コード例 #1
def nanmin(a, axis=None):
    """Find the minimium over the given axis, ignoring NaNs.
    y = array(a,subok=True)
    if not issubclass(y.dtype.type, _nx.integer):
        y[isnan(a)] = _nx.inf
    return y.min(axis)
コード例 #2
def nanargmax(a, axis=None):
    """Find the maximum over the given axis ignoring NaNs.
    y = array(a,subok=True)
    if not issubclass(y.dtype.type, _nx.integer):
        y[isnan(a)] = -_nx.inf
    return y.argmax(axis)
コード例 #3
ファイル: function_base.py プロジェクト: alexxpan/python-art
def nansum(a, axis=None):
    """Sum the array over the given axis, treating NaNs as 0.
    y = array(a, subok=True)
    if not issubclass(y.dtype.type, _nx.integer):
        y[isnan(a)] = 0
    return y.sum(axis)
コード例 #4
def nansum(a, axis=None):
    """Sum the array over the given axis, treating NaNs as 0.
    y = array(a,subok=True)
    if not issubclass(y.dtype.type, _nx.integer):
        y[isnan(a)] = 0
    return y.sum(axis)
コード例 #5
ファイル: function_base.py プロジェクト: alexxpan/python-art
def nanmin(a, axis=None):
    """Find the minimium over the given axis, ignoring NaNs.
    y = array(a, subok=True)
    if not issubclass(y.dtype.type, _nx.integer):
        y[isnan(a)] = _nx.inf
    return y.min(axis)
コード例 #6
ファイル: function_base.py プロジェクト: alexxpan/python-art
def nanargmax(a, axis=None):
    """Find the maximum over the given axis ignoring NaNs.
    y = array(a, subok=True)
    if not issubclass(y.dtype.type, _nx.integer):
        y[isnan(a)] = -_nx.inf
    return y.argmax(axis)
コード例 #7
def label_recall(confusion, label):
        recall = float(confusion[label, label]) / confusion[:, label].sum()
        recall = 0.0

    return recall if not isnan(recall) else 0.0
コード例 #8
def label_precision(confusion, label):
        precision = float(confusion[label, label]) / confusion[label, :].sum()
        precision = 0.0

    return precision if not isnan(precision) else 0.0
コード例 #9
ファイル: duckprint.py プロジェクト: mhvk/ndarray_ducktypes
 def print_nonfinite(x):
     with errstate(invalid='ignore'):
         if umath.isnan(x):
             ret = ('+' if sign == '+' else '') + nanstr
         else:  # isinf
             infsgn = '-' if x < 0 else '+' if sign == '+' else ''
             ret = infsgn + infstr
         return ' ' * (pad_left + pad_right + 1 - len(ret)) + ret
コード例 #10
def f1_macro(confusion, none_index, exclude_none=True):
    p = precision_macro(confusion, none_index, exclude_none)
    r = recall_macro(confusion, none_index, exclude_none)
        f1 = 2.0 * p * r / (p + r)
        f1 = 0.0

    return f1 if not isnan(f1) else 0.0
コード例 #11
def _clip_dep_is_scalar_nan(a):
    # guarded to protect circular imports
    from numpy.core.fromnumeric import ndim
    if ndim(a) != 0:
        return False
        return um.isnan(a)
    except TypeError:
        return False
コード例 #12
def label_f1(confusion, label):
    p = label_precision(confusion, label)
    r = label_recall(confusion, label)
        f1 = 2.0 * p * r / (p + r)
        f1 = 0.0

    return f1 if not isnan(f1) else 0.0
コード例 #13
def precision_micro(confusion, none_index, exclude_none=True):
    n = confusion.shape[0]
    num = sum([confusion[i, i] for i in range(n) if i != none_index or not exclude_none])
    den = sum([confusion[i, :].sum() for i in range(n) if i != none_index or not exclude_none])
        precision = float(num) / den
        precision = 0.0

    return precision if not isnan(precision) else 0.0
コード例 #14
def recall_micro(confusion, none_index, exclude_none=True):
    n = confusion.shape[0]
    num = sum([confusion[i, i] for i in range(n) if i != none_index or not exclude_none])
    den = sum([confusion[:, i].sum() for i in range(n) if i != none_index or not exclude_none])

        recall = float(num) / den
        recall = 0.0

    return recall if not isnan(recall) else 0.0
コード例 #15
    def zsl_insert(self, score, ele):
        Insert a new node in the skiplist. Assumes the element does not already
        exist (up to the caller to enforce that). The skiplist takes ownership
        of the passed string 'ele'.
        :param score:
        :param ele:
        update = [None] * ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL
        rank = [0] * ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL

        assert (not isnan(score)), 'score can not be NaN'
        x = self.header

        i = self.level - 1
        while i >= 0:
            rank[i] = 0 if i == (self.level - 1) else rank[i + 1]
            while (x.level[i].forward
                   and (x.level[i].forward.score < score or
                        (x.level[i].forward.score == score
                         and elecmp(x.level[i].forward.ele, ele) < 0))):
                rank[i] += x.level[i].span
                x = x.level[i].forward
            update[i] = x
            i -= 1

        level = zsl_random_level()
        if level > self.level:
            for i in range(self.level, level):
                rank[i] = 0
                update[i] = self.header
                update[i].level[i].span = self.length
            self.level = level
        x = ZskiplistNode(level=level, score=score, ele=ele)
        for i in range(0, level):
            x.level[i].forward = update[i].level[i].forward
            update[i].level[i].forward = x
            x.level[i].span = update[i].level[i].span - (rank[0] - rank[i])
            update[i].level[i].span = (rank[0] - rank[i]) + 1

        for i in range(level, self.level):
            update[i].level[i].span += 1

        x.backward = None if (update[0] is self.header) else update[0]

        if x.level[0].forward:
            x.level[0].forward.backward = x
            self.tail = x
        self.length += 1
        return x
コード例 #16
ファイル: ecef.py プロジェクト: kirienko/pylgrim
def ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R, deg=True):
    Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm (2006),
    see [4] --
    :param R: (X,Y,Z) -- coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :param deg: if True then lat and lon are returned in degrees (rad otherwise)
    :return:  (φ,θ,h) -- lat [deg], lon [deg], alt in WGS84 (numpy array)
    # WGS 84 constants
    a = 6378137.0  # Equatorial Radius [m]
    b = 6356752.314245  # Polar Radius [m]
    e = 0.08181919092890624  # e = sqrt(1-b²/a²)
    E = e ** 2
    e1 = sqrt(1 - e ** 2)  # e' = sqrt(1 - e²)
    if isinstance(R, list): R = np.array(R)
    p = sqrt(R[0] ** 2 + R[1] ** 2)  # (1) - sqrt(X² + Y²)
    az = abs(R[2])
    Z = e1 * az / a
    P = p / a
    S, C = Z or 1, e1 * P or 1  # (C8) - zero approximation
    max_iter = 5
    for i in range(max_iter):
        A = sqrt(S ** 2 + C ** 2)
        Cn = P * A ** 3 - E * C ** 3
        Sn = Z * A ** 3 + E * S ** 3
        delta = abs(Sn / Cn - S / C) * C / S
        if isnan(delta):
            return ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R)
        if abs(delta) < 1e-10 or i == max_iter - 1:
        S, C = Sn, Cn
    theta = np.math.atan2(R[1], R[0])
    Cc = e1 * Cn
    phi = np.sign(R[2]) * np.math.atan2(Sn, Cc)
    h = (p * Cc + az * Sn - b * sqrt(Sn ** 2 + Cn ** 2)) / sqrt(Cc ** 2 + Sn ** 2)
    if deg:
        out = np.array([np.degrees(phi), np.degrees(theta), h])
        out = np.array([phi, theta, h])
    # if filter(isnan, out):
    #     return ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R)
    return out
コード例 #17
ファイル: ecef.py プロジェクト: zhufengGNSS/pylgrim
def ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R, deg=True):
    Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm (2006),
    see [4] --
    :param R: (X,Y,Z) -- coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :param deg: if True then lat and lon are returned in degrees (rad otherwise)
    :return:  (φ,θ,h) -- lat [deg], lon [deg], alt in WGS84 (numpy array)
    # WGS 84 constants
    a = 6378137.0  # Equatorial Radius [m]
    b = 6356752.314245  # Polar Radius [m]
    e = 0.08181919092890624  # e = sqrt(1-b²/a²)
    E = e**2
    e1 = sqrt(1 - e**2)  # e' = sqrt(1 - e²)
    if isinstance(R, list): R = np.array(R)
    p = sqrt(R[0]**2 + R[1]**2)  # (1) - sqrt(X² + Y²)
    az = abs(R[2])
    Z = e1 * az / a
    P = p / a
    S, C = Z or 1, e1 * P or 1  # (C8) - zero approximation
    max_iter = 5
    for i in range(max_iter):
        A = sqrt(S**2 + C**2)
        Cn = P * A**3 - E * C**3
        Sn = Z * A**3 + E * S**3
        delta = abs(Sn / Cn - S / C) * C / S
        if isnan(delta):
            return ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R)
        if abs(delta) < 1e-10 or i == max_iter - 1:
        S, C = Sn, Cn
    theta = np.math.atan2(R[1], R[0])
    Cc = e1 * Cn
    phi = np.sign(R[2]) * np.math.atan2(Sn, Cc)
    h = (p * Cc + az * Sn - b * sqrt(Sn**2 + Cn**2)) / sqrt(Cc**2 + Sn**2)
    if deg:
        out = np.array([np.degrees(phi), np.degrees(theta), h])
        out = np.array([phi, theta, h])
    # if filter(isnan, out):
    #     return ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R)
    return out
コード例 #18
ファイル: _arrayprint.py プロジェクト: aashish24/blaze
def isnan(x):
    if isinstance(x, IDataDescriptor):
        return _um.isnan(dd_as_py(x))
        return _um.isnan(x)
コード例 #19
ファイル: _arrayprint.py プロジェクト: xsixing/blaze
def isnan(x):
    # hacks to remove when isnan/isinf are available for data descriptors
    if isinstance(x, IDataDescriptor):
        return _um.isnan(dd_as_py(x))
        return _um.isnan(x)
コード例 #20
ファイル: duckprint.py プロジェクト: mhvk/ndarray_ducktypes
    def get_format_func(self, elem, **options):
        missing_opt = self.check_options(**options)
        if missing_opt:
            raise Exception("Missing options: {}".format(missing_opt))

        floatmode = options['floatmode']
        precision = None if floatmode == 'unique' else options['precision']
        suppress_small = options['suppress_small']
        sign = options['sign']
        infstr = options['infstr']
        nanstr = options['nanstr']
        exp_format = False
        pad_left, pad_right = 0, 0

        # only the finite values are used to compute the number of digits
        finite = umath.isfinite(elem)
        finite_vals = elem[finite]
        nonfinite_vals = elem[~finite]

        # choose exponential mode based on the non-zero finite values:
        abs_non_zero = umath.absolute(finite_vals[finite_vals != 0])
        if len(abs_non_zero) != 0:
            max_val = np.max(abs_non_zero)
            min_val = np.min(abs_non_zero)
            with np.errstate(over='ignore'):  # division can overflow
                if max_val >= 1.e8 or (not suppress_small and
                                       (min_val < 0.0001
                                        or max_val / min_val > 1000.)):
                    exp_format = True

        # do a first pass of printing all the numbers, to determine sizes
        if len(finite_vals) == 0:
            trim, exp_size, unique = '.', -1, True
        elif exp_format:
            trim, unique = '.', True
            if floatmode == 'fixed':
                trim, unique = 'k', False
            strs = (format_float_scientific(x,
                                            sign=sign == '+')
                    for x in finite_vals)
            frac_strs, _, exp_strs = zip(*(s.partition('e') for s in strs))
            int_part, frac_part = zip(*(s.split('.') for s in frac_strs))
            exp_size = max(len(s) for s in exp_strs) - 1

            trim = 'k'
            precision = max(len(s) for s in frac_part)

            # this should be only 1 or 2. Can be calculated from sign.
            pad_left = max(len(s) for s in int_part)
            # pad_right is only needed for nan length calculation
            pad_right = exp_size + 2 + precision

            unique = False
            trim, unique = '.', True
            if floatmode == 'fixed':
                trim, unique = 'k', False
            strs = (format_float_positional(x,
                                            sign=sign == '+')
                    for x in finite_vals)
            int_part, frac_part = zip(*(s.split('.') for s in strs))
            pad_left = max(len(s) for s in int_part)
            pad_right = max(len(s) for s in frac_part)
            exp_size = -1

            if floatmode in ['fixed', 'maxprec_equal']:
                precision = pad_right
                unique = False
                trim = 'k'
                unique = True
                trim = '.'

        # account for sign = ' ' by adding one to pad_left
        if sign == ' ' and not any(np.signbit(finite_vals)):
            pad_left += 1

        # account for nan and inf in pad_left
        if len(nonfinite_vals) != 0:
            nanlen, inflen = 0, 0
            if np.any(umath.isinf(nonfinite_vals)):
                neginf = sign != '-' or np.any(np.isneginf(nonfinite_vals))
                inflen = len(infstr) + neginf
            if np.any(umath.isnan(elem)):
                nanlen = len(nanstr)
            offset = pad_right + 1  # +1 for decimal pt
            pad_left = max(nanlen - offset, inflen - offset, pad_left)

        def print_nonfinite(x):
            with errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                if umath.isnan(x):
                    ret = ('+' if sign == '+' else '') + nanstr
                else:  # isinf
                    infsgn = '-' if x < 0 else '+' if sign == '+' else ''
                    ret = infsgn + infstr
                return ' ' * (pad_left + pad_right + 1 - len(ret)) + ret

        if exp_format:

            def print_finite(x):
                return format_float_scientific(x,
                                               sign=sign == '+',

            def print_finite(x):
                return format_float_positional(x,
                                               sign=sign == '+',

        def fmt(x):
            if umath.isfinite(x):
                return print_finite(x)
                return print_nonfinite(x)

        return fmt
コード例 #21
    def zset_add(self, score, ele, flags):
        Add a new element or update the score of an existing element in a sorted
        The set of flags change the command behavior. They are passed with an integer
        and will return other flags to indicate different conditions.

        The input flags are the following:

        ZADD_INCR: Increment the current element score by 'score' instead of updating
                 the current element score. If the element does not exist, we
                 assume 0 as previous score.
        ZADD_NX:   Perform the operation only if the element does not exist.

        When ZADD_INCR is used, the new score of the element is returned with result.

        The returned flags are the following:

        ZADD_NAN:     The resulting score is not a number.
        ZADD_ADDED:   The element was added (not present before the call).
        ZADD_UPDATED: The element score was updated.
        ZADD_NOP:     No operation was performed because of NX.

        Return value:

        The function returns 1 on success, and sets the appropriate flags
        ADDED or UPDATED to signal what happened during the operation (note that
        none could be set if we re-added an element using the same score it used
        to have, or in the case a zero increment is used).

        The function returns 0 on erorr, currently only when the increment
        produces a NAN condition, or when the 'score' value is NAN since the
        :param score:
        :param ele:
        :param flags:
        incr = (flags & ZADD_INCR) != 0
        nx = (flags & ZADD_NX) != 0

        if isnan(score):
            return 0, ZADD_NAN, 0
        dict_ = self.dict_
        de = dict_.get(ele, None)
        if de is not None:
            if nx:
                return 1, ZADD_NOP, 0
            curscore = de
            if incr:
                score += curscore
                if isnan(score):
                    return 0, ZADD_NAN, 0
            # Remove and re-insert when score changes.
            if score != curscore:
                result = self.zsl.zsl_delete(score=curscore, ele=ele)
                assert result == 1
                result = self.zsl.zsl_insert(score=score, ele=ele)
                assert result == 1
                dict_[ele] = score

            return 1, ZADD_UPDATED, score
            result = self.zsl.zsl_insert(score=score, ele=ele)
            assert result == 1
            assert dict_.setdefault(ele, score) == score
            return 1, ZADD_ADDED, score
コード例 #22
ファイル: _arrayprint.py プロジェクト: imclab/blaze
def isnan(x):
    # hacks to remove when isnan/isinf are available for data descriptors
    if isinstance(x, IDataDescriptor):
        return _um.isnan(dd_as_py(x))
        return _um.isnan(x)
コード例 #23
def tm_ransac5rows(d, sys):
    class solstruct():

    sol = solstruct()

    maxnrinl = 0

    for iii in range(0, sys.ransac_k):

        d2 = d ** 2
        inl = (isfinite(d2)).astype(int)
        r_c = d2.shape
        m = r_c[0]
        tmprows = random.permutation(m)
        tmprows = tmprows[0:5]
        auxvar1 = inl[tmprows, :]
        auxvar2 = ((np.all(auxvar1, axis=0)).astype(int)).T
        okcol = (np.flatnonzero(auxvar2)).T

        B = d2[np.ix_(tmprows, okcol)]

        ntmp = B.shape[1]
        tmp2 = random.permutation(ntmp)

        if ntmp > 5:
            tmp21tup = tmp2[0:4]
            tmp21 = np.reshape(tmp21tup, (1, -1))
            tmp22tup = tmp2[4:, ]
            tmp22 = np.reshape(tmp22tup, (1, -1))
            cl, _ = compactionmatrix(5)

            cr, _ = compactionmatrix(tmp2.shape[0])
            Btmp1 = np.dot(cl, B[:, tmp2])
            Btmp = np.dot(Btmp1, cr.conj().T)

            B1 = Btmp[:, 0:3]
            B2 = Btmp[:, 3:]

            u, s, v = linalg.svd(B1)
            u4tup = u[:, 3]
            u4 = np.reshape(u4tup, (-1, 1))

            if 0:
                abs((u4.conj().T) * B2)

            Imiss = isnan(d)
            auxvar3 = abs(np.dot((u4.conj().T), B2))
            okindtup = (auxvar3 > sys.ransac_threshold).nonzero()
            okindmat = np.asarray(okindtup)
            okind = np.reshape(okindmat, (1, -1))
            inlim = zeros(d.shape)
            inlim = inlim - Imiss
            tmpconcat = concatenate((tmp21, tmp22[0, okind - 1]), 1)
            tmprows = np.reshape(tmprows, (-1, 1))
            inlim[tmprows, okcol[tmpconcat]] = ones((5, 4 + okind.size))
            nrinl = 4 + okind.size

            if nrinl > maxnrinl:
                maxnrinl = nrinl

                sol.rows = tmprows
                concatmat = concatenate((tmp21, tmp22[0, okind - 1]), 1)
                sol.cols = okcol[(concatmat)]
                sol.row1 = sol.rows[1]
                sol.col1 = sol.cols[0, 0]
                sol.inlmatrix = inlim
                B = d2[sol.rows, sol.cols]
                cl, dl = compactionmatrix(B.shape[0])
                cr, dr = compactionmatrix(B.shape[1])
                Bhatdotprod = np.dot(dl, B)
                Bhat = np.dot(Bhatdotprod, dr.conj().T)
                Btildedotprod = np.dot(cl, B)
                Btilde = np.dot(Btildedotprod, cr.conj().T)
                u, s, vh = linalg.svd(Btilde)
                v = vh.T
                s[3:, ] = zeros(s.shape[0] - 3, s.shape[1])
                Btilde = u * s * (v.conj().T)
                Bhat[1:, 1:] = Btilde
                sol.Bhat = Bhat
                sol.dl = dl
                sol.dr = dr

    return sol, maxnrinl