コード例 #1
ファイル: text.py プロジェクト: jtomase/matplotlib
    def get_rotation_matrix(self, x0, y0):

        theta = pi / 180.0 * self.get_rotation()
        # translate x0,y0 to origin
        Torigin = Matrix([[1, 0, -x0], [0, 1, -y0], [0, 0, 1]])

        # rotate by theta
        R = Matrix([[cos(theta), -sin(theta), 0], [sin(theta),
                                                   cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]])

        # translate origin back to x0,y0
        Tback = Matrix([[1, 0, x0], [0, 1, y0], [0, 0, 1]])

        return Tback * R * Torigin
コード例 #2
def polyfit(x, y, N):

    Do a best fit polynomial of order N of y to x.  Return value is a
    vector of polynomial coefficients [pk ... p1 p0].  Eg, for N=2

      p2*x0^2 +  p1*x0 + p0 = y1
      p2*x1^2 +  p1*x1 + p0 = y1
      p2*x2^2 +  p1*x2 + p0 = y2
      p2*xk^2 +  p1*xk + p0 = yk
    Method: if X is a the Vandermonde Matrix computed from x (see
    http://mathworld.wolfram.com/VandermondeMatrix.html), then the
    polynomial least squares solution is given by the 'p' in

      X*p = y

    where X is a len(x) x N+1 matrix, p is a N+1 length vector, and y
    is a len(x) x 1 vector

    This equation can be solved as

      p = (XT*X)^-1 * XT * y

    where XT is the transpose of X and -1 denotes the inverse.

    For more info, see
    but note that the k's and n's in the superscripts and subscripts
    on that page.  The linear algebra is correct, however.

    See also polyval


    x = asarray(x) + 0.
    y = asarray(y) + 0.
    y = reshape(y, (len(y), 1))
    X = Matrix(vander(x, N + 1))
    Xt = Matrix(transpose(X))
    c = array(linear_algebra.inverse(Xt * X) * Xt * y)  # convert back to array
    c.shape = (N + 1, )
    return c
コード例 #3
ファイル: text.py プロジェクト: jtomase/matplotlib
    def _get_layout(self, renderer):

        # layout the xylocs in display coords as if angle = zero and
        # then rotate them around self._x, self._y

        key = self.get_prop_tup()
        if self.cached.has_key(key): return self.cached[key]

        horizLayout = []
        pad = 2
        thisx, thisy = self._transform.xy_tup((self._x, self._y))
        width = 0
        height = 0

        xmin, ymin = thisx, thisy
        if self.is_math_text():
            lines = [self._text]
            lines = self._text.split('\n')

        whs = []
        for line in lines:
            w, h = renderer.get_text_width_height(line,
            if not len(line) and not self.is_math_text():
                # approx the height of empty line with tall char
                tmp, h = renderer.get_text_width_height('T',

            whs.append((w, h))
            offsety = h + pad
            horizLayout.append((line, thisx, thisy, w, h))
            thisy -= offsety  # now translate down by text height, window coords
            width = max(width, w)

        ymin = horizLayout[-1][2]
        ymax = horizLayout[0][2] + horizLayout[0][-1]
        height = ymax - ymin

        xmax = xmin + width
        # get the rotation matrix
        M = self.get_rotation_matrix(xmin, ymin)

        # the corners of the unrotated bounding box
        cornersHoriz = ((xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin))
        offsetLayout = []
        # now offset the individual text lines within the box
        if len(lines) > 1:  # do the multiline aligment
            malign = self._get_multialignment()
            for line, thisx, thisy, w, h in horizLayout:
                if malign == 'center': offsetx = width / 2.0 - w / 2.0
                elif malign == 'right': offsetx = width - w
                else: offsetx = 0
                thisx += offsetx
                offsetLayout.append((thisx, thisy))
        else:  # no additional layout needed
            offsetLayout = [(thisx, thisy)
                            for line, thisx, thisy, w, h in horizLayout]

        # now rotate the bbox
        cornersRotated = [
            M * Matrix([[thisx], [thisy], [1]])
            for thisx, thisy in cornersHoriz

        txs = [float(v[0][0]) for v in cornersRotated]
        tys = [float(v[1][0]) for v in cornersRotated]

        # compute the bounds of the rotated box
        xmin, xmax = min(txs), max(txs)
        ymin, ymax = min(tys), max(tys)
        width = xmax - xmin
        height = ymax - ymin

        # Now move the box to the targe position offset the display bbox by alignment
        halign = self._horizontalalignment
        valign = self._verticalalignment

        # compute the text location in display coords and the offsets
        # necessary to align the bbox with that location
        tx, ty = self._transform.xy_tup((self._x, self._y))

        if halign == 'center': offsetx = tx - (xmin + width / 2.0)
        elif halign == 'right': offsetx = tx - (xmin + width)
        else: offsetx = tx - xmin

        if valign == 'center': offsety = ty - (ymin + height / 2.0)
        elif valign == 'top': offsety = ty - (ymin + height)
        else: offsety = ty - ymin

        xmin += offsetx
        xmax += offsetx
        ymin += offsety
        ymax += offsety

        bbox = lbwh_to_bbox(xmin, ymin, width, height)

        # now rotate the positions around the first x,y position
        xys = [
            M * Matrix([[thisx], [thisy], [1]])
            for thisx, thisy in offsetLayout

        tx = [float(v[0][0]) + offsetx for v in xys]
        ty = [float(v[1][0]) + offsety for v in xys]

        # now inverse transform back to data coords
        xys = [self._transform.inverse_xy_tup(xy) for xy in zip(tx, ty)]

        xs, ys = zip(*xys)

        ret = bbox, zip(lines, whs, xs, ys)
        self.cached[key] = ret
        return ret