コード例 #1
ファイル: recipe-498246.py プロジェクト: zlrs/code-1
def calcDistanceMatrixFastEuclidean(points):
    numPoints = len(points)
    distMat = sqrt(
        sum((repmat(points, numPoints, 1) -
             repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2,
    return distMat.reshape((numPoints, numPoints))
コード例 #2
ファイル: earworm_support.py プロジェクト: firebaugh/partybot
def make_similarity_matrix(matrix, size=MIN_ALIGN):
    singles = matrix.tolist()
    points = [flatten(t) for t in tuples(singles, size)]
    numPoints = len(points)
    # euclidean distance
    distMat = np.sqrt(np.sum((repmat(points, numPoints, 1) - repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2, axis=1, dtype=np.float32))
    return distMat.reshape((numPoints, numPoints))
コード例 #3
def calcDistanceMatrixFastEuclidean(points):
  print 'using calcDistanceMatrixFastEuclidean'
  numPoints = len(points)
  #distMat = sqrt(sum(repmat((numPoints, numPoints, 1) - repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2, axis=1))
  distMat = sqrt(sum((repmat(points, numPoints, 1) - repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2, axis=1))
  return distMat.reshape((numPoints,numPoints))[0,1]
コード例 #4
ファイル: network_average.py プロジェクト: grollins/NetAvg
def get_dist_matrix(points):
    numPoints = len(points)
    distMat = numpy.sqrt(
        numpy.sum((matlib.repmat(points, numPoints, 1) -
                   matlib.repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2,
    return distMat.reshape((numPoints, numPoints))
コード例 #5
def dist_matrix(pts):
    """Calculate the euclidean distance matrix (EDM) for a set of points.

    pts : np.ndarray (shape = (2,))

    dist_mat : np.ndarray
        The distance matrix as 2d ndarray.

    Implementation Details
    Uses two auxiliary matrixes to easily calculate the distance from each
    point to every other point in the list using this approach:
    (1) aux matrixes:
    repmat(l, n1, n2): l is repeated n1 times, along axis 1, and n2 times along
    axis 2, so repmat(pts, len(pts), 1) =
        array( [ [1, 2], [4, 6], [1, 2], [4, 6] ] )
    repeat(l, n, a): each element of l is repeated n times along axis a (w/o
    'a' a plain list is generated), so repeat(pts, 2, 1) =
        array( [ [1, 2], [1, 2], [4, 6], [4, 6] ] )
    (2) Pythagoras:
    Then, the element-wise difference of the generated matrixes is calculated
    each value is squared:
        array( [ [ 0,  0], [ 9, 16], [ 9, 16], [ 0,  0] ] )
    These squares are then summed up (linewise) using sum(..., axis=1):
        array([ 0, 25, 25,  0])
    Finally the square root is taken for each element:
        array([ 0.,  5.,  5.,  0.])
    To transform the list into a distance matrix reshape() is used.

    >>> dist_matrix([ [1, 2], [4, 6] ])
    array([[ 0.,  5.],
           [ 5.,  0.]])
    >>> dist_matrix([ [1.8, 4.1, 4.0], [2.8, 4.7, 4.5], [5.2, 4.2, 4.7],
    ...               [4.1, 4.5, 4.6], [5.7, 3.4, 4.5]])
    array([[ 0.        ,  1.26885775,  3.47275107,  2.41039416,  3.99374511],
           [ 1.26885775,  0.        ,  2.45967478,  1.3190906 ,  3.17804972],
           [ 3.47275107,  2.45967478,  0.        ,  1.14455231,  0.96436508],
           [ 2.41039416,  1.3190906 ,  1.14455231,  0.        ,  1.94422221],
           [ 3.99374511,  3.17804972,  0.96436508,  1.94422221,  0.        ]])
    dist_mat = scipy.sqrt(
                matlib.repmat(pts, len(pts), 1) -
                matlib.repeat(pts, len(pts), axis=0)
            ) ** 2,
    return dist_mat.reshape((len(pts), len(pts)))
コード例 #6
def make_similarity_matrix(matrix, size=MIN_ALIGN):
    singles = matrix.tolist()
    points = [flatten(t) for t in tuples(singles, size)]
    numPoints = len(points)
    distMat = sqrt(
        np.sum((repmat(points, numPoints, 1) -
                repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2,
    return distMat.reshape((numPoints, numPoints))
コード例 #7
def calcDistanceMatrixFastEuclidean(points):
    Just a memory efficient way to calculate euclidian distances


    :param points: List of coordinates
    :return: Distance matrix
    numPoints = len(points)
    distMat = np.sqrt(np.sum((repmat(points, numPoints, 1) - repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2, axis=1))
    return distMat.reshape((numPoints,numPoints))
コード例 #8
def ThinPlateSplines(e,nN,nN_linear,interpP):
    # Adjust linear by thin plate splines
    now = time.time()
    num_e = e.shape[0]
    ctrlpoints = nN[numpy.concatenate((numpy.array(list(range(num_e))),interpP),0),:]
    points = nN_linear[numpy.concatenate((numpy.array(list(range(num_e))),interpP),0),:]
    npnts = points.shape[0]
    distMat = numpy.sum((repmat(points, npnts, 1) - repeat(points, npnts, axis=0))**2, axis=1)
    k = distMat.reshape((npnts, npnts))

    k[k<1e-320] = 1e-320
    k = numpy.sqrt(k)
    # Calculate P matrix
    p = numpy.concatenate((numpy.ones((npnts,1)),points.copy()),1)
    # Calculate L matrix
    l = numpy.concatenate((numpy.concatenate((k,p),1),numpy.concatenate((p.T,numpy.zeros((4,4))),1)),0)
    param = numpy.dot( linalg.pinv(l) , numpy.concatenate((ctrlpoints,numpy.zeros((4,3))),0) )
    # Calculate new coordinates (x',y',z') for each points 
    pntsNum = nN_linear.shape[0]
    k = numpy.zeros((pntsNum,npnts))
    gx = nN_linear[:,0]
    gy = nN_linear[:,1]
    gz = nN_linear[:,2]
    for nn in range(npnts):
        k[:,nn] = (gx - points[nn,0])**2 + (gy - points[nn,1])**2 + (gz - points[nn,2])**2
    k[k<1e-320] = 1e-320
    k = numpy.sqrt(k)
    p = numpy.concatenate((numpy.ones((pntsNum,1)),nN_linear.copy()),1)
    l = numpy.concatenate((k,p),1)
    wnN_linear = numpy.dot( l, param )
    wnN_linear[numpy.concatenate((numpy.array(list(range(num_e))),interpP),0),:] = ctrlpoints
    print("ThinPlateSplines took: %f" % (time.time() - now))
    return wnN_linear
コード例 #9
def calcDistanceMatrix2(AB,
                        distFunc=lambda delta: sqrt(sum(delta**2, axis=1))):
    assert (len(AB) in [1, 2] and type(AB) != ndarray)
    if len(AB) == 2:
        A, B = AB
        #if (A==B).all(): return calcDistanceMatrix2([A],distFunc)
        #A = array(A)
        #B = array(B)
        nA, dim = A.shape
        assert (B.shape[1] == dim)
        nB = B.shape[0]
        print A.shape, nB, B.shape, nA
        delta = repeat(A, nB, 0) - repmat(B, nA, 1)
        dist = distFunc(delta).reshape(nA, nB)  # dist[i,j] = d(A[i],B[j])
        del delta
        return dist
    else:  # elif len(AB)==1:
        A = array(AB[0])
        nA, dim = A.shape  #max nA <= 800
        rows = repeat(range(nA), nA)  # 0,0,0,...,n-1,n-1
        cols = array(range(nA) * nA)  # 0,1,2
        upper_ind = where(cols > rows)[0]
        # nA == (1+sqrt(1+8*len(upper_ind))/2
        ##lower_ind = where(cols<rows)[0]
        delta = A[rows[upper_ind], :] - A[cols[upper_ind], :]
        del rows
        del cols
        # computes all possible combinations
        #dist = zeros(nA*nA)
        #partial_delta = delta[:,upper_ind]
        partial_dist = distFunc(delta)
        del delta
        partial_dist.setfield(upper_ind, dtype=int32)
        #dist[upper_ind] = partial_dist
        #dist = dist.reshape(nA, nA) # dist[i,j] = d(A[i],A[j]) for i<j
        #dist = dist + dist.T # make it symmetric
        return partial_dist
コード例 #10
def calcDistanceMatrix2(AB,
                       distFunc=lambda delta: sqrt(sum(delta**2,axis=1))):
    assert(len(AB) in [1,2] and type(AB)!=ndarray)
    if len(AB)==2:
        A,B = AB
        #if (A==B).all(): return calcDistanceMatrix2([A],distFunc)
        #A = array(A)
        #B = array(B)
        nA,dim = A.shape
        nB = B.shape[0]
        print A.shape,nB,B.shape,nA
        delta = repeat(A,nB,0) - repmat(B,nA,1)
        dist = distFunc(delta).reshape(nA,nB)  # dist[i,j] = d(A[i],B[j])
        del delta
        return dist
    else: # elif len(AB)==1:
        A = array(AB[0])
        nA,dim = A.shape #max nA <= 800
        rows = repeat(range(nA),nA) # 0,0,0,...,n-1,n-1
        cols = array(range(nA)*nA) # 0,1,2
        upper_ind = where(cols>rows)[0]
        # nA == (1+sqrt(1+8*len(upper_ind))/2
        ##lower_ind = where(cols<rows)[0]
        delta = A[rows[upper_ind],:]- A[cols[upper_ind],:]
        del rows
        del cols
        # computes all possible combinations
        #dist = zeros(nA*nA)
        #partial_delta = delta[:,upper_ind]
        partial_dist = distFunc(delta)
        del delta
        partial_dist.setfield(upper_ind, dtype=int32)
        #dist[upper_ind] = partial_dist
        #dist = dist.reshape(nA, nA) # dist[i,j] = d(A[i],A[j]) for i<j
        #dist = dist + dist.T # make it symmetric
        return partial_dist
コード例 #11
ファイル: lazaric2008.py プロジェクト: madhop/baRricheLlo
def _compliance(w, target_s, target_r, target_s_prime, source_s, source_r,
                source_s_prime, delta_s_prime, delta_r):

    n_target = target_r.shape[0]
    n_source = source_r.shape[0]

    s_prime_t = matlib.repeat(target_s_prime, n_source, axis=0).squeeze()
    s_prime_s = matlib.repmat(source_s_prime, n_target,
                              1).reshape(n_target * n_source, -1).squeeze()
    s_t = matlib.repeat(target_s, n_source, axis=0).squeeze()
    s_s = matlib.repmat(source_s, n_target, 1).reshape(n_target * n_source,

    phi = _phi(_distance(s_prime_t, s_t + (s_prime_s - s_s)), delta_s_prime)
    lambda_p = np.multiply(w, phi.reshape(n_target, -1))

    r_t = matlib.repeat(target_r, n_source, axis=0).squeeze()
    r_s = matlib.repmat(source_r, n_target, 1).reshape(n_target * n_source,

    phi = _phi(_distance(r_t, r_s), delta_r)
    lambda_r = np.multiply(w, phi.reshape(n_target, -1))

    return np.mean(lambda_p, 1) * np.mean(lambda_r, 1)
コード例 #12
ファイル: lazaric2008.py プロジェクト: madhop/baRricheLlo
def _weights(target_sa, source_sa, delta_sa):

    n_target = target_sa.shape[0]
    n_source = source_sa.shape[0]

    sa_t = matlib.repeat(target_sa, n_source, axis=0)
    sa_s = matlib.repmat(source_sa, n_target, 1)

    dist = _distance(sa_t, sa_s)
    w = _phi(dist, delta_sa)
    w = w.reshape(n_target, -1)
    w /= np.sum(w, 1)[:, np.newaxis]
    w[np.isnan(w)] = 0
    dist = dist.reshape(n_target, -1)

    return w, dist
コード例 #13
ファイル: transmat.py プロジェクト: lgauthie/octo-chords
def calc_transmat(file_list):
    features, labels = load_feats_labels(file_list)
    globalmean = np.array(map(np.mean, features))
    globalcov = np.cov(features)
    pairs = zip(labels, np.transpose(features))
    models = {'mean': np.array([]), 'sigma': np.array([])}

    # Create individual models for each chord
    states = get_labels()
    for i, label in enumerate(states):
        examples = filter(lambda (x, _): x == label, pairs)
        if examples:
            [_, feats] = zip(*examples)
            models['mean'] = np.append(
                models['mean'], np.array(map(np.mean, np.transpose(feats))))
            covars = np.cov(np.transpose(feats))
            if (not np.allclose(covars, covars.T)
                    or np.any(linalg.eigvalsh(covars) <= 0)):
                print 'Invalid Covars, using globalcov'
                models['sigma'] = np.append(models['sigma'], globalcov)
                models['sigma'] = np.append(models['sigma'],

            models['mean'] = np.append(models['mean'], globalmean)
            models['sigma'] = np.append(models['sigma'], globalcov)
    models['mean'] = models['mean'].reshape(12, models['mean'].size / 12)
    models['sigma'] = models['sigma'].reshape(models['sigma'].size / (12 * 12),
                                              12, 12)

    n = len(states)
    transitions = np.zeros(shape=(n, n))
    trans = zip(labels[0:-1], labels[1:])
    for (i, ikey) in enumerate(states):
        for (j, jkey) in enumerate(states):
            # Add one so there is no zero probabilities
            transitions[i, j] = 0.01 + sum(
                [1 for (f, s) in trans if f == ikey and s == jkey])
    priors = np.sum(transitions, 1)
    transitions = np.divide(
        ml.repeat(priors, transitions.shape[1]).reshape(transitions.shape))
    priors = priors / np.sum(priors)
    return (models, transitions, priors)
コード例 #14
ファイル: transmat.py プロジェクト: lgauthie/octo-chords
def calc_transmat(file_list):
    features, labels = load_feats_labels(file_list)
    globalmean = np.array(map(np.mean, features))
    globalcov = np.cov(features)
    pairs = zip(labels, np.transpose(features))
    models = {'mean':np.array([]), 'sigma':np.array([])}

    # Create individual models for each chord
    states = get_labels()
    for i,label in enumerate(states):
        examples = filter(lambda (x,_): x == label, pairs)
        if examples:
            [_, feats] = zip(*examples)
            models['mean'] = np.append(models['mean'],
                                       np.array(map(np.mean, np.transpose(feats))))
            covars = np.cov(np.transpose(feats))
            if (not np.allclose(covars, covars.T)
                or np.any(linalg.eigvalsh(covars) <= 0)):
                print 'Invalid Covars, using globalcov'
                models['sigma'] = np.append(models['sigma'], globalcov)
                models['sigma'] = np.append(models['sigma'],

            models['mean'] = np.append(models['mean'], globalmean)
            models['sigma'] = np.append(models['sigma'], globalcov)
    models['mean'] = models['mean'].reshape(12,models['mean'].size/12)
    models['sigma'] = models['sigma'].reshape(models['sigma'].size/(12*12),12,12)

    n = len(states)
    transitions = np.zeros(shape=(n,n))
    trans = zip(labels[0:-1], labels[1:])
    for (i, ikey) in enumerate(states):
        for (j, jkey) in enumerate(states):
            # Add one so there is no zero probabilities
            transitions[i,j] = 0.01 + sum([1 for (f, s) in trans
                                           if f == ikey and s == jkey])
    priors = np.sum(transitions, 1)
    transitions = np.divide(
        ml.repeat(priors, transitions.shape[1]).reshape(transitions.shape)
    priors = priors/np.sum(priors)
    return (models, transitions, priors)
コード例 #15
def initialize_all(numParticles, numTimeSteps, cluster, boxLength, hDiameter, aligned, field, \
 fieldAmp, angFreq, timeSteps, shape, rAvg):
    """Initializes all particles and fields."""
    #create empty matrices
    particleMoments, particleAxes = initialize_empty_matrices(
        numParticles, numTimeSteps, shape)

    #fill matrices, initialize particles and fields
    particleMoments, particleAxes, mStart, nStart, hApplied, particleCoords = initialize_particles(particleMoments, \
     particleAxes, numParticles, numTimeSteps, cluster, boxLength, hDiameter, aligned, field, fieldAmp, angFreq, \
     timeSteps, shape)

    #initialize "ghost" coordinates for periodic boundary conditions
    ghostCoords, masks = initialize_ghost_coords(particleCoords, rAvg,
    distMatrixSq = repmat(ghostCoords, len(ghostCoords), 1) - repeat(
        ghostCoords, len(ghostCoords), axis=0)
    distMatrixSq = distMatrixSq.reshape(
        (len(ghostCoords), len(ghostCoords), 3))
    distMatrix = np.sqrt(np.sum(distMatrixSq**2, axis=2))

    return particleMoments, particleAxes, mStart, nStart, hApplied, particleCoords, ghostCoords, masks, \
     distMatrixSq, distMatrix
コード例 #16
def make_similarity_matrix_from_matrix(matrix):
    singles = matrix.tolist()
    points = [flatten(t) for t in tuples(singles, 1)]    
    numPoints = len(points)
    distMat = sqrt(np.sum((repmat(points, numPoints, 1) - repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2, axis=1, dtype=np.float32))
    return distMat.reshape((numPoints, numPoints))
コード例 #17
def initialize():
    global M
    global mcGhost
    global M_coords
    global H_app_z
    global H_app_y
    global H_dip
    global An
    global nx, ny
    global R
    global RR
    global rBar
    global Start
    global Axes
    global aStart

    if cluster == 0:
        M_coords = np.random.rand(
            I, 3) * L  #positions of particles. need to add limits
    if cluster == 1:
        M_coords = np.zeros((I, 3))
        c_theta = np.random.rand(1) * np.pi / 2.
        c_phi = np.random.rand(1) * np.pi / 2.
        #fig = pl.figure()
        #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        for c in range(I):
            #M_coords[c,2] = c*diam1
            #M_coords[c,0] = c*diam1
            M_coords[c, 0] = c * diam1 * np.sin(c_theta) * np.cos(c_phi)
            M_coords[c, 1] = c * diam1 * np.sin(c_theta) * np.sin(c_phi)
            M_coords[c, 2] = c * diam1 * np.cos(c_theta)
            #ax.scatter(M_coords[c,0], M_coords[c,1], M_coords[c,2], c='m')


    if cluster == 2:
        M_coords = np.zeros((I, 3))
        M_coords[0, 0] = diam1
        M_coords[1, 1] = diam1
        M_coords[2, 0] = diam1
        M_coords[2, 1] = diam1
        M_coords[3, 0] = 2 * diam1
        M_coords[3, 1] = diam1
        M_coords[4, 0] = diam1
        M_coords[4, 1] = 2 * diam1

    mcGhost = M_coords[:]

    M_theta = np.random.rand(I) * np.pi  #theta
    M_phi = np.random.rand(I) * 2 * np.pi  #phi
    if aligned == "yes":
        M[:, 0, 0] = 0
        M[:, 1, 0] = 0
        M[:, 2, 0] = 1
        M[:, 0,
          0] = np.sin(M_theta[:]) * np.cos(M_phi[:])  #random orientations
        M[:, 1, 0] = np.sin(M_theta[:]) * np.sin(M_phi[:])
        M[:, 2, 0] = np.cos(M_theta[:])

    Start = np.copy(M[:, :, 0])  #preserves initial conditions

    An_theta = np.random.rand(I) * np.pi  #theta (n)
    An_phi = np.random.rand(I) * 2 * np.pi  #phi (n)
    if aligned == "yes":
        An[:, 0] = 0
        An[:, 1] = 0
        An[:, 2] = 1
    elif aligned == "y":
        An[:, 0] = 0
        An[:, 1] = 1
        An[:, 2] = 0
    elif aligned == "y50":
        An[:I / 2., 0] = 0
        An[:I / 2., 1] = 1
        An[:I / 2., 2] = 0
        An[I / 2.:, 0] = np.sin(An_theta[I / 2.:]) * np.cos(
            An_phi[I / 2.:])  #random orientations
        An[I / 2.:, 1] = np.sin(An_theta[I / 2.:]) * np.sin(An_phi[I / 2.:])
        An[I / 2.:, 2] = np.cos(An_theta[I / 2.:])
           0] = np.sin(An_theta[:]) * np.cos(An_phi[:])  #random orientations
        An[:, 1] = np.sin(An_theta[:]) * np.sin(An_phi[:])
        An[:, 2] = np.cos(An_theta[:])

    if aligned == "yes":
        nx[:, 0] = 1
        nx[:, 1] = 0
        nx[:, 2] = 0
        ny[:, 0] = 0
        ny[:, 1] = 1
        ny[:, 2] = 0
        R_theta = np.random.rand(I) * np.pi  #theta (n)
        R_phi = np.random.rand(I) * 2 * np.pi  #phi (n)
        for i in range(I):
            R_n = np.array([
                np.sin(R_theta[i]) * np.cos(R_phi[i]),
                np.sin(R_theta[i]) * np.sin(R_phi[i]),
            ny[i, :] = np.cross(An[i, :], R_n)
            nx[i, :] = np.cross(An[i, :], ny[i, :])

    Axes[:, :, 0] = An
    aStart = np.copy(Axes[:, :, 0])

    H_dip = np.zeros((I, 3))
    H_app_z = h0 * np.cos(w * T)
    if twoD == "on":
        w2 = 1.05 * w
        H_app_y = h0 * np.sin(w2 * T)
        H_app_y = 0 * np.sin(w * T)

    #H_app_z = np.zeros(N)


    #---make ghost coordinate matrix
    def makecGhost(mcGhost):
        global g_mask_x1, g_mask_x2, g_mask_y1, g_mask_y2, g_mask_z1, g_mask_z2

        g_mask_x1 = M_coords[:, 0] < rAvg
        g_mask_x2 = M_coords[:, 0] > L - rAvg

        j1 = mcGhost[g_mask_x1]
        j1[:, 0] += L
        j2 = mcGhost[g_mask_x2]
        j2[:, 0] -= L

        mcGhost = np.vstack((mcGhost, j1))
        mcGhost = np.vstack((mcGhost, j2))

        g_mask_y1 = mcGhost[:, 1] < rAvg
        g_mask_y2 = mcGhost[:, 1] > L - rAvg

        k1 = mcGhost[g_mask_y1]
        k1[:, 1] += L
        k2 = mcGhost[g_mask_y2]
        k2[:, 1] -= L

        mcGhost = np.vstack((mcGhost, k1))
        mcGhost = np.vstack((mcGhost, k2))

        g_mask_z1 = mcGhost[:, 2] < rAvg
        g_mask_z2 = mcGhost[:, 2] > L - rAvg

        l1 = mcGhost[g_mask_z1]
        l1[:, 2] += L
        l2 = mcGhost[g_mask_z2]
        l2[:, 2] -= L

        mcGhost = np.vstack((mcGhost, l1))
        mcGhost = np.vstack((mcGhost, l2))

        return mcGhost

    #---create distance matrix. stays fixed
    mcGhost = makecGhost(mcGhost)

    numPoints = len(mcGhost)
    dM = repmat(mcGhost, numPoints, 1) - repeat(mcGhost, numPoints, axis=0)
    RR = dM.reshape((numPoints, numPoints, 3))
    R = np.sqrt(np.sum(RR**2, axis=2))

    rBar = np.average(R[:, :], weights=(R[:, :] > 0))
コード例 #18
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: chrisfilo/AG_thresholding
def calcDistanceMatrixFastEuclidean(points):
    numPoints = len(points)
    distMat = sqrt(sum((repmat(points, numPoints, 1) - repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2, axis=1))
    return distMat.reshape((numPoints,numPoints))
コード例 #19
def get_dist_matrix(points):
    numPoints = len(points)
    distMat = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((matlib.repmat(points, numPoints, 1) - matlib.repeat(points, numPoints, axis=0))**2,
    return distMat.reshape((numPoints,numPoints))