コード例 #1
ファイル: numpyExtn.py プロジェクト: www3838438/orange-bio
def triangularPut(m1d, upper=1, lower=0):
    """Returns 2D masked array with elements of the given 1D array in the strictly upper (lower) triangle.
    Elements of the 1D array should be ordered according to the upper triangular part of the 2D matrix.
    The lower triangular part (if requested) equals to the transposed upper triangular part.
    If upper == lower == 1 a symetric matrix is returned.
    assert upper in [0,1] and lower in [0,1], "[0|1] expected for upper / lower"
    m1d = MA.asarray(m1d)
    assert MA.rank(m1d) == 1, "1D masked array expected"
    m2dShape0 = math.ceil(math.sqrt(2*m1d.shape[0]))
    assert m1d.shape[0] == m2dShape0*(m2dShape0-1)/2, "the length of m1d does not correspond to n(n-1)/2"
    if upper:
        if lower:
            mask = Numeric.fromfunction(lambda i,j: i==j, (m2dShape0, m2dShape0))
            mask = Numeric.fromfunction(lambda i,j: i>=j, (m2dShape0, m2dShape0))
        if lower:
            mask = Numeric.fromfunction(lambda i,j: i<=j, (m2dShape0, m2dShape0))
            mask = Numeric.ones((m2dShape0, m2dShape0))

    m2d = MA.ravel(MA.zeros((m2dShape0, m2dShape0), m1d.dtype.char))
    condUpperTriang = Numeric.fromfunction(lambda i,j: i<j, (m2dShape0, m2dShape0))
    putIndices = Numeric.compress(Numeric.ravel(condUpperTriang), Numeric.arange(0, m2dShape0**2, typecode=Numeric.Int))
    MA.put(m2d, putIndices, m1d)
    m2d = MA.reshape(m2d, (m2dShape0, m2dShape0))
    m2d = MA.where(condUpperTriang, m2d, MA.transpose(m2d))
    return MA.array(m2d, mask=Numeric.logical_or(mask, MA.getmaskarray(m2d)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: numpyExtn.py プロジェクト: www3838438/orange-bio
def diagonalPut(m1d, m2d):
    """Puts the given 1D masked array into the diagonal of the given 2D masked array and returns a new copy of the 2D array.
    m1d = MA.asarray(m1d)
    m2d = MA.asarray(m2d)
    assert MA.rank(m1d) == 1 and MA.rank(m2d) == 2, "1D and 2D masked array expected"
    assert m1d.shape[0] == m2d.shape[0] == m2d.shape[1], "the shape of the given arrays does not match"
    putIndices = Numeric.compress(Numeric.ravel(Numeric.fromfunction(lambda i,j: i==j, m2d.shape)), Numeric.arange(0, Numeric.multiply.reduce(m2d.shape), typecode=Numeric.Int))
    m2dShape = m2d.shape
    m2d = MA.ravel(m2d)
    MA.put(m2d, putIndices, m1d)
    return MA.reshape(m2d, m2dShape)
コード例 #3
ファイル: numpyExtn.py プロジェクト: www3838438/orange-bio
def rankDataMA(m, inverse=False):
    """Returns ranks of 1D masked array; masked values ignored, range 1...#non-masked_values.
    m = MA.asarray(m)
    assert MA.rank(m) == 1
    fill_val = m.fill_value()
    m.set_fill_value(MA.maximum(m) + 1)
    r = MA.zeros(m.shape[0], Numeric.Float)
    MA.put(r, MA.argsort(m), Numeric.arange(m.shape[0]))
    r = MA.array(r, mask=MA.getmaskarray(m))
    if inverse:
        return -1*r+MA.count(m)
        return r+1