コード例 #1
ファイル: test_poissongroup.py プロジェクト: Kwartke/brian2
def test_rate_arrays():
    P = PoissonGroup(2, np.array([0, 1./defaultclock.dt])*Hz)
    spikes = SpikeMonitor(P)
    net = Network(P, spikes)

    assert_equal(spikes.count, np.array([0, 2]))
コード例 #2
ファイル: TestStatUtil.py プロジェクト: orenlivne/ober
 def test_multinomial_elementwise_vector(self):
     '''Test creating multinomial variables (r=1).'''
     (m, n) = (20, 5)
     p = statutil.random_row_stochastic((m, n))
     x = statutil.multinomial_elementwise(p)
     assert_equal(x, [3, 1, 3, 4, 0, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3],
                  'Wrong random multinomial generated')
コード例 #3
ファイル: problem013.py プロジェクト: orenlivne/euler
def test_file(file_name, d=None):
    n = 50
    for d in [d] if d else xrange(1, n + 5):
        fast = sum_from_left(read_digit_columns(open(file_name, 'rb'), n), d)
        exact = int(str(sum(int(x.rstrip('\n')) for x in open(file_name, 'rb')))[0:d])
        # print d, fast, exact
        assert_equal(fast, exact, 'Approximate sum is wrong, file %s, d %d' % (file_name, d))
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_monitor.py プロジェクト: yayyme/brian2
def test_spike_monitor():
    language_before = brian_prefs.codegen.target
    for language in languages:
        brian_prefs.codegen.target = language
        defaultclock.t = 0*second
        G = NeuronGroup(2, '''dv/dt = rate : 1
                              rate: Hz''', threshold='v>1', reset='v=0')
        # We don't use 100 and 1000Hz, because then the membrane potential would
        # be exactly at 1 after 10 resp. 100 timesteps. Due to floating point
        # issues this will not be exact,
        G.rate = [101, 1001] * Hz

        mon = SpikeMonitor(G)
        net = Network(G, mon)

        assert_allclose(mon.t[mon.i == 0], [9.9]*ms)
        assert_allclose(mon.t[mon.i == 1], np.arange(10)*ms + 0.9*ms)
        assert_allclose(mon.t_[mon.i == 0], np.array([9.9*float(ms)]))
        assert_allclose(mon.t_[mon.i == 1], (np.arange(10) + 0.9)*float(ms))
        assert_equal(mon.count, np.array([1, 10]))

        i, t = mon.it
        i_, t_ = mon.it_
        assert_equal(i, mon.i)
        assert_equal(i, i_)
        assert_equal(t, mon.t)
        assert_equal(t_, mon.t_)

    brian_prefs.codegen.target = language_before
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_synapses.py プロジェクト: yger/brian2
def test_changed_dt_spikes_in_queue():
    for codeobj_class in codeobj_classes:
        defaultclock.dt = .5*ms
        G1 = NeuronGroup(1, 'v:1', threshold='v>1', reset='v=0',
        G1.v = 1.1
        G2 = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:1', threshold='v>1', reset='v=0',
        S = Synapses(G1, G2, pre='v+=1.1', codeobj_class=codeobj_class)
        S.delay = 'j*ms'
        mon = SpikeMonitor(G2)
        net = Network(G1, G2, S, mon)
        defaultclock.dt = 1*ms
        defaultclock.dt = 0.1*ms
        # Spikes should have delays of 0, 1, 2, ... ms and always
        # trigger a spike one dt later
        expected = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, # dt=0.5ms
                    6, 7, 8, #dt = 1ms
                    8.1, 9.1 #dt=0.1ms
                    ] * ms
        assert_equal(mon.t, expected)
コード例 #6
def test_LinearConstraint():
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_equal
    lc = LinearConstraint(["foo", "bar"], [1, 1])
    assert lc.variable_names == ["foo", "bar"]
    assert_equal(lc.coefs, [[1, 1]])
    assert_equal(lc.constants, [[0]])

    lc = LinearConstraint(["foo", "bar"], [[1, 1], [2, 3]], [10, 20])
    assert_equal(lc.coefs, [[1, 1], [2, 3]])
    assert_equal(lc.constants, [[10], [20]])
    assert lc.coefs.dtype == np.dtype(float)
    assert lc.constants.dtype == np.dtype(float)

    # statsmodels wants to be able to create degenerate constraints like this,
    # see:
    #     https://github.com/pydata/patsy/issues/89
    # We used to forbid it, but I guess it's harmless, so why not.
    lc = LinearConstraint(["a"], [[0]])
    assert_equal(lc.coefs, [[0]])

    from nose.tools import assert_raises
    assert_raises(ValueError, LinearConstraint, ["a"], [[1, 2]])
    assert_raises(ValueError, LinearConstraint, ["a"], [[[1]]])
    assert_raises(ValueError, LinearConstraint, ["a"], [[1, 2]], [3, 4])
    assert_raises(ValueError, LinearConstraint, ["a", "b"], [[1, 2]], [3, 4])
    assert_raises(ValueError, LinearConstraint, ["a"], [[1]], [[]])
    assert_raises(ValueError, LinearConstraint, ["a", "b"], [])
    assert_raises(ValueError, LinearConstraint, ["a", "b"],
                  np.zeros((0, 2)))

コード例 #7
ファイル: test_timedarray.py プロジェクト: Kwartke/brian2
def test_timedarray_with_units():
    ta = TimedArray(np.arange(10)*amp, dt=0.1*ms)
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'value = ta(t) + 2*nA: amp', dt=0.1*ms)
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'value', record=True, dt=0.1*ms)
    net = Network(G, mon)
    assert_equal(mon[0].value, np.clip(np.arange(len(mon[0].t)), 0, 9)*amp + 2*nA)
コード例 #8
def test_spikegenerator_rounding():
    # all spikes should fall into the first time bin
    indices = np.arange(100)
    times = np.linspace(0, 0.1, 100, endpoint=False)*ms
    SG = SpikeGeneratorGroup(100, indices, times, dt=0.1*ms)
    mon = SpikeMonitor(SG)
    net = Network(SG, mon)
    assert_equal(mon.count, np.ones(100))

    # all spikes should fall in separate bins
    dt = 0.1*ms
    indices = np.zeros(10000)
    times = np.arange(10000)*dt
    SG = SpikeGeneratorGroup(1, indices, times, dt=dt)
    target = NeuronGroup(1, 'count : 1',
                         threshold='True', reset='count=0')  # set count to zero at every time step
    syn = Synapses(SG, target, on_pre='count+=1')
    mon = StateMonitor(target, 'count', record=0, when='end')
    net = Network(SG, target, syn, mon)
    # change the schedule so that resets are processed before synapses
    net.schedule = ['start', 'groups', 'thresholds', 'resets', 'synapses', 'end']
    assert_equal(mon[0].count, np.ones(10000))
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_subgroup.py プロジェクト: brian-team/brian2
def test_no_reference_1():
    Using subgroups without keeping an explicit reference. Basic access.
    G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:1')
    G.v = np.arange(10)
    assert_equal(G[:5].v[:], G.v[:5])
コード例 #10
ファイル: intersection_test.py プロジェクト: dequis/auromat
 def testDirectedIntersectionFromInside(self):
     # line origin is inside sphere/ellipsoid
     for ellipsoidLineIntersection, ellipsoidLineIntersects in zip(ellipsoidLineIntersectionFns, ellipsoidLineIntersectsFns):
         r = 2
         origin = [1,0,0]
         direction = [[1,0,0]]
         intersection = [[2,0,0]]
         res = sphereLineIntersection(r, origin, direction, directed=False)
         assert_array_equal(res, intersection)
         res = sphereLineIntersection(r, origin, direction, directed=True)
         assert_array_equal(res, intersection)
         res = ellipsoidLineIntersection(r, r, origin, direction, directed=False)
         assert_array_equal(res, intersection)
         intersects = ellipsoidLineIntersects(r, r, origin, direction, directed=False)
         assert_equal(intersects, [True])        
         res = ellipsoidLineIntersection(r, r, origin, direction, directed=True)
         assert_array_equal(res, intersection)
         intersects = ellipsoidLineIntersects(r, r, origin, direction, directed=True)
         assert_equal(intersects, [True])
         intersection2 = [[-2,0,0]]           
         direction2 = [[-1,0,0]]
         res = sphereLineIntersection(r, origin, direction2, directed=False)
         assert_array_equal(res, intersection)
         res = sphereLineIntersection(r, origin, direction2, directed=True)
         assert_array_equal(res, intersection2)
コード例 #11
 def test_decompose_pentagon(self):
     # Make sure decompose returns correct thing for a pentagon.
     result = decompose_to_triangles(self.pentagon)
     benchmark = array([[[0, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1]],
                        [[0, 0], [2, 1], [1, 2]],
                        [[0, 0], [1, 2], [0, 2]]], dtype='float')
     assert_equal(result, benchmark)
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_region.py プロジェクト: eteq/gwcs
def test_polygon1():
    vert = [(2, 1), (3, 5), (6, 6), (3, 8), (0, 4), (2, 1)]
    pol = region.Polygon('1', vert)
    mask = np.zeros((9, 9), dtype=np.int)
    mask = pol.scan(mask)
    pol1 = polygon1()
    utils.assert_equal(mask, pol1)
コード例 #13
ファイル: intersection_test.py プロジェクト: dequis/auromat
 def testSphereLineIntersection(self):
     sphereRadius = 2
     lineOrigin = [0,3,0]
     lineDirection = [0,-1,0]
     point = sphereLineIntersection(sphereRadius, lineOrigin, lineDirection)
     assert_equal(point, [0,2,0])
コード例 #14
ファイル: intersection_test.py プロジェクト: dequis/auromat
 def testSphereLineIntersectionArray(self):
     sphereRadius = 2
     lineOrigin = [0,3,0]
     lineDirection = unitVectors([[0,-1,0],[-1,-1,0]])
     points = sphereLineIntersection(sphereRadius, lineOrigin, lineDirection)
     assert_equal(points, [[0,2,0],[np.nan,np.nan,np.nan]])
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_neurongroup.py プロジェクト: msGenDev/brian2
def test_scalar_parameter_access():
    for codeobj_class in codeobj_classes:
        G = NeuronGroup(10, '''dv/dt = freq : 1
                               freq : Hz (shared)
                               number : 1 (shared)
                               array : 1''',

        # Try setting a scalar variable
        G.freq = 100*Hz
        assert_equal(G.freq[:], 100*Hz)
        G.freq[:] = 200*Hz
        assert_equal(G.freq[:], 200*Hz)
        G.freq = 'freq - 50*Hz + number*Hz'
        assert_equal(G.freq[:], 150*Hz)
        G.freq[:] = '50*Hz'
        assert_equal(G.freq[:], 50*Hz)

        # Check the second method of accessing that works
        assert_equal(np.asanyarray(G.freq), 50*Hz)

        # Check error messages
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.freq[0])
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.freq[1])
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.freq[0:1])
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.freq['i>5'])

        assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: G.freq.set_item(slice(None), [0, 1]*Hz))
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.freq.set_item(0, 100*Hz))
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.freq.set_item(1, 100*Hz))
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.freq.set_item('i>5', 100*Hz))
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_parameters.py プロジェクト: sYnfo/astropy
 def test_par_slicing(self):
     Test assigning to a parameter slice
     p1 = models.Polynomial1D(3, n_models=3)
     p1.c0[:2] = [10, 10]
     utils.assert_equal(p1.parameters, [10.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_subgroup.py プロジェクト: brian-team/brian2
def test_synapse_creation_generator_complex_ranges():
    G1 = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:1', threshold='False')
    G2 = NeuronGroup(20, 'v:1', threshold='False')
    G1.v = 'i'
    G2.v = '10 + i'
    SG1 = G1[:5]
    SG2 = G2[10:]
    S = Synapses(SG1, SG2, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S.connect(j='i+k for k in range(N_post-i)')  # Connect to all j>i

    # connect based on pre-/postsynaptic state variables
    S2 = Synapses(SG1, SG2, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S2.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post * int(v_pre > 2))')

    # connect based on pre-/postsynaptic state variables
    S3 = Synapses(SG2, SG1, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S3.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post * int(v_pre > 22))')

    run(0*ms)  # for standalone

    for syn_source in xrange(5):
        # Internally, the "real" neuron indices should be used
        assert_equal(S._synaptic_post[syn_source, :],
                     10 + syn_source + np.arange(10 - syn_source))
        # For the user, the subgroup-relative indices should be presented
        assert_equal(S.j[syn_source, :], syn_source + np.arange(10-syn_source))

    assert len(S2) == 2 * len(SG2), str(len(S2))
    assert all(S2.v_pre[:] > 2)
    assert len(S3) == 7 * len(SG1), str(len(S3))
    assert all(S3.v_pre[:] > 22)
コード例 #18
def test_compute_ts_map(tmpdir):
    """Minimal test of compute_ts_map"""
    data = load_poisson_stats_image(extra_info=True)
    kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(2.5)
    data['exposure'] = np.ones(data['counts'].shape) * 1E12
    for _, func in zip(['counts', 'background', 'exposure'], [np.nansum, np.nansum, np.mean]):
        data[_] = downsample_2N(data[_], 2, func)

    result = compute_ts_map(data['counts'], data['background'], data['exposure'],
    for name, order in zip(['ts', 'amplitude', 'niter'], [2, 5, 0]):
        result[name] = np.nan_to_num(result[name])
        result[name] = upsample_2N(result[name], 2, order=order)

    assert_allclose(1705.840212274973, result.ts[99, 99], rtol=1e-3)
    assert_allclose([[99], [99]], np.where(result.ts == result.ts.max()))
    assert_allclose(6, result.niter[99, 99])
    assert_allclose(1.0227934338735763e-09, result.amplitude[99, 99], rtol=1e-3)

    # test write method
    filename = str(tmpdir.join('ts_test.fits'))
    result.write(filename, header=data['header'])
    read_result = TSMapResult.read(filename)
    for _ in ['ts', 'sqrt_ts', 'amplitude', 'niter']:
        assert result[_].dtype == read_result[_].dtype
        assert_equal(result[_], read_result[_])
コード例 #19
ファイル: impute_test_util.py プロジェクト: orenlivne/ober
def read_pedigree_from_test_file(file_name, genotyped_id_file=None):
    '''Load a pedigree from a PLINK TFAM file.'''
    data = np.genfromtxt(file_name, np.dtype(int))
    p = io_pedigree.read(file_name, genotyped_id_file=genotyped_id_file)
    assert_equal(p._graph.number_of_nodes(), data.shape[0], 'Incorrect number of nodes')
    assert nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(p._graph), 'Pedigree is not a DAG'
    return p
コード例 #20
def test_timedarray_no_upsampling():
    # Test a TimedArray where no upsampling is necessary because the monitor's
    # dt is bigger than the TimedArray's
    ta = TimedArray(np.arange(10), dt=0.01*ms)
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'value = ta(t): 1', dt=0.1*ms)
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'value', record=True, dt=1*ms)
    assert_equal(mon[0].value, [0, 9, 9])
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_subgroup.py プロジェクト: brian-team/brian2
def test_state_variables_group_as_index():
    G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v : 1')
    SG = G[4:9]
    G.v[SG] = 1
    assert_equal(G.v[:], np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]))
    G.v = 1
    G.v[SG] = '2*v'
    assert_equal(G.v[:], np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]))
コード例 #22
ファイル: TestItemUtil.py プロジェクト: orenlivne/ober
 def __test_segment_range(self, n, step, c):
     '''Test getting the start and end of equidistant intervals in an item collection.'''
     items = np.arange(0, n, c)
     segments = iu.segmentrange(items, step)
     assert_equal(segments[:, 0], range(0, n, c * step), 'Wrong start array')
     assert_equal(segments[:, 1],
                  range(c * (step - 1), n, c * step) + ([n - c] if np.mod(n, step) else []),
                  'Wrong end array')
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_parameters.py プロジェクト: JaiPEG/astropy
 def test_poly1d_multiple_sets(self):
     p1 = models.Polynomial1D(3, n_models=3)
     utils.assert_equal(p1.parameters, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0,
                                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
     utils.assert_array_equal(p1.c0, [0, 0, 0])
     p1.c0 = [10, 10, 10]
     utils.assert_equal(p1.parameters, [10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0, 0,
                                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_poissongroup.py プロジェクト: rcaze/brian2
def test_propagation():
    # Using a PoissonGroup as a source for Synapses should work as expected
    P = PoissonGroup(2, np.array([0, 1.0 / defaultclock.dt]) * Hz)
    G = NeuronGroup(2, "v:1")
    S = Synapses(P, G, pre="v+=1", connect="i==j")
    run(2 * defaultclock.dt)

    assert_equal(G.v[:], np.array([0.0, 2.0]))
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_parameters.py プロジェクト: ARO-user/astropy
 def test_par_slicing(self):
     Test assigning to a parameter slice
     p1 = models.Poly1DModel(3, param_dim=3)
     p1.c0[:2] = [10, 10]
     utils.assert_equal(p1.parameters, [10.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0, 0,
                                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
コード例 #26
def test_timedarray_with_units():
    ta = TimedArray(np.arange(10)*amp, defaultclock.dt)
    for codeobj_class in codeobj_classes:
        G = NeuronGroup(1, 'value = ta(t) + 2*nA: amp', codeobj_class=codeobj_class)
        mon = StateMonitor(G, 'value', record=True)
        net = Network(G, mon)
        assert_equal(mon[0].value, np.clip(np.arange(len(mon[0].t)), 0, 9)*amp + 2*nA)
コード例 #27
def test_propagation():
    # Using a PoissonGroup as a source for Synapses should work as expected
    P = PoissonGroup(2, np.array([0, 1./defaultclock.dt])*Hz)
    G = NeuronGroup(2, 'v:1')
    S = Synapses(P, G, pre='v+=1', connect='i==j')

    assert_equal(G.v[:], np.array([0., 2.]))
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_neurongroup.py プロジェクト: appusom/brian2
def test_subexpression():
    G = NeuronGroup(10, '''dv/dt = freq : 1
                           freq : Hz
                           array : 1
                           expr = 2*freq + array*Hz : Hz''')
    G.freq = '10*i*Hz'
    G.array = 5
    assert_equal(G.expr[:], 2*10*np.arange(10)*Hz + 5*Hz)
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_input.py プロジェクト: ehsteve/astropy
 def test_non_linear_NYset(self):
     This case covers:
         N param sets , 1 set 1D x --> N 1D y data
     g1 = models.Gaussian1DModel([10, 10], [3, 3], [.2, .2])
     y1 = g1(self.x1)
     utils.assert_equal((y1[:, 0] - y1[:, 1]).nonzero(), (np.array([]),))
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_var_sklearn.py プロジェクト: cbrnr/scot
 def test_alpha(self):
     """ This test checks if RidgeCV finds the optimal `alpha`.
     # Currently we simply *know* empirically that from the three
     # candidate alphas 100 is closest to the optimum.
     # TODO: programmatically derive the optimum from the data
     assert_equal(self.var.fitting_model.alpha_, 100)
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_refractory.py プロジェクト: SudShekhar/brian2
def test_refractoriness_variables():
    # Try a string evaluating to a quantity an an explicit boolean
    # condition -- all should do the same thing
    for ref_time in [
            '5*ms', '(t-lastspike) <= 5*ms', 'time_since_spike <= 5*ms',
            'ref_subexpression', '(t-lastspike) <= ref', 'ref',
        G = NeuronGroup(1,
        dv/dt = 100*Hz : 1 (unless refractory)
        dw/dt = 100*Hz : 1
        ref : second
        ref_no_unit : 1
        time_since_spike = t - lastspike : second
        ref_subexpression = (t - lastspike) <= ref : boolean
        G.ref = 5 * ms
        G.ref_no_unit = 5
        # It should take 10ms to reach the threshold, then v should stay at 0
        # for 5ms, while w continues to increase
        mon = StateMonitor(G, ['v', 'w'], record=True)
        net = Network(G, mon)
        net.run(20 * ms)
            # No difference before the spike
            assert_equal(mon[0].v[mon.t < 10 * ms], mon[0].w[mon.t < 10 * ms])
            # v is not updated during refractoriness
            in_refractoriness = mon[0].v[(mon.t >= 10 * ms)
                                         & (mon.t < 15 * ms)]
            assert_equal(in_refractoriness, np.zeros_like(in_refractoriness))
            # w should evolve as before
            assert_equal(mon[0].w[mon.t < 5 * ms],
                         mon[0].w[(mon.t >= 10 * ms) & (mon.t < 15 * ms)])
            assert np.all(mon[0].w[(mon.t >= 10 * ms) & (mon.t < 15 * ms)] > 0)
            # After refractoriness, v should increase again
            assert np.all(mon[0].v[(mon.t >= 15 * ms) & (mon.t < 20 * ms)] > 0)
        except AssertionError as ex:
            raise AssertionError(
                'Assertion failed when using %r as refractory argument:\n%s' %
                (ref_time, ex))
コード例 #32
def test_get_features_gamma():
    model_spikes = [
        [np.array([1, 5, 8]), np.array([2, 3, 8, 9])],  # Correct rate
        [np.array([1, 5]), np.array([0, 2, 3, 8, 9])]
    ]  # Wrong rate
    data_spikes = [np.array([0, 5, 9]), np.array([1, 3, 5, 6])]

    gf = GammaFactor(delta=0.5 * ms, time=10 * ms)
    features = gf.get_features(model_spikes, data_spikes, 0.1 * ms)
    assert_equal(np.shape(features), (2, 2))
    assert (np.all(np.array(features) > -1))
    normed_gf = GammaFactor(delta=0.5 * ms, time=10 * ms, normalization=1 / 2.)
    normed_features = normed_gf.get_features(model_spikes, data_spikes,
                                             0.1 * ms)
    assert_equal(normed_features, 2 * features)

    features = gf.get_features([data_spikes] * 3, data_spikes, 0.1 * ms)
    assert_equal(np.shape(features), (3, 2))
    assert_almost_equal(features, np.zeros((3, 2)))
コード例 #33
ファイル: test_poissoninput.py プロジェクト: ttxtea/brian2
def test_poissoninput():
    # Test extreme cases and do a very basic test of an intermediate case, we
    # don't want tests to be stochastic
    G = NeuronGroup(
        10, '''x : volt
                           y : volt
                           y2 : volt
                           z : volt
                           z2 : volt
                           w : 1''')
    G.w = 0.5

    never_update = PoissonInput(G, 'x', 100, 0 * Hz, weight=1 * volt)
    always_update = PoissonInput(G,
                                 1 / defaultclock.dt,
                                 weight=2 * volt)
    always_update2 = PoissonInput(G,
                                  1 / defaultclock.dt,
                                  weight='1*volt + 1*volt')
    sometimes_update = PoissonInput(G, 'z', 10000, 50 * Hz, weight=0.5 * volt)
    sometimes_update2 = PoissonInput(G, 'z2', 10000, 50 * Hz, weight='w*volt')

    mon = StateMonitor(G, ['x', 'y', 'y2', 'z', 'z2'], record=True, when='end')

    run(1 * ms)
    assert_equal(0, mon.x[:])
        np.tile((1 + np.arange(mon.y[:].shape[1])) * 50 * 2 * volt, (10, 1)),
        np.tile((1 + np.arange(mon.y[:].shape[1])) * 50 * 2 * volt, (10, 1)),
    assert all(np.var(mon.z[:], axis=1) > 0)  # variability over time
    assert all(np.var(mon.z[:], axis=0) > 0)  # variability over neurons
    assert all(np.var(mon.z2[:], axis=1) > 0)  # variability over time
    assert all(np.var(mon.z2[:], axis=0) > 0)  # variability over neurons
コード例 #34
ファイル: test_refractory.py プロジェクト: ttxtea/brian2
def test_refractoriness_basic():
    G = NeuronGroup(1,
        dv/dt = 100*Hz : 1 (unless refractory)
        dw/dt = 100*Hz : 1
                    refractory=5 * ms)
    # It should take 10ms to reach the threshold, then v should stay at 0
    # for 5ms, while w continues to increase
    mon = StateMonitor(G, ['v', 'w'], record=True, when='end')
    run(20 * ms)
    # No difference before the spike
    assert_equal(mon[0].v[mon.t < 10 * ms], mon[0].w[mon.t < 10 * ms])
    # v is not updated during refractoriness
    in_refractoriness = mon[0].v[(mon.t >= 10 * ms) & (mon.t < 15 * ms)]
    assert_equal(in_refractoriness, np.zeros_like(in_refractoriness))
    # w should evolve as before
    assert_equal(mon[0].w[mon.t < 5 * ms],
                 mon[0].w[(mon.t >= 10 * ms) & (mon.t < 15 * ms)])
    assert np.all(mon[0].w[(mon.t >= 10 * ms) & (mon.t < 15 * ms)] > 0)
    # After refractoriness, v should increase again
    assert np.all(mon[0].v[(mon.t >= 15 * ms) & (mon.t < 20 * ms)] > 0)
コード例 #35
def test_unbalanced_sinkhorn_transport_class():

    ns = 150
    nt = 200

    Xs, ys = make_data_classif('3gauss', ns)
    Xt, yt = make_data_classif('3gauss2', nt)

    otda = ot.da.UnbalancedSinkhornTransport()

    # test its computed
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt)
    assert hasattr(otda, "cost_")
    assert hasattr(otda, "coupling_")
    assert hasattr(otda, "log_")

    # test dimensions of coupling
    assert_equal(otda.cost_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))
    assert_equal(otda.coupling_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))

    # test transform
    transp_Xs = otda.transform(Xs=Xs)
    assert_equal(transp_Xs.shape, Xs.shape)

    Xs_new, _ = make_data_classif('3gauss', ns + 1)
    transp_Xs_new = otda.transform(Xs_new)

    # check that the oos method is working
    assert_equal(transp_Xs_new.shape, Xs_new.shape)

    # test inverse transform
    transp_Xt = otda.inverse_transform(Xt=Xt)
    assert_equal(transp_Xt.shape, Xt.shape)

    Xt_new, _ = make_data_classif('3gauss2', nt + 1)
    transp_Xt_new = otda.inverse_transform(Xt=Xt_new)

    # check that the oos method is working
    assert_equal(transp_Xt_new.shape, Xt_new.shape)

    # test fit_transform
    transp_Xs = otda.fit_transform(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt)
    assert_equal(transp_Xs.shape, Xs.shape)

    # test unsupervised vs semi-supervised mode
    otda_unsup = ot.da.SinkhornTransport()
    otda_unsup.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt)
    n_unsup = np.sum(otda_unsup.cost_)

    otda_semi = ot.da.SinkhornTransport()
    otda_semi.fit(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt, yt=yt)
    assert_equal(otda_semi.cost_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))
    n_semisup = np.sum(otda_semi.cost_)

    # check that the cost matrix norms are indeed different
    assert n_unsup != n_semisup, "semisupervised mode not working"

    # check everything runs well with log=True
    otda = ot.da.SinkhornTransport(log=True)
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt)
    assert len(otda.log_.keys()) != 0
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_synapses.py プロジェクト: divyashivaram/brian2
def _compare(synapses, expected):
    conn_matrix = np.zeros((len(synapses.source), len(synapses.target)))
    for i, j in zip(synapses.i[:], synapses.j[:]):
        conn_matrix[i, j] += 1

    assert_equal(conn_matrix, expected)
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_synapses.py プロジェクト: divyashivaram/brian2
def test_state_variable_indexing():
    G1 = NeuronGroup(5, 'v:1')
    G2 = NeuronGroup(7, 'v:1')
    S = Synapses(G1, G2, 'w:1')
    S.connect(True, n=2)
    S.w[:, :, 0] = '5*i + j'
    S.w[:, :, 1] = '35 + 5*i + j'

    assert len(S.w[:]) == len(S.w[:, :]) == len(S.w[:, :, :]) == len(G1)*len(G2)*2
    assert len(S.w[0:]) == len(S.w[0:, 0:]) == len(S.w[0:, 0:, 0:]) == len(G1)*len(G2)*2
    assert len(S.w[0]) == len(S.w[0, :]) == len(S.w[0, :, :]) == len(G2)*2
    assert len(S.w[0:2]) == len(S.w[0:2, :]) == len(S.w[0:2, :, :]) == 2*len(G2)*2
    assert len(S.w[:, 0]) == len(S.w[:, 0, :]) == len(G1)*2
    assert len(S.w[:, 0:2]) == len(S.w[:, 0:2, :]) == 2*len(G1)*2
    assert len(S.w[:, :2]) == len(S.w[:, :2, :]) == 2*len(G1)*2
    assert len(S.w[:, :, 0]) == len(G1)*len(G2)
    assert len(S.w[:, :, 0:2]) == len(G1)*len(G2)*2
    assert len(S.w[:, :, :2]) == len(G1)*len(G2)*2

    #Array-indexing (not yet supported for synapse index)
    assert_equal(S.w[0:3], S.w[[0, 1, 2]])
    assert_equal(S.w[0:3], S.w[[0, 1, 2], np.arange(len(G2))])
    assert_equal(S.w[:, 0:3], S.w[:, [0, 1, 2]])
    assert_equal(S.w[:, 0:3], S.w[np.arange(len(G1)), [0, 1, 2]])

    #string-based indexing
    assert_equal(S.w[0:3], S.w['i<3'])
    assert_equal(S.w[:, 0:3], S.w['j<3'])
    assert_equal(S.w[:, :, 0], S.w['k==0'])

    #invalid indices
    assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: S.w.__getitem__((1, 2, 3, 4)))
    assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: S.w.__getitem__(object()))
コード例 #38
def test_spike_monitor():
    G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:1', threshold='v>1', reset='v=0')
    G.v[0] = 1.1
    G.v[2] = 1.1
    G.v[5] = 1.1
    SG = G[3:]
    SG2 = G[:3]
    s_mon = SpikeMonitor(G)
    sub_s_mon = SpikeMonitor(SG)
    sub_s_mon2 = SpikeMonitor(SG2)
    assert_equal(s_mon.i, np.array([0, 2, 5]))
    assert_equal(s_mon.t_, np.zeros(3))
    assert_equal(sub_s_mon.i, np.array([2]))
    assert_equal(sub_s_mon.t_, np.zeros(1))
    assert_equal(sub_s_mon2.i, np.array([0, 2]))
    assert_equal(sub_s_mon2.t_, np.zeros(2))
    expected = np.zeros(10, dtype=int)
    expected[[0, 2, 5]] = 1
    assert_equal(s_mon.count, expected)
    expected = np.zeros(7, dtype=int)
    expected[[2]] = 1
    assert_equal(sub_s_mon.count, expected)
    assert_equal(sub_s_mon2.count, np.array([1, 0, 1]))
コード例 #39
ファイル: basic_tests.py プロジェクト: zrfanzy/rawpy
def testHalfSizeParameter():
    raw = rawpy.imread(rawTestPath)
    s = raw.sizes
    rgb = raw.postprocess(half_size=True)
    assert_equal(rgb.shape[0], s.height // 2)
    assert_equal(rgb.shape[1], s.width // 2)
コード例 #40
def test_synapse_access():
    G1 = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:1', threshold='False')
    G1.v = 'i'
    G2 = NeuronGroup(20, 'v:1', threshold='False')
    G2.v = 'i'
    SG1 = G1[:5]
    SG2 = G2[10:]
    S = Synapses(SG1, SG2, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S.w['j == 0'] = 5
    assert all(S.w['j==0'] == 5)
    S.w[2, 2] = 7
    assert all(S.w['i==2 and j==2'] == 7)
    S.w = '2*j'
    assert all(S.w[:, 1] == 2)

    assert len(S.w[:, 10]) == 0
    assert len(S.w['j==10']) == 0

    # Test referencing pre- and postsynaptic variables
    assert_equal(S.w[2:, :], S.w['v_pre >= 2'])
    assert_equal(S.w[:, :5], S.w['v_post < 15'])
    S.w = 'v_post'
    assert_equal(S.w[:], S.j[:] + 10)
    S.w = 'v_post + v_pre'
    assert_equal(S.w[:], S.j[:] + 10 + S.i[:])

    # Test using subgroups as indices
    assert len(S) == len(S.w[SG1, SG2])
    assert_equal(S.w[SG1, 1], S.w[:, 1])
    assert_equal(S.w[1, SG2], S.w[1, :])
    assert len(S.w[SG1, 10]) == 0
コード例 #41
 def test_poly2d(self):
     p2 = models.Polynomial2D(degree=3)
     p2.c0_0 = 5
     utils.assert_equal(p2.parameters, [5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
コード例 #42
ファイル: test_neurongroup.py プロジェクト: msGenDev/brian2
def test_state_variable_access_strings():
    for codeobj_class in codeobj_classes:
        G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:volt', codeobj_class=codeobj_class)
        G.v = np.arange(10) * volt
        # Indexing with strings
        assert G.v['i==2'] == G.v[2]
        assert G.v_['i==2'] == G.v_[2]
        assert_equal(G.v['v >= 3*volt'], G.v[3:])
        assert_equal(G.v_['v >= 3*volt'], G.v_[3:])
        # Should also check for units
        assert_raises(DimensionMismatchError, lambda: G.v['v >= 3'])
        assert_raises(DimensionMismatchError, lambda: G.v['v >= 3*second'])

        # Setting with strings
        # --------------------
        # String value referring to i
        G.v = '2*i*volt'
        assert_equal(G.v[:], 2*np.arange(10)*volt)
        # String value referring to i
        G.v[:5] = '3*i*volt'
                     np.array([0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18])*volt)

        G.v = np.arange(10) * volt
        # String value referring to a state variable
        G.v = '2*v'
        assert_equal(G.v[:], 2*np.arange(10)*volt)
        G.v[:5] = '2*v'
                     np.array([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18])*volt)

        G.v = np.arange(10) * volt
        # String value referring to state variables, i, and an external variable
        ext = 5*volt
        G.v = 'v + ext + (N + i)*volt'
        assert_equal(G.v[:], 2*np.arange(10)*volt + 15*volt)

        G.v = np.arange(10) * volt
        G.v[:5] = 'v + ext + (N + i)*volt'
                     np.array([15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])*volt)

        G.v = 'v + randn()*volt'  # only check that it doesn't raise an error
        G.v[:5] = 'v + randn()*volt'  # only check that it doesn't raise an error

        G.v = np.arange(10) * volt
        # String index using a random number
        G.v['rand() <= 1'] = 0*mV
        assert_equal(G.v[:], np.zeros(10)*volt)

        G.v = np.arange(10) * volt
        # String index referring to i and setting to a scalar value
        G.v['i>=5'] = 0*mV
        assert_equal(G.v[:], np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])*volt)
        # String index referring to a state variable
        G.v['v<3*volt'] = 0*mV
        assert_equal(G.v[:], np.array([0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])*volt)
        # String index referring to state variables, i, and an external variable
        ext = 2*volt
        G.v['v>=ext and i==(N-6)'] = 0*mV
        assert_equal(G.v[:], np.array([0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])*volt)

        G.v = np.arange(10) * volt
        # Strings for both condition and values
        G.v['i>=5'] = 'v*2'
        assert_equal(G.v[:], np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18])*volt)
        G.v['v>=5*volt'] = 'i*volt'
        assert_equal(G.v[:], np.arange(10)*volt)
コード例 #43
ファイル: test_neurongroup.py プロジェクト: msGenDev/brian2
def test_subexpression_with_constant():
        g = 2
        G = NeuronGroup(1, '''I = 1*g : 1''')
        assert_equal(G.I[:], np.array([2]))
コード例 #44
ファイル: test_neurongroup.py プロジェクト: msGenDev/brian2
def test_state_variable_access():
    for codeobj_class in codeobj_classes:
        G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:volt', codeobj_class=codeobj_class)
        G.v = np.arange(10) * volt

        assert_equal(np.asarray(G.v[:]), np.arange(10))
        assert have_same_dimensions(G.v[:], volt)
        assert_equal(np.asarray(G.v[:]), G.v_[:])
        # Accessing single elements, slices and arrays
        assert G.v[5] == 5 * volt
        assert G.v_[5] == 5
        assert_equal(G.v[:5], np.arange(5) * volt)
        assert_equal(G.v_[:5], np.arange(5))
        assert_equal(G.v[[0, 5]], [0, 5] * volt)
        assert_equal(G.v_[[0, 5]], np.array([0, 5]))

        # Illegal indexing
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.v[0, 0])
        assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: G.v_[0, 0])
        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: G.v[object()])
        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: G.v_[object()])

        # A string representation should not raise any error
        assert len(str(G.v))
        assert len(repr(G.v))
        assert len(str(G.v_))
        assert len(repr(G.v_))
コード例 #45
ファイル: test_neurongroup.py プロジェクト: msGenDev/brian2
def test_state_variables():
    Test the setting and accessing of state variables.
    for codeobj_class in codeobj_classes:
        G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v : volt', codeobj_class=codeobj_class)

        # The variable N should be always present
        assert G.N == 10
        # But it should be read-only
        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: G.__setattr__('N', 20))
        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: G.__setattr__('N_', 20))

        G.v = -70*mV
        assert_raises(DimensionMismatchError, lambda: G.__setattr__('v', -70))
        G.v_ = float(-70*mV)
        assert_allclose(G.v[:], -70*mV)
        G.v = -70*mV + np.arange(10)*mV
        assert_allclose(G.v[:], -70*mV + np.arange(10)*mV)
        G.v = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] * volt
        assert_allclose(G.v[:], np.arange(10) * volt)
        # incorrect size
        assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: G.__setattr__('v', [0, 1]*volt))
        assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: G.__setattr__('v', np.arange(11)*volt))

        G.v = -70*mV
        # Numpy methods should be able to deal with state variables
        # (discarding units)
        assert_allclose(np.mean(G.v), float(-70*mV))
        # Getting the content should return a Quantity object which then natively
        # supports numpy functions that access a method
        assert_allclose(np.mean(G.v[:]), -70*mV)

        # You should also be able to set variables with a string
        G.v = '-70*mV + i*mV'
        assert_allclose(G.v[0], -70*mV)
        assert_allclose(G.v[9], -61*mV)
        assert_allclose(G.v[:], -70*mV + np.arange(10)*mV)

        # And it should raise an unit error if the units are incorrect
                      lambda: G.__setattr__('v', '70 + i'))
                      lambda: G.__setattr__('v', '70 + i*mV'))

        # Calculating with state variables should work too
        # With units
        assert all(G.v - G.v == 0)
        assert all(G.v - G.v[:] == 0*mV)
        assert all(G.v[:] - G.v == 0*mV)
        assert all(G.v + 70*mV == G.v[:] + 70*mV)
        assert all(70*mV + G.v == G.v[:] + 70*mV)
        assert all(G.v + G.v == 2*G.v)
        assert all(G.v / 2.0 == 0.5*G.v)
        assert all(1.0 / G.v == 1.0 / G.v[:])
        assert_equal((-G.v)[:], -G.v[:])
        assert_equal((+G.v)[:], G.v[:])
        #Without units
        assert all(G.v_ - G.v_ == 0)
        assert all(G.v_ - G.v_[:] == 0)
        assert all(G.v_[:] - G.v_ == 0)
        assert all(G.v_ + float(70*mV) == G.v_[:] + float(70*mV))
        assert all(float(70*mV) + G.v_ == G.v_[:] + float(70*mV))
        assert all(G.v_ + G.v_ == 2*G.v_)
        assert all(G.v_ / 2.0 == 0.5*G.v_)
        assert all(1.0 / G.v_ == 1.0 / G.v_[:])
        assert_equal((-G.v)[:], -G.v[:])
        assert_equal((+G.v)[:], G.v[:])

        # And in-place modification should work as well
        G.v += 10*mV
        G.v -= 10*mV
        G.v *= 2
        G.v /= 2.0

        # with unit checking
        assert_raises(DimensionMismatchError, lambda: G.v.__iadd__(3*second))
        assert_raises(DimensionMismatchError, lambda: G.v.__iadd__(3))
        assert_raises(DimensionMismatchError, lambda: G.v.__imul__(3*second))

        # in-place modification with strings should not work
        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: G.v.__iadd__('string'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: G.v.__imul__('string'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: G.v.__idiv__('string'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, lambda: G.v.__isub__('string'))
コード例 #46
def compare_faster():
    variables = collections.OrderedDict()
    variables['alpha'] = dict(min=-180,
    variables['r'] = dict(min=3,
    # this will fail if precision is float32
    gh = GridHelper(variables, precision='float64')
    val_fast = gh.create_new()
    val_slow = gh.create_new()

    od = dtu.get_output_dir_for_test()

    F = 1

    alpha0 = 7
    # r0 = 4
    r0 = 4.1
    w0 = 1.
    value = dict(alpha=alpha0, r=r0)
    gh.add_vote(val_slow, value, w0, F)

    assert_equal(np.sum(val_slow > 0), 9)

    values = np.zeros((2, 1))
    values[0, 0] = alpha0
    values[1, 0] = r0
    weights = np.zeros(1)
    weights[0] = w0
    gh.add_vote_faster(val_fast, values, weights, F)

    assert_equal(np.sum(val_fast > 0), 9)

    d = grid_helper_plot(gh, val_slow)
    fn = os.path.join(od, 'compare_faster_slow.jpg')
    dtu.write_data_to_file(d.get_png(), fn)

    d = grid_helper_plot(gh, val_fast)
    fn = os.path.join(od, 'compare_faster_fast.jpg')
    dtu.write_data_to_file(d.get_png(), fn)

    D = val_fast - val_slow
    diff = np.max(np.abs(D))
    print('diff: %r' % diff)
    if diff > 1e-8:
        print(dtu.indent(array_as_string_sign(val_fast), 'val_fast '))
        print(dtu.indent(array_as_string_sign(val_slow), 'val_slow '))
        print(dtu.indent(array_as_string_sign(D), 'Diff '))
        print('non zero val_fast: %s' % val_fast[val_fast > 0])
        print('non zero val_slow: %s' % val_slow[val_slow > 0])

    assert_almost_equal(val_fast, val_slow)
コード例 #47
def test_synapse_creation_generator_multiple_synapses():
    G1 = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:1', threshold='False')
    G2 = NeuronGroup(20, 'v:1', threshold='False')
    G1.v = 'i'
    G2.v = '10 + i'
    SG1 = G1[:5]
    SG2 = G2[10:]
    S1 = Synapses(SG1, SG2, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S1.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='i')

    S2 = Synapses(SG1, SG2, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S2.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='j')

    S3 = Synapses(SG2, SG1, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S3.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='i')

    S4 = Synapses(SG2, SG1, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S4.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='j')

    S5 = Synapses(SG1, SG2, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S5.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='i+j')

    S6 = Synapses(SG2, SG1, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S6.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='i+j')

    S7 = Synapses(SG1, SG2, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S7.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='int(v_pre>2)*2')

    S8 = Synapses(SG2, SG1, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S8.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='int(v_post>2)*2')

    S9 = Synapses(SG1, SG2, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S9.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='int(v_post>22)*2')

    S10 = Synapses(SG2, SG1, 'w:1', on_pre='v+=w')
    S10.connect(j='k for k in range(N_post)', n='int(v_pre>22)*2')

    run(0*ms)  # for standalone

    # straightforward loop instead of doing something clever...
    for source in xrange(len(SG1)):
        assert_equal(S1.j[source, :], np.arange(len(SG2)).repeat(source))
        assert_equal(S2.j[source, :], np.arange(len(SG2)).repeat(np.arange(len(SG2))))
        assert_equal(S3.i[:, source], np.arange(len(SG2)).repeat(np.arange(len(SG2))))
        assert_equal(S4.i[:, source], np.arange(len(SG2)).repeat(source))
        assert_equal(S5.j[source, :], np.arange(len(SG2)).repeat(np.arange(len(SG2))+source))
        assert_equal(S6.i[:, source], np.arange(len(SG2)).repeat(np.arange(len(SG2)) + source))
        if source > 2:
            assert_equal(S7.j[source, :], np.arange(len(SG2)).repeat(2))
            assert_equal(S8.i[:, source], np.arange(len(SG2)).repeat(2))
            assert len(S7.j[source, :]) == 0
            assert len(S8.i[:, source]) == 0
        assert_equal(S9.j[source, :], np.arange(3, len(SG2)).repeat(2))
        assert_equal(S10.i[:, source], np.arange(3, len(SG2)).repeat(2))
コード例 #48
def test_subexpression_references():
    Assure that subexpressions in targeted groups are handled correctly.
    G = NeuronGroup(10, '''v : 1
                           v2 = 2*v : 1''')
    G.v = np.arange(10)
    SG1 = G[:5]
    SG2 = G[5:]

    S1 = Synapses(SG1, SG2, '''w : 1
                          u = v2_post + 1 : 1
                          x = v2_pre + 1 : 1''')
    assert_equal(S1.i[:], np.arange(5))
    assert_equal(S1.j[:], np.arange(5)[::-1])
    assert_equal(S1.u[:], np.arange(10)[:-6:-1]*2+1)
    assert_equal(S1.x[:], np.arange(5)*2+1)

    S2 = Synapses(G, SG2, '''w : 1
                             u = v2_post + 1 : 1
                             x = v2_pre + 1 : 1''')
    assert_equal(S2.i[:], np.arange(5))
    assert_equal(S2.j[:], np.arange(5)[::-1])
    assert_equal(S2.u[:], np.arange(10)[:-6:-1]*2+1)
    assert_equal(S2.x[:], np.arange(5)*2+1)

    S3 = Synapses(SG1, G, '''w : 1
                             u = v2_post + 1 : 1
                             x = v2_pre + 1 : 1''')
    assert_equal(S3.i[:], np.arange(5))
    assert_equal(S3.j[:], np.arange(10)[:-6:-1])
    assert_equal(S3.u[:], np.arange(10)[:-6:-1]*2+1)
    assert_equal(S3.x[:], np.arange(5)*2+1)
コード例 #49
    def test_conditional_gaussian_dependency_matrix(self):
        length = 100
        n_samples = 1000
        X = array([sample_markov_chain(length) for _ in range(n_samples)])

        # Next two should be equal
        s0 = AnomalyDetector(
                range(length), length)).fit(X).anomaly_score(X)

        ad1 = AnomalyDetector(
                P_ConditionalGaussian([i + 1], [i]) for i in range(length - 1)
            ] + [P_ConditionalGaussian([0], [])]), cr_plus).fit(X)
        s1 = ad1.anomaly_score(X)

        assert_allclose(s0, s1, rtol=0.0001)  # OK

        # Most likely, these two are not equal but highly correlated
        ad2 = AnomalyDetector(
            [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)],
        s2 = ad2.anomaly_score(X)

        ad3 = AnomalyDetector(
                [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)]),
        s3 = ad3.anomaly_score(X)

        assert_equal(pearsonr(s2, s3) > 0.985, True)

        # Test classification
        Y = array([sample_markov_chain(length, 0.2) for _ in range(n_samples)])
        Z = array([sample_markov_chain(length, 0.3) for _ in range(n_samples)])

        data = r_[X, Y, Z]
        labels = r_[['X'] * len(X), ['Y'] * len(Y), ['Z'] * len(Z)]

        data_index = shuffle(range(len(data)))
        training_set = data_index[:n_samples * 2]
        test_set = data_index[n_samples * 2:]

        models = {
            'independent gaussian':
            AnomalyDetector([P_Gaussian([i]) for i in range(length)], cr_plus),
            'independent conditional gaussian':
                [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)],
            'independent conditional gaussian with combiner':
                    [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)])),
            'single conditional gaussian with combiner':
                    P_ConditionalGaussian([i], [i - 1])
                    for i in range(1, length)
                ] + [P_ConditionalGaussian([0], [])])),
            'dependency matrix':
                P_ConditionalGaussianDependencyMatrix(range(length), length))

        all_acc = {}
        for key in models:
            ad = models[key].fit(data[training_set], labels[training_set])

            adclf = SklearnClassifier.clf(ad)

            labels_predicted = adclf.predict(data[test_set])
            accuracy = sum(labels[test_set] == labels_predicted) / float(
            all_acc[key] = accuracy
            print key, "accuracy = ", accuracy

        assert_close(all_acc['independent gaussian'],
                     all_acc['independent conditional gaussian'],
        assert_close(all_acc['independent gaussian'],
                     all_acc['independent conditional gaussian with combiner'],
        assert_close(all_acc['single conditional gaussian with combiner'],
                     all_acc['dependency matrix'],
コード例 #50
ファイル: test_poissongroup.py プロジェクト: rgerkin/brian2
def test_rate_arrays():
    P = PoissonGroup(2, np.array([0, 1. / defaultclock.dt]) * Hz)
    spikes = SpikeMonitor(P)
    run(2 * defaultclock.dt)

    assert_equal(spikes.count, np.array([0, 2]))
コード例 #51
def test_synapses_access_subgroups():
    G1 = NeuronGroup(5, 'x:1')
    G2 = NeuronGroup(10, 'y:1')
    SG1 = G1[2:5]
    SG2 = G2[4:9]
    S = Synapses(G1, G2, 'w:1')
    S.w[SG1, SG2] = 1
    assert_equal(S.w['(i>=2 and i<5) and (j>=4 and j<9)'], 1)
    assert_equal(S.w['not ((i>=2 and i<5) and (j>=4 and j<9))'], 0)
    S.w = 0
    S.w[SG1, :] = 1
    assert_equal(S.w['i>=2 and i<5'], 1)
    assert_equal(S.w['not (i>=2 and i<5)'], 0)
    S.w = 0
    S.w[:, SG2] = 1
    assert_equal(S.w['j>=4 and j<9'], 1)
    assert_equal(S.w['not (j>=4 and j<9)'], 0)
コード例 #52
def test_sinkhorn_l1l2_transport_class():

    ns = 150
    nt = 200

    Xs, ys = make_data_classif('3gauss', ns)
    Xt, yt = make_data_classif('3gauss2', nt)

    otda = ot.da.SinkhornL1l2Transport()

    # test its computed
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt)
    assert hasattr(otda, "cost_")
    assert hasattr(otda, "coupling_")
    assert hasattr(otda, "log_")

    # test dimensions of coupling
    assert_equal(otda.cost_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))
    assert_equal(otda.coupling_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))

    # test margin constraints
    mu_s = unif(ns)
    mu_t = unif(nt)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=0), mu_t, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=1), mu_s, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)

    # test transform
    transp_Xs = otda.transform(Xs=Xs)
    assert_equal(transp_Xs.shape, Xs.shape)

    Xs_new, _ = make_data_classif('3gauss', ns + 1)
    transp_Xs_new = otda.transform(Xs_new)

    # check that the oos method is working
    assert_equal(transp_Xs_new.shape, Xs_new.shape)

    # test inverse transform
    transp_Xt = otda.inverse_transform(Xt=Xt)
    assert_equal(transp_Xt.shape, Xt.shape)

    Xt_new, _ = make_data_classif('3gauss2', nt + 1)
    transp_Xt_new = otda.inverse_transform(Xt=Xt_new)

    # check that the oos method is working
    assert_equal(transp_Xt_new.shape, Xt_new.shape)

    # test fit_transform
    transp_Xs = otda.fit_transform(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt)
    assert_equal(transp_Xs.shape, Xs.shape)

    # test unsupervised vs semi-supervised mode
    otda_unsup = ot.da.SinkhornL1l2Transport()
    otda_unsup.fit(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt)
    n_unsup = np.sum(otda_unsup.cost_)

    otda_semi = ot.da.SinkhornL1l2Transport()
    otda_semi.fit(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt, yt=yt)
    assert_equal(otda_semi.cost_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))
    n_semisup = np.sum(otda_semi.cost_)

    # check that the cost matrix norms are indeed different
    assert n_unsup != n_semisup, "semisupervised mode not working"

    # check that the coupling forbids mass transport between labeled source
    # and labeled target samples
    mass_semi = np.sum(
        otda_semi.coupling_[otda_semi.cost_ == otda_semi.limit_max])
    mass_semi = otda_semi.coupling_[otda_semi.cost_ == otda_semi.limit_max]
    assert_allclose(mass_semi, np.zeros_like(mass_semi),
                    rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-9)

    # check everything runs well with log=True
    otda = ot.da.SinkhornL1l2Transport(log=True)
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt)
    assert len(otda.log_.keys()) != 0
コード例 #53
def test_subexpression_no_references():
    Assure that subexpressions  are handled correctly, even
    when the subgroups are created on-the-fly.
    G = NeuronGroup(10, '''v : 1
                           v2 = 2*v : 1''')
    G.v = np.arange(10)

    assert_equal(G[5:].v2, np.arange(5, 10)*2)

    S1 = Synapses(G[:5], G[5:], '''w : 1
                          u = v2_post + 1 : 1
                          x = v2_pre + 1 : 1''')
    assert_equal(S1.i[:], np.arange(5))
    assert_equal(S1.j[:], np.arange(5)[::-1])
    assert_equal(S1.u[:], np.arange(10)[:-6:-1]*2+1)
    assert_equal(S1.x[:], np.arange(5)*2+1)

    S2 = Synapses(G, G[5:], '''w : 1
                             u = v2_post + 1 : 1
                             x = v2_pre + 1 : 1''')
    assert_equal(S2.i[:], np.arange(5))
    assert_equal(S2.j[:], np.arange(5)[::-1])
    assert_equal(S2.u[:], np.arange(10)[:-6:-1]*2+1)
    assert_equal(S2.x[:], np.arange(5)*2+1)

    S3 = Synapses(G[:5], G, '''w : 1
                             u = v2_post + 1 : 1
                             x = v2_pre + 1 : 1''')
    assert_equal(S3.i[:], np.arange(5))
    assert_equal(S3.j[:], np.arange(10)[:-6:-1])
    assert_equal(S3.u[:], np.arange(10)[:-6:-1]*2+1)
    assert_equal(S3.x[:], np.arange(5)*2+1)
コード例 #54
ファイル: testing.py プロジェクト: gonzex/abipy
 def assert_equal(actual, desired, err_msg='', verbose=True):
     Alternative naming for assertArrayEqual.
     return nptu.assert_equal(actual, desired, err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose)
コード例 #55
def test_alternative_indexing():
    G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v : integer')
    G.v = 'i'
    assert_equal(G[-3:].v, np.array([7, 8, 9]))
    assert_equal(G[3].v, np.array([3]))
    assert_equal(G[[3, 4, 5]].v, np.array([3, 4, 5]))
コード例 #56
def test_mapping_transport_class():

    ns = 60
    nt = 120

    Xs, ys = make_data_classif('3gauss', ns)
    Xt, yt = make_data_classif('3gauss2', nt)
    Xs_new, _ = make_data_classif('3gauss', ns + 1)

    # kernel == linear mapping tests

    # check computation and dimensions if bias == False
    otda = ot.da.MappingTransport(kernel="linear", bias=False)
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt)
    assert hasattr(otda, "coupling_")
    assert hasattr(otda, "mapping_")
    assert hasattr(otda, "log_")

    assert_equal(otda.coupling_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))
    assert_equal(otda.mapping_.shape, ((Xs.shape[1], Xt.shape[1])))

    # test margin constraints
    mu_s = unif(ns)
    mu_t = unif(nt)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=0), mu_t, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=1), mu_s, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)

    # test transform
    transp_Xs = otda.transform(Xs=Xs)
    assert_equal(transp_Xs.shape, Xs.shape)

    transp_Xs_new = otda.transform(Xs_new)

    # check that the oos method is working
    assert_equal(transp_Xs_new.shape, Xs_new.shape)

    # check computation and dimensions if bias == True
    otda = ot.da.MappingTransport(kernel="linear", bias=True)
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt)
    assert_equal(otda.coupling_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))
    assert_equal(otda.mapping_.shape, ((Xs.shape[1] + 1, Xt.shape[1])))

    # test margin constraints
    mu_s = unif(ns)
    mu_t = unif(nt)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=0), mu_t, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=1), mu_s, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)

    # test transform
    transp_Xs = otda.transform(Xs=Xs)
    assert_equal(transp_Xs.shape, Xs.shape)

    transp_Xs_new = otda.transform(Xs_new)

    # check that the oos method is working
    assert_equal(transp_Xs_new.shape, Xs_new.shape)

    # kernel == gaussian mapping tests

    # check computation and dimensions if bias == False
    otda = ot.da.MappingTransport(kernel="gaussian", bias=False)
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt)

    assert_equal(otda.coupling_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))
    assert_equal(otda.mapping_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[1])))

    # test margin constraints
    mu_s = unif(ns)
    mu_t = unif(nt)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=0), mu_t, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=1), mu_s, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)

    # test transform
    transp_Xs = otda.transform(Xs=Xs)
    assert_equal(transp_Xs.shape, Xs.shape)

    transp_Xs_new = otda.transform(Xs_new)

    # check that the oos method is working
    assert_equal(transp_Xs_new.shape, Xs_new.shape)

    # check computation and dimensions if bias == True
    otda = ot.da.MappingTransport(kernel="gaussian", bias=True)
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt)
    assert_equal(otda.coupling_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0], Xt.shape[0])))
    assert_equal(otda.mapping_.shape, ((Xs.shape[0] + 1, Xt.shape[1])))

    # test margin constraints
    mu_s = unif(ns)
    mu_t = unif(nt)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=0), mu_t, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
        np.sum(otda.coupling_, axis=1), mu_s, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)

    # test transform
    transp_Xs = otda.transform(Xs=Xs)
    assert_equal(transp_Xs.shape, Xs.shape)

    transp_Xs_new = otda.transform(Xs_new)

    # check that the oos method is working
    assert_equal(transp_Xs_new.shape, Xs_new.shape)

    # check everything runs well with log=True
    otda = ot.da.MappingTransport(kernel="gaussian", log=True)
    otda.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt)
    assert len(otda.log_.keys()) != 0
コード例 #57
 def testPolynomial1D(self):
     d = {'c0': 11, 'c1': 12, 'c2': 13, 'c3': 14}
     p1 = models.Polynomial1D(3, **d)
     utils.assert_equal(p1.parameters, [11, 12, 13, 14])
コード例 #58
    def testarith(self):
        adder = 3
        array_adder = array([1, 2, 3])

        # add
        b = self.mix + adder
        self.assertIsInstance(b, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'integer addition return wrong type')
        assert_equal(b.mus[0], self.mix.mus[0] + adder,
                     'integer addition returned wrong value')

        c = self.mix + array_adder
        self.assertIsInstance(c, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'array addition return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(c.mus[0], self.mix.mus[0] + array_adder,
                           'array addition returned wrong value')

        # radd
        b = adder + self.mix
        self.assertIsInstance(b, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'integer addition return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(b.mus[0], adder + self.mix.mus[0],
                           'integer addition returned wrong value')

        c = array_adder + self.mix
        self.assertIsInstance(c, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'array addition return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(c.mus[0], array_adder + self.mix.mus[0],
                           'array addition returned wrong value')

        # sub
        b = self.mix - adder
        self.assertIsInstance(b, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'integer subtraction return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(b.mus[0], self.mix.mus[0] - adder,
                           'integer subtraction returned wrong value')

        c = self.mix - array_adder
        self.assertIsInstance(c, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'array subtraction return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(c.mus[0], self.mix.mus[0] - array_adder,
                           'array subtraction returned wrong value')

        # rsub
        b = adder - self.mix
        self.assertIsInstance(b, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'integer subtraction return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(b.mus[0], adder - self.mix.mus[0],
                           'integer subtraction returned wrong value')

        c = array_adder - self.mix
        self.assertIsInstance(c, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'array subtraction return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(c.mus[0], array_adder - self.mix.mus[0],
                           'array subtraction returned wrong value')
        # mul
        b = self.mix * adder
        self.assertIsInstance(b, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'integer multiplication return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(b.mus[0], self.mix.mus[0] * adder,
                           'integer multiplication returned wrong value')

        c = self.mix * array_adder
        self.assertIsInstance(c, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'array multiplicaton return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(c.mus[0], dot(self.mix.mus[0], array_adder),
                           'array multiplication returned wrong value')

        # rmul
        b = adder * self.mix
        self.assertIsInstance(b, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'integer multiplication return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(b.mus[0], adder * self.mix.mus[0],
                           'integer multiplication returned wrong value')

        c = array_adder * self.mix
        self.assertIsInstance(c, OrderedDPMixture,
                              'array multiplication return wrong type')
        assert_array_equal(c.mus[0], dot(array_adder, self.mix.mus[0]),
                           'array multiplication returned wrong value')
コード例 #59
def test_timedarray_no_units():
    ta = TimedArray(np.arange(10), dt=0.1 * ms)
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'value = ta(t) + 1: 1', dt=0.1 * ms)
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'value', record=True, dt=0.1 * ms)
    run(1.1 * ms)
    assert_equal(mon[0].value_, np.clip(np.arange(len(mon[0].t)), 0, 9) + 1)
コード例 #60
 def testgetitem(self):
     assert_equal(self.mu1, self.mix[0].mu, 'getitem failed')
     self.mix[0] = self.clust2
     assert_equal(self.mu2, self.mix[0].mu, 'getitem failed')
     self.mix[0] = self.clust1