コード例 #1
ファイル: matrix.py プロジェクト: nlurkin/Drone
def omega2thetadot(t, o):
    mat1 = Matrix([[1, sin(t[0])*tan(t[1]), cos(t[0])*tan(t[1])], 
            [0, cos(t[0]), -sin(t[0])], 
            [0, sin(t[0])/cos(t[1]), cos(t[0])/cos(t[1])]])
    #mat1 = [[0, -sin(t[0]), cos(t[0])*cos(t[1])], [0, cos(t[0]), sin(t[0])*cos(t[1])], [1, 0, -sin(t[1])]]
    return mat1*o
コード例 #2
ファイル: matrix.py プロジェクト: nlurkin/Drone
def thetadot2omega(tD, t):
    mat1 = Matrix([[1, 0, -sin(t[1])], [0, cos(t[0]), cos(t[1])*sin(t[0])], [0, -sin(t[0]), cos(t[1])*cos(t[0])]])
    #mat2 = [[0, -sin(t[0]), cos(t[0])*sin(t[1])], [0, cos(t[0]), sin(t[0])*cos(t[1])], [1, 0, -sin(t[1])]]
    print "thetaDot"
    print tD
    print mat1
    print mat1*tD
    return mat1*tD
コード例 #3
def composeAffineMatrix(theta):
    alpha = theta[0]
    rot = np.array( [[cos(alpha), -sin(alpha)],
                     [sin(alpha), cos(alpha)]] )
    s_sk = np.array( [[theta[1], theta[4]],
                      [theta[3], theta[2]]] )
    trans = np.array( [theta[5], theta[6]] )
    rot_scale = np.dot(s_sk, rot)
    res = np.column_stack((rot_scale, trans))
    res = np.vstack((res, [0, 0, 1]))
    return res
コード例 #4
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def helixHeteroscedasticDiags():
  #Parameterise a helix (no noise)
  fig5 = plt.figure()
  t = arange(-1,1,0.0005)
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.001 + 0.001*sin(2*pi*x)**2), (1 - t*t)*sin(4*pi*t))
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.001 + 0.001*sin(2*pi*x)**2), (1 - t*t)*cos(4*pi*t))
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.001 + 0.001*sin(2*pi*x)**2), t)
  line = array(zip(x,y,z))
  lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.1, t0 = 0.1, mult = 1, it = 500, scaled = False, cross = False)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig5)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
  saveToPdf(fig5, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedastic.pdf')
  residuals_calc = LPCResiduals(line, tube_radius = 0.2, k = 20)
  residual_diags = residuals_calc.getPathResidualDiags(lpc_curve[0])
  fig6 = plt.figure()
  #plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_num_NN'], drawstyle = 'step', linestyle = '--')
  plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_mean_NN'])
  plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_std_NN'])
  saveToPdf(fig6, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticPathResiduals.pdf')
  coverage_graph = residuals_calc.getCoverageGraph(lpc_curve[0], arange(0.01, .052, 0.01))
  fig7 = plt.figure()
  saveToPdf(fig7, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticCoverage.pdf')
  residual_graph = residuals_calc.getGlobalResiduals(lpc_curve[0])
  fig8 = plt.figure()
  plt.plot(residual_graph[0], residual_graph[1])
  saveToPdf(fig8, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticResiduals.pdf')
  fig9 = plt.figure()
  plt.plot(range(len(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'])), lpc_curve[0]['lamb'])
  saveToPdf(fig9, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticPathLength.pdf')
コード例 #5
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def helixHeteroscedasticCrossingDemo():
  #Parameterise a helix (no noise)
  fig5 = plt.figure()
  t = arange(-1,1,0.001)
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01 + 0.05*sin(8*pi*x)), (1 - t*t)*sin(4*pi*t))
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01 + 0.05*sin(8*pi*x)), (1 - t*t)*cos(4*pi*t))
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01 + 0.05*sin(8*pi*x)), t)
  line = array(zip(x,y,z))
  lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.15, t0 = 0.1, mult = 2, it = 500, scaled = False)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig5)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
  saveToPdf(fig5, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticWithCrossing.pdf')
  lpc.set_in_dict('cross', False, '_lpcParameters')
  fig6 = plt.figure()
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig6)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
  saveToPdf(fig6, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticWithoutCrossing.pdf')
コード例 #6
def transformPoint(p, theta):
    alpha = theta[0]
    rot = np.array( [[cos(alpha), -sin(alpha)],
                     [sin(alpha), cos(alpha)]] )
    s_sk = np.array( [[theta[1], theta[4]],
                      [theta[3], theta[2]]] )
    trans = np.array( [theta[5], theta[6]] )
    #Scaling and skewing 
    ans = np.dot(s_sk, p)
    ans = np.dot(rot, ans)
    ans = ans - trans
    #print ans
    return ans
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: ledyba/Super-PX-Chip
	def rotate(self, angle, x, y, z):
		c = cos(angle)
		s = sin(angle)
		mat = numpy.matrix([
			[x**2*(1-c)+c,  x*y*(1-c)-z*s, x*z*(1-c)+y*s, 0],
			[y*x*(1-c)+z*s, y**2*(1-c)+c,  y*z*(1-c)-x*s, 0],
			[x*z*(1-c)-y*s, y*z*(1-c)+x*s, z**2*(1-c)+c,  0],
			[0,             0,            0,             1],
		self.mat_ = numpy.dot(self.mat_, mat);
コード例 #8
    def transform(self, positions, R_i=None, t_i=None, s_i=None, flip=False):
        Return subclusters with (randomly) rotated translated and scaled
        positions. If R_i, s_i or t_i is given then that part of transformation
        is not random.


        for sub in positions:
            t = t_i or rand(2) * 10
            s = s_i or rand() * 2
            if R_i is None:
                th = 2 * pi * rand()
                # ccw
                R = array([[cos(th), -sin(th)], [sin(th), cos(th)]])
                R = R_i
            if flip:
                #TODO: make R with flip

            for node, pos in sub.items():
                sub[node] = concatenate((dot(dot(s, R), pos[:2]) + t, [nan]))
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_stitchers.py プロジェクト: SoonSYJ/pymote2.0
    def transform(self, positions, R_i=None, t_i=None, s_i=None, flip=False):
        Return subclusters with (randomly) rotated translated and scaled
        positions. If R_i, s_i or t_i is given then that part of transformation
        is not random.


        for sub in positions:
            t = t_i or rand(2)*10
            s = s_i or rand()*2
            if R_i is None:
                th = 2*pi*rand()
                # ccw
                R = array([[cos(th), -sin(th)], [sin(th), cos(th)]])
                R = R_i
            if flip:
                #TODO: make R with flip

            for node, pos in sub.items():
                sub[node] = concatenate((dot(dot(s, R), pos[:2])+t, [nan]))
コード例 #10
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def helixRandom():
  #Parameterise a helix (no noise)
  fig4 = plt.figure()
  t = arange(-1,1,0.001)
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01), (1 - t*t)*sin(4*pi*t))
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01), (1 - t*t)*cos(4*pi*t))
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01), t)
  line = array(zip(x,y,z))
  lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.15, t0 = 0.2, mult = 2, it = 100, scaled = False)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig4)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
コード例 #11
ファイル: GPData.py プロジェクト: karlnapf/kameleon-mcmc
 def sample_circle_data(n, noise_level=0.025, offset=0.05, seed_init=None):
     if seed_init is not None:
     # decision surface for sampled data
     thetas = linspace(0, pi / 2, n)
     X = sin(thetas) * (1 + randn(n) * noise_level)
     Y = cos(thetas) * (1 + randn(n) * noise_level)
     # randomly select labels and distinguish data
     labels = randint(0, 2, n) * 2 - 1
     idx_a = labels > 0
     idx_b = labels < 0
     X[idx_a] *= (1. + offset)
     Y[idx_a] *= (1. + offset)
     X[idx_b] *= (1. - offset)
     Y[idx_b] *= (1. - offset)
     return asarray(zip(X, Y)), labels
コード例 #12
    def sample_circle_data(n, noise_level=0.025, offset=0.05, seed_init=None):
        if seed_init is not None:

        # decision surface for sampled data
        thetas = linspace(0, pi / 2, n)
        X = sin(thetas) * (1 + randn(n) * noise_level)
        Y = cos(thetas) * (1 + randn(n) * noise_level)

        # randomly select labels and distinguish data
        labels = randint(0, 2, n) * 2 - 1
        idx_a = labels > 0
        idx_b = labels < 0
        X[idx_a] *= (1. + offset)
        Y[idx_a] *= (1. + offset)
        X[idx_b] *= (1. - offset)
        Y[idx_b] *= (1. - offset)

        return asarray(zip(X, Y)), labels
コード例 #13
ファイル: Utils.py プロジェクト: Dzess/ALFIRT
    def drawKeypoints(self, image, keypoints, color=(0, 0, 255)):
        Draws SURF extracted keypoints fully emphasizing discovered features (center,response,angle).
        @param image: Image to draw on.
        @param keypoints: List of keypoints to be drawn.
        for keypoint in keypoints:
            # fetch basic info
            radius = int(keypoint.size / 2)
            center = (int(keypoint.pt[0]), int(keypoint.pt[1]))

            # draw circle in center
            cv2.circle(image, center, radius, color)

            # draw orientation
            if keypoint.angle != -1:
                angleRad = keypoint.angle * cv2.cv.CV_PI / 180
                destPoint = (int(cos(angleRad) * radius) + center[0], int(sin(angleRad) * radius) + center[1])
                cv2.line(image, center, destPoint, color)
                cv2.circle(image, center, 1, color)
コード例 #14
ファイル: matrix.py プロジェクト: nlurkin/Drone
def rotation(t):
    mat = Matrix([[cos(t[0])*sin(t[2])-cos(t[1])*sin(t[0])*sin(t[2]), -cos(t[2])*sin(t[0])-cos(t[0])*cos(t[1])*sin(t[2]), sin(t[1])*sin(t[2])], 
           [cos(t[1])*cos(t[2])*sin(t[0])+cos(t[0])*sin(t[2]), cos(t[0])*cos(t[1])*cos(t[2])-sin(t[0])*sin(t[2]), -cos(t[2])*sin(t[1])], 
           [sin(t[0])*sin(t[1]), cos(t[0])*sin(t[1]), cos(t[1])]])
    return mat
コード例 #15
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.ma.core import sin, cos

# plt.plot([1,2,3],[5,7,4])
# plt.show()

t = np.arange(0, 0.98, 0.01)

y1 = sin(2 * np.pi * 4 * t)
#Use subplots to display two plots side by side
# plt.subplot(1,2,1)
plt.plot(t, y1, 'b', label='sin')

y2 = cos(2 * np.pi * 4 * t)
# plt.subplot(1,2,2)
plt.plot(t, y2, 'r', label='cos')
plt.title('My Plot')

コード例 #16
ファイル: B-calculate.py プロジェクト: nivelnola/BAR-Magnets
# toroid
    from numpy.ma.core import cos, sin

    toroid_r = 1
    r = 1
    rs = 0
    re = 2 * math.pi
    ri = math.pi / 30  # rate
    offset = [-.25, -.5, -.75]
    start_toroid_r = 5
    nl = 2
    wires = [
            rs, re, ri, lambda t, o, at:
            (cos(0 * 2 * math.pi / 8) *
             (toroid_r + (-start_toroid_r * (at - 1) if at <= 1 else 0) +
              (r + o) * cos(t)), sin(0 * 2 * math.pi / 8) *
             (toroid_r + (-start_toroid_r * (at - 1) if at <= 1 else 0) +
              (r + o) * cos(t)), (r + o) * sin(t)), offset, nl,
            lambda at: at >= 0
            rs, re, ri, lambda t, o, at:
            (cos(1 * 2 * math.pi / 8) *
             (toroid_r + (-start_toroid_r * (at - 1) if at <= 1 else 0) +
              (r + o) * cos(t)), sin(1 * 2 * math.pi / 8) *
             (toroid_r + (-start_toroid_r * (at - 1) if at <= 1 else 0) +
              (r + o) * cos(t)), (r + o) * sin(t)), offset, nl,
            lambda at: at >= 0
コード例 #17
ファイル: jpeg.py プロジェクト: fvarrebola/coursera
def build_cosines_table():
    for index, v in numpy.ndenumerate(alphas_table):
        (x, y) = index
        cosines_table[x, y] = cos(pi_over_8 * (x + .5) * y)
コード例 #18
ファイル: mathclasses.py プロジェクト: nlurkin/Drone
 def __init__(self, q=None):
     if q==None:
         self.w = 1.0
         self.x = 0.
         self.y = 0.
         self.z = 0.
     elif q.__class__==Quaternion:
         self.w = q.w
         self.x = q.x
         self.y = q.y
         self.z = q.z
     elif q.__class__==Vector:
         self.w = 0
         self.x = q[0]
         self.y = q[1]
         self.z = q[2]
     elif type(q)==list:
         if len(q)==4:
             self.w = q[0]
             self.x = q[1]
             self.y = q[2]
             self.z = q[3]
         elif len(q)==3:
             q[0] = float(q[0])
             q[1] = float(q[1])
             q[2] = float(q[2])
             self.w = cos(q[0]/2)*cos(q[1]/2)*cos(q[2]/2)+sin(q[0]/2)*sin(q[1]/2)*sin(q[2]/2)
             self.x = sin(q[0]/2)*cos(q[1]/2)*cos(q[2]/2)-cos(q[0]/2)*sin(q[1]/2)*sin(q[2]/2)
             self.y = cos(q[0]/2)*sin(q[1]/2)*cos(q[2]/2)+sin(q[0]/2)*cos(q[1]/2)*sin(q[2]/2)
             self.z = cos(q[0]/2)*cos(q[1]/2)*sin(q[2]/2)-sin(q[0]/2)*sin(q[1]/2)*cos(q[2]/2)
コード例 #19
ファイル: Body.py プロジェクト: nlurkin/Drone
 def computeThetaDot(self, dt):
     mat1 = Matrix([[1, sin(self.Angles[0])*tan(self.Angles[1]), cos(self.Angles[0])*tan(self.Angles[1])], 
                    [0, cos(self.Angles[0]), -sin(self.Angles[0])], 
                    [0, sin(self.Angles[0])/cos(self.Angles[1]), cos(self.Angles[0])/cos(self.Angles[1])]])
     self.ThetaDot = mat1*self.Omega
コード例 #20
def derivatives(p_1, p_2, theta_1, theta_2):
    x_1, y_1 = p_1.copy()
    x_2, y_2 = p_2.copy()
    alpha_1, sx_1, sy_1, skx_1, sky_1, x0_1, y0_1 = theta_1.copy()
    alpha_2, sx_2, sy_2, skx_2, sky_2, x0_2, y0_2 = theta_2.copy()
    ksi_1 = sx_1 * x_1 + sky_1 * y_1
    eps_1 = skx_1 * x_1 + sy_1 * y_1
    ksi_2 = sx_2 * x_2 + sky_2 * y_2
    eps_2 = skx_2 * x_2 + sy_2 * y_2
    XX = ksi_1 * cos(alpha_1) - eps_1 * sin(alpha_1) - x0_1 - ksi_2 * cos(alpha_2) + eps_2 * sin(alpha_2) + x0_2
    YY = ksi_1 * sin(alpha_1) + eps_1 * cos(alpha_1) - y0_1 - ksi_2 * sin(alpha_2) - eps_2 * cos(alpha_2) + y0_2
    #Resulting derivatives for 1 parameters
    deriv_1 = np.zeros(theta_1.size).reshape(theta_1.shape)
    #Resulting derivatives for 2 parameters
    deriv_2 = np.zeros(theta_2.size).reshape(theta_2.shape)
    deriv_1[0] = XX * (-ksi_1 * sin(alpha_1) - eps_1 * cos(alpha_1)) + \
                 YY * (ksi_1 * cos(alpha_1) - eps_1 * sin(alpha_1))
    deriv_1[1] = XX * (x_1 * cos(alpha_1)) + YY * (x_1 * sin(alpha_1))
    deriv_1[2] = XX * (-y_1 * sin(alpha_1)) + YY * (y_1 * cos(alpha_1))
    deriv_1[3] = XX * (-x_1 * sin(alpha_1)) + YY * (x_1 * cos(alpha_1))
    deriv_1[4] = XX * (y_1 * cos(alpha_1)) + YY * (y_1 * sin(alpha_1))
    deriv_1[5] = XX * (-1)
    deriv_1[6] = YY * (-1)
    deriv_2[0] = XX * (ksi_2 * sin(alpha_2) + eps_2 * cos(alpha_2)) + YY * (-ksi_2 * cos(alpha_2) + eps_2 * sin(alpha_2))
    deriv_2[1] = XX * (-x_2 * cos(alpha_2)) + YY * (-x_2 * sin(alpha_2))
    deriv_2[2] = XX * (y_2 * sin(alpha_2)) + YY * (-y_2 * cos(alpha_2))
    deriv_2[3] = XX * (x_2 * sin(alpha_2)) + YY * (-x_2 * cos(alpha_2))
    deriv_2[4] = XX * (-y_2 * cos(alpha_2)) + YY * (-y_2 * sin(alpha_2))
    deriv_2[5] = XX
    deriv_2[6] = YY
    #print XX
    #print YY
    return np.array([deriv_1, deriv_2])