def estimate_beta_band(session,area,bw=8,epoch=None,doplot=False): ''' return betapeak-0.5*bw,betapeak+0.5*bw ''' print 'THIS IS NOT THE ONE YOU WANT TO USE' print 'IT IS EXPERIMENTAL COHERENCE BASED IDENTIFICATION OF BETA' assert 0 if epoch is None: epoch = (6,-1000,3000) allco = [] if not area is None: chs = get_good_channels(session,area)[:2] for a in chs: for b in chs: if a==b: continue for tr in get_good_trials(session): x = get_filtered_lfp(session,area,a,tr,epoch,None,300) y = get_filtered_lfp(session,area,b,tr,epoch,None,300) co,fr = cohere(x,y,Fs=1000,NFFT=256) allco.append(co) else: for area in areas: chs = get_good_channels(session,area)[:2] for a in chs: for b in chs: if a==b: continue for tr in get_good_trials(session): x = get_filtered_lfp(session,area,a,tr,epoch,None,300) y = get_filtered_lfp(session,area,b,tr,epoch,None,300) co,fr = cohere(x,y,Fs=1000,NFFT=256) allco.append(co) allco = array(allco) m = mean(allco,0) sem = std(allco,0)/sqrt(shape(allco)[0]) # temporary in lieu of multitaper smooth = ceil(float(bw)/(diff(fr)[0])) smoothed = convolve(m,ones(smooth)/smooth,'same') use = (fr<=56)&(fr>=5) betafr = (fr<=30-0.5*bw)&(fr>=15+0.5*bw) betapeak = fr[betafr][argmax(smoothed[betafr])] if doplot: clf() plot(fr[use],m[use],lw=2,color='k') plot(fr[use],smoothed[use],lw=1,color='r') plot(fr[use],(m+sem)[use],lw=1,color='k') plot(fr[use],(m-sem)[use],lw=1,color='k') positivey() xlim(*rangeover(fr[use])) shade([[betapeak-0.5*bw],[betapeak+0.5*bw]]) draw() return betapeak-0.5*bw,betapeak+0.5*bw
def video_overlay(pa,ned,pos_des,output_filename): # Generate video of the performance during loiter, this # includes the loiter position, current estimate of # position and raw gps position #output_filename = 'out.mp4' import matplotlib.animation as animation import scipy.signal as signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import nan, arange from numpy.lib.function_base import diff from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, xlabel, ylabel, xlim, ylim, draw from matplotlib.mlab import find ####### plot section fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,sharex=True) fig.set_size_inches([8,4]) fig.patch.set_facecolor('green') t0_s = pa['time'][0] t1_s = pa['time'][-1] # nan out gaps between flights idx = find(diff(pos_des['time']) > 5000) pos_des['End'][idx,2] = nan # Plot position plot(pa['East'][:,0], pa['North'][:,0], linewidth=3, color=(0.2,0.2,0.2), label="Position") plot(pa['East'][:,0], pa['North'][:,0], linewidth=2, color=(0.8,0.8,0.8), label="Position") desired_marker = plot(pos_des['End'][0,1], pos_des['End'][0,0], '*k', markersize=15, label="Desired") ned_marker = plot(pa['East'][0,0], pa['North'][0,0], '.b', markersize=8) current_marker = plot(pa['East'][0,0], pa['North'][0,0], '.r', markersize=13) xlabel('East (m)') ylabel('North (m)') xlim(min(pa['East'][:,0]-20), max(pa['East'][:,0])+20) ylim(min(pa['North'][:,0]-10), max(pa['North'][:,0])+10) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('green') ax.xaxis.label.set_color('white') ax.yaxis.label.set_color('white') ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('white') ax.spines['top'].set_color('green') ax.spines['right'].set_color('green') ax.spines['left'].set_color('white') ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors='white') ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors='white') fig.set_facecolor('green') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) draw() def init(fig=fig): fig.set_facecolor('green') # Plot a segment of the path def update_img(t, pa=pa, pos_des=pos_des, ned=ned, desired_marker=desired_marker, current_marker=current_marker, ned_marker=ned_marker, t0_s=t0_s): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot # convert to minutes t = t / 60 idx = np.argmin(abs(np.double(pa['time']) / 60 - t)) x = pa['East'][idx,0] y = pa['North'][idx,0] current_marker[0].set_xdata(x) current_marker[0].set_ydata(y) idx = np.argmin(abs(np.double(ned['time']) / 60 - t)) ned_marker[0].set_xdata(ned['East'][idx]) ned_marker[0].set_ydata(ned['North'][idx]) idx = np.argmin(abs(np.double(pos_des['time']) / 60 - t)) delta = abs(np.double(pos_des['time'][idx]) / 60 - t) if delta < (1/60.0): desired_marker[0].set_xdata(pos_des['End'][idx,1]) desired_marker[0].set_ydata(pos_des['End'][idx,0]) fig.patch.set_facecolor('green') fps = 30.0 dpi = 150 t = arange(t0_s, t1_s, 1/fps) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,update_img,t,init_func=init,interval=0,blit=False) writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'](fps=30),dpi=dpi,fps=30,writer=writer,savefig_kwargs={'facecolor':'green'})
def get_high_beta_events(session,area,channel,epoch, MINLEN = 40, # ms BOXLEN = 50, # ms THSCALE = 1.5, # sigma (standard deviations) lowf = 10.0, # Hz highf = 45.0, # Hz pad = 200, # ms clip = True, audit = False ): ''' get_high_beta_events(session,area,channel,epoch) will identify periods of elevated beta-frequency power for the given channel. Thresholds are selected per-channel based on all available trials. The entire trial time is used when estimating the average beta power. To avoid recomputing, we extract beta events for all trials at once. By default events that extend past the edge of the specified epoch will be clipped. Passing clip=False will discard these events. returns the event threshold, and a list of event start and stop times relative to session time (not per-trial or epoch time) passing audit=True will enable previewing each trial and the isolated beta events. >>> thr,events = get_high_beta_events('SPK120925','PMd',50,(6,-1000,0)) ''' # get LFP data signal = get_raw_lfp_session(session,area,channel) # esimate threshold for beta events beta_trials = [get_filtered_lfp(session,area,channel,t,(6,-1000,0),lowf,highf) for t in get_good_trials(session)] threshold = np.std(beta_trials)*THSCALE print 'threshold=',threshold N = len(signal) event,start,stop = epoch all_events = [] all_high_beta_times = [] for trial in get_good_trials(session): evt = get_trial_event(session,area,trial,event) trialstart = get_trial_event(session,area,trial,4) epochstart = evt + start + trialstart epochstop = evt + stop + trialstart tstart = max(0,epochstart-pad) tstop = min(N,epochstop +pad) filtered = bandfilter(signal[tstart:tstop],lowf,highf) envelope = abs(hilbert(filtered)) smoothed = convolve(envelope,ones(BOXLEN)/float(BOXLEN),'same') E = array(get_edges(smoothed>threshold))+tstart E = E[:,(diff(E,1,0)[0]>=MINLEN) & (E[0,:]<epochstop ) & (E[1,:]>epochstart)] if audit: print E if clip: E[0,:] = np.maximum(E[0,:],epochstart) E[1,:] = np.minimum(E[1,:],epochstop ) else: E = E[:,(E[1,:]<=epochstop)&(E[0,:]>=epochstart)] if audit: clf() axvspan(epochstart,epochstop,color=(0,0,0,0.25)) plot(arange(tstart,tstop),filtered,lw=0.7,color='k') plot(arange(tstart,tstop),envelope,lw=0.7,color='r') plot(arange(tstart,tstop),smoothed,lw=0.7,color='b') ylim(-80,80) for a,b in E.T: axvspan(a,b,color=(1,0,0,0.5)) axhline(threshold,color='k',lw=1.5) xlim(tstart,tstop) draw() wait() all_events.extend(E.T) assert all(diff(E,0,1)>=MINLEN) return threshold, all_events