コード例 #1
ファイル: kannan.py プロジェクト: ipamfa/bcast-attack
def orthoproject(a,b) :                   # proyeksi orthogonal thd a
    (j,k) = b.shape
    b_ = np.empty( [j,k], )
    for i in range( 0,j ) :
        x = float( dot( b[i],a ))/dot( a,a )
        b_[i] = b[i] - x*a
    return b_
コード例 #2
ファイル: kannan.py プロジェクト: ipamfa/bcast-attack
def lifting(a,b) :                        # proyeksi thd v in L'
    x = float( dot(a, b) )/dot(a, a)
    while True :
        b = b - a
        y = float( dot(a, b) )/dot(a, a)
        if abs(x) < abs(y) :
        x = y
    # undo subtraction of b
    return b + a
コード例 #3
    def forward(self, ngrami):

        x = self.C[ngrami[0, :], :][0]
        x = x.reshape((x.shape[0] * x.shape[1], 1))

        o = np.dot(self.H, x) + self.D
        a = self.sigmoid(o)
        e = np.dot(self.U, a) + self.B
        z = np.dot(self.W, x)
        y = np.add(e, z)

        return y, a, x
コード例 #4
    def train(self, w, z, eta=0.005, epoca=1000, error=0.01):

        count = 0

        training_samples_pos = sample(range(w.shape[0]), min(w.shape[0], epoca))

        while count < epoca:

            for i in training_samples_pos:

                traini = w[i, :]


                y, a, x = self.forward(traini)

                self.probs = self.softmax(y)

                dl_da = zeros(self.hiddenLayerSize)
                dl_dx = zeros((self.grams-1)*self.m)

                for j in range(0, self.probs.shape[0]):

                    dl_dyj = self.cost(z[i], self.probs, j)

                    self.B[j, 0] += eta * dl_dyj

                    dl_dx += dl_dyj * self.W[j, :]
                    self.W[j, :] = self.W[j, :] + eta * (dl_dyj * x[:, 0])

                    dl_da += dl_dyj * self.U[j, :]

                    self.U[j, :] = self.U[j, :] + eta * dl_dyj * a.T

                dl_do = zeros((self.hiddenLayerSize, 1))
                da_do = self.sigmoidPrime(a)

                for k in range(0, self.hiddenLayerSize):
                    dl_do[k] = da_do[k, 0] * dl_da[k]

                dl_dx += np.dot(self.H.T, dl_do)[:, 0]

                self.D += eta * dl_do
                self.H += eta * np.dot(dl_do, x.T)

                #updating word features for the input words traini
                for k in range(0, self.grams-1):
                    startk, endk = k * self.m, (k+1) * self.m
                    wordk_id = traini[0, k]
                    self.C[wordk_id, :] = self.C[wordk_id, :] + eta * dl_dx[startk:endk]

            count += 1
コード例 #5
ファイル: 03-2D MOG k-means.py プロジェクト: lxv458/csmath_lx
def distmat(X, Y):
    n = len(X)
    m = len(Y)
    xx = ml.sum(X*X, axis=1)
    yy = ml.sum(Y*Y, axis=1)
    xy = ml.dot(X, Y.T)
    return npy.tile(xx, (m, 1)).T+npy.tile(yy, (n, 1)) - 2*xy
コード例 #6
def zl_distvec(X, Y):
    n = len(X)
    m = len(Y)
    xx = ml.sum(X * X, axis=1)
    yy = ml.sum(Y * Y, axis=1)
    xy = ml.dot(X, Y.T)
    return tile(xx, (m, 1)).T + tile(yy, (n, 1)) - 2 * xy
コード例 #7
def distance(X, Y):
    n = len(X)
    m = len(Y)
    xx = matlib.sum(X*X, axis=1)
    yy = matlib.sum(Y*Y, axis=1)
    xy = matlib.dot(X, Y.T)
    return tile(xx, (m, 1)).T+tile(yy, (n, 1)) - 2*xy
コード例 #8
ファイル: mog.py プロジェクト: zlcnup/csmath
def zl_distvec(X, Y):
    n = len(X)
    m = len(Y)
    xx = ml.sum(X*X, axis=1)
    yy = ml.sum(Y*Y, axis=1)
    xy = ml.dot(X, Y.T)
    return tile(xx, (m, 1)).T+tile(yy, (n, 1)) - 2*xy
コード例 #9
ファイル: mog.py プロジェクト: cszachary/CS-math
def distMat(X, Y):
    n = len(X)
    m = len(Y)
    xx = ml.sum(X * X, axis=1)
    yy = ml.sum(Y * Y, axis=1)
    xy = ml.dot(X, Y.T)

    return np.tile(xx, (m, 1)).T + np.tile(yy, (n, 1)) - 2 * xy
 def forward_kinematics_for_inverse(self, effector_name, thetas):
     # calculate forward_kinematics for just one chain
     T = identity(4)
     for i, joint in enumerate(self.chains[effector_name]):
         angle = thetas[i]
         Tl = self.local_trans(joint, angle)
         T = dot(T, Tl)
     return T
コード例 #11
ファイル: raypy.py プロジェクト: nsauzede/realist
def Intersec(s,o,v):
	if sol==2:
		if t1<t2:
	elif sol==1:
	return t
コード例 #12
ファイル: raypy.py プロジェクト: spytheman/realist
def Intersec(s, o, v):
    cent = np.array(s[0:3])
    rad = s[3]
    vt = o - cent
    a = np.dot(v, v)
    b = 2 * np.dot(v, vt)
    c = np.dot(vt, vt) - rad * rad
    sol, t1, t2 = SolveTri(a, b, c)
    if sol == 2:
        if t1 < t2:
            t = t1
            t = t2
    elif sol == 1:
        t = t1
        t = HUGE_VAL
    return t
コード例 #13
 def  distmat(X,Y):
     n = len(X)
     m = len(Y)
     xx = ml.sum(X*X,axis=1) # #axis=1 是按行求和
     print "xx:{}".format(xx)
     yy = ml.sum(Y*Y,axis=1)
     print "yy:{}".format(yy)
     xy = ml.dot(X,Y.T) #dot矩阵相乘
     return tile(xx,(m,1)).T + tile(yy,(n,1)) - 2*xy #tile矩阵复制
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE

        #print("Current joint: ", joint_name)

        j_cos = cos(joint_angle)
        j_sin = sin(joint_angle)

        # standard transformations (rotations only)
        # rotation around x-axis
        Rx = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, j_cos, -j_sin, 0], [0, j_sin, j_cos, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 1]]

        # rotation around y-axis
        Ry = [[j_cos, 0, j_sin, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-j_sin, 0, j_cos, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 1]]

        # rotation around z-axis
        Rz = [[j_cos, j_sin, 0, 0], [-j_sin, j_cos, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 1]]

        if joint_name in self.pitches:
            T = Ry

        elif joint_name in self.yaws:
            T = Rz

        elif joint_name in self.rolls:
            T = Rx

        elif joint_name in self.yaw_pitches:
            # combine yaw and pitch
            T = dot(Rz, Ry)
            print('ERROR: Unknown joint name "' + joint_name + '"')
            # T stays identity

        # add the offset in last collumn

        T[0][3] = self.offsets[joint_name][0]
        T[1][3] = self.offsets[joint_name][1]
        T[2][3] = self.offsets[joint_name][2]


        return T
    def forward_kinematics(self, joints):
        '''forward kinematics

        :param joints: {joint_name: joint_angle}
        for chain_joints in self.chains.values():
            T = identity(4)
            for joint in chain_joints:
                angle = joints[joint]
                Tl = self.local_trans(joint, angle)
                # YOUR CODE HERE
                T = dot(T, Tl)
                self.transforms[joint] = T
    def forward_kinematics(self, joints):
        '''forward kinematics

        :param joints: {joint_name: joint_angle}
        for chain_joints in self.chains.values():
            T = identity(4)
            for joint in chain_joints:
                angle = joints[joint]
                Tl = self.local_trans(joint, angle)
                # YOUR CODE HERE
                # "chain" all transformations by dot-multiplying them
                T = dot(T, Tl)
                self.transforms[joint] = T.copy()
コード例 #17
def calc_phi(xys, ref_half_plane, view, cameraposor, laserpos, lasertheta):
    """Given an array of pixel pairs xys from a camera with view and cameraposor and
laser with laserpos and lasertheta, calculate the laser inclination based on a
known half-plane ref_half_plane.  Throws a NoReferenceException if no pixels are
in the reference half-plane."""
    cref_pos = ddd.unrotate(ref_half_plane.pos - cameraposor.pos, cameraposor)
    cref_side = ddd.unrotate(ref_half_plane.side, cameraposor)
    cref_line = np.cross(cref_side, ddd.unrotate(ref_half_plane.normal, cameraposor), axis = 0)
    # TODO less copy-pasta
    cpos = np.array([cref_pos[1, 0], -cref_pos[2, 0]]) / cref_pos[0, 0] * ddd.view_number(view) \
           + np.array([view.centerx, view.centery])
    cline_ = cref_pos / cref_pos[0, 0] - cref_line / cref_line[0, 0]
    cside_ = np.array([cref_side[1, 0], -cref_side[2, 0]])
    cside = np.array([cline_[2, 0], cline_[1, 0]])
    if np.dot(cside, cside_) < 0:
        cside = - cside
    dxys = xys - cpos
    dot_products = np.array(np.mat([cside]) * np.mat(dxys).T)[0]
    good_xys = xys[dot_products >= 0]
    print("say "+str(np.average(good_xys[:,1])))
    if len(good_xys) == 0:
        raise NoReferenceException()
    threepoints = ddd.threedize_plane(good_xys, view, cameraposor, ref_half_plane)
    return calc_phi_points(threepoints, laserpos, lasertheta)
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        j_cos = cos(joint_angle)
        j_sin = sin(joint_angle)

        Mx = [[      1,      0,      0,      0],
              [      0,  j_cos, -j_sin,      0],
              [      0,  j_sin,  j_cos,      0],
              [      0,      0,      0,      1]]

        My = [[  j_cos,      0,  j_sin,      0],
              [      0,      1,      0,      0],
              [ -j_sin,      0,  j_cos,      0],
              [      0,      0,      0,      1]]

        Mz = [[  j_cos,  j_sin,      0,      0],
              [ -j_sin,  j_cos,      0,      0],
              [      0,      0,      1,      0],
              [      0,      0,      0,      1]]

        """ Pitch / Yaw / Roll"""
        if joint_name in ['HeadPitch',
                          'LShoulderPitch', 'LHipPitch', 'LKneePitch', 'LAnklePitch',
                          'RShoulderPitch', 'RHipPitch', 'RKneePitch', 'RAnklePitch']:
            T = My

        elif joint_name in ['HeadYaw', 'LElbowYaw', 'LWristYaw', 'RElbowYaw', 'RWristYaw']:
            T = Mz

        elif joint_name in ['LShoulderRoll', 'LElbowRoll', 'LHipRoll', 'LAnkleRoll',
                            'RShoulderRoll', 'RElbowRoll', 'RHipRoll', 'RAnkleRoll']:
            T = Mx

        elif joint_name in ['LHipYawPitch', 'RHipYawPitch']:
            T = dot(Mz, My)

        """joint length offset"""

        offsets = {'HeadYaw'        : [0.00, 0.00, 126.50],
                   'HeadPitch'      : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],

                   'LShoulderPitch' : [0.00, 98.00, 100.00],
                   'LShoulderRoll'  : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'LElbowYaw'      : [105.00, 15.00, 0.00],
                   'LElbowRoll'     : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'LWristYaw'      : [55.95, 0.00, 0.00],

                   'RShoulderPitch': [0.00, -98.00, 100.00],
                   'RShoulderRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'RElbowYaw': [105.00, -15.00, 0.00],
                   'RElbowRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'RWristYaw': [55.95, 0.00, 0.00],

                   'LHipYawPitch'   : [0.00, 50.00, -85.00],
                   'LHipRoll'       : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'LHipPitch'      : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'LKneePitch'     : [0.00, 0.00, -100.00],
                   'LAnklePitch'    : [0.00, 0.00, -102.90],
                   'LAnkleRoll'     : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],

                   'RHipYawPitch': [0.00, -50.00, -85.00],
                   'RHipRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'RHipPitch': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'RKneePitch': [0.00, 0.00, -100.00],
                   'RAnklePitch': [0.00, 0.00, -102.90],
                   'RAnkleRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]}

        T[0][3] = offsets[joint_name][0]
        T[1][3] = offsets[joint_name][1]
        T[2][3] = offsets[joint_name][2]
        return T
コード例 #19
ファイル: SPIRIT.py プロジェクト: ngoluuduythai/Old-PhD-Code
def SPIRIT(A, lamb, energy, k0=1, holdOffTime=0, reorthog=False, evalMetrics="F"):

    A = np.mat(A)

    n = A.shape[1]
    totalTime = A.shape[0]
    Proj = npm.ones((totalTime, n)) * np.nan
    recon = npm.zeros((totalTime, n))

    # initialize w_i to unit vectors
    W = npm.eye(n)
    d = 0.01 * npm.ones((n, 1))
    m = k0  # number of eigencomponents

    relErrors = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))

    sumYSq = 0.0
    E_t = []
    sumXSq = 0.0
    E_dash_t = []

    res = {}
    k_hist = []
    W_hist = []
    anomalies = []

    # incremental update W
    lastChangeAt = 0

    for t in range(totalTime):


        # update W for each y_t
        x = A[t, :].T  # new data as column vector

        for j in range(m):
            W[:, j], d[j], x = updateW(x, W[:, j], d[j], lamb)
            Wj = W[:, j]

        # Grams smit reorthog
        if reorthog == True:
            W[:, :m], R = npm.linalg.qr(W[:, :m])

        # compute low-D projection, reconstruction and relative error
        Y = W[:, :m].T * A[t, :].T  # project to m-dimensional space
        xActual = A[t, :].T  # actual vector of the current time
        xProj = W[:, :m] * Y  # reconstruction of the current time
        Proj[t, :m] = Y.T
        recon[t, :] = xProj.T
        xOrth = xActual - xProj
        relErrors[t] = npm.sum(npm.power(xOrth, 2)) / npm.sum(npm.power(xActual, 2))

        # update energy
        sumYSq = lamb * sumYSq + npm.sum(npm.power(Y, 2))
        sumXSq = lamb * sumXSq + npm.sum(npm.power(A[t, :], 2))

        # Record RSRE
        if t == 0:
            top = 0.0
            bot = 0.0

        top = top + npm.power(npm.linalg.norm(xActual - xProj), 2)

        bot = bot + npm.power(npm.linalg.norm(xActual), 2)

        new_RSRE = top / bot

        if t == 0:
            RSRE = new_RSRE
            RSRE = npm.vstack((RSRE, new_RSRE))

        ### Metric EVALUATION ###
        # deviation from truth
        if evalMetrics == "T":

            Qt = W[:, :m]

            if t == 0:
                res["subspace_error"] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                res["orthog_error"] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                res["angle_error"] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                Cov_mat = npm.zeros([n, n])

            # Calculate Covarentce Matrix of data up to time t
            Cov_mat = lamb * Cov_mat + npm.dot(xActual, xActual.T)
            # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            WW, V = npm.linalg.eig(Cov_mat)
            # Use this to sort eigenVectors in according to deccending eigenvalue
            eig_idx = WW.argsort()  # Get sort index
            eig_idx = eig_idx[::-1]  # Reverse order (default is accending)
            # v_r = highest r eigen vectors (accoring to thier eigenvalue if sorted).
            V_k = V[:, eig_idx[:m]]
            # Calculate subspace error
            C = npm.dot(V_k, V_k.T) - npm.dot(Qt, Qt.T)
            res["subspace_error"][t, 0] = 10 * np.log10(npm.trace(npm.dot(C.T, C)))  # frobenius norm in dB
            # Calculate angle between projection matrixes
            D = npm.dot(npm.dot(npm.dot(V_k.T, Qt), Qt.T), V_k)
            eigVal, eigVec = npm.linalg.eig(D)
            angle = npm.arccos(np.sqrt(max(eigVal)))
            res["angle_error"][t, 0] = angle

            # Calculate deviation from orthonormality
            F = npm.dot(Qt.T, Qt) - npm.eye(m)
            res["orthog_error"][t, 0] = 10 * np.log10(npm.trace(npm.dot(F.T, F)))  # frobenius norm in dB

        # Energy thresholding
        # check the lower bound of energy level
        if sumYSq < energy[0] * sumXSq and lastChangeAt < t - holdOffTime and m < n:
            lastChangeAt = t
            m = m + 1
        # print 'Increasing m to %d at time %d (ratio %6.2f)\n' % (m, t, 100 * sumYSq/sumXSq)
        # check the upper bound of energy level
        elif sumYSq > energy[1] * sumXSq and lastChangeAt < t - holdOffTime and m < n and m > 1:
            lastChangeAt = t
            m = m - 1
        # print 'Decreasing m to %d at time %d (ratio %6.2f)\n' % (m, t, 100 * sumYSq/sumXSq)
        W_hist.append(W[:, :m])
    # set outputs

    # Grams smit reorthog
    if reorthog == True:
        W[:, :m], R = npm.linalg.qr(W[:, :m])

    # Data Stores
    res2 = {
        "hidden": Proj,  # Array for hidden Variables
        "E_t": np.array(E_t),  # total energy of data
        "E_dash_t": np.array(E_dash_t),  # hidden var energy
        "e_ratio": np.array(E_dash_t) / np.array(E_t),  # Energy ratio
        "rel_orth_err": relErrors,  # orthoX error
        "RSRE": RSRE,  # Relative squared Reconstruction error
        "recon": recon,  # reconstructed data
        "r_hist": k_hist,  # history of r values
        "W_hist": W_hist,  # history of Weights
        "anomalies": anomalies,


    return res
コード例 #20
ファイル: gen_ab_cd.py プロジェクト: kudrnka/flashfit
t_0 = matrix(frange(-1e-6, 0, 5e-11)).transpose()
t_1 = matrix(frange(0, 1.9999500e-6, 5e-11)).transpose()
k = [2.2e7, 3.124e7] # rate constant

a_0 = 1e-3 # initial concentration of A
a_1 = 2e-3 # initial concentration of C
c = matlib.empty([t_1.size, 2])
c[:,0] = a_0 * matlib.exp(-k[0] * t_1)
c[:,1] = a_1 * matlib.exp(-k[1] * t_1)

# molar absorption of species A
a = matlib.empty([2, 1])
a[0,0] = 1e3
a[1,0] = 1e3

y_1 = matlib.dot(c, a)
y_1 = y_1.transpose().tolist()[0]
y_1 = map(lambda y: y + (0.04 * random.random() - 0.02), y_1)

t_0 = t_0.transpose().tolist()[0]
t_1 = t_1.transpose().tolist()[0]

fullLightVoltage = -0.0951192897786
y_1 = map(lambda y:fullLightVoltage*(10**-y), y_1)
y_0 = []
for i in range(0, len(t_0)):
    y_0.append(fullLightVoltage + 0.01 * random.random() - 0.005)

y = y_0 + y_1
t = t_0 + t_1
コード例 #21
def gnmf_vb_poisson_mult_fast(x,

    # Result initialiation
    g = dict()
    g['E_T'] = None
    g['E_logT'] = None
    g['E_V'] = None
    g['E_logV'] = None
    g['Bound'] = None
    g['a_ve'] = None
    g['b_ve'] = None
    g['a_tm'] = None
    g['b_tm'] = None

    logm = np.vectorize(math.log)
    W = x.shape[0]
    K = x.shape[1]
    I = b_tm.shape[1]

    M = ~np.isnan(x)
    X = np.zeros(x.shape)
    X[M] = x[M]

    t_init = np.random.gamma(a_tm, b_tm / a_tm)
    v_init = np.random.gamma(a_ve, b_ve / a_ve)
    L_t = t_init
    L_v = v_init
    E_t = t_init
    E_v = v_init
    Sig_t = t_init
    Sig_v = v_init

    B = np.zeros([1, EPOCH])
    gammalnX = special.gammaln(X + 1)

    for e in range(1, EPOCH + 1):

        LtLv = L_t.dot(L_v)
        tmp = X / (LtLv)
        #check Tranpose
        Sig_t = L_t * (tmp.dot(L_v.T))
        Sig_v = L_v * (L_t.T.dot(tmp))

        alpha_tm = a_tm + Sig_t
        beta_tm = 1 / ((a_tm / b_tm) + M.dot(E_v.T))
        E_t = alpha_tm * (beta_tm)

        alpha_ve = a_ve + Sig_v
        beta_ve = 1 / ((a_ve / b_ve) + E_t.T.dot(M))

        E_v = alpha_ve * (beta_ve)
        # Compute the bound
        if (e % 10 == 1):
            print("*", end='')
        if (e % print_period == 1 or e == EPOCH):
            g['E_T'] = E_t
            g['E_logT'] = logm(L_t)
            g['E_V'] = E_v
            g['E_logV'] = logm(L_v)

            g['Bound'] = -np.sum(np.sum(M * (g['E_T'].dot(g['E_V'])) + gammalnX))\
                        + np.sum(np.sum(-X * ( ((L_t * g['E_logT']).dot(L_v) + L_t.dot(L_v * g['E_logV']))/(LtLv) - logm(LtLv) ) ))\
                        + np.sum(np.sum((-a_tm/b_tm)* g['E_T'] - special.gammaln(a_tm) + a_tm * logm(a_tm /b_tm)))\
                        + np.sum(np.sum((-a_ve/b_ve)* g['E_V'] - special.gammaln(a_ve) + a_ve * logm(a_ve /b_ve)))\
                        + np.sum(np.sum( special.gammaln(alpha_tm) + alpha_tm * logm(beta_tm) + 1))\
                        + np.sum(np.sum(special.gammaln(alpha_ve) + alpha_ve * logm(beta_ve) + 1 ))

            g['a_ve'] = a_ve
            g['b_ve'] = b_ve
            g['a_tm'] = a_tm
            g['b_tm'] = b_tm

                '\nBound = %f\t a_ve = %f \t b_ve = %f \t a_tm = %f \t b_tm = %f\n',
        if (e == EPOCH):
        L_t = np.exp(special.psi(alpha_tm)) * beta_tm
        L_v = np.exp(special.psi(alpha_ve)) * beta_ve

        Z = None
        if (e > Update):
            if (not tie_a_tm == 'clamp'):
                Z = (E_t / b_tm) - (logm(L_t) - logm(b_tm))
                if (tie_a_tm == 'clamp'):
                    a_tm = gnmf_solvebynewton(Z, a_tm)
                elif (tie_a_tm == 'rows'):
                    a_tm = gnmf_solvebynewton(np.sum(Z, 0) / W, a_tm)
                elif (tie_a_tm == 'cols'):
                    a_tm = gnmf_solvebynewton(np.sum(Z, 1) / I, a_tm)
                elif (tie_a_tm == 'tie_all'):
                    a_tm = gnmf_solvebynewton(np.sum(Z) / (W * I), a_tm)

            if (tie_b_tm == 'free'):
                b_tm = E_t
            elif (tie_b_tm == 'rows'):
                b_tm = M.repmat(np.sum(a_tm * E_t, 0) / np.sum(a_tm, 0), W, 1)
            elif (tie_b_tm == 'cols'):
                b_tm = M.repmat(np.sum(a_tm * E_t, 1) / np.sum(a_tm, 1), 1, I)
            elif (tie_b_tm == 'tie_all'):
                b_tm = (np.sum(a_tm * E_t) / np.sum(a_tm)) * np.ones([W, I])

            if (not tie_a_ve == 'clamp'):
                Z = (E_v / b_ve) - (logm(L_v) - logm(b_ve))
                if (tie_a_ve == 'clamp'):
                    a_ve = gnmf_solvebynewton(Z, a_ve)
                elif (tie_a_ve == 'rows'):
                    a_ve = gnmf_solvebynewton(np.sum(Z, 0) / I, a_ve)
                elif (tie_a_ve == 'cols'):
                    a_ve = gnmf_solvebynewton(np.sum(Z, 1) / K, a_ve)
                elif (tie_a_ve == 'tie_all'):
                    a_ve = gnmf_solvebynewton(np.sum(Z) / (I * K), a_ve)

            if (tie_b_ve == 'free'):
                b_ve = E_v
            elif (tie_b_ve == 'rows'):
                b_ve = M.repmat(np.sum(a_ve * E_v, 0) / np.sum(a_ve, 0), I, 1)
            elif (tie_b_tm == 'cols'):
                b_ve = M.repmat(np.sum(a_ve * E_v, 1) / np.sum(a_ve, 1), 1, K)
            elif (tie_b_tm == 'tie_all'):
                b_ve = (np.sum(a_ve * E_v) / np.sum(a_ve)) * np.ones([I, K])
    return g
コード例 #22
def SPIRIT(streams, energyThresh, lamb, evalMetrics):

    # Make
    if type(streams) == np.ndarray:
        streams_iter = iter(streams)

    # Max No. Streams
    if streams.ndim == 1:
        streams = np.expand_dims(streams, axis=1)
        num_streams = streams.shape[1]
        num_streams = streams.shape[1]

    count_over = 0
    count_under = 0

    #      Initalise k, w and d, lamb

    k = 1  # Hidden Variables, initialise to one

    # Weights
    pc_weights = npm.zeros(num_streams)
    pc_weights[0, 0] = 1

    # initialise outputs
    res = {}
    all_weights = []
    k_hist = []
    anomalies = []
    x_dash = npm.zeros((1, num_streams))

    Eng = mat([0.00000001, 0.00000001])

    E_xt = 0  # Energy of X at time t
    E_rec_i = mat([0.000000000000001])  # Energy of reconstruction

    Y = npm.zeros(num_streams)

    timeSteps = streams.shape[0]

    # Main Loop
    for t in range(1, timeSteps + 1):  # t = 1,...,200


        x_t_plus_1 = mat(streams_iter.next())  # Read in next signals

        d_i = E_rec_i * t

        # Step 1 - Update Weights
        pc_weights, y_t_i, error = track_W(x_t_plus_1, k, pc_weights, d_i,
                                           num_streams, lamb)
        # Record hidden variables
        padding = num_streams - k
        y_bar_t = npm.hstack((y_t_i, mat([nan] * padding)))
        Y = npm.vstack((Y, y_bar_t))

        # Record Weights
        # Record reconstrunted z and RSRE
        x_dash = npm.vstack((x_dash, y_t_i * pc_weights))

        # Record RSRE
        if t == 1:
            top = 0.0
            bot = 0.0

        top = top + (norm(x_t_plus_1 - x_dash)**2)

        bot = bot + (norm(x_t_plus_1)**2)

        new_RSRE = top / bot

        if t == 1:
            RSRE = new_RSRE
            RSRE = npm.vstack((RSRE, new_RSRE))

        ### FOR EVALUATION ###
        #deviation from truth
        if evalMetrics == 'T':

            Qt = pc_weights.T

            if t == 1:
                res['subspace_error'] = npm.zeros((timeSteps, 1))
                res['orthog_error'] = npm.zeros((timeSteps, 1))

                res['angle_error'] = npm.zeros((timeSteps, 1))
                Cov_mat = npm.zeros([num_streams, num_streams])

            # Calculate Covarentce Matrix of data up to time t
            Cov_mat = lamb * Cov_mat + npm.dot(x_t_plus_1, x_t_plus_1.T)
            # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            W, V = eig(Cov_mat)
            # Use this to sort eigenVectors in according to deccending eigenvalue
            eig_idx = W.argsort()  # Get sort index
            eig_idx = eig_idx[::-1]  # Reverse order (default is accending)
            # v_r = highest r eigen vectors (accoring to thier eigenvalue if sorted).
            V_k = V[:, eig_idx[:k]]
            # Calculate subspace error
            C = npm.dot(V_k, V_k.T) - npm.dot(Qt, Qt.T)
            res['subspace_error'][t - 1, 0] = 10 * np.log10(
                npm.trace(npm.dot(C.T, C)))  #frobenius norm in dB

            # Calculate angle between projection matrixes
            D = npm.dot(npm.dot(npm.dot(V_k.T, Qt), Qt.T), V_k)
            eigVal, eigVec = eig(D)
            angle = npm.arccos(np.sqrt(max(eigVal)))
            res['angle_error'][t - 1, 0] = angle

            # Calculate deviation from orthonormality
            F = npm.dot(Qt.T, Qt) - npm.eye(k)
            res['orthog_error'][t - 1, 0] = 10 * np.log10(
                npm.trace(npm.dot(F.T, F)))  #frobenius norm in dB

        # Step 2 - Update Energy estimate
        E_xt = ((lamb * (t - 1) * E_xt) + norm(x_t_plus_1)**2) / t

        for i in range(k):
            E_rec_i[0, i] = ((lamb * (t - 1) * E_rec_i[0, i]) +
                             (y_t_i[0, i]**2)) / t

        # Step 3 - Estimate the retained energy
        E_retained = npm.sum(E_rec_i, 1)

        # Record Energy
        Eng_new = npm.hstack((E_xt, E_retained[0, 0]))
        Eng = npm.vstack((Eng, Eng_new))

        if E_retained < energyThresh[0] * E_xt:
            if k != num_streams:
                k = k + 1
                # Initalise Ek+1 <-- 0
                E_rec_i = npm.hstack((E_rec_i, mat([0])))
                # Initialise W_i+1
                new_weight_vec = npm.zeros(num_streams)
                new_weight_vec[0, k - 1] = 1
                pc_weights = npm.vstack((pc_weights, new_weight_vec))
                anomalies.append(t - 1)
                count_over += 1
        elif E_retained > energyThresh[1] * E_xt:
            if k > 1:
                k = k - 1
                # discard w_k and error
                pc_weights = delete(pc_weights, -1, 0)
                # Discard E_rec_i[k]
                E_rec_i = delete(E_rec_i, -1)
                count_under += 1

    # Data Stores
    res2 = {
        'hidden': Y,  # Array for hidden Variables
        'weights': all_weights,
        'E_t': Eng[:, 0],  # total energy of data 
        'E_dash_t': Eng[:, 1],  # hidden var energy
        'e_ratio': np.divide(Eng[:, 1], Eng[:, 0]),  # Energy ratio 
        'RSRE': RSRE,  # Relative squared Reconstruction error 
        'recon': x_dash,  # reconstructed data
        'r_hist': k_hist,  # history of r values 
        'anomalies': anomalies


    return res, all_weights
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        ja_sin = sin(joint_angle)
        ja_cos = cos(joint_angle)

        mRange = {
            'HeadYaw': [0.00, 0.00, 126.50],
            'HeadPitch': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'LShoulderPitch': [0.00, 98.00, 100.00],
            'LShoulderRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'LElbowYaw': [105.00, 15.00, 0.00],
            'LElbowRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'LWristYaw': [55.95, 0.00, 0.00],
            'RShoulderPitch': [0.00, -98.00, 100.00],
            'RShoulderRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'RElbowYaw': [105.00, -15.00, 0.00],
            'RElbowRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'RWristYaw': [55.95, 0.00, 0.00],
            'LHipYawPitch': [0.00, 50.00, -85.00],
            'LHipRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'LHipPitch': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'LKneePitch': [0.00, 0.00, -100.00],
            'LAnklePitch': [0.00, 0.00, -102.90],
            'LAnkleRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'RHipYawPitch': [0.00, -50.00, -85.00],
            'RHipRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'RHipPitch': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
            'RKneePitch': [0.00, 0.00, -100.00],
            'RAnklePitch': [0.00, 0.00, -102.90],
            'RAnkleRoll': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]

        mX = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, ja_cos, -ja_sin, 0], [0, ja_sin, ja_cos, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 1]]

        mY = [[ja_cos, 0, ja_sin, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-ja_sin, 0, ja_cos, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 1]]

        mZ = [[ja_cos, ja_sin, 0, 0], [-ja_sin, ja_cos, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 1]]

        if joint_name in [
                'LShoulderRoll', 'LElbowRoll', 'LHipRoll', 'LAnkleRoll',
                'RShoulderRoll', 'RElbowRoll', 'RHipRoll', 'RAnkleRoll'
            T = mX
        elif joint_name in [
                'HeadPitch', 'LShoulderPitch', 'LHipPitch', 'LKneePitch',
                'LAnklePitch', 'RShoulderPitch', 'RHipPitch', 'RKneePitch',
            T = mY
        elif joint_name in [
                'HeadYaw', 'LElbowYaw', 'LWristYaw', 'RElbowYaw', 'RWristYaw'
            T = mZ
        elif joint_name in ['LHipYawPitch', 'RHipYawPitch']:
            T = dot(mZ, mY)

        T[0][3] = mRange[joint_name][0]
        T[1][3] = mRange[joint_name][1]
        T[2][3] = mRange[joint_name][2]

        return T
コード例 #24

    A = np.mat(A)

    n = A.shape[1]
    totalTime = A.shape[0]
    Proj = npm.ones((totalTime, n)) * np.nan
    recon = npm.zeros((totalTime, n))

    # initialize w_i to unit vectors
    W = npm.eye(n)
    d = 0.01 * npm.ones((n, 1))
    m = k0  # number of eigencomponents

    relErrors = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))

    sumYSq = 0.
    E_t = []
    sumXSq = 0.
    E_dash_t = []

    res = {}
    k_hist = []
    W_hist = []
    anomalies = []

    # incremental update W
    lastChangeAt = 0

    for t in range(totalTime):


        # update W for each y_t
        x = A[t, :].T  # new data as column vector

        for j in range(m):
            W[:, j], d[j], x = updateW(x, W[:, j], d[j], lamb)
            Wj = W[:, j]

        # Grams smit reorthog
        if reorthog == True:
            W[:, :m], R = npm.linalg.qr(W[:, :m])

        # compute low-D projection, reconstruction and relative error
        Y = W[:, :m].T * A[t, :].T  # project to m-dimensional space
        xActual = A[t, :].T  # actual vector of the current time
        xProj = W[:, :m] * Y  # reconstruction of the current time
        Proj[t, :m] = Y.T
        recon[t, :] = xProj.T
        xOrth = xActual - xProj
        relErrors[t] = npm.sum(npm.power(xOrth, 2)) / npm.sum(
            npm.power(xActual, 2))

        # update energy
        sumYSq = lamb * sumYSq + npm.sum(npm.power(Y, 2))
        sumXSq = lamb * sumXSq + npm.sum(npm.power(A[t, :], 2))

        # Record RSRE
        if t == 0:
            top = 0.0
            bot = 0.0

        top = top + npm.power(npm.linalg.norm(xActual - xProj), 2)

        bot = bot + npm.power(npm.linalg.norm(xActual), 2)

        new_RSRE = top / bot

        if t == 0:
            RSRE = new_RSRE
            RSRE = npm.vstack((RSRE, new_RSRE))

        ### Metric EVALUATION ###
        #deviation from truth
        if evalMetrics == 'T':

            Qt = W[:, :m]

            if t == 0:
                res['subspace_error'] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                res['orthog_error'] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                res['angle_error'] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                Cov_mat = npm.zeros([n, n])

            # Calculate Covarentce Matrix of data up to time t
            Cov_mat = lamb * Cov_mat + npm.dot(xActual, xActual.T)
            # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            WW, V = npm.linalg.eig(Cov_mat)
            # Use this to sort eigenVectors in according to deccending eigenvalue
            eig_idx = WW.argsort()  # Get sort index
            eig_idx = eig_idx[::-1]  # Reverse order (default is accending)
            # v_r = highest r eigen vectors (accoring to thier eigenvalue if sorted).
            V_k = V[:, eig_idx[:m]]
            # Calculate subspace error
            C = npm.dot(V_k, V_k.T) - npm.dot(Qt, Qt.T)
            res['subspace_error'][t, 0] = 10 * np.log10(
                npm.trace(npm.dot(C.T, C)))  #frobenius norm in dB
            # Calculate angle between projection matrixes
            D = npm.dot(npm.dot(npm.dot(V_k.T, Qt), Qt.T), V_k)
            eigVal, eigVec = npm.linalg.eig(D)
            angle = npm.arccos(np.sqrt(max(eigVal)))
            res['angle_error'][t, 0] = angle

            # Calculate deviation from orthonormality
            F = npm.dot(Qt.T, Qt) - npm.eye(m)
            res['orthog_error'][t, 0] = 10 * np.log10(
                npm.trace(npm.dot(F.T, F)))  #frobenius norm in dB

        # Energy thresholding
        # check the lower bound of energy level
        if sumYSq < energy[
                0] * sumXSq and lastChangeAt < t - holdOffTime and m < n:
            lastChangeAt = t
            m = m + 1
        # print 'Increasing m to %d at time %d (ratio %6.2f)\n' % (m, t, 100 * sumYSq/sumXSq)
        # check the upper bound of energy level
        elif sumYSq > energy[
                1] * sumXSq and lastChangeAt < t - holdOffTime and m < n and m > 1:
            lastChangeAt = t
            m = m - 1
        # print 'Decreasing m to %d at time %d (ratio %6.2f)\n' % (m, t, 100 * sumYSq/sumXSq)
        W_hist.append(W[:, :m])
    # set outputs

    # Grams smit reorthog
    if reorthog == True:
        W[:, :m], R = npm.linalg.qr(W[:, :m])

    # Data Stores
    res2 = {
        'hidden': Proj,  # Array for hidden Variables
        'E_t': np.array(E_t),  # total energy of data 
        'E_dash_t': np.array(E_dash_t),  # hidden var energy
        'e_ratio': np.array(E_dash_t) / np.array(E_t),  # Energy ratio 
        'rel_orth_err': relErrors,  # orthoX error
        'RSRE': RSRE,  # Relative squared Reconstruction error 
        'recon': recon,  # reconstructed data
        'r_hist': k_hist,  # history of r values 
        'W_hist': W_hist,  # history of Weights
        'anomalies': anomalies


    return res
コード例 #25
def regression_dataset():
    a = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0])
    x = np.random.rand(100, 8)
    y = mlib.dot(x, a) + np.random.rand(100) / 10.0
    return x, y
コード例 #26
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        s = sin(joint_angle)
        c = cos(joint_angle)

        motion = { 'HeadYaw' : [0.00, 0.00, 126.50],
                   'HeadPitch' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],

                   'LShoulderPitch' : [0.00, 98.00, 100.00],
                   'LShoulderRoll' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'LElbowYaw' : [105.00, 15.00, 0.00],
                   'LElbowRoll' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'LWristYaw' : [55.95, 0.00, 0.00],

                   'RShoulderPitch' : [0.00, -98.00, 100.00],
                   'RShoulderRoll' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'RElbowYaw' : [105.00, -15.00, 0.00],
                   'RElbowRoll' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'RWristYaw' : [55.95, 0.00, 0.00],

                   'LHipYawPitch' : [0.00, 50.00, -85.00],
                   'LHipRoll' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'LHipPitch' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'LKneePitch' : [0.00, 0.00, -100.00],
                   'LAnklePitch' : [0.00, 0.00, -102.90],
                   'LAnkleRoll' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],

                   'RHipYawPitch' : [0.00, -50.00, -85.00],
                   'RHipRoll' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'RHipPitch' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
                   'RKneePitch' : [0.00, 0.00, -100.00],
                   'RAnklePitch' : [0.00, 0.00, -102.90],
                   'RAnkleRoll' : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]
        roll = [[1,0,0,0], [0,c,-s,0], [0,s,c,0], [0,0,0,1]]
        pitch = [[c,0,s,0], [0,1,0,0], [-s,0,c,0], [0,0,0,1]]
        yaw = [[c,s,0,0], [-s,c,0,0], [0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,1]]

        if joint_name in ['LShoulderRoll', 'LElbowRoll', 'LHipRoll', 'LAnkleRoll', 'RShoulderRoll', 'RElbowRoll', 'RHipRoll', 'RAnkleRoll']:
            T = roll
        elif joint_name in ['HeadPitch', 'LShoulderPitch', 'LHipPitch', 'LKneePitch', 'LAnklePitch', 'RShoulderPitch', 'RHipPitch', 'RKneePitch', 'RAnklePitch']:
            T = pitch
        elif joint_name in ['HeadYaw', 'LElbowYaw', 'LWristYaw', 'RElbowYaw', 'RWristYaw']:
            T = yaw
        elif joint_name in ['LHipYawPitch', 'RHipYawPitch']:
            T = dot(yaw, pitch)

        T[0][3] = motion[joint_name][0]
        T[1][3] = motion[joint_name][1]
        T[2][3] = motion[joint_name][2]

        return T
コード例 #27
ファイル: SPIRIT_faulty.py プロジェクト: MrKriss/Old-PhD-Code
def SPIRIT(streams, energyThresh, lamb, evalMetrics):

    # Make 
    if type(streams) == np.ndarray:
        streams_iter = iter(streams)

    # Max No. Streams
    if streams.ndim == 1:
        streams = np.expand_dims(streams, axis=1)
        num_streams = streams.shape[1]
        num_streams = streams.shape[1]

    count_over = 0
    count_under = 0

#      Initalise k, w and d, lamb

    k = 1 # Hidden Variables, initialise to one 
    # Weights
    pc_weights = npm.zeros(num_streams)
    pc_weights[0, 0] = 1
    # initialise outputs
    res = {}
    all_weights = []
    k_hist = []
    anomalies = []
    x_dash = npm.zeros((1,num_streams))
    Eng = mat([0.00000001, 0.00000001])    
    E_xt = 0  # Energy of X at time t
    E_rec_i = mat([0.000000000000001]) # Energy of reconstruction

    Y = npm.zeros(num_streams)
    timeSteps = streams.shape[0]
# Main Loop 
    for t in range(1, timeSteps + 1): # t = 1,...,200


        x_t_plus_1 = mat(streams_iter.next()) # Read in next signals

        d_i = E_rec_i * t

        # Step 1 - Update Weights 
        pc_weights, y_t_i, error = track_W(x_t_plus_1, 
                                               k, pc_weights, d_i,
        # Record hidden variables
        padding = num_streams - k
        y_bar_t = npm.hstack((y_t_i, mat([nan] * padding)))
        Y = npm.vstack((Y,y_bar_t))
        # Record Weights
        # Record reconstrunted z and RSRE
        x_dash = npm.vstack((x_dash, y_t_i * pc_weights))
        # Record RSRE
        if t == 1:
            top = 0.0
            bot = 0.0
        top = top + (norm(x_t_plus_1 - x_dash) ** 2 )

        bot = bot + (norm(x_t_plus_1) ** 2)
        new_RSRE = top / bot   
        if t == 1:
            RSRE = new_RSRE
            RSRE = npm.vstack((RSRE, new_RSRE))

        ### FOR EVALUATION ###
        #deviation from truth
        if evalMetrics == 'T' :
            Qt = pc_weights.T            
            if t == 1 :
                res['subspace_error'] = npm.zeros((timeSteps,1))
                res['orthog_error'] = npm.zeros((timeSteps,1))                

                res['angle_error'] = npm.zeros((timeSteps,1))
                Cov_mat = npm.zeros([num_streams,num_streams])
            # Calculate Covarentce Matrix of data up to time t   
            Cov_mat = lamb * Cov_mat +  npm.dot(x_t_plus_1,  x_t_plus_1.T)
            # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors             
            W , V = eig(Cov_mat)
            # Use this to sort eigenVectors in according to deccending eigenvalue
            eig_idx = W.argsort() # Get sort index
            eig_idx = eig_idx[::-1] # Reverse order (default is accending)
            # v_r = highest r eigen vectors (accoring to thier eigenvalue if sorted).
            V_k = V[:, eig_idx[:k]]          
            # Calculate subspace error        
            C = npm.dot(V_k , V_k.T) - npm.dot(Qt , Qt.T)  
            res['subspace_error'][t-1,0] = 10 * np.log10(npm.trace(npm.dot(C.T , C))) #frobenius norm in dB
            # Calculate angle between projection matrixes
            D = npm.dot(npm.dot(npm.dot(V_k.T, Qt), Qt.T), V_k) 
            eigVal, eigVec = eig(D)
            angle = npm.arccos(np.sqrt(max(eigVal)))        
            res['angle_error'][t-1,0] = angle        
            # Calculate deviation from orthonormality
            F = npm.dot(Qt.T , Qt) - npm.eye(k)
            res['orthog_error'][t-1,0] = 10 * np.log10(npm.trace(npm.dot(F.T , F))) #frobenius norm in dB

        # Step 2 - Update Energy estimate
        E_xt = ((lamb * (t-1) * E_xt) + norm(x_t_plus_1) ** 2) / t
        for i in range(k):
            E_rec_i[0, i] = ((lamb * (t-1) * E_rec_i[0, i]) + (y_t_i[0, i] ** 2)) / t

        # Step 3 - Estimate the retained energy
        E_retained = npm.sum(E_rec_i,1)
        # Record Energy  
        Eng_new = npm.hstack((E_xt, E_retained[0,0]))
        Eng = npm.vstack((Eng, Eng_new))
        if E_retained < energyThresh[0] * E_xt:
            if k != num_streams:
                k = k + 1       
                # Initalise Ek+1 <-- 0 
                E_rec_i = npm.hstack((E_rec_i, mat([0]))) 
                # Initialise W_i+1
                new_weight_vec = npm.zeros(num_streams)  
                new_weight_vec[0, k-1] = 1
                pc_weights = npm.vstack((pc_weights, new_weight_vec))
                anomalies.append(t -1)
                count_over += 1
        elif E_retained > energyThresh[1] * E_xt:
            if k > 1 :
                k = k - 1
                # discard w_k and error
                pc_weights = delete(pc_weights, -1, 0)    
                # Discard E_rec_i[k]
                E_rec_i = delete(E_rec_i, -1)
                count_under += 1
    # Data Stores
    res2 = {'hidden' :  Y,                        # Array for hidden Variables
           'weights' : all_weights,
           'E_t' : Eng[:,0],                     # total energy of data 
           'E_dash_t' : Eng[:,1],                # hidden var energy
           'e_ratio' : np.divide(Eng[:,1], Eng[:,0]),      # Energy ratio 
           'RSRE' : RSRE,                        # Relative squared Reconstruction error 
           'recon' : x_dash,                     # reconstructed data
           'r_hist' : k_hist, # history of r values 
           'anomalies' : anomalies}  
    return res, all_weights