コード例 #1
def elementwise_divide(a: MatrixVector2D, b: matrix) -> MatrixVector2D:
    if a.shape == b.shape:
        x = divide(a.x, b)
        y = divide(a.y, b)
        return MatrixVector2D(x, y)
        raise ValueError('MatrixVector2D and matrix shapes not the same.')
コード例 #2
def elementwise_divide(a: MatrixVector, b: matrix) -> MatrixVector:
    if a.shape == b.shape:
        x = divide(a.x, b)
        y = divide(a.y, b)
        z = divide(a.z, b)
        return MatrixVector(x, y, z)
        raise ValueError('The shape of a and b need to be the same.')
コード例 #3
def elementwise_divide(a: MatrixVector, b: matrix) -> MatrixVector:
    if a.shape == b.shape:
        x = divide(a.x, b)
        y = divide(a.y, b)
        z = divide(a.z, b)
        return MatrixVector(x, y, z)
        raise ValueError()
コード例 #4
def phi_doublet_matrix(vecs: MatrixVector, rls: MatrixVector, sgnz: matrix):
    mags = vecs.return_magnitude()
    ms = divide(vecs.x, rls.y)
    ths = arctan(ms)
    ths[rls.y == 0.0] = piby2
    gs = multiply(ms, divide(rls.z, mags))
    Js = arctan(gs)
    Js[rls.y == 0.0] = piby2
    phids = Js - multiply(sgnz, ths)
    return phids, mags
コード例 #5
def phi_trailing_doublet_matrix(rls: MatrixVector, sgnz: matrix):
    ths = zeros(rls.shape, dtype=float)
    chky = absolute(rls.y) < tol
    ths[rls.y > 0.0] = piby2
    ths[rls.y < 0.0] = -piby2
    ths[chky] = -piby2
    gs = zeros(rls.shape, dtype=float)
    divide(rls.z, rls.y, where=logical_not(chky), out=gs)
    Js = arctan(gs)
    Js[rls.y == 0.0] = -piby2
    phids = Js - multiply(sgnz, ths)
    return phids
コード例 #6
ファイル: dirichletpoly.py プロジェクト: Xero64/pyapm
def vel_doublet_matrix(av, am, bv, bm):
    adb = elementwise_dot_product(av, bv)
    abm = multiply(am, bm)
    dm = multiply(abm, abm+adb)
    axb = elementwise_cross_product(av, bv)
    axbm = axb.return_magnitude()
    chki = (axbm == 0.0)
    chki = logical_and(axbm >= -tol, axbm <= tol)
    chkd = absolute(dm) < tol
    fac = zeros(axbm.shape, dtype=float)
    divide(am+bm, dm, where=logical_not(chkd), out=fac)
    velvl = elementwise_multiply(axb, fac)
    velvl.x[chki] = 0.0
    velvl.y[chki] = 0.0
    velvl.z[chki] = 0.0
    return velvl
コード例 #7
ファイル: dirichletpoly.py プロジェクト: Xero64/pyapm
def phi_doublet_matrix(vecs: MatrixVector, sgnz: matrix):
    mags = vecs.return_magnitude()
    chkm = mags < tol
    chky = absolute(vecs.y) < tol
    vecs.y[chky] = 0.0
    ms = zeros(mags.shape, dtype=float)
    divide(vecs.x, vecs.y, where=logical_not(chky), out=ms)
    ths = arctan(ms)
    ths[chky] = piby2
    ts = zeros(mags.shape, dtype=float)
    divide(vecs.z, mags, where=logical_not(chkm), out=ts)
    gs = multiply(ms, ts)
    Js = arctan(gs)
    Js[chky] = piby2
    phids = Js - multiply(sgnz, ths)
    return phids, mags
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self,order,cutoff,Fs,filtertype):
     self.order = order
     self.Fs = Fs
     self.Wn = self.Fs*0.5 # Time 0.5 to create float type
     self.type = filtertype;
     self.num, self.den = butter(self.order,np.divide(cutoff,self.Wn),self.type)
     self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D = tf2ss(self.num,self.den)
     self.Xnn = np.zeros((np.size(self.A,1),1))
コード例 #9
def velocity_matrix(ra: MatrixVector,
                    rb: MatrixVector,
                    rc: MatrixVector,
                    betm: float = 1.0,
                    tol: float = 1e-12):

    if ra.shape != rb.shape:
        return ValueError()

    numi = rc.shape[0]
    numj = ra.shape[1]

    ra = ra.repeat(numi, axis=0)
    rb = rb.repeat(numi, axis=0)
    rc = rc.repeat(numj, axis=1)

    a = rc - ra
    b = rc - rb

    a.x = a.x / betm
    b.x = b.x / betm

    am = a.return_magnitude()
    bm = b.return_magnitude()

    # Velocity from Bound Vortex
    adb = elementwise_dot_product(a, b)
    abm = multiply(am, bm)
    dm = multiply(abm, abm + adb)
    axb = elementwise_cross_product(a, b)
    axbm = axb.return_magnitude()
    chki = (axbm == 0.0)
    chki = logical_and(axbm >= -tol, axbm <= tol)
    veli = elementwise_multiply(axb, divide(am + bm, dm))
    veli.x[chki] = 0.0
    veli.y[chki] = 0.0
    veli.z[chki] = 0.0

    # Velocity from Trailing Vortex A
    axx = MatrixVector(zeros(a.shape, dtype=float), a.z, -a.y)
    axxm = axx.return_magnitude()
    chka = (axxm == 0.0)
    vela = elementwise_divide(axx, multiply(am, am - a.x))
    vela.x[chka] = 0.0
    vela.y[chka] = 0.0
    vela.z[chka] = 0.0

    # Velocity from Trailing Vortex B
    bxx = MatrixVector(zeros(b.shape, dtype=float), b.z, -b.y)
    bxxm = bxx.return_magnitude()
    chkb = (bxxm == 0.0)
    velb = elementwise_divide(bxx, multiply(bm, bm - b.x))
    velb.x[chkb] = 0.0
    velb.y[chkb] = 0.0
    velb.z[chkb] = 0.0

    return veli, vela, velb
コード例 #10
def phi_source_matrix(am, bm, dab, rl, phid):
    numrab = am + bm + dab
    denrab = am + bm - dab
    Pab = divide(numrab, denrab)
    Pab[denrab == 0.0] = 1.0
    Qab = log(Pab)
    tmps = multiply(rl.y, Qab)
    phis = -multiply(rl.z, phid) - tmps
    return phis, Qab
コード例 #11
ファイル: dirichletpoly.py プロジェクト: Xero64/pyapm
def phi_source_matrix(am, bm, dab, rl, phid):
    numrab = am+bm+dab
    denrab = am+bm-dab
    Pab = divide(numrab, denrab)
    chkd = absolute(denrab) < tol
    Pab[chkd] = 1.0
    Qab = log(Pab)
    tmps = multiply(rl.y, Qab)
    phis = -multiply(rl.z, phid) - tmps
    return phis, Qab
コード例 #12
def phi_trailing_doublet_matrix(rls: MatrixVector, sgnz: matrix, faco: float):
    ths = zeros(rls.shape, dtype=float)
    ths[rls.y > 0.0] = piby2
    ths[rls.y == 0.0] = -piby2 * faco
    ths[rls.y < 0.0] = -piby2
    gs = divide(rls.z, rls.y)
    Js = arctan(gs)
    Js[rls.y == 0.0] = -piby2 * faco
    phids = Js - multiply(sgnz, ths)
    return phids
コード例 #13
ファイル: pca.py プロジェクト: Greyvend/tradersite
    def betas(prices_m):
        Count beta parameters for all stocks, described in 'prices_m' matrix,
        according to 'index' benchmark.

        :param prices_m: matrix of prices. Each column represents a stock.
        Each row represents price at successive time stamp
        :return: matrix with betas. Each column represents a stock. Each row
        represents beta at successive time period
        returns_m = ml.divide(ml.subtract(prices_m[1:], prices_m[:-1]),
        index_m = ml.matrix(index).T
        index_returns_m = ml.divide(ml.subtract(index_m[1:], index_m[:-1]),
        result = ml.empty((k, prices_m.shape[1]))
        for i in range(k):
            for j in range(stock_amount):
                x = returns_m[:, j]
                y = index_returns_m[:, i]
                result[i, j] = np.cov(x, y, rowvar=0)[0][1]/np.var(y)
        return result
コード例 #14
def vel_doublet_matrix(av, am, bv, bm):
    adb = elementwise_dot_product(av, bv)
    abm = multiply(am, bm)
    dm = multiply(abm, abm + adb)
    axb = elementwise_cross_product(av, bv)
    axbm = axb.return_magnitude()
    chki = (axbm == 0.0)
    chki = logical_and(axbm >= -tol, axbm <= tol)
    velvl = elementwise_multiply(axb, divide(am + bm, dm))
    velvl.x[chki] = 0.0
    velvl.y[chki] = 0.0
    velvl.z[chki] = 0.0
    return velvl
コード例 #15
ファイル: pca.py プロジェクト: Greyvend/tradersite
def signal(prices, index):
    Signals to buy/sell stocks.

    Returns tuple (X1, X2, ..., Xn), where n is amount of stocks,
    Xi is one of the ('sell', 'buy', None).
    :param prices: list of price lists of stocks, in time ascending order
    :param index: list of k(!) price lists of benchmark values for k last
    periods, in time ascending order, with same time frame as stocks.
    def betas(prices_m):
        Count beta parameters for all stocks, described in 'prices_m' matrix,
        according to 'index' benchmark.

        :param prices_m: matrix of prices. Each column represents a stock.
        Each row represents price at successive time stamp
        :return: matrix with betas. Each column represents a stock. Each row
        represents beta at successive time period
        returns_m = ml.divide(ml.subtract(prices_m[1:], prices_m[:-1]),
        index_m = ml.matrix(index).T
        index_returns_m = ml.divide(ml.subtract(index_m[1:], index_m[:-1]),
        result = ml.empty((k, prices_m.shape[1]))
        for i in range(k):
            for j in range(stock_amount):
                x = returns_m[:, j]
                y = index_returns_m[:, i]
                result[i, j] = np.cov(x, y, rowvar=0)[0][1]/np.var(y)
        return result

    def regime(reduced_returns_m):
        Make a regime switch based on PCA standard deviation acceleration.

        :param reduced_returns_m: matrix of PCA. Each column represents a
        stock. Each row represents price at successive time stamp
        :return: one of the strings, 'momentum' - if trend is ment to
        continue its movement, 'mean_reversion' - otherwise
        cross_sect_vol = np.std(reduced_returns_m, axis=1)
        changes = cross_sect_vol[1:] - cross_sect_vol[:-1]
        squared_changes = np.square(changes)

        distance_times = reduced_returns_m.shape[0] - 1  # because there is
                                                         # T - 1 changes
        distance = np.zeros(distance_times)
        for t in range(distance_times):
            sum_amount = min(t + 1, H)
            for i in range(sum_amount):
                distance[t] += squared_changes[t - i, 0]
            distance[t] = np.sqrt(distance[t])
        signal = distance[1:] - distance[:-1]
        if np.max(signal) > 0:
            return 'momentum'
            return 'mean_reversion'

    prices_m = ml.matrix(prices).T

    # Preparing main matrices for further computations
        log_returns_m = np.log(ml.divide(prices_m[1:], prices_m[:-1]))
    except TypeError as e:
        raise WrongPricesError(prices_m)

    time_period, stock_amount = log_returns_m.shape
    mean_log_returns_m = ml.average(log_returns_m, axis=0)
    demeaned_log_returns_m = log_returns_m - mean_log_returns_m
    covariation_m = demeaned_log_returns_m.T * demeaned_log_returns_m

    # Count eigenvectors of covariation matrix and compose PCA matrix from them
    e_values, e_vectors = eig(covariation_m)
    abs_e_values = np.absolute(e_values)
    # TODO: np.absolute(e_vectors) or something like that
    indexed_abs_e_values = [(i, v) for i, v in enumerate(abs_e_values)]
    w = sorted(indexed_abs_e_values, reverse=False,
               key=lambda x: x[1])
    e_vectors_m = ml.empty((stock_amount, k))
    for j in range(k):
        e_vectors_m[:, j] = e_vectors[:, w[j][0]]

    # Main part: project returns on PCA universe
    reduced_returns_m = (e_vectors_m.T * demeaned_log_returns_m.T).T

    # Count beta parameters with respect to given benchmark index
    betas_m = betas(prices_m)

    time = time_period - time_shift
    if time < H:
        raise WrongParameterException("time_shift should be less than H")

    # Collect data from returns in one vector
    accumulated_reduced_returns = ml.zeros((1, k))
    for i in range(H):
        accumulated_reduced_returns += reduced_returns_m[time - 1 - i]

    # Make a prediction about further returns behaviour
    estimation = accumulated_reduced_returns * betas_m + \

    if regime_switcher:
        regime = regime(reduced_returns_m)
        regime = 'mean_reversion'

    # Finally, decide for each stock, whether we need to sell it as
    # overvalued or buy as undervalued. Other way around for momentum switch
    max_recent_log_returns = log_returns_m[-H:].max(0)
    result = []
    for i in range(stock_amount):
        if max_recent_log_returns[0, i] > estimation[0, i] + epsilon:
            if regime == 'mean_reversion':
        elif max_recent_log_returns[0, i] < estimation[0, i] - epsilon:
            if regime == 'mean_reversion':
    return result
コード例 #16
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: Xero64/pyapm
def derivative(mat: matrix, var: matrix, axis: int = 0):
    return divide(diff(mat, axis), diff(var, axis))