コード例 #1
def load_data(primal=True, fold_index=0):
    X1 = np.random.rand(20, 300)
    X2 = np.random.rand(10, 200)
    dfold = [1, 2, 4, 5]
    tfold = [0, 6, 7]
    Y = np.random.randn(X1.shape[0], X2.shape[0])
    Y = np.where(Y >= 0, 1., -1.)
    dtraininds = list(set(range(Y.shape[0])).difference(dfold))
    ttraininds = list(set(range(Y.shape[1])).difference(tfold))
    X1_train = X1[dtraininds, :]
    X2_train = X2[ttraininds, :]
    X1_test = X1[dfold, :]
    X2_test = X2[tfold, :]
    KT = np.mat(X2)
    KT = KT * KT.T
    KD = np.mat(X1)
    KD = KD * KD.T
    K1_train = KD[np.ix_(dtraininds, dtraininds)]
    K2_train = KT[np.ix_(ttraininds, ttraininds)]
    Y_train = Y[np.ix_(dtraininds, ttraininds)]
    K1_test = KD[np.ix_(dfold, dtraininds)]
    K2_test = KT[np.ix_(tfold, ttraininds)]
    Y_test = Y[np.ix_(dfold, tfold)]
    ssize = int(Y_train.shape[0] * Y_train.shape[1] * 0.25)
    rows = numpyrandom.random_integers(0, K1_train.shape[0] - 1, ssize)
    cols = numpyrandom.random_integers(0, K2_train.shape[0] - 1, ssize)
    ind = np.ravel_multi_index([rows, cols],
                               (K1_train.shape[0], K2_train.shape[0]))
    Y_train = Y_train.ravel()[ind]
    Y_test = Y_test.ravel(order='F')
    if primal:
        return X1_train, X2_train, Y_train, rows, cols, X1_test, X2_test, Y_test
        return K1_train, K2_train, Y_train, rows, cols, K1_test, K2_test, Y_test
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_kronsvm.py プロジェクト: aatapa/RLScore
def load_data(primal=True, fold_index=0):
    X1 = np.random.rand(20, 300)
    X2 = np.random.rand(10, 200)
    dfold = [1,2,4,5]
    tfold = [0,6,7]
    Y = np.random.randn(X1.shape[0], X2.shape[0])
    Y = np.where(Y>=0, 1., -1.)
    dtraininds = list(set(range(Y.shape[0])).difference(dfold))
    ttraininds = list(set(range(Y.shape[1])).difference(tfold))    
    X1_train = X1[dtraininds, :]
    X2_train = X2[ttraininds, :]
    X1_test = X1[dfold,:]
    X2_test = X2[tfold,:]
    KT = np.mat(X2)
    KT = KT * KT.T
    KD = np.mat(X1)
    KD = KD * KD.T
    K1_train = KD[np.ix_(dtraininds, dtraininds)]
    K2_train = KT[np.ix_(ttraininds, ttraininds)]
    Y_train = Y[np.ix_(dtraininds, ttraininds)]
    K1_test = KD[np.ix_(dfold,dtraininds)]
    K2_test = KT[np.ix_(tfold,ttraininds)]
    Y_test = Y[np.ix_(dfold, tfold)]
    ssize = int(Y_train.shape[0]*Y_train.shape[1]*0.25)
    rows = numpyrandom.random_integers(0, K1_train.shape[0]-1, ssize)
    cols = numpyrandom.random_integers(0, K2_train.shape[0]-1, ssize)
    ind = np.ravel_multi_index([rows, cols], (K1_train.shape[0], K2_train.shape[0]))
    Y_train = Y_train.ravel()[ind]
    Y_test = Y_test.ravel(order='F')
    if primal:
        return X1_train, X2_train, Y_train, rows, cols, X1_test, X2_test, Y_test
        return K1_train, K2_train, Y_train, rows, cols, K1_test, K2_test, Y_test
コード例 #3
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: gilesc/genome_runner
def shuffle(bedtool, background,organism):
	""" Accepts a file path to a bed file and a background file
	Random intervals are generate from the intervals in the background
	file.  An attempt is made to make the new random intervals the same size
	as the original intervals. One new interval is generated per interval in the
	bed file.

	If no background is provided, The pybedtool internal shuffle function is called
	and the entire genome is used as background
	A, B =  bedtool,background
	if B is not None:
		rand_a = ""
		for a in A:
			a_len = a.length
			r = rand.random_integers(0,len(B)-1)
			# if cur A length is greater than random background inteval
			# the new randA is set to be same size as background inteval
			if  a_len > B[r].length:
				rand_a += "\t".join(B[r][:4]) +"\t" + "\t".join(a[4:])+"\n"
				randstart = rand.random_integers(B[r].start,B[r].end - a_len)
				rand_a += "\t".join([B[r].chrom,str(randstart),str(randstart+a_len),
					"\t".join(a[4:])]) + "\n"	
		rand_A = BedTool(rand_a,from_string=True)
		return rand_A
		return A.shuffle(genome=organism,chrom=True)
コード例 #4
def displacement(parent):

    # generate two key positions; second position should be different than first
    p1 = random.random_integers(len(parent) - 2)

    while True:
        p2 = random.random_integers(len(parent) - 2)
        if p2 != p1:

    keyPos = [p1, p2]

    # generate third key position different than the min keyPos
    while True:
        p3 = random.random_integers(len(parent)) - 1
        if p3 != keyPos[0]:

    offspring = [None for i in range(len(parent))]

    slicedP = parent[:keyPos[0]] + parent[keyPos[1] + 1:]

    # starting from p3 report the alleles between p1 and p2
    for i in range(keyPos[1] - keyPos[0] + 1):
        offspring[(p3 + i) % len(parent)] = parent[keyPos[0] + i]

    startPos = (p3 + keyPos[1] - keyPos[0] + 1) % len(parent)

    # complete the offspring with alleles from the slicedP
    for i in range(len(slicedP)):
        offspring[(startPos + i) % len(parent)] = slicedP[i]

    return offspring
コード例 #5
 def Evolve_DE(self):
     for i in scipy.arange(self.npop1):
         # para cada individuo da populacao
         # gera trial vector usado para perturbar individuo atual (indice i)
         # a partir de 3 individuos escolhidos aleatoriamente na populacao e
         # cujos indices sejam distintos e diferentes de i
         invalido = True
         while invalido:
             j = random_integers(0, self.npop1 - 1, 3)
             invalido = (i in j)
             invalido = invalido or (j[0] == j[1])
             invalido = invalido or (j[1] == j[2])
             invalido = invalido or (j[2] == j[0])
         # trial vector a partir da mutacao de um alvo
         u = self.pop1[j[0]] + self.beta * (self.pop1[j[1]] -
         # gera por crossover solucao candidata
         c = self.pop1[i].copy()
         # seleciona indices para crossover
         # garantindo que ocorra crossover em
         # pelo menos uma vez
         j = random_integers(0, self.pop1.shape[1] - 1)
         for k in scipy.arange(self.pop1.shape[1]):
             if (scipy.rand() < self.pr) or (k == j):
                 c[k] = u[k]
         ans, c = self.resolve_desafio(c)
         c_fit = self.avalia_aptidao1(ans)
         # leva para proxima geracao quem tiver melhor fitness
         if (c_fit > self.fit1[i]):
             self.pop1[i] = c
             self.fit1[i] = c_fit
             self.ans1[i] = ans
コード例 #6
def uniform_crossover(parents, len_items):
    parents_crossover = []

    while len(parents) > 0:
        first_person = parents.pop(random.random_integers(0, len(parents) - 1))
        second_person = parents.pop(random.random_integers(0, len(parents) - 1))

        if random.rand() > 0.6:
            pattern = random.random_integers(0, 1, len_items)
            for i, cross in enumerate(pattern):
                if cross == 1:
                    r = first_person.backpack[i]
                    first_person.backpack[i] = second_person.backpack[i]
                    second_person.backpack[i] = r

            alfa = random.rand()

            new_first_deviation = alfa * np.array(first_person.standard_deviation) + (1 - alfa) * np.array(second_person.standard_deviation)
            new_second_deviation = alfa * np.array(second_person.standard_deviation) + (1 - alfa) * np.array(first_person.standard_deviation)
            first_person.standard_deviation = new_first_deviation
            second_person.standard_deviation = new_second_deviation


    return parents_crossover
コード例 #7
    def test_002(self):
        vlen = 200
        N = 100000
        _n = N / vlen

        refdata = random_integers(0, 1, N)
        data = random_integers(0, 1, N)

        ref = numpy.array([0] * (vlen / 2))
        for x in range(N / 2, N):
            ref[x % (vlen / 2)] += 1 if refdata[x] != data[x] else 0

        vlen = concatenate([[vlen] * (_n / 2), [vlen / 2] * (_n)])
        src0 = gr.vector_source_b(refdata.tolist())
        src1 = gr.vector_source_b(data.tolist())
        src2 = gr.vector_source_i(vlen.tolist())

        uut = ofdm.bit_position_dependent_BER("test")

        self.tb.connect(src0, (uut, 0))
        self.tb.connect(src1, (uut, 1))
        self.tb.connect(src2, (uut, 2))

        if os.path.exists("test_000.uint"):

        self.assert_(not os.path.exists("test_000.uint"))


        ret = numpy.array(uut.get_cntr_vec())

        self.assert_((ret == ref).all())

コード例 #8
    def test_001(self):
        vlen = 256
        N = 100000

        refdata = random_integers(0, 1, N)
        data = random_integers(0, 1, N)

        ref = numpy.array([0] * vlen)
        for x in range(len(data)):
            ref[x % vlen] += 1 if refdata[x] != data[x] else 0

        src0 = gr.vector_source_b(refdata.tolist())
        src1 = gr.vector_source_b(data.tolist())
        src2 = gr.vector_source_i([vlen] * N)

        uut = ofdm.bit_position_dependent_BER("test")

        self.tb.connect(src0, (uut, 0))
        self.tb.connect(src1, (uut, 1))
        self.tb.connect(src2, (uut, 2))


        ret = numpy.array(uut.get_cntr_vec())

        self.assert_((ret == ref).all())
コード例 #9
def order2x(parent1, parent2):

    # verify that the parents have same length
    assert len(parent1) == len(parent2)
    numGenes = len(parent1)

    # generate number of key positions
    numKP = random.random_integers(numGenes - 1)

    # generate key positions
    keyPositions = []
    key = 0
    while key < numKP:
        possibleKey = random.random_integers(numGenes - 1)
        if possibleKey not in keyPositions:
            key += 1

    # sort key positions
    # generate first offspring
    offspring1 = offGeneration(keyPositions, parent1, parent2)

    # generate second offspring
    offspring2 = offGeneration(keyPositions, parent2, parent1)

    return offspring1, offspring2
コード例 #10
def createHeteroAPD(tissueHeight, APDrefernce, PatchDiam, PatchAPDref,
    Write a set of tissueHeight^2 APD values to APDfile with a patch of
    different APD in the middle
    # Create a square array to represent the tissue
    setAPD = np.zeros((tissueHeight, tissueHeight))
    # Identify where the patch will start
    patchStart = np.floor(tissueHeight / 2) - 1
    # Set the values in the patch to NaN to make them easy to find
    for i in np.arange(patchStart, patchStart + PatchDiam, 1):
        for j in np.arange(patchStart, patchStart + PatchDiam, 1):
            setAPD[int(i), int(j)] = np.NaN
    # Flatten the array so the indices match up to ResList's (a flat array)
    setAPD = np.reshape(setAPD, (-1, 1))
    for i in range(len(setAPD)):
        if (setAPD[i, 0] == np.NaN):  # in the patch
            setAPD[i] = npr.random_integers(PatchAPDref - 5, PatchAPDref + 5)
            setAPD[i] = npr.random_integers(APDrefernce - 5, APDrefernce + 5)
    with open(APDfile, 'w') as file:
        for apd in setAPD:
            theString = "{!s}\n"
コード例 #11
ファイル: GAoperators.py プロジェクト: PanosBarlas/dream
def displacement(parent):
    # generate two key positions; second position should be different than first
    p1 = random.random_integers(len(parent)-2)

    while True:
        p2 = random.random_integers(len(parent)-2)
        if p2 != p1:
    keyPos = [p1,p2]
    # generate third key position different than the min keyPos
    while True:
        p3 = random.random_integers(len(parent))-1
        if p3 != keyPos[0]:

    offspring = [None for i in range(len(parent))]    
    slicedP = parent[:keyPos[0]]+parent[keyPos[1]+1:]
    # starting from p3 report the alleles between p1 and p2
    for i in range(keyPos[1]-keyPos[0]+1): 
        offspring[(p3+i)%len(parent)] = parent[keyPos[0]+i]
    startPos = (p3+keyPos[1]-keyPos[0]+1)%len(parent)
    # complete the offspring with alleles from the slicedP
    for i in range(len(slicedP)):
        offspring[(startPos+i)%len(parent)] = slicedP[i]
    return offspring
コード例 #12
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: mmssouza/idsc
 def gera_individuo(self):
  l = []
  l.append(self.arg_lim[1][0]+ (self.arg_lim[1][1] - self.arg_lim[1][0])*rand())
  l.append(self.arg_lim[2][0]+ (self.arg_lim[2][1] - self.arg_lim[2][0])*rand())
  return np.array(l)	
コード例 #13
 def test_001( self ):
   vlen = 256
   N = 100000
   refdata = random_integers(0, 1, N)
   data = random_integers(0, 1, N)
   ref = numpy.array([0]*vlen)
   for x in range(len(data)):
     ref[x%vlen] += 1 if refdata[x] != data[x] else 0
   src0 = gr.vector_source_b( refdata.tolist() )
   src1 = gr.vector_source_b( data.tolist() )
   src2 = gr.vector_source_i( [vlen]*N )
   uut = ofdm.bit_position_dependent_BER( "test" )
   self.tb.connect( src0, ( uut, 0 ) )
   self.tb.connect( src1, ( uut, 1 ) )
   self.tb.connect( src2, ( uut, 2 ) )
   ret = numpy.array( uut.get_cntr_vec() )
   self.assert_( (ret==ref).all() )
コード例 #14
 def test_003( self ):
   vlen = 200
   N = 100000
   _n = N / vlen
   refdata = random_integers(0, 1, N)
   data = random_integers(0, 1, N)
   vlen = concatenate( [ [vlen]*(_n/2),[vlen/2]*(_n/2),[vlen/4]*(_n)] ) 
   src0 = gr.vector_source_b( refdata.tolist() )
   src1 = gr.vector_source_b( data.tolist() )
   src2 = gr.vector_source_i( vlen.tolist() )
   uut = ofdm.bit_position_dependent_BER( "test" )
   self.tb.connect( src0, ( uut, 0 ) )
   self.tb.connect( src1, ( uut, 1 ) )
   self.tb.connect( src2, ( uut, 2 ) )
   if os.path.exists("test_000.uint"):
   if os.path.exists("test_001.uint"):
   self.assert_( not os.path.exists("test_000.uint") )
   self.assert_( not os.path.exists("test_001.uint") )
   self.assert_( os.path.exists("test_000.uint"))
   self.assert_( os.path.exists("test_001.uint"))
コード例 #15
def el_distor(im,  kernel_dim, Sigma, alpha):
    out = np.zeros(im.shape)
    displace_x = np.array([[random_integers(-1, 1) for x in xrange(im.shape[0])] \
                            for y in xrange(im.shape[1])]) * alpha
    displace_y = np.array([[random_integers(-1, 1) for x in xrange(im.shape[0])] \
                            for y in xrange(im.shape[1])]) * alpha
    kernel = create_gaussian_kernel(kernel_dim, Sigma)
    #kernel = cv2.getGaussianKernel(kernel_dim,Sigma)
    displace_x = convolve2d(displace_x, kernel)
    displace_y = convolve2d(displace_y, kernel)
    for row in xrange(im.shape[1]):
        for col in xrange(im.shape[0]):
            low_x = row + int(math.floor(displace_x[row, col]))
            high_x = row + int(math.ceil(displace_x[row, col]))

            low_y = col + int(math.floor(displace_y[row, col]))
            high_y = col + int(math.ceil(displace_y[row, col]))

            if  high_x >= im.shape[1] -1 or high_y >= im.shape[0] - 1:

            res = im[low_x, low_y]/4 + im[low_x, high_y]/4 + \
                    im[high_x, low_y]/4 + im[high_x, high_y]/4

            out[row, col] = res   
    n,m = out.shape
    out = out.reshape(n*m,)    
    return out
コード例 #16
def test_sample_box():
    """Test that `sample_box` generates the proper number of samples within the
    correct bounds.

    # Generate some random bounds
    bounds = []
    bounds_count = 0
    num_dimensions = random_integers(2, 10)
    while bounds_count < num_dimensions:
        candidate_bound = random_sample(2)
        low, high = candidate_bound
        if low > high:
            candidate_bound = [high, low]
        bounds_count += 1

    num_samples = random_integers(100)
    points = sample_box(bounds, num_samples)

    assert len(points) == num_samples

    results = np.empty([num_samples, num_dimensions])
    for counter, point in enumerate(points):
        for axis, value in enumerate(point):
            low = bounds[axis][0]
            high = bounds[axis][1]
            results[counter, axis] = (low <= value <= high)
    assert results.all()
コード例 #17
def corrupt_image(img,
    new_img = img.copy()
    mask = np.zeros(img.shape[0:2], dtype=np.bool)
    if MAR_prob > 0:
        mask[(random_sample(mask.shape) < MAR_prob)] = True
    if max_rects > 0 and max_width > 0:
        h, w = mask.shape
        num_rects = random_integers(min_rects, max_rects)
        for i in range(num_rects):
            px1 = random_integers(0, w - min(max(min_width, 1), w))
            py1 = random_integers(0, h - min(max(min_width, 1), h))
            px2 = px1 + (min_width - 1) + random_integers(
                0, max(min(w - px1 - min_width, max_width - min_width), 0))
            py2 = py1 + (min_width - 1) + random_integers(
                0, max(min(h - py1 - min_width, max_width - min_width), 0))
            if px1 <= px2 and py1 <= py2:
                mask[py1:py2, px1:px2] = True
                # One of the sides has length 0, so we should remove any pixels4
    if len(new_img.shape) == 2:
        new_img[mask] = 0
        new_img[mask, :] = 0
    return (new_img, 1.0 * mask)
コード例 #18
def generate_data(start_index=START_INDEX, num_users=NUM_USERS,
    users = random_integers(start_index, start_index+num_users, num_rows)
    activity = random_integers(0, len(MESSAGE_TYPES) - 1, num_rows)
    activity_name = [MESSAGE_TYPES[i] for i in activity]
    user_activity = zip(users, activity_name)
    return user_activity
コード例 #19
ファイル: GAoperators.py プロジェクト: PanosBarlas/dream
def order2x(parent1, parent2):
    # verify that the parents have same length
    numGenes = len(parent1)
    # generate number of key positions
    numKP = random.random_integers(numGenes-1)
    # generate key positions
    keyPositions = []
    key = 0
    while key < numKP:
        possibleKey = random.random_integers(numGenes-1)
        if possibleKey not in keyPositions:
            key += 1
    # sort key positions
    # generate first offspring
    offspring1 = offGeneration(keyPositions, parent1, parent2)
    # generate second offspring
    offspring2 = offGeneration(keyPositions, parent2, parent1)
    return offspring1, offspring2
コード例 #20
def random_crop(image, normal, size):
    decal = [image.shape[0]-size[0],image.shape[1]-size[1]];
    #tirer decalage aleatoire
    decal_alea = [random_integers(0,decal[0]),random_integers(0,decal[1])]
    crop_img = image[decal_alea[0]:decal_alea[0]+size[0], decal_alea[1]:decal_alea[1]+size[1]]
    crop_normal = normal[decal_alea[0]:decal_alea[0]+size[0], decal_alea[1]:decal_alea[1]+size[1]]
    return crop_img,crop_normal
コード例 #21
def getPoly(order, sym=sympy.symbols('x')):
    roots = random_integers(-5,5, order)
    leadCoeff = random_integers(1,5)
    poly = sympy.S(leadCoeff)
    for root in roots:
        poly *= sym-root
    return sympy.Poly(poly.expand())
コード例 #22
def getPoly(order, sym=sympy.symbols('x')):
    roots = random_integers(-5, 5, order)
    leadCoeff = random_integers(1, 5)
    poly = sympy.S(leadCoeff)
    for root in roots:
        poly *= sym - root
    return sympy.Poly(poly.expand())
コード例 #23
def MangleByte(packet):
  index = random_integers(0,packet.size-1)
  new_byte = random_integers(0,255)
  while new_byte == packet[index]:
    new_byte = random_integers(0,255)
  packet[index] = new_byte
  return packet
コード例 #24
def mutate_packet(pkt, state, lan):
    radiohead = pkt.getlayer(RadioTap2)

    mutateDot11Body = pkt.getlayer(Dot11)
    mutateDot11Body.proto = np.random_integers(0, 256**2 - 1, 1)[0]
    mutateDot11Body.FCfield = np.random_integers(0, 256 - 1, 1)[0]
    mutateDot11Body.ID = np.random_integers(0, 256**2 - 1, 1)[0]
    mutateDot11Body.SC = np.random_integers(0, 256**2 - 1, 1)[0]

    returnPkt = None
    if (state == 0):
        mutatePrbElt = np.bytes(np.random_integers(0, 1514 - 424, 1)[0])
        returnPkt = radiohead / mutateDot11Body / mutatePrbElt

    if (state == 1):

        mutateAuthBody = pkt.getlayer(Dot11Auth)
        mutateAuthBody.algo = np.random_integers(0, 256**2 - 1, 1)[0]
        mutateAuthBody.sequm = np.random_integers(0, 256**2 - 1, 1)[0]
        mutateAuthBody.status = np.random_integers(0, 256**2 - 1, 1)[0]
        # mutateAuthElt = np.bytes(1514 - 54) #not necessary

        returnPkt = radiohead / mutateDot11Body / mutateAuthBody

    if (state == 2):
        mutateAssoBody = pkt.getlayer(Dot11AssoReq)
        mutateAssoBody.cap = np.random_integers(0, 256**2 - 1, 1)[0]
        mutateAssoElt = np.bytes(np.random_integers(0, 1514 - 424, 1)[0])

        returnPkt = radiohead / mutateDot11Body / mutateAssoBody / mutateAssoElt

    sendp(returnPkt, iface=lan, verbose=3)
    return mutateList
コード例 #25
def Fragment(packet):
  index = random_integers(1,packet.size-1)
  if 1 == random_integers(0,1):
    packet = packet[:index]
    packet = packet[index:]
  return packet
コード例 #26
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: mmssouza/idsc
 def Evolve_DE(self):
  for i in scipy.arange(self.npop1):
   # para cada individuo da populacao 
   # gera trial vector usado para perturbar individuo atual (indice i)
   # a partir de 3 individuos escolhidos aleatoriamente na populacao e
   # cujos indices sejam distintos e diferentes de i
   invalido = True
   while invalido:
    j = random_integers(0,self.npop1-1,3)
    invalido = (i in j)
    invalido = invalido or (j[0] == j[1]) 
    invalido = invalido or (j[1] == j[2]) 
    invalido = invalido or (j[2] == j[0])    
   # trial vector a partir da mutacao de um alvo 
   u = self.pop1[j[0]] + self.beta*(self.pop1[j[1]] - self.pop1[j[2]]) 
   # gera por crossover solucao candidata
   c = self.pop1[i].copy()  
   # seleciona indices para crossover
   # garantindo que ocorra crossover em
   # pelo menos uma vez                 
   j = random_integers(0,self.pop1.shape[1]-1)
   for k in scipy.arange(self.pop1.shape[1]):
    if (scipy.rand() < self.pr) or (k == j):
     c[k] = u[k]  
   ans,c = self.resolve_desafio(c)
   c_fit = self.avalia_aptidao1(ans)    
   # leva para proxima geracao quem tiver melhor fitness
   if (c_fit > self.fit1[i]):
    self.pop1[i] = c
    self.fit1[i] = c_fit
    self.ans1[i] = ans
コード例 #27
    def create_test_set(self):
        randomly selects test sentences from positive and negative bags and making a uniform distribution of test sentences
        from numpy import random as np_random
        count = self.counts["test set"] // 2
        while (count != 0):
            index = np_random.random_integers(low=0,
                                              high=len(self.positive_bag) - 1)
            index = np_random.random_integers(low=0,
                                              high=len(self.negative_bag) - 1)
            count -= 1

        self.logger.info("test sentences selected")
            "Total sentences for testing : " +
            str(len(self.positve_test_bag) + len(self.negative_test_bag)))
        self.logger.info("positive sentences for testing : " +
        self.logger.info("negative sentences for testing : " +

        self.counts["positive sentences"] = len(self.positive_bag)
        self.counts["negative sentences"] = len(self.negative_bag)
        self.counts["total sentences"] = len(self.positive_bag) + len(
コード例 #28
ファイル: lpcStartPoints.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def __call__(self, X, n = 10, x0 = None):
   n : required number of start points, if  None, defaults to 10 start points
   x0 : 2-dimensional numpy.array containing #rows equal to number of explicitly defined start points and #columns equal to 
   dimension of the feature space points
   X : 2-dimensional numpy.array containing #rows equal to number of data points and #columns equal to dimension 
   of the data points
   self._Xi = X
   if n is None or n == 0:
     n = 10
   if x0 is not None:
     num_x0_pts = x0.shape[0]
     return self._Xi[random_integers(0, self._Xi.shape[0] - 1, n),:]
   if num_x0_pts == n:
     return x0
   elif num_x0_pts < n:
     return vstack((x0,self._Xi[random_integers(0, self._Xi.shape[0] - 1, n - num_x0_pts),:]))
   else: #num_x0_pts > n
     return x0[sample(xrange(0,num_x0_pts), n),:]
コード例 #29
      MOTIF = []
      randn = random.random_integers(0, len(DNA[0]), T)
      countmatrix = array([[1.0]*K]*4)
      for i in range(T):
            index = randn[i]
            countmatrix = UPDATEPROFILE(countmatrix, MOTIF[-1])
      bestscore = 1000
      BESTGROUP = []
      for i in range(N):
            randdna = random.random_integers(0, T-1)
            countmatrix = UPDATEPROFILE2(countmatrix, MOTIF[randdna])  
            profile = countmatrix/(T-1)
            probs = FINDPROBS(DNA[randdna], K, profile)
            probs = probs/sum(probs)
            randi = random.choice(range(len(probs)), p = probs)
            motifi = DNA[randdna][randi:randi+K]
            MOTIF[randdna] = motifi

            countmatrix = UPDATEPROFILE(countmatrix, motifi)
            profile = countmatrix/T
            concensus = FINDCONCENSUS(profile)
            curscore = DISTANCEPATTERNSTRING(concensus, MOTIF)
            if curscore < bestscore:
                  BESTGROUP = deepcopy(MOTIF)
                  bestscore = curscore
      return BESTGROUP, bestscore
コード例 #30
    def test_003(self):
        vlen = 200
        N = 100000
        _n = N / vlen

        refdata = random_integers(0, 1, N)
        data = random_integers(0, 1, N)

        vlen = concatenate([[vlen] * (_n / 2), [vlen / 2] * (_n / 2),
                            [vlen / 4] * (_n)])
        src0 = gr.vector_source_b(refdata.tolist())
        src1 = gr.vector_source_b(data.tolist())
        src2 = gr.vector_source_i(vlen.tolist())

        uut = ofdm.bit_position_dependent_BER("test")

        self.tb.connect(src0, (uut, 0))
        self.tb.connect(src1, (uut, 1))
        self.tb.connect(src2, (uut, 2))

        if os.path.exists("test_000.uint"):
        if os.path.exists("test_001.uint"):

        self.assert_(not os.path.exists("test_000.uint"))
        self.assert_(not os.path.exists("test_001.uint"))


コード例 #31
def mutate_simple(ind):
    "just blast one spot"
    mutated = ind.copy()
    row = nprand.random_integers(0, ind.data.shape[0] - 1)
    col = nprand.random_integers(0, ind.data.shape[1] - 1)
    mutated.data[row, col] = nprand.random()
    mutated.cost = -1
    return mutated
コード例 #32
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: mmssouza/height_functions
 def __gera_s0(self):
  l = []
  l.append(self.arg_lim[2][0]+ (self.arg_lim[2][1] - self.arg_lim[2][0])*rand())
  return l
コード例 #33
ファイル: grammars.py プロジェクト: fagan2888/Oger-1
 def N(self):
     if random.sample() > .5:
         return [self.nouns[random.random_integers(0, len(self.nouns) - 1)]]
         return [self.THE] + [
                                               len(self.nouns) - 1)]
コード例 #34
 def random_cl_key(self):
     """Returns a random classifier key.
     a, b = random_integers(0, 100), random_integers(0, 100)
     # make sure that b > a
     if a > b:
         return (b, a)
     return (a, b)
コード例 #35
ファイル: outsmart.py プロジェクト: edouardklein/Outsmart
def random_terrain():
    """Return a randomized terrain"""
    answer = np.ones((I_MAX+1, J_MAX+1))*100
    for i, j in zip(nprand.random_integers(0, I_MAX, 8),
                    nprand.random_integers(0, J_MAX, 8)):
        answer[i, j] = nprand.random_integers(2, 4)*100
    answer[0, 0] += 1
    return answer
コード例 #36
ファイル: sparse_randn.py プロジェクト: afbujan/admm_lasso
def _rand_sparse(m, n, density):
    # check parameters here
    nnz = max( min( int(m*n*density), m*n), 0)
    row  = random_integers(low=0, high=m-1, size=nnz)
    col  = random_integers(low=0, high=n-1, size=nnz)
    data = ones(nnz, dtype='int8')
    # duplicate (i,j) entries will be summed together
    return csr_matrix( (data,(row,col)),shape=(m,n))
コード例 #37
def generate_data(start_index=START_INDEX,
    users = random_integers(start_index, start_index + num_users, num_rows)
    activity = random_integers(0, len(MESSAGE_TYPES) - 1, num_rows)
    activity_name = [MESSAGE_TYPES[i] for i in activity]
    user_activity = zip(users, activity_name)
    return user_activity
コード例 #38
 def new_food(terminal, body_locs, edge_x, edge_y):
     valid = False
     while not valid:
         food_loc = (random_integers(edge_y[0] + 1, edge_y[1] - 1),
                         random_integers(edge_x[0] + 1, edge_x[1] - 1)))
         valid = food_loc not in body_locs
     return food_loc
コード例 #39
ファイル: imag_manip_gen3.py プロジェクト: dimatura/evoimage
def mutate_simple(ind):
    "just blast one spot"
    mutated = ind.copy()
    row = nprand.random_integers(0, ind.data.shape[0] - 1)
    col = nprand.random_integers(0, ind.data.shape[1] - 1)
    mutated.data[row, col] = nprand.random()
    mutated.cost = -1
    return mutated
コード例 #40
ファイル: sparse_randn.py プロジェクト: ruilin-li/admm_lasso
def _rand_sparse(m, n, density):
    # check parameters here
    nnz = max(min(int(m * n * density), m * n), 0)
    row = random_integers(low=0, high=m - 1, size=nnz)
    col = random_integers(low=0, high=n - 1, size=nnz)
    data = ones(nnz, dtype='int8')
    # duplicate (i,j) entries will be summed together
    return csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(m, n))
コード例 #41
    def successors3(self):
        successors = []
        nc = copy.deepcopy(self.path)
        si = random.random_integers(1, len(self.path)-1)
        ti = random.random_integers(1, len(self.path)-1)
        nc[si], nc[ti] = nc[ti], nc[si]

        return successors
コード例 #42
 def gera_individuo(self):
     l = []
     l.append(random_integers(self.arg_lim[0][0], self.arg_lim[0][1]))
     l.append(self.arg_lim[1][0] +
              (self.arg_lim[1][1] - self.arg_lim[1][0]) * rand())
     l.append(self.arg_lim[2][0] +
              (self.arg_lim[2][1] - self.arg_lim[2][0]) * rand())
     l.append(random_integers(self.arg_lim[3][0], self.arg_lim[3][1]))
     return np.array(l)
コード例 #43
def random_crop(image, normal, size):
    decal = [image.shape[0] - size[0], image.shape[1] - size[1]]
    #tirer decalage aleatoire
    decal_alea = [random_integers(0, decal[0]), random_integers(0, decal[1])]
    crop_img = image[decal_alea[0]:decal_alea[0] + size[0],
                     decal_alea[1]:decal_alea[1] + size[1]]
    crop_normal = normal[decal_alea[0]:decal_alea[0] + size[0],
                         decal_alea[1]:decal_alea[1] + size[1]]
    return crop_img, crop_normal
コード例 #44
ファイル: my_test.py プロジェクト: linnil1/106_1_DSNP
def myNew():
    global n, an
    q = random.random_integers(10)
    if random.random() > 0.2:
        an += q
        print('mtn {} -A {}'.format(q, random.random_integers(100)), file=f)
        n += q
        print('mtn {}'.format(q), file=f)
コード例 #45
    def __gera_s0(self):
        l = []
        l.append(random_integers(self.arg_lim[0][0], self.arg_lim[0][1]))
        l.append(random_integers(self.arg_lim[1][0], self.arg_lim[1][1]))
        l.append(self.arg_lim[2][0] +
                 (self.arg_lim[2][1] - self.arg_lim[2][0]) * rand())
        l.append(random_integers(self.arg_lim[3][0], self.arg_lim[3][1]))

        return l
コード例 #46
def elastic_distortion(image, kernel_dim=21, sigma=6, alpha=30, negated=True):
    This method performs elastic transformations on an image by convolving
    with a gaussian kernel.
    :param image: a numpy nd array
    :kernel_dim: dimension(1-D) of the gaussian kernel
    :param sigma: standard deviation of the kernel
    :param alpha: a multiplicative factor for image after convolution
    :param negated: a flag indicating whether the image is negated or not
    :returns: a nd array transformed image
    # check if the image is a negated one
    if not negated:
        image = 255 - image

    # check if kernel dimesnion is odd
    if kernel_dim % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError("Kernel dimension should be odd")

    # create an empty image
    result = np.zeros(image.shape)

    # create random displacement fields
    displacement_field_x = np.array([[random_integers(-1, 1) for x in xrange(image.shape[0])] \
                            for y in xrange(image.shape[1])]) * alpha
    displacement_field_y = np.array([[random_integers(-1, 1) for x in xrange(image.shape[0])] \
                            for y in xrange(image.shape[1])]) * alpha

    # create the gaussian kernel
    kernel = create_2d_gaussian(kernel_dim, sigma)

    # convolve the fields with the gaussian kernel
    displacement_field_x = convolve2d(displacement_field_x, kernel)
    displacement_field_y = convolve2d(displacement_field_y, kernel)

    # make the distortrd image by averaging each pixel value to the neighbouring
    # four pixels based on displacement fields

    for row in xrange(image.shape[1]):
        for col in xrange(image.shape[0]):
            low_ii = row + int(math.floor(displacement_field_x[row, col]))
            high_ii = row + int(math.ceil(displacement_field_x[row, col]))

            low_jj = col + int(math.floor(displacement_field_y[row, col]))
            high_jj = col + int(math.ceil(displacement_field_y[row, col]))

            if low_ii < 0 or low_jj < 0 or high_ii >= image.shape[1] -1 \
               or high_jj >= image.shape[0] - 1:

            res = image[low_ii, low_jj]/4 + image[low_ii, high_jj]/4 + \
                    image[high_ii, low_jj]/4 + image[high_ii, high_jj]/4

            result[row, col] = res

    return result
コード例 #47
    def test_reference_3d(self):

        im0 = random.random_integers(0, high=127,
                                     size=(25, 25, 3)).astype('uint16')
        im1 = random.random_integers(0, high=127,
                                     size=(25, 25, 3)).astype('uint16')
        imgIn = ImagesLoader(self.sc).fromArrays([im0, im1])
        ref = Register.reference(imgIn)
        assert (allclose(ref, (im0 + im1) / 2))
コード例 #48
def mutate_reorder(ind):
    "reorder rectangles "
    mutated = ind.copy()
    for i in xrange(3):
        row1 = nprand.random_integers(0, ind.data.shape[0] - 1)
        row2 = nprand.random_integers(0, ind.data.shape[0] - 1)
        mutated.data[row1], mutated.data[row2] =\
                mutated.data[row2].copy(), mutated.data[row1].copy()
    mutated.cost = -1
    return mutated
コード例 #49
def random_pick_attr_splits(node, config, attr_index):
    samples = node.samples
    ind_middle = random.random_integers(0, len(samples)-2 )
    ind_a = random.random_integers(0, ind_middle )
    ind_b = random.random_integers(ind_middle+1, len(samples)-1 )
    # print "a:",ind_a, samples[ind_a][attr_index]
    # print "b:",ind_b, samples[ind_b][attr_index]

    spliter = (samples[ind_a][attr_index] + samples[ind_b][attr_index])*0.5
    return spliter
コード例 #50
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: mmssouza/idsc
 def resolve_desafio(self,x):
    if not self.arg_lim[0][0] <= x[0] <= self.arg_lim[0][1]:
      x[0] = random_integers(self.arg_lim[0][0],self.arg_lim[0][1])
    if not self.arg_lim[1][0] <= x[1] <= self.arg_lim[1][1]:
      x[1] = self.arg_lim[1][0]+ (self.arg_lim[1][1] - self.arg_lim[1][0])*rand()
    if not self.arg_lim[2][0] <= x[2] <= self.arg_lim[2][1]:
      x[2] = self.arg_lim[2][0]+ (self.arg_lim[2][1] - self.arg_lim[2][0])*rand()
    if not self.arg_lim[3][0] <= x[3] <= self.arg_lim[3][1]:
      x[0] = random_integers(self.arg_lim[3][0],self.arg_lim[3][1])
    return (self.fc(x),x)
コード例 #51
ファイル: imag_manip_gen3.py プロジェクト: dimatura/evoimage
def mutate_reorder(ind):
    "reorder rectangles "
    mutated = ind.copy()
    for i in xrange(3):
        row1 = nprand.random_integers(0, ind.data.shape[0] - 1)
        row2 = nprand.random_integers(0, ind.data.shape[0] - 1)
        mutated.data[row1], mutated.data[row2] =\
                mutated.data[row2].copy(), mutated.data[row1].copy()
    mutated.cost = -1
    return mutated
コード例 #52
 def new_config(self,batch):
     Randomly generate a new configuration
     x=(2 * random.rand(batch))
     # thetaprime,phiprime=2*random.rand(batch),self.delta_phi*(2*random.rand(batch)-1)
     return np.vstack([x_index,y_index]).transpose(), np.vstack([thetaprime,phiprime]).transpose(),layer.transpose()
コード例 #53
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: koafisher/Lab-Development
def add_noise(imagename,changed_pixels=10000):
	# Read the image file imagename.
	# Multiply by 1. / 255 to change the values so that they are floating point
	# numbers ranging from 0 to 1.
	IM = imread(imagename, flatten=True) * (1. / 255)
	IM_x, IM_y = IM.shape
	for lost in xrange(changed_pixels):
		x_,y_ = random_integers(1,IM_x-2), random_integers(1,IM_y-2)
		val =  .25*randn() + .5
		IM[x_,y_] = max( min(val+ IM[x_,y_],1.), 0.)
コード例 #54
def randomPix(im):
    """Switch the value of two random pixels"""
    x1 = random.random_integers(0, im.size[0] - 1)
    x2 = random.random_integers(0, im.size[0] - 1)
    y1 = random.random_integers(0, im.size[1] - 1)
    y2 = random.random_integers(0, im.size[1] - 1)

    aux = im.getpixel((x1, y1))
    im.putpixel((x1, y1), im.getpixel((x2, y2)))
    im.putpixel((x2, y2), aux)
    return 1
コード例 #55
ファイル: BenQuiz.py プロジェクト: chanant/11plus
def seq1(L):
    a = random_integers(20)
    # d = random_integers(15) * (-1+np.random.binomial(1,0.5)*2)
    d = random_integers(15)
    seq = [str(a)]
    for i in range(1, L):
        seq.append(str(a + i * d))
    return seq
コード例 #56
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: mmssouza/idsc
 def avalia_aptidao(self,x):
    if not self.arg_lim[0][0] <= x[0] <= self.arg_lim[0][1]:
      x[0] = random_integers(self.arg_lim[0][0],self.arg_lim[0][1])
    if not self.arg_lim[1][0] <= x[1] <= self.arg_lim[1][1]:
      x[1] = self.arg_lim[1][0]+ (self.arg_lim[1][1] - self.arg_lim[1][0])*rand()
    if not self.arg_lim[2][0] <= x[2] <= self.arg_lim[2][1]:
      x[2] = self.arg_lim[2][0]+ (self.arg_lim[2][1] - self.arg_lim[2][0])*rand()
    if not self.arg_lim[3][0] <= x[3] <= self.arg_lim[3][1]:
      x[3] = random_integers(self.arg_lim[3][0],self.arg_lim[3][1])
    return (self.fitness_func(x),x)
コード例 #57
def SaltAndPepper(src, percetage):
    NoiseImg = src
    NoiseNum = int(percetage * src.shape[0] * src.shape[1])
    for i in range(NoiseNum):
        randX = random.random_integers(0, src.shape[0] - 1)
        randY = random.random_integers(0, src.shape[1] - 1)
        if random.random_integers(0, 1) == 0:
            NoiseImg[randX, randY] = 0
            NoiseImg[randX, randY] = 255
    return NoiseImg
コード例 #58
def getcartaddinfo(inventoryInfo,k = 500):
    cartList = []
    n = len(set(inventoryInfo["beerId"]))
    #get quantities for each beers when added to cart
    for i in range(k):
        cartDict = {}
        userId = random.random_integers(0,k)
        beerId = inventoryInfo.loc[random.random_integers(0,n),"beerId"]
        quantity = [1,2,3,4,5,6][random.choice(6,1,p=[0.7,0.2,0.01,0.02,0.01,0.06])]
        cartDict["userId"] = userId
        cartDict["beerId"] = beerId
        cartDict["quantity"] = quantity
コード例 #59
def getcheckoutinfo(inventoryInfo,k = 100):
    checkoutList = []
    n = len(set(inventoryInfo["beerId"]))
    #get checkout quantities for each beers
    for i in range(k):
        checkoutDict = {}
        userId = random.random_integers(0,k)
        beerId = inventoryInfo.loc[random.random_integers(0,n),"beerId"]
        quantity = [1,2,3,4,5,6][random.choice(6,1,p=[0.5,0.3,0.02,0.04,0.04,0.1])]
        checkoutDict["userId"] = userId
        checkoutDict["beerId"] = beerId
        checkoutDict["quantity"] = quantity