コード例 #1
def MaxInnerProd(ser1, ser2, PSD):
  size = Numeric.shape(ser1)[0]
  pdlen = size/2
  nyquistf = 0.5/15.0   #   !!! hardcoded !!!!
  freqs = Numeric.arange(0,pdlen+1,dtype='d') * (nyquistf / pdlen)
  if(Numeric.shape(ser2)[0] != size):
     print "size of time series must be the same"
  if(Numeric.shape(PSD)[0] != pdlen):
     print "wrong size of psd: ", pdlen, Numeric.shape(PSD)
  fourier1 = FFT.fft(ser1)
  fourier2 = FFT.fft(ser2)
  prod1 = Numeric.zeros(pdlen+1, dtype='d')
  prod2 = Numeric.zeros(pdlen+1, dtype='d')
  prod1[0] = 0.0
  prod1[1:pdlen] = numpy.multiply(fourier1[1:pdlen],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[1:pdlen])) + numpy.multiply(fourier1[-1:pdlen:-1],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[-1:pdlen:-1]))
  prod1[pdlen] = fourier1[pdlen]*fourier2[pdlen]
  prod2[0] = 0.0
  prod2[1:pdlen] = numpy.multiply(fourier1[1:pdlen],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[1:pdlen]*1.j)) + numpy.multiply((fourier1[-1:pdlen:-1]),numpy.conjugate(fourier2[-1:pdlen:-1]*(-1.j)))
  prod2[pdlen] = fourier1[pdlen]*fourier2[pdlen]
  Numeric.divide(prod1[1:], PSD, prod1[1:]) 
  Numeric.divide(prod2[1:], PSD, prod2[1:]) 
  olap0 = 0.0
  olappiby2 = 0.0
  for i in xrange(pdlen):
      if (freqs[i] > fLow and freqs[i]<= fHigh):
           olap0 += prod1[i]
	   olappiby2 += prod2[i]
  olap0 = 2.0*olap0/float(size)
  olappiby2 = 2.0*olappiby2/float(size)
#  olap0 =  2.0*(numpy.sum(prod1[1:]))/float(size) #it must be scaled by dt
#  olappiby2 =  2.0*(numpy.sum(prod2[1:]))/float(size) #it must be scaled by dt
  print "angle of maxim. = ", math.atan(olappiby2/olap0)
  return sqrt(olap0**2 + olappiby2**2) 
コード例 #2
def ring(x, y, height, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Circular ring (annulus) with Gaussian fall-off after the solid ring-shaped region.
    radius = height / 2.0
    half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    distance_outside_outer_disk = distance_from_origin - radius - half_thickness
    distance_inside_inner_disk = radius - half_thickness - distance_from_origin

    ring = 1.0 - bitwise_xor(greater_equal(distance_inside_inner_disk, 0.0),
                             greater_equal(distance_outside_outer_disk, 0.0))

    sigmasq = gaussian_width * gaussian_width

    if sigmasq == 0.0:
        inner_falloff = x * 0.0
        outer_falloff = x * 0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            inner_falloff = exp(
                    -distance_inside_inner_disk * distance_inside_inner_disk,
                    2.0 * sigmasq))
            outer_falloff = exp(
                    -distance_outside_outer_disk * distance_outside_outer_disk,
                    2.0 * sigmasq))

    return maximum(inner_falloff, maximum(outer_falloff, ring))
コード例 #3
def InnerProd(ser1, ser2, PSD):
  size = Numeric.shape(ser1)[0]
  pdlen = size/2
  nyquistf = 0.5/15.0   #   !!! hardcoded !!!!
  freqs = Numeric.arange(0,pdlen+1,dtype='d') * (nyquistf / pdlen)
  if(Numeric.shape(ser2)[0] != size):
     print "size of time series must be the same"
  if(Numeric.shape(PSD)[0] != pdlen):
     print "wrong size of psd: ", pdlen, Numeric.shape(PSD)
  fourier1 = FFT.fft(ser1)
  fourier2 = FFT.fft(ser2)
  prod = Numeric.zeros(pdlen+1, dtype='d')
  prod[0] = 0.0
  prod[1:pdlen] = numpy.multiply(fourier1[1:pdlen],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[1:pdlen])) + numpy.multiply(fourier1[-1:pdlen:-1],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[-1:pdlen:-1]))
  prod[pdlen] = fourier1[pdlen]*fourier2[pdlen]
  Numeric.divide(prod[1:], PSD, prod[1:]) 
  olap0 = 0.0
  for i in xrange(pdlen):
      if (freqs[i] > fLow and freqs[i]<= fHigh):
           olap0 += prod[i]
  olap0 = 2.0*olap0/float(size)
 # olap0 =  2.0*(numpy.sum(prod[1:]))/float(size) #it must be scaled by dt
  return  olap0
コード例 #4
def InnerProd(ser1, ser2, PSD):
  size = Numeric.shape(ser1)[0]
  pdlen = size/2
  nyquistf = 0.5/15.0   #   !!! hardcoded !!!!
  freqs = Numeric.arange(0,pdlen+1,dtype='d') * (nyquistf / pdlen)
  if(Numeric.shape(ser2)[0] != size):
     print "size of time series must be the same"
  if(Numeric.shape(PSD)[0] != pdlen):
     print "wrong size of psd: ", pdlen, Numeric.shape(PSD)
  fourier1 = FFT.fft(ser1)
  fourier2 = FFT.fft(ser2)
  prod = Numeric.zeros(pdlen+1, dtype='d')
  prod[0] = 0.0
  prod[1:pdlen] = numpy.multiply(fourier1[1:pdlen],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[1:pdlen])) + numpy.multiply(fourier1[-1:pdlen:-1],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[-1:pdlen:-1]))
  prod[pdlen] = fourier1[pdlen]*fourier2[pdlen]
  Numeric.divide(prod[1:], PSD, prod[1:]) 
  olap0 = 0.0
  for i in xrange(pdlen):
      if (freqs[i] > 1.e-5 and freqs[i]<0.01):
           olap0 += prod[i]
  olap0 = 2.0*olap0/float(size)
 # olap0 =  2.0*(numpy.sum(prod[1:]))/float(size) #it must be scaled by dt
  return  olap0
コード例 #5
def MaxInnerProd(ser1, ser2, PSD):
  size = Numeric.shape(ser1)[0]
  pdlen = size/2
  nyquistf = 0.5/15.0   #   !!! hardcoded !!!!
  freqs = Numeric.arange(0,pdlen+1,dtype='d') * (nyquistf / pdlen)
  if(Numeric.shape(ser2)[0] != size):
     print "size of time series must be the same"
  if(Numeric.shape(PSD)[0] != pdlen):
     print "wrong size of psd: ", pdlen, Numeric.shape(PSD)
  fourier1 = FFT.fft(ser1)
  fourier2 = FFT.fft(ser2)
  prod1 = Numeric.zeros(pdlen+1, dtype='d')
  prod2 = Numeric.zeros(pdlen+1, dtype='d')
  prod1[0] = 0.0
  prod1[1:pdlen] = numpy.multiply(fourier1[1:pdlen],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[1:pdlen])) + numpy.multiply(fourier1[-1:pdlen:-1],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[-1:pdlen:-1]))
  prod1[pdlen] = fourier1[pdlen]*fourier2[pdlen]
  prod2[0] = 0.0
  prod2[1:pdlen] = numpy.multiply(fourier1[1:pdlen],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[1:pdlen]*1.j)) + numpy.multiply((fourier1[-1:pdlen:-1]),numpy.conjugate(fourier2[-1:pdlen:-1]*(-1.j)))
  prod2[pdlen] = fourier1[pdlen]*fourier2[pdlen]
  Numeric.divide(prod1[1:], PSD, prod1[1:]) 
  Numeric.divide(prod2[1:], PSD, prod2[1:]) 
  olap0 = 0.0
  olappiby2 = 0.0
  for i in xrange(pdlen):
      if (freqs[i] > 1.e-5 and freqs[i]<0.01):
           olap0 += prod1[i]
	   olappiby2 += prod2[i]
  olap0 = 2.0*olap0/float(size)
  olappiby2 = 2.0*olappiby2/float(size)
#  olap0 =  2.0*(numpy.sum(prod1[1:]))/float(size) #it must be scaled by dt
#  olappiby2 =  2.0*(numpy.sum(prod2[1:]))/float(size) #it must be scaled by dt
  print "angle of maxim. = ", math.atan(olappiby2/olap0)
  return sqrt(olap0**2 + olappiby2**2) 
コード例 #6
def arc_by_radian(x, y, height, radian_range, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Radial arc with Gaussian fall-off after the solid ring-shaped
    region with the given thickness, with shape specified by the
    (start,end) radian_range.

    # Create a circular ring (copied from the ring function)
    radius = height/2.0
    half_thickness = thickness/2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_outer_disk = distance_from_origin - radius - half_thickness
    distance_inside_inner_disk = radius - half_thickness - distance_from_origin

    ring = 1.0-bitwise_xor(greater_equal(distance_inside_inner_disk,0.0),greater_equal(distance_outside_outer_disk,0.0))

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        inner_falloff = x*0.0
        outer_falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            inner_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_inside_inner_disk*distance_inside_inner_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))
            outer_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_outer_disk*distance_outside_outer_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))

    output_ring = maximum(inner_falloff,maximum(outer_falloff,ring))

    # Calculate radians (in 4 phases) and cut according to the set range)

    # Function float_error_ignore() cannot catch the exception when
    # both dividend and divisor are 0.0, and when only divisor is 0.0
    # it returns 'Inf' rather than 0.0. In x, y and
    # distance_from_origin, only one point in distance_from_origin can
    # be 0.0 (circle center) and in this point x and y must be 0.0 as
    # well. So here is a hack to avoid the 'invalid value encountered
    # in divide' error by turning 0.0 to 1e-5 in distance_from_origin.
    distance_from_origin += where(distance_from_origin == 0.0, 1e-5, 0)

    with float_error_ignore():
        sines = divide(y, distance_from_origin)
        cosines = divide(x, distance_from_origin)
        arcsines = arcsin(sines)

    phase_1 = where(logical_and(sines >= 0, cosines >= 0), 2*pi-arcsines, 0)
    phase_2 = where(logical_and(sines >= 0, cosines <  0), pi+arcsines,   0)
    phase_3 = where(logical_and(sines <  0, cosines <  0), pi+arcsines,   0)
    phase_4 = where(logical_and(sines <  0, cosines >= 0), -arcsines,     0)
    arcsines = phase_1 + phase_2 + phase_3 + phase_4

    if radian_range[0] <= radian_range[1]:
        return where(logical_and(arcsines >= radian_range[0], arcsines <= radian_range[1]),
                     output_ring, 0.0)
        return where(logical_or(arcsines >= radian_range[0], arcsines <= radian_range[1]),
                     output_ring, 0.0)
コード例 #7
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def arc_by_radian(x, y, height, radian_range, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Radial arc with Gaussian fall-off after the solid ring-shaped
    region with the given thickness, with shape specified by the
    (start,end) radian_range.

    # Create a circular ring (copied from the ring function)
    radius = height/2.0
    half_thickness = thickness/2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_outer_disk = distance_from_origin - radius - half_thickness
    distance_inside_inner_disk = radius - half_thickness - distance_from_origin

    ring = 1.0-bitwise_xor(greater_equal(distance_inside_inner_disk,0.0),greater_equal(distance_outside_outer_disk,0.0))

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        inner_falloff = x*0.0
        outer_falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            inner_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_inside_inner_disk*distance_inside_inner_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))
            outer_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_outer_disk*distance_outside_outer_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))
    output_ring = maximum(inner_falloff,maximum(outer_falloff,ring))

    # Calculate radians (in 4 phases) and cut according to the set range)

    # Function float_error_ignore() cannot catch the exception when
    # both dividend and divisor are 0.0, and when only divisor is 0.0
    # it returns 'Inf' rather than 0.0. In x, y and
    # distance_from_origin, only one point in distance_from_origin can
    # be 0.0 (circle center) and in this point x and y must be 0.0 as
    # well. So here is a hack to avoid the 'invalid value encountered
    # in divide' error by turning 0.0 to 1e-5 in distance_from_origin.
    distance_from_origin += where(distance_from_origin == 0.0, 1e-5, 0)

    with float_error_ignore():
        sines = divide(y, distance_from_origin)
        cosines = divide(x, distance_from_origin)
        arcsines = arcsin(sines)

    phase_1 = where(logical_and(sines >= 0, cosines >= 0), 2*pi-arcsines, 0)
    phase_2 = where(logical_and(sines >= 0, cosines <  0), pi+arcsines,   0)
    phase_3 = where(logical_and(sines <  0, cosines <  0), pi+arcsines,   0)
    phase_4 = where(logical_and(sines <  0, cosines >= 0), -arcsines,     0)
    arcsines = phase_1 + phase_2 + phase_3 + phase_4

    if radian_range[0] <= radian_range[1]:
        return where(logical_and(arcsines >= radian_range[0], arcsines <= radian_range[1]),
                     output_ring, 0.0)
        return where(logical_or(arcsines >= radian_range[0], arcsines <= radian_range[1]),
                     output_ring, 0.0)
コード例 #8
def exponential(x, y, xscale, yscale):
    Two-dimensional oriented exponential decay pattern.
    if xscale == 0.0 or yscale == 0.0:
        return x * 0.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(x, xscale)
        y_h = divide(y, yscale)
        return exp(-sqrt(x_w * x_w + y_h * y_h))
コード例 #9
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def exponential(x, y, xscale, yscale):
    Two-dimensional oriented exponential decay pattern.
    if xscale==0.0 or yscale==0.0:
        return x*0.0
    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(x,xscale)
        y_h = divide(y,yscale)
        return exp(-sqrt(x_w*x_w+y_h*y_h))
コード例 #10
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def gabor(x, y, xsigma, ysigma, frequency, phase):
    Gabor pattern (sine grating multiplied by a circular Gaussian).
    if xsigma==0.0 or ysigma==0.0:
        return x*0.0
    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(x,xsigma)
        y_h = divide(y,ysigma)
        p = exp(-0.5*x_w*x_w + -0.5*y_h*y_h)
    return p * 0.5*cos(2*pi*frequency*y + phase)
コード例 #11
def gabor(x, y, xsigma, ysigma, frequency, phase):
    Gabor pattern (sine grating multiplied by a circular Gaussian).
    if xsigma == 0.0 or ysigma == 0.0:
        return x * 0.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(x, xsigma)
        y_h = divide(y, ysigma)
        p = exp(-0.5 * x_w * x_w + -0.5 * y_h * y_h)
    return p * 0.5 * cos(2 * pi * frequency * y + phase)
コード例 #12
def gaussian(x, y, xsigma, ysigma):
    Two-dimensional oriented Gaussian pattern (i.e., 2D version of a
    bell curve, like a normal distribution but not necessarily summing
    to 1.0).
    if xsigma == 0.0 or ysigma == 0.0:
        return x * 0.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(x, xsigma)
        y_h = divide(y, ysigma)
        return exp(-0.5 * x_w * x_w + -0.5 * y_h * y_h)
コード例 #13
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def gaussian(x, y, xsigma, ysigma):
    Two-dimensional oriented Gaussian pattern (i.e., 2D version of a
    bell curve, like a normal distribution but not necessarily summing
    to 1.0).
    if xsigma==0.0 or ysigma==0.0:
        return x*0.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(x,xsigma)
        y_h = divide(y,ysigma)
        return exp(-0.5*x_w*x_w + -0.5*y_h*y_h)
コード例 #14
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: JoelChavas/imagen
def log_gaussian(x, y, x_sigma, y_sigma, mu):
    Two-dimensional oriented Log Gaussian pattern (i.e., 2D version of a
    bell curve with an independent, movable peak). Much like a normal
    distribution, but not necessarily placing the peak above the center,
    and not necessarily summing to 1.0).
    if x_sigma==0.0 or y_sigma==0.0:
        return x * 0.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(log(x)-mu, x_sigma*x_sigma)
        y_h = divide(log(y)-mu, y_sigma*y_sigma)

        return exp(-0.5*x_w*x_w + -0.5*y_h*y_h)
コード例 #15
def log_gaussian(x, y, x_sigma, y_sigma, mu):
    Two-dimensional oriented Log Gaussian pattern (i.e., 2D version of a
    bell curve with an independent, movable peak). Much like a normal 
    distribution, but not necessarily placing the peak above the center,
    and not necessarily summing to 1.0).
    if x_sigma == 0.0 or y_sigma == 0.0:
        return x * 0.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(log(x) - mu, x_sigma * x_sigma)
        y_h = divide(log(y) - mu, y_sigma * y_sigma)

        return exp(-0.5 * x_w * x_w + -0.5 * y_h * y_h)
コード例 #16
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def concentricrings(x, y, white_thickness, gaussian_width, spacing):
    Concetric rings with the solid ring-shaped region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    # To have zero value in middle point this pattern calculates zero-value rings instead of
    # the one-value ones. But to be consistent with the rest of functions the parameters
    # are connected to one-value rings - like half_thickness is now recalculated for zero-value ring:
    half_thickness = ((spacing-white_thickness)/2.0)*greater_equal(spacing-white_thickness,0.0)

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)

    distance_from_ring_middle = fmod(distance_from_origin,spacing)
    distance_from_ring_middle = minimum(distance_from_ring_middle,spacing - distance_from_ring_middle)

    distance_from_ring = distance_from_ring_middle - half_thickness

    ring = 0.0 + greater_equal(distance_from_ring,0.0)

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_ring*distance_from_ring, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(falloff,ring)
コード例 #17
    def function(self,params):
        """Hyperbolic function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

        distance_from_vertex_middle = fmod(sqrt(absolute(x**2 - y**2)),size)
        distance_from_vertex_middle = minimum(distance_from_vertex_middle,size - distance_from_vertex_middle)

        distance_from_vertex = distance_from_vertex_middle - half_thickness

        hyperbola = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_vertex,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_vertex*distance_from_vertex, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, hyperbola)
コード例 #18
    def function(self,params):
        """Concentric rings."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

        distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)

        distance_from_ring_middle = fmod(distance_from_origin,size)
        distance_from_ring_middle = minimum(distance_from_ring_middle,size - distance_from_ring_middle)

        distance_from_ring = distance_from_ring_middle - half_thickness

        ring = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_ring,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_ring*distance_from_ring, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, ring)
コード例 #19
    def function(self,params):
        """Archemidean spiral function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness/2.0
        spacing = size*2*pi

        distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
        distance_from_spiral_middle = fmod(spacing + distance_from_origin - size*arctan2(y,x),spacing)

        distance_from_spiral_middle = minimum(distance_from_spiral_middle,spacing - distance_from_spiral_middle)
        distance_from_spiral = distance_from_spiral_middle - half_thickness

        spiral = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_spiral,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_spiral*distance_from_spiral, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, spiral)
コード例 #20
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def hyperbola(x, y, thickness, gaussian_width, axis):
    Two conjugate hyperbolas with Gaussian fall-off which share the same asymptotes.
    abs(x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2) = 1 
    As a = b = axis, these hyperbolas are rectangular.

    difference = absolute(x**2 - y**2)
    hyperbola = 1.0 - bitwise_xor(greater_equal(axis**2,difference),greater_equal(difference,(axis + thickness)**2))

    distance_inside_hyperbola = sqrt(difference) - axis
    distance_outside_hyperbola = sqrt(difference) - axis - thickness

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        inner_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_inside_hyperbola*distance_inside_hyperbola, 2.0*sigmasq))
        outer_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_hyperbola*distance_outside_hyperbola, 2.0*sigmasq))
    return maximum(hyperbola,maximum(inner_falloff,outer_falloff))
コード例 #21
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def smooth_rectangle(x, y, rec_w, rec_h, gaussian_width_x, gaussian_width_y):
    Rectangle with a solid central region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    gaussian_x_coord = abs(x)-rec_w/2.0
    gaussian_y_coord = abs(y)-rec_h/2.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff_x=x*0.0 if sigmasq_x==0.0 else \
        falloff_y=y*0.0 if sigmasq_y==0.0 else \

    return minimum(maximum(box_x,falloff_x), maximum(box_y,falloff_y))
コード例 #22
def smooth_rectangle(x, y, rec_w, rec_h, gaussian_width_x, gaussian_width_y):
    Rectangle with a solid central region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    gaussian_x_coord = abs(x) - rec_w / 2.0
    gaussian_y_coord = abs(y) - rec_h / 2.0

    box_x = less(gaussian_x_coord, 0.0)
    box_y = less(gaussian_y_coord, 0.0)
    sigmasq_x = gaussian_width_x * gaussian_width_x
    sigmasq_y = gaussian_width_y * gaussian_width_y

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff_x=x*0.0 if sigmasq_x==0.0 else \
        falloff_y=y*0.0 if sigmasq_y==0.0 else \

    return minimum(maximum(box_x, falloff_x), maximum(box_y, falloff_y))
コード例 #23
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def ring(x, y, height, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Circular ring (annulus) with Gaussian fall-off after the solid ring-shaped region.
    radius = height/2.0
    half_thickness = thickness/2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_outer_disk = distance_from_origin - radius - half_thickness
    distance_inside_inner_disk = radius - half_thickness - distance_from_origin

    ring = 1.0-bitwise_xor(greater_equal(distance_inside_inner_disk,0.0),greater_equal(distance_outside_outer_disk,0.0))

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        inner_falloff = x*0.0
        outer_falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            inner_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_inside_inner_disk*distance_inside_inner_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))
            outer_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_outer_disk*distance_outside_outer_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(inner_falloff,maximum(outer_falloff,ring))
コード例 #24
def line(y, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Infinite-length line with a solid central region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.
    distance_from_line = abs(y)
    gaussian_y_coord = distance_from_line - thickness/2.0
    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        falloff = y*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-gaussian_y_coord*gaussian_y_coord,2*sigmasq))

    return where(gaussian_y_coord<=0, 1.0, falloff)
コード例 #25
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def line(y, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Infinite-length line with a solid central region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.
    distance_from_line = abs(y)
    gaussian_y_coord = distance_from_line - thickness/2.0
    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-gaussian_y_coord*gaussian_y_coord,2*sigmasq))

    return where(gaussian_y_coord<=0, 1.0, falloff)
コード例 #26
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def disk(x, y, height, gaussian_width):
    Circular disk with Gaussian fall-off after the solid central region.
    disk_radius = height/2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_disk = distance_from_origin - disk_radius
    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_disk*distance_outside_disk,

    return where(distance_outside_disk<=0,1.0,falloff)
コード例 #27
def disk(x, y, height, gaussian_width):
    Circular disk with Gaussian fall-off after the solid central region.
    disk_radius = height/2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_disk = distance_from_origin - disk_radius
    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_disk*distance_outside_disk,

    return where(distance_outside_disk<=0,1.0,falloff)
コード例 #28
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def radial(x, y, wide, gaussian_width):
    Radial grating - A sector of a circle with Gaussian fall-off.
    Parameter wide determines in wide of sector in radians.

    angle = absolute(arctan2(y,x))
    half_wide = wide/2

    radius = 1.0 - greater_equal(angle,half_wide)
    distance = angle - half_wide

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff = exp(divide(-distance*distance, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(radius,falloff)
コード例 #29
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: a-l-gee/topographica
    def _normalize(self,a,range_):
        Normalize an array s to be in the range 0 to 1.0.
        For an array of identical elements, returns an array of ones
        if the elements are greater than zero, and zeros if the
        elements are less than or equal to zero.
        if range_: # i.e. not False, not None (expecting a tuple)
             range_min = float(range_[0])
             range_max = float(range_[1])

             if range_min==range_max:
                  if range_min>0:
                       resu = ones(a.shape)
                       resu = zeros(a.shape)
                  a_offset = a - range_min
                  resu = a_offset/(range_max-range_min)

             return resu
             if range_ is None:
                  if not hasattr(self,'value_range'):
                       # If normalizing multiple matrices, take the largest values
                  return None # (indicate that array was not scaled)
             else: # i.e. range_ is False
                  a_offset = a-a.min()
                  max_a_offset = a_offset.max()

                  if max_a_offset>0:
                       a = divide(a_offset,float(max_a_offset))
                       if min(a.ravel())<=0:
                  return a
コード例 #30
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: ykneisel/topographica
    def _normalize(self, a, range_):
        Normalize an array s to be in the range 0 to 1.0.
        For an array of identical elements, returns an array of ones
        if the elements are greater than zero, and zeros if the
        elements are less than or equal to zero.
        if range_:  # i.e. not False, not None (expecting a tuple)
            range_min = float(range_[0])
            range_max = float(range_[1])

            if range_min == range_max:
                if range_min > 0:
                    resu = ones(a.shape)
                    resu = zeros(a.shape)
                a_offset = a - range_min
                resu = a_offset / (range_max - range_min)

            return resu
            if range_ is None:
                if not hasattr(self, 'value_range'):
                    self.value_range = (a.min(), a.max())
                    # If normalizing multiple matrices, take the largest values
                    self.value_range = (min(self.value_range[0], a.min()),
                                        max(self.value_range[1], a.max()))
                return None  # (indicate that array was not scaled)
            else:  # i.e. range_ is False
                a_offset = a - a.min()
                max_a_offset = a_offset.max()

                if max_a_offset > 0:
                    a = divide(a_offset, float(max_a_offset))
                    if min(a.ravel()) <= 0:
                        a = zeros(a.shape, Float)
                        a = ones(a.shape, Float)
                return a
コード例 #31
    def function(self,params):
        """Radial function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        angle = absolute(arctan2(y,x))
        half_length = params['arc_length']/2

        radius = 1.0 - greater_equal(angle,half_length)
        distance = angle - half_length

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance*distance, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(radius, falloff)
コード例 #32
ファイル: patternfn.py プロジェクト: ioam/svn-history
def spiral(x, y, thickness, gaussian_width, density):
    Archemidean spiral with Gaussian fall-off outside the spiral curve.
    half_thickness = thickness/2.0
    spacing = density*2*pi

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_from_spiral_middle = fmod(spacing + distance_from_origin - density*arctan2(y,x),spacing)

    distance_from_spiral_middle = minimum(distance_from_spiral_middle,spacing - distance_from_spiral_middle)
    distance_from_spiral = distance_from_spiral_middle - half_thickness

    spiral = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_spiral,0.0)

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_spiral*distance_from_spiral, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(falloff,spiral)
コード例 #33
 def __div__(self, other):
     if isVector(other):
         raise TypeError, "Can't divide by a vector"
         return Vector(Numeric.divide(self.array, 1. * other))
コード例 #34
 def normal(self):
     "Returns a normalized copy."
     len = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.add.reduce(self.array * self.array))
     if len == 0:
         raise ZeroDivisionError, "Can't normalize a zero-length vector"
     return Vector(Numeric.divide(self.array, len))
コード例 #35
    def __div__(self, other):
	if isVector(other):
	    raise TypeError, "Can't divide by a vector"
	    return Vector(Numeric.divide(self.array,1.*other))
コード例 #36
    def normal(self):
        "Returns a normalized copy."
	len = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.add.reduce(self.array*self.array))
	if len == 0:
	    raise ZeroDivisionError, "Can't normalize a zero-length vector"
	return Vector(Numeric.divide(self.array, len))