コード例 #1
ファイル: quadratic.py プロジェクト: petitefille/Python
 def roots(self):
     from numpy.lib.scimath import sqrt
     x1 = (-self.b + sqrt(self.b**2 - 4 * self.a * self.c)) / float(
         2 * self.a)
     x2 = (-self.b - sqrt(self.b**2 - 4 * self.a * self.c)) / float(
         2 * self.a)
     return x1, x2
コード例 #2
def genSolve(e):
    k = sc.sqrt(2. * (e) * m_e / (hbar**2))
    kw = sc.sqrt(2. * (e - V0) * m_e / (hbar**2))
    res = opt.fsolve(f2p_as_reals,
                     [10., -740., -10., 25, 58.213, -127., 150., 0.],
                     (F, k, kw))
    return reals_as_complex(res)
コード例 #3
    def roots(self):
        Return the two roots of the quadratic polynomial.
        The roots are real or complex, depending on the
        coefficients in the polynomial.

        Let us define a quadratic polynomial:

        >>> q = Quadratic(a=2, b=4, c=-16)
        >>> print q
        2*x**2 + 4*x - 16

        The roots are then found by

        >>> r1, r2 = q.roots()
        >>> r1
        >>> r2
        a, b, c = self.a, self.b, self.c  # short names
        q = b**2 - 4 * a * c
        root1 = (-b + sqrt(q)) / float(2 * a)
        root2 = (-b - sqrt(q)) / float(2 * a)
        return root1, root2
コード例 #4
ファイル: rp_uniaxial.py プロジェクト: flruta/rp-calculation
def lmat(k, K, m, alp, bet, gam):

    ko = sqrt(eo[m]) * k
    qo = sqrt(ko**2 - K**2)

    ed = ee[m] - eo[m]
    egam = eo[m] + gam**2 * ed
    qbar = sqrt(eo[m] * (ee[m] * egam * k**2 - K**2 * (ee[m] - bet**2 * ed)) /
    qep = qbar - alp * gam * K * ed / egam
    qem = -qbar - alp * gam * K * ed / egam

    p = np.asmatrix([[np.exp(1j * qo * d), 0, 0, 0],
                     [0, np.exp(-1j * qo * d), 0, 0],
                     [0, 0, np.exp(1j * qep * d), 0],
                     [0, 0, 0, np.exp(1j * qem * d)]])

    m = np.asmatrix([[
        -bet * qo, bet * qo, alp * qo**2 - gam * qep * K,
        alp * qo**2 - gam * qem * K
    ], [alp * qo - gam * K, -alp * qo - gam * K, bet * ko**2, bet * ko**2],
                         -bet * ko**2,
                         -bet * ko**2, (alp * qep - gam * K) * ko**2,
                         (alp * qem - gam * K) * ko**2
                     [(alp * qo - gam * K) * qo, (alp * qo + gam * K) * qo,
                      bet * qep * ko**2, bet * qem * ko**2]])

    return np.matmul(m, np.matmul(p, np.linalg.inv(m)))
コード例 #5
def QR_algorithm(A, niter, tol):
    """Return the eigenvalues of A using the QR algorithm."""
    A = la.hessenberg(A).astype(float)
    eigenvalues = []
    n = 0
    for i in xrange(1, niter):
        Q, R = la.qr(A)
        A = np.dot(np.dot(la.inv(Q), A), Q)
    while n < np.shape(A)[1]:
        if n == np.shape(A)[1] - 1:
        elif abs(A[n + 1][n]) < tol:
            two_two = A[n:n + 2, n:n + 2]
            a = 1
            b = -1 * (two_two[0][0] + two_two[1][1])
            c = la.det(two_two)
            x = (-b + (scimath.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c))) / 2
            x2 = (-b - (scimath.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c))) / 2
            n += 1
        n += 1
    return eigenvalues
コード例 #6
ファイル: eqf.py プロジェクト: cpplanes/mediapack
    def update_frequency(self, omega):
        """ Computes the JCA parameters (see Notes on the class).


        omega :
            Circular frequency of interest

        #  Johnson et al model for rho_eq_til
        self.omega_0 = self.sigma * self.phi / (Air.rho * self.alpha)
        self.omega_infty = (self.sigma * self.phi * self.Lambda)**2 / (
            4 * Air.mu * Air.rho * self.alpha**2)
        self.F_JKD = sqrt(1 + 1j * omega / self.omega_infty)
        self.rho_eq_til = (Air.rho * self.alpha /
                           self.phi) * (1 + (self.omega_0 /
                                             (1j * omega)) * self.F_JKD)
        self.alpha_til = self.phi * self.rho_eq_til / Air.rho

        #  Champoux-Allard model for K_eq_til
        self.omega_prime_infty = (16 * Air.nu_prime) / (self.Lambda_prime**2)
        self.F_prime_CA = sqrt(1 + 1j * omega / self.omega_prime_infty)
        self.alpha_prime_til = 1 + self.omega_prime_infty * self.F_prime_CA / (
            2 * 1j * omega)
        self.K_eq_til = (Air.gamma * Air.P /
                         self.phi) / (Air.gamma -
                                      (Air.gamma - 1) / self.alpha_prime_til)

        self.c_eq_til = sqrt(self.K_eq_til / self.rho_eq_til)

        self.k = omega / self.c_eq_til
コード例 #7
def crystal_embed(e,eta):
    Evaluates crystal embedding potential by solving the one-dimensional
    Schroedinger equation through one unit cell in both directions.
    if ka.imag<0: ka=np.conj(ka)
    if emb_cryst.imag>0.0:
    return emb_cryst
    def __init__(self,
        self.psi_1D = psi_mesh
        self.mudelta_1D = mudelta_mesh
        self.nq = nq

        mudelta_2D = np.zeros((len(mudelta_mesh), len(psi_mesh))) + \
                      mudelta_mesh[:, np.newaxis]
        psi_2D = np.zeros_like(mudelta_2D) + psi_mesh[np.newaxis, :]
        if value is None:
            self.value = Fq(sqrt(psi_2D * psi_2D - mudelta_2D), psi_2D,
            self.value = value
        self.interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator(
            (self.mudelta_1D, self.psi_1D),
        self.phi_bounds = ((sqrt(psi_mesh[0] - mudelta_mesh[0]),
                            sqrt(psi_mesh[0] - mudelta_mesh[-1])),
                           (sqrt(psi_mesh[-1] - mudelta_mesh[0]),
                            sqrt(psi_mesh[-1] - mudelta_mesh[-1])))
        self.psi_bounds = (psi_mesh[0], psi_mesh[-1])
コード例 #9
    def _eff_index_refr(self, c, zb, dzb2):
        """ Compute the effective index of refraction, 
            including the artificial bottom absorption term.

                c: numpy.array
                    Sound speed in m/s
                zb: numpy.array
                    Seafloor depth in meters
                dzb2: numpy.array
                    Seafloor gradient squared
                : numpy.array
                    Effective index of refraction
                : numpy.array
                    Square root of density
        # refractive index squared
        n2 = np.zeros((self.grid.nz, self.grid.nq))
        n2[self.grid.below_qz] = index_refr_sq(self.c0, c)
        n2 = self.grid.mirror(n2)

        # effective refr. index squared
        n2, rho = eff_index_refr_sq(z=self.grid.z_qz, zb=zb, dzb2=dzb2, k0=self.k0, 
            L=np.pi/self.k0, n2=n2, n2b=self.n2b, r=self.water_density, 
            rb=self.bottom['density'], return_density=True)

        # add absorption
        n2 += self.absorp

        return scimath.sqrt(n2), scimath.sqrt(rho)
コード例 #10
def QR_algorithm(A, niter, tol):
    """Return the eigenvalues of A using the QR algorithm."""
    A = la.hessenberg(A)
    m, n = A.shape
    eigen_vals = []
    for x in xrange(0, niter):
        Q, R = la.qr(A)
        A_new = np.dot(R, Q)
        A = A_new

    x = 0
    while x < m:
        if x == m - 1:
        elif abs(A[x + 1][x]) < tol:
            a = A[x][x]
            b = A[x][x + 1]
            c = A[x + 1][x]
            d = A[x + 1][x + 1]
            t = a + d
            d = a * d - b * c
            eigen_vals.append(t / 2.0 + scimath.sqrt(t**2 / (4 - d)))
            eigen_vals.append(t / 2.0 - scimath.sqrt(t**2 / (4 - d)))
            x += 1

        x += 1

    return eigen_vals
コード例 #11
ファイル: solutions.py プロジェクト: tkchris93/ACME
def QR_algorithm(A,niter,tol):
    """Return the eigenvalues of A using the QR algorithm."""
    H = la.hessenberg(A)
    for i in xrange(niter):
        Q,R = la.qr(H)
        H = np.dot(R,Q)
    S = H
    print S
    eigenvalues = []
    i = 0
    while i < S.shape[0]:
        if i == S.shape[0]-1:
        elif abs(S[i+1,i]) < tol:
            a = S[i,i]
            b = S[i,i+1]
            c = S[i+1,i]
            d = S[i+1,i+1]
            B = -1*(a+d)
            C = a*d-b*c
            eigen_plus = (-B + sm.sqrt(B**2 - 4*C))/2.
            eigen_minus = (-B - sm.sqrt(B**2 - 4*C))/2.
    return eigenvalues
コード例 #12
    def __eigs(self, freq, K):
        N_t = K.x.shape[0]
        I = np.eye(N_t)
        EPS = self._fft_eps
        EPSxy = self._fft_eps_ix
        EPSyx = self._fft_eps_iy

        F11 = -K.x @ la.solve(EPS, K.y)
        F12 = I + K.x @ la.solve(EPS, K.x)
        F21 = -I - K.y @ la.solve(EPS, K.y)
        F22 = K.y @ la.solve(EPS, K.x)
        self.L_eh = np.block([[F11, F12], [F21, F22]])

        G11 = -K.x @ K.y
        G12 = EPSyx + K.x ** 2
        G21 = -EPSxy - K.y ** 2
        G22 = K.x @ K.y
        self.L_he = np.block([[G11, G12], [G21, G22]])

        if EPS.size > 1 and not np.count_nonzero(EPS - np.diag(np.diag(EPS))):
            self.U = np.eye(2 * N_t)
            k_z = sqrt(np.diag(EPS) - np.diag(K.intensity()))
            k_z = np.conj(k_z)
            self.gamma = 1j * np.hstack((k_z, k_z))
            (Q, self.U) = la.eig(self.L_eh @ self.L_he)
            self.gamma = sqrt(Q)

        self.V = -self.L_he @ self.U / self.gamma
        self._K = K
        self._freq = freq
コード例 #13
    def hybridWith(self, v2, w2):
        """Create a weighted average of two voters.

        The weight of v1 is always 1; w2 is the weight of v2 relative to that.

        If both are
        standard normal to start with, the result will be standard normal too.

        Length must be the same
            >>> Voter([1,2]).hybridWith(Voter([1,2,3]),1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):

        A couple of basic sanity checks:
            >>> v2 = Voter([1,2]).hybridWith(Voter([3,2]),1)
            >>> [round(u,5) for u in v2.hybridWith(v2,1)]
            [4.0, 4.0]
            >>> Voter([1,2,5]).hybridWith(Voter([-0.5,-1,0]),0.75)
            (0.5, 1.0, 4.0)
        assert len(self) == len(v2)
        return self.copyWithUtils(  ((self[i] / sqrt(1 + w2 ** 2)) +
                                    (w2 * v2[i] / sqrt(1 + w2 ** 2)))
                                 for i in range(len(self)))
コード例 #14
    def roots(self):
        Return the two roots of the quadratic polynomial.
        The roots are real or complex, depending on the
        coefficients in the polynomial.

        Let us define a quadratic polynomial:

        >>> q = Quadratic(a=2, b=4, c=-16)
        >>> print q
        2*x**2 + 4*x - 16

        The roots are then found by

        >>> r1, r2 = q.roots()
        >>> r1
        >>> r2
        a, b, c = self.a, self.b, self.c  # short names
        q = b**2 - 4*a*c
        root1 = (-b + sqrt(q))/float(2*a)
        root2 = (-b - sqrt(q))/float(2*a)
        return root1, root2
コード例 #15
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: dchevitarese/CircuitML
def _hexagonalPositions(nrow, ncol, radius):
    X = np.tile(np.arange(ncol) * 1.5 * radius, (nrow, 1)) + radius
    Y = np.tile(np.arange(nrow) * sqrt(3) * radius, (ncol, 1)).T + radius
    Y = Y + np.tile([0, sqrt(3) / 2 * radius], (nrow, np.floor(ncol / 2)))
    X = np.reshape(X, (X.size), order = 'F')
    Y = np.reshape(Y, (Y.size), order = 'F')
    return np.array([X, Y]).T
コード例 #16
    def hybridWith(self, v2, w2):
        """Create a weighted average of two voters.

        The weight of v1 is always 1; w2 is the weight of v2 relative to that.

        If both are
        standard normal to start with, the result will be standard normal too.

        Length must be the same
            >>> Voter([1,2]).hybridWith(Voter([1,2,3]),1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):

        A couple of basic sanity checks:
            >>> v2 = Voter([1,2]).hybridWith(Voter([3,2]),1)
            >>> [round(u,5) for u in v2.hybridWith(v2,1)]
            [4.0, 4.0]
            >>> Voter([1,2,5]).hybridWith(Voter([-0.5,-1,0]),0.75)
            (0.5, 1.0, 4.0)
        assert len(self) == len(v2)
        return self.copyWithUtils(
            ((self[i] / sqrt(1 + w2**2)) + (w2 * v2[i] / sqrt(1 + w2**2)))
            for i in range(len(self)))
コード例 #17
ファイル: carlson.py プロジェクト: sergiopasra/ellyptic
def R_C(x, y, rtol=2e-4):
    r"""Computes a degenerate case of `R_J`

    .. math:: R_C(x, y) = \frac{1}{2}\int_0^\infty
                                      (t + x)^{1-\frac{1}{2}}(t + y)^{-1} dt

    factor = 1
    if _is_neg_real(y):
        factor = scimath.sqrt(x / (x + abs(y)))
        x = x + abs(y)
        y = abs(y)

    A0 = (x + 2 * y) / 3
    Q = (3 * rtol)**(-1 / 8) * abs(A0 - x)
    A = _A_gen(x, y, y)
    for n, Am in enumerate(A):
        if 4**(-n) * Q < abs(Am):
            s = (y - A0) / (4**n * Am)
            result = (1 / scimath.sqrt(Am)) * (1 + s**2 * (3 / 10) + s**3 *
                                               (1 / 7) + s**4 *
                                               (3 / 8) + s**5 *
                                               (9 / 22) + s**6 *
                                               (159 / 208) + s**7 * (9 / 8))
            return factor * result
コード例 #18
    def __init__(self, ordinaryIndex, extraIndex,
                 ordinaryLoss, extraLoss, name, materialType='isotropic'):
        Creates an instance of a material class object.
        Inputs are:

        ordinaryIndex - (float) real part of the refractive index for
                        the ordinary axes.
        extraIndex    - (float) real part of the refractive index for
                        the extraordinary axis. 
        ordinaryLoss  - (float) ratio of the imaginary part of the dielectric
                        constant to the real part for ordinary ray.
        extraLoss     - (float) ratio of the imaginary part of the dielectric
                        constant to the real part for extraordinary ray.
        name          - (string) name of the material in question.
        materialType  - (string) 'isotropic' or 'uniaxial'. If 'isotropic'
                        ordinaryIndex = extraIndex.

        self.ordinaryIndex = ordinaryIndex
        self.extraIndex    = extraIndex
        self.extraLoss     = extraLoss
        self.ordinaryLoss  = ordinaryLoss
        self.name          = name
        self.materialType  = materialType

        # Now create complex dielectric constant and refractive indices.
        self.ordinaryEpsilon \
            = (1 - 1j*ordinaryLoss) * ordinaryIndex**2
        self.extraEpsilon \
            = (1 - 1j*extraLoss) * extraIndex**2

        self.ordinaryComplexIndex = sqrt(self.ordinaryEpsilon)
        self.extraComplexIndex    = sqrt(self.extraEpsilon)
コード例 #19
def plotThroughput(logFile, windowSize = 10000, marker = 's', iteration = 50):
    fileHandle = open(logFile, 'r')

    wholeFile = fileHandle.read();
    wholeFile = wholeFile.split("\n")[:-1]
    wholeFileSorted = sorted(wholeFile, key = lambda x : float(x.split()[2]));
    globalMin = float(wholeFileSorted[0].split()[2])
    currentStart = globalMin
    currentEnd = currentStart + windowSize
    data = {(currentStart, currentEnd) : 0}
    for line in wholeFileSorted:
        min_val = float(line.split()[2])
        if min_val > currentEnd:
            currentStart = currentEnd
            currentEnd = currentStart + windowSize
            data[(currentStart, currentEnd)] = 0
        data[(currentStart, currentEnd)] += 1

    x = []
    y = []
    for key in sorted(data.keys()):
        x.append(((key[1] + key[0])/2.0 - globalMin)/1000.0)
        y.append(data[key]*1000/(key[1] - key[0]))
    p1, = plt.plot(x,y, marker = marker)
    ax = plt.gca()
    #ax.set_ylim([-10, 300])
    ax.set_xlabel('Experiment time (s)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Messages read per second')
    ax.set_title('Throughput of read operations')

    total = []
    for key in data:
        if((key[0] - globalMin)/1000. > 1500):
        if((key[0] - globalMin)/1000. < 300):
        total.append(data[key]*1000/(key[1] - key[0]))

    n, min_max, mean, var, _, _ = stats.describe(total)
    t_test = stats.t.interval(0.95, n - 1, loc=mean, scale=sqrt(var) / sqrt(n))
    chisquare = stats.chi2.interval(0.95, n - 1)
    #print "Data samples: %d" % n
    #print "Average response time: %s ms" % mean
    #print "Sample standard deviation: %s ms" % sqrt(var)
   # print "95%% confidence interval for the mean (t-student test): (%s, %s) ms" % stats.t.interval(0.95, n - 1,loc = mean, scale = sqrt(var)/sqrt(n))
    #chisquare = stats.chi2.interval(0.95, n - 1)
    #print "95%% confidence interval for the stdev (chi-square test): (%s, %s) ms" % (sqrt((n - 1)*var/chisquare[1]), sqrt((n - 1)*var/chisquare[0]))
    #m,b =  polyfit(x, y, 1)
    #print "slope: %s, intercept: %s" % (m, b)
    #print "$%d$ & $%.1f$ & $%.1f$ & $%.1f-%.1f$ & $%.1f-%.1f$" % (iteration, mean, sqrt(var), stats.t.interval(0.95, n - 1, loc=mean, scale=sqrt(var) / sqrt(n))[0], 
    #                                                              stats.t.interval(0.95, n - 1, loc=mean, scale=sqrt(var) / sqrt(n))[1],
    #                                                              sqrt((n - 1)*var/chisquare[1]), 
    #                                                               sqrt((n - 1)*var/chisquare[0]))
    print "$%d$ & $%d$ & $%d$ & $%.1f$ & $%.1f$ & $%.1f-%.1f$ & $%.1f-%.1f$ \\\\" % (iteration[0], iteration[1], 
                                                                                       iteration[2], mean, sqrt(var), t_test[0], t_test[1], sqrt((n - 1)*var/chisquare[1]), sqrt((n - 1)*var/chisquare[0]))
    return p1
コード例 #20
def limite_large_barriere(E, V, d):
    """Tranmission par effet tunnel: Cas d'une barriere épaisse, ou la formule se simplifie """
    k = sqrt(2 * m * E) / hbar  # Vecteur d'onde a l'exterieur de la barriere
    K = sqrt(2 * m *
             (V - E)) / hbar  # Vecteur d'onde a l'interieur de la barriere
    T = np.real(16 * K**2 * k**2 / (K**2 + k**2)**2 * np.exp(-2 * K * d))
    validite = (E < V) & (K * d > approx)
    return T, validite
コード例 #21
ファイル: Rayman.py プロジェクト: capitanevs/wiselib
def XY_to_L(x, y):
	Dato un segmento di coordinate x,y, calcola la coordinata propria (solidale al segmento).
	L'origine della nuova coordinata L viene assunta a metà della lunghezza degli array di ingresso (che ha senso finché x,y definiscono un segmento di retta).
    N2 = int(np.floor(len(x) / 2))
    L = 0 * x
    L[0:N2] = -1 * sqrt((x[0:N2] - x[N2])**2 + (y[0:N2] - y[N2])**2)
    L[N2:] = 1 * sqrt((x[N2:] - x[N2])**2 + (y[N2:] - y[N2])**2)
    return L
コード例 #22
def theta_between_two_vector(vec1,vec2):
	if ((sqrt(vec1[0]**2 + vec1[1]**2)*(sqrt(vec2[0]**2 + vec2[1]**2)))!=0):
		a = math.asin(float((vec1[0]*vec2[1] + vec1[1]*vec2[0])/(sqrt(vec1[0]**2 + vec1[1]**2)*(sqrt(vec2[0]**2 + vec2[1]**2)))))
		format(a, ".2f")
		if(a != math.nan ):
			return a
			return 360
		return 360
コード例 #23
ファイル: a2.py プロジェクト: makifcetinkaya/6.815
def getShortestDist(pointX, segment):
    u,v = getUV(segment, pointX) 
    if u<1 and u>0:
        return abs(v)
    elif u<0:
        px = segment.P - pointX
        return sqrt(np.vdot(px, px))
        qx = segment.Q - pointX
        return sqrt(np.vdot(qx, qx))
コード例 #24
ファイル: Intro.py プロジェクト: chaomingYANG/MD_JOBS
  def Intro_Crack_xyz(self,k1,p1,p2,q1,q2,u1,u2):
      from numpy.lib import scimath as SM
      filelist = glob.glob("./xyz/*")
      filename = filelist[-1]
      x, y, z , AtomNumber, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, zlo, zhi = self.read_xyz(filename)
      xnew,ynew,znew = [],[],[]
      xc ,yc = 0 ,0
      AtomNumber = len(x)
      for i in range(AtomNumber):
          xnew.append(float(x[i])) ; ynew.append(float(y[i])); znew.append(float(z[i]))
      for i in range(len(xnew)):
          dx , dy = xnew[i] - xc , ynew[i] - yc
          r = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
          coeff = 100 * k1 * np.sqrt(2 * r / self.pi)
          if ynew[i] < yc:
              theta = np.arctan2(-dy, dx)
              ux  = 1./(u1-u2) * (u1 * p2 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u2 * np.sin(theta)) - u2 * p1 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u1 * np.sin(theta)))
              uy  = 1./(u1-u2) * (u1 * q2 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u2 * np.sin(theta)) - u2 * q1 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u1 * np.sin(theta)))
              ux  = coeff * ux.real
              uy  = coeff * uy.real
          if ynew[i] >= yc:
              theta = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
              ux  = 1./(u1-u2) * (u1 * p2 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u2 * np.sin(theta)) - u2 * p1 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u1 * np.sin(theta)))
              uy  = 1./(u1-u2) * (u1 * q2 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u2 * np.sin(theta)) - u2 * q1 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u1 * np.sin(theta)))
              ux  = coeff * ux.real
              uy  = -coeff * uy.real
          print ux
          print uy
          xnew[i] += ux
          ynew[i] += uy
      xlo , xhi, ylo, yhi = min(xnew) - 4 , max(xnew) + 4 , min(ynew) - 4 , max(ynew) + 4
 #     import matplotlib.pylab as plt
 #     from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
 #     fig = plt.figure()
 #     ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
 #     ax.scatter(xnew,ynew,znew)
 #     plt.show()
      AtomNumberOut = len(xnew)
  	filename = "Crack.txt"
      with open(filename,mode="w") as fout:
          fout.write("#Edge_dislocation for bcc [111](110)\n")
          fout.write("%d atoms\n"%(AtomNumberOut))
          fout.write("1 atom types\n")
          fout.write("%f\t%f xlo xhi\n"%(xlo,xhi))
          fout.write("%f\t%f ylo yhi\n"%(ylo,yhi))
          fout.write("%f\t%f zlo zhi\n"%(zlo,zhi))
          fout.write("xy xz yz = %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f"%(0,0,0))
          for i in range(AtomNumberOut):
              fout.write("%d  1  %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n"%(i+1, xnew[i],ynew[i] ,znew[i]))
コード例 #25
def var_driver_gen():
    # Driver with varing emittance
    n0_per_cc = 5.0334e15
    N = int(2e7)
    z = np.linspace(5., 13., 128)
    current = driver_profile(z)
    samp_generator = beam_gen.DistGen(z, current)
    sample_z = samp_generator.sample_gen_direct(N * 1.01)
    sample_z = sample_z[:N]  # discard extra particles
    hist, z_bins = np.histogram(sample_z, bins=len(z))
    hist = hist * (np.max(current) / hist.max())
    plt.plot(z_bins[:-1], hist, 'k.-')

    n_emit0 = 20.e-6  # emittance at beam head in SI units
    # varying emittance
    z_max = sample_z.max()
    z_min = sample_z.min()
    #n_emit = ((z_max - sample_z)/(z_max - z_min)*99.+1.)*n_emit0
    z_trans = z_max - (z_max - z_min) * 0.05
    n_emit = np.piecewise(sample_z, [sample_z < z_trans], [
        lambda sample_z: ((z_trans - sample_z) /
                          (z_trans - z_min) * 99. + 1.) * n_emit0, n_emit0

    k0 = np.sqrt(4 * constants.pi *
                 constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] *
                 n0_per_cc * 1e6)
    gamma_beam = 19569.5
    # Matched beam size
    sig_r = sqrt(sqrt(2. / gamma_beam) / k0) * np.sqrt(n_emit)

    sample_z = sample_z / k0  # Transform to meter

    beam_generator = beam_gen.BeamGen(sig_x=sig_r,
    #beam_generator.x_array *= (z_max - beam_generator.z_array)/ratio +1.
    #beam_generator.y_array *= (z_max - beam_generator.z_array)/ratio +1.
    beam_generator.h5_file_name = './driver.h5'
    #beam_generator.h5_file_name = './driver_symmetric.h5'
    beam_generator.save_sample_h5(sim_bound=[[0., 13.], [-6., 6.], [-6., 6.]],
                                  nx=[512, 512, 512],
    beam_generator.plot_hist2D(xaxis='z', yaxis='x')
コード例 #26
ファイル: BruteForce.py プロジェクト: paymog/ProjectEuler
def num_divisors(num):
    divisors = 0
    for i in range(1, int(sqrt(num))):
        if num % i == 0:
            divisors += 1
    divisors *= 2
    if sqrt(num).is_integer():
        divisors += 1
    return divisors
コード例 #27
def transmission(E, V, d):
    """ Tranmission par effet tunnel: formule exacte"""
    k = sqrt(2 * m * E) / hbar  # Vecteur d'onde a l'exterieur de la barriere
    K = sqrt(2 * m *
             (V - E)) / hbar  # Vecteur d'onde a l'interieur de la barriere
    #t = 2*i*k*K*np.exp(-i*k*d)*1/ ( (K**2+k**2)*np.sinh(K*d) + 2*i*K*k*np.cosh(K*d) ) # coefficient de transmission en amplitude
    T = np.real(
        4 * K**2 * k**2 /
        ((K**2 + k**2)**2 * np.sinh(K * d)**2 +
         4 * K**2 * k**2))  # coefficient de transmission en probabilite
    return T
コード例 #28
def bs_put(S, X, T, rf, sigma):
    Black-Scholes-Merton option model put
    S: current stock price
    X: exercise price
    T: maturity date in years
    rf: risk-free rate (continusouly compounded)
    sigma: volatility of underlying security
    d1 = (log(S / X) + (rf + sigma * sigma / 2.) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T))
    d2 = d1 - sigma * sqrt(T)
    return -S * stats.norm.cdf(-d1) + X * exp(-rf * T) * stats.norm.cdf(-d2)
コード例 #29
def CF_gz_AC(parms, tau, wixi=wixi):
    u""" Axial (1D) diffusion in a TIR-FCS setup.
        From Two species (bound/unbound) this is the cross correlation part.
        This function is called by other functions within this module.

        *parms* - a list of parameters.
        Parameters (parms[i]):
        [0] D_3D     3D Diffusion coefficient (species A)
        [1] D_2D     2D Diffusion coefficient of bound species C
        [2] sigma    lateral size of the point spread function
                     sigma = simga_0 * lambda / NA
        [3] a        side size of the square pinhole
        [4] d_eva    evanescent decay length (decay to 1/e)
        [5] Conc_3D  3-dimensional concentration of species A
        [6] Conc_2D  2-dimensional concentration of species C
        [7] eta_3D   molecular brightness of species A
        [8] eta_2D   molecular brightness of species C
        [9] k_a      Surface association rate constant
        [10] k_d     Surface dissociation rate constant
        *tau* - lag time
    D = parms[0]
    #D_2D = parms[1]
    #sigma = parms[2]
    # a = parms[3]
    d_eva = parms[4]
    Conc_3D = parms[5]  # ligand concentration in solution
    Conc_2D = parms[6]
    eta_3D = parms[7]
    eta_2D = parms[8]
    k_a = parms[9]
    k_d = parms[10]
    # Define some other constants:
    K = k_a / k_d  # equilibrium constant
    Beta = 1 / (1 + K * Conc_3D)
    Re = D / d_eva**2
    Rt = D * (Conc_3D / (Beta * Conc_2D))**2
    Rr = k_a * Conc_3D + k_d
    # Define even more constants:
    sqrtR1 = -Rr / (2 * nps.sqrt(Rt)) + nps.sqrt(Rr**2 / (4 * Rt) - Rr)
    sqrtR2 = -Rr / (2 * nps.sqrt(Rt)) - nps.sqrt(Rr**2 / (4 * Rt) - Rr)
    R1 = sqrtR1**2
    R2 = sqrtR2**2
    # And even more more:
    sqrtR3 = sqrtR1 + nps.sqrt(Re)
    sqrtR4 = sqrtR2 + nps.sqrt(Re)
    #R3 = sqrtR3 **2
    #R4 = sqrtR4 **2
    # Calculate return function
    A1 = eta_2D * Conc_2D * k_d / (eta_3D * Conc_3D)
    A2 = sqrtR4 * wixi(-nps.sqrt(tau * R1)) - sqrtR3 * wixi(-nps.sqrt(tau *
    A3 = (sqrtR1 - sqrtR2) * wixi(nps.sqrt(tau * Re))
    A4 = (sqrtR1 - sqrtR2) * sqrtR3 * sqrtR4
    Solution = A1 * (A2 + A3) / A4
    # There are some below numerical errors-imaginary numbers.
    # We do not want them.
    return np.real_if_close(Solution)
コード例 #30
ファイル: roots_quadratic.py プロジェクト: Alxfckb/Python
def roots(a, b, c):
    dis = b**2 - 4 * a * c  #Calcular el discriminante

    if dis >= 0:  #Caso de raices reales
        x1 = (-b + sqrt(dis)) / (2 * a)  #Calcular primera raiz
        x2 = (-b - sqrt(dis)) / (2 * a)  #Calcular segunda raiz
        return x1, x2

    elif dis < 0:  #Caso de raices complejas
        x1 = (-b + sqrt(dis)) / (2 * a)  #Calcular primera raiz
        x2 = x1.conjugate()  #Calcular segunda raiz
        return x1, x2
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_builders.py プロジェクト: kenavolic/statismo
 def assertPointsAlmostEquals(self, pts1, pts2, numPoints, noise):
     for i in range(0, pts1.GetNumberOfPoints(),
                    pts1.GetNumberOfPoints() // numPoints):
             abs(pts1.GetPoint(i)[0] -
                 pts2.GetPoint(i)[0]) <= max(sqrt(noise), 1e-2))
             abs(pts1.GetPoint(i)[1] -
                 pts2.GetPoint(i)[1]) <= max(sqrt(noise), 1e-2))
             abs(pts1.GetPoint(i)[2] -
                 pts2.GetPoint(i)[2]) <= max(sqrt(noise), 1e-2))
コード例 #32
def CF_gz_AC(parms, tau, wixi=wixi):
    u""" Axial (1D) diffusion in a TIR-FCS setup.
        From Two species (bound/unbound) this is the cross correlation part.
        This function is called by other functions within this module.

        *parms* - a list of parameters.
        Parameters (parms[i]):
        [0] D_3D     3D Diffusion coefficient (species A)
        [1] D_2D     2D Diffusion coefficient of bound species C
        [2] sigma    lateral size of the point spread function
                     sigma = simga_0 * lambda / NA
        [3] a        side size of the square pinhole
        [4] d_eva    evanescent decay length (decay to 1/e)
        [5] Conc_3D  3-dimensional concentration of species A
        [6] Conc_2D  2-dimensional concentration of species C
        [7] eta_3D   molecular brightness of species A
        [8] eta_2D   molecular brightness of species C
        [9] k_a      Surface association rate constant
        [10] k_d     Surface dissociation rate constant
        *tau* - lag time
    D = parms[0]
    #D_2D = parms[1]
    #sigma = parms[2]
    # a = parms[3]
    d_eva = parms[4]
    Conc_3D = parms[5]      # ligand concentration in solution
    Conc_2D = parms[6]
    eta_3D = parms[7]
    eta_2D = parms[8]
    k_a = parms[9]
    k_d = parms[10]
    # Define some other constants:
    K = k_a/k_d             # equilibrium constant
    Beta = 1/(1 + K*Conc_3D)
    Re = D / d_eva**2
    Rt = D * (Conc_3D / (Beta * Conc_2D))**2
    Rr = k_a * Conc_3D + k_d
    # Define even more constants:
    sqrtR1 = -Rr/(2*nps.sqrt(Rt)) + nps.sqrt( Rr**2/(4*Rt) - Rr )
    sqrtR2 = -Rr/(2*nps.sqrt(Rt)) - nps.sqrt( Rr**2/(4*Rt) - Rr )
    R1 = sqrtR1 **2
    R2 = sqrtR2 **2
    # And even more more:
    sqrtR3 = sqrtR1 + nps.sqrt(Re)
    sqrtR4 = sqrtR2 + nps.sqrt(Re)
    #R3 = sqrtR3 **2
    #R4 = sqrtR4 **2
    # Calculate return function
    A1 = eta_2D * Conc_2D * k_d / (eta_3D * Conc_3D)
    A2 = sqrtR4*wixi(-nps.sqrt(tau*R1)) - sqrtR3*wixi(-nps.sqrt(tau*R2))
    A3 = ( sqrtR1 - sqrtR2 ) * wixi( nps.sqrt(tau*Re) )
    A4 = ( sqrtR1 - sqrtR2 ) * sqrtR3 * sqrtR4
    Solution = A1 * ( A2 + A3 ) / A4
    # There are some below numerical errors-imaginary numbers.
    # We do not want them.
    return np.real_if_close(Solution)
コード例 #33
ファイル: quadratic.py プロジェクト: martiaos/exercises
 def roots(self): #calculate roots
     a = self.a2
     b = self.a1
     c = self.a0
     if (b**2 - 4*a*c) < 0: #if imaginary
         return None #drop
         x1 = (-b + sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
         x2 = (-b - sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
     if x1 == x2: #if equal
         return x1 #return one
         return x1, x2
コード例 #34
def get_fresnel_r_s(zenith_incoming, n_2=1.3, n_1=1.):
    """  returns the coefficient r which is the ratio of the reflected wave's
    electric field amplitude to that of the incident wave for perpendicular polarization (s-wave)
    this polarization corresponds to the ePhi polarization

    parallel and perpendicular refers to the signal's polarization with respect
    to the 'plane of incident' which is defindes as: "the plane of incidence
    is the plane which contains the surface normal and the propagation vector
    of the incoming radiation."
    n = n_2 / n_1
    return (np.cos(zenith_incoming) - SM.sqrt(n**2 - np.sin(zenith_incoming)**2)) / \
           (np.cos(zenith_incoming) + SM.sqrt(n**2 - np.sin(zenith_incoming)**2))
コード例 #35
def reflectrometry(a, n2, n3, s1, s2, z):

    a0 = 5 * 10**7

    kz1 = k * scimath.sqrt(n1**2 - (np.cos(a))**2)
    kz2 = k * scimath.sqrt(n2**2 - (np.cos(a))**2)
    kz3 = k * scimath.sqrt(n3**2 - (np.cos(a))**2)

    r12 = (kz1 - kz2) / (kz1 + kz2) * np.exp(-2 * kz1 * kz2 * s1**2)
    r23 = (kz2 - kz3) / (kz2 + kz3) * np.exp(-2 * kz2 * kz3 * s2**2)
    x2 = np.exp(-2 * 1j * kz2 * 0.96 * z) * r23
    x1 = (r12 + x2) / (1 + r12 * x2)
    rr = a0 * (np.absolute(x1))**2
    return rr
コード例 #36
ファイル: rp_uniaxial.py プロジェクト: flruta/rp-calculation
def rp(k, K, n, alp, bet, gam):

    costh1 = sqrt(1 - (K / (sqrt(ea[i]) * k))**2)
    costh2 = sqrt(1 - (K / (sqrt(es[i]) * k))**2)

    l_ = lmat(k, K, n, alp, bet, gam)
    k1 = sqrt(ea[n]) * k
    k2 = sqrt(es[n]) * k
    q1 = sqrt(ea[n] * k**2 - K**2)
    q2 = sqrt(es[n] * k**2 - K**2)

    p1 = k2 * (costh1 * l_[0, 0] +
               k1 * l_[0, 2]) - costh2 * (costh1 * l_[2, 0] + k1 * l_[2, 2])
    p2 = q2 * (costh1 * l_[1, 0] +
               k1 * l_[1, 2]) - costh1 * l_[3, 0] - k1 * l_[3, 2]
    a1 = k2 * (l_[0, 1] - q1 * l_[0, 3]) - costh2 * (l_[2, 1] - q1 * l_[2, 3])
    a2 = q2 * (l_[1, 1] - q1 * l_[1, 3]) - l_[3, 1] + q1 * l_[3, 3]
    b1 = k2 * (costh1 * l_[0, 0] -
               k1 * l_[0, 2]) - costh2 * (costh1 * l_[2, 0] - k1 * l_[2, 2])
    b2 = q2 * (costh1 * l_[1, 0] -
               k1 * l_[1, 2]) - costh1 * l_[3, 0] + k1 * l_[3, 2]

    rpp = -(p1 * a2 - a1 * p2) / (a1 * b2 - b1 * a2)
    rps = -(b1 * p2 - p1 * b2) / (a1 * b2 - b1 * a2)

    return rpp + rps
コード例 #37
def test_roots_complex():
    """Test if roots are correct complex objects"""
    a = 1
    b = 2
    c = 3
    exact_x1 = -1 + sqrt(-2)  # Håndregnet verdi
    exact_x2 = -1 - sqrt(-2)  # Håndregnet verdi
    x1 = roots(a, b, c)[0]
    x2 = roots(a, b, c)[1]
    success = (exact_x1 - x1) + (exact_x2 - x2) < 1e-14
    msg = """program values: x1={:.2f}, x2={:.2f},
    exact values: x1={:.2f} x2={:.2f}""".format((x1), (x2), (exact_x1),
    assert success, msg
コード例 #38
 def updata_position(x, y, xc, yc):
     for i in range(len(x)):
         dx, dy = x[i] - xc, y[i] - yc
         r = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
         coeff = 100 * k1 * np.sqrt(2 * r / self.pi)
         if y[i] < yc:
             theta = np.arctan2(-dy, dx)
             ux = 1. / (u1 - u2) * (
                 u1 * p2 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u2 * np.sin(theta)) -
                 u2 * p1 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u1 * np.sin(theta)))
             uy = 1. / (u1 - u2) * (
                 u1 * q2 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u2 * np.sin(theta)) -
                 u2 * q1 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u1 * np.sin(theta)))
             ux = coeff * ux.real
             uy = coeff * uy.real
         if y[i] >= yc:
             theta = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
             ux = 1. / (u1 - u2) * (
                 u1 * p2 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u2 * np.sin(theta)) -
                 u2 * p1 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u1 * np.sin(theta)))
             uy = 1. / (u1 - u2) * (
                 u1 * q2 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u2 * np.sin(theta)) -
                 u2 * q1 * SM.sqrt(np.cos(theta) - u1 * np.sin(theta)))
             ux = coeff * ux.real
             uy = -coeff * uy.real
         x[i] += ux
         y[i] += uy
     return (x, y)
コード例 #39
def get_gap_statistics(data, refs=None, nrefs=30, ks=range(1, 11)):
    # calculating distance
    dst = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean
    # defining shape
    shape = data.shape
    # checking condition for given refs
    if refs == None:
        tops = data.max(axis=0)
        bots = data.min(axis=0)
        dists = scipy.matrix(np.diag(tops - bots))
        rands = scipy.random.random_sample(size=(shape[0], shape[1], nrefs))
        for i in range(nrefs):
            rands[:, :, i] = rands[:, :, i] * dists + bots
        rands = refs

    gaps = np.zeros((len(ks), ))
    errors = np.zeros((len(ks), ))
    labels = dict((el, []) for el in ks)
    for (i, k) in enumerate(ks):
        (kmc, kml) = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2(data, k)
        disp = sum([dst(data[m, :], kmc[kml[m], :]) for m in range(shape[0])])
        labels[k] = kml

        refdisps = np.zeros((rands.shape[2], ))
        for j in range(rands.shape[2]):
            (kmc, kml) = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2(rands[:, :, j], k)
            refdisps[j] = sum(
                [dst(rands[m, :, j], kmc[kml[m], :]) for m in range(shape[0])])

        # Computing  gaps
        gaps[i] = scimath.log(np.mean(refdisps)) - scimath.log(disp)

        # Computing errors
        errors[i] = scimath.sqrt(
            sum(((scimath.log(refdisp) - np.mean(scimath.log(refdisps)))**2)
                for refdisp in refdisps) /
            float(nrefs)) * scimath.sqrt(1 + 1 / nrefs)

    xval = range(1, len(gaps) + 1)
    yval = gaps
    plt.errorbar(xval, yval, xerr=None, yerr=errors)
    plt.xlabel('K Clusters')
    plt.title('Gap Statistics for : nref={}'.format(nrefs))

コード例 #40
    def __call__(self, coords):
        r""" evaluate complex eletric field amplitude at coords

        :param coords: coordinates of points in lab frame
        :type coords: list of ndarrays, NOTE: the order is [Z, Y, X]

        :return: complex electric field amplitude at coords
        :rtype: ndarray of complex with same shape as coords[0]
        zn = np.copy(coords[0])
        yn = np.copy(coords[1])
        xn = np.copy(coords[2])

        # Coordinate transform into beam frame

        # step 1, move to beam frame origin

        xn = xn-self.waist_loc[2]
        yn = yn-self.waist_loc[1]
        zn = zn-self.waist_loc[0]

        # step 2, rotate along y' axis

        xn, yn, zn = rotate('y', self.tilt_h, [xn, yn, zn])

        # step 3, rotate along z' axis

        xn, yn, zn = rotate('z', -self.tilt_v, [xn, yn, zn])

        # step 4, rotate along x' axis

        xn, yn, zn = rotate('x', -self.rotation, [xn, yn, zn])

        # step 5, coordinate substitution

        z = -xn
        y = yn
        x = zn

        # now, we can evaluate electric field
        zry, zrx = self.reighlay_range
        k = 2*np.pi/self.wave_length
        qx = z - 1j*zrx
        qy = z - 1j*zry
        ux = 1/sqrt(qx)*np.exp(1j*k*x*x/(2*qx))
        uy = 1/sqrt(qy)*np.exp(1j*k*y*y/(2*qy))

        return self.E0*ux*uy*np.exp(1j*k*z)*np.sqrt(zry*zrx)
コード例 #41
ファイル: ex3_1bkp.py プロジェクト: yk/patternhs12
 def readSamples(self, fileName, key,recalc=False,samples=None):
     fn = fileName + ".pre"
         if recalc: raise IOError()
         with open(fn): pass
         print "precalculated file present"
         self.mu, self.cov = hsplit(mat(fromfile(fn).reshape((3,-1))),[1])
     except IOError:
         if samples != None:
             self._samples = samples
             print "got samples: " , self._samples
             print "no file present, calculating..."
             smpls = loadmat(fileName)[key]
             print "loaded from mat file"
             self._samples = mat(smpls)
             print "reshaped into samples"
         self.mu = sum(self._samples, axis=1) / self._samples.shape[1]
         print "mu=", str(self.mu)
         sampdiffmu = self._samples - self.mu
         self.cov = sampdiffmu*sampdiffmu.T / self._samples.shape[1]
         print"cov=", str(self.cov)
     self._invCov = self.cov.I
     self._detCov = det(self.cov)
     self._multConst = 1 / sqrt((2 * pi) ** 3 * self._detCov)
コード例 #42
ファイル: carlson.py プロジェクト: gmcastil/ellyptic
def R_F(x, y, z, rtol=3e-4):
    r"""Computes the symmetric integral of the first kind

    .. math:: R_F(x, y, z) =
              \frac{1}{2}\int_0^\infty [(t + x)(t + y)(t + z)]^\frac{1}{2}dt

    # Properly deal with the degenerate case
    if y == z:
        return R_C(x, y)

    A0 = (x + y + z) / 3.0
    M = max(abs(A0 - x), abs(A0 - y), abs(A0 - z))
    Q = ((3*rtol) ** (-1.0/6.0)) * M

    A = _A_gen(x, y, z)
    for n, Am in enumerate(A):
        if 4**(-n) * Q < abs(Am):
            X = (A0 - x) / (Am * 4**n)
            Y = (A0 - y) / (Am * 4**n)
            Z = -X-Y
            E2 = X * Y - Z**2
            E3 = X * Y * Z
            result = (1/scimath.sqrt(Am)) * (1 - E2*(1/10) + E3*(1/14)
                                             + (E2**2)*(1/24) - (E2*E3)*(3/44))
            return result
コード例 #43
ファイル: hypergeometric.py プロジェクト: tpudlik/hyp1f1
def bessel_series(a, b, z, maxiters=500, tol=tol):
    """Compute hyp1f1 using a series of Bessel functions; see (3.20) in

    Do, Dm, Dn = 1, 0, b/2
    r = sqrt(z*(2*b - 4*a))
    w = z**2 / r**(b + 1)
    # Ao is the first coefficient, and An is the second.
    Ao = 0
    # The first summand comes from the zeroth term.
    So = Do*jv(b - 1, r) / r**(b - 1) + Ao
    An = Dn*w*jv(b + 1, r)
    Sn = So + An
    i = 3
    while i <= maxiters:
        if np.abs(Ao/So) < tol and np.abs(An/Sn) < tol:
        tmp = Dn
        Dn = ((i - 2 + b)*Dm + (2*a - b)*Do) / i
        Do = Dm
        Dm = tmp
        w *= z/r
        Ao = An
        An = Dn*w*jv(b - 1 + i, r)
        So = Sn
        Sn += An
        i += 1
    # if i > maxiters:
    #     warnings.warn("Number of evaluations exceeded maxiters on "
    #                   "a = {}, b = {}, z = {}.".format(a, b, z))
    return gamma(b)*np.exp(z/2)*2**(b - 1)*Sn
コード例 #44
def montar_quadrados(tam_quadrados=[]):
    qd = []
    for i in range(len(tam_quadrados)):
        qd.append(figuras.Quadrado(tam_quadrados[i], color(i)))

    if len(qd) < 2:
        print ("ERRO: A lista de tamanho de quadrados tem que ser maior ou igual a 2.")
        return ERRO
    elif len(qd) >= 2:
        # Criar as imagens de todos os quadrados dados.
        for quad_i in qd:
            img, draw = desenhar_quadrado(quad_i)
            nome_arquivo = salvar_arquivo(quad_i.lado_cm, img)
            quad_i.nome_arquivo = nome_arquivo

        x_risco = calcula_x_risco(qd[1], qd[0])
        img1 = Image.open(qd[1].nome_arquivo)
        draw1 = ImageDraw.Draw(img1)
        riscar_quadrado(qd[1], img1, draw1, x_risco)
        salvar_arquivo(qd[1].lado_cm, img1, riscado=1)

        # Novo quadrado montado
        n_area = qd[0].lado_px * qd[1].lado_px
        n_lado = int(sqrt(n_area))

    #        x_risco = calcula_x_risco(qd[1],qd[0])
    #        riscar_quadrado(qd[1],img1,draw1,x_risco)
    #        salvar_arquivo(qd[1].lado_cm, img1,riscado=1)

    return qd
コード例 #45
ファイル: Fog.py プロジェクト: disenone/pyOpenGL
def init():
    width = 640
    height = 640
    glfw.OpenWindow(width, height, 8, 8, 8, 0, 24, 0, glfw.WINDOW)
    glfw.SetWindowTitle("glfw line")
    glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    global heightmap, terrain_size
    tmpheightmap = open("heightmap.raw", 'rb').read()
    for c in tmpheightmap:
    print heightmap
    terrain_size = int(sqrt(len(heightmap)))
    print terrain_size
    if(glFogCoordfEXT):  # test
        print 'ok'
コード例 #46
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: jennyyuejin/Kaggle
def normalizeData(data, meanOnly = False):
    normalize data by subtracting mean and dividing by sd per COLUMN
    @param data: an array
    @param meanOnly: if True subtract mean only; otherwise divide by sd too
    @return: (an array with the same dimension as data, mean, stds, the transformer)

    # compute the new data
    m = mean(data, axis=0)
    res = data - m

    if meanOnly:
        stds = 1
        stds = sqrt(var(data, axis=0))
        stds[stds==0] = 1   # to avoid dividing by 0

        res /= stds

    # figure out the transformer
    def foo(givenData):
        assert givenData.shape[1]==data.shape[1], "Only arrays of %d columns are handled." % data.shape[1]
        return (givenData - m)/stds

    return res, m, stds, foo
コード例 #47
ファイル: polarizers.py プロジェクト: sbeidas/web_interface
def fresnel_coefficients(n1, n2, theta):
    cos_out = scimath.sqrt(1-(n1/n2*np.sin(theta)**2))
    cos_in  = np.cos(theta)
    rs = (n1*cos_in  - n2*cos_out)/(n1*cos_in  + n2*cos_out)
    rp = (n1*cos_out - n2*cos_in )/(n1*cos_out + n2*cos_in )
    ts = (2*n1*cos_in)/(n1*cos_in  + n2*cos_out)
    tp = (2*n1*cos_in)/(n1*cos_out + n2*cos_in )
    return rs, rp, ts, tp
コード例 #48
def generate_hamiltonian(n,m,n0,q,c):
    n_states = int((n-m)/2)
    ham = np.zeros((n_states,n_states),dtype = complex)
    for i in range(n_states):
        n0 = (n-m-2*i)
        #first for diagonal
        ham[i,i] = c/2*(m**2 + n + n0 + 2*n*n0-2*n0**2)+q*(n-n0)
        #now for off diagonal- use try statements to catch edge case
            ham[i,i+1] = c/2*scimath.sqrt(n0*(n0-1)*(n+m-n0+2)*(n-m-n0+2))
            ham[i,i-1] = c/2*scimath.sqrt((n0+1)*(n0+2)*(n+m-n0)*(n-m-n0))
    return ham
コード例 #49
ファイル: nfw.py プロジェクト: nhmc/NFW
 def sigma(self, r):
     """Compute the surface mass density of the halo at distance r
     (in Mpc) from the halo center."""
     r = unit_checker(r, u.Mpc)
     x = r / self.r_s
     val1 = 1 / (x**2 - 1)
     val2 = (arcsec(x) / (sm.sqrt(x**2 - 1))**3).real
     return 2 * self.r_s * self.rho_c * self.delta_c * (val1-val2)
コード例 #50
ファイル: protein_structure.py プロジェクト: somanayr/LSP
def rmsd(p1, p2):
    if len(p1) != len(p2):
        raise Exception("Degree of points must be the same")
    total = 0
    for t in range(len(p1)):
        d = (p1[t] - p2[t])
        total += d * d
    return sqrt(total / len(p1)) #todo remove sqrt?
コード例 #51
ファイル: Functions.py プロジェクト: MattWise/1a-Analysis
	def calcKappa(self):
		array=np.zeros(self.iP.number, dtype=np.complex128)
		for index,r in enumerate(self.dC.radialCells.rValues):
		return sqrt(array)
コード例 #52
    def simplify( self ):
        devisors = self.get_possible_divisors()

        for devisor in reversed( devisors ):
            if self.number % devisor == 0:
                self.number /= devisor
                self.multiplier *= sqrt( devisor ) if self.order == 2 else pow( devisor, 1.0 / self.order )
コード例 #53
    def NormalDisStarEndStanDiviation(self):
        average = self.calculateAverage()
        standardDiviation = float()
        for number in self._listOfNumber:
            standardDiviation += (average - number) **2
        standardDiviation = standardDiviation/len(self._listOfNumber)
#        print('average '+str(average))
#        print ('variance '+ str(standardDiviation))
        standardDiviation = sqrt(standardDiviation)
        return [standardDiviation,average-3*standardDiviation,average+3*standardDiviation]
コード例 #54
ファイル: InverseWomersley.py プロジェクト: archTk/pyNS
    def GetTaoFromQ(self,el):
        Computing wall shear stress in terms of the flow rate,
        using inverse womersley method of Cezeaux et al.1997
        self.radius = mean(el.Radius)        
        self.Res = el.R
        self.length = el.Length
        self.Name = el.Name
        self.alpha = self.radius * sqrt((2.0 *pi*self.density)/(self.tPeriod*self.viscosity))
        k = len(self.signal)
        n = 0
        while n < (self.nHarmonics):
            An = 0
            Bn = 0
            for i in arange(k):
                An += self.signal[i] * cos(n*(2.0*pi/self.tPeriod)*self.dt*self.nSteps[i])
                Bn += self.signal[i] * sin(n*(2.0*pi/self.tPeriod)*self.dt*self.nSteps[i])
            An = An * (2.0/k)
            Bn = Bn * (2.0/k)
            self.fourierModes.append(complex(An, Bn))
        self.Steps = linspace(0,self.tPeriod,self.samples)
        self.WssSignal = []  
        self.Tauplot = []
        for step in self.Steps:
            self.tao = -self.fourierModes[0].real * 2.0 
            while k < self.nHarmonics:  
                cI = complex(0.,1.)
                cA = (self.alpha * pow((1.0*k),0.5)) * pow(cI,1.5)  
                c1 = 2.0 * jn(1, cA)
                c0 = cA * jn(0, cA)
                cT = complex(0, -2.0*pi*k*self.t/self.tPeriod)  
                '''tao computation'''
                taoNum = self.alpha**2*cI**3*jn(1,cA)
                taoDen = c0-c1
                taoFract = taoNum/taoDen
                cTao = self.fourierModes[k] * exp(cT) * taoFract
                self.tao += cTao.real

            self.tao *= -(self.viscosity/(self.radius**3*pi))
            self.Tauplot.append(self.tao*10) #dynes/cm2
            self.t += self.dtPlot
        return self.WssSignal #Pascal
コード例 #55
def generate_states(N1,N0,Nm1,theta,s):
    """generate quasi probability distribution"""
    N = N1 + N0 + Nm1
    r0 = N0/N
    r1 = N1/N
    rm1 = Nm1/N
    #need to divide by N
    a = np.sqrt(2*r0*r1)
    b = np.sqrt(2*r0*rm1)

    sx_mean = np.cos(theta/2)*(a+b)
    sy_mean = np.sin(theta/2)*(b-a)
    nyz_mean = -np.sin(theta/2)*(a+b)
    nxz_mean = np.cos(theta/2)*(a-b)

    var_one = N*np.sqrt(r0**2-2*r0*np.sqrt(r1)*np.sqrt(rm1)*np.cos(theta)-r0*r1-r0*rm1+r1**(3/2)*np.sqrt(rm1)*np.cos(theta)+np.sqrt(r1)*rm1**(3/2)*np.cos(theta)+0.25*r1**2+0.5*r1*rm1*np.cos(2*theta) + r1*rm1 + 0.25*rm1**2)
    var_two = N*np.sqrt(r0**2+2*r0*np.sqrt(r1)*np.sqrt(rm1)*np.cos(theta)-r0*r1-r0*rm1-r1**(3/2)*np.sqrt(rm1)*np.cos(theta)-np.sqrt(r1)*rm1**(3/2)*np.cos(theta)+0.25*r1**2+0.5*r1*rm1*np.cos(2*theta) + r1*rm1 + 0.25*rm1**2)

    sx = np.random.normal(loc = sx_mean, scale = 1/np.sqrt(var_one), size = s)
    sy = np.random.normal(loc = sy_mean, scale = 1/np.sqrt(var_two), size =s)
    nyz = np.random.normal(loc = nyz_mean, scale = 1/np.sqrt(var_one), size = s)
    nxz = np.random.normal(loc = nxz_mean, scale = 1/np.sqrt(var_two), size = s)

    txip = np.where((sx+nxz)>0,np.arctan(-(sy + nyz)/(sx+ nxz)),np.arctan(-(sy + nyz)/(sx+ nxz))+np.pi)
    txim = np.where((sx-nxz)>0,np.arctan((sy-nyz)/(sx-nxz)),np.arctan((sy-nyz)/(sx-nxz))+np.pi)

    a = (sx+nxz)**2/(np.cos(txip))**2
    b = (sx-nxz)**2/(np.cos(txim))**2

    rho_0 = 1/2 + scimath.sqrt(1/4-(a+b)/8)
    m = 1/rho_0*(a-b)/8

    states = np.zeros((len(m),3),dtype = complex)

    states[:,0] = scimath.sqrt((1-rho_0+m)/2) * np.exp(txip*1j)
    states[:,1] = scimath.sqrt(rho_0)
    states[:,2] = scimath.sqrt((1-rho_0-m)/2) * np.exp(txim*1j)

    return states
コード例 #56
ファイル: nfw.py プロジェクト: nhmc/NFW
 def delta_sigma(self, r):
     """Compute the Delta surface mass density of the halo at
     radius r (in Mpc) from the halo center."""
     r = unit_checker(r, u.Mpc)
     x = r / self.r_s
     fac = 2 * self.r_s * self.rho_c * self.delta_c
     val1 = 1 / (1 - x**2)
     num = ((3 * x**2) - 2) * arcsec(x)
     div = x**2 * (sm.sqrt(x**2 - 1))**3
     val2 = (num / div).real
     val3 = 2 * np.log(x / 2) / x**2
     return fac * (val1+val2+val3)
コード例 #57
ファイル: carlson.py プロジェクト: gmcastil/ellyptic
def _lambda_m(x, y, z):

    .. math:: \lambda_m = \sqrt{x_m}\sqrt{y_m} + \sqrt{x_m}\sqrt{y_m}
                                    + \sqrt{y_m}\sqrt{z_m}

    Note that :math:\sqrt{x_m}\sqrt{y_m} is chosen instead of
    :math:\sqrt{x_m y_m} to avoid problems due to the branch cut

    a, b, c = scimath.sqrt([x, y, z])
    lm = a*b + a*c + b*c
    return lm
コード例 #58
 def asDims(self, v, i):
     result = []
     dim = 0
     cares = []
     for c in range(self.numClusters):
         clusterMean = self.clusterMeans[c][self.clusters[i][c]]
         for m in clusterMean:
             acare = self.clusterCaring[c][self.clusters[i][c]]
             result.append(m + (v[dim] * sqrt(1-acare)))
         dim += 1
     v = PersonalityVoter(result) #TODO: do personality right
     v.cares = cares
     return v
コード例 #59
 def fromDims(cls, v, e, caring = None):
     if caring==None:
         caring = [1] * len(v)
         totCaring = e.totWeight
         totCaring = sum((c*w)**2 for c,w in zip(caring, e.dimWeights))
     me = cls(-sqrt(
         sum(((vd - cd)*w*cares)**2 for (vd, cd, w, cares) in zip(v,c,e.dimWeights,caring)) /
       for c in e.cands)
     me.dims = v
     me.elec = e
     return me
コード例 #60
def roots(a, b, c):
    """Find the roots and solution to the equation on the form
    ax² + bx + c = 0

    The solution is the equation:
             √(b² - 4ac)
    x = -b ± -----------

    root_part = npsci.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c)
    x1 = (-b + root_part)/(2*a)
    x2 = (-b - root_part)/(2*a)
    return (x1, x2)