コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: Khitem/semanticscience
def array_value_range(a):

    if len(a) == 0:
        return (None, None)
    from numpy import minimum, maximum
    r = (minimum.reduce(a), maximum.reduce(a))
    return r
コード例 #2
ファイル: colorvol.py プロジェクト: Yongcheng123/ChimeraX
def _array_value_range(a):

    if len(a) == 0:
        return (None, None)
    from numpy import minimum, maximum
    r = (minimum.reduce(a), maximum.reduce(a))
    return r
コード例 #3
ファイル: vq.py プロジェクト: cranticumar/CameraITSonWindows
def py_vq2(obs, code_book, check_finite=True):
    """2nd Python version of vq algorithm.

    The algorithm simply computes the euclidian distance between each
    observation and every frame in the code_book/

    obs : ndarray
        Expect a rank 2 array. Each row is one observation.
    code_book : ndarray
        Code book to use. Same format than obs. Should have same number of
        features (eg columns) than obs.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
        Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
        (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
        Default: True

    code : ndarray
        code[i] gives the label of the ith obversation, that its code is
    mind_dist : ndarray
        min_dist[i] gives the distance between the ith observation and its
        corresponding code.

    This could be faster when number of codebooks is small, but it
    becomes a real memory hog when codebook is large. It requires
    N by M by O storage where N=number of obs, M = number of
    features, and O = number of codes.

    obs = _asarray_validated(obs, check_finite=check_finite)
    code_book = _asarray_validated(code_book, check_finite=check_finite)
    d = shape(obs)[1]

    # code books and observations should have same number of features
    if not d == code_book.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            code book(%d) and obs(%d) should have the same
            number of features (eg columns)"""
            % (code_book.shape[1], d)

    diff = obs[newaxis, :, :] - code_book[:, newaxis, :]
    dist = sqrt(np.sum(diff * diff, -1))
    code = argmin(dist, 0)
    min_dist = minimum.reduce(dist, 0)
    # The next line I think is equivalent and should be faster than the one
    # above, but in practice didn't seem to make much difference:
    # min_dist = choose(code,dist)
    return code, min_dist
コード例 #4
def py_vq2(obs, code_book, check_finite=True):
    """2nd Python version of vq algorithm.

    The algorithm simply computes the euclidian distance between each
    observation and every frame in the code_book/

    obs : ndarray
        Expect a rank 2 array. Each row is one observation.
    code_book : ndarray
        Code book to use. Same format than obs. Should have same number of
        features (eg columns) than obs.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
        Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
        (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
        Default: True

    code : ndarray
        code[i] gives the label of the ith obversation, that its code is
    mind_dist : ndarray
        min_dist[i] gives the distance between the ith observation and its
        corresponding code.

    This could be faster when number of codebooks is small, but it
    becomes a real memory hog when codebook is large. It requires
    N by M by O storage where N=number of obs, M = number of
    features, and O = number of codes.

    obs = _asarray_validated(obs, check_finite=check_finite)
    code_book = _asarray_validated(code_book, check_finite=check_finite)
    d = shape(obs)[1]

    # code books and observations should have same number of features
    if not d == code_book.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("""
            code book(%d) and obs(%d) should have the same
            number of features (eg columns)""" % (code_book.shape[1], d))

    diff = obs[newaxis, :, :] - code_book[:, newaxis, :]
    dist = sqrt(np.sum(diff * diff, -1))
    code = argmin(dist, 0)
    min_dist = minimum.reduce(dist, 0)
    # The next line I think is equivalent and should be faster than the one
    # above, but in practice didn't seem to make much difference:
    # min_dist = choose(code,dist)
    return code, min_dist
コード例 #5
ファイル: genstack.py プロジェクト: bwkeller/PASTA
def headerize(image):
	This method generates the FITS headers for the final median and mean 
	images that are saved.
	@type image:	pyfits image
	@param image:	The FITS image of the stacked results
	@returns:		The pyfits image with the proper header values included
    # These values are used due to a bug in the astlib scale, so my own scale
    # bzero and bscale values must be internally calculated.
    scalingfactor = 0.000001
    maxintvalue = 4294967294
    # This adds the appropriate fits header values
    image[0].header.update("STACKMIN", Stack.percentile_centralpix(0), "Minimum value of central pixel")
    image[0].header.update("STACKMAX", Stack.percentile_centralpix(100), "Maximum value of central pixel")
    image[0].header.update("STACK50", Stack.percentile_centralpix(50), "Median value of central pixel")
    image[0].header.update("STACK25", Stack.percentile_centralpix(25), "25th Percentile value of central pixel")
    image[0].header.update("STACK75", Stack.percentile_centralpix(75), "75th percentile value of central pixel")
    image[0].header.update("STACKNUM", Stack.data.shape[2], "Number of accepted sources used")
    image[0].header.update("BUNIT", units, "")
    image[0].header.update("CRPIX1", 1, "")
    image[0].header.update("CRPIX2", 1, "")
    image[0].header.update("CTYPE1", "RA-CAR", "")
    image[0].header.update("CTYPE2", "DEC-CAR", "")
    # CDELT SHOULD be read from input fits file
    image[0].header.update("CDELT1", cdelt1, "")
    image[0].header.update("CDELT2", cdelt2, "")
    image[0].header.update("CRVAL1", -((image[0].data.shape[0]) / 2.0) * image[0].header["CDELT1"], "")
    image[0].header.update("CRVAL2", -((image[0].data.shape[1]) / 2.0) * image[0].header["CDELT2"], "")
    # These lines are used to scale the image, as some software can only handle
    # int values for the data array
    min = minimum.reduce(minimum.reduce(image[0].data))
    max = maximum.reduce(maximum.reduce(image[0].data))
    # These lines are needed to prevent the lowest intensity pixels from being
    # blanks
    min = min - (scalingfactor * abs(min))
    max = max + (scalingfactor * abs(max))
    _zero = (max + min) / 2.0
    _scale = (max - min) / (4294967294)
    image[0].scale("int32", "", bzero=_zero, bscale=_scale)
    return image
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self, data):
         max_str_len = max(len(str(maximum.reduce(data))),
         self.format = '%' + str(max_str_len) + 'd'
     except (TypeError, NotImplementedError):
         # if reduce(data) fails, this instance will not be called, just
         # instantiated in formatdict.
     except ValueError:
         # this occurs when everything is NA
コード例 #7
    def fillFormat(self, data):
        import numpy.core.numeric as _nc

        errstate = _nc.seterr(all='ignore')
            special = isnan(data) | isinf(data)
            valid = not_equal(data, 0) & ~special
            non_zero = absolute(data.compress(valid))
            if len(non_zero) == 0:
                max_val = 0.
                min_val = 0.
                max_val = maximum.reduce(non_zero)
                min_val = minimum.reduce(non_zero)
                if max_val >= 1.e8:
                    self.exp_format = True
                if not self.suppress_small and (min_val < 0.0001
                                                or max_val / min_val > 1000.):
                    self.exp_format = True

        if self.exp_format:
            self.large_exponent = 0 < min_val < 1e-99 or max_val >= 1e100
            self.max_str_len = 8 + self.precision
            if self.large_exponent:
                self.max_str_len += 1
            if self.sign:
                format = '%+'
                format = '%'
            format = format + '%d.%de' % (self.max_str_len, self.precision)
            format = '%%.%df' % (self.precision,)
            if len(non_zero):
                precision = max([_digits(x, self.precision, format)
                                 for x in non_zero])
                precision = 0
            precision = min(self.precision, precision)
            self.max_str_len = len(str(int(max_val))) + precision + 2
            if _nc.any(special):
                self.max_str_len = max(self.max_str_len,
                                       len(_inf_str) + 1)
            if self.sign:
                format = '%#+'
                format = '%#'
            format = format + '%d.%df' % (self.max_str_len, precision)

        self.special_fmt = '%%%ds' % (self.max_str_len,)
        self.format = format
コード例 #8
ファイル: vq.py プロジェクト: bjornfor/scipy
def py_vq2(obs, code_book):
    """2nd Python version of vq algorithm.

    The algorithm simply computes the euclidian distance between each
    observation and every frame in the code_book/

    obs : ndarray
        Expect a rank 2 array. Each row is one observation.
    code_book : ndarray
        Code book to use. Same format than obs. Should have same number of
        features (eg columns) than obs.

    code : ndarray
        code[i] gives the label of the ith obversation, that its code is
    mind_dist : ndarray
        min_dist[i] gives the distance between the ith observation and its
        corresponding code.

    This could be faster when number of codebooks is small, but it
    becomes a real memory hog when codebook is large. It requires
    N by M by O storage where N=number of obs, M = number of
    features, and O = number of codes.

    d = shape(obs)[1]

    # code books and observations should have same number of features
    if not d == code_book.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            code book(%d) and obs(%d) should have the same
            number of features (eg columns)"""
            % (code_book.shape[1], d)

    diff = obs[newaxis, :, :] - code_book[:, newaxis, :]
    dist = sqrt(np.sum(diff * diff, -1))
    code = argmin(dist, 0)
    min_dist = minimum.reduce(dist, 0)  # the next line I think is equivalent
    #  - and should be faster
    # min_dist = choose(code,dist) # but in practice, didn't seem to make
    # much difference.
    return code, min_dist
コード例 #9
    def plane(self, matrix):

        from numpy import ravel, minimum, maximum, add, multiply, array, float32
        matrix_1d = matrix.ravel()
        dmin = minimum.reduce(matrix_1d)
        if self.min == None or dmin < self.min:
            self.min = dmin
        dmax = maximum.reduce(matrix_1d)
        if self.max == None or dmax > self.max:
            self.max = dmax
        self.sum += add.reduce(matrix_1d)
        # TODO: Don't copy array to get standard deviation.
        # Avoid overflow when squaring integral types
        m2 = array(matrix_1d, float32)
        multiply(m2, m2, m2)
        self.sum2 += add.reduce(m2)
コード例 #10
    def plane(self, matrix):

        from numpy import ravel, minimum, maximum, add, multiply, array, float32
        matrix_1d = matrix.ravel()
        dmin = minimum.reduce(matrix_1d)
        if self.min == None or dmin < self.min:
            self.min = dmin
        dmax = maximum.reduce(matrix_1d)
        if self.max == None or dmax > self.max:
            self.max = dmax
        self.sum += add.reduce(matrix_1d)
        # TODO: Don't copy array to get standard deviation.
        # Avoid overflow when squaring integral types
        m2 = array(matrix_1d, float32)
        multiply(m2, m2, m2)
        self.sum2 += add.reduce(m2)
コード例 #11
ファイル: vq.py プロジェクト: mrywhh/lip-sync-lpc
def py_vq2(obs, code_book):
    """2nd Python version of vq algorithm.

    The algorithm simply computes the euclidian distance between each
    observation and every frame in the code_book/

    obs : ndarray
        Expect a rank 2 array. Each row is one observation.
    code_book : ndarray
        Code book to use. Same format than obs. Should have same number of
        features (eg columns) than obs.

    code : ndarray
        code[i] gives the label of the ith obversation, that its code is
    mind_dist : ndarray
        min_dist[i] gives the distance between the ith observation and its
        corresponding code.

    This could be faster when number of codebooks is small, but it
    becomes a real memory hog when codebook is large. It requires
    N by M by O storage where N=number of obs, M = number of
    features, and O = number of codes.

    d = shape(obs)[1]

    # code books and observations should have same number of features
    if not d == code_book.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("""
            code book(%d) and obs(%d) should have the same
            number of features (eg columns)""" % (code_book.shape[1], d))

    diff = obs[newaxis, :, :] - code_book[:, newaxis, :]
    dist = sqrt(np.sum(diff * diff, -1))
    code = argmin(dist, 0)
    min_dist = minimum.reduce(dist, 0)  #the next line I think is equivalent
    #  - and should be faster
    #min_dist = choose(code,dist) # but in practice, didn't seem to make
    # much difference.
    return code, min_dist
コード例 #12
def peaks():
    vector, label = weeklydataset_sg_ndata(
        "/media/4AC0AB31C0AB21E5/Documents and Settings/Claudio/Documenti/Thesis/Workloads/MSClaudio/ews/access_log-20110805.csv",
    x, target = aggregatebymins_sg_ndata(vector[1])

    data = array(target)
    t = array(x)
    data = data.ravel()
    length = len(data)
    print length
    step = 40
    if length % step == 0:
        data.shape = (length / step, step)
        data.resize((length / step, step))
    max_data = maximum.reduce(data, 1)
    min_data = minimum.reduce(data, 1)

    pylab.plot(t, array(target), "b", label="signal")
    return concatenate((max_data[:, newaxis], min_data[:, newaxis]), 1)
コード例 #13
 def __init__(self, data):
     if data.dtype.kind == 'm':
         v = data.view('i8')
         max_str_len = max(len(str(maximum.reduce(v))),
         self.format = '%' + str(max_str_len) + 'd'
コード例 #14
ファイル: ticks.py プロジェクト: enthought/chaco
def auto_interval ( data_low, data_high, max_ticks=9 ):
    """ Calculates the tick interval for a range.

        The boundaries for the data to be plotted on the axis are::

            data_bounds = (data_low,data_high)

        The function chooses the number of tick marks, which can be between
        3 and max_ticks marks (including end points), and chooses tick intervals at
        1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, ...

        interval : float
            tick mark interval for axis
    range = float( data_high ) - float( data_low )

    # We'll choose from between 2 and 8 tick marks.
    # Preference is given to more ticks:
    #   Note reverse order and see kludge below...
    divisions = arange( max_ticks-1, 2.0, -1.0 ) # for max_ticks=9, ( 7, 6, ..., 3 )

    # Calculate the intervals for the divisions:
    candidate_intervals = range / divisions

    # Get magnitudes and mantissas for each candidate:
    magnitudes = 10.0 ** floor( log10( candidate_intervals ) )
    mantissas  = candidate_intervals / magnitudes

    # List of "pleasing" intervals between ticks on graph.
    # Only the first magnitude are listed, higher mags others are inferred:
    magic_intervals = array( ( 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 ) )

    # Calculate the absolute differences between the candidates
    # (with magnitude removed) and the magic intervals:
    differences = abs( magic_intervals[:,newaxis] - mantissas )

    # Find the division and magic interval combo that produce the
    # smallest differences:

    # KLUDGE: 'argsort' doesn't preserve the order of equal values,
    # so we subtract a small, index dependent amount from each difference
    # to force correct ordering.
    sh    = shape( differences )
    small = 2.2e-16 * arange( sh[1] ) * arange( sh[0] )[:,newaxis]
    small = small[::-1,::-1] #reverse the order
    differences = differences - small

    # ? Numeric should allow keyword "axis" ? comment out for now
    #best_mantissa = minimum.reduce(differences,axis=0)
    #best_magic = minimum.reduce(differences,axis=-1)
    best_mantissa  = minimum.reduce( differences,  0 )
    best_magic     = minimum.reduce( differences, -1 )
    magic_index    = argsort( best_magic )[0]
    mantissa_index = argsort( best_mantissa )[0]

    # The best interval is the magic_interval multiplied by the magnitude
    # of the best mantissa:
    interval  = magic_intervals[ magic_index ]
    magnitude = magnitudes[ mantissa_index ]
    result    = interval * magnitude
    if result == 0.0:
        result = finfo(float).eps
    return result
コード例 #15
ファイル: graphics.py プロジェクト: Pdgraham/spectral
def get_rgb(source, bands=None, **kwargs):
    '''Extract RGB data for display from a SpyFile object or numpy array.

    USAGE: rgb = get_rgb(source [, bands] [stretch=True]
                         [stretch_all=False] [bounds = (lower, upper)] )


        `source` (:class:`spectral.SpyFile` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`):

            Data source from which to extract the RGB data.

        `bands` (list of `int`) (optional):

            Optional triplet of indices which specifies the bands to extract
            for the red, green, and blue components, respectively. If this
            arg is not given, SpyFile object, it's metadata dict will be
            checked to see if it contains a "default bands" item.  If it does
            not, then first, middle and last band will be returned.

    Keyword Arguments:

        `stretch` (bool, default True):

            If the `stretch` keyword is True, the RGB values will be scaled
            so the maximum value in the returned array will be 1.

        `stretch_all` (bool, default False):

            If this keyword is True, each color channel will be scaled
            separately such that its maximum value is 1.

        `bounds` (2-tuple of scalars):

            If `bounds` is specified, the data will be scaled so that `lower`
            and `upper` correspond to 0 and 1, respectively. Any values outside
            of the range (`lower`, `upper`) will be clipped.

    from numpy import (take, zeros, repeat, ravel, minimum, maximum, clip,
                       float, int, newaxis)
    from spectral.spectral import Image
    from exceptions import TypeError

    if not bands:
        bands = []
    if len(bands) != 0 and len(bands) != 1 and len(bands) != 3:
        raise Exception("Invalid number of bands specified.")
    monochrome = 0

    if isinstance(source, Image) and len(source.shape) == 3:
        # Figure out which bands to display
        if len(bands) == 0:
            # No bands specified. What should we show?
            if hasattr(source, 'metadata') and \
              'default bands' in source.metadata:
                    bands = [int(b) for b in source.metadata['default bands']]
            elif source.shape[-1] == 1:
                bands = [0]
        if len(bands) == 0:
            # Pick the first, middle, and last bands
            n = source.shape[-1]
            bands = [0, n / 2, n - 1]
        rgb = source.read_bands(bands).astype(float)
        # It should be a numpy array
        s = source.shape
        if len(s) == 2:
            rgb = source[:, :, newaxis]
        elif (len(s) == 3 and s[2] == 1):
            rgb = source
        elif len(s) == 3:
            if s[2] == 3:
                if len(bands) == 0:
                    # keep data as is.
                    rgb = source.astype(float)
                elif len(bands) == 3:
                    if bands[0] == 0 and bands[1] == 1 and bands[2] == 2:
                        # Same as first 'if', bands just explicit.
                        rgb = source.astype(float)
                        rgb = take(source, bands, 2).astype(float)
            elif s[2] > 3 and (len(bands) == 1 or len(bands) == 3):
                rgb = take(source, bands, 2).astype(float)
                rgb = take(source, [0, s[2] / 2, s[2] - 1], 2).astype(float)
            raise Exception('Invalid array shape for image display')

    if 'colorScale' in kwargs:
        color_scale = kwargs['colorScale']
        warn('Keyword "colorScale" is deprecated. Use "color_scale"',
        color_scale = kwargs.get('color_scale', None)

    if 'autoScale' in kwargs:
        auto_scale = kwargs['autoScale']
        warn('Keyword "autoScale" is deprecated. Use "auto_scale"',
        auto_scale = kwargs.get('auto_scale', False)

    # If it's either color-indexed or monochrome
    if rgb.shape[2] == 1:
        s = rgb.shape
        if "colors" in kwargs:
            rgb = rgb.astype(int)
            pal = kwargs["colors"]
            rgb = pal[rgb[:,:,0]]
        elif color_scale is not None:
            # Colors should be generated from the supplied color scale
            # This section assumes rgb colors in the range 0-255.
            rgb = rgb[:, :, 0]
            scale = color_scale
            if auto_scale:
                scale.set_range(min(rgb.ravel()), max(rgb.ravel()))
            rgb3 = zeros((s[0], s[1], 3), int)
            for i in range(s[0]):
                for j in range(s[1]):
                    rgb3[i, j] = scale(rgb[i, j])
            rgb = rgb3.astype(float) / 255.
            monochrome = 1
            rgb = repeat(rgb, 3, 2).astype(float)

    if "colors" not in kwargs:
        # Perform any requested color enhancements.
        if "stretch" in kwargs or "bounds" not in kwargs:
            stretch = 1

        if "bounds" in kwargs:
            # Stretch each color within the value bounds
            (lower, upper) = kwargs["bounds"]
            rgb = (rgb - lower) / (upper - lower)
            rgb = clip(rgb, 0, 1)
        elif kwargs.get("stretch_all", False):
            # Stretch each color over its full range
            for i in range(rgb.shape[2]):
                mmin = minimum.reduce(ravel(rgb[:, :, i]))
                mmax = maximum.reduce(ravel(rgb[:, :, i]))
                rgb[:, :, i] = (rgb[:, :, i] - mmin) / (mmax - mmin)
        elif stretch or (kwargs.get("stretch_all", False) and monochrome):
            # Stretch so highest color channel value is 1
            mmin = minimum.reduce(ravel(rgb))
            mmax = maximum.reduce(ravel(rgb))
            rgb = (rgb - mmin) / (mmax - mmin)

    return rgb
コード例 #16
def auto_interval(data_low, data_high, max_ticks=9):
    """ Calculates the tick interval for a range.

        The boundaries for the data to be plotted on the axis are::

            data_bounds = (data_low,data_high)

        The function chooses the number of tick marks, which can be between
        3 and max_ticks marks (including end points), and chooses tick intervals at
        1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, ...

        interval : float
            tick mark interval for axis
    range = float(data_high) - float(data_low)

    # We'll choose from between 2 and 8 tick marks.
    # Preference is given to more ticks:
    #   Note reverse order and see kludge below...
    divisions = arange(max_ticks - 1, 2.0,
                       -1.0)  # for max_ticks=9, ( 7, 6, ..., 3 )

    # Calculate the intervals for the divisions:
    candidate_intervals = range / divisions

    # Get magnitudes and mantissas for each candidate:
    magnitudes = 10.0**floor(log10(candidate_intervals))
    mantissas = candidate_intervals / magnitudes

    # List of "pleasing" intervals between ticks on graph.
    # Only the first magnitude are listed, higher mags others are inferred:
    magic_intervals = array((1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0))

    # Calculate the absolute differences between the candidates
    # (with magnitude removed) and the magic intervals:
    differences = abs(magic_intervals[:, newaxis] - mantissas)

    # Find the division and magic interval combo that produce the
    # smallest differences:

    # KLUDGE: 'argsort' doesn't preserve the order of equal values,
    # so we subtract a small, index dependent amount from each difference
    # to force correct ordering.
    sh = shape(differences)
    small = 2.2e-16 * arange(sh[1]) * arange(sh[0])[:, newaxis]
    small = small[::-1, ::-1]  #reverse the order
    differences = differences - small

    # ? Numeric should allow keyword "axis" ? comment out for now
    #best_mantissa = minimum.reduce(differences,axis=0)
    #best_magic = minimum.reduce(differences,axis=-1)
    best_mantissa = minimum.reduce(differences, 0)
    best_magic = minimum.reduce(differences, -1)
    magic_index = argsort(best_magic)[0]
    mantissa_index = argsort(best_mantissa)[0]

    # The best interval is the magic_interval multiplied by the magnitude
    # of the best mantissa:
    interval = magic_intervals[magic_index]
    magnitude = magnitudes[mantissa_index]
    result = interval * magnitude
    if result == 0.0:
        result = finfo(float).eps
    return result