
    # correct relative to each other.
    # This simplification means we are doing the equivilent to the invest crop model beacause
    # the cells to allocate are lower res than the target.
    unscaled_calories_baseline = np.where(baseline_resampled_lulc.data == 12, calories_resampled.data, 0)
    unscaled_calories_baseline = np.where(baseline_resampled_lulc.data == 14, 0.5 * calories_resampled.data, unscaled_calories_baseline)

    # Multiply the unscaled calories by this adjustment factor, which is the ratio between the actual calories present
    # calculated from the 5 min resolution data, and the unscaled.
    n_calories_present = np.sum(clipped_calories_per_5m_cell)
    n_unscaled_calories_in_baseline = np.sum(unscaled_calories_baseline)
    adjustment_factor = n_calories_present / n_unscaled_calories_in_baseline

    unscaled_calories_input_lulc = np.where(input_lulc.data == 12, calories_resampled.data, 0)
    unscaled_calories_input_lulc = np.where(input_lulc.data == 14, 0.5 * calories_resampled.data, unscaled_calories_input_lulc)

    output_calories = unscaled_calories_input_lulc * adjustment_factor
    output_calories_af = nd.ArrayFrame(output_calories, input_lulc, data_type=6, no_data_value=ndv, output_uri=output_uri)

    print('Sum of ' + output_calories_af.uri + ': ' + str(output_calories_af.sum()))