コード例 #1
    def getRandomSites(self, xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, qty, radius=0):
        import random

        rangeX = (xStart, xEnd)
        rangeY = (yStart, yEnd)

        deltas = set()
        for x in range(-radius, radius + 1):
            for y in range(-radius, radius + 1):
                if x * x + y * y <= radius * radius:
                    deltas.add((x, y))

        randPoints = []
        excluded = set()
        i = 0

        while i < qty:
            x = random.randrange(*rangeX)
            y = random.randrange(*rangeY)
            if (x, y) in excluded: continue
            randPoints.append((x, y))
            i += 1
            excluded.update((x + dx, y + dy) for (dx, dy) in deltas)

        return randPoints
コード例 #2
 def set_energy(self):
     if self.classic == "vege":
         self.energy = random.randrange(10, 20, 1)
     elif self.classic == "fruit":
         self.energy = random.randrange(10, 30, 1)
         self.energy = random.randrange(30, 50, 1)
コード例 #3
 def level_3(self):
     """ rising """
     for i in range(10):
         smallbun = RisingBun("sources/images/sausage.png",
         smallbun.center_x = random.randrange(SCREEN_WIDTH)
         smallbun.center_y = random.randrange(-SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0)
コード例 #4
 def level_2(self):
     """ falling """
     for i in range(10):
         smallbun = FallingBun("sources/images/pizza.png",
         smallbun.center_x = random.randrange(SCREEN_WIDTH)
         smallbun.center_y = random.randrange(SCREEN_HEIGHT,
                                              SCREEN_HEIGHT * 2)
コード例 #5
ファイル: ResourceMap.py プロジェクト: joshpk105/space-junk
 def Generate(self):
   for i in range(self.total):
     (red_delta,green_delta,blue_delta) = map(int,numpy.random.normal(125,40,3))
     red_delta = self.Correct(red_delta)
     green_delta = self.Correct(green_delta)
     blue_delta = self.Correct(blue_delta)
     (width,height) = self.surface.get_size()
     rand_x = random.randrange(width-self.resource.rect.width)
     rand_y = random.randrange(height-self.resource.rect.height)
コード例 #6
def plotter(combinedDatatoPlot, width, height):
    i = list(combinedDatatoPlot.columns)

    for x in i:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width / 100., height / 100.), dpi=100)
        stocks = combinedDatatoPlot[['Stock', x]]
        num_of_stocks = len(stocks.Stock.unique())
        color = iter(plt.cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, num_of_stocks)))
        for stock in stocks.Stock.unique():
            c = next(color)
            stockDFRaw = stocks[stocks.Stock == stock]
            stockDF = pandas.DataFrame({stock: stockDFRaw[x]})
            stockDF.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
            plotindex = random.randrange(1, len(stockDF.index) - 1)
            plt.plot(stockDF["date_time"], stockDF[stock], c=c, label=stock)
            plt.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=10)
            plt.annotate(stock, (mdates.date2num(
                stockDF["date_time"][plotindex]), stockDF[stock][plotindex]),
                         xytext=(15, 15),
                         textcoords='offset points',
                         arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-|>', color=c),
        fig_name = str(x) + "_plot.png"
        fig.savefig(fig_name, dpi=600)
コード例 #7
 def update(self,  e=None):
     # Pick a new cell if there is nothing more to do with the old cell.
     if self._cell is None or self._cell.degree() <= 0:
         valid_permutation_found = False
         while not valid_permutation_found:                
             k = random.randrange(3, 14)
             l = numpy.random.permutation(k)
             self._cell = pyradbar.Cell( l, suspend=False )
             if self._cell.num_fixed_pts_lam() == 0:
                 valid_permutation_found = True
         # Take a face of the cell.
         i = random.randrange(0, self._cell.degree() + 1)
コード例 #8
    def level_1(self):
        # create small buns
        for i in range(10):
            smallbun = arcade.Sprite("sources/images/chicken.png",

            # positions of buns
            smallbun.center_x = random.randrange(SCREEN_WIDTH)
            smallbun.center_y = random.randrange(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 100)

            # angles of buns
            smallbun.angle = random.randrange(30)
            smallbun.change_angle = random.randrange(-5, 6)

            # add buns to list
コード例 #9
ファイル: qsort11.py プロジェクト: made1993/inf-uam
def time_qselect_worst(nPerms, sizeIni, sizeFin, step, pivotF=pivotP):
    Funcion que mide el tiempo peor de quickselect para nPerms de sizeIni a sizeFin
    con un step para diferentes funciones pivote
    :param nPerms: numero de permutaciones a realizar para cada tamano
    :param sizeIni: tamano inicial
    :param sizeFin: tamano final
    :param step: step entre cada 2 tamanos
    :param pivotF: funcion pivote a emplear
    :return lista de tiempos empleados en el caso peor para cada paso
    timelist = []
    for i in range(sizeIni, sizeFin, step):
        timeW = 0
        for j in range(nPerms):
            t = np.random.permutation(i)
            p = min(t)
            u = max(t)
            k = random.randrange(len(t))

            time1 = time.clock()
            qselect(t, p, u, k, pivotF)
            time2 = time.clock()
            timeW = max(time2 - time1, timeW)

    return timelist
コード例 #10
def time_qselect_worst(nPerms, sizeIni, sizeFin, step, pivotF=pivotP):
    Funcion que mide el tiempo peor de quickselect para nPerms de sizeIni a sizeFin
    con un step para diferentes funciones pivote
    :param nPerms: numero de permutaciones a realizar para cada tamano
    :param sizeIni: tamano inicial
    :param sizeFin: tamano final
    :param step: step entre cada 2 tamanos
    :param pivotF: funcion pivote a emplear
    :return lista de tiempos empleados en el caso peor para cada paso
    timelist = []
    for i in range(sizeIni, sizeFin, step):
        timeW = 0
        for j in range(nPerms):
            t = np.random.permutation(i)
            p = min(t)
            u = max(t)
            k = random.randrange(len(t))

            time1 = time.clock()
            qselect(t, p, u, k, pivotF)
            time2 = time.clock()
            timeW = max(time2 - time1, timeW)

    return timelist
コード例 #11
ファイル: Compact.py プロジェクト: rejsmont/nuclearP
 def fill(self):
     seed = random.randrange(0, self.n_items)
     self.__nfill_s(int(self.width/2), int(self.height/2), seed)
     self.score = self.__score()
     rmatrix = self.__compact()
     self.size = rmatrix.shape[0] * rmatrix.shape[1]
     print(".", end="")
コード例 #12
def initial_grouping(n, cn):

    #get list of nodes
    nodes = [node for node in range(0, n)]

    #assign group number to each nodes
    group_assign = [random.randrange(0, cn) for g_num in range(len(nodes))]

    return nodes, group_assign
コード例 #13
ファイル: population.py プロジェクト: hamazaki1990/repeat_sim
 def next_genmo(self):
     size = len(self._inds)
     i_dying = random.randrange(size)
     f = [x.calculate_ind_sc() / size for x in self._inds]
     parent = random.choice(self._inds, 2, False, f)
     father = parent[0]
     mother = parent[1]
     next_p = father.replicate_error().make_zygote()
     next_m = mother.replicate_error().make_zygote()
     self._inds[i_dying] = Diploid(next_p, next_m)
     return self
コード例 #14
def sim_random(n,latencies,traces,outfiles):
    print "Simulating Random multi-path scheme..."
    traces_file = natsorted(glob.glob(traces[0]+'/*.cell'))
    for instance_file in traces_file: 
        instance = open(instance_file,'r')
        instance = instance.read().split('\n')[:-1]
        # Get n circuits latencies as a multipath virtual structure of the same client for this instance
        mplatencies = getCircuitLatencies(latencies, n)	# it is a list of list of latencies for each of m circuits. length = m
        routes = [random.randrange(0, n, 1) for _ in range(len(instance))] # Random routes
        new_instance = multipath.simulate(instance,mplatencies,routes) # Simulate the multipath effect for the given latencies and routes
        saveInFile(instance_file,new_instance,routes,outfiles) # Save the transformed current instance according to thei respective routes
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: nextml/NEXT
def test_api(assert_200=True, num_objects=5, desired_dimension=2,
            total_pulls_per_client=4, num_experiments=1, num_clients=6):

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)
    supported_alg_ids = ['TestAlg']
    alg_list = []
    for idx, alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
        alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id

    params = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
        params.append({'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'],
                       'proportion': 1./len(alg_list)})
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
    algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = 'Tests'
    initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings
    initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list
    initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets'] = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets']['n'] = num_objects

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        initExp_response_dict, exp_uid = test_utils.initExp(initExp_args_dict)
        exp_info += [exp_uid]

    # Generate participants
    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
        pool_args.append((exp_uid, participant_uid, total_pulls_per_client, assert_200))
    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result

    test_utils.getModel(exp_uid, app_id, supported_alg_ids, alg_list)
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self, classic, value, scale=1):
        self.classic = classic
        self.value = value
        # images for foodie
        self.image_file_name = f"sources/images/{self.classic}{self.value}.png"
        # if this foodie has been selected
        self.chosen = False

        # foodie's hungrylevel
        self.hungry_level = random.randrange(50, 90, 1)

        # call the parent
        super().__init__(self.image_file_name, scale)
コード例 #17
    def setup(self):
        """ Setup the game  and initial the variables """
        # list of musics
        self.music_list = ["sources/music/funkyrobot.mp3"]
        self.current_song = 0

        # create sprite lists

        # score
        self.score = 0
        # timer reset
        self.total_time = 20.0

        # set up the player
        self.player_sprite.center_x = random.randrange(SCREEN_WIDTH)
        self.player_sprite.center_y = random.randrange(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 100)

        # level set up
        self.level = 1
コード例 #18
ファイル: Polymer.py プロジェクト: MrTheodor/science
    def begin_rotate(self, monomer_idx = None):
        rotate with begin
        random_direction = randrange(0, Lattice.z)
        #new_position = Lattice.get_coordinate(self.chain[1]._position, random_direction)
        new_position = self.chain[1].neighbours_position[random_direction]
        if self.box.is_occupied(new_position) or new_position in self.positions_list:
            #logging.info("Reject rotate; position: (%d, %d, %d) is occupied" % (new_position))
            return False
        new_monomer = self.chain[0]

        old_position = self.chain[0]._position
        old_open_position = self.chain[0]._open
        old_next_direction = self.chain[0].next_direction
        old_energy = self.total_energy

        self.chain[0].position = new_position
        self.chain[0]._open = Lattice.get_open_coordinate(self.chain[1]._open, random_direction)
        self.chain[0].next_direction = Lattice.TURN_DIRECTION[random_direction]
        self.positions_list[0] = new_position
        perform_move = True
        new_energy = None
        if self.box.athermal_state == False:
            new_energy = self.box.calculate_chain_energy(self)
            dE = new_energy - old_energy
            if self.box.accept(dE, None):
                perform_move = True
                perform_move = False

        if perform_move:
            if not new_energy:
                new_energy = self.box.calculate_chain_energy(self)
            self.total_energy = new_energy
            new_monomer.position = old_position
            new_monomer._open = old_open_position
            new_monomer.next_direction = old_next_direction
            self.chain[0] = new_monomer
            self.positions_list[0] = old_position
            # restore old energy
            self.total_energy = old_energy

        return perform_move
コード例 #19
def predict():

    # Extracts the file from the upload and save it into
    # a temporary file.
    f = request.files['file']
    filename = "%s.wav" % ((random.randrange(0, 1000000000)))

    # Loads the file and convert features.

    mfcc = convert_mfcc(filename)

    input_l = []
    input_r = []
    s, w, h = X.shape
    input_l.append(mfcc.reshape(w, h, 1))
    y_pred = np.zeros(shape=(s))

    ###loop through the audio mfccs of the baseline audio files.

    for i in range(X.shape[0]):
        w, h = mfcc.shape
        pairs = [np.zeros((1, w, h, 1)) for i in range(2)]
        pairs[0][0, :, :, :] = input_l[0]
        pairs[1][0, :, :, :] = X[i].reshape(w, h, 1)
        y_pred[i] = (model.predict(pairs).ravel())[0]

    # Use our Keras model to predict the output.
    prediction = y[np.argmax(y_pred)]
    result = json.dumps({
        # Place the class index with the highest probability into
        # the "best_class" attribute.
        # The use of item() converts best_class (which is a numpy.int64
        # data type) to a native Python int.
        #"best_class": best_class.item(),
        "person_name": prediction

        # Return the full prediction from Keras.
        # Convert a Numpy array to a native Python list.
        #"full_prediction" : full_prediction.tolist()[0]


    return Response(result, mimetype='application/json')
コード例 #20
ファイル: Polymer.py プロジェクト: MrTheodor/science
    def segment_rotate(self, monomer_idx = None):
        @Monomer|int monomer: monomer or monomer_idx on chain_list
        Rotate :monomer
        if monomer_idx is None:
            monomer_idx = randrange(0, self._total_length - 1)
        if monomer_idx == 0 or monomer_idx == self._total_length - 1:
            #logging.debug("Tried to rotate monomer of id: %d which is in the end of polymer chain. It doesn't make sense" % monomer_idx)
            return False

        if monomer_idx + 1 >= self._total_length:
            return False

        prev_monomer = self.chain[monomer_idx - 1]
        rotate_monomer = self.chain[monomer_idx]
        next_monomer = self.chain[monomer_idx + 1]
        ## we can chouse only position from this set
        common_neighbours_positions = set(prev_monomer.neighbours_position).intersection(next_monomer.neighbours_position)
        number_of_positions = len(common_neighbours_positions)
        if number_of_positions == 0:
            return False
        new_position = list(common_neighbours_positions)[randrange(0, number_of_positions)]
        if not new_position or len(new_position) != 3:
            if __debug__: logging.debug("New_position %s:" % str(new_position))
            return False
            direction = prev_monomer.neighbours_position.index(new_position)
        except Exception, e:
            if __debug__: logging.error("Reject segment, error in direction, (%d, %d, %d)" % (new_position))
            return False
コード例 #21
def crossover(poblacion, elitismo, probCrossover):
    nuevaGeneracion = []
    rango = len(poblacion)
    if elitismo:
        poblacion.sort(key=lambda cromosoma: cromosoma.objetivo)
        for pos, cElit in enumerate(poblacion):
            if pos < rango * 0.2:
        rango = (int)(rango * 0.8)
    for _ in range((int)(rango / 2)):
        p1 = poblacion.pop(random.randrange(
            0, len(poblacion)))  # Padre 1: cromosoma
        p2 = poblacion.pop(random.randrange(
            0, len(poblacion)))  # Padre 2: cromosoma
        if random.uniform(0, 1) <= probCrossover:
            c = 0  # Cursor
            ciclos = []
            x = 0
            while sum([len(s) for s in ciclos]) == 24:
                ciclo = []
                while ciclo[0][0] == ciclo[x][1]:
                    permutacion = [
                        c, p2.index(p1[c])
                    ]  # Par con la pocicion del elemento c en p1 y la pocicion de ese elemento en p2
                    c = ciclo[x][1]
                    x += 1
            for m, ciclo in enumerate(ciclos):
                if m % 2 == 0:
                    cambios = [c[0] for c in ciclo]
                    for i in cambios:
                        p1[i], p2[i] = p2[i], p1[i]
        nuevaGeneracion.extend([p1, p2])
    return nuevaGeneracion
コード例 #22
ファイル: predator_prey.py プロジェクト: sebhoerl/SOCS
 def create_agent(self, type, near=None):
     if near:
         pos = random.choice(list(self.neighbors(near)))
         pos = tuple(random.randrange(size) for size in self.grid_shape)
     # NOTE(Pontus): This makes sure that
     # the more crowded it is, the less agents will be born
     if not self.is_safe_position(pos):
         return None
     agent = Agent(type, pos)
     x, y = pos
     return agent
コード例 #23
def key_pressed(clock, key_list = None):
    keys = event.getKeys()
    rt = clock.getTime()
    if 'escape' in keys: 
    if key_list != None:
        ret_keys = [ k for k in key_list if k in keys ]
        # this is for testing purposes (automatize input, randomly)
        if _debug_on and len(key_list):
            ret_keys = [ key_list[random.randrange(0, len(key_list))] ]
        ret_keys = keys
    return rt, ret_keys
コード例 #24
def calculate_probability(odds, low_cpu = 0):
        file_count = 0
        d = {}
        writelist = []
        percentlist = []
        for i in range(odds):
            d[str(i)] = 0
            writelist.append(f'Times {i}')
            percentlist.append(f'Percent {i}')
        while True:
            if os.path.isfile(str(file_count)+'.csv'):
                file_count += 1
        filename = str(file_count)
        write_to_csv(filename, 'Number', 'Value')
        rep = 500 * odds
        if rep > 10000:
            rep = 10000
        for i in range(rep):
            ran = randrange(odds)
            ran = int(ran)
            d[str(ran)] += 1
            if i == 999:
                write_to_csv(filename, i, ran+1, newline = False)
                write_to_csv(filename, i, ran+1)
            if low_cpu:
        writelist2 = []
        percentlist2 = []
        for i in range(odds):
            val = d[str(i)]
            percentlist2.append(round(((val/rep)*100), 2))
        return (writelist, percentlist, writelist2, percentlist2)
    except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
コード例 #25
 def select(self):
     if self._free == 0:
         if self._auto_reset:
             return -1
     p = random.randrange(0, self._free) + 1
     for i in xrange(0, self._size):
         if self._info[i] == 0: 
             p -= 1
         if p == 0: 
             self._info[i] = 1
             self._free -= 1
     return i
コード例 #26
def reservoir_sampling(generator, limit):
    "perform a reservoir sampling because for a large state space it is impossible to enumerate states in memory"
    import numpy as np
    import random
    if limit is None:
        results = np.array(list(generator))
        results = np.array([c for c, _ in zip(generator, range(limit))])
        i = limit
        step = 1
        for result in generator:
            i += 1
            if (i % step) == 0:
                if i == step * 10:
                    step = i
            j = random.randrange(i)
            if j < limit:
                results[j] = result
        print("done reservoir sampling")
    return results
コード例 #27
ファイル: apply_segments.py プロジェクト: cmertes/sample_code
def calcMajority(layer, classes):
        '''calcualte majority over values in column# start to column# end'''
        num_features = layer.GetFeatureCount()
        for i in range(num_features):
                feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
                zonal = [feature.GetField(x) for x in classes]
                max_cnt = max(zonal) 
                labels=[a for a,b in enumerate(zonal) if b==max_cnt]
                #resolve ties
                if len(labels)==1:
                elif len(labels)>1 and max_cnt>0:
                        label=labels[random.randrange(0,len(labels))]   #if tied, take random
                else: label=255                                         #no data
                feature.SetField('label', label)

        source = None
        print 'shapefile updated'
コード例 #28
    def level_1(self):
        # set up the player
        for foodie_classic in FOODIE_CLASSIC:
            for foodie_value in FOODIE_VALUES:
                foodie = Foodie(foodie_classic, foodie_value,
                foodie.position = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, FOODIE_HEIGHT / 2
        # shuffle the foodie
        for pos1 in range(len(self.foodie_list)):
            pos2 = random.randrange(len(self.foodie_list))
            self.foodie_list[pos1], self.foodie_list[pos2] = self.foodie_list[
                pos2], self.foodie_list[pos1]

        self.foodie = self.foodie_list[0]

        # create food list
        self.food_list = arcade.SpriteList()

        # create every food
        for food_classic in FOOD_CLASSIC:
            for food_value in FOOD_VALUES:
                food = Food(food_classic, food_value, SPRITE_FOOD_SCALING)
                food.position = FOOD_START_X + FOOD_VALUES.index(food_value) * FOOD_X_SPACING, \
                                FOOD_START_Y + FOOD_CLASSIC.index(food_classic) * FOOD_Y_SPACING

        # list of  foods we are dragging with mouse
        self.held_foods = []
        # original position of the dragging foods if they need to go back
        self.held_foods_original_location = []

        # create dishes
        self.dish_list: arcade.SpriteList = arcade.SpriteList()
        for i in range(4):
            # dish = arcade.SpriteSolidColor(DISH_WIDTH, DISH_HEIGHT, arcade.csscolor.DARK_OLIVE_GREEN)
            dish = arcade.Sprite("sources/images/dish.jpeg",
            dish.position = DISH_START_X + i * DISH_X_SPACING, DISH_START_Y
コード例 #29
ファイル: apply_segments.py プロジェクト: cmertes/sample_code
def calcMajority(layer, classes):
    '''calcualte majority over values in column# start to column# end'''

    num_features = layer.GetFeatureCount()
    for i in range(num_features):
        feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
        zonal = [feature.GetField(x) for x in classes]
        max_cnt = max(zonal)
        labels = [a for a, b in enumerate(zonal) if b == max_cnt]

        #resolve ties
        if len(labels) == 1:
            label = labels[0]
        elif len(labels) > 1 and max_cnt > 0:
            label = labels[random.randrange(
                0, len(labels))]  #if tied, take random
            label = 255  #no data
        feature.SetField('label', label)

    source = None
    print 'shapefile updated'
コード例 #30
ファイル: testing.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/span
def create_stsq(size=None, typ='stream',
                name=span.utils.name2num('Spik'), nchannels=16, sort_code=0,
                fmt=np.float32, fs=4882.8125,
    if size is None:
        size = randint(2 ** 5, 2 ** 6)

    if samples_per_channel is None:
        samples_per_channel = randint(2 ** 6, 2 ** 7)

    names = ('size', 'type', 'name', 'channel', 'sort_code', 'timestamp',
             'fp_loc', 'format', 'fs', 'shank')
    nsamples = samples_per_channel * nchannels
    index = Int64Index(np.arange(nsamples))

    size = Series(size, index=index, name='size')
    typ = Series(typ, index=index, name='type')
    name = Series(name, index=index, name='name')
    channel = Series(np.tile(np.arange(nchannels),
                             (samples_per_channel, 1))[:, ::-1].ravel(),
                     index=index, name='channel')
    sort_code = Series(sort_code, index=index, name='sort_code')
    fp_loc = Series(index, name='fp_loc')
    fmt = Series([fmt] * index.size, index=index, name='format')

    start = randrange(100e7, 128e7)
    ts = start + (size[0] / fs) * np.r_[:samples_per_channel]
    ts = np.tile(ts, (nchannels, 1)).T.ravel()
    timestamp = Series(ts, index=index, name='timestamp')

    srt = Indexer.sort('channel').reset_index(drop=True)
    shank = srt.shank[channel].reset_index(drop=True)

    data = (size, typ, name, channel, sort_code, timestamp, fp_loc, fmt, fs,

    return DataFrame(dict(zip(names, data)))
コード例 #31
def run_all(assert_200, num_clients):
  def timeit(f):
    Utility used to time the duration of code execution. This script can be composed with any other script.

      def f(n): 
        return n**n  

      def g(n): 
        return n,n**n 

      answer0,dt = timeit(f)(3)
      answer1,answer2,dt = timeit(g)(3)
    def timed(*args, **kw):
      ts = time.time()
      result = f(*args, **kw)
      te = time.time()
      if type(result)==tuple:
        return result + ((te-ts),)
        return result,(te-ts)
    return timed

  app_id = 'PoolBasedTripletMDS'
  # num_clients = 1
  # assert_200 = True

  # Setup the exp_uid's
  client_exp_uids = []
  client_exp_keys = []
  client_participant_uids = []
  for cl in range(num_clients):
    participants = []
    for i in range(10):
      participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

  # Args for the experiments
  num_objects = 100
  desired_dimension = 2
  x = numpy.linspace(0,1,num_objects)
  X_true = numpy.vstack([x,x]).transpose()
  # total_pulls = 100000*num_clients
  total_pulls = 3

  # Generate the list of algorithms
  alg_list = []

  test_alg = {}
  test_alg['alg_id'] = 'RandomSampling'
  test_alg['alg_label'] = 'Test'
  test_alg['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
  test_alg['params'] = {}

  random_alg = {}
  random_alg['alg_id'] = 'RandomSampling'
  random_alg['alg_label'] = 'Random'
  random_alg['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
  random_alg['params'] = {}

  uncertainty_sampling_alg = {}
  uncertainty_sampling_alg['alg_id'] = 'UncertaintySampling'
  uncertainty_sampling_alg['alg_label'] = 'Uncertainty Sampling'
  uncertainty_sampling_alg['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
  uncertainty_sampling_alg['params'] = {}

  params = {}
  test_proportion = 0.2
  params['proportions'] = []
  for algorithm in alg_list:
    if algorithm['alg_label'] == 'Test':
      params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':test_proportion }  )
      params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':(1. - test_proportion)/(len(alg_list)-1.) }  )      
  algorithm_management_settings = {}
  algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
  algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

  # args paramaters
  n = num_objects
  d = desired_dimension
  delta = 0.01

  # Test POST Experiment with no app id
  print 'Test POST Experiment with no app id'
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = d
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert int(response.status_code) == 400
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  # Test POST Experiment with empty args
  print 'Test POST Experiment with empty args'
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert int(response.status_code) == 400
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)    

  # Test POST Experiment with letter for numerical value (failure_probability)
  print 'Test POST Experiment with letter for numerical value (failure_probability)'
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = d
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = 'Failure Prob'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    # This is a problem! 200 is returned each time
    # if assert_200: assert response.status_code == 400
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  # Test POST Experiment with letter for numerical value (dimension)
  print 'Test POST Experiment with letter for numerical value (dimension)'
  # print
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = 'Huge Dimension'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code == 400
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)    

  # Test POST Experiment with letter for numerical value (num objects)
  print 'Test POST Experiment with letter for numerical value (num objects)'
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = 'Huge Number of Objects'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = d
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code == 400
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)  

  # Test POST Experiment with empty alg_list
  print 'Test POST Experiment with empty alg_list'
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = d
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = []
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code == 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  # Test POST Experiment with no optional fields present
  print 'Test POST Experiment with no optional fields present'
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = d
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code == 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
    exp_key = initExp_response_dict['exp_key']

  # Test GET Experiment
  print 'Test POST Experiment with no optional fields present'
  url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment/"+client_exp_uids[cl]+"/"+client_exp_keys[cl]
  response = requests.get(url)
  print "GET experiment response =",response.text, response.status_code
  if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
  initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
  # Now we will do many get queries over a random set of exp_uid's to generate data  
  seconds_between_API_hits = .001
  t = 0
  while t<total_pulls:
    # print t

    # grab a random exp_uid
    exp_uid = client_exp_uids[t%len(client_exp_uids)] #random.choice(client_exp_uids)
    exp_key = client_exp_keys[t%len(client_exp_keys)] #random.choice(client_exp_uids)
    participant_uids = client_participant_uids[t%len(client_exp_uids)]
    participant_uid = numpy.random.choice(participants)

    # test GET getQuery #
    getQuery_args_dict = {}
    getQuery_args_dict['exp_uid'] = exp_uid
    getQuery_args_dict['exp_key'] = exp_key
    getQuery_args_dict['args'] = {}
    getQuery_args_dict['args']['participant_uid'] = participant_uid
    if t == 3: 
      getQuery_args_dict['args']['participant_uid'] = 'fake participant_uid'
      print 'Test GET getQuery with fake participant_uid'

      url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/getQuery'
      response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(getQuery_args_dict),headers={'content-type':'application/json'})

      print "POST getQuery response = ", response.text, response.status_code
      # This should not be 200
      if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 400
      print "POST getQuery duration = ", dt

      url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/getQuery'
      response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(getQuery_args_dict),headers={'content-type':'application/json'})

      print "POST getQuery response = ", response.text, response.status_code
      if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
      print "POST getQuery duration = ", dt

    getQuery_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    query_uid = getQuery_response_dict['query_uid']
    targets = getQuery_response_dict['target_indices']
    # print targets
    for target in targets:
      if target['label'] == 'center':
        index_center = target['index']
      elif target['label'] == 'left':
        index_left = target['index']
      elif target['label'] == 'right':
        index_right = target['index']

    # test POST processAnswer 
    # generate simulated reward
    direction = norm(X_true[index_left]-X_true[index_center])-norm(X_true[index_right]-X_true[index_center])
    r = numpy.random.rand()
    if r<.1:
      direction = - direction
    if direction<0.:
      target_winner = index_left
      target_winner = index_right
    processAnswer_args_dict = {}
    processAnswer_args_dict["exp_uid"] = exp_uid
    processAnswer_args_dict["exp_key"] = exp_key
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"] = {}
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"]["query_uid"] = query_uid
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"]["target_winner"] = target_winner

    if t == 1: 
      processAnswer_args_dict["args"]["query_uid"] = ''
      print 'test POST processAnswer with empty query_uid'

      processAnswer_args_dict["args"]["target_winner"] = target_winner
      url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/processAnswer'
      print "POST processAnswer args = ", processAnswer_args_dict
      response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(processAnswer_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
      print "POST processAnswer response", response.text, response.status_code
      if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 400
      print "POST processAnswer duration = ", dt
      processAnswer_json_response = eval(response.text)

    elif t == 2: 
      processAnswer_args_dict["args"]["target_winner"] = ''
      print 'test POST processAnswer with empty target_winner'

      url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/processAnswer'
      print "POST processAnswer args = ", processAnswer_args_dict
      response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(processAnswer_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
      print "POST processAnswer response", response.text, response.status_code
      # This should not be 200
      if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 400
      print "POST processAnswer duration = ", dt
      processAnswer_json_response = eval(response.text)

      url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/processAnswer'
      print "POST processAnswer args = ", processAnswer_args_dict
      response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(processAnswer_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
      print "POST processAnswer response", response.text, response.status_code
      if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
      print "POST processAnswer duration = ", dt
      processAnswer_json_response = eval(response.text)
コード例 #32
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: abiswas3/NEXT
def test_api(assert_200=True, num_objects=4, desired_dimension=1,
                        total_pulls_per_client=5, num_experiments=1,
    true_weights = numpy.zeros(desired_dimension)
    true_weights[0] = 1.
    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)
    supported_alg_ids = ['RandomSamplingLinearLeastSquares','RandomSamplingLinearLeastSquares']
    alg_list = []
    for idx,alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
        if idx==0:
            alg_item['alg_label'] = 'Test'
            alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
        alg_item['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
    params = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
        params.append({'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'],
                       'proportion': 1./len(alg_list)})

    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
    algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

    targetset = []
    for i in range(num_objects):
        features = list(numpy.random.randn(desired_dimension))
        targetset.append({'primary_description': str(features),
                        'alt_description':'%d' % (i),
                        'meta': {'features':features}})

    # Test POST Experiment
    print '\n'*2 + 'Testing POST initExp...'
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = 'PoolBasedBinaryClassification'
    initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = 0.01
    initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' # 'one_to_one'    #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'

    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets'] = {'targetset': targetset}

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        initExp_response_dict, exp_info_ = test_utils.initExp(initExp_args_dict)
        exp_info += [exp_info_]
        exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']


        # Test GET Experiment
        initExp_response_dict = test_utils.getExp(exp_uid)

    # Generate participants

    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']

    print "participants are", participants
    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result

    test_utils.getModel(exp_uid, app_id, supported_alg_ids, alg_list)
コード例 #33
import numpy as np
import time
from numpy.random import *
import random
from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count, current_process, Array
C = A B

#a = np.array([[3,0,0,3,3,5,2,2,4], [1,2,0,3,6,2,1,5,2],[1,4,7,2,5,3,3,6,5],[3,5,2,5,2,5,3,6,3],[4,6,2,5,2,5,7,3,4],[6,2,6,4,2,5,6,2,6],[2,5,2,5,3,5,6,4,5],[4,2,4,5,2,5,3,4,5],[3,5,3,6,4,5,3,1,2]])
#b = np.array([[3,0,0,3,3,5,2,2,4], [1,2,0,3,6,2,1,5,2],[1,4,7,2,5,3,3,6,5],[3,5,2,5,2,5,3,6,3],[4,6,2,5,2,5,7,3,4],[6,2,6,4,2,5,6,2,6],[2,5,2,5,3,5,6,4,5],[4,2,4,5,2,5,3,4,5],[3,5,3,6,4,5,3,1,2]])

r1 = random.randrange(2000)  #2000までのN

a = np.random.rand(r1, r1)  #行列A
b = np.random.rand(r1, r1)  #行列B

print(random.randrange(2000))  #何行何列の正方行列か表示

start = time.time()  #時間計測スタート
np.dot(a, b)  #行列積の逐次計算

process_time = time.time() - start  #時間計測終わり
print(process_time)  #時間計測出力

print(np.dot(a, b))  #行列積計算結果
コード例 #34
def run_all(assert_200, num_clients):
  def timeit(f):
    Utility used to time the duration of code execution. This script can be composed with any other script.

      def f(n): 
        return n**n  

      def g(n): 
        return n,n**n 

      answer0,dt = timeit(f)(3)
      answer1,answer2,dt = timeit(g)(3)
    def timed(*args, **kw):
      ts = time.time()
      result = f(*args, **kw)
      te = time.time()
      if type(result)==tuple:
        return result + ((te-ts),)
        return result,(te-ts)
    return timed

  app_id = 'PoolBasedTripletMDS'
  # Setup the exp_uid's
  client_exp_uids = []
  client_exp_keys = []
  client_participant_uids = []
  for cl in range(num_clients):
    participants = []
    for i in range(10):
      participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

  # Args for the experiments
  num_objects = 30
  desired_dimension = 2
  x = numpy.linspace(0,1,num_objects)
  X_true = numpy.vstack([x,x]).transpose()
  # total_pulls = 100000*num_clients
  # total_pulls = 10*desired_dimension*num_objects*numpy.floor(numpy.log(num_objects))*num_clients*4
  total_pulls = 50

  # Generate the list of algorithms
  alg_list = []

  test_alg = {}
  test_alg['alg_id'] = 'RandomSampling'
  test_alg['alg_label'] = 'Test'
  test_alg['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
  test_alg['params'] = {}

  random_alg = {}
  random_alg['alg_id'] = 'RandomSampling'
  random_alg['alg_label'] = 'Random'
  random_alg['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
  random_alg['params'] = {}

  uncertainty_sampling_alg = {}
  uncertainty_sampling_alg['alg_id'] = 'UncertaintySampling'
  uncertainty_sampling_alg['alg_label'] = 'Uncertainty Sampling'
  uncertainty_sampling_alg['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
  uncertainty_sampling_alg['params'] = {}

  crowd_kernel_alg = {}
  crowd_kernel_alg['alg_id'] = 'CrowdKernel'
  crowd_kernel_alg['alg_label'] = 'Crowd Kernel'
  crowd_kernel_alg['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
  crowd_kernel_alg['params'] = {}
  params = {}
  test_proportion = 0.2
  params['proportions'] = []
  for algorithm in alg_list:
    if algorithm['alg_label'] == 'Test':
      params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':test_proportion }  )
      params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':(1. - test_proportion)/(len(alg_list)-1.) }  )      
  algorithm_management_settings = {}
  algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
  algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

  # args paramaters
  n = num_objects
  d = desired_dimension
  delta = 0.01

  # Test POST Experiment
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = d
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list
  initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
    exp_key = initExp_response_dict['exp_key']

  # Test GET Experiment
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment/"+client_exp_uids[cl]+"/"+client_exp_keys[cl]
    response = requests.get(url)
    print "GET experiment response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
  # Now we will do many get queries over a random set of exp_uid's to generate data  
  seconds_between_API_hits = .001
  t = 0
  while t<total_pulls:
    print t

    # grab a random exp_uid
    exp_uid = client_exp_uids[t%len(client_exp_uids)] #random.choice(client_exp_uids)
    exp_key = client_exp_keys[t%len(client_exp_keys)] #random.choice(client_exp_uids)
    participant_uids = client_participant_uids[t%len(client_exp_uids)]
    participant_uid = numpy.random.choice(participants)

    # test GET getQuery #
    getQuery_args_dict = {}
    getQuery_args_dict['exp_uid'] = exp_uid
    getQuery_args_dict['exp_key'] = exp_key
    getQuery_args_dict['args'] = {}
    getQuery_args_dict['args']['participant_uid'] = participant_uid

    url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/getQuery'
    response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(getQuery_args_dict),headers={'content-type':'application/json'})

    print "POST getQuery response = ", response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    print "POST getQuery duration = ", dt

    getQuery_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    query_uid = getQuery_response_dict['query_uid']
    targets = getQuery_response_dict['target_indices']
    print targets
    for target in targets:
      if target['label'] == 'center':
        index_center = target['index']
      elif target['label'] == 'left':
        index_left = target['index']
      elif target['label'] == 'right':
        index_right = target['index']

    # test POST processAnswer 
    # generate simulated reward
    direction = norm(X_true[index_left]-X_true[index_center])-norm(X_true[index_right]-X_true[index_center])
    r = numpy.random.rand()
    if r<.1:
      direction = - direction
    if direction<0.:
      target_winner = index_left
      target_winner = index_right
    processAnswer_args_dict = {}
    processAnswer_args_dict["exp_uid"] = exp_uid
    processAnswer_args_dict["exp_key"] = exp_key
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"] = {}
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"]["query_uid"] = query_uid
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"]["target_winner"] = target_winner

    url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/processAnswer'
    print "POST processAnswer args = ", processAnswer_args_dict
    response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(processAnswer_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST processAnswer response", response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    print "POST processAnswer duration = ", dt
    processAnswer_json_response = eval(response.text)

  # #############################################
  # # test GET logs 
  # #############################################
  # r = numpy.random.rand()
  # if r <.005:
  #   url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/'+exp_uid+'/'+exp_key'/logs'
  #   response,dt = timeit(requests.get)(url)
  #   print "GET Logs response", response.text, response.status_code
  #   print "GET Logs duration = ", dt
  #   print

  # #############################################
  # # test GET participants 
  # #############################################
  # r = numpy.random.rand()
  # if r <.005:
  #   url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/'+exp_uid+'/'+exp_key+'/participants'
  #   response,dt = timeit(requests.get)(url)
  #   print "Participants response", response.text, response.status_code
  #   print "Participants duration = ", dt
  #   print

  # test POST stats
  # Create all our potential /experiments/stats requests and then loop over them

  args_list = []

  getStats_args_dict = {}
  getStats_args_dict['stat_id'] = 'api_activity_histogram'
  getStats_args_dict['params'] = {'task':'getQuery'}

  getStats_args_dict = {}
  getStats_args_dict['stat_id'] = 'api_processAnswer_activity_stacked_histogram'
  getStats_args_dict['params'] = {}

  getStats_args_dict = {}
  getStats_args_dict['stat_id'] = 'compute_duration_multiline_plot'
  getStats_args_dict['params'] = {'task':'getQuery'}

  getStats_args_dict = {}
  getStats_args_dict['stat_id'] = 'compute_duration_detailed_stacked_area_plot'
  getStats_args_dict['params'] = {'task':'getQuery','alg_label':alg_list[-1]['alg_label']}

  getStats_args_dict = {}
  getStats_args_dict['stat_id'] = 'test_error_multiline_plot'
  getStats_args_dict['params'] = {}

  for cl in range(num_clients):
    getStats_args_dict = {}
    getStats_args_dict["exp_uid"] = client_exp_uids[cl]
    getStats_args_dict["exp_key"] = client_exp_keys[cl]

    for args in args_list:
      getStats_args_dict["args"] = args
      url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/stats'
      response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(getStats_args_dict) ,headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
      getStats_json_response = eval(response.text)
      print "/experiment/stats "+args['stat_id'], str(getStats_json_response), response.status_code
      if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
コード例 #35
    def test_geometric_spanner_condition_Delaunay_triangulation_sphere_surface(self):
        '''The geometric spanner condition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delaunay_triangulation#Properties) indicates that the length of the shortest edge-traveled path between two nodes in a Delaunay triangulation is no longer than 2.42 times the straight-line Euclidean distance between them.'''
        #create a networkx graph object of the Delaunay triangulation vertices & edges

        voronoi_instance_small = voronoi_utility.Voronoi_Sphere_Surface(self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array)
        Delaunay_point_array_small = voronoi_instance_small.delaunay_triangulation_spherical_surface() #should be shape (N,3,3) for N triangles and their vertices in 3D space

        node_dictionary = {}
        node_counter = 1
        list_nodes_identified_debug = []

        #assign an integer node (vertex) number to each unique coordinate on the test sphere:
        for node_coordinate in self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array:
            node_dictionary[node_counter] = node_coordinate
            node_counter += 1

        #print 'self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array:', self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array
        #print 'self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array.shape:', self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array.shape
        #print 'node_dictionary.values():', node_dictionary.values() #there seem to be multiple duplicates / rounding variations for the polar point at [0. 0. 2.]

        def identify_node_based_on_coordinate(coordinate_array,node_dictionary):
            '''Return the node number based on the coordinates in the original test sphere data set.'''
            nodenum = 0
            num_positives_debug = 0
            for node_number, node_coordinates in node_dictionary.iteritems():
                if numpy.allclose(node_coordinates,coordinate_array,atol=1e-18):
                    nodenum = node_number
                    num_positives_debug += 1
                    #if num_positives_debug > 1:
                        #print 'duplicate offender:', node_coordinates, coordinate_array
                        #print 'original match:', node_coordinates, coordinate_array
            assert num_positives_debug == 1, "Only a single node should correspond to the input coordinates."
            return nodenum

        def produce_networkx_edges_from_triangle_data(triangle_array_data,node_dictionary):
            '''Input should be shape (3,3) array of coordinate data for a Delaunay triangle.'''
            list_networkx_edge_tuples = []
            #each triangle will, of course, have 3 edges
            triangle_array_row_indices_for_edge_vertices = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]
            for triangle_row_indices_of_edge in triangle_array_row_indices_for_edge_vertices:
                first_triangle_row_index, second_triangle_row_index = triangle_row_indices_of_edge
                first_vertex_coord = triangle_array_data[first_triangle_row_index]
                second_vertex_coord = triangle_array_data[second_triangle_row_index]
                graph_node_number_first_vertex_current_edge = identify_node_based_on_coordinate(first_vertex_coord,node_dictionary)
                graph_node_number_second_vertex_current_edge = identify_node_based_on_coordinate(second_vertex_coord,node_dictionary)
                list_nodes_identified_debug.extend([graph_node_number_first_vertex_current_edge,graph_node_number_second_vertex_current_edge]) #missing nodes with debug list growth here, but no missing nodes if I grow the debug list from within the identify_node_based_on_coordinate() function itself; why????
                #the edge weight for networkx should be the Euclidean straight-line distance between the vertices
                weight = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(first_vertex_coord,second_vertex_coord)
                networkx_edge_tuple = (graph_node_number_first_vertex_current_edge,graph_node_number_second_vertex_current_edge,weight)
            return list_networkx_edge_tuples

        #build networkx graph object from Delaunay triangles (simplices)
        G = nx.Graph()
        triangle_counter = 0
        for triangle_coord_array in Delaunay_point_array_small: 
            current_list_networkx_edge_tuples = produce_networkx_edges_from_triangle_data(triangle_coord_array,node_dictionary)
            #print 'current_list_networkx_edge_tuples:', current_list_networkx_edge_tuples
            G.add_weighted_edges_from(current_list_networkx_edge_tuples) #duplicates will simply be updated
            triangle_counter += 1
            #print 'Triangle:', triangle_counter, 'total edges:', G.size(), 'total nodes:', G.order()

        #print 'size:', G.size()
        #print 'list of edges:', G.edges()
        #print 'num nodes:', len(G.nodes())
        #print 'dict size:', len(node_dictionary)
        #print 'dict keys:', node_dictionary.keys()
        #print 'nodes:', G.nodes()
        #print 'edges:', G.edges()

        #print 'ordered set nodes identified:', set(sorted(list_nodes_identified_debug))
        self.assertEqual(len(G),self.num_triangulation_input_points) #obviously, the number of nodes in the graph should match the number of points on the sphere

        #perform the geometric spanner test for a random subset of nodes:
        num_tests = 0
        while num_tests < 10: #do 10 random tests 
            first_node_number = random.randrange(1,len(G),1)
            second_node_number = random.randrange(1,len(G),1)
            minimum_distance_between_nodes_following_Delaunay_edges = nx.dijkstra_path_length(G,first_node_number,second_node_number)
            #compare with straight line Euclidean distance:
            first_node_coordinate = node_dictionary[first_node_number]
            second_node_coordinate = node_dictionary[second_node_number]
            Euclidean_distance = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(first_node_coordinate,second_node_coordinate)
            self.assertLess(minimum_distance_between_nodes_following_Delaunay_edges/Euclidean_distance,2.42) #the geometric spanner condition
            num_tests += 1
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: NandanaSengupta/NEXT
def run_all(assert_200):

    app_id = 'CardinalBanditsPureExploration'
    num_arms = 50
    true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms)) / float(num_arms)
    total_pulls_per_client = 30

    num_experiments = 1

    # clients run in simultaneous fashion using multiprocessing library
    num_clients = 200

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)

    # input test parameters
    n = num_arms
    delta = 0.05
    R = 2  # assumes scores in range [1,5]
    # supported_alg_ids = ['SimpleUCB','AlternativeUCB']
    supported_alg_ids = ['RandomSampling', 'LUCB', 'LilUCB', 'RoundRobin']

    alg_list = []
    for alg_id in supported_alg_ids:
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
        alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
        alg_item['params'] = {}
    params = {}
    params['proportions'] = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
            'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'],
            'proportion': 1. / len(alg_list)
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
    algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
    initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
    initExp_args_dict['args']['R'] = R
        'participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many'  # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
        'algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings  #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list  #optional field
        'instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
        'debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['labels'] = {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3}
    initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        url = "http://" + HOSTNAME + "/api/experiment"
        response = requests.post(url,
                                 headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
        print "POST initExp response =", response.text, response.status_code
        if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
        initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

        exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
        exp_key = initExp_response_dict['exp_key']

        exp_info.append({'exp_uid': exp_uid, 'exp_key': exp_key})

        # Test GET Experiment
        url = "http://" + HOSTNAME + "/api/experiment/" + exp_uid + "/" + exp_key
        response = requests.get(url)
        print "GET experiment response =", response.text, response.status_code
        if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
        initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    # Generate participants

    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
        exp_key = experiment['exp_key']
        pool_args.append((exp_uid, exp_key, participant_uid,
                          total_pulls_per_client, true_means, assert_200))

    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: ayonsn017/NEXT_Chem
def test_api(assert_200=True, num_arms=5, num_clients=8, delta=0.05,
             total_pulls_per_client=5, num_experiments=1,
             params={'num_tries': 5}):

    app_id = 'DuelingBanditsPureExploration'
    true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms)[::-1])/float(num_arms)
    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)
    supported_alg_ids = ['BR_LilUCB', 'BR_Random', 'ValidationSampling', 'BR_KLUCB']

    alg_list = []
    for i, alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
        alg_item = {}
        if alg_id == 'ValidationSampling':
            alg_item['params'] = params
        alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
        alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id+'_'+str(i)

    params = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
        params.append({'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'], 'proportion':1./len(alg_list)})
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
    algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

    print algorithm_management_settings

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args'] = {'alg_list': alg_list,
                                 'algorithm_management_settings': algorithm_management_settings,
                                 'context': 'Context for Dueling Bandits',
                                 'context_type': 'text',
                                 'debrief': 'Test debried.',
                                 'failure_probability': 0.05,
                                 'instructions': 'Test instructions.',
                                 'participant_to_algorithm_management': 'one_to_many',
                                 'targets': {'n': num_arms}}

    initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
    initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
    initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        exp_info += [test_utils.initExp(initExp_args_dict)[1]]

    # Generate participants
    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
        pool_args.append((exp_uid, participant_uid, total_pulls_per_client,

    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:

    test_utils.getModel(exp_uid, app_id, supported_alg_ids, alg_list)
コード例 #38
ファイル: Polymer.py プロジェクト: MrTheodor/science
    def pull_move(self, monomer_idx = None):
        Pull move, N. Lesh, M. Mitzemacher, S. Whitesides
        ## flags
        valid_configuration = False
        if settings.DEBUG: self.valid_chain()
        #if monomer_idx is None:
        monomer_idx = randrange(0, self._total_length - 1)
        ## two special cases at the begin/end
        case = 3
        old_energy = self.total_energy
        is_occupied = self.box.is_occupied
        is_neighbour = self.box.lattice.is_neighbour

        ##  trials with optimization
        last_affected_idx = 0

        # case
        # 0 - left
        # 1 - right
        # 3 - inside
        #  0 - right
        #  1 - left
        #mod_pos = 0
        if monomer_idx == 0: ## left
            dir_1 = randrange(0, Lattice.z)
            dir_2 = randrange(0, Lattice.z)
            pos_1 = self.chain[0].neighbours_position[dir_1]
            pos_2 = self.box.lattice.get_coordinate(pos_1, dir_2)
            if is_occupied(pos_1) or is_occupied(pos_2):
                return False

            #if not is_neighbour(pos_1, pos_2):
            #    return False

            m1 = self.chain[0]
            m2 = self.chain[1]
            open_pos_1 = self.box.lattice.get_open_coordinate(m1._open, dir_1)
            open_pos_2 = self.box.lattice.get_open_coordinate(open_pos_1, dir_2)

            old_position_list = self.positions_list[:]
            #old_monomer_position = [ m._position for m in self.chain ]
            old_monomer_position = old_position_list
            old_monomer_open_position = [ m._open for m in self.chain ]
            old_monomer_next_direction = [ m.next_direction for m in self.chain ]

            m1.position = pos_2
            m1._open = open_pos_2

            m2.position = pos_1
            m2._open = open_pos_1
            ## old energy
            #self[0] = m1
            m1.chain = self
            self.chain[0] = m1
            self.positions_list[0] = m1._position

            #self[1] = m2
            m2.chain = self
            self.chain[1] = m2
            self.positions_list[1] = m2._position

            #mod_pos = 2
            for idx in xrange(2, self._total_length):
                i_monomer = self.chain[idx]
                p_monomer = self.chain[idx - 1]

                diff = np.array(i_monomer._open) - np.array(p_monomer._open)
                diff = diff.dot(diff)

                if diff == 2:
                    p_monomer.next_direction = p_monomer.neighbours_position.index(i_monomer._position)
                #mod_pos += 1

                i_monomer.position = old_monomer_position[idx - 2]
                i_monomer._open = old_monomer_open_position[idx - 2]
                i_monomer.next_direction = old_monomer_next_direction[idx - 2]
                #self[idx] = i_monomer
                i_monomer.chain = self
                self.chain[idx] = i_monomer
                self.positions_list[idx] = i_monomer._position

                last_affected_idx = idx

            self.chain[0].next_direction = self.chain[0].neighbours_position.index(self.chain[1]._position)
            self.chain[1].next_direction = self.chain[1].neighbours_position.index(self.chain[2]._position)
            case = 0
            if settings.DEBUG: self.valid_chain()
        elif monomer_idx == self._total_length - 1: ## right
            dir_1 = randrange(0, Lattice.z)
            dir_2 = randrange(0, Lattice.z)
            pos_1 = self.chain[-1].neighbours_position[dir_1]
            pos_2 = self.box.lattice.get_coordinate(pos_1, dir_2)

            if is_occupied(pos_1) or is_occupied(pos_2):
                return False

            open_pos_1 = self.box.lattice.get_open_coordinate(self.chain[-1]._open, dir_1)
            open_pos_2 = self.box.lattice.get_open_coordinate(open_pos_1, dir_2)

            old_position_list = self.positions_list[:]
            #old_monomer_position = [ m._position for m in self.chain ]
            old_monomer_position = old_position_list
            old_monomer_open_position = [ m._open for m in self.chain ]
            old_monomer_next_direction = [ m.next_direction for m in self.chain ]
            m1 = self.chain[-1]
            m2 = self.chain[-2]

            m1.position = pos_2
            m1._open = open_pos_2

            m2.position = pos_1
            m2._open = open_pos_1

            #mod_pos = 2

            for idx in xrange(self._total_length - 2, -1, -1):
                i_monomer = self.chain[idx]
                n_monomer = self.chain[idx+1]

                diff = np.array(i_monomer._open) - np.array(n_monomer._open)
                diff = diff.dot(diff)

                if diff == 2:
                    i_monomer.next_direction = i_monomer.neighbours_position.index(n_monomer._position)
                #mod_pos += 1

                i_monomer.position = old_monomer_position[idx + 2]
                i_monomer._open = old_monomer_open_position[idx + 2]
                i_monomer.next_direction = old_monomer_next_direction[idx + 2]

                #self[idx] = i_monomer
                i_monomer.chain = self
                self.chain[idx] = i_monomer
                self.positions_list[idx] = i_monomer._position

                last_affected_idx = idx
            case = 1

            self.chain[-2].next_direction = self.chain[-2].neighbours_position.index(self.chain[-1]._position) 
            self.chain[-1].next_direction = 0

            if settings.DEBUG: self.valid_chain()

        if case == 3: 
            prev_monomer = self.chain[monomer_idx - 1]
            monomer = self.chain[monomer_idx]
            next_monomer = self.chain[monomer_idx + 1]

            random_neighbour_prev = randrange(0, Lattice.z)
            #if self.box.is_occupied(prev_monomer.neighbours_position[random_neighbour_prev]):
            #    return False

            #L can be adjenct to i-1 or i+1, randomly choose
            sub_case = randrange(0, 2) ## 0 - right, 1 - left
            if sub_case == 0:
                L_position = next_monomer.neighbours_position[random_neighbour_prev]
                L_open_position = Lattice.get_open_coordinate(next_monomer._open, random_neighbour_prev)
                Lnext_direction = self.box.lattice.get_neighbours(L_position).index(next_monomer._position)
            elif sub_case == 1:
                L_position = prev_monomer.neighbours_position[random_neighbour_prev]
                L_open_position = Lattice.get_open_coordinate(prev_monomer._open, random_neighbour_prev)
                Lprev_direction = self.box.lattice.get_neighbours(L_position).index(prev_monomer._position)

            C_position = monomer.neighbours_position[random_neighbour_prev]
            C_open_position = Lattice.get_open_coordinate(monomer._open, random_neighbour_prev)

            diff = np.array(L_position) - np.array(C_position)
            diff = diff.dot(diff)

            if diff != 2:
                return False

            if is_occupied(L_position):
                return False

            if is_occupied(C_position):
                if (sub_case == 0 and  C_position != prev_monomer._position) or (sub_case == 1 and C_position != next_monomer._position):
                    return False

            # old_energy
            #old_energy = self.box.calculate_chain_energy(self)
            # direction L->C
            C_nb = self.box.lattice.get_neighbours(C_position)
            CL_direction = C_nb.index(L_position)
            LC_direction = self.box.lattice.TURN_DIRECTION[CL_direction]

            # save old position list
            old_position_list = self.positions_list[:]
            #old_monomer_position = [ m._position for m in self.chain ]
            old_monomer_position = old_position_list
            old_monomer_open_position = [ m._open for m in self.chain ]
            old_monomer_next_direction = [ m.next_direction for m in self.chain ]

            if (sub_case == 0 and prev_monomer._position == C_position) or \
                (sub_case == 1 and next_monomer._position == C_position):
                valid_configuration = True

            monomer.position = L_position
            monomer._open = L_open_position
            if sub_case == 0:
                monomer.next_direction = Lnext_direction
            elif sub_case == 1:
                monomer.next_direction = LC_direction

            #self[monomer_idx] = monomer
            monomer.chain = self
            self.chain[monomer_idx] = monomer
            self.positions_list[monomer_idx] = monomer._position

            if sub_case == 0:
                prev_monomer.position = C_position
                prev_monomer._open = C_open_position
                prev_monomer.next_direction = CL_direction
                #self[monomer_idx - 1] = prev_monomer
                prev_monomer.chain = self
                self.chain[monomer_idx - 1] = prev_monomer
                self.positions_list[monomer_idx - 1] = prev_monomer._position

            elif sub_case == 1:
                if not valid_configuration:
                   next_monomer.position = C_position
                   next_monomer._open = C_open_position
                   next_monomer.next_direction = self.box.lattice.TURN_DIRECTION[random_neighbour_prev]
                   #self[monomer_idx + 1] = next_monomer
                   next_monomer.chain = self
                   self.chain[monomer_idx + 1] = next_monomer
                   self.positions_list[monomer_idx + 1] = next_monomer._position

                prev_monomer.next_direction = random_neighbour_prev
                #self[monomer_idx - 1] = prev_monomer
                prev_monomer.chain = self
                self.chain[monomer_idx - 1] = prev_monomer
                self.positions_list[monomer_idx - 1] = prev_monomer._position
            #mod_pos = 2

            if not valid_configuration:
                if sub_case == 0: ## right
                    for j in xrange(monomer_idx - 2, -1, -1):
                        j_monomer = self.chain[j]
                        i_monomer = self.chain[j+1]

                        diff = np.array(j_monomer._open) - np.array(i_monomer._open)
                        diff = diff.dot(diff)

                        if diff == 2:
                            j_monomer.next_direction = j_monomer.neighbours_position.index(i_monomer._position)

                        #mod_pos += 1

                        j_monomer.position = old_monomer_position[j+2]
                        j_monomer._open = old_monomer_open_position[j+2]
                        j_monomer.next_direction = j_monomer.neighbours_position.index(i_monomer._position)
                        #self[j] = j_monomer
                        j_monomer.chain = self
                        self.chain[j] = j_monomer
                        self.positions_list[j] = j_monomer._position

                elif sub_case == 1:
                    for j in xrange(monomer_idx + 2, self._total_length):
                        j_monomer = self.chain[j]
                        i_monomer = self.chain[j-1]

                        diff = np.array(j_monomer._open) - np.array(i_monomer._open)
                        diff = diff.dot(diff)

                        if diff == 2:
                            i_monomer.next_direction = i_monomer.neighbours_position.index(j_monomer._position)
                        #mod_pos += 1

                        j_monomer.position = old_monomer_position[j-2]
                        j_monomer._open = old_monomer_open_position[j-2]
                        i_monomer.next_direction = i_monomer.neighbours_position.index(j_monomer._position)
                        #self[j] = j_monomer
                        j_monomer.chain = self
                        self.chain[j] = j_monomer
                        self.positions_list[j] = j_monomer._position
            if settings.DEBUG: self.valid_chain()
        ## end move procedure
        # old_energy, emergency case
        new_energy = self.box.calculate_chain_energy(self)
        dE = new_energy - old_energy

        accept_move = False

        if dE <= 0.0 or self.box.athermal_state:
            accept_move = True
            accept_move = self.box.accept(dE, None)
        if accept_move is True:
            self.total_energy = new_energy
            #self.positions_list = [ m._position for m in self.chain ]

            #f = open("mod_pos_%d" % self._total_length, "w+")
            #f.write("%d\n" % mod_pos)

        else: ## revert
            if case == 3:
                if sub_case == 0:
                    monomer_list = xrange(0, monomer_idx+2)
                elif sub_case == 1:
                    monomer_list = xrange(monomer_idx-1, self._total_length)
            elif case == 0:
                monomer_list = xrange(0, self._total_length)
            elif case == 1: ##
                monomer_list = xrange(0, self._total_length)
            #monomer_list = changed_monomer_idx
            for idx in monomer_list:
                m = self.chain[idx]
                old_pos = old_monomer_position[idx]
                old_dir = old_monomer_next_direction[idx]

                if m._position != old_pos or m.next_direction != old_dir:
                    m.position = old_monomer_position[idx]
                    m._open = old_monomer_open_position[idx]
                    m.next_direction = old_monomer_next_direction[idx]
                    #self[idx] = m
                    m.chain = self
                    self.chain[idx] = m
                    self.positions_list[idx] = m._position

            #self.positions_list = old_position_list[:]
            self.total_energy = old_energy

        return accept_move
コード例 #39
def run_all(assert_200):

  app_id = 'PoolBasedTripletMDS'
  num_objects = 30
  desired_dimension = 2
  x = numpy.linspace(0,1,num_objects)
  X_true = numpy.vstack([x,x]).transpose()
  total_pulls_per_client = 20000

  num_experiments = 1

  # clients run in simultaneous fashion using multiprocessing library
  num_clients = 5

  pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)           

  # input test parameters
  n = num_objects
  d = desired_dimension
  delta = 0.01
  supported_alg_ids = ['RandomSampling','RandomSampling','UncertaintySampling','CrowdKernel', 'STE']

  alg_list = []
  for idx,alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
    alg_item = {}
    alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
    if idx==0:
      alg_item['alg_label'] = 'Test'
      alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id    
    alg_item['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
    alg_item['params'] = {}
  params = {}
  params['proportions'] = []
  for algorithm in alg_list:
    params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':1./len(alg_list) }  )
  algorithm_management_settings = {}
  algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
  algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

  # Test POST Experiment
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = d
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['context_type'] = 'text'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['context'] = 'Boom baby triplet works'
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  exp_info = []
  for ell in range(num_experiments):
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
    exp_key = initExp_response_dict['exp_key']

    exp_info.append( {'exp_uid':exp_uid,'exp_key':exp_key} )

    # Test GET Experiment
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment/"+exp_uid+"/"+exp_key
    response = requests.get(url)
    print "GET experiment response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  # Generate participants

  participants = []
  pool_args = []
  for i in range(num_clients):
    participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

    experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
    exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
    exp_key = experiment['exp_key']
    pool_args.append( (exp_uid,exp_key,participant_uid,total_pulls_per_client,X_true,assert_200) )

  results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

  for result in results:
    print result
コード例 #40
ファイル: Polymer.py プロジェクト: MrTheodor/science
    def _snake(self, move_type):
        Snake move
        #direction_to_choice = range(0, Lattice.z)
        if settings.DEBUG: self.valid_chain()    
        if move_type == 0:
            monomer = self.chain[0]
        elif move_type == 1:
            monomer = self.chain[-1]
        #random new position
        random_direction = randrange(0, Lattice.z)
        new_position = monomer.neighbours_position[random_direction]
        open_position = Lattice.get_open_coordinate(monomer._open, random_direction)

        if self.box.is_occupied(new_position) or new_position in self.positions_list:
            return False
        # copy
        old_position_list = self.positions_list[:]
        old_open_position_list = [ x._open for x in self.chain ]
        old_next_direction_list = [ x.next_direction for x in self.chain ]
        old_energy = self.total_energy
        self.positions_list = []
        Update position of monomers in chain (copy)
        if move_type == 0: # left
            self.positions_list = [new_position]
            for idx in range(1, self._total_length):
                self.chain[idx].position = old_position_list[idx - 1]
                self.chain[idx]._open = old_open_position_list[idx - 1]
                self.chain[idx].next_direction = old_next_direction_list[idx - 1]
            self.positions_list += old_position_list[0: self._total_length - 1]
            self.chain[0].position = new_position
            self.chain[0]._open = open_position
            self.chain[0].next_direction = self.box.lattice.TURN_DIRECTION[random_direction]
        elif move_type == 1: # right
            for idx in range(0, self._total_length - 1):
                self.chain[idx].position = old_position_list[idx + 1]
                self.chain[idx]._open = old_open_position_list[idx + 1]
                self.chain[idx].next_direction = old_next_direction_list[idx + 1]
            self.chain[-1].position = new_position
            self.chain[-1]._open = open_position
            self.chain[-2].next_direction = random_direction
            self.positions_list = old_position_list[1:] + [new_position]

        new_energy = self.box.calculate_chain_energy(self)
        dE = new_energy - old_energy
        if dE <= 0.0 or self.box.athermal_state:
            if settings.DEBUG: self.valid_chain()
            self.total_energy = new_energy

            return True
        elif self.box.accept(dE, None):
            if settings.DEBUG: self.valid_chain()
            self.total_energy = new_energy
            return True
            for idx in xrange(self._total_length):
                self.chain[idx].position = old_position_list[idx]
                self.chain[idx]._open = old_open_position_list[idx]
                self.chain[idx].next_direction = old_next_direction_list[idx]
            self.positions_list = old_position_list[:]
            self.total_energy = old_energy
            if settings.DEBUG: self.valid_chain()
        return False
コード例 #41
ファイル: test_api_tuple.py プロジェクト: jattenberg/NEXT
def run_all(assert_200):
  def timeit(f):
    Utility used to time the duration of code execution. This script can be composed with any other script.

      def f(n): 
        return n**n  

      def g(n): 
        return n,n**n 

      answer0,dt = timeit(f)(3)
      answer1,answer2,dt = timeit(g)(3)
    def timed(*args, **kw):
      ts = time.time()
      result = f(*args, **kw)
      te = time.time()
      if type(result)==tuple:
        return result + ((te-ts),)
        return result,(te-ts)
    return timed


  app_id = 'TupleBanditsPureExploration'

  num_arms = 10
  num_objects_to_display = 4
  true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms))/float(num_arms)
  total_pulls = 10*num_arms
  # total_pulls = 50

  # rm = ResourceManager()

  # print
  # print utils.get_app_about(app_id)
  # print

  # # get all the relevant algs
  # supported_alg_ids = utils.get_app_supported_algs(app_id)
  # print
  # print "supported_alg_ids : " + str(supported_alg_ids)
  # print

  supported_alg_ids = ['RandomSampling']

  alg_list = []
  for alg_id in supported_alg_ids:
    alg_item = {}
    alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
    alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
    alg_item['params'] = {}

  params = {}
  params['proportions'] = []
  for algorithm in alg_list:
    params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':1./len(alg_list) }  )
  algorithm_management_settings = {}
  algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
  algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

  # input test parameters
  n = num_arms
  k = num_objects_to_display
  delta = 0.01

  participants = []
  for i in range(10):
    participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

  # Test initExp
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['k'] = k
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['context_type'] = 'text'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['context'] = 'Boom baby tuple works'
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
  response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
  print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
  initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
  exp_key = initExp_response_dict['exp_key']

  url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment/"+exp_uid+"/"+exp_key
  response = requests.get(url)
  print "GET experiment response =",response.text, response.status_code
  initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  # url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/widgets/temp-widget-keys"
  # args_dict={ 'exp_uid':exp_uid,
  #             'exp_key':exp_key,
  #             'n':1, #number of widget keys
  #             'tries':1000,
  #             'duration':10000 }
  # print "temp-widget-keys = " + str(args_dict)
  # response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(args_dict),headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
  # widget_key_dict = json.loads(response.text)
  # widget_keys = widget_key_dict['keys']
  # print "POST temp-widget-keys response = ", response.text, response.status_code

  for t in range(total_pulls):

    # time.sleep(.001)
    print t
    # test getQuery #

    getQuery_args_dict = {}
    getQuery_args_dict['exp_uid'] = exp_uid
    getQuery_args_dict['exp_key'] = exp_key
    getQuery_args_dict['args'] = {}
    getQuery_args_dict['args']['participant_uid'] = numpy.random.choice(participants)

    url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/getQuery'
    response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(getQuery_args_dict),headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST getQuery response = ", response.text, response.status_code
    print "POST getQuery duration = ", dt

    query_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    print query_dict
    query_uid = query_dict['query_uid']
    targets = query_dict['target_indices']

    # generate simulated reward #
    rewards = numpy.zeros(len(targets)).tolist()
    for i, target_index in enumerate(targets):
      rewards[i] = true_means[target_index['index']] + numpy.random.randn()*0.5

    target_winner = targets[numpy.argmax(rewards)]['target']['target_id']

    # test reportAnswer #
    reportAnswer_args_dict = {}
    reportAnswer_args_dict["exp_uid"] = exp_uid
    reportAnswer_args_dict["exp_key"] = exp_key
    reportAnswer_args_dict["args"] = {}
    reportAnswer_args_dict["args"]["query_uid"] = query_uid
    reportAnswer_args_dict["args"]["target_winner"] = target_winner

    url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/reportAnswer'
    print "POST reportAnswer args = ", reportAnswer_args_dict
    response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(reportAnswer_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST reportAnswer response", response.text, response.status_code
    print "POST reportAnswer duration = ", dt
    reportAnswer_json_response = eval(response.text)

  # test getStats #

  # args_list = []

  # getStats_args_dict = {}
  # getStats_args_dict['stat_id'] = 'most_current_ranking'
  # getStats_args_dict['params'] = {'alg_label':'RandomSampling'}

  # args_list.append(getStats_args_dict)

  # getStats_args_dict = {}
  # getStats_args_dict["exp_uid"] = exp_uid
  # getStats_args_dict["exp_key"] = exp_key

  # for args in args_list:
  #   getStats_args_dict["args"] = args
  #   url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/stats'
  #   response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(getStats_args_dict) ,headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
  #   getStats_json_response = eval(response.text)
  #   print "/experiment/stats "+args['stat_id'], str(getStats_json_response), response.status_code
  #   print 

  print "%s : All tests compeleted successfully" % (app_id)

  if __name__ == '__main__':
コード例 #42
def run_all(assert_200):

    app_id = "TupleBanditsPureExploration"
    num_arms = 20
    num_objects_to_display = 4
    true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms)) / float(num_arms)
    total_pulls_per_client = 50

    num_experiments = 10

    # clients run in simultaneous fashion using multiprocessing library
    num_clients = 100

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)

    # input test parameters
    n = num_arms
    k = num_objects_to_display
    delta = 0.01
    supported_alg_ids = ["RandomSampling"]

    alg_list = []
    for alg_id in supported_alg_ids:
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item["alg_id"] = alg_id
        alg_item["alg_label"] = alg_id
        alg_item["params"] = {}
    params = {}
    params["proportions"] = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
        params["proportions"].append({"alg_label": algorithm["alg_label"], "proportion": 1.0 / len(alg_list)})
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings["mode"] = "fixed_proportions"
    algorithm_management_settings["params"] = params

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict["args"] = {}
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["n"] = n
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["k"] = k
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["failure_probability"] = delta
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["participant_to_algorithm_management"] = "one_to_many"  # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["algorithm_management_settings"] = algorithm_management_settings  # optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["alg_list"] = alg_list  # optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["instructions"] = "You want instructions, here are your test instructions"
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["debrief"] = "You want a debrief, here is your test debrief"
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["context_type"] = "text"
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["context"] = "Boom baby dueling works"
    initExp_args_dict["app_id"] = app_id
    initExp_args_dict["site_id"] = "replace this with working site id"
    initExp_args_dict["site_key"] = "replace this with working site key"

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        url = "http://" + HOSTNAME + "/api/experiment"
        response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={"content-type": "application/json"})
        print "POST initExp response =", response.text, response.status_code
        if assert_200:
            assert response.status_code is 200
        initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

        exp_uid = initExp_response_dict["exp_uid"]
        exp_key = initExp_response_dict["exp_key"]

        exp_info.append({"exp_uid": exp_uid, "exp_key": exp_key})

        # Test GET Experiment
        url = "http://" + HOSTNAME + "/api/experiment/" + exp_uid + "/" + exp_key
        response = requests.get(url)
        print "GET experiment response =", response.text, response.status_code
        if assert_200:
            assert response.status_code is 200
        initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    # Generate participants

    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = "%030x" % random.randrange(16 ** 30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment["exp_uid"]
        exp_key = experiment["exp_key"]
        pool_args.append((exp_uid, exp_key, participant_uid, total_pulls_per_client, true_means, assert_200))

    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result
コード例 #43
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Jack-HIT/Machine-learning

    alpha = 0.1
    beta = 0.5
    B = 64
    model = train_fully_connected_sgd(Xs_tr, Ys_tr, d1, d2, alpha, beta, B, epochs)
    floss,faccuracy = evaluate_model(Xs_te, Ys_te, model[0])

#%%"""P2-3 Random search"""

    for i in range(18):
        alpha = random.randrange(1,11,1)/100
        beta = random.randrange(5,10,1)/10
        loss_valid_G = []
        acc_valid_G = []
        B = random.randrange(64,129,64)
        model = train_fully_connected_sgd(Xs_tr, Ys_tr, d1, d2, alpha, beta, B, epochs)
        floss,faccuracy = evaluate_model(Xs_te, Ys_te, model[0])
        temp1 = model[1].history['val_loss']
        temp2 = model[1].history['val_accuracy']
コード例 #44
ファイル: classsklearn.py プロジェクト: timebridge/rsgislib
def perform_voting_classification(skClassifiers,
A function which will perform a number of classification creating a combined classification by a simple vote.
The classifier parameters can be differed as a list of classifiers is provided (the length of the list is equal
to the number of votes), where the training data is resampled for each classifier. The analysis can be performed
using multiple processing cores.


:param skClassifiers: a list of classifiers (from scikit-learn), the number of classifiers defined
                      will be equal to the number of votes.
:param trainSamplesInfo: a list of rsgislib.classification.classimgutils.SamplesInfoObj objects used to
                         parameters the classifer and extract training data.
:param imgFileInfo: a list of rsgislib.imageutils.ImageBandInfo objects (also used within
                    rsgislib.imageutils.extractZoneImageBandValues2HDF) to identify which images and bands are
                    to be used for the classification so it adheres to the training data.
:param classAreaMask: a mask image which is used to specified the areas of the scene which are to be classified.
:param classMaskPxlVal: is the pixel value within the classAreaMask image for the areas of the image
                        which are to be classified.
:param tmpDIR: a temporary file location which will be created and removed during processing.
:param tmpImgBase: the same name of files written to the tmpDIR
:param outClassImg: the final output image file.
:param gdalformat: the output file format for outClassImg
:param numCores: is the number of processing cores to be used for the analysis (if -1 then all cores on the machine will be used).


    classVoteTemp = os.path.join(imgTmp, 'ClassVoteTemp')

    imgFileInfo = [rsgislib.imageutils.ImageBandInfo(img2010dB, 'sardb', [1,2]), rsgislib.imageutils.ImageBandInfo(imgSRTM, 'srtm', [1])]
    trainSamplesInfo = []
    trainSamplesInfo.append(SamplesInfoObj(className='Water', classID=1, maskImg=classTrainRegionsMask, maskPxlVal=1, outSampImgFile='WaterSamples.kea', numSamps=500, samplesH5File='WaterSamples_pxlvals.h5', red=0, green=0, blue=255))
    trainSamplesInfo.append(SamplesInfoObj(className='Land', classID=2, maskImg=classTrainRegionsMask, maskPxlVal=2, outSampImgFile='LandSamples.kea', numSamps=500, samplesH5File='LandSamples_pxlvals.h5', red=150, green=150, blue=150))
    trainSamplesInfo.append(SamplesInfoObj(className='Mangroves', classID=3, maskImg=classTrainRegionsMask, maskPxlVal=3, outSampImgFile='MangroveSamples.kea', numSamps=500, samplesH5File='MangroveSamples_pxlvals.h5', red=0, green=153, blue=0))

    skClassifiers = []
    for i in range(5):

    for i in range(5):

    for i in range(5):
        skClassifiers.append(ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=50, max_depth=2))

    for i in range(5):
        skClassifiers.append(ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_depth=2))

    mangroveRegionClassImg = MangroveRegionClass.kea
    classsklearn.perform_voting_classification(skClassifiers, trainSamplesInfo, imgFileInfo, classWithinMask, 1, classVoteTemp, 'ClassImgSample', mangroveRegionClassImg, gdalformat='KEA', numCores=-1)

    def _apply_voting_classifier(inParams):
        Internal function which is used by performVotingClassification

        skClassifier = inParams['skClassifier']
        cTmpDIR = inParams['cTmpDIR']
        classAreaMask = inParams['classAreaMask']
        classMaskPxlVal = inParams['classMaskPxlVal']
        imgFileInfo = inParams['imgFileInfo']
        tmpClassImgOut = inParams['tmpClassImgOut']
        gdalformat = inParams['gdalformat']
        trainSamplesInfo = inParams['trainSamplesInfo']
        rndSeed = inParams['rndSeed']

        classTrainInfo = dict()
        for trainSamples in trainSamplesInfo:
                outputImage=os.path.join(cTmpDIR, trainSamples.outSampImgFile),
                imgFileInfo, os.path.join(cTmpDIR,
                os.path.join(cTmpDIR, trainSamples.samplesH5File),
            classTrainInfo[trainSamples.className] = ClassSimpleInfoObj(
                fileH5=os.path.join(cTmpDIR, trainSamples.samplesH5File),

        train_sklearn_classifier(classTrainInfo, skClassifier)
        apply_sklearn_classifer(classTrainInfo, skClassifier, classAreaMask,
                                classMaskPxlVal, imgFileInfo, tmpClassImgOut,

    rsgisUtils = rsgislib.RSGISPyUtils()

    if type(skClassifiers) is not list:
        raise rsgislib.RSGISPyException(
            "A list of classifiers must be provided")

    numOfVotes = len(skClassifiers)

    if numCores <= 0:
        numCores = rsgisUtils.numProcessCores()

    tmpPresent = True
    if not os.path.exists(tmpDIR):
        tmpPresent = False

    outClassImgs = []
    mCoreParams = []
    dirs2DEL = []
    rndGen = random.seed()
    for i in range(numOfVotes):
        cTmpDIR = os.path.join(tmpDIR, str(i))
        if os.path.exists(cTmpDIR):
            shutil.rmtree(cTmpDIR, ignore_errors=True)

        tmpClassImgOut = os.path.join(tmpDIR,
                                      tmpImgBase + '_' + str(i) + '.kea')
        inParams = dict()
        inParams['skClassifier'] = skClassifiers[i]
        inParams['cTmpDIR'] = cTmpDIR
        inParams['classAreaMask'] = classAreaMask
        inParams['classMaskPxlVal'] = classMaskPxlVal
        inParams['imgFileInfo'] = imgFileInfo
        inParams['tmpClassImgOut'] = tmpClassImgOut
        inParams['gdalformat'] = 'KEA'
        inParams['trainSamplesInfo'] = trainSamplesInfo
        inParams['rndSeed'] = random.randrange(1000)

    # Run processing on multiple cores.
    mProccesPool = Pool(numCores)
    mProccesPool.map(_apply_voting_classifier, mCoreParams)

    # Combine results using MODE.
    rsgislib.imagecalc.calcMultiImgBandStats(outClassImgs, outClassImg,
                                             rsgislib.SUMTYPE_MODE, gdalformat,
                                             rsgislib.TYPE_8UINT, 0, True)

    # Colour output classification image.
    ratDataset = gdal.Open(outClassImg, gdal.GA_Update)
    red = rat.readColumn(ratDataset, 'Red')
    green = rat.readColumn(ratDataset, 'Green')
    blue = rat.readColumn(ratDataset, 'Blue')
    ClassName = numpy.empty_like(red, dtype=numpy.dtype('a255'))

    for trainSample in trainSamplesInfo:
        print("Apply Colour to class \'" + trainSample.className + "\'")
        red[trainSample.classID] = trainSample.red
        green[trainSample.classID] = trainSample.green
        blue[trainSample.classID] = trainSample.blue
        ClassName[trainSample.classID] = trainSample.className

    rat.writeColumn(ratDataset, "Red", red)
    rat.writeColumn(ratDataset, "Green", green)
    rat.writeColumn(ratDataset, "Blue", blue)
    rat.writeColumn(ratDataset, "ClassName", ClassName)
    ratDataset = None

    if not tmpPresent:
        shutil.rmtree(tmpDIR, ignore_errors=True)
        for cDIR in dirs2DEL:
            shutil.rmtree(cDIR, ignore_errors=True)
コード例 #45
def run_all(assert_200):

  app_id = 'StochasticDuelingBordaBanditsPureExploration'
  num_arms = 25
  true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms))/float(num_arms)
  total_pulls_per_client = 1000

  num_experiments = 1

  # clients run in simultaneous fashion using multiprocessing library
  num_clients = 200

  pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)           

  # input test parameters
  n = num_arms
  delta = 0.05
  supported_alg_ids = ['BR_LilUCB','BR_Random','BR_SuccElim','BeatTheMean','BR_Thompson']

  alg_list = []
  for alg_id in supported_alg_ids:
    alg_item = {}
    alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
    alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
    alg_item['params'] = {}
  params = {}
  params['proportions'] = []
  for algorithm in alg_list:
    params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':1./len(alg_list) }  )
  algorithm_management_settings = {}
  algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
  algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

  # Test POST Experiment
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['context_type'] = 'text'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['context'] = 'Boom baby dueling works'
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  exp_info = []
  for ell in range(num_experiments):
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
    exp_key = initExp_response_dict['exp_key']

    exp_info.append( {'exp_uid':exp_uid,'exp_key':exp_key} )

    # Test GET Experiment
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment/"+exp_uid+"/"+exp_key
    response = requests.get(url)
    print "GET experiment response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  # Generate participants

  participants = []
  pool_args = []
  for i in range(num_clients):
    participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

    experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
    exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
    exp_key = experiment['exp_key']
    pool_args.append( (exp_uid,exp_key,participant_uid,total_pulls_per_client,true_means,assert_200) )

  results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

  for result in results:
    print result
コード例 #46
def run_all(assert_200):

    app_id = "PoolBasedTripletMDS"
    num_objects = 30
    desired_dimension = 2
    x = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num_objects)
    X_true = numpy.vstack([x, x]).transpose()
    total_pulls_per_client = 20000

    num_experiments = 1

    # clients run in simultaneous fashion using multiprocessing library
    num_clients = 5

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)

    # input test parameters
    n = num_objects
    d = desired_dimension
    delta = 0.01
    supported_alg_ids = ["RandomSampling", "RandomSampling", "UncertaintySampling", "CrowdKernel", "STE"]

    alg_list = []
    for idx, alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item["alg_id"] = alg_id
        if idx == 0:
            alg_item["alg_label"] = "Test"
            alg_item["alg_label"] = alg_id
        alg_item["test_alg_label"] = "Test"
        alg_item["params"] = {}
    params = {}
    params["proportions"] = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
        params["proportions"].append({"alg_label": algorithm["alg_label"], "proportion": 1.0 / len(alg_list)})
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings["mode"] = "fixed_proportions"
    algorithm_management_settings["params"] = params

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict["args"] = {}
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["n"] = n
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["d"] = d
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["failure_probability"] = delta
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["participant_to_algorithm_management"] = "one_to_many"  # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["algorithm_management_settings"] = algorithm_management_settings  # optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["alg_list"] = alg_list  # optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["instructions"] = "You want instructions, here are your test instructions"
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["debrief"] = "You want a debrief, here is your test debrief"
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["context_type"] = "text"
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["context"] = "Boom baby triplet works"
    initExp_args_dict["app_id"] = app_id
    initExp_args_dict["site_id"] = "replace this with working site id"
    initExp_args_dict["site_key"] = "replace this with working site key"

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        url = "http://" + HOSTNAME + "/api/experiment"
        response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={"content-type": "application/json"})
        print "POST initExp response =", response.text, response.status_code
        if assert_200:
            assert response.status_code is 200
        initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

        exp_uid = initExp_response_dict["exp_uid"]
        exp_key = initExp_response_dict["exp_key"]

        exp_info.append({"exp_uid": exp_uid, "exp_key": exp_key})

        # Test GET Experiment
        url = "http://" + HOSTNAME + "/api/experiment/" + exp_uid + "/" + exp_key
        response = requests.get(url)
        print "GET experiment response =", response.text, response.status_code
        if assert_200:
            assert response.status_code is 200
        initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    # Generate participants

    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = "%030x" % random.randrange(16 ** 30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment["exp_uid"]
        exp_key = experiment["exp_key"]
        pool_args.append((exp_uid, exp_key, participant_uid, total_pulls_per_client, X_true, assert_200))

    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result
コード例 #47
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: abiswas3/NEXT
def test_api(assert_200=True, num_arms=5,
             num_experiments=1, num_clients=10, total_pulls=5):
    app_id = 'CardinalBanditsPureExploration'
    true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms)[::-1])/float(num_arms)

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)

    # input test parameters
    n = num_arms
    delta = 0.05
    supported_alg_ids = ['LilUCB', 'RoundRobin']

    labels = [{'label':'bad','reward':1.},{'label':'neutral','reward':2.},{'label':'good','reward':3.}]

    alg_list = []
    for i, alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
        alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id+'_'+str(i)
        #alg_item['params'] = {}
    params = []
    #params['proportions'] = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
        params.append(    { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':1./len(alg_list) }    )
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
    algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

    print "alg mangement settings", algorithm_management_settings

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}

    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets'] = {'n':n}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
    initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' # 'one_to_one'    #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['context_type'] = 'text'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['context'] = 'This is a context'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['rating_scale'] = {'labels':labels}
    #    initExp_args_dict['args']['HAHA'] = {'labels':labels}
    initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        initExp_response_dict, exp_uid = test_utils.initExp(initExp_args_dict)
        exp_info += [exp_uid]

        exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
        exp_info += [{'exp_uid':exp_uid,}]

        # Test GET Experiment
        initExp_response_dict = test_utils.getExp(exp_uid)

    # Generate participants
    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']

    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:

    test_utils.getModel(exp_uid, app_id, supported_alg_ids, alg_list)
コード例 #48
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: abiswas3/NEXT
def test_api(assert_200=True,
    x = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num_objects)
    X_true = numpy.vstack([x, x]).transpose()

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)
    supported_alg_ids = [
        'CrowdKernel', 'RandomSampling', 'UncertaintySampling',
        'ValidationSampling', 'STE'
    alg_list = []
    for idx, alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
        if alg_id == 'ValidationSampling':
            alg_item['alg_label'] = 'Test'
            alg_item['params'] = {
                'query_list': [[q1, q2, q3] for q1 in [0, 1, 2]
                               for q2 in [0, 1, 2] for q3 in [0, 1, 2]]
            alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
        alg_item['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'

    params = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
            'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'],
            'proportion': 1. / len(alg_list)
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
    algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = 'PoolBasedTripletMDS'
    initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = desired_dimension
    initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = 0.01
        'participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many'  # 'one_to_one'    #optional field
        'algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings  #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list  #optional field
        'instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
        'debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets'] = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets']['n'] = num_objects

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        initExp_response_dict, exp_uid = test_utils.initExp(initExp_args_dict)
        exp_info += [exp_uid]

    # Generate participants
    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
        pool_args.append((exp_uid, participant_uid, total_pulls_per_client,
                          X_true, assert_200))
    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result

    test_utils.getModel(exp_uid, app_id, supported_alg_ids, alg_list)
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: mcomsa/NEXT
def test_api(assert_200=True,

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)
    supported_alg_ids = ['RoundRobin']
    alg_list = []
    for idx, alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
        if idx == 0:
            alg_item['alg_label'] = 'Test'
            alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
        alg_item['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'
    params = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
            'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'],
            'proportion': 1. / len(alg_list)

    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
    algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

    targetset = []
    for i in range(num_objects):
        features = list(numpy.random.randn(6))
            'primary_description': str(features),
            'primary_type': 'text',
            'alt_description': '%d' % (i),
            'alt_type': 'text',
            'target_id': str(i),
            'meta': {
                'features': features

    # Test POST Experiment
    print '\n' * 2 + 'Testing POST initExp...'
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
    initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
        'participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many'  # 'one_to_one'    #optional field
        'algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings  #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list  #optional field
        'instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
        'debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets'] = {'targetset': targetset}

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        initExp_response_dict, exp_info_ = test_utils.initExp(
        exp_info += [exp_info_]
        exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']

            'exp_uid': exp_uid,

        # Test GET Experiment
        initExp_response_dict = test_utils.getExp(exp_uid)

    # Generate participants

    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
        pool_args.append((exp_uid, participant_uid, total_pulls_per_client,
                          true_weights, assert_200))

    print "participants are", participants
    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result

    test_utils.getModel(exp_uid, app_id, supported_alg_ids, alg_list)
コード例 #50
    def treatments_player(self):
        # create the dictionary with the variables
        treatments_dic = {
            'original_trial_num': [],
            'cluster': [],
            'last_fix_condition': [],
            'first_fix_value': [],
            'last_fix_value': [],
            'number_of_fixations': [],
            'lose_value': [],
            'gain_value': [],
            'gain_condition': [],
            'loss_condition': [],
            'lose_times': [],
            'gain_times': [],

        clusters = [
            0, 1
        ]  # 0 - fast scanning (1 or 2 fixations), 1 - long fixations (3,4 or 5 fix)
        last_fix_conditions = [-1, 0, 1]  # -1 - shorter, 0 - equal, 1 - longer
        low_losses = list(range(-13, -21, -1))
        high_losses = list(range(-21, -28, -1))
        losses_lists = [high_losses, low_losses]

        low_gains = list(range(20, 29, 1))
        high_gains = list(range(29, 39, 1))
        gains_lists = [low_gains, high_gains]
        last_fixes = ['gain', 'loss']
        trial_time_clus0 = 1.365
        trial_time_clus1 = 2.110
        # what is (in %) the last fixation difference is?
        last_fix_larger_by = .25
        count = 1
        # use for loop to create all combinations of treatments
        for clus in clusters:
            for last_fix_condition in last_fix_conditions:
                for gains in gains_lists:
                    for losses in losses_lists:
                        for last_fix_val in last_fixes:
                            gain = random.choice(gains)
                            lose = random.choice(losses)
                            if gains == low_gains:
                            elif gains == high_gains:
                            if losses == high_losses:
                            elif losses == low_losses:
                            if clus == 0:
                                fix_num = 2
                                time_per_fix = trial_time_clus0 / fix_num
                            elif clus == 1:
                                # define how many fixations will there be
                                fix_num = random.randint(3, 5)
                                time_per_fix = trial_time_clus1 / fix_num
                            # compute lose and gain times
                            time_per_fix_larger = time_per_fix * (
                                1 + last_fix_larger_by)
                            time_per_fix_smaller = time_per_fix * (
                                1 - last_fix_larger_by)
                            lose_times = []
                            gain_times = []
                            first_value = None

                            # define whether gains or losses are shown last
                            # now define which value will be shown first
                            if (fix_num % 2 == 0) & (last_fix_val == 'gain'):
                                first_value = 'loss'
                            elif (fix_num % 2 == 0) & (last_fix_val == 'loss'):
                                first_value = 'gain'
                            elif (fix_num % 2 != 0) & (last_fix_val == 'gain'):
                                first_value = 'gain'
                            elif (fix_num % 2 != 0) & (last_fix_val == 'loss'):
                                first_value = 'loss'
                            # create arrays that will include all fixation times
                            for time_ind in range(fix_num):
                                # check if it's a first fixation to mitigate the reaction delay
                                if time_ind == 0:
                                    time_per_fix = time_per_fix + .165
                                if (first_value == 'gain') & (
                                    (time_ind % 2) == 0):
                                elif (first_value == 'loss') & (
                                    (time_ind % 2) == 0):
                                elif (first_value == 'gain') & (
                                    (time_ind % 2) != 0):
                                elif (first_value == 'loss') & (
                                    (time_ind % 2) != 0):
                                # substract the error time if this was the first fixation
                                if time_ind == 0:
                                    time_per_fix = time_per_fix - .165
                                if time_ind == fix_num - 1:
                                    if last_fix_condition == 1:
                                        if last_fix_val == 'gain':
                                                -1] = time_per_fix_larger
                                        elif last_fix_val == 'loss':
                                                -1] = time_per_fix_larger
                                    elif last_fix_condition == -1:
                                        if last_fix_val == 'gain':
                                                -1] = time_per_fix_smaller
                                        elif last_fix_val == 'loss':
                                                -1] = time_per_fix_smaller
                            # add the fixation times to the dictionary
                            count += 1
        treatments_df = pd.DataFrame(treatments_dic)
        # randomize the table using random-generated number (which will be the same for all trials for a specific participant)
        randomized = treatments_df.sample(
            frac=1, random_state=self.in_round(1).rand_int)
        # re-index the new table in order so we could present the new randomized table from start to the end
        randomized['new_indexing'] = list(range(0, len(randomized)))
        randomized = randomized.set_index(randomized['new_indexing'])
        # Check whether the trials are practice to decide whether to show random or
        # ordered rows from the randomized table
        pt = self.practice_trials()
        if pt == 0:
            row_number = self.round_number - 1 - Constants.num_practice_rounds
        elif pt == 1:
            row_number = random.randrange(0, len(randomized))
        # write down the data for the participant for each row so we can see it during the data analysis
        self.original_trial_num = randomized.loc[row_number,
        self.cluster = randomized.loc[row_number, 'cluster']
        self.lose_value = randomized.loc[row_number, 'lose_value']
        self.gain_value = randomized.loc[row_number, 'gain_value']
        self.last_fix_condition = randomized.loc[row_number,
        self.first_fix_value = randomized.loc[row_number, 'first_fix_value']
        self.last_fix_value = randomized.loc[row_number, 'last_fix_value']
        self.number_of_fixations = randomized.loc[row_number,
        self.row_number = row_number
        self.gain_condition = randomized.loc[row_number, 'gain_condition']
        self.loss_condition = randomized.loc[row_number, 'loss_condition']
        # Create distinct variables for all fix times
        row_gain_times = randomized.loc[row_number, 'gain_times']
        row_lose_times = randomized.loc[row_number, 'lose_times']
        for index in range(1, 6):
            var = 'lose_time_' + str(index)
            if len(row_lose_times) < index:
                lose_fix_time = 0
                lose_fix_time = row_lose_times[index - 1]
            exec("self.%s = %f" % (var, lose_fix_time))
            var = 'gain_time_' + str(index)
            if len(row_gain_times) < index:
                gain_fix_time = 0
                gain_fix_time = row_gain_times[index - 1]
            exec("self.%s = %f" % (var, gain_fix_time))
        return randomized
コード例 #51
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: NandanaSengupta/NEXT
def run_all(assert_200):

  app_id = 'CardinalBanditsPureExploration'
  num_arms = 50
  true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms))/float(num_arms)
  total_pulls_per_client = 30

  num_experiments = 1

  # clients run in simultaneous fashion using multiprocessing library
  num_clients = 200

  pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)           

  # input test parameters
  n = num_arms
  delta = 0.05
  R = 2 # assumes scores in range [1,5]
  # supported_alg_ids = ['SimpleUCB','AlternativeUCB']
  supported_alg_ids = ['RandomSampling','LUCB','LilUCB','RoundRobin']

  alg_list = []
  for alg_id in supported_alg_ids:
    alg_item = {}
    alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
    alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
    alg_item['params'] = {}
  params = {}
  params['proportions'] = []
  for algorithm in alg_list:
    params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':1./len(alg_list) }  )
  algorithm_management_settings = {}
  algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
  algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

  # Test POST Experiment
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['R'] = R
  initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['labels'] = {'1':1, '2':2, '3':3}
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id

  exp_info = []
  for ell in range(num_experiments):
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
    exp_key = initExp_response_dict['exp_key']

    exp_info.append( {'exp_uid':exp_uid,'exp_key':exp_key} )

    # Test GET Experiment
    url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment/"+exp_uid+"/"+exp_key
    response = requests.get(url)
    print "GET experiment response =",response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  # Generate participants

  participants = []
  pool_args = []
  for i in range(num_clients):
    participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

    experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
    exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
    exp_key = experiment['exp_key']
    pool_args.append( (exp_uid,exp_key,participant_uid,total_pulls_per_client,true_means,assert_200) )

  results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

  for result in results:
    print result
コード例 #52
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: abiswas3/NEXT
def test_api(assert_200=True, num_objects=5, desired_dimension=2,
            total_pulls_per_client=4, num_experiments=1, num_clients=6):
    x = numpy.linspace(0,1,num_objects)
    X_true = numpy.vstack([x,x]).transpose()

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)
    supported_alg_ids = ['CrowdKernel', 'RandomSampling',
                         'UncertaintySampling', 'ValidationSampling', 'STE']
    alg_list = []
    for idx, alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids):
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
        if alg_id == 'ValidationSampling':
            alg_item['alg_label'] = 'Test'
            alg_item['params'] = {'query_list': [
                [q1, q2, q3] for q1 in [0, 1, 2]
                             for q2 in [0, 1, 2]
                             for q3 in [0, 1, 2]
            alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
        alg_item['test_alg_label'] = 'Test'

    params = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
        params.append({'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'],
                       'proportion': 1./len(alg_list)})
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
    algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = 'PoolBasedTripletMDS'
    initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['d'] = desired_dimension
    initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = 0.01
    initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' # 'one_to_one'    #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
    initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets'] = {}
    initExp_args_dict['args']['targets']['n'] = num_objects

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        initExp_response_dict, exp_uid = test_utils.initExp(initExp_args_dict)
        exp_info += [exp_uid]

    # Generate participants
    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid']
        pool_args.append( (exp_uid,participant_uid,total_pulls_per_client,X_true,assert_200) )
    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result

    test_utils.getModel(exp_uid, app_id, supported_alg_ids, alg_list)
コード例 #53
    def test_geometric_spanner_condition_Delaunay_triangulation_sphere_surface(
        '''The geometric spanner condition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delaunay_triangulation#Properties) indicates that the length of the shortest edge-traveled path between two nodes in a Delaunay triangulation is no longer than 2.42 times the straight-line Euclidean distance between them.'''
        #create a networkx graph object of the Delaunay triangulation vertices & edges

        voronoi_instance_small = voronoi_utility.Voronoi_Sphere_Surface(
        Delaunay_point_array_small = voronoi_instance_small.delaunay_triangulation_spherical_surface(
        )  #should be shape (N,3,3) for N triangles and their vertices in 3D space

        node_dictionary = {}
        node_counter = 1
        list_nodes_identified_debug = []

        #assign an integer node (vertex) number to each unique coordinate on the test sphere:
        for node_coordinate in self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array:
            node_dictionary[node_counter] = node_coordinate
            node_counter += 1

        #print 'self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array:', self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array
        #print 'self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array.shape:', self.simple_sphere_coordinate_array.shape
        #print 'node_dictionary.values():', node_dictionary.values() #there seem to be multiple duplicates / rounding variations for the polar point at [0. 0. 2.]

        def identify_node_based_on_coordinate(coordinate_array,
            '''Return the node number based on the coordinates in the original test sphere data set.'''
            nodenum = 0
            num_positives_debug = 0
            for node_number, node_coordinates in node_dictionary.iteritems():
                if numpy.allclose(node_coordinates,
                    nodenum = node_number
                    num_positives_debug += 1
                    #if num_positives_debug > 1:
                    #print 'duplicate offender:', node_coordinates, coordinate_array
                    #print 'original match:', node_coordinates, coordinate_array
            assert num_positives_debug == 1, "Only a single node should correspond to the input coordinates."
            return nodenum

        def produce_networkx_edges_from_triangle_data(triangle_array_data,
            '''Input should be shape (3,3) array of coordinate data for a Delaunay triangle.'''
            list_networkx_edge_tuples = []
            #each triangle will, of course, have 3 edges
            triangle_array_row_indices_for_edge_vertices = [[0, 1], [1, 2],
                                                            [2, 0]]
            for triangle_row_indices_of_edge in triangle_array_row_indices_for_edge_vertices:
                first_triangle_row_index, second_triangle_row_index = triangle_row_indices_of_edge
                first_vertex_coord = triangle_array_data[
                second_vertex_coord = triangle_array_data[
                graph_node_number_first_vertex_current_edge = identify_node_based_on_coordinate(
                    first_vertex_coord, node_dictionary)
                graph_node_number_second_vertex_current_edge = identify_node_based_on_coordinate(
                    second_vertex_coord, node_dictionary)
                )  #missing nodes with debug list growth here, but no missing nodes if I grow the debug list from within the identify_node_based_on_coordinate() function itself; why????
                #the edge weight for networkx should be the Euclidean straight-line distance between the vertices
                weight = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(
                    first_vertex_coord, second_vertex_coord)
                networkx_edge_tuple = (
                    graph_node_number_second_vertex_current_edge, weight)
            return list_networkx_edge_tuples

        #build networkx graph object from Delaunay triangles (simplices)
        G = nx.Graph()
        triangle_counter = 0
        for triangle_coord_array in Delaunay_point_array_small:
            current_list_networkx_edge_tuples = produce_networkx_edges_from_triangle_data(
                triangle_coord_array, node_dictionary)
            #print 'current_list_networkx_edge_tuples:', current_list_networkx_edge_tuples
                                      )  #duplicates will simply be updated
            triangle_counter += 1
            #print 'Triangle:', triangle_counter, 'total edges:', G.size(), 'total nodes:', G.order()

        #print 'size:', G.size()
        #print 'list of edges:', G.edges()
        #print 'num nodes:', len(G.nodes())
        #print 'dict size:', len(node_dictionary)
        #print 'dict keys:', node_dictionary.keys()
        #print 'nodes:', G.nodes()
        #print 'edges:', G.edges()

        #print 'ordered set nodes identified:', set(sorted(list_nodes_identified_debug))
            len(G), self.num_triangulation_input_points
        )  #obviously, the number of nodes in the graph should match the number of points on the sphere

        #perform the geometric spanner test for a random subset of nodes:
        num_tests = 0
        while num_tests < 10:  #do 10 random tests
            first_node_number = random.randrange(1, len(G), 1)
            second_node_number = random.randrange(1, len(G), 1)
            minimum_distance_between_nodes_following_Delaunay_edges = nx.dijkstra_path_length(
                G, first_node_number, second_node_number)
            #compare with straight line Euclidean distance:
            first_node_coordinate = node_dictionary[first_node_number]
            second_node_coordinate = node_dictionary[second_node_number]
            Euclidean_distance = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(
                first_node_coordinate, second_node_coordinate)
                minimum_distance_between_nodes_following_Delaunay_edges /
                Euclidean_distance, 2.42)  #the geometric spanner condition
            num_tests += 1
コード例 #54
def run_all(assert_200):
  def timeit(f):
    Utility used to time the duration of code execution. This script can be composed with any other script.

      def f(n): 
        return n**n  

      def g(n): 
        return n,n**n 

      answer0,dt = timeit(f)(3)
      answer1,answer2,dt = timeit(g)(3)
    def timed(*args, **kw):
      ts = time.time()
      result = f(*args, **kw)
      te = time.time()
      if type(result)==tuple:
        return result + ((te-ts),)
        return result,(te-ts)
    return timed

  app_id = 'DuelingBanditsPureExploration'
  # assert_200 = False
  num_arms = 10
  true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms))/float(num_arms)
  total_pulls = num_arms*10
  # total_pulls = 50

  # rm = ResourceManager()

  # print
  # print utils.get_app_about(app_id)
  # print

  # # get all the relevant algs
  # supported_alg_ids = utils.get_app_supported_algs(app_id)
  # print
  # print "supported_alg_ids : " + str(supported_alg_ids)
  # print

  supported_alg_ids = ['BR_LilUCB','BR_Random','BR_SuccElim','BeatTheMean']

  alg_list = []
  for alg_id in supported_alg_ids:
    alg_item = {}
    alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id
    alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id
    alg_item['params'] = {}

  params = {}
  params['proportions'] = []
  for algorithm in alg_list:
    params['proportions'].append(  { 'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'] , 'proportion':1./len(alg_list) }  )
  algorithm_management_settings = {}
  algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
  algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params

  # input test parameters
  n = num_arms
  delta = 0.01

  participants = []
  for i in range(10):
    participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30)

  # Test POST Experiment
  initExp_args_dict = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args'] = {}
  initExp_args_dict['args']['n'] = n
  initExp_args_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = delta
  initExp_args_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = 'one_to_many' # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = algorithm_management_settings #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['alg_list'] = alg_list #optional field
  initExp_args_dict['args']['instructions'] = 'You want instructions, here are your test instructions'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['debrief'] = 'You want a debrief, here is your test debrief'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['context_type'] = 'text'
  initExp_args_dict['args']['context'] = 'Boom baby dueling works'
  initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id
  initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id'
  initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key'

  url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment"
  response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
  print "POST initExp response =",response.text, response.status_code
  if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
  initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  exp_uid = initExp_response_dict['exp_uid']
  exp_key = initExp_response_dict['exp_key']

  # Test GET Experiment
  url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/api/experiment/"+exp_uid+"/"+exp_key
  response = requests.get(url)
  print "GET experiment response =",response.text, response.status_code
  if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
  initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

  # url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/widgets/temp-widget-keys"
  # args_dict={ 'exp_uid':exp_uid,
  #             'exp_key':exp_key,
  #             'n':1, #number of widget keys
  #             'tries':1000,
  #             'duration':10000 }
  # print "temp-widget-keys = " + str(args_dict)
  # response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(args_dict),headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
  # widget_key_dict = json.loads(response.text)
  # widget_keys = widget_key_dict['keys']
  # print "POST temp-widget-keys response = ", response.text, response.status_code

  # url = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/widgets/getwidget"
  # args_dict={ 'name':'getQuery',
  #             'exp_uid':exp_uid,
  #             'app_id':app_id,
  #             'widget_key':widget_keys[0],
  #             'args':{}}
  # print "getwidget args = " + str(args_dict)
  # response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(args_dict),headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
  # print "POST getwidget response = ", response.text, response.status_code
  # response = requests.get(url)

  for t in range(total_pulls):
    # time.sleep(.001)
    print t
    # test POST getQuery #
    getQuery_args_dict = {}
    getQuery_args_dict['exp_uid'] = exp_uid
    getQuery_args_dict['exp_key'] = exp_key
    getQuery_args_dict['args'] = {}
    getQuery_args_dict['args']['participant_uid'] = numpy.random.choice(participants)

    url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/getQuery'
    response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(getQuery_args_dict),headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST getQuery response = ", response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    print "POST getQuery duration = ", dt
    ts = time.time()

    query_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    query_uid = query_dict['query_uid']
    targets = query_dict['target_indices']
    for target in targets:
      if target['label'] == 'left':
        index_left = target['index']
      if target['label'] == 'right':
        index_right = target['index']
      if target['flag'] == 1:
        index_painted = target['index']

    # generate simulated reward #
    reward_left = true_means[index_left] + numpy.random.randn()*0.5
    reward_right = true_means[index_right] + numpy.random.randn()*0.5
    if reward_left>reward_right:
      index_winner = index_left
      index_winner = index_right

    response_time = time.time() - ts

    # test POST processAnswer 
    processAnswer_args_dict = {}
    processAnswer_args_dict["exp_uid"] = exp_uid
    processAnswer_args_dict["exp_key"] = exp_key
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"] = {}
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"]["query_uid"] = query_uid
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"]['target_winner'] = index_winner
    processAnswer_args_dict["args"]['response_time'] = response_time

    url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/processAnswer'
    print "POST processAnswer args = ", processAnswer_args_dict
    response,dt = timeit(requests.post)(url, json.dumps(processAnswer_args_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    print "POST processAnswer response", response.text, response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200
    print "POST processAnswer duration = ", dt
    processAnswer_json_response = eval(response.text)

    # # test predict #
    # ################
    # # get stateless app
    # app = utils.get_app(app_id)

    # # convert python dictionary to json dictionary
    # predict_id = 'arm_ranking'
    # params = {'alg_label':alg_label}
    # predict_args_dict = {'predict_id':predict_id,'params':params}
    # predict_args_json = json.dumps(predict_args_dict)

    # print "predict_args_json = " + str(predict_args_json)
    # predict_json,didSucceed,message = app.predict(exp_uid=exp_uid,args_json=predict_args_json)
    # print "predict_response_json = " + str(predict_json)

    # if not didSucceed:
    #   raise Exception(message) 
    # # print "iter %d : pulled arm %d, prediction = %s" % (t,index,predict_json)

    # # convert json dictionary to python dictionary
    # predict_dict = json.loads(predict_json)

  # test getStats #
  # get stateless app
  # stat_list = rm.get_app_supported_stats(app_id)
  # alg_dict_list = rm.get_algs_for_exp_uid(exp_uid)
  # alg_label_list = [x['alg_label'] for x in alg_dict_list]

  # args_list = []
  # for stat in stat_list:
  #   stat_id = stat['stat_id']
  #   necessary_params = stat['necessary_params']

  #   if ('alg_label' in necessary_params) and ('task' in necessary_params):
  #     for task in ['getQuery','processAnswer','predict']:
  #       for alg_label in alg_label_list:
  #         getStats_dict = {}
  #         getStats_dict['stat_id'] = stat_id
  #         getStats_dict['params'] = {'alg_label':alg_label,'task':task}
  #         getStats_args_json = json.dumps(getStats_dict)
  #         args_list.append(getStats_args_json)

  #   elif ('alg_label' in necessary_params):
  #     for alg_label in alg_label_list:
  #       getStats_dict = {}
  #       getStats_dict['stat_id'] = stat_id
  #       getStats_dict['params'] = {'alg_label':alg_label}
  #       getStats_args_json = json.dumps(getStats_dict)
  #       args_list.append(getStats_args_json)

  #   elif ('task' in necessary_params):
  #     for task in ['getQuery','processAnswer','predict']:
  #       getStats_dict = {}
  #       getStats_dict['stat_id'] = stat_id
  #       getStats_dict['params'] = {'task':task}
  #       getStats_args_json = json.dumps(getStats_dict)
  #       args_list.append(getStats_args_json)

  #   else:
  #     getStats_dict = {}
  #     getStats_dict['stat_id'] = stat_id
  #     getStats_dict['params'] = {}
  #     getStats_args_json = json.dumps(getStats_dict)
  #     args_list.append(getStats_args_json)

  # # get stateless app
  # app = utils.get_app(app_id)
  # for getStats_args_json in args_list:
  #   print
  #   print
  #   print "getStats_args_json = " + str(getStats_args_json)
  #   getStats_response_json,didSucceed,message = app.getStats(exp_uid=exp_uid,args_json=getStats_args_json)
  #   # print "getStats_response_json = " 
  #   print getStats_response_json
  #   if not didSucceed:
  #     raise Exception(message) 

  # test POST stats
  args_list = []

  getStats_args_dict = {}
  getStats_args_dict['stat_id'] = 'most_current_ranking'
  getStats_args_dict['params'] = {'alg_label':'BR_LilUCB'}


  getStats_args_dict = {}
  getStats_args_dict["exp_uid"] = exp_uid
  getStats_args_dict["exp_key"] = exp_key

  for args in args_list:
    getStats_args_dict["args"] = args
    url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/stats'
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(getStats_args_dict) ,headers={'content-type':'application/json'})
    getStats_json_response = eval(response.text)
    print "/experiment/stats "+args['stat_id'], str(getStats_json_response), response.status_code
    if assert_200: assert response.status_code is 200

  url = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+'/api/experiment/'+exp_uid+'/'+exp_key+'/participants'
  response = requests.get(url)
  participants_response = eval(response.text)
  print 'participants_response = ' + str(participants_response)

  print "%s : All tests compeleted successfully" % (app_id)
コード例 #55
ファイル: test_cluster.py プロジェクト: jizhihang/helit
import numpy
import numpy.random
import random

from utils.prog_bar import ProgBar
from dpgmm import DPGMM

# Parameters...
trainCount = 1024
testCount = 256

# Generate a random set of Gaussians to test with...
print "Generating model..."
count = random.randrange(2, 6)
mix = numpy.random.rand(count) + 1.0
mix /= mix.sum()
mean = numpy.random.randint(-2, 3, (count, 3))
sd = 0.4 * numpy.random.rand(count) + 0.1

for i in xrange(count):
    print "%i: mean = %s; sd = %f" % (i, str(mean[i, :]), sd[i])

# Draw two sets of samples from them...
print "Generating data..."
train = []
for _ in xrange(trainCount):
    which = numpy.random.multinomial(1, mix).argmax()
    covar = sd[which] * numpy.identity(3)
コード例 #56
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: kgjamieson/NEXT-psych
def run_all(assert_200):

    num_examples = 1000
    X = numpy.random.randn(num_examples, 3)
    app_id = "PoolBasedBinaryClassification"
    true_means = numpy.tanh(X[:, 0])
    total_pulls_per_client = 100

    num_experiments = 1

    # clients run in simultaneous fashion using multiprocessing library
    num_clients = 10

    pool = Pool(processes=num_clients)

    # input test parameters
    delta = 0.05
    example_pool = X.tolist()
    test_labels = [[i, numpy.sign(X[i, 0])] for i in range(num_examples)]
    supported_alg_ids = ["RandomSamplingLinearLeastSquares"]

    alg_list = []
    for alg_id in supported_alg_ids:
        alg_item = {}
        alg_item["alg_id"] = alg_id
        alg_item["alg_label"] = alg_id
        alg_item["params"] = {}
    params = {}
    params["proportions"] = []
    for algorithm in alg_list:
        params["proportions"].append({"alg_label": algorithm["alg_label"], "proportion": 1.0 / len(alg_list)})
    algorithm_management_settings = {}
    algorithm_management_settings["mode"] = "fixed_proportions"
    algorithm_management_settings["params"] = params

    # Test POST Experiment
    initExp_args_dict = {}
    initExp_args_dict["args"] = {}
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["example_pool"] = example_pool
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["failure_probability"] = delta
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["test_labels"] = test_labels
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["participant_to_algorithm_management"] = "one_to_many"  # 'one_to_one'  #optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["algorithm_management_settings"] = algorithm_management_settings  # optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["alg_list"] = alg_list  # optional field
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["instructions"] = "Please answer the yes or no question to the best of your ability."
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["debrief"] = "Thank you for participating"
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["context"] = "Is the target a positive example?"
    initExp_args_dict["args"]["context_type"] = "text"
    initExp_args_dict["app_id"] = app_id
    initExp_args_dict["site_id"] = "replace this with working site id"
    initExp_args_dict["site_key"] = "replace this with working site key"

    exp_info = []
    for ell in range(num_experiments):
        url = "http://" + HOSTNAME + "/api/experiment"
        response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(initExp_args_dict), headers={"content-type": "application/json"})
        print "POST initExp response =", response.text, response.status_code
        if assert_200:
            assert response.status_code is 200
        initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

        exp_uid = initExp_response_dict["exp_uid"]
        exp_key = initExp_response_dict["exp_key"]

        exp_info.append({"exp_uid": exp_uid, "exp_key": exp_key})

        # Test GET Experiment
        url = "http://" + HOSTNAME + "/api/experiment/" + exp_uid + "/" + exp_key
        response = requests.get(url)
        print "GET experiment response =", response.text, response.status_code
        if assert_200:
            assert response.status_code is 200
        initExp_response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

    # Generate participants

    participants = []
    pool_args = []
    for i in range(num_clients):
        participant_uid = "%030x" % random.randrange(16 ** 30)

        experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info)
        exp_uid = experiment["exp_uid"]
        exp_key = experiment["exp_key"]
        pool_args.append((exp_uid, exp_key, participant_uid, total_pulls_per_client, true_means, assert_200))

    results = pool.map(simulate_one_client, pool_args)

    for result in results:
        print result