def test_basic(self): w = 22 h = 10 bitdepth = 8 np.random.seed(123) img = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(h, w)).astype(np.uint8) f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, filter_type=1) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=img.shape[1], height=img.shape[0], bit_depth=bitdepth, color_type=0, interlace=0) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1')) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=0, bit_depth=bitdepth, interlace=0, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def test_write_png_nbit_grayscale(self): # Test the creation of grayscale images for bit depths of 1, 2, 4 # 8 and 16, with or without a `transparent` color selected. np.random.seed(123) for bitdepth in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]: for transparent in [None, 0]: dt = np.uint16 if bitdepth == 16 else np.uint8 maxval = 2**bitdepth img = np.random.randint(0, maxval, size=(3, 11)).astype(dt) if transparent is not None: img[2:4, 2:] = transparent f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, bitdepth=bitdepth, transparent=transparent) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=img.shape[1], height=img.shape[0], bit_depth=bitdepth, color_type=0) if transparent is not None: file_contents = check_trns(file_contents, color_type=0, transparent=transparent) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=0, bit_depth=bitdepth, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def test_write_png_with_alpha(self): # Test creation of grayscale+alpha and RGBA images (color types 4 # and 6, resp.), with bit depths 8 and 16. w = 25 h = 15 np.random.seed(12345) for color_type in [4, 6]: num_channels = 2 if color_type == 4 else 4 for bit_depth in [8, 16]: dt = np.uint8 if bit_depth == 8 else np.uint16 img = np.random.randint(0, 2**bit_depth, size=(h, w, num_channels)).astype(dt) f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=color_type) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=color_type, bit_depth=bit_depth, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def test_text_and_phys(self): img = np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5).astype(np.uint8) text_list = [('Monster', 'Godzilla'), ('Creation Time', None)] phys = (5, 4, 0) f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, filter_type=0, text_list=text_list, phys=phys) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=img.shape[1], height=img.shape[0], bit_depth=8, color_type=0, interlace=0) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Monster", b"Godzilla") file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1')) file_contents = check_phys(file_contents, phys) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=0, bit_depth=8, interlace=0, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def test_write_png_8bit_RGB_palette(self): img = np.arange(4*5*3, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(4, 5, 3) f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, use_palette=True) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=img.shape[1], height=img.shape[0], bit_depth=8, color_type=3) # Check the PLTE chunk. chunk_type, chunk_data, file_contents = next_chunk(file_contents) self.assertEqual(chunk_type, b"PLTE") p = np.fromstring(chunk_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3) assert_array_equal(p, np.arange(4*5*3, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3)) # Check the IDAT chunk. chunk_type, chunk_data, file_contents = next_chunk(file_contents) self.assertEqual(chunk_type, b"IDAT") decompressed = zlib.decompress(chunk_data) b = np.fromstring(decompressed, dtype=np.uint8) lines = b.reshape(img.shape[0], img.shape[1]+1) img2 = lines[:, 1:].reshape(img.shape[:2]) expected = np.arange(20, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(img.shape[:2]) assert_array_equal(img2, expected) check_iend(file_contents)
def test_write_png_timestamp_gamma(self): np.random.seed(123) img = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(10, 10)).astype(np.uint8) f = io.BytesIO() timestamp = (1452, 4, 15, 8, 9, 10) gamma = 2.2 numpngw.write_png(f, img, timestamp=timestamp, gamma=gamma) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=img.shape[1], height=img.shape[0], bit_depth=8, color_type=0, interlace=0) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1')) file_contents = check_time(file_contents, timestamp) file_contents = check_gama(file_contents, gamma) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=0, bit_depth=8, interlace=0, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def process(image_files): # if not net: # init_caffe() caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(1) model_def = 'deploy_unreal.prototxt' model_weights = 'model/DispNetCorr1D_CVPR2016.caffemodel' net = caffe.Net(model_def, model_weights, caffe.TEST) transformer ={'data': net.blobs['img0'].data.shape}) transformer.set_transpose('data', (2,0,1)) # move image channels to outermost dimension #transformer.set_mean('data', mu) # subtract the dataset-mean value in each channel transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255) # rescale from [0, 1] to [0, 255] transformer.set_channel_swap('data', (2,1,0)) # swap channels from RGB to BGR img_L0 =[0]) img_R0 =[1]) img_L = transformer.preprocess('data', img_L0) img_R = transformer.preprocess('data', img_R0) net.blobs['img0'].data[...] = img_L net.blobs['img1'].data[...] = img_R print('caffe initialized...') net.forward() output = net.blobs['predict_disp_final'].data[0,0,:,:] disp_est = -1*output numpngw.write_png(image_files[2], np.uint16(disp_est*256))
def test_write_png_bkgd(self): # Test creation of RGB images (color type 2), with a background color. w = 16 h = 8 np.random.seed(123) for bit_depth in [8, 16]: maxval = 2**bit_depth bg = (maxval - 1, maxval - 2, maxval - 3) dt = np.uint16 if bit_depth == 16 else np.uint8 img = np.random.randint(0, maxval, size=(h, w, 3)).astype(dt) f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, background=bg, filter_type=0) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=2, interlace=0) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") software = numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1') file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", software) file_contents = check_bkgd(file_contents, color=bg, color_type=2) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=2, bit_depth=bit_depth, interlace=0, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def _save_pairs(dataset, save_path, data_type): keys = dataset.keys() for key in keys: dcm = dataset[f"{key}/t2"][()] label = dataset[f"{key}/seg"][()] start, end = _range_idx(label, 20) for i in range(start, end): slice_dcm = dcm[:, :, i] slice_dcm = slice_dcm * ((pow(2, 16) - 1) / slice_dcm.max()) slice_dcm = slice_dcm.astype("uint16") slice_label = label[:, :, i] # Add skull structure into label skull_mask = np.zeros_like(slice_dcm) skull_mask[slice_dcm > 0] = 1 ndimage.binary_fill_holes(skull_mask) skull_mask = cv2.Laplacian(skull_mask.astype("uint8"), cv2.CV_8U) skull_mask[skull_mask > 0] = 1 slice_label = slice_label + skull_mask slice_label = slice_label.astype("uint8") slice_label[slice_label > 0] = 255 numpngw.write_png( os.path.join(save_path, "B", data_type, f"{key}_{i}.png"), slice_dcm) numpngw.write_png( os.path.join(save_path, "A", data_type, f"{key}_{i}.png"), slice_label) print(f"Save image to: {save_path}/A/{data_type}/{key}_{i}.png...")
def show_image(a): png_array = cStringIO.StringIO() numpngw.write_png(png_array, a) encoded_png_array = base64.b64encode(png_array.getvalue()) png_array.close() image_seq = '\033]1337;File=[width=auto;height=auto;inline=1]:' + encoded_png_array + '\007' print(image_seq)
def generateQLook(generalSceneId, qlfiles): profile = None with[0]) as src: profile = src.profile numlin = 768 numcol = int(float(profile['width']) / float(profile['height']) * numlin) image = numpy.ones(( numlin, numcol, len(qlfiles), ), dtype=numpy.uint8) pngname = '/tmp/{}.png'.format(generalSceneId) nb = 0 for file in qlfiles: with as src: raster =, out_shape=(numlin, numcol)) # Rescale to 0-255 values nodata = raster <= 0 if raster.min() != 0 or raster.max() != 0: raster = raster.astype(numpy.float32) / 10000. * 255. raster[raster > 255] = 255 image[:, :, nb] = raster.astype(numpy.uint8) * numpy.invert(nodata) nb += 1 write_png(pngname, image, transparent=(0, 0, 0)) return pngname
def test_write_png_bkgd(self): # Test creation of RGB images (color type 2), with a background color. w = 16 h = 8 np.random.seed(123) for bit_depth in [8, 16]: maxval = 2**bit_depth bg = (maxval - 1, maxval - 2, maxval - 3) dt = np.uint16 if bit_depth == 16 else np.uint8 img = np.random.randint(0, maxval, size=(h, w, 3)).astype(dt) f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, background=bg) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=2) file_contents = check_bkgd(file_contents, color=bg, color_type=2) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=2, bit_depth=bit_depth, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def process(image_files): # if not net: # init_caffe() caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(1) model_def = 'deploy_unreal.prototxt' model_weights = 'model/DispNetCorr1D_CVPR2016.caffemodel' net = caffe.Net(model_def, model_weights, caffe.TEST) transformer ={'data': net.blobs['img0'].data.shape}) transformer.set_transpose( 'data', (2, 0, 1)) # move image channels to outermost dimension #transformer.set_mean('data', mu) # subtract the dataset-mean value in each channel transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255) # rescale from [0, 1] to [0, 255] transformer.set_channel_swap('data', (2, 1, 0)) # swap channels from RGB to BGR img_L0 =[0]) img_R0 =[1]) img_L = transformer.preprocess('data', img_L0) img_R = transformer.preprocess('data', img_R0) net.blobs['img0'].data[...] = img_L net.blobs['img1'].data[...] = img_R print('caffe initialized...') net.forward() output = net.blobs['predict_disp_final'].data[0, 0, :, :] disp_est = -1 * output numpngw.write_png(image_files[2], np.uint16(disp_est * 256))
def test_write_png_RGB(self): # Test creation of RGB images (color type 2), with and without # a `transparent` color selected, and with bit depth 8 and 16. w = 24 h = 10 np.random.seed(12345) for transparent in [None, (0, 0, 0)]: for bit_depth in [8, 16]: dt = np.uint16 if bit_depth == 16 else np.uint8 maxval = 2**bit_depth img = np.random.randint(0, maxval, size=(h, w, 3)).astype(dt) if transparent: img[2:4, 2:4] = transparent f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, transparent=transparent) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=2) if transparent: file_contents = check_trns(file_contents, color_type=2, transparent=transparent) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=2, bit_depth=bit_depth, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def create_qlook_file(pngname, qlfile): """Create sentinel 2 quicklook.""" image = numpy.ones((768, 768, 3,), dtype=numpy.uint8) dataset = gdal.Open(qlfile, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) for nb in [0, 1, 2]: raster = dataset.GetRasterBand(nb + 1).ReadAsArray(0, 0, dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize) image[:, :, nb] = resize(raster, (768, 768), order=1, preserve_range=True).astype(numpy.uint8) write_png(pngname, image, transparent=(0, 0, 0))
def to_png16(self, out_fp=None, trash=False): # import numpy as np from numpngw import write_png import if not out_fp: out_fp = self.with_suffix(".png") img =, plugin='tifffile') write_png(out_fp, img)
def convert(raw_path, temp_path, dest_path, domains, dry_run=True): total = 0 for image_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(raw_path, "*B[0-9].png")): image_name = image_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1] image_name_base = image_name.split('.')[0] domain = image_name_base.split('_')[0] if domain in domains: image_name_raw = image_name_base + '.png' image_name_mask = image_name_base + '_mask.png' img_uint16 = imread(os.path.join(raw_path, image_name_raw), as_gray=True) #np.uint16 [0, 65535] mask_uint16 = imread(os.path.join(raw_path, image_name_mask), as_gray=True) #np.uint16 [0, 65535] img_f64 = resize(img_uint16, (224, 224), preserve_range=True) #np.float64 [0.0, 65535.0] mask_f64 = resize(mask_uint16, (224, 224), order=0, preserve_range=True) #np.float64 [0.0, 65535.0] #Convert greyscale to RGB greyscale img_max = img_f64.max() img_min = img_f64.min() img_range = img_max - img_min mask_max = mask_f64.max() if (img_max != 0.0 and img_range > 255.0): img_uint8 = np.round(img_f64 / img_max * 255.0).astype( np.uint8) #np.float32 [0, 65535.0] else: img_uint8 = img_f64.astype(np.uint8) if (mask_max != 0.0): mask_uint8 = np.floor(mask_f64 / mask_max * 255.0).astype( np.uint8) #np.uint8 [0, 255] else: mask_uint8 = mask_f64.astype(np.uint8) print(image_name_base) thickness = 3 kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (thickness, thickness)) mask_edge = cv2.Canny( mask_uint8, 250, 255 * 2 ) #thresholds = Use diagonals to detect strong edges, then connect anything with at least a single edge mask_edge_f32 = cv2.dilate( mask_edge.astype('float64'), kernel, iterations=1).astype(np.float32) #np.float32 [0.0, 255.0] mask_edge_f32 = np.where(mask_edge_f32 > 127.0, 1.0, 0.0) save_path_raw = os.path.join(dest_path, image_name_raw) save_path_mask = os.path.join(dest_path, image_name_mask) total += 1 print('Saving #' + str(total) + ' processed raw to:', save_path_raw) if (dry_run == False): numpngw.write_png(save_path_raw, img_uint8) imsave(save_path_mask, mask_edge_f32)
def separate_labels(npim, label_list, outpath): """ For converting the classifier results to unreal masks """ for i,label in enumerate(label_list): out = np.zeros(npim.shape) out[npim == i+1] = 65535 out = out.astype(np.uint16) numpngw.write_png('%s.png' % os.path.join(outpath, label), out)
def save_as_16b(_img, tgt_path): """ saving a numpy array [0,1] as 16 bit grayscale image :param _img: :param tgt_path: :return: """ _img_16b = (np.clip(_img, 0.0, 1.0) * 65535.).astype(np.uint16) write_png(tgt_path, _img_16b, bitdepth=16)
def save_depth(result, config, saver, output_path): with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(CHECKPOINT_DIR) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: # Restores from checkpoint saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) #Assuming model_checkpoint_path looks something like: # extract global_step from it. global_step = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path.split('/')[-1].split( '-')[-1] print('Checkpoint is loaded') else: print('No checkpoint file found') return # Start the queue runners. coord = tf.train.Coordinator() try: threads = [] for qr in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS): threads.extend( qr.create_threads(sess, coord=coord, daemon=True, start=True)) start_time = time.time() res =[result]) duration = time.time() - start_time print("Loading model and evaluation took (seconds): ", duration) res = np.array(res) print("Minimum value of depth (meters): ", np.min(res)) print("Maximum value of depth (meters): ", np.max(res)) res *= 1000 for i in range(0, res.shape[4]): if i < 10: image_name = "LSTM_depth_0" + str(i) + ".png" else: image_name = "LSTM_depth_" + str(i) + ".png" name = output_path + image_name depth = np.array(res[0, 0, :, :, i], dtype=np.uint16) if SaveDepthRealValued == True: numpngw.write_png(name, depth) else: scipy.misc.toimage(depth, cmin=0, cmax=5000).save(name) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except coord.request_stop(e) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads, stop_grace_period_secs=10) print("Result depths saved in ./example/ folder")
def make_image(n_int, CMs_ind): n = str(n_int) table = np.loadtxt('./output/ctags' + n + '.out', skiprows=1) img = np.ones(table.shape + (3, ), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 conts = np.loadtxt('./output/contactM' + n + '.out', skiprows=1) fibs = np.loadtxt('./output/fib.out', skiprows=1) edges = np.zeros(table.shape, dtype=np.uint8) vert = table[:, 1:] != table[:, :-1] hor = table[1:, :] != table[:-1, :] edges[:, 1:] = vert edges[:, :-1] += vert edges[1:, :] += hor edges[:-1, :] += hor edges = np.uint8(edges != 0) is_CM = np.vectorize(lambda x: x in CMs_ind) null = np.uint8(table == 0) CMs = is_CM(table).astype('uint8') FBs = np.ones_like(table) - null - CMs f = 0 cont_edges = edges if sys.argv[ 3] != "0": #if not 0, show contacts/attachments at least on the edge of the cell f = 0.5 if sys.argv[ 3] == "2": #if 2, show all of the attachment sites, even those under the cell cont_edges = 1 img[:, :, 0] = conts * 255 img[:, :, 1] = edges * 255 #write_png("./imgs/conts.png", img) Fibs = fibs * (1 - CMs) * (1 - FBs) * 255 * 0.1 img[:, :, 0] = CMs * (1 - 0.5 * edges) * 255 + FBs * ( 1 - 0.5 * edges ) * 255 + f * conts * cont_edges * CMs * 255 + f * conts * cont_edges * FBs * 255 + Fibs img[:, :, 1] = FBs * ( 1 - 0.5 * edges ) * 255 + 2 * f * conts * cont_edges * CMs * 255 + f * conts * cont_edges * FBs * 255 + Fibs img[:, :, 2] = FBs * ( 1 - 0.5 * edges) * 255 - f * conts * cont_edges * FBs * 255 + Fibs areas = np.zeros(4) conv = (2.5 / 1000)**2 #to mm areas = (np.sum(CMs) * conv, np.sum(FBs) * conv) write_png("./imgs/example%05d.png" % n_int, img) return areas
def predict(model_data_path, image_root, output_root): # Default input size height = 228 width = 304 channels = 3 batch_size = 1 # Create a placeholder for the input image input_node = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, height, width, channels)) # Construct the network net = models.ResNet50UpProj({'data': input_node}, batch_size, 1, False) with tf.Session() as sess: # Load the converted parameters print('Loading the model') # Use to load from ckpt file saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, model_data_path) # Use to load from npy file #net.load(model_data_path, sess) fileNum = len([name for name in os.listdir(image_root)]) names = [name for name in os.listdir(image_root)] print(image_root) print(fileNum) #for idx in range(0, fileNum): for nm in names: #image_path = image_root + "color_out" + str(idx+1).zfill(6) + ".png" image_path = image_root + nm #output_path = output_root + "depth_out" + str(idx+1).zfill(6) + ".png" output_path = output_root + nm # Read image img = img = img.resize([width, height], Image.ANTIALIAS) img = np.array(img).astype('float32') img = np.expand_dims(np.asarray(img), axis=0) # Evalute the network for the given image pred =, feed_dict={input_node: img}) pre_new = pred[0, :, :, 0] pre_new = pre_new * 1000 * 5 pre_resize = scipy.ndimage.zoom(pre_new, 4, order=0) img = np.zeros((128 * 4, 160 * 4, 1), dtype=np.uint16) img[:, :, 0] = pre_resize numpngw.write_png(output_path, img)
def test_write_png_bkgd_palette(self): # Test creation of RGB images with a background color # when use_palette is True. w = 6 h = 8 np.random.seed(123) for bg_in_img in [True, False]: bit_depth = 8 maxval = 2**bit_depth bg = (maxval - 1, maxval - 3, maxval - 2) img = np.arange(1, w*h*3 + 1, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(h, w, 3) if bg_in_img: img[-1, -1] = bg f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, background=bg, use_palette=True) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=3, interlace=0) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") software = numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1') file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", software) # Check the PLTE chunk. chunk_type, chunk_data, file_contents = next_chunk(file_contents) self.assertEqual(chunk_type, b"PLTE") plte = np.frombuffer(chunk_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3) expected_palette = np.arange(1, w*h*3+1, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3) if bg_in_img: expected_palette[-1] = bg else: expected_palette = np.append(expected_palette, np.array([bg], dtype=np.uint8), axis=0) assert_array_equal(plte, expected_palette, "unexpected palette %r %r" % (plte[-2], expected_palette[-2])) file_contents = check_bkgd(file_contents, color=bg, color_type=3, palette=expected_palette) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=3, bit_depth=bit_depth, interlace=0, img=img, palette=plte) check_iend(file_contents)
def test_write_png_bkgd_palette(self): # Test creation of RGB images with a background color # when use_palette is True. w = 6 h = 8 np.random.seed(123) for bg_in_img in [True, False]: bit_depth = 8 maxval = 2**bit_depth bg = (maxval - 1, maxval - 3, maxval - 2) img = np.arange(1, w*h*3 + 1, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(h, w, 3) if bg_in_img: img[-1, -1] = bg f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, background=bg, use_palette=True) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=3, interlace=0) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") software = numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1') file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", software) # Check the PLTE chunk. chunk_type, chunk_data, file_contents = next_chunk(file_contents) self.assertEqual(chunk_type, b"PLTE") plte = np.fromstring(chunk_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3) expected_palette = np.arange(1, w*h*3+1, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3) if bg_in_img: expected_palette[-1] = bg else: expected_palette = np.append(expected_palette, np.array([bg], dtype=np.uint8), axis=0) assert_array_equal(plte, expected_palette, "unexpected palette %r %r" % (plte[-2], expected_palette[-2])) file_contents = check_bkgd(file_contents, color=bg, color_type=3, palette=expected_palette) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=3, bit_depth=bit_depth, interlace=0, img=img, palette=plte) check_iend(file_contents)
def test_write_png_RGB(self): # Test creation of RGB images (color type 2), with and without # a `transparent` color selected, and with bit depth 8 and 16. w = 24 h = 10 np.random.seed(12345) for filter_type in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "heuristic", "auto"]: for transparent in [None, (0, 0, 0)]: for bit_depth in [8, 16]: for interlace in [0, 1]: dt = np.uint16 if bit_depth == 16 else np.uint8 maxval = 2**bit_depth img = np.random.randint(0, maxval, size=(h, w, 3)).astype(dt) if transparent: img[2:4, 2:4] = transparent f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, transparent=transparent, filter_type=filter_type, interlace=interlace) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=2, interlace=interlace) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") software = numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1') file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", software) if transparent: file_contents = check_trns(file_contents, color_type=2, transparent=transparent) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=2, bit_depth=bit_depth, interlace=interlace, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def dcm2png(path, savepathdir): lists = os.listdir(path) for file in lists: print('{} is processing'.format(file)) dcm_path = os.path.join(path, file) dcm = dicom.read_file(dcm_path) img = _dcm2png(dcm) img = img.astype(np.uint16) name = file.split('.')[0] + '.png' img_path = os.path.join(savepathdir, name) numpngw.write_png(img_path, img) print('{} is processed'.format(file))
def test_write_png_nbit_grayscale(self): # Test the creation of grayscale images for bit depths of 1, 2, 4 # 8 and 16, with or without a `transparent` color selected. np.random.seed(123) for filter_type in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "heuristic", "auto"]: for bitdepth in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]: for transparent in [None, 0]: for interlace in [0, 1]: dt = np.uint16 if bitdepth == 16 else np.uint8 maxval = 2**bitdepth sz = (3, 11) img = np.random.randint(0, maxval, size=sz).astype(dt) if transparent is not None: img[2:4, 2:] = transparent f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, bitdepth=bitdepth, transparent=transparent, filter_type=filter_type, interlace=interlace) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=img.shape[1], height=img.shape[0], bit_depth=bitdepth, color_type=0, interlace=interlace) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") software = numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1') file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", software) if transparent is not None: file_contents = check_trns(file_contents, color_type=0, transparent=transparent) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=0, bit_depth=bitdepth, interlace=interlace, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def show_image(a): # if not uint8 we assume mean = 0 and ranges from [-1..1] if a.dtype != np.uint8: a += 1. a *= 127.5 a = a.astype(np.uint8) png_array = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(png_array, a) encoded_png_array = base64.b64encode(png_array.getvalue()).decode( "utf-8", "strict") png_array.close() image_seq = '\033]1337;File=[width=auto;height=auto;inline=1]:' + encoded_png_array + '\007' print(image_seq)
def generate_pngs(filepath, name): r, g, b = get_bands(filepath) rn = normalize(r) gn = normalize(g) bn = normalize(b) # 16 bit rgb16 = numpy.dstack((rn*65535,gn*65535,bn*65535)).astype('uint16') write_png(name + "_16.png", rgb16) # 8 bit rgb = numpy.dstack((rn*255, gn*255, bn*255)).astype('uint8') write_png(name + "_8.png", rgb)
def unmerge(path, l): try: array = uint8_to_uint16(path) new = np.empty((l[0], l[1], l[2]), dtype = "uint8") for matrix in range(l[0]): for list in range(l[1]): for element in range(l[2]): new[matrix][list][element] = unmerge_number(array[matrix][list][element]) del array q = 'unmerged.png' numpngw.write_png(q, new) return q except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit
def merge(img1, img2): try: array1 = uint8_to_uint16(img1) array2 = encryptDecrypt(img2) for matrix in range(array2.shape[0]): for list in range(array2.shape[1]): for element in range(array2.shape[2]): array1[matrix][list][element] = merge_numbers(array1[matrix][list][element], array2[matrix][list][element]) del array2 q = 'merged.png' numpngw.write_png(q, array1) return q except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit
def compress(self, original_path: str, compressed_path: str, original_file_info=None): img = enb.isets.load_array_bsq( file_or_path=original_path, image_properties_row=original_file_info) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") as tmp_file: numpngw.write_png(, img) compression_results = super().compress(, compressed_path=compressed_path, original_file_info=original_file_info) cr = self.compression_results_from_paths( original_path=original_path, compressed_path=compressed_path) cr.compression_time_seconds = max( 0, compression_results.compression_time_seconds) return cr
def process_folder(f): global args dst = f.replace("_polygons.json", f"_label{args.id_type}s.png") # do the conversion try: json2labelImg(f, dst, args.id_type) except: tqdm.write("Failed to convert: {}".format(f)) raise if args.instance: dst = f.replace("_polygons.json", f"_instance{args.id_type}s.png") # do the conversion # try: json2instanceImg(f, dst, args.id_type) # except: # tqdm.write("Failed to convert: {}".format(f)) # raise if args.color: # create the output filename dst = f.replace("_polygons.json", f"_labelColors.png") # do the conversion try: json2labelImg(f, dst, 'color') except: tqdm.write("Failed to convert: {}".format(f)) raise if args.panoptic and args.instance: dst = f.replace("_polygons.json", f"_panoptic{args.id_type}s.png") seg_anno = f.replace("_polygons.json", f"_label{args.id_type}s.png") inst_anno = f.replace("_polygons.json", f"_instance{args.id_type}s.png") seg_tail = f"_gtFine_label{args.id_type}s.png" inst_tail = f"_gtFine_instance{args.id_type}s.png" pan_tail = f"_gtFine_panoptic{args.id_type}s.png" seg_img = imread(seg_anno) inst_img = imread(inst_anno) sh = (seg_img.shape[0], seg_img.shape[1], 2) twoch_img = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.uint16) twoch_img[:, :, 0] = seg_img twoch_img[:, :, 1] = inst_img write_png(seg_anno.replace(seg_tail, pan_tail), twoch_img)
def save(self, filename, **kwargs): """ :param filename: :param kwargs: :return: @type filename: str """ self.filename = filename if 'format' in kwargs: image_format = kwargs['format'] elif getFromWriterRegistry(self.mode.lower()): image_format = self.mode.lower() else: image_format = 'TIFF' if filename.lower().endswith('tif') or filename.lower().endswith('tiff') else 'PNG' newargs = dict(kwargs) newargs['format'] = image_format img_array = self.image_array file_writer = getFromWriterRegistry(image_format.lower()) if file_writer is not None: file_writer(filename, img_array) return if self.mode == 'F': img_array = img_array * 256 img_array = img_array.astype('uint8') if img_array.dtype == 'uint8' and self.mode == 'L': if image_format == 'PDF': self.convert('RGB').save(filename, **newargs) else: Image.fromarray(img_array).save(filename, **newargs) return newargs.pop('format') if image_format == 'PNG': if img_array.dtype == 'uint16': write_png(filename, img_array) return elif self.mode not in ('RGB','RGBA','L','LA'): img_array = ImageWrapper(img_array.astype('uint8')).convert('RGB').image_array Image.fromarray(img_array.astype('uint8')).save(filename, **newargs) elif image_format not in ['TIFF','TIF']: Image.fromarray(img_array.astype('uint8')).save(filename, **newargs) else: imsave(filename, img_array, **tiff_masssage_args(**newargs)) if os.path.exists(filename): with image_lock: image_cache[filename] = (self, os.stat(filename).st_mtime)
def test_write_png_with_alpha(self): # Test creation of grayscale+alpha and RGBA images (color types 4 # and 6, resp.), with bit depths 8 and 16. w = 25 h = 15 np.random.seed(12345) for filter_type in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "heuristic", "auto"]: for color_type in [4, 6]: num_channels = 2 if color_type == 4 else 4 for bit_depth in [8, 16]: for interlace in [0, 1]: dt = np.uint8 if bit_depth == 8 else np.uint16 sz = (h, w, num_channels) img = np.random.randint(0, 2**bit_depth, size=sz).astype(dt) f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, filter_type=filter_type, interlace=interlace) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=color_type, interlace=interlace) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") software = numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1') file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", software) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=color_type, bit_depth=bit_depth, interlace=interlace, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def test_write_png_sbit(self): # Test creation of sBIT chunks for color_type 0 and 2. w = 7 h = 5 np.random.seed(123) for bit_depth in [8, 16]: for size in [(h, w), (h, w, 3)]: maxval = 2**bit_depth dt = np.uint16 if bit_depth == 16 else np.uint8 img = np.random.randint(0, maxval, size=size).astype(dt) color_type = 0 if len(size) == 2 else 2 sbit = (bit_depth - 1,) if color_type == 2: sbit = sbit * 3 f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, sbit=sbit) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=bit_depth, color_type=color_type, interlace=0) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") software = numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1') file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", software) file_contents = check_sbit(file_contents, sbit=sbit, color_type=color_type) file_contents = check_idat(file_contents, color_type=color_type, bit_depth=bit_depth, interlace=0, img=img) check_iend(file_contents)
def numpy_to_png(im, fp_out, bitdepth=8): from numpngw import write_png assert isinstance(im, (np.ndarray, np.generic)) # ensure extenion Fp = Path(fp_out).with_suffix(".png")"saving array to png..{Fp}") # Image.fromarray(img_as_ubyte(im)).save(fp_out) if bitdepth == 8: im = img_as_ubyte(im) elif bitdepth == 16: im = img_as_uint(im) # accept float else: raise Exception(f"unupported bitdepth {bitdepth}") write_png(Fp, im, bitdepth=bitdepth) logging.debug(f"...saved: {fp_out}")
def test_write_png_max_chunk_len(self): # Create an 8-bit grayscale image. w = 250 h = 150 max_chunk_len = 500 img = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(h, w)).astype(np.uint8) f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, max_chunk_len=max_chunk_len) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=w, height=h, bit_depth=8, color_type=0, interlace=0) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1')) zstream = b'' while True: chunk_type, chunk_data, file_contents = next_chunk(file_contents) if chunk_type != b"IDAT": break self.assertEqual(chunk_type, b"IDAT") zstream += chunk_data self.assertLessEqual(len(chunk_data), max_chunk_len) data = zlib.decompress(zstream) b = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.uint8) lines = b.reshape(h, w + 1) img2 = lines[:, 1:].reshape(h, w) assert_array_equal(img2, img) # Check the IEND chunk; chunk_type and chunk_data were read # in the loop above. self.assertEqual(chunk_type, b"IEND") self.assertEqual(chunk_data, b"") self.assertEqual(file_contents, b"")
import numpy as np from numpngw import write_png # Example 3 # # Create a 16-bit RGB image, with (0, 0, 0) indicating a transparent pixel. # Create some interesting data. w = 32 nrows = 3*w ncols = 5*w kernel = np.exp(-np.linspace(-2, 2, 35)**2) kernel = kernel/kernel.sum() np.random.seed(123) x = np.random.randn(nrows, ncols, 3) x = np.apply_along_axis(lambda z: np.convolve(z, kernel, mode='same'), 0, x) x = np.apply_along_axis(lambda z: np.convolve(z, kernel, mode='same'), 1, x) # Convert to 16 bit unsigned integers. z = (65535*((x - x.max())/x.ptp())).astype(np.uint16) # Create two squares containing (0, 0, 0). z[w:2*w, w:2*w] = 0 z[w:2*w, -2*w:-w] = 0 # Write the PNG file, and indicate that (0, 0, 0) should be transparent. write_png('example3.png', z, transparent=(0, 0, 0))
er1 += end_point_error(gth,out) #out = cv2.resize(out1,gth.shape[::-1]) er2 += D1_error(gth,out,(3,0.05)) print 'batch:%04d' %i time2 = time.time() er1 /= N er2 /= N print r'EPE:',er1 print r'D1:', er2 print time2 - time1, 'seconds' out = np.uint16(out*256) gth = np.uint16(gth*256) numpngw.write_png('gthk.png',gth) numpngw.write_png('outk.png',out) get outk.png gthk.png net.forward() gth = net.blobs['scaled_disp_gt'].data[0,0,:,:] out = net.blobs['predict_disp0'].data[0,0,:,:] out[out<0] = 0 out = np.uint16(out*256) gth = np.uint16(gth*256) numpngw.write_png('gthk.png',gth) numpngw.write_png('outk.png',out) ''' net.blobs['img0'].reshape(1,3,384, 1280) net.blobs['img1'].reshape(1,3,384, 1280) net.blobs['scaled_disp_gt'].reshape(1,1,384, 1280)
import numpy as np from numpngw import write_png # Example 2 # # Create a 1-bit grayscale image. mask = np.zeros((48, 48), dtype=np.uint8) mask[:2, :] = 1 mask[:, -2:] = 1 mask[4:6, :-4] = 1 mask[4:, -6:-4] = 1 mask[-16:, :16] = 1 mask[-32:-16, 16:32] = 1 write_png('example2.png', mask, bitdepth=1)
def test_write_png_8bit_RGB_palette(self): for interlace in [0, 1]: for transparent in [None, (0, 1, 2)]: for bitdepth in [1, 2, 4, 8]: w = 13 h = 4 ncolors = min(2**bitdepth, w*h) idx = np.arange(w*h).reshape(h, w) % ncolors colors = np.arange(ncolors*3).reshape(ncolors, 3) colors = colors.astype(np.uint8) img = colors[idx] f = io.BytesIO() numpngw.write_png(f, img, use_palette=True, transparent=transparent, interlace=interlace, bitdepth=bitdepth) file_contents = f.getvalue() file_contents = check_signature(file_contents) file_contents = check_ihdr(file_contents, width=img.shape[1], height=img.shape[0], bit_depth=bitdepth, color_type=3, interlace=interlace) file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Creation Time") software = numpngw._software_text().encode('latin-1') file_contents = check_text(file_contents, b"Software", software) # Check the PLTE chunk. chunk_type, chunk_data, file_contents = \ next_chunk(file_contents) self.assertEqual(chunk_type, b"PLTE") p = np.fromstring(chunk_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3) n = ncolors*3 expected = np.arange(n, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3) assert_array_equal(p, expected) if transparent is not None: file_contents = check_trns(file_contents, color_type=3, transparent=transparent, palette=p) # Check the IDAT chunk. chunk_type, chunk_data, file_contents = \ next_chunk(file_contents) self.assertEqual(chunk_type, b"IDAT") decompressed = zlib.decompress(chunk_data) stream = np.fromstring(decompressed, dtype=np.uint8) height, width = img.shape[:2] img2 = stream_to_array(stream, width, height, color_type=3, bit_depth=bitdepth, interlace=interlace) expected = idx assert_array_equal(img2, expected) check_iend(file_contents)
import numpy as np from numpngw import write_png # Example 4 # # Create an 8-bit indexed RGB image that uses a palette. img_width = 300 img_height = 200 img = np.zeros((img_height, img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) np.random.seed(222) for _ in range(40): width = np.random.randint(5, img_width // 5) height = np.random.randint(5, img_height // 5) row = np.random.randint(5, img_height - height - 5) col = np.random.randint(5, img_width - width - 5) color = np.random.randint(80, 256, size=2) img[row:row+height, col:col+width, 1:] = color write_png('example4.png', img, use_palette=True)
import numpy as np from numpngw import write_png # Example 1 # # Create an 8-bit RGB image. img = np.zeros((80, 128, 3), dtype=np.uint8) grad = np.linspace(0, 255, img.shape[1]) img[:16, :, :] = 127 img[16:32, :, 0] = grad img[32:48, :, 1] = grad[::-1] img[48:64, :, 2] = grad img[64:, :, :] = 127 write_png('example1.png', img)