def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        a = joint_angle

        x = self.links[joint_name][0]
        y = self.links[joint_name][1]
        z = self.links[joint_name][2]
        c = cos(a)
        s = sin(a)

        matrix_x = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, c, -s, 0], [0, s, c, 0],
                           [x, y, z, 1]])
        matrix_y = matrix([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, c, -s, 0], [-s, 0, c, 0],
                           [x, y, z, 1]])
        matrix_z = matrix([[c, s, 0, 0], [-s, c, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                           [x, y, z, 1]])

        if 'Roll' in joint_name:  #x
            return matrix_x
        elif 'Pitch' in joint_name:  #y
            return matrix_y
            return matrix_z
コード例 #2
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        s = math.sin(joint_angle)
        c = math.cos(joint_angle)

        r_x = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, c, -s, 0], [0, s, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        r_z = matrix([[c, s, 0, 0], [-s, c, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        r_y = matrix([[c, 0, s, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-s, 0, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        if "Yaw" in joint_name:
            T *= r_z
        if "Pitch" in joint_name:
            T *= r_y
        if "Roll" in joint_name:
            T *= r_x
        T[0, 3] = self.jointLength[joint_name][0]
        T[1, 3] = self.jointLength[joint_name][1]
        T[2, 3] = self.jointLength[joint_name][2]
        return T
コード例 #3
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        R_x = identity(4)
        R_y = identity(4)
        R_z = identity(4)
        sin_angle = sin(joint_angle)
        cos_angle = cos(joint_angle)
        x = self.link_offsets[joint_name][0]
        y = self.link_offsets[joint_name][1]
        z = self.link_offsets[joint_name][2]

        if 'Roll' in joint_name:
            R_x = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, cos_angle, -sin_angle, 0],
                          [0, sin_angle, cos_angle, 0], [x, y, z, 1]])
        elif 'Pitch' in joint_name:
            R_y = matrix([[cos_angle, 0, sin_angle, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                          [-sin_angle, 0, cos_angle, 0], [x, y, z, 1]])
        elif 'Yaw' in joint_name:
            R_z = matrix([[cos_angle, sin_angle, 0, 0],
                          [-sin_angle, cos_angle, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                          [x, y, z, 1]])

        T = R_x * R_y * R_z

        return T
コード例 #4
ファイル: プロジェクト: zhilinxiong/TO_Playground
        def test_basic(self):
            # test basic construction
            T = Transform()
            assert_allclose(T, np.matrix(np.eye(4)))

            # test initializing with rotation matrix
            T = Transform(Rpitch(pi / 4))
            N = np.eye(4)
            N[:3, :3] = Rpitch(pi / 4)
            assert_allclose(T, N)

            # test initializing with position vector
            pos = np.matrix([5, 2, 4]).T
            T = Transform(p=pos)
            N = np.eye(4)
            N[:3, 3] = pos
            assert_allclose(T, N)

            # test initializing with both rotation and position vector
            R = Ryaw(5)
            p = np.matrix('3;2;4')
            T = Transform(R, p)
            N = np.eye(4)
            N[:3, :3] = R
            N[:3, 3] = p
            assert_allclose(T, N)
コード例 #5
ファイル: プロジェクト: corobotics/corobots
 def update_pos(self, pose, absolute=False):
     """Convenience function to do a position update."""
     # assuming that the ekf is never lost by more than pi (except on startup),
     # if we have absolute (i.e. QR-code) data, and it's far from our current
     # estimate, then assume we're lost and reset the EKF.
     if absolute:
         # we can intelligently mod the incoming pose angle to be close 
         # to the current estimate - note that the ordered if statements 
         # mean that if we are super-lost, we will randomly add some pi 
         # but not infinitely loop.
         # this if statement says that if we're lost in theta, don't worry about it.
         if self.covariance[2,2] < 10:
             while pose.theta - self.state[2,0] > pi:
                 pose.theta -= tau
             while self.state[2,0] - pose.theta > pi:
                 pose.theta += tau
         dx = self.state[0,0]-pose.x
         dy = self.state[1,0]-pose.y
         dt = fmod(self.state[2,0]-pose.theta,2*pi)
         if dx*dx + dy*dy > 0.1 or abs(dt) > 0.3:
             self.state = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
             self.covariance = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
         pose.x += self.state[0,0]
         pose.y += self.state[1,0]
         while pose.theta > pi:
             pose.theta -= tau
         while pose.theta < -pi:
             pose.theta += tau
         pose.theta += self.state[2,0]
     y = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
     rospy.loginfo("Updating with position %s",y)
     W = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
     self.update(y, W)
コード例 #6
ファイル: プロジェクト: wangnangg/butools-demo
def LagkJointMomentsFromMRAP(H, K=0, L=1):
    Returns the lag-L joint moments of a marked rational 
    arrival process.
    H : list/cell of matrices of shape(M,M), length(N)
        The H0...HN matrices of the MRAP to check
    K : int, optional
        The dimension of the matrix of joint moments to 
        compute. If K=0, the MxM joint moments will be 
        computed. The default value is 0
    L : int, optional
        The lag at which the joint moments are computed.
        The default value is 1
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input is valid. 
        The default value is 1e-14
    Nm : list/cell of matrices of shape(K+1,K+1), length(N)
        The matrices containing the lag-L joint moments,
        starting from moment 0.

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckMRAPRepresentation(H):
        raise Exception(
            "LagkJointMomentsFromMRAP: Input is not a valid MRAP representation!"

    if K == 0:
        K = H[0].shape[0] - 1
    M = len(H) - 1
    H0 = H[0]
    sumH = ml.zeros(H[0].shape)
    for i in range(M):
        sumH += H[i + 1]

    H0i = la.inv(-H0)
    P = H0i * sumH
    pi = DRPSolve(P)

    Pw = ml.eye(H0.shape[0])
    H0p = [ml.matrix(Pw)]
    for i in range(1, K + 1):
        Pw *= i * H0i

    Pl = la.matrix_power(P, L - 1)

    Nm = []
    for m in range(M):
        Nmm = ml.zeros((K + 1, K + 1))
        for i in range(K + 1):
            for j in range(K + 1):
                Nmm[i, j] = np.sum(pi * H0p[i] * H0i * H[m + 1] * Pl * H0p[j])
    return Nm
コード例 #7
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        c = cos(joint_angle)
        s = sin(joint_angle)
        if (joint_name == 'LHipYawPitch' or joint_name == 'LHipYawPitch'):
            T1 = matrix([[c, s, 0, 0], [-s, c, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 1]])
            T2 = matrix([[c, 0, s, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-s, 0, c, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 1]])
            T = dot(T2, T1)
        elif ('Roll' in joint_name):
            T = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, c, -s, 0], [0, s, c, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif ('Pitch' in joint_name):
            T = matrix([[c, 0, s, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-s, 0, c, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif ('Yaw' in joint_name):
            T = matrix([[c, s, 0, 0], [-s, c, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        return T
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = matrix((4, 4))
        # YOUR CODE HERE

        if joint_name.endswith("Pitch"):
            T = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                         math.cos(joint_angle), -math.sin(joint_angle), 0],
                        [0, math.sin(joint_angle),
                         math.cos(joint_angle), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif joint_name.endswith("Yaw"):
            T = matrix([[math.cos(joint_angle), 0,
                         math.sin(joint_angle), 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [-math.sin(joint_angle), 0,
                         math.cos(joint_angle), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif joint_name.endswith("Roll"):
            T = matrix([[math.cos(joint_angle), -math.sin(joint_angle), 0, 0],
                         math.cos(joint_angle), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
            print "Error!!"
            print joint_name

        return T
コード例 #9
ファイル: プロジェクト: saimukund303/corobot-kinetic
 def update_pos(self, pose, absolute=False):
     """Convenience function to do a position update."""
     # assuming that the ekf is never lost by more than pi (except on startup),
     # if we have absolute (i.e. QR-code) data, and it's far from our current
     # estimate, then assume we're lost and reset the EKF.
     if absolute:
         # we can intelligently mod the incoming pose angle to be close
         # to the current estimate - note that the ordered if statements
         # mean that if we are super-lost, we will randomly add some pi
         # but not infinitely loop.
         # this if statement says that if we're lost in theta, don't worry about it.
         if self.covariance[2, 2] < 10:
             while pose.theta - self.state[2, 0] > pi:
                 pose.theta -= tau
             while self.state[2, 0] - pose.theta > pi:
                 pose.theta += tau
         dx = self.state[0, 0] - pose.x
         dy = self.state[1, 0] - pose.y
         dt = fmod(self.state[2, 0] - pose.theta, 2 * pi)
         if dx * dx + dy * dy > 0.1 or abs(dt) > 0.3:
             self.state = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
             self.covariance = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
         pose.x += self.state[0, 0]
         pose.y += self.state[1, 0]
         while pose.theta > pi:
             pose.theta -= tau
         while pose.theta < -pi:
             pose.theta += tau
         pose.theta += self.state[2, 0]
     y = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
     rospy.loginfo("Updating with position %s", y)
     W = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
     self.update(y, W)
コード例 #10
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle, translation):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        s = sin(joint_angle)
        c = cos(joint_angle)
        x, y, z = translation

        if 'Yaw' in joint_name:
            T = matrix([[c, -s, 0.0, x], [s, c, 0.0, y], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, z],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
        if 'Roll' in joint_name:
            T = matrix([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, x], [0.0, c, -s, y], [0.0, s, c, z],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
        if 'Pitch' in joint_name:
            T = matrix([[c, 0.0, s, x], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, y], [-s, 0.0, c, z],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])

        return T
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = np.zeros([4, 4])
        sin_vec = sin(joint_angle)
        cos_vec = cos(joint_angle)

        # Differ between the three possible movements angles (Roll, Pitch and Yaw)
        if 'Roll' in joint_name:
            T = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, cos_vec, -sin_vec, 0],
                        [0, sin_vec, cos_vec, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        if 'Pitch' in joint_name:
            T = matrix([[cos_vec, 0, sin_vec, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [-sin_vec, 0, cos_vec, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        if 'Yaw' in joint_name:
            T = matrix([[cos_vec, -sin_vec, 0, 0], [sin_vec, cos_vec, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        T[3, 0:3] = self.len_joint[joint_name]

        return T
コード例 #12
 def test_mult_simple(self):
     tempa = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
     self.a = matlib.matrix(tempa)
     self.b = matlib.matrix(tempa)
     self.c = matlib.matrix(tempa)
     self.d = multiplierMatrice(self.a, self.b)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(self.c, self.d))
コード例 #13
ファイル: プロジェクト: imoonkey/embo
    def loglikelihood(self, obs):
        # compute the log likelihood given a sequence of obs
        t_mat = npmat.matrix(self.t_mat)
        # use alpha
        alpha = npmat.matrix((self.pi_vec * self.z_mat[obs[0], :])[:,np.newaxis])
#        print('self.z_mat[obs[0], :]: '+ str(self.z_mat[obs[0], :]))
#        print('self.pi_vec: '+ str(self.pi_vec))
#        print('self.pi_vec * self.z_mat[obs[0], :]: '+ str(self.pi_vec * self.z_mat[obs[0], :]))
#        print('alpha: '+ str(alpha))
        log_coef = 0
        for i in range(1,len(obs)):
            alpha = npmat.matrix(((t_mat * alpha).getA()[:,0] * self.z_mat[obs[i], :])[:,np.newaxis])
            asum = alpha.sum()
            alpha /= asum
            log_coef += np.log(asum)
        alpha_ll = log_coef + np.log(alpha.sum())
        # use beta
        if False:
            beta = npmat.ones((t_mat.shape[0], 1))
            log_coef = 0
            for i in range(len(obs)-2,-1,-1):
    #            print('self.z_mat[obs[i+1], :]: ' + str(self.z_mat[obs[i+1], :]))
    #            print('beta.getA()[0]: ' + str(beta.getA()[:,0]))
    #            print('self.z_mat[obs[i+1], :] * beta.getA()[:,0]: ' + str(self.z_mat[obs[i+1], :] * beta.getA()[:,0]))
    #            print('npmat.matrix(result): ' + str(npmat.matrix((self.z_mat[obs[i+1], :] * beta.getA()[:,0])[:,np.newaxis])))
    #            print('t_mat.getT(): ' + str(t_mat.getT()))
                beta = t_mat.getT() * npmat.matrix((self.z_mat[obs[i+1], :] * beta.getA()[:,0])[:,np.newaxis])
                bsum = beta.sum()
                beta /= bsum
                log_coef += np.log(bsum)
            beta_ll = log_coef + np.log(np.sum(beta.getA()[0] * self.pi_vec * self.z_mat[obs[0],:]))
    #        print('alpha_ll: ' + str(alpha_ll))
    #        print('beta_ll: ' + str(beta_ll))
        return alpha_ll
コード例 #14
ファイル: プロジェクト: pchokanson/atlas-sim
    def test_euler(self):
        """Test axis-angle and euler representation conversions."""
        q1 = Quaternion([0, 0, 0, 0], np.float64)
        #q1.from_euler(0, 0, 0)
        #self.assertEqual(q1, Quaternion([1,0,0,0]))

        for i in range(100):
            (phi, theta, psi) = self.rand_euler()
            q1.from_euler(phi, theta, psi)

            q_phi = np.arctan2(q1[0] * q1[2] + q1[1] * q1[3],
                               -(q1[1] * q1[2] - q1[0] * q1[3]))
            q_theta = np.arccos(-q1[0]**2 - q1[1]**2 + q1[2]**2 + q1[3]**2)
            q_psi = np.arctan2(q1[0] * q1[2] - q1[1] * q1[3],
                               q1[1] * q1[2] + q1[0] * q1[3])

            # Convert between different conventions
            if q_phi < 0:
                q_phi += 2 * np.pi
            #if q_theta < 0:
            #q_theta += 2 * np.pi
            if q_psi < 0:
                q_psi += 2 * np.pi

            r1 = m.matrix([phi, theta, psi])
            r1q = m.matrix([q_phi, q_theta, q_psi])
            #print(r1- r1q)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(r1 - r1q) < 1e-10)
コード例 #15
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        offsets = { # x,y,z
            'HeadYaw': [0, 0, 0],
            'HeadPitch': [0, 0, 126.5],
            'LShoulderPitch': [0, 0, 0],
            'LShoulderRoll': [105, 15, 0],
            'LElbowYaw': [0, 0, 0],
            'LElbowRoll': [55.95, 0, 0],
            'ShoulderOffset': [0, 98, 100],
            'LHipYawPitch': [0, 0, 0],
            'LHipRoll': [0, 0, 0],
            'LHipPitch': [0, 0, -100],
            'LKneePitch': [0, 0, -102.9],
            'LAnklePitch': [0, 0, 0],
            'LAnkleRoll': [0, 0, 0],
            'HipOffset': [0, 0, -85]

        # 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z
        if joint_name[0] == "R":
            coords = offsets["L"+(joint_name[1:])]
            coords[1] = -1 * coords[1]
            # invert y for right leg
            coords = offsets[joint_name]
        # movements: roll - x, pitch - y, yaw - z
        s = numpy.sin(joint_angle)
        c = numpy.cos(joint_angle)
        Rx = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                     [0, c, -s, 0],
                     [0, s, c, 0],
                     [coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], 1]])

        Ry = matrix([[c, 0, s, 0],
                     [0, 1, 0, 0],
                     [-s, 0, c, 0],
                     [coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], 1]])

        Rz = matrix([[c, s, 0, 0],
                     [-s, c, 0, 0],
                     [0, 0, 1, 0],
                     [coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], 1]])
        if joint_name.endswith("YawPitch"):
            T = Ry / 2 + Rz / 2
        elif joint_name.endswith("Roll"):
            T = Rx
        elif joint_name.endswith("Pitch"):
            T = Ry
        elif joint_name.endswith("Yaw"):
            T = Rz
        return T
コード例 #16
def fetch_pids_ttol(pnts: MatrixVector, psys: PanelSystem, ztol: float=0.01, ttol: float=0.1):
    shp = pnts.shape
    pnts = pnts.reshape((-1, 1))
    numpnt = pnts.shape[0]
    numpnl = len(psys.pnls)
    pidm = zeros((1, numpnl), dtype=int)
    wintm = zeros((numpnt, numpnl), dtype=bool)
    abszm = zeros((numpnt, numpnl), dtype=float)
    for pnl in psys.pnls.values():
        pidm[0, pnl.ind] =
        wintm[:, pnl.ind], abszm[:, pnl.ind] = pnl.within_and_absz_ttol(pnts[:, 0], ttol=ttol)
    abszm[wintm is False] = float('inf')
    minm = argmin(abszm, axis=1)
    minm = array(minm).flatten()
    pidm = array(pidm).flatten()
    pids = pidm[minm]
    pids = matrix([pids], dtype=int).transpose()
    indp = arange(numpnt)
    minz = array(abszm[indp, minm]).flatten()
    minz = matrix([minz], dtype=float).transpose()
    chkz = minz < ztol
    pids[logical_not(chkz)] = 0
    pids = pids.reshape(shp)
    chkz = chkz.reshape(shp)
    return pids, chkz
コード例 #17
ファイル: プロジェクト: zhilinxiong/TO_Playground
        def testzyz_fk_ik(self):
            R = np.matrix([[1., -0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [-0., 0., 1.]])
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(0, 0, 0), R))
                np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(*inverse_zyz_euler_angle(R)), R))

            R = np.matrix([[0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0.],
                           [0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0.], [-0., 0., 1.]])
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(math.pi / 4, 0, 0), R))
                np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(*inverse_zyz_euler_angle(R)), R))

            R = np.matrix([[0.5, -0., 0.8660254], [0., 1., 0.],
                           [-0.8660254, 0., 0.5]])
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(0, math.pi / 3, 0), R))
                np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(*inverse_zyz_euler_angle(R)), R))

            R = np.matrix([[0.5, -0.5,
                            0.70710678], [0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0.],
                           [-0.5, 0.5, 0.70710678]])
                np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(0, math.pi / 4, math.pi / 4), R))
                np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(*inverse_zyz_euler_angle(R)), R))

            R = np.matrix([[-0.55034481, -0.70029646, 0.45464871],
                           [0.70029646, -0.09064712, 0.70807342],
                           [-0.45464871, 0.70807342, 0.54030231]])
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(1, 1, 1), R))
                np.allclose(zyz_euler_angle(*inverse_zyz_euler_angle(R)), R))
コード例 #18
ファイル: プロジェクト: wangnangg/butools-demo
def SamplesFromDPH(a, A, k):
    Generates random samples from a discrete phase-type 
    alpha : matrix, shape (1,M)
        The initial probability vector of the discrete phase-
        type distribution.
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The transition probability  matrix of the discrete phase-
        type distribution.
    K : integer
        The number of samples to generate.
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input phase-type
        distribution is valid. The default value is 1e-14.
    x : vector, length(K)
        The vector of random samples

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckDPHRepresentation(a, A):
        raise Exception(
            "SamplesFromDPH: input is not a valid DPH representation!")

    # auxilary variables
    a = a.A.flatten()
    N = len(a)
    cummInitial = np.cumsum(a)
    logp = np.log(np.diag(A))
    sojourn = 1.0 / (1.0 - np.diag(A))
    nextpr = ml.matrix(np.diag(sojourn)) * A
    nextpr = nextpr - ml.matrix(np.diag(np.diag(nextpr)))
    nextpr = np.hstack((nextpr, 1.0 - np.sum(nextpr, 1)))
    nextpr = np.cumsum(nextpr, 1)

    x = np.zeros(k)
    for n in range(k):
        time = 0

        # draw initial distribution
        r = rand()
        state = 0
        while cummInitial[state] <= r:
            state += 1

        # play state transitions
        while state < N:
            time += 1 + int(np.log(rand()) / logp[state])
            r = rand()
            nstate = 0
            while nextpr[state, nstate] <= r:
                nstate += 1
            state = nstate
        x[n] = time
    return x
    def forward_kinematics(self, joints):
        '''forward kinematics

        :param joints: {joint_name: joint_angle}
        for chain_joints in self.chains.values():
            T = identity(4)
            for joint in chain_joints:
                T1 = identity(4)
                if joint == "HeadYaw":
                    T1 = matrix([[1, 0.0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                                 [0, 0, 1, 0.1265], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
                elif joint == "RShoulderPitch":
                    T1 = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, -0.098],
                                 [0, 0, 1, 0.100], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
                elif joint == "LShoulderPitch":
                    T1 = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0.098],
                                       [0, 0, 1, 0.100], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
                elif joint == "LHipYawPitch":
                    T1 = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0.050],
                                 [0, 0, 1, -0.085], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
                elif joint == "RHipYawPitch":
                    T1 = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, -0.050],
                                 [0, 0, 1, -0.085], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

                angle = joints[joint]
                Tl = self.local_trans(joint, angle)
                T = T1 * T * Tl
                self.transforms[joint] = T
コード例 #20
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint
        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        s = math.sin(joint_angle)
        c = math.cos(joint_angle)
        xo, yo, zo = self.jointoffs[joint_name]
        if (joint_name.find('Roll') > 0):
            T = matrix([[1, 0, 0, xo], [0, c, -s, yo], [0, s, c, zo],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif (joint_name.find('Pitch') > 0):
            T = matrix([[c, 0, s, xo], [0, 1, 0, yo], [-s, 0, c, zo],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif (joint_name.find('Yaw') > 0):
            T = matrix([[c, -s, 0, xo], [s, c, 0, yo], [0, 0, 1, zo],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
            print("Invalid joint_name")

        return T
コード例 #21
def optimize(bd_con, init_val=None):
    # bd_con: boundary conditions - (k0, x1, y1, theta1, k1)
    # init_val: (p1, p2, sg)
    if init_val is None or init_val[2] < 0:
        init_val = ((2 * bd_con[0] + bd_con[4]) / 3,
                    (bd_con[0] + 2 * bd_con[4]) / 3,
                    np.sqrt(bd_con[1]**2 + bd_con[2]**2) +
                    5 * min(np.abs(bd_con[3]), np.abs(2 * np.pi - bd_con[3])))
    # revise the parameters
    init_val = list(init_val)
    init_val[0] = max(min(init_val[0], 0.2), -0.2)
    init_val[1] = max(min(init_val[1], 0.2), -0.2)
    init_val[2] = max(min(init_val[2], 1000.), 1.)
    # print('IterTimes: {0},P = {1}'.format(0, (init_val[0], init_val[1], init_val[2])))
    q_g = matlib.matrix([[bd_con[1]], [bd_con[2]], [bd_con[3]]])
    p = (bd_con[0], init_val[0], init_val[1], bd_con[4], init_val[2])
    r = (__a(p), __b(p), __c(p), __d(p))
    pp = matlib.matrix([[init_val[0]], [init_val[1]], [init_val[2]]])

    dq = matlib.matrix([[1.], [1.], [1.]])
    eps1, eps2 = 1.e-4, 1.e-6
    times = 0
    while (np.abs(dq[0, 0]) > eps1 or np.abs(dq[1, 0]) > eps1
           or np.abs(dq[2, 0]) > eps2) and times <= 100:
        times += 1
        J = __Jacobian(p, r)
        # print('J={0}'.format(J))
        theta_p = __theta(p[4], r)
        x_p, y_p = __xy_calc(p[4], r)
        # print('q = {0}'.format((x_p,y_p,theta_p)))
        dq = q_g - matlib.matrix([[x_p], [y_p], [theta_p]])
        pp += J**-1 * dq
        # revise the parameters
        pp[0, 0] = max(min(pp[0, 0], 0.2), -0.2)
        pp[1, 0] = max(min(pp[1, 0], 0.2), -0.2)
        pp[2, 0] = max(min(pp[2, 0], 1000.), 1.)
        # if pp[0,0] > 0.2:
        #     pp[0,0] = 0.2
        # elif pp[0,0] < -0.2:
        #     pp[0,0] = -0.2
        # if pp[1,0] > 0.2:
        #     pp[1,0] = 0.2
        # elif pp[1,0] < -0.2:
        #     pp[1,0] = -0.2
        # if pp[2,0] < 1.:
        #     pp[2,0] = 1.
        # elif pp[2,0] > 1000.:
        #     pp[2,0] = 1000.
        p = (bd_con[0], pp[0, 0], pp[1, 0], bd_con[4], pp[2, 0])
        # print('p={0}'.format(p))
        r = (__a(p), __b(p), __c(p), __d(p))
        # print('r={0}'.format(r))
        # print('IterTimes: {0},P = {1}'.format(times, (p[1],p[2],p[4])))
    # print('IterTimes: {0}'.format(times))
    if times > 100:
        # pp = matlib.matrix([[-1.],[-1.],[-1.]])
        return None
        return pp[0, 0], pp[1, 0], pp[2, 0]
コード例 #22
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        #get sin and cos of joint angle
        sin = math.sin(joint_angle)
        cos = math.cos(joint_angle)
        #get link values for joint
        joint_links = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        if joint_name in self.links:
            joint_links = self.links[joint_name]

        #Check if X,Y or Z and set T according to 3D forward kinematics
        if (joint_name.endswith("Roll")):
            T = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, cos, -sin, 0], [0, sin, cos, 0],
                        [joint_links[0], joint_links[1], joint_links[2], 1]])

        if (joint_name.endswith("Pitch")):
            T = matrix([[cos, 0, sin, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-sin, 0, cos, 0],
                        [joint_links[0], joint_links[1], joint_links[2], 1]])

        if (joint_name.endswith("Yaw")):
            T = matrix([[cos, sin, 0, 0], [-sin, cos, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [joint_links[0], joint_links[1], joint_links[2], 1]])

        return T
コード例 #23
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE

        s = math.sin(joint_angle)
        c = math.cos(joint_angle)

        if joint_name.endswith("Roll"):
            T = matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, c, -s, 0], [0, s, c, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif joint_name.endswith("Pitch"):
            T = matrix([[c, 0, s, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-s, 0, c, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif joint_name.endswith("Yaw"):
            T = matrix([[c, s, 0, 0], [-s, c, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
            print "Error!!"
            print joint_name

        T[0, 3] = self.jointLengths[joint_name][0]
        T[1, 3] = self.jointLengths[joint_name][1]
        T[2, 3] = self.jointLengths[joint_name][2]

        return T
コード例 #24
ファイル: プロジェクト: pchokanson/atlas-sim
	def test_euler(self):
		"""Test axis-angle and euler representation conversions."""
		q1 = Quaternion([0,0,0,0], np.float64)
		#q1.from_euler(0, 0, 0)
		#self.assertEqual(q1, Quaternion([1,0,0,0]))

		for i in range(100):
			(phi, theta, psi) = self.rand_euler()
			q1.from_euler(phi, theta, psi)

			q_phi = np.arctan2(q1[0]*q1[2] + q1[1]*q1[3],-(q1[1]*q1[2]-q1[0]*q1[3]))
			q_theta = np.arccos(-q1[0]**2 -q1[1]**2 + q1[2]**2 + q1[3]**2)
			q_psi = np.arctan2(q1[0]*q1[2] - q1[1]*q1[3], q1[1]*q1[2] + q1[0]*q1[3])

			# Convert between different conventions
			if q_phi < 0:
				q_phi += 2 * np.pi
			#if q_theta < 0:
				#q_theta += 2 * np.pi
			if q_psi < 0:
				q_psi += 2 * np.pi

			r1 = m.matrix([phi, theta, psi])
			r1q = m.matrix([q_phi, q_theta, q_psi])
			#print(r1- r1q)
			self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(r1 - r1q) < 1e-10)
コード例 #25
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        a = math.sin(joint_angle)
        b = math.cos(joint_angle)

        if joint_name.endswith("Roll"):
            T =
                matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, b, -a, 0], [0, a, b, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
        elif joint_name.endswith("Pitch"):
            T =
                matrix([[b, 0, a, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-a, 0, b, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
        elif joint_name.endswith("Yaw"):
            T =
                matrix([[b, a, 0, 0], [-a, b, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]]))

        T[0, 3] = self.jointLength[joint_name][0]
        T[1, 3] = self.jointLength[joint_name][1]
        T[2, 3] = self.jointLength[joint_name][2]

        return T
コード例 #26
ファイル: プロジェクト: ghorvath78/butools
def SamplesFromDPH (a,A,k):
    Generates random samples from a discrete phase-type 
    alpha : matrix, shape (1,M)
        The initial probability vector of the discrete phase-
        type distribution.
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The transition probability  matrix of the discrete phase-
        type distribution.
    K : integer
        The number of samples to generate.
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input phase-type
        distribution is valid. The default value is 1e-14.
    x : vector, length(K)
        The vector of random samples

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckDPHRepresentation(a,A):
        raise Exception("SamplesFromDPH: input is not a valid DPH representation!")

    # auxilary variables
    a = a.A.flatten()
    N = len(a)
    cummInitial = np.cumsum(a)
    logp = np.log(np.diag(A));
    sojourn = 1.0/(1.0-np.diag(A))
    nextpr = ml.matrix(np.diag(sojourn))*A
    nextpr = nextpr - ml.matrix(np.diag(np.diag(nextpr)))
    nextpr = np.hstack((nextpr, 1.0-np.sum(nextpr,1)))
    nextpr = np.cumsum(nextpr,1)
    x = np.zeros(k)
    for n in range(k):
        time = 0

        # draw initial distribution
        r = rand()
        state = 0
        while cummInitial[state]<=r:

        # play state transitions
        while state<N:
            time += 1 + int(np.log(rand()) / logp[state])
            r = rand()
            nstate = 0
            while nextpr[state,nstate]<=r:
                nstate += 1
            state = nstate
        x[n] = time
    return x
コード例 #27
ファイル: プロジェクト: imoonkey/embo
def em_step(num_states, num_obs, pi_vec, z_mat, t_mat, obs_all):
    # given initial parameters, run em from the obs
    # obs are 2d with each row being a trajectory
    # returns estimated observation and transition matrices

    num_steps = obs_all.shape[1]
    t_mat = npmat.matrix(t_mat)

    gamma_sum = np.zeros((num_states,))
    xi_sum = np.zeros((num_states, num_states))
    obs_sum = np.zeros((num_obs, num_states))

    for t in range(obs_all.shape[0]):
        obs = obs_all[t, :]
        # compute alpha
        alpha = npmat.zeros((num_states, num_steps))
        alpha[:, 0] = npmat.matrix((pi_vec * z_mat[obs[0], :])[:, np.newaxis])
        for i in range(1, len(obs)):
            alpha[:, i] = npmat.matrix(((t_mat * alpha[:, i - 1]).getA()[:, 0] * z_mat[obs[i], :])[:, np.newaxis])
            asum = alpha[:, i].sum()
            alpha[:, i] /= asum
        # print('alpha\n' + str(alpha))
        # compute beta
        beta = npmat.zeros((num_states, num_steps))
        beta[:, num_steps - 1] = npmat.ones((num_states, 1))
        for i in range(len(obs) - 2, -1, -1):
            beta[:, i] = t_mat.getT() * npmat.matrix(
                (z_mat[obs[i + 1], :] * beta[:, i + 1].getA()[:, 0])[:, np.newaxis])
            bsum = beta[:, i].sum()
            beta[:, i] /= bsum
        # print(beta)
        # compute gamma
        gamma = alpha.getA() * beta.getA()
        gamma = gamma / (gamma.sum(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :])
        # print(gamma)
        # compute xi (transposed from the paper)
        xi = np.zeros((num_states, num_states, num_steps - 1))
        for i in range(num_steps - 1):
            xi[:, :, i] = np.transpose(alpha[:, i].getA()) * t_mat.getA() * (z_mat[obs[i + 1], :] *
                                                                             beta[:, i + 1].getA()[0])[:, np.newaxis]
            xsum = xi[:, :, i].sum()
            xi[:, :, i] /= xsum
        #            print('xi[:,:,i]' + str(xi[:,:,i]))
        #            print('np.transpose(alpha[:,i].getA()): ' + str(np.transpose(alpha[:,i].getA())))
        #            print('t_mat: ' + str(t_mat))
        #            print('result of *: ' + str(np.transpose(alpha[:,i].getA()) * t_mat.getA()))
        # add to the sums
        gamma_sum += gamma.sum(axis=1)
        xi_sum += xi.sum(axis=2)
        for z in range(num_obs):
            obs_sum[z, :] += gamma[:, obs == z].sum(axis=1)
        #        print('gamma_sum\n' + str(gamma_sum))
        #        print('xi_sum\n' + str(xi_sum))
        #        print('obs_sum\n' + str(obs_sum))
    # finally compute estimates
    est_z_mat = obs_sum / obs_sum.sum(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
    est_t_mat = xi_sum / xi_sum.sum(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]

    return est_z_mat, est_t_mat;
コード例 #28
def test_state_values():
    # StateValues tests
    sv = StateValues(X)
    assert (sv[nm.matrix('1 2 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0')] == 0.5)
    assert (sv[nm.matrix('1 2 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0')] == 0.5)
    assert (sv[nm.matrix('1 1 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0')] == 1)
    assert (sv[nm.matrix('0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0')] == 1)
    assert (sv[nm.matrix('0 0 2; 0 2 0; 2 0 0')] == 0)
コード例 #29
 def test_mult_dimensions(self):
     tempa = [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3]]
     tempb = [[3,3,3],[2,2,2]]
     tempc = [[5,5,5],[10,10,10],[15, 15, 15]]
     self.a = matlib.matrix(tempa)
     self.b = matlib.matrix(tempb)
     self.c = matlib.matrix(tempc)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(multiplierMatrice(self.a, self.b), self.c))
コード例 #30
ファイル: プロジェクト: bgrant/portfolio
def test_state_values():
    # StateValues tests
    sv = StateValues(X)
    assert(sv[nm.matrix('1 2 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0')] == 0.5)
    assert(sv[nm.matrix('1 2 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0')] == 0.5)
    assert(sv[nm.matrix('1 1 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0')] == 1)
    assert(sv[nm.matrix('0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0')] == 1)
    assert(sv[nm.matrix('0 0 2; 0 2 0; 2 0 0')] == 0)
コード例 #31
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix

        # YOUR CODE HERE
        s = sin(joint_angle)
        c = cos(joint_angle)
        #set rotation 
        if (joint_name[-3:] == 'Yaw'):
            T = matrix([[c, -s, 0, 0],
                       [s, c, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 1, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif (joint_name[-4:] == 'Roll'):
            T = matrix([[1, 0 , 0, 0],
                       [0, c, -s, 0],
                       [0, s, c, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        elif (joint_name[-5:] == 'Pitch'):
            T = matrix([[c, 0 , -s, 0],
                       [0, 1, 0, 0],
                       [s, 0, c, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        #set X,Y,Z for joints that have a different coordinate difference to the joint before than 0,0,0
        if (joint_name[0] == 'L' or joint_name[0] == 'R'):
            if (joint_name == 'LElbowYaw' or joint_name == 'RElbowYaw'):
                T[:3, -1] = self.lengths['ArmShoulderRollElbowYaw'].T
            elif (joint_name == 'LWristYaw' or joint_name == 'RWristYaw'):
                T[:3, -1] = self.lengths['ArmElbowRollWristYaw'].T
            elif (joint_name == 'LKneePitch' or joint_name == 'RKneePitch'):
                T[:3, -1] = self.lengths['LegHipPitchKneePitch'].T
            elif (joint_name == 'LAnklePitch' or joint_name == 'RAnklePitch'):
                T[:3, -1] = self.lengths['LegKneePitchAnklePitch'].T
                #for transformation from torso to hip (left leg)
            elif (joint_name == 'LRoll'):
                T[:3, -1] = self.lengths['LLegTorsoHip'].T
                #for transformation from torso to hip (right leg)
            elif (joint_name == 'RRoll'):
                T[:3, -1] = self.lengths['RLegTorsoHip'].T
                #for transformation from torso to shoulder (left arm)
            elif (joint_name == 'LYaw'):
                T[:3, -1] = self.lengths['LArmTorsoShoulder'].T
                #for transformation from torso to shoulder (right arm)
            elif (joint_name == 'RYaw'):
                T[:3, -1] = self.lengths['RArmTorsoShoulder'].T

        return T
コード例 #32
ファイル: プロジェクト: ghorvath78/butools
def LagkJointMomentsFromMRAP (H, K=0, L=1):
    Returns the lag-L joint moments of a marked rational 
    arrival process.
    H : list/cell of matrices of shape(M,M), length(N)
        The H0...HN matrices of the MRAP to check
    K : int, optional
        The dimension of the matrix of joint moments to 
        compute. If K=0, the MxM joint moments will be 
        computed. The default value is 0
    L : int, optional
        The lag at which the joint moments are computed.
        The default value is 1
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input is valid. 
        The default value is 1e-14
    Nm : list/cell of matrices of shape(K+1,K+1), length(N)
        The matrices containing the lag-L joint moments,
        starting from moment 0.

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckMRAPRepresentation (H):
        raise Exception("LagkJointMomentsFromMRAP: Input is not a valid MRAP representation!")    

    if K==0:
        K = H[0].shape[0]-1
    M = len(H)-1
    H0 = H[0]
    sumH = ml.zeros(H[0].shape)
    for i in range(M):
        sumH += H[i+1]

    H0i = la.inv(-H0)
    P = H0i*sumH
    pi = DRPSolve(P)
    Pw = ml.eye(H0.shape[0])
    H0p = [ml.matrix(Pw)]
    for i in range(1,K+1):
        Pw *= i*H0i

    Pl = la.matrix_power (P, L-1)

    Nm = []
    for m in range(M):
        Nmm = ml.zeros ((K+1,K+1))
        for i in range(K+1):
            for j in range(K+1):
                Nmm[i,j] = np.sum (pi * H0p[i] * H0i * H[m+1] * Pl * H0p[j])
    return Nm
コード例 #33
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix

        T = identity(4)
        if joint_name == 'LHipYawPitch':
            Rl = matrix(
                [[1, 0, 0],
                 [0, math.cos(math.pi / 4), -1 * math.sin(math.pi / 4)],
                 [0, math.sin(math.pi / 4),
                  math.cos(math.pi / 4)]])
            T[0:3, 0:3] = Rl
        elif joint_angle == 'RHipYawPitch':
            Rr = matrix(
                [[1, 0, 0],
                     math.cos(-1 * math.pi / 4),
                     -1 * math.sin(-1 * math.pi / 4)
                 [0, math.sin(-1 * math.pi / 4),
                  math.cos(-1 * math.pi / 4)]])
            T[0:3, 0:3] = Rr
            if joint_name.endswith("Roll"):
                Rx = matrix(
                    [[1, 0, 0],
                     [0, math.cos(joint_angle), -1 * math.sin(joint_angle)],
                     [0, math.sin(joint_angle),
                T[0:3, 0:3] = Rx
            elif joint_name.endswith("Pitch"):
                Ry = matrix(
                    [[math.cos(joint_angle), 0,
                      math.sin(joint_angle)], [0, 1, 0],
                     [-1 * math.sin(joint_angle), 0,
                T[0:3, 0:3] = Ry
            elif joint_name.endswith("Pitch"):
                Rz = matrix(
                    [[math.cos(joint_angle), -1 * math.sin(joint_angle), 0],
                      math.cos(joint_angle), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
                T[0:3, 0:3] = Rz

        for key in self.chains.keys():
            if joint_name in self.chains[key]:
                T[0, 3] = self.l[key][self.chains[key].index(joint_name)][0]
                T[1, 3] = self.l[key][self.chains[key].index(joint_name)][1]
                T[2, 3] = self.l[key][self.chains[key].index(joint_name)][2]

        return T
コード例 #34
ファイル: プロジェクト: olov-andersson/bsp
def plot_belief_trajectory_cpp(B, U, model, start, goal, T):
    bDim = model.bDim
    uDim = model.uDim

    B = np.matrix(B)
    B = np.matrix(B.reshape(bDim, T))

    model.T = T

    plot_belief_trajectory(B, U, model)
コード例 #35
ファイル: プロジェクト: animesh-garg/bsp
def plot_belief_trajectory_cpp(B, U, model, start, goal, T):
    bDim = model.bDim
    uDim = model.uDim
    B = np.matrix(B)
    B = np.matrix(B.reshape(bDim, T))
    model.T = T

    plot_belief_trajectory(B, U, model)
コード例 #36
    def local_trans(self, joint_name, joint_angle):
        '''calculate local transformation of one joint

        :param str joint_name: the name of joint
        :param float joint_angle: the angle of joint in radians
        :return: transformation
        :rtype: 4x4 matrix
        T = identity(4)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        s = math.sin(joint_angle)
        c = math.sin(joint_angle)

        # Roll = X Pitch = Y Yaw = Z

        if joint_name.endswith("Roll"):
            T = matrix([
                [1, 0, 0, self.links[joint_name][0]],
                [0, c, -s, self.links[joint_name][1]],
                [0, s, c, self.links[joint_name][2]],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],
        if joint_name.endswith("Pitch"):
            T = matrix([
                [c, 0, s, self.links[joint_name][0]],
                [0, 1, 0, self.links[joint_name][1]],
                [-s, 0, c, self.links[joint_name][2]],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],
        if joint_name.endswith("Yaw"):
            T = matrix([
                [c, s, 0, self.links[joint_name][0]],
                [-s, c, 0, self.links[joint_name][1]],
                [0, 0, 1, self.links[joint_name][2]],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],
        if joint_name.endswith("YawPitch"):
            Y = matrix([
                [c, s, 0, self.links[joint_name][0]],
                [-s, c, 0, self.links[joint_name][1]],
                [0, 0, 1, self.links[joint_name][2]],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],
            P = matrix([
                [c, 0, s, self.links[joint_name][0]],
                [0, 1, 0, self.links[joint_name][1]],
                [-s, 0, c, self.links[joint_name][2]],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],
            T =, P)

        return T
コード例 #37
def QBDSolve (B, L, F, L0, prec=1e-14):
    Returns the parameters of the matrix-geometrically 
    distributed stationary distribution of a QBD.
    Using vector pi0 and matrix R provided by this function
    the stationary solution can be obtained by
    .. math::
        \pi_k=\pi_0 R^k.    
    B : matrix, shape (N,N)
        The matrix corresponding to backward transitions
    L : matrix, shape (N,N)
        The matrix corresponding to local transitions
    F : matrix, shape (N,N)
        The matrix corresponding to forward transitions
    L0 : matrix, shape (N,N)
        The matrix corresponding to local transitions at
        level zero
    precision : double, optional
        The fundamental matrix R is computed up to this
        precision. The default value is 1e-14
    pi0 : matrix, shape (1,N)
        The stationary probability vector of level zero
    R : matrix, shape (N,N)
        The matrix parameter of the matrix geometrical
        distribution of the QBD 
    m = L0.shape[0]
    I = ml.eye(m)
    R = QBDFundamentalMatrices (B, L, F, "R", prec)
    # Convert to discrete time problem, if needed
    if np.sum(np.diag(L0) < 0): # continues time
        lamb = float(np.max(-np.diag(L0)))
        B = ml.matrix(B) / lamb
        L0 = ml.matrix(L0) / lamb + I
    pi0 = DTMCSolve(L0+R*B)
    nr = np.sum(pi0*la.inv(I-R))
    pi0 /= nr
    return pi0, R
コード例 #38
ファイル: プロジェクト: bgrant/portfolio
def test_board_states():
    # board state tests
    b = Board()
    pX = Player(X,b)
    pO = Player(O,b)

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 0 0; 1 1 1; 1 0 0")
    assert(are_winning_rows(b.state, X) and are_winning_cols(b.state, X))
    assert(is_winner(b.state, pX.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("2 2 2; 0 0 2; 1 0 2")
    assert(are_winning_rows(b.state, O) and are_winning_cols(b.state, O))
    assert(is_winner(b.state, pO.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1")
    assert(are_winning_diags(b.state, X))
    assert(is_winner(b.state, pX.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("0 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0")
    assert(are_winning_diags(b.state, X))
    assert(is_winner(b.state, pX.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("0 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0")
    assert(are_winning_diags(b.state, X))
    assert(is_winner(b.state, pX.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 1 2; 2 2 1; 1 1 2")
    assert(not are_winning_diags(b.state, X) and
           not are_winning_rows(b.state, O) and
           not are_winning_cols(b.state, O))
    assert(not is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert(not is_winner(b.state, pO.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 1 1; 2 2 1; 2 2 1")
    assert(is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert(not is_winner(b.state, pO.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 2 1; 2 2 1; 2 2 1")
    assert(is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert(is_winner(b.state, pO.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 1 2; 2 2 1; 1 2 1")
    assert(not is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert(not is_winner(b.state, pO.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("2 1 1; 1 2 2; 1 2 1")
    assert(not is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert(not is_winner(b.state, pO.side))
コード例 #39
def test_board_states():
    # board state tests
    b = Board()
    pX = Player(X, b)
    pO = Player(O, b)

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 0 0; 1 1 1; 1 0 0")
    assert (are_winning_rows(b.state, X) and are_winning_cols(b.state, X))
    assert (is_winner(b.state, pX.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("2 2 2; 0 0 2; 1 0 2")
    assert (are_winning_rows(b.state, O) and are_winning_cols(b.state, O))
    assert (is_winner(b.state, pO.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1")
    assert (are_winning_diags(b.state, X))
    assert (is_winner(b.state, pX.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("0 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0")
    assert (are_winning_diags(b.state, X))
    assert (is_winner(b.state, pX.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("0 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0")
    assert (are_winning_diags(b.state, X))
    assert (is_winner(b.state, pX.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 1 2; 2 2 1; 1 1 2")
    assert (not are_winning_diags(b.state, X)
            and not are_winning_rows(b.state, O)
            and not are_winning_cols(b.state, O))
    assert (not is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert (not is_winner(b.state, pO.side))
    assert (is_draw(b.state))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 1 1; 2 2 1; 2 2 1")
    assert (is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert (not is_winner(b.state, pO.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 2 1; 2 2 1; 2 2 1")
    assert (is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert (is_winner(b.state, pO.side))

    b.state = nm.matrix("1 1 2; 2 2 1; 1 2 1")
    assert (not is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert (not is_winner(b.state, pO.side))
    assert (is_draw(b.state))

    b.state = nm.matrix("2 1 1; 1 2 2; 1 2 1")
    assert (not is_winner(b.state, pX.side))
    assert (not is_winner(b.state, pO.side))
    assert (is_draw(b.state))
コード例 #40
    def __init__(self, simspark_ip='localhost',
        super(ForwardKinematicsAgent, self).__init__(simspark_ip, simspark_port, teamname, player_id, sync_mode)
        self.transforms = {n: identity(4) for n in self.joint_names}

        # chains defines the name of chain and joints of the chain
        self.chains = {'Head': ['HeadYaw', 'HeadPitch'],
                       'LArm': ['LShoulderPitch', 'LShoulderRoll', 'LElbowYaw', 'LElbowRoll'],
                       'LLeg': ['LHipYawPitch', 'LHipRoll', 'LHipPitch', 'LKneePitch', 'LAnklePitch', 'LAnkleRoll'],
                       'RLeg': ['RHipYawPitch', 'RHipRoll', 'RHipPitch', 'RKneePitch', 'RAnklePitch', 'RAnkleRoll'],
                       'RArm': ['RShoulderPitch', 'RShoulderRoll', 'RElbowYaw', 'RElbowRoll']
        #lengths bodypart from.. to.. [X, Y, Z]
        self.lengths = {'ArmShoulderRollElbowYaw': matrix([105.0, 15.0, 0.0]),
                        'ArmElbowRollWristYaw': matrix([55.95, 0.0, 0.0]),
                        'LegHipPitchKneePitch': matrix([0.0, 0.0, -100.0]),
                        'LegKneePitchAnklePitch': matrix([0.0, 0.0, -102.9]),
                        'LLegTorsoHip': matrix([0.0, 50.0, -85.0]),
                        'RLegTorsoHip': matrix([0.0, -50.0, -85.0]),
                        'LArmTorsoShoulder': matrix([0.0, 98.0, 100.0]),
                        'RArmTorsoShoulder': matrix([0.0, -98.0, 100.0])
        self.start_time =self.perception.time
 def rotation_matrix(self, axis, angle):
     matrix_dict = {
         matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0],
                 [0, np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]),
         matrix([[np.cos(angle), 0, np.sin(angle), 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                 [-np.sin(angle), 0, np.cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]),
         matrix([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0, 0],
                 [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 1]])
     return matrix_dict.get(axis)
コード例 #42
ファイル: プロジェクト: ipamfa/bcast-attack
def shortest(B) :    
    (j,k) = B.shape
    if j==1 :
        return B    
    b = LLL(B).getBasis()              # representasi basis dalam array 2d

    while True :
        # aproximasi reduced basis
        b_ = orthoproject(b[0], b[1:])
        # rekursif
        b__ = shortest(b_)
        # lifting dg transformasi linear, catatan 13/12       
        T =  solve_linear( b_.T,b__ )  # b_ perlu ditransform, liat spek
        # transpose T karena msh kolom 
        v = matrix( T.T )*matrix( b[1:] )            # ubah ke matrix dulu
        b[1:] = np.asarray(v)                        # override array lagi
        b0n = norm(b[0])
        b1n = norm(b[1])
        if b1n**2 >= (3.0/4)*b0n**2 :
        # swap
        t = np.copy(b[0])
        b[0] = b[1]
        b[1] = t
    # temukan nilai batas j0
    g = Gram(b)        
    # cari vektor yg norm-nya lebih besar dari b0
    i = 1
    while i < j :
        v = g.getBstar(i)
        if norm(v) >= b0n :
        i += 1
    # enumerate   
    v1 = enumerate(b[:i], g)
    # select-basis
    B = select_basis( np.append([v1], b, axis=0) )
    # ulangi lagi step spt yg didalam loop
    B_ = orthoproject( B[0], B[1:] )
    B__ = shortest(B_)                               # rekursif    
    T = solve_linear( B_.T, B__ )
    # tangani kondisi ketika pengenolan
    # apakah dalam enumerate alpha diubah2 secara share
    V = matrix( T.T )*matrix( B[1:] )                # perlu bentuk matrix
    B[1:] = np.asarray(V)
    return B                              
コード例 #43
ファイル: プロジェクト: ghorvath78/butools
def SimilarityMatrix (A1, A2):
    Returns the matrix that transforms A1 to A2.
    A1 : matrix, shape (N,N)
        The smaller matrix
    A2 : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The larger matrix (M>=N)
    B : matrix, shape (N,M)
        The matrix satisfying `A_1\,B = B\,A_2`
    For the existence of a (unique) solution the larger 
    matrix has to inherit the eigenvalues of the smaller one.

    if A1.shape[0]!=A1.shape[1] or A2.shape[0]!=A2.shape[1]:
        raise Exception("SimilarityMatrix: The input matrices must be square!")

    N1 = A1.shape[0]
    N2 = A2.shape[1]

    if N1>N2:
        raise Exception("SimilarityMatrix: The first input matrix must be smaller than the second one!")

    Q1 = ml.matrix(Q1)
    Q2 = ml.matrix(Q2)
    c1 = ml.matrix(np.sum(Q2.H,1))
    c2 = np.sum(Q1.H,1)
    I = ml.eye(N2)
    X = ml.zeros((N1,N2), dtype=complex)
    for k in range(N1-1,-1,-1):
        M = R1[k,k]*I-R2
        if k==N1:
            m = ml.zeros((1,N2))
            m = -R1[k,k+1:]*X[k+1:,:]
        X[k,:] = Linsolve(np.hstack((M,c1)),np.hstack((m,c2[k])))
    return (Q1*X*ml.matrix(Q2).H ).real
コード例 #44
ファイル: プロジェクト: corobotics/corobots
	def predict(self, odom_pose):
		delta = self.get_odom_delta(odom_pose)
		if delta is None:
			# Can't do a delta update the first time.

		dx, dy, dt = self.state_tuple(delta)
		# Give bonus change in angel since odom cannot
		# read that properly	
		if abs(dt) > 0:
			if rospy.gettime() - self.lastdt > 0.25:
				bonus = copysign(ACCEL_ANGEL_BONUS, dt)
				delta[2] += bonus

			self.lastdt = rospy.get_time
		self.state = self.state + delta

		dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
		fwderr  = 0.05 * dist
		sideerr = 0.1 * dist
		yawerr  = 0.2 * dist
		cth = cos(odom_pose.theta)
		sth = sin(odom_pose.theta)
		V = matrix([
			[cth*cth*fwderr + sth*sth*sideerr, sth*cth*(sideerr - fwderr)      , 0.0   ],
			[sth*cth*(sideerr - fwderr)      , sth*sth*fwderr + cth*cth*sideerr, 0.0   ],
			[0.0                             , 0.0                             , yawerr]])
		self.covariance = self.covariance + V
コード例 #45
ファイル: プロジェクト: nianxing/Big-Pot-Chicken
def Translation(x, y, z):
	Tl = identity(4)
	Tl = matrix([[1,0,0,x],
	return Tl
コード例 #46
def lireFichierMatrice(fichier):
    with open(fichier, "r") as fichier:
        noMatrice = int(fichier.readline())
        dimensions = map(int,
                         filter(lambda x: x != "",
                                map(lambda x: x.strip(),
                                    fichier.readline().strip().split(" "))))

        assert (len(dimensions) == noMatrice+1),"Erreur de dimensions dans le fichier"

        matrices = [None]
        for i in range(0, len(dimensions)-1):
                matrice = []
                # On remplit la matrice
                for j in range(0, dimensions[i]):
                    temp = map(int,
                            filter(lambda x: x != "",
                                map(lambda x: x.strip(),
                                    fichier.readline().strip().split(" ")
                    assert(len(temp) == dimensions[i+1]),"Erreur dans le fichier source"
    return noMatrice, dimensions, matrices
コード例 #47
ファイル: プロジェクト: ghorvath78/butools
def CRPSolve (Q):
    Computes the stationary solution of a continuous time 
    rational process (CRP).
    Q : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The generator matrix of the rational process
    pi : row vector, shape (1,M)
        The vector that satisfies 
        `\pi\, Q = 0, \sum_i \pi_i=1`
    Continuous time rational processes are like continuous 
    time Markov chains, but the generator does not have to 
    pass the :func:`CheckGenerator` test (but the rowsums 
    still have to be zeros).
    if butools.checkInput and np.any(np.sum(Q,1)>butools.checkPrecision):
        raise Exception("CRPSolve: The matrix has a rowsum which isn't zero!")
    M = np.array(Q)
    M[:,0] = np.ones(M.shape[0])
    m = np.zeros(M.shape[0])
    m[0] = 1.0
    return ml.matrix(la.solve (M.T, m))
コード例 #48
ファイル: プロジェクト: ghorvath78/butools
def Linsolve(A,b):
    Solves the linear system A*x=b (if b is a column vector), or x*A=b (if b is 
    a row vector).
    Matrix "A" does not need to be square, this function uses rank-revealing
    QR decomposition to solve the system.
    A : matrix, shape (M,N)
        The coefficient matrix of the linear system.
    b : matrix, shape (M,1) or (1,N)
        The right hand side of the linear system
    x : matrix, shape (M,1) or (1,N)
        If b is a column vector, then x is the solution of A*x=b.       
        If b is a row vector, it returns the solution of x*A=b.
    if b.shape[0]==1:
        x = Linsolve(np.conj(A.T), np.conj(b.T))
        return np.conj(x.T)
    elif b.shape[1]==1:
        Q,R = la.qr(A)
        N = A.shape[1]
        return ml.matrix(la.solve(R[0:N,0:N], np.array(np.conj(Q.T)*b).flatten()[0:N])).T
コード例 #49
ファイル: プロジェクト: mross-22/dinsdale
def potential_fields_test():
    T_f = 150
    T_s = .01
    t = np.arange(0, T_f, T_s)
    c = controller_1.Controller(0, T_s)
    c.q = np.matrix('150; 0')
    p = plant.Plant(0,
                    npm.matrix([[0, 60, 0, 1, 0, 0]]).T,
                    np.matrix([[0, 0]]).T,
    x = np.zeros((6, t.size))
    x_ref = np.zeros((2, t.size))
    for i, time in enumerate(t):
        x[:, i] = np.reshape(p.x.T, 6)
        x_ref[:, i] = np.reshape(c.ref.T, 2)
        c.y = p.y
        p.u = c.u
    x[:, -1] = np.reshape(p.x.T, 6)
    plt.plot(x[0, :], x[1, :], label='boat')
    plt.plot(x_ref[0, :], x_ref[1, :], label='reference')
コード例 #50
ファイル: プロジェクト: ghorvath78/butools
def MarginalDistributionFromMRAP (H):
    Returns the phase type distributed marginal distribution
    of a marked rational arrival process.
    H : list/cell of matrices of shape(M,M), length(N)
        The H0...HN matrices of the MRAP
    precision : double, optional
        Numerical precision for checking if the input is valid.
        The default value is 1e-14
    alpha : matrix, shape (1,M)
        The initial vector of the matrix exponentially
        distributed marginal
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The matrix parameter of the matrix exponentially
        distributed marginal    

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckMRAPRepresentation (H):
        raise Exception("MarginalDistributionFromMRAP: Input is not a valid MRAP representation!")    

    Hk = ml.matrix(H[1])
    for i in range (2, len(H)):
        Hk += H[i]
    return (DRPSolve(la.inv(-H[0])*Hk), H[0])
コード例 #51
ファイル: プロジェクト: sf-issues/topographica
def Scale2dMat(sx, sy):
    Return an affine translation matrix that scales the points
    toward/away from the origin by a factor of sx on x-axis and sy on
    the y-axis.
    return matrix([[sx, 0, 0], [0, sy, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
コード例 #52
ファイル: プロジェクト: wiktor-b/topographica
    def __init__(self, **kw):

        # This buffer prevents having to allocate memory for each point.
        self._op_buf = matrix([[0.0],
コード例 #53
ファイル: プロジェクト: wiktor-b/topographica
def Rotate2dMat(t):
    Return an affine transformation matrix that rotates the points
    around the origin by t radians.
    return matrix([[cos(t), -sin(t), 0],
                   [sin(t),  cos(t), 0],
                   [  0   ,    0   , 1]])
コード例 #54
ファイル: プロジェクト: wiktor-b/topographica
def Translate2dMat(xoff,yoff):
    Return an affine transformation matrix that translates points by
    the offset (xoff,yoff).
    return matrix([[1, 0, xoff],
                   [0, 1, yoff],
                   [0, 0,   1 ]])
コード例 #55
ファイル: プロジェクト: nianxing/Big-Pot-Chicken
def RotationZ(joint_angle):
	Tz = identity(4)
	c = math.cos(joint_angle)
	s = math.sin(joint_angle)
	Tz = matrix([[c,-s,0,0],
	return Tz
コード例 #56
ファイル: プロジェクト: nianxing/Big-Pot-Chicken
def RotationY(joint_angle):
	Ty = identity(4)
	c = math.cos(joint_angle)
	s = math.sin(joint_angle)
	Ty = matrix([[c,0,s,0],
	return Ty
コード例 #57
ファイル: プロジェクト: nianxing/Big-Pot-Chicken
def RotationX(joint_angle):
	Tx = identity(4)
	c = math.cos(joint_angle)
	s = math.sin(joint_angle)
	Tx = matrix([[1,0,0,0],
	return Tx
コード例 #58
ファイル: プロジェクト: rmaguire31/ernoe-cube
 def __new__(cls, m, n):
     if not all((
             isinstance(m, int),
             isinstance(n, int),
         raise ValueError
     data = matlib.hstack([
             matlib.hstack((matlib.identity(n, dtype=int), matlib.matrix(p, dtype=int).T)),
             matlib.hstack((matlib.matrix(p, dtype=int), matlib.ones(1))),
         for p in product(range(m), repeat=n)
     return super().__new__(cls, data, dtype=int).view(cls)
コード例 #59
ファイル: プロジェクト: ghorvath78/butools
def GM1StationaryDistr (B, R, K):
    Returns the stationary distribution of the G/M/1 type
    Markov chain up to a given level K.
    A : length(M) list of matrices of shape (N,N)
        Matrix blocks of the G/M/1 type generator in the 
        regular part, from 0 to M-1.
    B : length(M) list of matrices of shape (N,N)
        Matrix blocks of the G/M/1 type generator at the
    R : matrix, shape (N,N)
        Matrix R of the G/M/1 type Markov chain
    K : integer
        The stationary distribution is returned up to
        this level.
    pi : array, shape (1,(K+1)*N)
        The stationary probability vector up to level K

    if not isinstance(B,np.ndarray):
        B = np.vstack(B)

    m = R.shape[0]
    I = ml.eye(m)   

    temp = (I-R).I
    if np.max(temp<-100*butools.checkPrecision):
        raise Exception("The spectral radius of R is not below 1: GM1 is not pos. recurrent")
    maxb = B.shape[0]//m
    BR = B[(maxb-1)*m:,:]
    for i in range(maxb-1,0,-1):
        BR = R * BR + B[(i-1)*m:i*m,:]

    pix = DTMCSolve(BR)
    pix = pix / np.sum(pix*temp)
    pi = [pix]    
    sumpi = np.sum(pix)
    numit = 1
    while sumpi < 1.0-1e-10 and numit < 1+K:
        pix = pix*R; # compute pi_(numit+1)
        numit += 1
        sumpi += np.sum(pix);
        if butools.verbose:
            print("Accumulated mass after ", numit, " iterations: ", sumpi)

    if butools.verbose and numit == K+1:
        print("Maximum Number of Components ", numit-1, " reached")
    return np.hstack(pi)