コード例 #1
 def step(self):
     proposal_object = self.current_proposal.propose()
     proposal_sample = proposal_object.sample
     proposal_new = self.construct_proposal(proposal_sample)
     if not self.current_proposal.is_symmetric:
         log_current_given_proposal = proposal_new.log_pdf(self.current.sample)
         log_proposal_given_current = self.current_proposal.log_pdf(proposal_sample)
         log_proposal_given_current = 0
         log_current_given_proposal = 0
     log_lik_proposal = self.target.log_pdf(proposal_sample)
     log_ratio = log_lik_proposal - self.log_lik_current \
                 + log_current_given_proposal - log_proposal_given_current
     log_ratio = min(log(1), log_ratio)
     accepted = log_ratio > log(rand(1))
     if accepted:
         sample_object = proposal_object
         self.log_lik_current = log_lik_proposal
         self.current_proposal = proposal_new
         sample_object = self.current
     # adapt state: position and proposal_2d
     self.current = sample_object
     return MHStepOutput(sample_object, proposal_object, self.log_lik_current, log_ratio, accepted)
コード例 #2
ファイル: s_common.py プロジェクト: gzvulon/IAI3-LM
def test_idf():
    a, b = idf(0, [1, 2, 3, 4], 2), log(3.0 / 2)
    print a, b
    assert a == b

    a, b = idf(5, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 4), log(8.0 / 4)
    print a, b
    assert a == b
コード例 #3
ファイル: Parser.py プロジェクト: SergeyBildin/DigitalProfile
def classify(classifier, frec, document):
    dictionary, classes, p_c, p_c_count = classifier
    words = document.split(';')
    score = []
    for ck in range(0, len(classes)):
        for i in range(1, len(words)):
            index = bisect(dictionary, words[i], 0, len(dictionary)) - 1
            # laplass
            arg = (frec[index][ck + 1] + 1) / (p_c_count[ck] + len(dictionary))
            score[ck] += log(arg)
    value = max(score)
    return classes[score.index(value)]
コード例 #4
ファイル: LapseRate.py プロジェクト: srcarter3/awips2-core
def execute(Tlo, Plo, Thi, Phi):
    C = 0.034167
    Tratio = Thi/Tlo
    Pratio = Phi/Plo
    logTratio = log(Tratio)
    logPratio = log(Pratio)
    # Guard against divide-by-zero errors, again
    logPratio = masked_values(logPratio, 0, copy=False)
    result = C * logTratio / logPratio
    return result
コード例 #5
ファイル: bag_of_words.py プロジェクト: dlemel8/ai236501
 def setup(self, examples, extraction_time_limit, setup_time_limit):
     Prepares a dictionary of inverse-document-frequencies (IDFs) for each word,
     and selects the terms with the highest IDFs as the features.
     @param examples: A list of raw data examples.
     @param extraction_time_limit: The time that will be allocated for each example.
     @param setup_time_limit: The time limit for setting up this agent.
     self.extraction_time_limit = extraction_time_limit
     doc_count = float(len(examples))
     tf_examples = []
     for raw_example in examples: 
         tf_examples += [self._countTermFrequency(raw_example)]
     self.idf = self._countInverseDocumentFrequency(tf_examples)
     #print self.threshold_fact, len(self.idf), self.idf
     self.order = sorted(self.idf.items(), lambda item1, item2: -cmp(item1[1], item2[1]))
     self.order = self.order[:self.num_features]
     self.idf = dict(self.order)
     self.order = [x[0] for x in self.order]
     for word in self.idf.keys():
         self.idf[word] = log(doc_count / self.idf[word])
コード例 #6
 def test_log_det_exact_toy_large_shogun(self):
     n = 1e6
     d = abs(randn(n))
     Q = spdiags(d, 0, n, n)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(OzonePosterior.log_det_shogun_exact(Q), sum(log(d)),
コード例 #7
ファイル: bag_of_words.py プロジェクト: dlemel8/ai236501
    def setup(self, examples, extraction_time_limit, setup_time_limit):
        Prepares a dictionary of inverse-document-frequencies (IDFs) for each word,
        and selects the terms with the highest IDFs as the features.
        @param examples: A list of raw data examples.
        @param extraction_time_limit: The time that will be allocated for each example.
        @param setup_time_limit: The time limit for setting up this agent.
        self.extraction_time_limit = extraction_time_limit

        doc_count = float(len(examples))
        tf_examples = []
        for raw_example in examples:
            tf_examples += [self._countTermFrequency(raw_example)]
        self.idf = self._countInverseDocumentFrequency(tf_examples)
        #print self.threshold_fact, len(self.idf), self.idf

        self.order = sorted(self.idf.items(),
                            lambda item1, item2: -cmp(item1[1], item2[1]))
        self.order = self.order[:self.num_features]
        self.idf = dict(self.order)
        self.order = [x[0] for x in self.order]

        for word in self.idf.keys():
            self.idf[word] = log(doc_count / self.idf[word])
コード例 #8
 def test_log_det_exact_toy_small_scikits(self):
     n = 3
     d = abs(randn(n))
     Q = spdiags(d, 0, n, n)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(OzonePosterior.log_det_scikits(Q), sum(log(d)),
コード例 #9
 def log_mean_exp(X):
     Computes log 1/n sum_i exp(X_i).
     Useful if you want to solve log \int f(x)p(x) dx
     where you have samples from p(x) and can compute log f(x)
     return GPTools.log_sum_exp(X)-log(len(X))
コード例 #10
 def log_pdf_multiple_points(self, X):
     assert(len(shape(X)) == 2)
     assert(shape(X)[1] == self.dimension)
     log_determinant_part = -sum(log(diag(self.L)))
     quadratic_parts = zeros(len(X))
     for i in range(len(X)):
         x = X[i] - self.mu
         # solve y=K^(-1)x = L^(-T)L^(-1)x
         y = solve_triangular(self.L, x.T, lower=True)
         y = solve_triangular(self.L.T, y, lower=False)
         quadratic_parts[i] = -0.5 * x.dot(y)
     const_part = -0.5 * len(self.L) * log(2 * pi)
     return const_part + log_determinant_part + quadratic_parts
コード例 #11
 def adapt(self, mcmc_chain, step_output):
     # this is an extension of the base adapt call
     KameleonWindow.adapt(self, mcmc_chain, step_output)
     iter_no = mcmc_chain.iteration
     if iter_no > self.sample_discard and iter_no < self.stop_adapt:
         learn_scale = 1.0 / sqrt(iter_no - self.sample_discard + 1.0)
         self.nu2 = exp(log(self.nu2) + learn_scale * (exp(step_output.log_ratio) - self.accstar))
コード例 #12
    def generateInt(self, k):
        generowanie k liczb
        T = [0]*k
        for i in range(k):
            U = uniform(low=0, high=1)
            X = log(U)/log(1-self.p)
            T[(int(floor(X)))] = T[(int(floor(X)))] + 1
        return T
#A = Geometric(0.1)
#C = A.showIntGenAndCount(A.generateInt(100)) 
#P = A.probabilityChart(C)        
#A = PlotHist()
#A.plotHistgram("Generator dwumianowy", C,P,1,'ilosc','liczby')
コード例 #13
 def generateInt(self, k):
     generowanie k liczb
     T = [0]*k        
     for i in range(k):
         U = uniform(low=0, high=1)
         X = - log(U)/self.lamb
     return T
コード例 #14
    def adapt(self, mcmc_chain, step_output):
        # this is an extension of the base adapt call
        KameleonWindow.adapt(self, mcmc_chain, step_output)

        iter_no = mcmc_chain.iteration

        if iter_no > self.sample_discard and iter_no < self.stop_adapt:
            learn_scale = 1.0 / sqrt(iter_no - self.sample_discard + 1.0)
            self.nu2 = exp(
                log(self.nu2) + learn_scale *
                (exp(step_output.log_ratio) - self.accstar))
コード例 #15
 def log_sum_exp(X):
     Computes log sum_i exp(X_i).
     Useful if you want to solve log \int f(x)p(x) dx
     where you have samples from p(x) and can compute log f(x)
     # extract minimum
     return X0+log(1+sum(exp(X_without_X0-X0)))
コード例 #16
ファイル: s_common.py プロジェクト: gzvulon/IAI3-LM
def idf(num_folds, data, num_of_features):
    """ calculates idf using params:
    @param num_folds: number of folds as sent to agent
    @param data: data snt to agent
    @param num_of_features: number of features of bag of words
    if num_folds < 2:
        num_folds = len(data)

    fold_size = len(data) / num_folds
    doc_count = len(data) - fold_size
    idf = log(float(doc_count) / num_of_features)
    return idf
コード例 #17
 def log_likelihood_logdet(self, tau, kappa):
     y, A = OzonePosterior.load_ozone_data()
     AtA = A.T.dot(A)
     Q = self.create_Q_matrix(kappa)
     n = len(y)
     M = Q + tau * AtA
     logdet1 = self.log_det_method(Q)
     logdet2 = self.log_det_method(M)
     log_det_part = 0.5 * logdet1 + 0.5 * n * log(tau) - 0.5 * logdet2
     return log_det_part
コード例 #18
    def log_likelihood_logdet(self, tau, kappa):
        y, A = OzonePosterior.load_ozone_data()
        AtA = A.T.dot(A)

        Q = self.create_Q_matrix(kappa)
        n = len(y)
        M = Q + tau * AtA

        logdet1 = self.log_det_method(Q)
        logdet2 = self.log_det_method(M)

        log_det_part = 0.5 * logdet1 + 0.5 * n * log(tau) - 0.5 * logdet2

        return log_det_part
コード例 #19
 def log_pdf(self, X, component_index_given=None):
     If component_index_given is given, then just condition on it,
     otherwise, should compute the overall log_pdf
     if component_index_given == None:
         rez = zeros([len(X)])
         for ii in range(len(X)):
             logpdfs = zeros([self.num_components])
             for jj in range(self.num_components):
                 logpdfs[jj] = self.components[jj].log_pdf([X[ii]])
             lmax = max(logpdfs)
             rez[ii] = lmax + log(sum(self.mixing_proportion.omega * exp(logpdfs - lmax)))
         return rez
         assert(component_index_given < self.num_components)
         return self.components[component_index_given].log_pdf(X)
コード例 #20
 def log_pdf(self, X, component_index_given=None):
     If component_index_given is given, then just condition on it,
     otherwise, should compute the overall log_pdf
     if component_index_given == None:
         rez = zeros([len(X)])
         for ii in range(len(X)):
             logpdfs = zeros([self.num_components])
             for jj in range(self.num_components):
                 logpdfs[jj] = self.components[jj].log_pdf([X[ii]])
             lmax = max(logpdfs)
             rez[ii] = lmax + log(
                 sum(self.mixing_proportion.omega * exp(logpdfs - lmax)))
         return rez
         assert (component_index_given < self.num_components)
         return self.components[component_index_given].log_pdf(X)
コード例 #21
 def test_log_mean_exp(self):
     X = asarray([-1, 1])
     X = reshape(X, (len(X), 1))
     y = asarray([+1. if x >= 0 else -1. for x in X])
     covariance = SquaredExponentialCovariance(sigma=1, scale=1)
     likelihood = LogitLikelihood()
     gp = GaussianProcess(y, X, covariance, likelihood)
     laplace = LaplaceApproximation(gp, newton_start=asarray([3, 3]))
     prior = gp.get_gp_prior()
     samples = proposal.sample(n).samples
     log_likelihood=asarray([gp.log_likelihood(f) for f in samples])
     log_prior = prior.log_pdf(samples)
     log_proposal = proposal.log_pdf(samples)
     self.assertLessEqual(a-b, 1e-5)
コード例 #22
    def log_likelihood_without_logdet(self, tau, kappa):
        y, A = OzonePosterior.load_ozone_data()
        AtA = A.T.dot(A)

        Q = self.create_Q_matrix(kappa)
        n = len(y)
        M = Q + tau * AtA

        second_a = -0.5 * tau * (y.T.dot(y))

        second_b = A.T.dot(y)
        second_b = self.solve_sparse_linear_system(M, second_b)
        second_b = A.dot(second_b)
        second_b = y.T.dot(second_b)
        second_b = 0.5 * (tau**2) * second_b

        quadratic_part = second_a + second_b
        const_part = -0.5 * n * log(2 * pi)

        result = const_part + quadratic_part

        return result
コード例 #23
 def log_likelihood_without_logdet(self, tau, kappa):
     y, A = OzonePosterior.load_ozone_data()
     AtA = A.T.dot(A)
     Q = self.create_Q_matrix(kappa);
     n = len(y);
     M = Q + tau * AtA;
     second_a = -0.5 * tau * (y.T.dot(y))
     second_b = A.T.dot(y)
     second_b = self.solve_sparse_linear_system(M, second_b)
     second_b = A.dot(second_b)
     second_b = y.T.dot(second_b)
     second_b = 0.5 * (tau ** 2) * second_b
     quadratic_part = second_a + second_b
     const_part = -0.5 * n * log(2 * pi)
     result = const_part + quadratic_part
     return result
コード例 #24
ファイル: GPToolsTests.py プロジェクト: mgong2/kameleon-mcmc
    def test_log_mean_exp(self):
        X = asarray([-1, 1])
        X = reshape(X, (len(X), 1))
        y = asarray([+1. if x >= 0 else -1. for x in X])
        covariance = SquaredExponentialCovariance(sigma=1, scale=1)
        likelihood = LogitLikelihood()
        gp = GaussianProcess(y, X, covariance, likelihood)
        laplace = LaplaceApproximation(gp, newton_start=asarray([3, 3]))
        proposal = laplace.get_gaussian()

        n = 200
        prior = gp.get_gp_prior()
        samples = proposal.sample(n).samples

        log_likelihood = asarray([gp.log_likelihood(f) for f in samples])
        log_prior = prior.log_pdf(samples)
        log_proposal = proposal.log_pdf(samples)

        X = log_likelihood + log_prior - log_proposal

        a = log(mean(exp(X)))
        b = GPTools.log_mean_exp(X)

        self.assertLessEqual(a - b, 1e-5)
コード例 #25
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: aparnarajeev/library
 def inverseOfIncreasingExponentialFunction(p, y):
     ''' Inverse exponential funcion: x = e^(log(y/p[0])/p[1])    '''
     return exp(log(y / p[0]) / p[1])
コード例 #26
 def log_det_scikits(Q):
     d = cholesky(csc_matrix(Q)).L().diagonal()
     return 2 * sum(log(d))
     raise Exception("cholmod not installed")
コード例 #27
    def exponential(self, estimates):
        # find a strict lower bound on the estimates and remove it from list
        bound = estimates.min()
        bound_idx = estimates.argmin()
        estimates = delete(estimates, bound_idx)
        estimates = estimates - bound

        # find an integer close to the mean of the transformed estimates and divide
        E = max(int(round(abs(mean(estimates)))), 1)
        estimates = estimates / E
        logging.info("Using %f as lower bound on estimates" % bound)
        logging.info("Computing product of E=%d RR estimates" % E)
        logging.info("Std-deviation after scaling is %f" % std(estimates))
        # index for iterating through the used estimates
        # (might be averaged, so might be lower than the number of available estimates
        # if the block size is greater than one
        estimate_idx = 0
        samples = zeros(E)
        for iteration in range(E):
            weight = 1
            # start with x^0 which is 1
            samples[iteration] = 1
            term = 1
            # index for computed samples
            series_term_idx = 1

            while weight > 0:
                # update current term of infinite series
                # average over block
                x_inner = self.get_estimate(estimates, estimate_idx)
                term *= (x_inner / series_term_idx)
                # if summation has reached threshold, update weights
                if abs(term) < self.threshold:
                    q = term / self.threshold
                    if rand() < q:
                        # continue and update weight
                        weight = weight / q
                        # stop summation
                        weight = 0
                samples[iteration] += weight * term;
                estimate_idx += 1
                series_term_idx += 1
            logging.info("RR estimate %d/%d with threshold %.2f is %.4f and took %d series terms" % 
                         (iteration + 1, E, self.threshold, samples[iteration], series_term_idx))
        # now put things together. Note that samples contains an unbiased estimate
        # which might be quite small. However, due to the removal of the bound,
        # this will not cause an underflow and we can just take the log.
        return bound + sum(log(samples));
コード例 #28
    def precompute_likelihood_estimates(self, tau, kappa):

        # submit all jobs for log-determinant Q
        aggregators_Q = []
        for _ in range(self.num_estimates):
            job = OzoneLogDetJob(ScalarResultAggregator(), self, tau, kappa,

        # submit all jobs for log-determinant M
        aggregators_M = []
        for _ in range(self.num_estimates):
            job = OzoneLogDetJob(ScalarResultAggregator(), self, tau, kappa,

        # submit job for remainder of likelihood
        job = OzoneLikelihoodWithoutLogDetJob(ScalarResultAggregator(), self,
                                              tau, kappa)
        aggregator_remainder = self.computation_engine.submit_job(job)

        # grab a coffee

        # collect results from all aggregators
        log_dets_Q = zeros(self.num_estimates)
        log_dets_M = zeros(self.num_estimates)
        for i in range(self.num_estimates):
            log_dets_Q[i] = aggregators_Q[i].get_final_result().result
            log_dets_M[i] = aggregators_M[i].get_final_result().result

        result_remainder = aggregator_remainder.get_final_result().result

        # load n since needed for likelihood
        y, _ = OzonePosterior.load_ozone_data()
        n = len(y)

        # construct all likelihood estimates
        log_det_parts = 0.5 * log_dets_Q + 0.5 * n * log(
            tau) - 0.5 * log_dets_M
        estimates = log_det_parts + result_remainder

        # crude check for an overflow to print error details
        limit = 1e100
        indices = where(abs(estimates) > limit)[0]
        if len(indices) > 0:
                "Log-likelihood estimates overflow occured at the following indices:"
            for idx in indices:
                logging.info("At index %d. Details are: " % idx)
                logging.info("log-det Q: " + aggregators_Q[idx].job_name +
                             ". Result is %f" % log_dets_Q[idx])
                logging.info("log-det M: " + aggregators_M[idx].job_name +
                             ". Result is %f" % log_dets_M[idx])
                logging.info("log-lik-without-log-det: " +
                             aggregator_remainder.job_name +
                             ". Result is %f" % result_remainder[idx])

            logging.info("Removing mentioned estimates from list")
            estimates = estimates[abs(estimates) < limit]
            logging.info("New number of estimates is %d, old was %d" %
                         (len(estimates), self.num_estimates))

        return estimates
コード例 #29
ファイル: MCMCSampler.py プロジェクト: karlnapf/kameleon-mcmc
 def step(self):
     Performs on Metropolis-Hastings step, updates internal state and returns
     sample_object, proposal_2d, accepted, log_lik, log_ratio where
     sample_object - new or old sample_object (row-vector)
     accepted - boolean whether accepted
     log_lik - log-likelihood of returned sample_object
     log_ratio - log probability of acceptance
     # create proposal around current_sample_object point in first step only
     dim = self.distribution.dimension
     if self.Q is None:
         current_1d = reshape(self.current_sample_object.samples, (dim,))
         self.Q = self.construct_proposal(current_1d)
     # propose sample_object and construct new Q centred at proposal_2d
     proposal_object = self.Q.sample(1)
     proposal_2d = proposal_object.samples
     proposal_1d = reshape(proposal_2d, (dim,))
     Q_new = self.construct_proposal(proposal_1d)
     # 2d view for current_sample_object point
     current_2d = reshape(self.current_sample_object.samples, (1, dim))
     # First find out whether this sampler is gibbs (which has a full target)
     # or a MH (otherwise).
     if isinstance(self.distribution, FullConditionals):
         log_lik_proposal = self.distribution.full_target.log_pdf(self.distribution.get_current_state_array())
         accepted = True
         log_ratio = log(1)
         # do normal MH-step, compute acceptance ratio
         # evaluate both Q
         if not self.is_symmetric:
             log_Q_proposal_given_current = self.Q.log_pdf(proposal_2d)
             log_Q_current_given_proposal = Q_new.log_pdf(current_2d)
             log_Q_proposal_given_current = 0
             log_Q_current_given_proposal = 0
         log_lik_proposal = self.distribution.log_pdf(proposal_2d)
         log_ratio = log_lik_proposal - self.log_lik_current \
                     + log_Q_current_given_proposal - log_Q_proposal_given_current
         log_ratio = min(log(1), log_ratio)
         accepted = log_ratio > log(rand(1))
     if accepted:
         self.log_lik_current = log_lik_proposal
         sample_object = proposal_object
         self.Q = Q_new
         sample_object = self.current_sample_object
     # adapt state: position and proposal_2d
     self.current_sample_object = sample_object
     return StepOutput(sample_object, proposal_object, accepted, self.log_lik_current, log_ratio)
コード例 #30
 def log_lik_vector(self, y, f):
     s = -y * f
     ps = asarray([min(x, 0) for x in s])
     lp = -(ps + log(exp(-ps) + exp(s - ps)))
     return lp
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_subclassing.py プロジェクト: BranYang/numpy
 def test_masked_unary_operations(self):
     # Tests masked_unary_operation
     (x, mx) = self.data
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(log(mx), mmatrix))
         assert_equal(log(x), np.log(x))
コード例 #32
 def log_lik_vector(self, y, f):
     s = -y * f
     ps = asarray([min(x, 0) for x in s])
     lp = -(ps + log(exp(-ps) + exp(s - ps)))
     return lp
コード例 #33
 def log_det_scikits(Q):
     d = cholesky(csc_matrix(Q)).L().diagonal()
     return 2 * sum(log(d))
     raise Exception("cholmod not installed")
コード例 #34
ファイル: MCMCSampler.py プロジェクト: mgong2/kameleon-mcmc
    def step(self):
        Performs on Metropolis-Hastings step, updates internal state and returns
        sample_object, proposal_2d, accepted, log_lik, log_ratio where
        sample_object - new or old sample_object (row-vector)
        accepted - boolean whether accepted
        log_lik - log-likelihood of returned sample_object
        log_ratio - log probability of acceptance
        # create proposal around current_sample_object point in first step only
        dim = self.distribution.dimension
        if self.Q is None:
            current_1d = reshape(self.current_sample_object.samples, (dim, ))
            self.Q = self.construct_proposal(current_1d)

        # propose sample_object and construct new Q centred at proposal_2d
        proposal_object = self.Q.sample(1)
        proposal_2d = proposal_object.samples
        proposal_1d = reshape(proposal_2d, (dim, ))
        Q_new = self.construct_proposal(proposal_1d)

        # 2d view for current_sample_object point
        current_2d = reshape(self.current_sample_object.samples, (1, dim))

        # First find out whether this sampler is gibbs (which has a full target)
        # or a MH (otherwise).
        if isinstance(self.distribution, FullConditionals):
            log_lik_proposal = self.distribution.full_target.log_pdf(
            accepted = True
            log_ratio = log(1)
            # do normal MH-step, compute acceptance ratio

            # evaluate both Q
            if not self.is_symmetric:
                log_Q_proposal_given_current = self.Q.log_pdf(proposal_2d)
                log_Q_current_given_proposal = Q_new.log_pdf(current_2d)
                log_Q_proposal_given_current = 0
                log_Q_current_given_proposal = 0

            log_lik_proposal = self.distribution.log_pdf(proposal_2d)

            log_ratio = log_lik_proposal - self.log_lik_current \
                        + log_Q_current_given_proposal - log_Q_proposal_given_current

            log_ratio = min(log(1), log_ratio)

            accepted = log_ratio > log(rand(1))

        if accepted:
            self.log_lik_current = log_lik_proposal
            sample_object = proposal_object
            self.Q = Q_new
            sample_object = self.current_sample_object

        # adapt state: position and proposal_2d
        self.current_sample_object = sample_object

        return StepOutput(sample_object, proposal_object, accepted,
                          self.log_lik_current, log_ratio)
コード例 #35
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: aparnarajeev/library
 def logFunction(p, x):
     ''' Log function:  = p[0]+log(x*p[1])'''
     return p[0] + log(p[1] * x)
コード例 #36
ファイル: GPToolsTests.py プロジェクト: mgong2/kameleon-mcmc
 def test_log_sum_exp(self):
     X = asarray([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
     direct = log(sum(exp(X)))
     indirect = GPTools.log_sum_exp(X)
     self.assertLessEqual(norm(direct - indirect), 1e-10)
コード例 #37
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: aparnarajeev/library
 def logFunction(p, x):
     ''' Log function:  = p[0]+log(x*p[1])'''
     return p[0]+log(p[1]*x)
コード例 #38
 def precompute_likelihood_estimates(self, tau, kappa):
     # submit all jobs for log-determinant Q
     aggregators_Q = []
     for _ in range(self.num_estimates):
         job = OzoneLogDetJob(ScalarResultAggregator(), self, tau, kappa, "Q")
     # submit all jobs for log-determinant M
     aggregators_M = []
     for _ in range(self.num_estimates):
         job = OzoneLogDetJob(ScalarResultAggregator(), self, tau, kappa, "M")
     # submit job for remainder of likelihood
     job = OzoneLikelihoodWithoutLogDetJob(ScalarResultAggregator(), self, tau, kappa)
     aggregator_remainder = self.computation_engine.submit_job(job)
     # grab a coffee
     # collect results from all aggregators
     log_dets_Q = zeros(self.num_estimates)
     log_dets_M = zeros(self.num_estimates)
     for i in range(self.num_estimates):
         log_dets_Q[i] = aggregators_Q[i].get_final_result().result
         log_dets_M[i] = aggregators_M[i].get_final_result().result
     result_remainder = aggregator_remainder.get_final_result().result
     # load n since needed for likelihood
     y, _ = OzonePosterior.load_ozone_data()
     n = len(y)
     # construct all likelihood estimates
     log_det_parts = 0.5 * log_dets_Q + 0.5 * n * log(tau) - 0.5 * log_dets_M
     estimates = log_det_parts + result_remainder
     # crude check for an overflow to print error details
     limit = 1e100
     indices = where(abs(estimates) > limit)[0]
     if len(indices) > 0:
         logging.info("Log-likelihood estimates overflow occured at the following indices:")
         for idx in indices:
             logging.info("At index %d. Details are: " % idx)
             logging.info("log-det Q: " + aggregators_Q[idx].job_name + 
                          ". Result is %f" % log_dets_Q[idx])
             logging.info("log-det M: " + aggregators_M[idx].job_name + 
                          ". Result is %f" % log_dets_M[idx])
             logging.info("log-lik-without-log-det: " + 
                          aggregator_remainder.job_name + ". Result is %f" % result_remainder[idx])
         logging.info("Removing mentioned estimates from list")
         estimates = estimates[abs(estimates) < limit]
         logging.info("New number of estimates is %d, old was %d" % 
                      (len(estimates), self.num_estimates))
     return estimates
コード例 #39
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: aparnarajeev/library
 def inverseOfIncreasingExponentialFunction(p, y):
     ''' Inverse exponential funcion: x = e^(log(y/p[0])/p[1])    '''
     return exp(log(y/p[0])/p[1])
コード例 #40
 def log_lik_vector_multiple(self, y, F):
     S = -y * F
     PS = asarray([asarray([min(x, 0) for x in s]) for s in S])
     LP = -(PS + log(exp(-PS) + exp(S - PS)))
     return LP
コード例 #41
 def scale_adapt(self, learn_scale, step_output):
     which_component = step_output.sample.which_component
     self.dwscale[which_component] = exp(log(self.dwscale[which_component]) + learn_scale * (exp(step_output.log_ratio) - self.accstar))
コード例 #42
 def test_masked_unary_operations(self):
     # Tests masked_unary_operation
     (x, mx) = self.data
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
         assert_(isinstance(log(mx), MMatrix))
         assert_equal(log(x), np.log(x))
コード例 #43
 def test_log_sum_exp(self):
     self.assertLessEqual(norm(direct-indirect), 1e-10)
コード例 #44
 def log_lik_vector_multiple(self, y, F):
     S = -y * F
     PS = asarray([asarray([min(x, 0) for x in s]) for s in S])
     LP = -(PS + log(exp(-PS) + exp(S - PS)))
     return LP
コード例 #45
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: WeiNiu/library
 def inverseOfDecreasingExponentialFunction(p, y):
     """ Inverse exponential funcion: x = e^-(log(y/p[0])/p[1])    """
     return exp(-1 * log(y / p[0]) / p[1])
コード例 #46
 def scale_adapt(self,learn_scale,step_output):
     # learn_scale is 1./iterations scheme, which is learning rate
     self.globalscale = exp(log(self.globalscale) + learn_scale * (exp(step_output.log_ratio) - self.accstar))
コード例 #47
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: WeiNiu/library
 def logFunction(p, x):
     """ Log function:  = p[0]+log(x*p[1])"""
     return p[0] + log(p[1] * x)