def chipdata(self, data): """Input data: [(dirname0, [et0, et1, ...]), ...] """ self.numRowsMissingChipData = 0 self._chipdataMA = [] if data != None: self._chipdata = data numValsAll = 0 numValsNonMasked = 0 numFiles = 0 numExamplesList = [] attribDict = {} numColMissing = 0 for (name, etList) in data: numFiles += len(etList) self._chipdataMA.append((name, [])) for et in etList: attribDict.update( dict( zip(map(lambda x:, et.domain.attributes), et.domain.attributes))) numExamplesList.append(len(et)) etm = et.toNumpyMA("a")[0] colNonMissingInd = Numeric.compress( Numeric.not_equal(MA.count(etm, 0), 0), Numeric.arange(etm.shape[1]) ) # indices of columns that are not completely missing numColMissing += etm.shape[1] - colNonMissingInd.shape[0] self.numRowsMissingChipData += int( Numeric.add.reduce( Numeric.less( MA.count(etm.take(colNonMissingInd, 1), 1), etm.shape[1]))) numValsAll += int(Numeric.multiply.reduce(etm.shape)) numValsNonMasked += int(MA.count(etm)) self._chipdataMA[-1][1].append(etm) # info text self.infoc.setText( "Structured Data: %i data files with %i profiles on %i points" % (numFiles, numExamplesList[0], len(attribDict))) numTotalMissing = numValsAll - numValsNonMasked if numTotalMissing > 0: print numTotalMissing, numColMissing, self.numRowsMissingChipData print type(numTotalMissing), type(numColMissing), type( self.numRowsMissingChipData) self.infod.setText( "missing %i values, %i column%s completely, %i row%s partially" % (numTotalMissing, numColMissing, [ "", "s" ][numColMissing != 1], self.numRowsMissingChipData, ["", "s"][self.numRowsMissingChipData != 1])) else: self.infod.setText("") else: self._chipdata = None self.infoc.setText("No structured data on input") self.infod.setText("") self.setGuiCommonExpChip() if self.commitOnChange: self.senddata(2)
def filter(self, dlg): fptr = open(dlg) dlg_lines = fptr.readlines() fptr.close() #STEP 1:accumulate lines of various poses model_lines = [] #keep all of them all_models = [] in_model = False for ll in dlg_lines: if ll.find("DOCKED:") == 0: #check for a new model if ll.find("DOCKED: MODEL") == 0: model_lines = [] in_model = True model_lines.append(ll) if ll.find("_") == 0 and in_model: all_models.append(model_lines) model_lines = [] in_model = False #initialize this ligand # loop over the models: for model_lines in all_models: self.setup_ligand(model_lines) bigR = self.bigRC[:self.lenK] bigM = self.bigC[:self.lenK] cutoff = bigR + self.keyRadii d = bigM - self.smallM dSQ = d * d dSQMAT = Numeric.sum(dSQ, 2) cutoffSQMAT = cutoff * cutoff ansMat = Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less(dSQMAT, cutoffSQMAT), Numeric.not_equal(dSQMAT, 0.)) rowIndices = Numeric.nonzero(Numeric.sum(ansMat, 1)) num_contacts = 0 for ind in rowIndices: for j in ansMat[ind]: if j: num_contacts += 1 if num_contacts > 0: break return num_contacts
def filter(self, dlg): fptr = open(dlg) dlg_lines = fptr.readlines() fptr.close() #STEP 1:accumulate lines of various poses model_lines = [] #keep all of them all_models = [] in_model = False for ll in dlg_lines: if ll.find("DOCKED:")==0: #check for a new model if ll.find("DOCKED: MODEL")==0: model_lines = [] in_model = True model_lines.append(ll) if ll.find("_")==0 and in_model: all_models.append(model_lines) model_lines = [] in_model = False #initialize this ligand # loop over the models: for model_lines in all_models: self.setup_ligand(model_lines) bigR = self.bigRC[:self.lenK] bigM = self.bigC[:self.lenK] cutoff = bigR + self.keyRadii d = bigM - self.smallM dSQ = d*d dSQMAT = Numeric.sum(dSQ,2) cutoffSQMAT = cutoff*cutoff ansMat = Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less(dSQMAT, cutoffSQMAT),Numeric.not_equal(dSQMAT, 0.)) rowIndices = Numeric.nonzero(Numeric.sum(ansMat,1)) num_contacts = 0 for ind in rowIndices: for j in ansMat[ind]: if j: num_contacts+=1 if num_contacts > 0: break return num_contacts
def select(self, keyAts, checkAts, cutoff=3.0, percentCutoff=1.0, keyMat=None, checkMat=None): """ keyAts, checkAts, cutoff, percentCutoff keyAts: first set of atoms checkAts: a second set of atoms which is checked vs. keyAts cutoff: either a single float by default 3.0 or a matrix with shape: (max(len(keyAts),len(checkAts)), min(len(keyAts),len(checkAts))) percentCutoff: by default 1.0 (cutoff is multiplied by this value) keyMat: transformation of keyAts checkMat: transformation of checkAts returns 'pairDict' whose keys are atoms used as reference points and whose values are atoms within cutoff distance of corresponding key. If 'return_dist' flag is set, 'distDict' is returned also, whose keys are the same atoms which are used as reference points and whose values are lists of distances to atoms within cutoff distance of corresponding key """ lenK = len(keyAts) lenC = len(checkAts) #data arrays are used to find atoms with given indices quickly atar = Numeric.array( keyAtar = Numeric.array( #basic arrays of coords used to build others c = Numeric.array(checkAts.coords, 'f') if checkMat: c = self.mul(c, checkMat) k = Numeric.array(keyAts.coords, 'f') if keyMat: k = self.mul(k, keyMat) # first build matrix of distances between all pairs of ats # rows correspond to ats in larger set, columns to those in smaller # first build square matrix if lenC >= lenK: bigC = Numeric.resize(c, (lenC, lenC, 3)) k.shape = (lenK,1,3) bigM = bigC[:lenK] smallM = k cutoff = self.setupCutoff(checkAts, keyAts, cutoff) #print "0a:cutoff[0][0]=", cutoff[0][0] cutoff.shape = (lenK, -1) else: bigK = Numeric.resize(k, (lenK, lenK, 3)) c.shape = (lenC,1,3) bigM = bigK[:lenC] smallM = c cutoff = self.setupCutoff(keyAts, checkAts, cutoff) #print "0b:cutoff[0][0]=", cutoff[0][0] cutoff.shape = (lenC, -1) # distance matrix d = bigM - smallM # distance squared matrix dSQ = d * d # next step sums deltaX**2, deltaY**2, deltaZ**2 dSQMAT = Numeric.sum(dSQ,2) #percentCutoff lets user relax sum of radii #the smaller the percentCutoff the smaller the key #dSQ has to be less than cutoff = cutoff * percentCutoff cutoffSQMAT = cutoff * cutoff #cutoffSQMAT = cutoffSQMAT * percentCutoff # ansMat has 1 where sq dist. is smaller than cutoff ansMat = Numeric.logical_and(self.func(dSQMAT, cutoffSQMAT) , \ Numeric.not_equal(dSQMAT, 0.)) if lenK > lenC: # in this case need to rearrange matrix # which got shuffled in if-else above ansMat = Numeric.swapaxes(ansMat, 0, 1) dSQMAT = Numeric.swapaxes(dSQMAT, 0, 1) # finally, build result dictionaries which have atom keys: # pairDict has values which are lists of close atoms # distDict has values which are lists of distances pairDict = {} distDict = {} # get a list of rows which have non-zero entries # to loop over in next section rowIndices = Numeric.nonzero(Numeric.sum(ansMat,1)) # rows correspond to ats in keyAts # columns correspond to ats in checkAts for i in rowIndices: # atindex is a list [7 8 9] indexing into checkAts atindex = Numeric.nonzero(ansMat[i]) # keyAtar[i] is ith atom in keyAts keyAt = keyAtar[i] pairDict[keyAt] = Numeric.take(atar, atindex) if self.return_dist: distDict[keyAt] = [] for ind in atindex: distDict[keyAt].append(math.sqrt(dSQMAT[i][ind])) #getting distDict back is optional if self.return_dist: return pairDict, distDict else: return pairDict