コード例 #1
 def test_confidenceintervals(self):
     # NOTE: stata rounds residuals (at least) to sig digits so approx_equal
     conf1 = self.res1.conf_int()
     conf2 = self.res2.conf_int()
     for i in range(len(conf1)):
         assert_approx_equal(conf1[i][0], conf2[i][0], self.decimal_confidenceintervals)
         assert_approx_equal(conf1[i][1], conf2[i][1], self.decimal_confidenceintervals)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: cmccully/sep
def test_masked_background():
    data = 0.1 * np.ones((6,6))
    data[1,1] = 1.
    data[4,1] = 1.
    data[1,4] = 1.
    data[4,4] = 1.

    mask = np.zeros((6,6), dtype=np.bool)

    # Background array without mask
    sky = sep.Background(data, bw=3, bh=3, fw=1, fh=1)
    bkg1 = sky.back()

    # Background array with all False mask
    sky = sep.Background(data, mask=mask, bw=3, bh=3, fw=1, fh=1)
    bkg2 = sky.back()

    # All False mask should be the same
    assert_allclose(bkg1, bkg2)

    # Masking high pixels should give a flat background
    mask[1, 1] = True
    mask[4, 1] = True
    mask[1, 4] = True
    mask[4, 4] = True
    sky = sep.Background(data, mask=mask, bw=3, bh=3, fw=1, fh=1)
    assert_approx_equal(sky.globalback, 0.1)
    assert_allclose(sky.back(), 0.1 * np.ones((6, 6)))
コード例 #3
 def test_HC0_errors(self):
     # They are split up because the copied results do not have any
     # DECIMAL_4 places for the last place.
                         self.res2.HC0_se[:-1], DECIMAL_4)
コード例 #4
def test_tica_score_1():
    X = random.randn(100, 5)
    for n in range(1, 5):
        tica = tICA(n_components=n, shrinkage=0)
        assert_approx_equal(tica.score([X]), tica.eigenvalues_.sum())
        assert_approx_equal(tica.score([X]), tica.score_)
コード例 #5
def test_dec2dec():
    """Test dec2dec against astropy conversion"""
    # Test against the astropy calculations
    for dec in ['+14:21:45.003', '-99 04 22', '-00 01 23.456', '00 01']:
        ans = at.dec2dec(dec)
        desired = Angle(dec, unit=u.degree).degree
        assert_approx_equal(ans, desired, err_msg="{0} != {1}".format(ans, desired))
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_rootnode.py プロジェクト: karthicks123/pyamg
    def test_symmetry(self):
        # Test that a basic V-cycle yields a symmetric linear operator.  Common
        # reasons for failure are problems with using the same rho for the
        # pres/post-smoothers and using the same block_D_inv for
        # pre/post-smoothers.

        n = 500
        A = poisson((n,), format='csr')
        smoothers = [('gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}),
                     ('schwarz', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}),
                     ('block_gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}),
                     'jacobi', 'block_jacobi']
        Bs = [np.ones((n, 1)),
              sp.hstack((np.ones((n, 1)),
                      np.arange(1, n + 1, dtype='float').reshape(-1, 1)))]

        for smoother in smoothers:
            for B in Bs:
                ml = rootnode_solver(A, B, max_coarse=10,
                P = ml.aspreconditioner()
                x = sp.rand(n,)
                y = sp.rand(n,)
                assert_approx_equal(np.dot(P * x, y), np.dot(x, P * y))
コード例 #7
ファイル: ThroatPerimeterTest.py プロジェクト: PMEAL/OpenPNM
 def test_cuboid(self):
     a = np.array([0.4])
     b = np.unique(self.geo['throat.perimeter'])
     assert_approx_equal(a, b)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: tbohlen/human-gibbs
    def test_normalization(self):
        # set up
        x = arange(12).reshape((3,4))
        result = analysis.discrete_trunc_t_logpdf(x, 4, range(12))

        # make sure normalized
        assert_approx_equal(sum(exp(result)), 1)
コード例 #9
ファイル: twords_test.py プロジェクト: ddandur/Twords
    def test_create_Background_dict_1(self):
        # name of file in tests directory
        sample_background_1 = "sample_background_data.csv"

        # joins absolute path of tests directory with "sample_background_data.csv"
        sample_background_1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),sample_background_1)
        twit = Twords()
        twit.background_path = sample_background_1

        # read in sample background data manually to compare
        def read_data(data):
            with open(data, 'r') as f:
                data = [row for row in csv.reader(f.read().splitlines())]
            return data

        background_data = read_data(sample_background_1)
        background_data = background_data[1:]
        background_dict = {unicode(line[0]): (float(line[2]), int(line[1]))
                           for line in background_data}

        for key in background_dict.keys():
            # compare frequency rate - a float
            assert_approx_equal(background_dict[key][0], twit.background_dict[key][0], 10)
            # compare occurrences - an integer
            assert background_dict[key][1] == twit.background_dict[key][1]
コード例 #10
ファイル: PoreVolumeTest.py プロジェクト: PMEAL/OpenPNM
 def test_circle(self):
     a = np.array([3.14159265/4*1.05**2])
     b = np.unique(self.geo['pore.volume'])
     assert_approx_equal(a, b)
コード例 #11
ファイル: PoreVolumeTest.py プロジェクト: PMEAL/OpenPNM
 def test_square(self):
     a = np.array([1.0*1.05**2])
     b = np.unique(self.geo['pore.volume'])
     assert_approx_equal(a, b)
コード例 #12
 def test_del_operate_on_gaussian_returns_s_orbital_2(self):
     primitive_gaussian = PrimitiveBasis(0.15432897, 3.42525091, (0, 0, 0.7316), (0, 0, 0))
     array = PrimitiveBasisFactory.del_operator(primitive_gaussian)
     testing.assert_approx_equal(array[1].contraction, -23.46468759, 7)
     self.assertEquals(array[1].exponent, 3.42525091)
     self.assertEquals(array[1].integral_exponents, (2, 0, 0))
     self.assertEquals(array[1].coordinates, (0, 0, 0.7316))
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_sintef.py プロジェクト: socolofs/tamoc
def check_We_model(D, rho_gas, Q_gas, mu_gas, sigma_gas, rho_oil, Q_oil, 
               mu_oil, sigma_oil, rho, de_gas, de_oil):
    Check the solution for a modified We-number model
    # Get the mass fluxes of gas and oil
    md_gas = Q_gas * rho_gas
    md_oil = Q_oil * rho_oil
    # Compute the sizes from the model
    d50_gas, d50_oil = sintef.modified_We_model(D, rho_gas, md_gas, mu_gas, 
                       sigma_gas, rho_oil, md_oil, mu_oil, sigma_oil, rho)
    # Check the model result
    assert d50_gas == de_gas
    if d50_gas:
        assert_approx_equal(d50_gas, de_gas, significant=6)
        assert d50_gas == None
    if d50_oil:
        assert_approx_equal(d50_oil, de_oil, significant=6)
        assert d50_oil == None
コード例 #14
ファイル: lm.py プロジェクト: siddk/lang2program
    def __init__(self, distr):
        self.total = distr.old_total
        self.context = distr.context

        probs = distr.values()
        assert_approx_equal(sum(probs), 1.)
        self.entropy = -1. * sum([p * np.log(p) for p in probs])
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_metrics.py プロジェクト: QuantumLambda/qutip
 def case(chan1, chan2, expected, significant=4):
     # We again take a generous tolerance so that we don't kill off
     # SCS solvers.
         dnorm(chan1, chan2), expected,
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_spectral.py プロジェクト: Juanlu001/scipy
    def test_normalize(self):
        # Test normalize option of Lomb-Scarge.

        # Input parameters
        ampl = 2.
        w = 1.
        phi = 0.5 * np.pi
        nin = 100
        nout = 1000
        p = 0.7  # Fraction of points to select

        # Randomly select a fraction of an array with timesteps
        r = np.random.rand(nin)
        t = np.linspace(0.01*np.pi, 10.*np.pi, nin)[r >= p]

        # Plot a sine wave for the selected times
        x = ampl * np.sin(w*t + phi)

        # Define the array of frequencies for which to compute the periodogram
        f = np.linspace(0.01, 10., nout)

        # Calculate Lomb-Scargle periodogram
        pgram = lombscargle(t, x, f)
        pgram2 = lombscargle(t, x, f, normalize=True)

        # check if normalization works as expected
        assert_allclose(pgram * 2 / np.dot(x, x), pgram2)
        assert_approx_equal(np.max(pgram2), 1.0, significant=2)
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_ambient.py プロジェクト: socolofs/tamoc
def get_profile(data, z_col, z_start, p_col, P, z_min, z_max, nr, nc):
    Run the ambient.extract_profile function and test that the data are 
    correctly parsed per the inputs given above.
    # Apply the profile extraction function
    prof_data = ambient.extract_profile(data, z_col=z_col, z_start=z_start,
                                        p_col=p_col, P_atm=P)
    # Check that the returned profile extends to the free surface
    assert prof_data[0,z_col] == 0.0
    # Check that the profile is clipped at the expected depths
    assert_approx_equal(prof_data[1,z_col], z_min, significant = 6)
    assert_approx_equal(prof_data[-1,z_col], z_max, significant = 6)
    # Check that the returned profile is the right shape and data type
    assert prof_data.shape[0] == nr
    if nc is not None:
        assert prof_data.shape[1] == nc
    assert isinstance(prof_data, np.ndarray)
    # Check the that returned profile is in ascending order
    for i in range(1, prof_data.shape[0]):
        assert prof_data[i,z_col] > prof_data[i-1,z_col]
    # Send back the extracted profile
    return prof_data
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_spm.py プロジェクト: socolofs/tamoc
def test_modelparams_obj():
    Test the behavior of the `ModelParams` object
    Test the instantiation and attribute data for the `ModelParams object of
    the `stratified_plume_model` module.
    # Get the ambient CTD data
    profile = get_profile()
    # Initialize the ModelParams object
    p = stratified_plume_model.ModelParams(profile)
    # Check if the attributes are set correctly
    assert_approx_equal(p.rho_r, 1031.035855535142, significant=6)
    assert p.alpha_1 == 0.055
    assert p.alpha_2 == 0.110
    assert p.alpha_3 == 0.110
    assert p.lambda_2 == 1.00
    assert p.epsilon == 0.015
    assert p.qdis_ic == 0.1
    assert p.c1 == 0.
    assert p.c2 == 1.
    assert p.fe == 0.1
    assert p.gamma_i == 1.10
    assert p.gamma_o == 1.10
    assert p.Fr_0 == 1.6
    assert p.Fro_0 == 0.1
    assert p.nwidths == 1
    assert p.naverage == 1
    assert p.g == 9.81
    assert p.Ru == 8.314510
コード例 #19
ファイル: ThroatPerimeterTest.py プロジェクト: PMEAL/OpenPNM
 def test_cylinder(self):
     a = np.array([0.31415927])
     b = np.unique(self.geo['throat.perimeter'])
     assert_approx_equal(a, b)
コード例 #20
def test_ra2dec():
    """Test ra2dec against astropy conversion"""
    # Test against the astropy calculations
    for ra in ['14:21:45.003', '-12 04 22', '-00 01 12.003']:
        ans = at.ra2dec(ra)
        desired = Angle(ra, unit=u.hourangle).hour * 15
        assert_approx_equal(ans, desired, "{0} != {1}".format(ans, desired))
コード例 #21
ファイル: ThroatPerimeterTest.py プロジェクト: PMEAL/OpenPNM
 def test_rectangle(self):
     a = np.array([1.0])
     b = np.unique(self.geo['throat.perimeter'])
     assert_approx_equal(a, b)
コード例 #22
def test_EllipsoidRadius():
    np = Nanoparticle()
    np.setEllipsoidRadius(30.0, 30.0)
    assert_approx_equal(30.0, np.getEllipsoidZRadius())
    assert_approx_equal(30.0, np.getEllipsoidXYRadius())
    with raises(ValueError):
        np.setEllipsoidRadius(0.0, 0.0)
コード例 #23
ファイル: PoreAreaTest.py プロジェクト: PMEAL/OpenPNM
 def test_circle(self):
     a = np.array([1.0])
     b = np.unique(self.geo['pore.area'])
     assert_approx_equal(a, b)
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_spectral.py プロジェクト: arichar6/scipy
    def test_amplitude(self):
        """Test if height of peak in normalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram
        corresponds to amplitude of the generated input signal.

        # Input parameters
        ampl = 2.
        w = 1.
        phi = 0.5 * np.pi
        nin = 100
        nout = 1000
        p = 0.7  # Fraction of points to select

        # Randomly select a fraction of an array with timesteps
        r = np.random.rand(nin)
        t = np.linspace(0.01*np.pi, 10.*np.pi, nin)[r >= p]

        # Plot a sine wave for the selected times
        x = ampl * np.sin(w*t + phi)

        # Define the array of frequencies for which to compute the periodogram
        f = np.linspace(0.01, 10., nout)

        # Calculate Lomb-Scargle periodogram
        pgram = lombscargle(t, x, f)

        # Normalize
        pgram = np.sqrt(4 * pgram / t.shape[0])

        # Check if difference between found frequency maximum and input
        # frequency is less than accuracy
        assert_approx_equal(np.max(pgram), ampl, significant=2)
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_sandbox_physio.py プロジェクト: pyhrf/pyhrf
    def test_create_evoked_physio_signal(self):
        import pyhrf.paradigm

        phy_params = phy.PHY_PARAMS_FRISTON00
        tr = 1.
        duration = 20.
        ne = np.array([[10., 5.]])
        nb_conds, nb_vox = ne.shape
        # one single stimulation at the begining
        paradigm = pyhrf.paradigm.Paradigm({'c': [np.array([0.])]}, [duration],
                                           {'c': [np.array([1.])]})
        s, f, hbr, cbv = phy.create_evoked_physio_signals(phy_params, paradigm,
                                                          ne, tr)
        # shape of a signal: (nb_vox, nb_scans)

        if 0:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            t = np.arange(f[0].size) * tr
            plt.plot(t, f[0])

        self.assertEqual(s.shape, (paradigm.get_rastered(tr)['c'][0].size,

        # check signal causality:
        self.assertEqual(f[0, 0], 1.)
        npt.assert_approx_equal(f[-1, 0], 1., significant=2)

        # non-regression test:
        self.assertEqual(np.argmax(f[:, 0]) * tr, 2)
コード例 #26
def testcompare(m1, m2):
    from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_approx_equal
    decimal = 12

    assert_almost_equal(m1.minv, m2.minv, decimal=decimal)

    #matrix half and invhalf
    #fix sign in test, should this be standardized
    s1 = np.sign(m1.mhalf.sum(1))[:,None]
    s2 = np.sign(m2.mhalf.sum(1))[:,None]
    scorr = s1/s2
    assert_almost_equal(m1.mhalf, m2.mhalf * scorr, decimal=decimal)
    assert_almost_equal(m1.minvhalf, m2.minvhalf, decimal=decimal)

    #eigenvalues, eigenvectors
    evals1, evecs1 = m1.meigh
    evals2, evecs2 = m2.meigh
    assert_almost_equal(evals1, evals2, decimal=decimal)
    #normalization can be different: evecs in columns
    s1 = np.sign(evecs1.sum(0))
    s2 = np.sign(evecs2.sum(0))
    scorr = s1/s2
    assert_almost_equal(evecs1, evecs2 * scorr, decimal=decimal)

    assert_approx_equal(m1.mdet, m2.mdet, significant=13)
    assert_approx_equal(m1.mlogdet, m2.mlogdet, significant=13)
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_tpms.py プロジェクト: COMBINE-lab/piquant
def test_calculate_log_ratios_calculates_correct_values():
    tpms = _get_test_tpms()

    for index, row in tpms.iterrows():
        val = np.log10(CALC_TPMS_VALS[index]/float(REAL_TPMS_VALS[index]))
        npt.assert_approx_equal(row[t.LOG10_RATIO], val)
コード例 #28
def test_laminar():
    for Re in [1, 10, 100, 1000]:
            friction_factor(Re, 1),
コード例 #29
ファイル: TestNTC.py プロジェクト: ulikoehler/UliEngineering
 def test_ntc_resistance(self):
     # Values arbitrarily from Murata NCP15WB473D03RC
     assert_approx_equal(ntc_resistance("47k", "4050K", "25°C"), 47000)
     assert_approx_equal(ntc_resistance("47k", "4050K", "0°C"), 162942.79)
     assert_approx_equal(ntc_resistance("47k", "4050K", "-18°C"), 463773.791)
     assert_approx_equal(ntc_resistance("47k", "4050K", "5°C"), 124819.66)
     assert_approx_equal(ntc_resistance("47k", "4050K", "60°C"), 11280.407)
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_sbm.py プロジェクト: socolofs/tamoc
def test_model_obj():
    Test the object behavior for the `Model` object
    Test the instantiation and attribute data for the `Model` object of 
    the `single_bubble_model` module.
    This test function only tests instantiation from a netCDF file of ambient
    CTD data and does not test any of the object methods.  Instantiation 
    from simulation data and testing of the object methods is done in the 
    remaining test functions.
    See Also
    # Get the ambient profile data
    profile = get_profile()
    # Initialize a Model object
    sbm = single_bubble_model.Model(profile)
    # Check the model attributes
    assert_approx_equal(sbm.p.rho_r, 1031.035855535142, significant=6) 
    (T, S, P) = profile.get_values(1000., ['temperature', 'salinity', 
    (Tp, Sp, Pp) = sbm.profile.get_values(1000., ['temperature', 'salinity', 
    assert Tp == T
    assert Sp == S
    assert Pp == P
コード例 #31
 def test_model_perf(self):
コード例 #32
def test_from_txt():
    Test the ambient data methods on simple text files.

    This unit test reads in the text files ./data/C.dat and
    ./data/T.dat using `numpy.loadtxt` and then uses this data to test
    the data manipulation and storage methods in ambient.py.

    cdat_file = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'C.dat')
    tdat_file = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'T.dat')

    # Load in the raw data using np.loadtxt
    C_raw = np.loadtxt(cdat_file, comments='%')
    T_raw = np.loadtxt(tdat_file, comments='%')

    # Clean the profile to remove depth reversals
    C_data = get_profile(C_raw, 1, 25, None, 0., 1.0256410e+01, 8.0000000e+02,
                         34, 2)
    T_data = get_profile(T_raw, 1, 25, None, 0., 1.0831721e+01, 7.9922631e+02,
                         34, 2)

    # Convert the data to standard units
    C_data, C_units = get_units(C_data, ['psu', 'm'], 34, 2, ['psu', 'm'])
    T_data, T_units = get_units(T_data, ['deg C', 'm'], 34, 2, ['K', 'm'])

    # Create an empty netCDF4-classic dataset to store the CTD information
    nc_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'test_DS.nc')
    summary = 'Py.Test test file'
    source = 'Profiles from the SINTEF DeepSpill Report'
    sea_name = 'Norwegian Sea'
    p_lat = 64.99066
    p_lon = 4.84725
    p_time = date2num(datetime(2000, 6, 27, 12, 0, 0),
                      units='seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00',
    nc = check_nc_db(nc_file, summary, source, sea_name, p_lat, p_lon, p_time)

    # Fill the netCDF4-classic dataset with the data in the salinity profile
    symbols = ['salinity', 'z']
    comments = ['measured', 'measured']
    long_names = ['Practical salinity', 'depth below the water surface']
    std_names = ['salinity', 'depth']
    nc = get_filled_nc_db(nc, C_data, symbols, C_units, comments, 1,
                          long_names, std_names)

    # Because the temperature data will be interpolated to the vertical
    # coordinates in the salinity profile, insert the data and test that
    # insertion worked correctly by hand
    symbols = ['temperature', 'z']
    comments = ['measured', 'measured']
    long_names = ['Absolute temperature', 'depth below the water surface']
    std_names = ['temperature', 'depth']
    nc = ambient.fill_nc_db(nc, T_data, symbols, T_units, comments, 1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(nc.variables['z'][:], C_data[:, 1], decimal=6)
    z = nc.variables['z'][:]
    T = nc.variables['temperature'][:]
    f = interp1d(z, T)
    for i in range(T_data.shape[0]):
        assert_approx_equal(T_data[i, 0], f(T_data[i, 1]), significant=5)
    assert nc.variables['temperature'].comment == comments[0]

    # Calculate and insert the pressure data
    z = nc.variables['z'][:]
    T = nc.variables['temperature'][:]
    S = nc.variables['salinity'][:]
    P = ambient.compute_pressure(z, T, S, 0)
    P_data = np.vstack((z, P)).transpose()
    nc = ambient.fill_nc_db(nc, P_data, ['z', 'pressure'], ['m', 'Pa'],
                            ['measured', 'computed'], 0)

    # Test the Profile object
    ds = get_profile_obj(nc, [], [])

    # Close down the pipes to the netCDF dataset files

    return ds
コード例 #33
    def test_all(self):

        d = macrodata.load_pandas().data
        #import datasetswsm.greene as g
        #d = g.load('5-1')

        #growth rates
        gs_l_realinv = 400 * np.diff(np.log(d['realinv'].values))
        gs_l_realgdp = 400 * np.diff(np.log(d['realgdp'].values))

        #simple diff, not growthrate, I want heteroscedasticity later for testing
        endogd = np.diff(d['realinv'])
        exogd = add_constant(np.c_[np.diff(d['realgdp'].values),

        endogg = gs_l_realinv
        exogg = add_constant(np.c_[gs_l_realgdp, d['realint'][:-1].values])

        res_ols = OLS(endogg, exogg).fit()
        #print res_ols.params

        mod_g1 = GLSAR(endogg, exogg, rho=-0.108136)
        res_g1 = mod_g1.fit()
        #print res_g1.params

        mod_g2 = GLSAR(endogg, exogg, rho=-0.108136)  #-0.1335859) from R
        res_g2 = mod_g2.iterative_fit(maxiter=5)
        #print res_g2.params

        rho = -0.108136

        #                 coefficient   std. error   t-ratio    p-value 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL
        partable = np.array([
            [-9.50990, 0.990456, -9.602, 3.65e-018, -11.4631, -7.55670],  # ***
            [4.37040, 0.208146, 21.00, 2.93e-052, 3.95993, 4.78086],  # ***
            [-0.579253, 0.268009, -2.161, 0.0319, -1.10777, -0.0507346]
        ])  #    **

        #Statistics based on the rho-differenced data:

        result_gretl_g1 = dict(endog_mean=("Mean dependent var", 3.113973),
                               endog_std=("S.D. dependent var", 18.67447),
                               ssr=("Sum squared resid", 22530.90),
                               mse_resid_sqrt=("S.E. of regression", 10.66735),
                               rsquared=("R-squared", 0.676973),
                               rsquared_adj=("Adjusted R-squared", 0.673710),
                               fvalue=("F(2, 198)", 221.0475),
                               f_pvalue=("P-value(F)", 3.56e-51),
                               resid_acf1=("rho", -0.003481),
                               dw=("Durbin-Watson", 1.993858))

        #fstatistic, p-value, df1, df2
        reset_2_3 = [5.219019, 0.00619, 2, 197, "f"]
        reset_2 = [7.268492, 0.00762, 1, 198, "f"]
        reset_3 = [5.248951, 0.023, 1, 198, "f"]
        #LM-statistic, p-value, df
        arch_4 = [7.30776, 0.120491, 4, "chi2"]

        vif = [1.002, 1.002]
        cond_1norm = 6862.0664
        determinant = 1.0296049e+009
        reciprocal_condition_number = 0.013819244

        #Chi-square(2): test-statistic, pvalue, df
        normality = [20.2792, 3.94837e-005, 2]

        res = res_g1  #with rho from Gretl


        assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:, 0], 4)
        assert_almost_equal(res.bse, partable[:, 1], 6)
        assert_almost_equal(res.tvalues, partable[:, 2], 2)

        assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2)
        #assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1], decimal=7) #not in gretl
        #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared, result_gretl_g1['rsquared'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL
        #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared_adj, result_gretl_g1['rsquared_adj'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL
        #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO

        #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.wresid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None)
        sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.wresid, maxlag=4)
        assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=6)

        res = res_g2  #with estimated rho

        #estimated lag coefficient
        assert_almost_equal(res.model.rho, rho, decimal=3)

        assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:, 0], 4)
        assert_almost_equal(res.bse, partable[:, 1], 3)
        assert_almost_equal(res.tvalues, partable[:, 2], 2)

        assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2)
        #assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1], decimal=7) #not in gretl
        #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared, result_gretl_g1['rsquared'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL
        #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared_adj, result_gretl_g1['rsquared_adj'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL
        #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO

        c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=2)
        compare_ftest(c, reset_2, decimal=(2, 4))
        c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=3)
        compare_ftest(c, reset_2_3, decimal=(2, 4))

        #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.wresid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None)
        sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.wresid, maxlag=4)
        assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=1)
        assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=2)
        Performing iterative calculation of rho...

                         ITER       RHO        ESS
                           1     -0.10734   22530.9
                           2     -0.10814   22530.9

        Model 4: Cochrane-Orcutt, using observations 1959:3-2009:3 (T = 201)
        Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv
        rho = -0.108136

                         coefficient   std. error   t-ratio    p-value
          const           -9.50990      0.990456    -9.602    3.65e-018 ***
          ds_l_realgdp     4.37040      0.208146    21.00     2.93e-052 ***
          realint_1       -0.579253     0.268009    -2.161    0.0319    **

        Statistics based on the rho-differenced data:

        Mean dependent var   3.113973   S.D. dependent var   18.67447
        Sum squared resid    22530.90   S.E. of regression   10.66735
        R-squared            0.676973   Adjusted R-squared   0.673710
        F(2, 198)            221.0475   P-value(F)           3.56e-51
        rho                 -0.003481   Durbin-Watson        1.993858
        RESET test for specification (squares and cubes)
        Test statistic: F = 5.219019,
        with p-value = P(F(2,197) > 5.21902) = 0.00619

        RESET test for specification (squares only)
        Test statistic: F = 7.268492,
        with p-value = P(F(1,198) > 7.26849) = 0.00762

        RESET test for specification (cubes only)
        Test statistic: F = 5.248951,
        with p-value = P(F(1,198) > 5.24895) = 0.023:
        Test for ARCH of order 4

                     coefficient   std. error   t-ratio   p-value
          alpha(0)   97.0386       20.3234       4.775    3.56e-06 ***
          alpha(1)    0.176114      0.0714698    2.464    0.0146   **
          alpha(2)   -0.0488339     0.0724981   -0.6736   0.5014
          alpha(3)   -0.0705413     0.0737058   -0.9571   0.3397
          alpha(4)    0.0384531     0.0725763    0.5298   0.5968

          Null hypothesis: no ARCH effect is present
          Test statistic: LM = 7.30776
          with p-value = P(Chi-square(4) > 7.30776) = 0.120491:
        Variance Inflation Factors

        Minimum possible value = 1.0
        Values > 10.0 may indicate a collinearity problem

           ds_l_realgdp    1.002
              realint_1    1.002

        VIF(j) = 1/(1 - R(j)^2), where R(j) is the multiple correlation coefficient
        between variable j and the other independent variables

        Properties of matrix X'X:

         1-norm = 6862.0664
         Determinant = 1.0296049e+009
         Reciprocal condition number = 0.013819244
        Test for ARCH of order 4 -
          Null hypothesis: no ARCH effect is present
          Test statistic: LM = 7.30776
          with p-value = P(Chi-square(4) > 7.30776) = 0.120491

        Test of common factor restriction -
          Null hypothesis: restriction is acceptable
          Test statistic: F(2, 195) = 0.426391
          with p-value = P(F(2, 195) > 0.426391) = 0.653468

        Test for normality of residual -
          Null hypothesis: error is normally distributed
          Test statistic: Chi-square(2) = 20.2792
          with p-value = 3.94837e-005:

        #no idea what this is
        Augmented regression for common factor test
        OLS, using observations 1959:3-2009:3 (T = 201)
        Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv

                           coefficient   std. error   t-ratio    p-value
          const            -10.9481      1.35807      -8.062    7.44e-014 ***
          ds_l_realgdp       4.28893     0.229459     18.69     2.40e-045 ***
          realint_1         -0.662644    0.334872     -1.979    0.0492    **
          ds_l_realinv_1    -0.108892    0.0715042    -1.523    0.1294
          ds_l_realgdp_1     0.660443    0.390372      1.692    0.0923    *
          realint_2          0.0769695   0.341527      0.2254   0.8219

          Sum of squared residuals = 22432.8

        Test of common factor restriction

          Test statistic: F(2, 195) = 0.426391, with p-value = 0.653468

        ################ with OLS, HAC errors

        #Model 5: OLS, using observations 1959:2-2009:3 (T = 202)
        #Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv
        #HAC standard errors, bandwidth 4 (Bartlett kernel)

        #coefficient   std. error   t-ratio    p-value 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL
        #for confidence interval t(199, 0.025) = 1.972

        partable = np.array([
            [-9.48167, 1.17709, -8.055, 7.17e-014, -11.8029, -7.16049],  # ***
            [4.37422, 0.328787, 13.30, 2.62e-029, 3.72587, 5.02258],  #***
            [-0.613997, 0.293619, -2.091, 0.0378, -1.19300, -0.0349939]
        ])  # **

        result_gretl_g1 = dict(endog_mean=("Mean dependent var", 3.257395),
                               endog_std=("S.D. dependent var", 18.73915),
                               ssr=("Sum squared resid", 22799.68),
                               mse_resid_sqrt=("S.E. of regression", 10.70380),
                               rsquared=("R-squared", 0.676978),
                               rsquared_adj=("Adjusted R-squared", 0.673731),
                               fvalue=("F(2, 199)", 90.79971),
                               f_pvalue=("P-value(F)", 9.53e-29),
                               llf=("Log-likelihood", -763.9752),
                               aic=("Akaike criterion", 1533.950),
                               bic=("Schwarz criterion", 1543.875),
                               hqic=("Hannan-Quinn", 1537.966),
                               resid_acf1=("rho", -0.107341),
                               dw=("Durbin-Watson", 2.213805))

        linear_logs = [1.68351, 0.430953, 2, "chi2"]
        #for logs: dropping 70 nan or incomplete observations, T=133
        #(res_ols.model.exog <=0).any(1).sum() = 69  ?not 70
        linear_squares = [7.52477, 0.0232283, 2, "chi2"]

        #Autocorrelation, Breusch-Godfrey test for autocorrelation up to order 4
        lm_acorr4 = [1.17928, 0.321197, 4, 195, "F"]
        lm2_acorr4 = [4.771043, 0.312, 4, "chi2"]
        acorr_ljungbox4 = [5.23587, 0.264, 4, "chi2"]

        cusum_Harvey_Collier = [0.494432, 0.621549, 198,
                                "t"]  #stats.t.sf(0.494432, 198)*2
        #see cusum results in files
        break_qlr = [3.01985, 0.1, 3, 196,
                     "maxF"]  #TODO check this, max at 2001:4
        break_chow = [13.1897, 0.00424384, 3, "chi2"]  # break at 1984:1

        arch_4 = [3.43473, 0.487871, 4, "chi2"]

        normality = [23.962, 0.00001, 2, "chi2"]

        het_white = [33.503723, 0.000003, 5, "chi2"]
        het_breusch_pagan = [1.302014, 0.521520, 2,
                             "chi2"]  #TODO: not available
        het_breusch_pagan_konker = [0.709924, 0.701200, 2, "chi2"]

        reset_2_3 = [5.219019, 0.00619, 2, 197, "f"]
        reset_2 = [7.268492, 0.00762, 1, 198, "f"]
        reset_3 = [5.248951, 0.023, 1, 198, "f"]  #not available

        cond_1norm = 5984.0525
        determinant = 7.1087467e+008
        reciprocal_condition_number = 0.013826504
        vif = [1.001, 1.001]

        names = 'date   residual        leverage       influence        DFFITS'.split(
        cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        fpath = os.path.join(cur_dir,
        lev = np.genfromtxt(fpath,
                            converters={0: lambda s: s})
        #either numpy 1.6 or python 3.2 changed behavior
        if np.isnan(lev[-1]['f1']):
            lev = np.genfromtxt(fpath,
                                converters={0: lambda s: s})

        lev.dtype.names = names

        res = res_ols  #for easier copying

        cov_hac = sw.cov_hac_simple(res, nlags=4, use_correction=False)
        bse_hac = sw.se_cov(cov_hac)

        assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:, 0], 5)
        assert_almost_equal(bse_hac, partable[:, 1], 5)

        assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2)
        assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1],
                            decimal=4)  #not in gretl
                            decimal=6)  #FAIL
                            decimal=6)  #FAIL
        #f-value is based on cov_hac I guess
        #res2 = res.get_robustcov_results(cov_type='HC1')
        # TODO: fvalue differs from Gretl, trying any of the HCx
        #assert_almost_equal(res2.fvalue, result_gretl_g1['fvalue'][1], decimal=0) #FAIL
        #assert_approx_equal(res.f_pvalue, result_gretl_g1['f_pvalue'][1], significant=1) #FAIL
        #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO

        c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=2)
        compare_ftest(c, reset_2, decimal=(6, 5))
        c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=3)
        compare_ftest(c, reset_2_3, decimal=(6, 5))

        linear_sq = smsdia.linear_lm(res.resid, res.model.exog)
        assert_almost_equal(linear_sq[0], linear_squares[0], decimal=6)
        assert_almost_equal(linear_sq[1], linear_squares[1], decimal=7)

        hbpk = smsdia.het_breuschpagan(res.resid, res.model.exog)
        assert_almost_equal(hbpk[0], het_breusch_pagan_konker[0], decimal=6)
        assert_almost_equal(hbpk[1], het_breusch_pagan_konker[1], decimal=6)

        hw = smsdia.het_white(res.resid, res.model.exog)
        assert_almost_equal(hw[:2], het_white[:2], 6)

        #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.resid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None)
        sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.resid, maxlag=4)
        assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=5)
        assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=6)

        vif2 = [
            oi.variance_inflation_factor(res.model.exog, k) for k in [1, 2]

        infl = oi.OLSInfluence(res_ols)
        #print np.max(np.abs(lev['DFFITS'] - infl.dffits[0]))
        #print np.max(np.abs(lev['leverage'] - infl.hat_matrix_diag))
        #print np.max(np.abs(lev['influence'] - infl.influence))  #just added this based on Gretl

        #just rough test, low decimal in Gretl output,
        assert_almost_equal(lev['residual'], res.resid, decimal=3)
        assert_almost_equal(lev['DFFITS'], infl.dffits[0], decimal=3)
        assert_almost_equal(lev['leverage'], infl.hat_matrix_diag, decimal=3)
        assert_almost_equal(lev['influence'], infl.influence, decimal=4)
コード例 #34
def test_parse_angle(dim, expected_out):
    actual_out = vizier.core._parse_angle(dim)
    actual_unit, actual_value = actual_out
    expected_unit, expected_value = expected_out
    assert actual_unit == expected_unit
    npt.assert_approx_equal(actual_value, expected_value, significant=2)
コード例 #35
    def testCTerPhi(self):

        assert_approx_equal(174.160, calcPhi(UBI_CTER), 2)
コード例 #36
    def testCalcPhi(self):

        assert_approx_equal(87.723, calcPhi(UBI_GLY10), 2)
コード例 #37
 def test_HC0_errors(self):
     #They are split up because the copied results do not have any DECIMAL_4
     #places for the last place.
             self.res2.HC0_se[:-1], DECIMAL_4)
     assert_approx_equal(np.round(self.res1.HC0_se[-1]), self.res2.HC0_se[-1])
コード例 #38
 def test_rectangle(self):
     self.geo.add_model(propname='throat.volume', model=mods.rectangle)
     a = np.array([0.1])
     b = np.unique(self.geo['throat.volume'])
     assert_approx_equal(a, b)
コード例 #39
 def test_cube(self):
     self.geo.add_model(propname='throat.volume', model=mods.cuboid)
     a = np.array([0.01])
     b = np.unique(self.geo['throat.volume'])
     assert_approx_equal(a, b)
コード例 #40
def test_split():
    v1 = 3
    v2 = 5
    x1, x2 = split(v_left=v1, v_right=v2)
    nt.assert_allclose(np.array([x1, x2]), np.array([5.0, 3.0]) / 8.0)
    nt.assert_approx_equal(x1 + x2, 1.0)
コード例 #41
def check_from_roms():
    Test the ambient data methods on data read from ROMS.

    this unit test reads in a ROMS netCDF output file, extracts the profile
    information, and creates a new netCDF dataset and Profile class object
    for use by the TAMOC modeling suite.

    TODO (S. Socolofsky 7/15/2013):  After fixing the octant.roms module to
    have monotonically increasing depth, try to reinstate this test by
    changing the function name from check_from_roms() to test_from_roms().
    I was also having problems with being allowed to use the THREDDS netCDF
    file with py.test.  I could run the test under ipython, but not under

    # Get a path to a ROMS dataset on a THREDDS server
    nc_roms = 'http://barataria.tamu.edu:8080/thredds/dodsC/' + \

    # Prepare the remaining inputs to the get_nc_db_from_roms() function
    # call
    nc_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'test_roms.nc')

    t_idx = 0
    j_idx = 400
    i_idx = 420
    chem_names = ['dye_01', 'dye_02']

    (nc, nc_roms) = ambient.get_nc_db_from_roms(nc_roms, nc_file, t_idx, j_idx,
                                                i_idx, chem_names)

    # Check the data are inserted correctly from ROMS into the new netCDF
    # dataset
    assert nc.summary == 'ROMS Simulation Data'
    assert nc.sea_name == 'ROMS'
    assert nc.variables['z'][:].shape[0] == 51
    assert nc.variables['z'][0] == nc.variables['z'].valid_min
    assert nc.variables['z'][-1] == nc.variables['z'].valid_max
    assert_approx_equal(nc.variables['pressure'][0], 101325.0, significant=6)

    # Create a Profile object from this netCDF dataset and test the Profile
    # methods
    roms = get_profile_obj(nc, chem_names, ['kg/m^3', 'kg/m^3'])

    # Close the pipe to the netCDF dataset
コード例 #42
ファイル: test_cbook.py プロジェクト: zsunpku/matplotlib
 def test_results_bootstrapped(self):
     results = cbook.boxplot_stats(self.data, bootstrap=10000)
     res = results[0]
     for key, value in self.known_bootstrapped_ci.items():
         assert_approx_equal(res[key], value)
コード例 #43
    def testCalcPsi(self):

        assert_approx_equal(14.386, calcPsi(UBI_GLY10), 2)
コード例 #44
 def test_HC3_errors(self):
             self.res2.HC3_se[:-1], DECIMAL_4)
     assert_approx_equal(self.res1.HC3_se[-1], self.res2.HC3_se[-1])
コード例 #45
    def testNTerPsi(self):

        assert_approx_equal(153.553, calcPsi(UBI_NTER), 2)
コード例 #46
 def test_aic(self):
     assert_approx_equal(self.res1.aic+2, self.res2.aic, 3)
 def nominal_case_returns_expected_values(self):
     preflare_irradiance = determine_preflare_irradiance(
     assert_approx_equal(preflare_irradiance, 5.85e-5, significant=3)
コード例 #48
 def test_bic(self):
     assert_approx_equal(self.res1.bic, self.res2.bic, 2)
コード例 #49
ファイル: base_test.py プロジェクト: jglezt/game-of-pyfe
 def assert_approx_equal(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Check if two items are not equal up to significant digits.
     return assert_approx_equal(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #50
def get_profile_obj(nc, chem_names, chem_units):
    Check that an ambient.Profile object is created correctly and that the
    methods operate as expected.

    if isinstance(chem_names, str):
        chem_names = [chem_names]
    if isinstance(chem_units, str):
        chem_units = [chem_units]

    # Create the profile object
    prf = ambient.Profile(nc, chem_names=chem_names)

    # Check the chemical names and units are correct
    for i in range(len(chem_names)):
        assert prf.chem_names[i] == chem_names[i]
    assert prf.nchems == len(chem_names)

    # Check the error criteria on the interpolator
    assert prf.err == 0.01

    # Check the get_units method
    name_list = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'pressure'] + chem_names
    unit_list = ['K', 'psu', 'Pa'] + chem_units
    for i in range(len(name_list)):
        assert prf.get_units(name_list[i])[0] == unit_list[i]
    units = prf.get_units(name_list)
    for i in range(len(name_list)):
        assert units[i] == unit_list[i]

    # Check the interpolator function ...
    # Pick a point in the middle of the raw dataset and read off the depth
    # and the values of all the variables
    nz = prf.nc.variables['z'].shape[0] // 2
    z = prf.z[nz]
    y = prf.y[nz, :]
    # Get an interpolated set of values at this same elevation
    yp = prf.f(z)
    # Check if the results are within the level of error expected by err
    for i in range(len(name_list)):
        assert np.abs((yp[i] - y[i]) / yp[i]) <= prf.err

    # Next, check that the variables returned by the get_values function are
    # the variables we expect
    Tp, Sp, Pp = prf.get_values(z, ['temperature', 'salinity', 'pressure'])
    T = prf.nc.variables['temperature'][nz]
    S = prf.nc.variables['salinity'][nz]
    P = prf.nc.variables['pressure'][nz]
    assert np.abs((Tp - T) / T) <= prf.err
    assert np.abs((Sp - S) / S) <= prf.err
    assert np.abs((Pp - P) / P) <= prf.err
    if prf.nchems > 0:
        c = np.zeros(prf.nchems)
        cp = np.zeros(prf.nchems)
        for i in range(prf.nchems):
            c[i] = prf.nc.variables[chem_names[i]][nz]
            cp[i] = prf.get_values(z, chem_names[i])
            assert np.abs((cp[i] - c[i]) / c[i]) <= prf.err

    # Test the append() method by inserting the temperature data as a new
    # profile, this time in degrees celsius using the variable name temp
    n0 = prf.nchems
    z = prf.nc.variables['z'][:]
    T = prf.nc.variables['temperature'][:]
    T_degC = T - 273.15
    assert_array_almost_equal(T_degC + 273.15, T, decimal=6)
    data = np.vstack((z, T_degC)).transpose()
    symbols = ['z', 'temp']
    units = ['m', 'deg C']
    comments = ['measured', 'identical to temperature, but in deg C']
    prf.append(data, symbols, units, comments, 0)

    # Check that the data were inserted correctly
    Tnc = prf.nc.variables['temp'][:]
    assert_array_almost_equal(Tnc, T_degC, decimal=6)
    assert prf.nc.variables['temp'].units == 'deg C'

    # Check that get_values works correctly with vector inputs for depth
    depths = np.linspace(prf.nc.variables['z'].valid_min,
                         prf.nc.variables['z'].valid_max, 100)
    Temps = prf.get_values(depths, ['temperature', 'temp'])
    for i in range(len(depths)):
        assert_approx_equal(Temps[i, 0], Temps[i, 1] + 273.15, significant=6)

    # Make sure the units are returned correctly
    assert prf.get_units('temp')[0] == 'deg C'
    assert prf.nc.variables['temp'].units == 'deg C'

    # Check that temp is now listed as a chemical
    assert prf.nchems == n0 + 1
    assert prf.chem_names[-1] == 'temp'

    # Test the API for calculating the buoyancy frequency (note that we do
    # not check the result, just that the function call does not raise an
    # error)
    N = prf.buoyancy_frequency(depths)
    N = prf.buoyancy_frequency(depths[50], h=0.1)

    # Send back the Profile object
    return prf
コード例 #51
 def test_johnson_nyquist_noise_voltage(self):
     v = johnson_nyquist_noise_voltage("20 MΩ", "Δ10000 Hz", "20 °C")
         auto_format(johnson_nyquist_noise_voltage, "20 MΩ", "Δ10000 Hz",
                     "20 °C"), "56.9 µV")
     assert_approx_equal(v, 56.9025e-6, significant=5)
コード例 #52
def check_net_numpy(net_ds, num_ds, currents):
    Check that an ambient.Profile object is created correctly and that the
    methods operate as expected.

    chem_names = net_ds.f_names
    chem_units = net_ds.f_units

    # Check the chemical names and units are correct
    for i in range(3):
        assert num_ds.f_names[i] == chem_names[i]
        assert num_ds.f_units[i] == chem_units[i]
    assert num_ds.nchems == 2

    # Check the error criteria on the interpolator
    assert num_ds.err == 0.01

    # Check the get_units method
    name_list = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'pressure'] + chem_names[0:3]
    unit_list = ['K', 'psu', 'Pa'] + chem_units[0:3]
    for i in range(3):
        assert num_ds.get_units(name_list[i])[0] == unit_list[i]
    units = num_ds.get_units(name_list)
    for i in range(3):
        assert units[i] == unit_list[i]

    # Check the interpolator function ...
    z = np.linspace(num_ds.z_min, num_ds.z_max, 100)

    # Next, check that the variables returned by the get_values function are
    # the variables we expect
    for depth in z:
        assert num_ds.get_values(depth, 'temperature') == \
               net_ds.get_values(depth, 'temperature')
        assert num_ds.get_values(depth, 'salinity') == \
               net_ds.get_values(depth, 'salinity')
        assert num_ds.get_values(depth, 'pressure') == \
               net_ds.get_values(depth, 'pressure')

    # Test the append() method by inserting the temperature data as a new
    # profile, this time in degrees celsius using the variable name temp
    n0 = num_ds.nchems
    z = num_ds.data[:, 0]
    T = num_ds.data[:, 1]
    T_degC = T - 273.15
    data = np.vstack((z, T_degC)).transpose()
    symbols = ['z', 'temp']
    units = ['m', 'deg C']
    comments = ['measured', 'identical to temperature, but in deg C']
    num_ds.append(data, symbols, units, comments, 0)

    # Check that the data were inserted correctly
    Tnc = num_ds.data[:, num_ds.chem_names.index('temp') + 7]
    assert_array_almost_equal(Tnc, T_degC, decimal=6)
    assert num_ds.get_units('temp')[0] == 'deg C'

    # Check that get_values works correctly with vector inputs for depth
    Temps = num_ds.get_values(z, ['temperature', 'temp'])
    for i in range(len(z)):
        assert_approx_equal(Temps[i, 0], Temps[i, 1] + 273.15, significant=6)

    # Make sure the units are returned correctly
    assert num_ds.get_units('temp')[0] == 'deg C'

    # Check that temp is now listed as a chemical
    assert num_ds.nchems == n0 + 1
    assert num_ds.chem_names[-1] == 'temp'

    # Test the API for calculating the buoyancy frequency (note that we do
    # not check the result, just that the function call does not raise an
    # error)
    N_num = num_ds.buoyancy_frequency(z)
    N_net = num_ds.buoyancy_frequency(z)
    assert_array_almost_equal(N_num, N_net, decimal=6)
コード例 #53
def test_valid_telemetry():
    telemetry = csim_parser.parse_packet()

    assert isinstance(telemetry, dict)
    assert len(telemetry) == 27

    assert telemetry['FlightModel'] == 1
    assert telemetry['CommandAcceptCount'] == 2691
    assert telemetry['SpacecraftMode'] == 4
    assert telemetry['PointingMode'] == 1
    assert telemetry['Eclipse'] == 0

    assert telemetry['EnableX123'] == 1
    assert telemetry['EnableSps'] == 1

    assert_approx_equal(telemetry['SpsX'], -0.36, significant=2)
    assert_approx_equal(telemetry['SpsY'], 0.16, significant=2)
    assert telemetry['Xp'] == 153.0

    assert_approx_equal(telemetry['CdhBoardTemperature'], 12.25, significant=4)
    assert_approx_equal(telemetry['CommBoardTemperature'], 8.56, significant=3)
    assert_approx_equal(telemetry['EpsBoardTemperature'], 31.56, significant=4)
    assert_approx_equal(telemetry['BatteryTemperature'], 12.34, significant=4)

    assert_approx_equal(telemetry['BatteryVoltage'], 7.97, significant=3)


コード例 #54
 def test_inductive_reactance(self):
     assert_approx_equal(inductive_reactance("100 µH", "3.2 MHz"), 2010.619)
     assert_approx_equal(inductive_reactance(100e-6, 3.2e6), 2010.619)
     self.assertEqual(auto_format(inductive_reactance, "100 µH", "3.2 MHz"),
                      "2.01 kΩ")
コード例 #55
 def test_johnson_nyquist_noise_current(self):
     v = johnson_nyquist_noise_current("20 MΩ", "Δ10000 Hz", "20 °C")
     assert_approx_equal(v, 2.84512e-12, significant=5)
         auto_format(johnson_nyquist_noise_current, "20 MΩ", "Δ10000 Hz",
                     "20 °C"), "2.85 pA")
コード例 #56
ファイル: test_atmosphere.py プロジェクト: samtx/firesat
 def test_exponential_atmosphere_scalar(self):
     h = 712345  # [m] altitude
     h /= 1000  # convert to [km]
     rho = atmos.exponential_density_model(h)
     npt.assert_approx_equal(rho, 3.144284600e-14)
コード例 #57
def test_f_vs_efunda():
        friction_factor(reynolds_number(U, D, nu), D),
コード例 #58
ファイル: test_features.py プロジェクト: Geosyntec/wqio
def test_location_stats_scalars(location, attr):
    expected = {
        "useros": {
            True: True,
            False: False
        "cov": {
            True: 0.5887644,
            False: 0.5280314
        "geomean": {
            True: 8.0779865,
            False: 8.8140731
        "geostd": {
            True: 1.8116975,
            False: 1.7094616
        "logmean": {
            True: 2.0891426,
            False: 2.1763497
        "logstd": {
            True: 0.5942642,
            False: 0.5361785
        "mean": {
            True: 9.5888515,
            False: 10.120571
        "median": {
            True: 7.5000000,
            False: 8.7100000
        "pctl10": {
            True: 4.0460279,
            False: 5.0000000
        "pctl25": {
            True: 5.6150000,
            False: 5.8050000
        "pctl75": {
            True: 11.725000,
            False: 11.725000
        "pctl90": {
            True: 19.178000,
            False: 19.178000
        "skew": {
            True: 0.8692107,
            False: 0.8537566
        "std": {
            True: 5.6455746,
            False: 5.3439797
    nptest.assert_approx_equal(getattr(location, attr),
コード例 #59
def test_profile_deeper():
    Test the methods to compute buoyancy_frequency and to extend a CTD profile
    to greater depths.  We just test the data from ctd_bm54.cnv since these
    methods are independent of the source of data.

    # Make sure the netCDF file for the ctd_BM54.cnv is already created by
    # running the test file that creates it.

    # Get a Profile object from this dataset
    nc_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'test_BM54.nc')
    ctd = ambient.Profile(nc_file, chem_names=['oxygen'])

    # Compute the buoyancy frequency at 1500 m and verify that the result is
    # correct
    N = ctd.buoyancy_frequency(1529.789, h=0.01)
    assert_approx_equal(N, 0.00061463758327116565, significant=6)

    # Record a few values to check after running the extension method
    T0, S0, P0, o20 = ctd.get_values(
        1000., ['temperature', 'salinity', 'pressure', 'oxygen'])
    z0 = ctd.data[:, 0]

    # Extend the profile to 2500 m
    nc_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'test_BM54_deeper.nc')
    ctd.extend_profile_deeper(2500., nc_file)

    # Check if the original data is preserved
    T1, S1, P1, o21 = ctd.get_values(
        1000., ['temperature', 'salinity', 'pressure', 'oxygen'])
    z1 = ctd.data[:, 0]

    # Make sure the results are still right
    assert_approx_equal(T1, T0, significant=6)
    assert_approx_equal(S1, S0, significant=6)
    assert_approx_equal(P1, P0, significant=6)
    assert_approx_equal(o21, o20, significant=6)
    assert z1.shape[0] > z0.shape[0]
    assert z1[-1] == 2500.
    # Note that the buoyancy frequency shifts very slightly because density
    # is not linearly proportional to salinity.  Nonetheless, the results are
    # close to what we want, so this method of extending the profile works
    # adequately.
    N = ctd.buoyancy_frequency(1500.)
    assert_approx_equal(N, 0.0006377576016247663, significant=6)
    N = ctd.buoyancy_frequency(2500.)
    assert_approx_equal(N, 0.0006146292892002274, significant=6)

コード例 #60
ファイル: test_psm.py プロジェクト: TonggangHan/tamoc
def test_psm_Model():
    Test the `Model` class

    Test all of the functionality in the `Model` class. This class uses fluid
    property values computed by the `dbm` module. The main thing that needs
    to be tested is that the connections to the `BaseModel` class are
    implemented correctly.

    # Get the TAMOC objects for a typical spill
    profile, oil, mass_flux, z0, Tj = get_blowout_model()

    # Create a psm.Model object
    spill = psm.Model(profile, oil, mass_flux, z0, Tj)

    # Simulate breakup from a blowout ----------------------------------------
    d0 = 0.15
    spill.simulate(d0, model_gas='wang_etal', model_oil='sintef')

    # Create the particle size distributions
    nbins_gas = 10
    nbins_oil = 15
    de_gas_model, vf_gas_model, de_oil_model, vf_oil_model = \
        spill.get_distributions(nbins_gas, nbins_oil)

    de_max_gas = 0.031667073026852774
    de_max_oil = 0.019433783423489368
    d50_gas = 0.004757196250447496
    d50_oil = 0.004183783481056991
    de_gas = np.array([
        0.00239291, 0.00274617, 0.00315159, 0.00361687, 0.00415083, 0.00476362,
        0.00546688, 0.00627396, 0.0072002, 0.00826317
    vf_gas = np.array([
        0.01545088, 0.0432876, 0.09350044, 0.15570546, 0.19990978, 0.19788106,
        0.15101303, 0.08885147, 0.04030462, 0.01409565
    de_oil = np.array([
        0.0004472, 0.00056405, 0.00071143, 0.00089732, 0.00113177, 0.00142749,
        0.00180047, 0.00227091, 0.00286426, 0.00361265, 0.00455658, 0.00574714,
        0.00724879, 0.00914279, 0.01153166
    vf_oil = np.array([
        0.00522565, 0.00788413, 0.01185467, 0.01773296, 0.02631885, 0.03859967,
        0.05559785, 0.07791868, 0.10476347, 0.13228731, 0.15193437, 0.15128424,
        0.12160947, 0.0710618, 0.02592687
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_de_max(0), de_max_gas)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_de_max(1), de_max_oil)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_d50(0), d50_gas)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_d50(1), d50_oil)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.de_gas, de_gas, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.vf_gas, vf_gas, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.de_oil, de_oil, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.vf_oil, vf_oil, decimal=6)

    # Switch oil model to li_etal --------------------------------------------
    spill.simulate(d0, model_gas='wang_etal', model_oil='li_etal')

    # Create the particle size distributions
    nbins_gas = 10
    nbins_oil = 15
    de_gas_model, vf_gas_model, de_oil_model, vf_oil_model = \
        spill.get_distributions(nbins_gas, nbins_oil)

    d50_oil = 0.0022201887727817814
    de_oil = np.array([
        0.00023732, 0.00029932, 0.00037753, 0.00047618, 0.00060059, 0.00075752,
        0.00095545, 0.00120509, 0.00151996, 0.00191711, 0.00241802, 0.00304981,
        0.00384668, 0.00485176, 0.00611945
    vf_oil = np.array([
        0.00522565, 0.00788413, 0.01185467, 0.01773296, 0.02631885, 0.03859967,
        0.05559785, 0.07791868, 0.10476347, 0.13228731, 0.15193437, 0.15128424,
        0.12160947, 0.0710618, 0.02592687
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_de_max(0), de_max_gas)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_de_max(1), de_max_oil)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_d50(0), d50_gas)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_d50(1), d50_oil)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.de_gas, de_gas, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.vf_gas, vf_gas, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.de_oil, de_oil, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.vf_oil, vf_oil, decimal=6)

    # Switch gas model to li_etal --------------------------------------------
    spill.simulate(d0, model_gas='li_etal')

    # Create the particle size distributions
    nbins_gas = 10
    nbins_oil = 15
    de_gas_model, vf_gas_model, de_oil_model, vf_oil_model = \
        spill.get_distributions(nbins_gas, nbins_oil)

    de_max_gas = 0.031667073026852774
    d50_gas = 0.00042029308524755096
    d50_oil = 0.004183783481056991
    de_gas = np.array([
        0.00011944, 0.00015369, 0.00019776, 0.00025447, 0.00032744, 0.00042133,
        0.00054215, 0.00069762, 0.00089766, 0.00115507
    vf_gas = np.array([
        0.02515921, 0.06286577, 0.12110766, 0.17987423, 0.20597111, 0.18183759,
        0.12376591, 0.0649469, 0.02627579, 0.00819583
    de_oil = np.array([
        0.0004472, 0.00056405, 0.00071143, 0.00089732, 0.00113177, 0.00142749,
        0.00180047, 0.00227091, 0.00286426, 0.00361265, 0.00455658, 0.00574714,
        0.00724879, 0.00914279, 0.01153166
    vf_oil = np.array([
        0.00522565, 0.00788413, 0.01185467, 0.01773296, 0.02631885, 0.03859967,
        0.05559785, 0.07791868, 0.10476347, 0.13228731, 0.15193437, 0.15128424,
        0.12160947, 0.0710618, 0.02592687
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_de_max(0), de_max_gas)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_de_max(1), de_max_oil)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_d50(0), d50_gas)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_d50(1), d50_oil)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.de_gas, de_gas, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.vf_gas, vf_gas, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.de_oil, de_oil, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.vf_oil, vf_oil, decimal=6)

    # Try a case with no gas -------------------------------------------------
    spill.simulate(d0, model_gas='wang_etal', model_oil='sintef')
    # Create the particle size distributions
    nbins_gas = 10
    nbins_oil = 15
    de_gas_model, vf_gas_model, de_oil_model, vf_oil_model = \
        spill.get_distributions(nbins_gas, nbins_oil)

    de_max_oil = 0.017327034580027646
    d50_gas = 0.0
    d50_oil = 0.007683693892124441
    de_gas = np.array([
        np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan,
    vf_gas = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
    de_oil = np.array([
        0.00082131, 0.00103591, 0.00130657, 0.00164796, 0.00207855, 0.00262164,
        0.00330664, 0.00417061, 0.00526033, 0.00663478, 0.00836835, 0.01055487,
        0.0133127, 0.01679111, 0.02117837
    vf_oil = np.array([
        0.00522565, 0.00788413, 0.01185467, 0.01773296, 0.02631885, 0.03859967,
        0.05559785, 0.07791868, 0.10476347, 0.13228731, 0.15193437, 0.15128424,
        0.12160947, 0.0710618, 0.02592687
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_de_max(1), de_max_oil)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_d50(0), d50_gas)
    assert_approx_equal(spill.get_d50(1), d50_oil)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.de_gas, de_gas, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.vf_gas, vf_gas, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.de_oil, de_oil, decimal=6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spill.vf_oil, vf_oil, decimal=6)

    return spill