コード例 #1
ファイル: lowess.py プロジェクト: mattjhill/La-Serena-Project
def lowess(x, y, f=2./3., iter=3):
    """lowess(x, y, f=2./3., iter=3) -> yest
    Lowess smoother: Robust locally weighted regression.
    The lowess function fits a nonparametric regression curve to a scatterplot.
    The arrays x and y contain an equal number of elements; each pair
    (x[i], y[i]) defines a data point in the scatterplot. The function returns
    the estimated (smooth) values of y.
    The smoothing span is given by f. A larger value for f will result in a
    smoother curve. The number of robustifying iterations is given by iter. The
    function will run faster with a smaller number of iterations."""
    n = len(x)
    r = int(ceil(f*n))
    h = [np.sort(np.abs(x - x[i]))[r] for i in range(n)]
    w = np.clip(np.abs((x[:,None] - x[None,:]) / h), 0.0, 1.0)
    w = (1 - w**3)**3
    yest = np.zeros(n)
    delta = np.ones(n)
    for iteration in range(iter):
        for i in range(n):
            weights = delta * w[:,i]
            b = np.array([np.sum(weights*y), np.sum(weights*y*x)])
            A = np.array([[np.sum(weights), np.sum(weights*x)],
                   [np.sum(weights*x), np.sum(weights*x*x)]])
            beta = linalg.solve(A, b)
            yest[i] = beta[0] + beta[1]*x[i]

        residuals = y - yest
        s = np.median(np.abs(residuals))
        delta = np.clip(residuals / (6.0 * s), -1, 1)
        delta = (1 - delta**2)**2

    return yest
コード例 #2
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: openearth/flamingo
def find_horizon_offset(x, y, max_distance=1e4):
    '''Find minimum number of pixels to crop to guarantee all pixels are within specified distance

    x : np.ndarray
        NxM matrix containing real-world x-coordinates
    y : np.ndarray
        NxM matrix containing real-world y-coordinates
    max_distance : float, optional
        Maximum distance from origin to be included in the plot.
        Larger numbers are considered to be beyond the horizon.

        Minimum crop distance in pixels (from the top of the image)

    offset = 0
    if max_distance is not None:
            th = (np.abs(x)>max_distance)|(np.abs(y)>max_distance)
            offset = np.max(np.where(np.any(th, axis=1))) + 1

    return offset
コード例 #3
ファイル: Filters.py プロジェクト: mhhm2005eg/FaceDetection
def filterFunc():
    rects = []
    hsv_planes = [[[]]]
    if os.path.isfile(Image_File):
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(BGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        img = gray
        f = np.fft.fft2(img)
        fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f)
        magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(np.abs(fshift))
        plt.subplot(221),plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray')
        plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
        plt.subplot(222),plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap = 'gray')
        plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
        FiltzeredFFT = HighPassFilter(fshift, 60)
        plt.subplot(223),plt.imshow(np.abs(FiltzeredFFT), cmap = 'gray')
        plt.title('Filtered'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
        f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(FiltzeredFFT)
        img_back = np.fft.ifft2(f_ishift)
        img_back = np.abs(img_back)
        plt.subplot(224),plt.imshow(np.abs(img_back), cmap = 'gray')
        plt.title('Filtered Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
コード例 #4
ファイル: uwb seri port.py プロジェクト: fatihyazici/Python
def trilaterate3D(distances2):
    if np.abs(r4-dist1)<np.abs(r4-dist2):
        return ans1
        return ans2
コード例 #5
ファイル: tvd.py プロジェクト: tareqmalas/pyclaw
def cada_torrilhon_limiter(r,cfl,epsilon=1.0e-3):
    Cada-Torrilhon modified
    Additional Input:
     - *epsilon* = 
    a = np.ones((2,len(r))) * 0.95
    b = np.empty((3,len(r)))

    a[0,:] = cfl
    cfl = np.min(a)
    a[1,:] = 0.05
    cfl = np.max(a)
    # Multiply all parts except b[0,:] by (1.0 - epsilon) as well
    b[0,:] = 1.0 + (1+cfl) / 3.0 * (r - 1)
    b[1,:] = 2.0 * np.abs(r) / (cfl + epsilon)
    b[2,:] = (8.0 - 2.0 * cfl) / (np.abs(r) * (cfl - 1.0 - epsilon)**2)
    b[1,::2] *= (1.0 - epsilon)
    a[0,:] = np.min(b)
    a[1,:] = (-2.0 * (cfl**2 - 3.0 * cfl + 8.0) * (1.0-epsilon)
                    / (np.abs(r) * (cfl**3 - cfl**2 - cfl + 1.0 + epsilon)))
    return np.max(a)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_baseclasses.py プロジェクト: e-koch/FilFinder
def test_UnitConverter_nodistance():

    mywcs = WCS(hdr)

    convert = UnitConverter(mywcs)

    assert convert.ang_size.value == np.abs(hdr['CDELT2'])
    assert convert.ang_size.unit == mywcs.wcs.cunit[0]

    twopix_ang = np.abs(hdr['CDELT2']) * 2 * u.deg
    assert convert.to_pixel(twopix_ang).value == 2.

    assert convert.to_pixel_area(twopix_ang**2) == 4 * u.pix**2

    assert convert.from_pixel(2 * u.pix, u.deg) == twopix_ang
    assert convert.to_angular(2 * u.pix, u.deg) == twopix_ang

    # Round trip
    assert convert.to_pixel(convert.from_pixel(2 * u.pix, u.deg)) == 2 * u.pix
    assert convert.to_pixel(convert.to_angular(2 * u.pix, u.deg)) == 2 * u.pix

    assert convert.from_pixel(convert.to_pixel(twopix_ang), u.deg) == twopix_ang
    assert convert.to_angular(convert.to_pixel(twopix_ang), u.deg) == twopix_ang

    # Physical conversions should fail
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        convert.from_pixel(2 * u.pix, u.pc)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert convert.to_physical(2 * u.pix, u.pc)
コード例 #7
def check_vpd_ks2_astrometry():
    Check the VPD and quiver plots for our KS2-extracted, re-transformed astrometry.
    catFile = workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/wd1_catalog.fits'
    tab = atpy.Table(catFile)

    good = (tab.xe_160 < 0.05) & (tab.ye_160 < 0.05) & \
        (tab.xe_814 < 0.05) & (tab.ye_814 < 0.05) & \
        (tab.me_814 < 0.05) & (tab.me_160 < 0.05)

    tab2 = tab.where(good)

    dx = (tab2.x_160 - tab2.x_814) * ast.scale['WFC'] * 1e3
    dy = (tab2.y_160 - tab2.y_814) * ast.scale['WFC'] * 1e3

    q = py.quiver(tab2.x_814, tab2.y_814, dx, dy, scale=5e2)
    py.quiverkey(q, 0.95, 0.85, 5, '5 mas', color='red', labelcolor='red')
    py.savefig(workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/vec_diffs_ks2_all.png')

    py.plot(dy, dx, 'k.', ms=2)
    lim = 30
    py.axis([-lim, lim, -lim, lim])
    py.xlabel('Y Proper Motion (mas)')
    py.ylabel('X Proper Motion (mas)')
    py.savefig(workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/vpd_ks2_all.png')

    idx = np.where((np.abs(dx) < 10) & (np.abs(dy) < 10))[0]
    print('Cluster Members (within dx < 10 mas and dy < 10 mas)')
    print(('   dx = {dx:6.2f} +/- {dxe:6.2f} mas'.format(dx=dx[idx].mean(),
    print(('   dy = {dy:6.2f} +/- {dye:6.2f} mas'.format(dy=dy[idx].mean(),
コード例 #8
ファイル: Log.py プロジェクト: all-umass/VI-Solver
def PrintSimResults(Options, Results, Method, Time):
    print('CPU Time: %.3f' % Time)
    for req in Options.Repo.PermRequests:
        req_str = req
        if hasattr(req,'__func__'):
            req_str = req.__func__.__name__
        if req in Results.TempStorage:
                print('%s: %g' % (req_str, Results.TempStorage[req][-1]))
            except TypeError:
                print('%s: %s' % (req_str, Results.TempStorage[req][-1]))
                print('%s: %g' % (req_str, Results.PermStorage[req][-1]))
            except TypeError:
                print('%s: %s' % (req_str, Results.PermStorage[req][-1]))
    print('Steps: %d' % Results.thisPermIndex)
    if 'Step' in Options.Repo.PermRequests:
        steps = Results.PermStorage['Step']
        if isinstance(steps[0],np.ndarray):
            steps = np.mean(steps,axis=1)
        print('Step Sum: %g' % sum(steps))
    print('Min |X*|: %.3f' % np.min(np.abs(Results.TempStorage['Data'][-1])))
    print('Max |X*|: %.3f' % np.max(np.abs(Results.TempStorage['Data'][-1])))
コード例 #9
ファイル: DF.py プロジェクト: tattoxcm/pylayers
    def zplane(self, title="", fontsize=18):
        """ Display filter in the complex plane


        rb = self.z
        ra = self.p

        t = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi + 0.1, 0.1)
        plt.plot(np.cos(t), np.sin(t), "k")

        plt.plot(np.real(ra), np.imag(ra), "x", color="r")
        plt.plot(np.real(rb), np.imag(rb), "o", color="b")
        M1 = -10000
        M2 = -10000
        if len(ra) > 0:
            M1 = np.max([np.abs(np.real(ra)), np.abs(np.imag(ra))])
        if len(rb) > 0:
            M2 = np.max([np.abs(np.real(rb)), np.abs(np.imag(rb))])
        M = 1.6 * max(1.2, M1, M2)
        plt.axis([-M, M, -0.7 * M, 0.7 * M])
        plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
コード例 #10
ファイル: selem.py プロジェクト: alfonsodiecko/PYTHON_DIST
def octahedron(radius, dtype=np.uint8):
    Generates a octahedron-shaped structuring element of a given radius
    (the 3D equivalent of a diamond).  A pixel is part of the
    neighborhood (i.e. labeled 1) if the city block/manhattan distance
    between it and the center of the neighborhood is no greater than

    radius : int
        The radius of the octahedron-shaped structuring element.

    Other Parameters
    dtype : data-type
        The data type of the structuring element.


    selem : ndarray
        The structuring element where elements of the neighborhood
        are 1 and 0 otherwise.
    # note that in contrast to diamond(), this method allows non-integer radii
    n = 2 * radius + 1
    Z, Y, X = np.mgrid[-radius:radius:n*1j,
    s = np.abs(X) + np.abs(Y) + np.abs(Z)
    return np.array(s <= radius, dtype=dtype)
コード例 #11
ファイル: selem.py プロジェクト: alfonsodiecko/PYTHON_DIST
def diamond(radius, dtype=np.uint8):
    Generates a flat, diamond-shaped structuring element of a given
    radius.  A pixel is part of the neighborhood (i.e. labeled 1) if
    the city block/manhattan distance between it and the center of the
    neighborhood is no greater than radius.

    radius : int
        The radius of the diamond-shaped structuring element.

    Other Parameters
    dtype : data-type
        The data type of the structuring element.


    selem : ndarray
        The structuring element where elements of the neighborhood
        are 1 and 0 otherwise.
    half = radius
    (I, J) = np.meshgrid(range(0, radius * 2 + 1), range(0, radius * 2 + 1))
    s = np.abs(I - half) + np.abs(J - half)
    return np.array(s <= radius, dtype=dtype)
コード例 #12
def compare_objs(x, y):
    assert type(x) is type(y)
    if type(x) is dict:
        assert x.keys().sort() == y.keys().sort()
        for ky in x:
            compare_objs(x[ky], y[ky])
    elif type(x) is list:
        assert len(x) == len(y)
        for ind in range(len(x)):
            compare_objs(x[ind], y[ind])
    elif type(x) is np.ndarray:
        assert x.shape == y.shape
        if not np.allclose(x, y, atol=1.0e-5, rtol=0.0):
            x = x.reshape(x.size)
            y = y.reshape(y.size)
            dd = x - y
            worst_case = np.max(np.abs(dd))
            print "worst case abs diff = %e" % worst_case
            ind = np.where((x != 0) | (y != 0))
            rel_err = np.abs(np.divide(dd[ind], np.abs(x[ind]) + np.abs(y[ind])))
            worst_case = np.max(rel_err)
            print "worst case rel diff = %e" % worst_case
            assert False
        assert x == y
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_term_consistency.py プロジェクト: Gkdnz/sfepy
    def test_surface_evaluate(self):
        from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable
        problem = self.problem

        us = problem.get_variables()['us']
        vec = nm.empty(us.n_dof, dtype=us.dtype)
        vec[:] = 1.0

        expr = 'ev_surface_integrate.i.Left( us )'
        val = problem.evaluate(expr, us=us)
        ok1 = nm.abs(val - 1.0) < 1e-15
        self.report('with unknown: %s, value: %s, ok: %s'
                    % (expr, val, ok1))

        ps1 = FieldVariable('ps1', 'parameter', us.get_field(),

        expr = 'ev_surface_integrate.i.Left( ps1 )'
        val = problem.evaluate(expr, ps1=ps1)
        ok2 = nm.abs(val - 1.0) < 1e-15
        self.report('with parameter: %s, value: %s, ok: %s'
                    % (expr, val, ok2))
        ok2 = True

        return ok1 and ok2
コード例 #14
ファイル: classify.py プロジェクト: srodney/medband
def plot_marginal_pdfs( res, nbins=101, **kwargs):
    """ plot the results of a classification run
    from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
    import numpy as np

    nparam = len(res.vparam_names)
    # nrow = np.sqrt( nparam )
    # ncol = nparam / nrow + 1
    nrow, ncol = 1, nparam

    pdfdict = get_marginal_pdfs( res, nbins )

    fig = pl.gcf()
    for parname in res.vparam_names :
        iax = res.vparam_names.index( parname )+1
        ax = fig.add_subplot( nrow, ncol, iax )

        parval, pdf, mean, std = pdfdict[parname]
        ax.plot(  parval, pdf, **kwargs )
        if np.abs(std)>=0.1:
            ax.text( 0.95, 0.95, '%s  %.1f +- %.1f'%( parname, np.round(mean,1), np.round(std,1)),
                     ha='right',va='top',transform=ax.transAxes )
        elif np.abs(std)>=0.01:
            ax.text( 0.95, 0.95, '%s  %.2f +- %.2f'%( parname, np.round(mean,2), np.round(std,2)),
                     ha='right',va='top',transform=ax.transAxes )
        elif np.abs(std)>=0.001:
            ax.text( 0.95, 0.95, '%s  %.3f +- %.3f'%( parname, np.round(mean,3), np.round(std,3)),
                     ha='right',va='top',transform=ax.transAxes )
        else :
            ax.text( 0.95, 0.95, '%s  %.3e +- %.3e'%( parname, mean, std),
                     ha='right',va='top',transform=ax.transAxes )

コード例 #15
def getOmega(dels):    
#    for k in range(1,dels.delta_d.shape[0])
    N = dels.delta_d.shape[1]
    delta_t = dels.delta_t
    delta_d = dels.delta_d
    a_t = np.diff(delta_t)
    a_t = a_t[:,0:-1]
    a_d = np.diff(delta_t[:,::-1])
    a_d = a_d[:,::-1]
    a_d = a_d[:,1::]
    b_t = np.diff(delta_d)
    b_t = b_t[:,0:-1]
    b_d = np.diff(delta_d[:,::-1])
    b_d = b_d[:,::-1]
    b_d = b_d[:,1::]    
    c_t = 0.25*(np.abs(a_t)+np.abs(b_t))*np.sign(a_t)*np.sign(b_t)*(np.sign(a_t)*np.sign(b_t)-1)
    c_d = 0.25*(np.abs(a_d)+np.abs(b_d))*np.sign(a_d)*np.sign(b_d)*(np.sign(a_d)*np.sign(b_d)-1)
    Omega = 1.0/(2*N)*(c_t.mean(axis=0) + c_d.mean(axis=0))

    return Omega
コード例 #16
def sideband(center_freq,sideband_freq,marker_value,markernum,sideband='up'):
    center_freq = center_freq*1E9
    sideband_freq = sideband_freq*1E9
    up_side = center_freq + sideband_freq
    down_side = center_freq - sideband_freq
    test = False    
    while (test == False):
        marker_center = np.abs(marker_value - center_freq)

        if (sideband == 'up'):
            marker_sideband = np.abs(marker_value - up_side)
            if (marker_center > marker_sideband):
                test = True
                marker_value = MXA.marker_X_value()
        if (sideband == 'down'):
            marker_sideband = np.abs(marker_value - down_side)
            if (marker_center > marker_sideband):
                test = True
                marker_value = MXA.marker_X_value()
コード例 #17
ファイル: Geometry.py プロジェクト: waltergu/HamiltonianPy
def isparallel(O1,O2):
    Judge whether two array-like vectors are parallel to each other.

    O1,O2 : 1d array-like
        The input vectors.

        *  0: not parallel
        *  1: parallel
        * -1: anti-parallel
    if norm1<RZERO or norm2<RZERO:
        return 1
    elif O1.shape[0]==O2.shape[0]:
        if np.abs(buff-1)<RZERO:
            return 1
        elif np.abs(buff+1)<RZERO:
            return -1
            return 0
        raise ValueError("isparallel error: the shape of the array-like vectors does not match.")
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_arclength.py プロジェクト: luca-heltai/ePICURE
def test_known_parametrization():
    R = 1
    P = 1
    toll = 2.e-3

    n = 10
    ii = np.linspace(0,1,n+1)
    control_points_3d = np.asarray(np.zeros([n+1,3]))#[np.array([R*np.cos(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1)), R*np.sin(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1)), P * i]) for i in range(0, n+1)]
    print (control_points_3d.shape)
    control_points_3d[:,0] = np.array([R*np.cos(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1))for i in ii])
    control_points_3d[:,1] = np.array([R*np.sin(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1))for i in ii])
    control_points_3d[:,2] = np.array([P*i for i in range(n+1)])
    vsl = AffineVectorSpace(UniformLagrangeVectorSpace(n+1),0,1)
    arky = ArcLengthParametrizer(vsl, control_points_3d)
    new_control_points_3d = arky.reparametrize()

    #new_arky = ArcLengthParametrizer(vsl, new_control_points_3d)
    #new_new_control_points_3d = arky.reparametrize()
    tt = np.linspace(0, 1, 128)

    vals = vsl.element(control_points_3d)(tt)
    #print vals
    new_vals = vsl.element(new_control_points_3d)(tt)
    #print vals.shape, new_vals.shape
    print (np.amax((np.abs(vals-new_vals))))
    assert np.amax(np.abs(control_points_3d-new_control_points_3d))/P < toll
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_arclength.py プロジェクト: luca-heltai/ePICURE
def test_more_known_parametrization_together():
    R = 1
    P = 1
    toll = 7.e-3
    intervals = 5
    vs_order = 2
    n = (intervals*(vs_order)+1-1)

    #n = 18
    ii = np.linspace(0,1,n+1)
    n_1 = 2
    n_2 = 4
    control_points_3d = np.asarray(np.zeros([n+1,n_1,n_2,3]))#[np.array([R*np.cos(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1)), R*np.sin(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1)), P * i]) for i in range(0, n+1)]
    for k in range(n_1):
        for j in range(n_2):
            control_points_3d[:,k,j,0] = np.array([R*np.cos(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1))for i in ii])
            control_points_3d[:,k,j,1] = np.array([R*np.sin(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1))for i in ii])
            control_points_3d[:,k,j,2] = np.array([(k+j+1)*P*i for i in range(n+1)])
    #vsl = IteratedVectorSpace(UniformLagrangeVectorSpace(vs_order+1), np.linspace(0,1,intervals+1))
    vsl = AffineVectorSpace(UniformLagrangeVectorSpace(n+1),0,1)
    arky = ArcLengthParametrizer(vsl, control_points_3d)
    new_control_points_3d = arky.reparametrize()

    #print control_points_3d.shape, new_control_points_3d.shape
    tt = np.linspace(0,1,128)
    for k in range(n_1):
        for j in range(n_2):
            vals = vsl.element(control_points_3d)(tt)
            new_vals = vsl.element(new_control_points_3d)(tt)
            print (np.amax(np.abs(vals-new_vals))/(k+j+1)/P, (k+j+1))
            assert np.amax(np.abs(vals-new_vals))/(k+j+1)/P < toll
コード例 #20
ファイル: cosmology.py プロジェクト: jakevdp/ASTR599_homework
    def DM(self, z):
        """Transverse Comoving Distance (Mpc)

        z : float
        y : float
            The transverse comoving distance in Mpc, given by Hogg eqn 16
        >>> cosmo = Cosmology()
        >>> cosmo.DM(1.0)
        # Compute the transverse comoving distance in Mpc (Eqn 16)
        if self.OmegaK > 0.0:
            return self.DH / np.sqrt(self.OmegaK) * \
        elif self.OmegaK == 0.0:
            return self.DC(z)
        elif self.OmegaK < 0.0:
            return self.DH / np.sqrt(np.abs(self.OmegaK)) * \
コード例 #21
ファイル: detector.py プロジェクト: aglowacki/ptypy
    def filter(self, intensity_stack, convert_dtype=False):
        I = intensity_stack
        I_dtype = I.dtype if not convert_dtype else self.dtype

        mask = self._get_mask(I.shape)

        I = np.abs(np.array(I).astype(float))
        if self.sci_psf is not None:
            I = self.sci_qe * conv(np.random.poisson(I).astype(float), self.sci_psf)
        if self.psf is not None:
            I = conv(I, self.psf)

        # convert to well counts
        Iel = np.random.poisson(I * self.qe).astype(float)
        # add shot noise
        Iel += np.abs(np.random.standard_normal(I.shape) * self.shot_noise)
        overexposed = Iel >= self.full_well
        Iel[overexposed] = self.full_well
        Iel[Iel < 0.0] = 0.0
        DU = Iel // self.adu
        dt = self.dtype
        if self.on_limit == "clip":
            mx = np.iinfo(dt).max
            DU[DU > mx] = mx

        DU[np.invert(mask)] = 0.0
        mask &= np.invert(overexposed)

        return DU.astype(I_dtype), mask
コード例 #22
ファイル: telescope.py プロジェクト: TianlaiProject/tlpipe
    def _beam_map_single(self, bl_index, f_index):

        p_stokes = [ 0.5 * np.array([[1.0,   0.0], [0.0,  1.0]]),
                     0.5 * np.array([[1.0,   0.0], [0.0, -1.0]]),
                     0.5 * np.array([[0.0,   1.0], [1.0,  0.0]]),
                     0.5 * np.array([[0.0, -1.0J], [1.0J, 0.0]]) ]

        # Get beam maps for each feed.
        feedi, feedj = self.uniquepairs[bl_index]
        beami, beamj = self.beam(feedi, f_index), self.beam(feedj, f_index)

        # Get baseline separation and fringe map.
        uv = self.baselines[bl_index] / self.wavelengths[f_index]
        fringe = visibility.fringe(self._angpos, self.zenith, uv)

        pow_stokes = [ np.sum(beami * np.dot(beamj.conjugate(), polproj), axis=1) * self._horizon for polproj in p_stokes]

        # Calculate the solid angle of each beam
        pxarea = (4*np.pi / beami.shape[0])

        om_i = np.sum(np.abs(beami)**2 * self._horizon[:, np.newaxis]) * pxarea
        om_j = np.sum(np.abs(beamj)**2 * self._horizon[:, np.newaxis]) * pxarea

        omega_A = (om_i * om_j)**0.5

        # Calculate the complex visibility transfer function
        cv_stokes = [ p * (2 * fringe / omega_A) for p in pow_stokes ]

        return cv_stokes
コード例 #23
ファイル: cmc.py プロジェクト: jmrv/nest
def evolve(part, logLstar):
	q = part.params2q(part.params)	# normalized array of thawed parameters
	n = len(q)
	qprime = copy.copy(q)
	m = g.masses[g.thawedIdxs]

	for t in range(g.T):		
		dq = part.stepsize * np.random.randn(n) / m
		dq[np.abs(dq)>g.maxStep] = g.maxStep
		dq[np.abs(dq)<g.minStep] = g.minStep

		qprime += dq

		# bounce if out of bounds:
		if part.outOfBounds(qprime):
			qprime = bounce(qprime)
		# check likelihood constraint:
		logL = part.measLoglike(qprime)
		if  logL < logLstar:
			#print (logL, 'r', part.stepsize, qprime)
			part.distance += np.linalg.norm(dq)
			#print (logL, 'a', part.stepsize, qprime)

	print '\ntraveled %.6f \n' % part.distance
コード例 #24
ファイル: edge.py プロジェクト: dwkim78/ASTRiDE
    def connect_edges(self):
        """Connect detected edges based on their slopes."""
        # Fitting a straight line to each edge.
        p0 = [0., 0.]
        radian2angle = 180. / np.pi
        for edge in self.edges:
            p1, s = leastsq(self.residuals, p0,
                            args=(edge['x'][:-1], edge['y'][:-1]))
            edge['slope'] = p1[0]
            edge['intercept'] = p1[1]
            edge['slope_angle'] = np.arctan(edge['slope']) * radian2angle

        # Connect by the slopes of two edges.
        len_edges = len(self.edges)
        for i in range(len_edges - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len_edges):
                if np.abs(self.edges[i]['slope_angle'] -
                          self.edges[j]['slope_angle']) <= \
                    # Then, the slope between the centers of the two edges
                    # should be similar with the slopes of
                    # the two lines of the edges as well.
                    c_slope = (self.edges[i]['y_center'] -
                                    self.edges[j]['y_center']) / \
                                   (self.edges[i]['x_center'] -
                    c_slope_angle = np.arctan(c_slope) * radian2angle

                    if np.abs(c_slope_angle - self.edges[i]['slope_angle']) <= \
                       self.connectivity_angle and \
                       np.abs(c_slope_angle - self.edges[j]['slope_angle']) <= \
                        self.edges[i]['connectivity'] = self.edges[j]['index']
コード例 #25
ファイル: tedana.py プロジェクト: manfredg/MEICA-BMU
def t2smap(catd,mask,tes):


	catd  has shape (nx,ny,nz,Ne,nt)
	mask  has shape (nx,ny,nz)
	tes   is a 1d numpy array
	nx,ny,nz,Ne,nt = catd.shape
	N = nx*ny*nz

	echodata = fmask(catd,mask)
	Nm = echodata.shape[0]

	#Do Log Linear fit
	B = np.reshape(np.abs(echodata), (Nm,Ne*nt)).transpose()
	B = np.log(B)
	x = np.array([np.ones(Ne),-tes])
	X = np.tile(x,(1,nt))
	X = np.sort(X)[:,::-1].transpose()

	beta,res,rank,sing = np.linalg.lstsq(X,B)
	t2s = 1/beta[1,:].transpose()
	s0  = np.exp(beta[0,:]).transpose()

	#Goodness of fit
	alpha = (np.abs(B)**2).sum(axis=0)
	t2s_fit = blah = (alpha - res)/(2*res)
	out = unmask(t2s,mask),unmask(s0,mask),unmask(t2s_fit,mask)

	return out
コード例 #26
  def update(self):
    logging.debug("About to extract features for %d trips " % (len(self.trips)))
    trip_features, labels = self.extract_features()
    logging.debug("trip_features.size() = %s, nTrips = %d " % (trip_features.size, len(self.trips)))
    #TODO: why the hell is this happening..? absurd feature extraction
    trip_features = np.nan_to_num(trip_features)
    trip_features[np.abs(trip_features) < .001] = 0
    trip_features[np.abs(trip_features) > 1000000] = 0
    nonzero = ~np.all(trip_features==0, axis=1)
    logging.debug("nonzero list = %s" % nonzero)
    trip_features = trip_features[nonzero]
    labels = labels[nonzero]

    # logging.debug("Trip Features: %s" % trip_features)
       self.regression.fit(trip_features, labels)
       self.coefficients = self.regression.coef_
    except ValueError as e:
       logging.warning("While fitting the regression, got error %s" % e)
       if ("%s" % e) == "The number of classes has to be greater than one":
          logging.warning("Training set has no alternatives!")
       raise e
       # else:
       #    np.save("/tmp/broken_array", trip_features)
       #    raise e
コード例 #27
def plot_robots_ratio_time_micmac(deploy_robots_mic, deploy_robots_mac, deploy_robots_desired, delta_t):
    plot_option = 0 # 0: ratio, 1: cost
    num_iter = deploy_robots_mic.shape[1]
    total_num_robots = np.sum(deploy_robots_mic[:,0,:])
    diffmic_sqs = np.zeros(num_iter)
    diffmac_sqs = np.zeros(num_iter)
    diffmic_rat = np.zeros(num_iter)
    diffmac_rat = np.zeros(num_iter)
    for t in range(num_iter):
        diffmic = np.abs(deploy_robots_mic[:,t,:] - deploy_robots_desired)    
        diffmac = np.abs(deploy_robots_mac[:,t,:] - deploy_robots_desired) 
        diffmic_rat[t] = np.sum(diffmic) / total_num_robots       
        diffmic_sqs[t] = np.sum(np.square(diffmic))
        diffmac_rat[t] = np.sum(diffmac) / total_num_robots 
        diffmac_sqs[t] = np.sum(np.square(diffmac))
    x = np.arange(0, num_iter) * delta_t
        l1 = plt.plot(x,diffmic_rat)
        l2 = plt.plot(x,diffmac_rat)
        l1 = plt.plot(x,diffmic_sqs)
        l2 = plt.plot(x,diffmac_sqs)
    plt.xlabel('time [s]')    
    plt.ylabel('ratio of misplaced robots')
    plt.legend((l1, l2),('Micro','Macro'))
コード例 #28
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: zaxtax/pymc3
def _gpinv(p, k, sigma):
    """Inverse Generalized Pareto distribution function"""
    x = np.full_like(p, np.nan)
    if sigma <= 0:
        return x
    ok = (p > 0) & (p < 1)
    if np.all(ok):
        if np.abs(k) < np.finfo(float).eps:
            x = - np.log1p(-p)
            x = np.expm1(-k * np.log1p(-p)) / k
        x *= sigma
        if np.abs(k) < np.finfo(float).eps:
            x[ok] = - np.log1p(-p[ok])
            x[ok] = np.expm1(-k * np.log1p(-p[ok])) / k
        x *= sigma
        x[p == 0] = 0
        if k >= 0:
            x[p == 1] = np.inf
            x[p == 1] = - sigma / k

    return x
コード例 #29
def savgol(x, window_size=3, order=2, deriv=0, rate=1):
    ''' Savitzky-Golay filter '''
    # Check the input
        window_size = np.abs(np.int(window_size))
        order = np.abs(np.int(order))
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("window_size and order have to be of type int")
    if window_size > len(x):
        raise TypeError("Not enough data points!")
    if window_size % 2 != 1 or window_size < 1:
        raise TypeError("window_size size must be a positive odd number")
    if window_size < order + 1:
        raise TypeError("window_size is too small for the polynomials order")
    if order <= deriv:
        raise TypeError("The 'deriv' of the polynomial is too high.")

    # Calculate some required parameters
    order_range = range(order+1)
    half_window = (window_size -1) // 2
    num_data = len(x)
    # Construct Vandermonde matrix, its inverse, and the Savitzky-Golay coefficients   
    a = [[ii**jj for jj in order_range] for ii in range(-half_window, half_window+1)]
    pa = np.linalg.pinv(a)
    sg_coeff = pa[deriv] * rate**deriv * scipy.special.factorial(deriv)
    # Get the coefficients for the fits at the beginning and at the end of the data
    coefs = np.array(order_range)**np.sign(deriv)
    coef_mat = np.zeros((order+1, order+1))
    row = 0
    for ii in range(deriv,order+1):
        coef = coefs[ii]
        for jj in range(1,deriv):
            coef *= (coefs[ii]-jj)
        row += 1
    coef_mat *= rate**deriv
    # Add the first and last point half_window times
    firstvals = np.ones(half_window) * x[0] 
    lastvals  = np.ones(half_window) * x[-1]
    x_calc = np.concatenate((firstvals, x, lastvals))

    y = np.convolve( sg_coeff[::-1], x_calc, mode='full')
    # chop away intermediate data
    y = y[window_size-1:window_size+num_data-1]

    # filtering for the first and last few datapoints
    y[0:half_window] = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(a[0:half_window], coef_mat), \
                                   np.mat(pa)), x[0:window_size])
    y[len(y)-half_window:len(y)] = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(a[half_window+1:window_size], \
                        coef_mat), pa), x[len(x)-window_size:len(x)])
    return y

コード例 #30
ファイル: telescope.py プロジェクト: TianlaiProject/tlpipe
def max_lm(baselines, wavelengths, uwidth, vwidth=0.0):
    """Get the maximum (l,m) that a baseline is sensitive to.

    baselines : np.ndarray
        An array of baselines.
    wavelengths : np.ndarray
        An array of wavelengths.
    uwidth : np.ndarray
        Width of the receiver in the u-direction.
    vwidth : np.ndarray
        Width of the receiver in the v-direction.

    lmax, mmax : array_like

    umax = (np.abs(baselines[:, 0]) + uwidth) / wavelengths
    vmax = (np.abs(baselines[:, 1]) + vwidth) / wavelengths

    mmax = np.ceil(2 * np.pi * umax).astype(np.int64)
    lmax = np.ceil((mmax**2 + (2*np.pi*vmax)**2)**0.5).astype(np.int64)

    return lmax, mmax
コード例 #31
ファイル: impl.py プロジェクト: AndersonUniversity/aucontrols
def _sgrid_func(fig=None, zeta=None, wn=None):
    if fig is None:
        fig = pylab.gcf()
    ax = fig.gca()
    xlocator = ax.get_xaxis().get_major_locator()

    ylim = ax.get_ylim()
    ytext_pos_lim = ylim[1] - (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.03
    xlim = ax.get_xlim()
    xtext_pos_lim = xlim[0] + (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * 0.0

    if zeta is None:
        zeta = _default_zetas(xlim, ylim)

    angules = []
    for z in zeta:
        if (z >= 1e-4) and (z <= 1):
            angules.append(np.pi / 2 + np.arcsin(z))
    y_over_x = np.tan(angules)

    # zeta-constant lines

    index = 0

    for yp in y_over_x:
        ax.plot([0, xlocator()[0]], [0, yp * xlocator()[0]],
        ax.plot([0, xlocator()[0]], [0, -yp * xlocator()[0]],
        an = "%.2f" % zeta[index]
        if yp < 0:
            xtext_pos = 1 / yp * ylim[1]
            ytext_pos = yp * xtext_pos_lim
            if np.abs(xtext_pos) > np.abs(xtext_pos_lim):
                xtext_pos = xtext_pos_lim
                ytext_pos = ytext_pos_lim
                        xy=[xtext_pos, ytext_pos],
        index += 1
    ax.plot([0, 0], [ylim[0], ylim[1]],

    angules = np.linspace(-90, 90, 20) * np.pi / 180
    if wn is None:
        wn = _default_wn(xlocator(), ylim)

    for om in wn:
        if om < 0:
            yp = np.sin(angules) * np.abs(om)
            xp = -np.cos(angules) * np.abs(om)
            ax.plot(xp, yp, color='gray', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5)
            an = "%.2f" % -om
            ax.annotate(an, textcoords='data', xy=[om, 0], fontsize=8)
コード例 #32
ファイル: stencil.py プロジェクト: theY4Kman/blockplayer
def stencil_carve(depth, modelmat, occ_grid, rgb=None, rect=((0,0),(640,480))):

    global coords, b_total, b_occ, b_vac, depthB

    (L,T),(R,B) = rect
    L,T,R,B = map(int, (L,T,R,B))
    coords, depthB = render_blocks(occ_grid,
    #print depth.mean(), occ_grid.mean(), rect, depthB.mean()
    assert coords.dtype == np.uint8
    assert depthB.dtype == np.float32
    assert depth.dtype == np.uint16
    assert coords.shape[2] == 4
    assert coords.shape[:2] == depthB.shape == depth.shape == (480,640)

    b_total = np.zeros(occ_grid.shape, 'f')
    b_occ = np.zeros(occ_grid.shape, 'f')
    b_vac = np.zeros(occ_grid.shape, 'f')

    gridmin = np.array(config.bounds[0])
    gridmax = np.array(config.bounds[1])
    gridlen = gridmax-gridmin

    if rgb is None:
        rgb = np.empty((480,640,3),'u1')

    global RGBacc, RGB, HSV
    RGBacc = np.zeros((b_total.shape[0],
                       b_total.shape[2], 3),'i')
    RGB = np.zeros((b_total.shape[0],
                    b_total.shape[2], 3),'u1')
    HSV = np.zeros((b_total.shape[0],
                    b_total.shape[2], 3),'u1')
    assert rgb.dtype == np.uint8

    if 1:
        speedup_cy.stencil_carve(depthB, depth, coords,
                                 gridlen[0], gridlen[1], gridlen[2],
                                 RGBacc, rgb, RGB,
                                 b_total, b_occ, b_vac,
                                 T, L, B, R)
        # This may be out of date - prefer the weave version
        bins = [np.arange(0,gridmax[i]-gridmin[i]+1)-0.5
                for i in range(3)]
        c = coords[:,:,:3].reshape(-1,3)
        w = ((depth>0)&(depthB<inf)).flatten()
        b_total,_ = np.histogramdd(c, bins, weights=w)
        b_occ,_ = np.histogramdd(c, bins, weights=w&
        b_vac,_ = np.histogramdd(c, bins, weights=w&

    # Color targets, defined as hues from 0 to 180
    # red, yellow, green, blue, red
    color_targets = np.array([0, 20, 50, 120, 180],'i')

    if 1:
        cv.CvtColor(RGB.reshape(1,-1,3), HSV.reshape(1,-1,3), cv.CV_RGB2HSV);
        #HSV[:,:,:,1:] = 255
        #Hdiff = np.abs(HSV[:,:,:,:1] - color_targets.reshape(1,1,1,-1))
        #HSV[:,:,:,0] = color_targets[np.argmin(Hdiff,axis=3)]
        speedup_cy.fix_colors(HSV, color_targets)
        cv.CvtColor(HSV.reshape(1,-1,3), RGB.reshape(1,-1,3), cv.CV_HSV2RGB);
        RGB = (RGB.astype('i')*4).clip(0,255)
    return b_occ, b_vac, b_total
コード例 #33
ファイル: test_DFT.py プロジェクト: judarangoca/PyDynamic
 def test_AmpPhasePropagation(self, multisine_testsignal):
     """Test Time2AmpPhase and AmpPhase2Time with noise variance as uncertainty"""
     testsignal, noise_std = multisine_testsignal
     A, P, UAP = Time2AmpPhase(testsignal, noise_std ** 2)
     x, ux = AmpPhase2Time(A, P, UAP)
     assert_almost_equal(np.max(np.abs(testsignal - x)), 0)
コード例 #34
        frame_max = get_env('FRAME_MAXIMUM', default=_frame_max, vartype=int)   # maximum number of frames

        attributes = {**attributes,
            **{'frame_fin': frame_fin, 'frame_per': frame_per,
            'frame_max': frame_max}}
        movie_dir = joinpath(data_dir,
            naming_standard.movie(folder=True).filename(**attributes)[0])   # movie directory name
        mkdir(movie_dir)                                                    # create movie directory
        mkdir(joinpath(movie_dir, 'frames'), replace=True)                  # create frames directory (or replaces it if existing)

        Nframes = np.min([Nentries, frame_fin]) - init_frame                    # number of frames available for the movie
        Ntimes = Nframes//frame_per                                             # maximum number of rendered frames
        frames = np.array(list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(map(int, init_frame +
            np.linspace(0, Nframes - 1, Ntimes, endpoint=False, dtype=int)))))  # usable frames

        if dt < 0: dt = np.min(np.abs(frames - np.roll(frames, shift=1)))

        frames = frames[frames + dt < Nentries - 1][:frame_max] # rendered frames

        fixed_frame = get_env('FIXED_FRAME', default=False, vartype=bool)   # FIXED_FRAME mode

        with open(wrap_file_name, 'rb') as wrap_file,\
            open(unwrap_file_name, 'rb') as unwrap_file:    # opens wrapped and unwrapped trajectory files

            w_traj = Gsd(wrap_file, prep_frames=prep_frames)    # wrapped trajectory object
            u_traj = Dat(unwrap_file, parameters['N'])			# unwrapped trajectory object

            for frame in frames:    # for rendered frames
                    'Frame: %d' % (frames.tolist().index(frame) + 1)
                    + "/%d \r" % len(frames))
コード例 #35
ファイル: timefreq.py プロジェクト: fedeadolfi/soundsig
def compute_mean_spectrogram(s, sample_rate, win_sizes, increment=None, num_freq_bands=100,
                             spec_estimator=GaussianSpectrumEstimator(nstd=6), mask=False, mask_gain=3.0):
        Compute a spectrogram for each time window, and average across time windows to get better time-frequency
        resolution. Post-processing is done with applying the log to change the power spectrum to decibels, and
        then a hard threshold is applied to zero-out the lowest 10% of the pixels.

    #compute spectrograms
    stime = time.time()
    timefreqs = list()
    for k,win_size in enumerate(win_sizes):
        if increment is None:
            inc = win_sizes[0] / 2
            inc = increment
        t,freq,tf = timefreq(s, sample_rate, win_size, inc, spec_estimator)
        ps = np.abs(tf)
        ps_log = log_spectrogram(ps)
        timefreqs.append( (t, freq, ps_log) )
    etime = time.time() - stime
    #print 'time to compute %d spectrograms: %0.6fs' % (len(win_sizes), etime)

    #compute the mean spectrogram across window sizes
    nyquist_freq = sample_rate / 2.0
    df = nyquist_freq / num_freq_bands
    f_smallest = np.arange(num_freq_bands)*df
    t_smallest = timefreqs[0][0]  # best temporal resolution
    df_smallest = f_smallest[1] - f_smallest[0]
    dt_smallest = t_smallest[1] - t_smallest[0]

    #resample the spectrograms so they all have the same frequency spacing
    stime = time.time()
    rs_specs = list()
    for t,freq,ps in timefreqs:
        rs_t,rs_freq,rs_ps = resample_spectrogram(t, freq, ps, dt_smallest, df_smallest)
    etime = time.time() - stime
    #print 'time to resample %d spectrograms: %0.6fs' % (len(win_sizes), etime)

    #get the shortest spectrogram length
    min_freq_len = np.min([rs_ps.shape[0] for rs_ps in rs_specs])
    min_t_len = np.min([rs_ps.shape[1] for rs_ps in rs_specs])
    rs_specs_arr = np.array([rs_ps[:min_freq_len, :min_t_len] for rs_ps in rs_specs])
    t_smallest = np.arange(min_t_len)*dt_smallest
    f_smallest = np.arange(min_freq_len)*df_smallest

    #compute mean, std, and zscored power spectrum across window sizes
    tf_mean = rs_specs_arr.mean(axis=0)

    if mask:
        #compute the standard deviation across window sizes
        tf_std = rs_specs_arr.std(axis=0, ddof=1)
        #compute something that is close to the maximum std. we use the 95th pecentile to avoid outliers
        tf_std /= np.percentile(tf_std.ravel(), 95)
        #compute a sigmoidal mask that will zero out pixels in tf_mean that have high standard deviations
        sigmoid = lambda x: 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(1)**(-mask_gain*x))
        sigmoid_mask = 1.0 - sigmoid(tf_std)
        #mask the mean time frequency representation
        tf_mean *= sigmoid_mask

    return t_smallest, f_smallest, tf_mean
コード例 #36
ファイル: timefreq.py プロジェクト: fedeadolfi/soundsig
 def make_spectrum(signal, signal_weights):
     denom = (signal_weights**2).sum(axis=0)
     return (np.abs(signal * signal_weights)**2).sum(axis=0) / denom
コード例 #37
def jitter(rx_x, rx_y, taps, iter, mean=True):
    starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
    mean = mean
    rx_x_single = np.array(rx_x)
    rx_y_single = np.array(rx_y)
    datalength = len(rx_x)
    stepsizelist = [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 6.409e-6, 1e-6, 1e-7]
    overhead = 1
    cmataps = taps
    center = int((cmataps - 1) / 2)
    iterator = iter
    earlystop = 0.0001
    stepsizeadjust = 0.95
    stepsize = stepsizelist[6]
    stepsize_x = stepsize
    stepsize_y = stepsize

    costfunx = np.zeros((1, iterator), dtype="complex_")
    costfuny = np.zeros((1, iterator), dtype="complex_")
    inputrx = rx_x_single
    inputry = rx_y_single
    hxx = np.zeros(cmataps, dtype="complex_")
    hyy = np.zeros(cmataps, dtype="complex_")
    hxx[center] = 1
    hyy[center] = 1
    exout = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
    eyout = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
    errx = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
    erry = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
    cost_x = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
    cost_y = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
    squ_Rx = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
    squ_Ry = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
    squ_Rx, squ_Ry = squ_Rx + 10, squ_Ry + 10

    if mean == True:
        squ_Rx = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
        squ_Ry = np.zeros(datalength, dtype="complex_")
        for indx in range(center, datalength - center):
            inx = inputrx[indx - center:indx + center + 1]
            iny = inputry[indx - center:indx + center + 1]
            squ_Rx[indx] = np.mean(abs(inx) ** 4) / np.mean(abs(inx) ** 2)
            squ_Ry[indx] = np.mean(abs(iny) ** 4) / np.mean(abs(iny) ** 2)

    for it in range(iterator):
        for indx in range(center, datalength - center):
            exout[indx] = np.matmul(hxx, inputrx[indx - center:indx + center + 1])
            eyout[indx] = np.matmul(hyy, inputry[indx - center:indx + center + 1])
            if np.isnan(exout[indx]) or np.isnan(eyout[indx]):
                raise Exception("CMA Equaliser didn't converge at iterator {}".format(it))

            errx[indx] = exout[indx] * (squ_Rx[indx] - np.abs(exout[indx]) ** 2)
            erry[indx] = eyout[indx] * (squ_Ry[indx] - np.abs(eyout[indx]) ** 2)

            hxx = hxx + stepsize_x * errx[indx] * np.conj(
                inputrx[indx - center:indx + center + 1])
            hyy = hyy + stepsize_y * erry[indx] * np.conj(
                inputry[indx - center:indx + center + 1])

            cost_x[indx] = (abs(exout[indx])) ** 2 - squ_Rx[indx]
            cost_y[indx] = (abs(eyout[indx])) ** 2 - squ_Ry[indx]
        costfunx[0][it] = -1 * (np.mean(cost_x))
        costfuny[0][it] = -1 * (np.mean(cost_y))
        print('iteration = {}'.format(it))

        if it >= 1:
            # if np.abs(self.costfunx[0][it] - self.costfunx[0][it - 1]) < self.earlystop * \
            #         self.costfunx[0][it]:
            #     print("Earlybreak at iterator {}".format(it))
            #     break
            if np.abs(costfunx[0][it] - costfunx[0][it - 1]) < earlystop:
                stepsize_x *= stepsizeadjust
                print('Stepsize_x adjust to {}'.format(stepsize_x))
            if np.abs(costfuny[0][it] - costfuny[0][it - 1]) < earlystop:
                stepsize_y *= stepsizeadjust
                print('Stepsize_y adjust to {}'.format(stepsize_y))

        # rx_x_cma = exout
        # rx_y_cma = eyout
    endtime = datetime.datetime.now()
    print(endtime - starttime)

    return exout, eyout
コード例 #38
#caffe_root ="/home/ydwu/work/caffe"
#print caffe_root
#sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root + 'python')
import caffe

net = caffe.Net(prototxt, source, caffe.TEST)
layers = net.params.keys()
linestyles = ['--', '-']

for idx, layer in enumerate(layers):
    #if not('bn' in layer) and not('scale' in layer): # do not include batch normalization and scaling layers in ResNets
    wT = 0.0
    w = net.params[layer][0].data
    wMax = np.max(np.abs(w))
    r = w / wMax  # normalize
    for n in range(0, N):
        qSgn = np.sign(r)
        qLog = np.log2(abs(r + 1e-32))
        qIdx = np.floor(qLog)
        bLog = qIdx + np.log2(1.5)
        bIdx = qLog > bLog  # border condition
        qIdx[bIdx] = qIdx[bIdx] + 1.0
        q = qSgn * 2**(qIdx)
        qIdxMem = qSgn * (-(n + 1) - qIdx + 2)
        sIdx = (2 - (n + 1) - qIdx) > (2**(B - 1) - 1)  # saturation condition
        q[sIdx] = 0
        qIdxMem[sIdx] = 0
        zIdx = q != 0
        wT += q
コード例 #39
eqav_11=[0 for i in range(ene)]

tiempo=[deltat*i for i in range (ene)]
#ecuacion maestra
for i in range (0,ene):
    mat = d1
    mat = mat -deltat*1j*( np.matmul(Hjc,mat)- np.matmul(mat,Hjc) )
    mat = mat +deltat*0.5*( 2*np.matmul(S1,np.matmul(mat,S1d)) -1*np.matmul(mat,np.matmul(S1d,S1)) -1*np.matmul(S1d,np.matmul(S1,mat)) )
    mat = mat +deltat*0.5*( 2*np.matmul(S2,np.matmul(mat,S2d)) -1*np.matmul(mat,np.matmul(S2d,S2)) -1*np.matmul(S2d,np.matmul(S2,mat)) )
    mat = mat +deltat*0.5*( 2*np.matmul(S3,np.matmul(mat,S3d)) -1*np.matmul(mat,np.matmul(S3d,S3)) -1*np.matmul(S3d,np.matmul(S3,mat)) )
    mat = mat +deltat*0.5*( 2*np.matmul(S4,np.matmul(mat,S4d)) -1*np.matmul(mat,np.matmul(S4d,S4)) -1*np.matmul(S4d,np.matmul(S4,mat)) )
    d1 = mat

#quantum jumps
for m in range(0,nst):
    for n in range(0,ene):
        vec = e1
        aver = np.array([0,0,0,0])
        deltap1= deltat*np.abs(np.dot(np.matmul(S1,vec),np.matmul(S1,vec)))
        deltap2= deltat*np.abs(np.dot(np.matmul(S2,vec),np.matmul(S2,vec)))
        deltap3= deltat*np.abs(np.dot(np.matmul(S3,vec),np.matmul(S3,vec)))
        deltap4= deltat*np.abs(np.dot(np.matmul(S4,vec),np.matmul(S4,vec)))
コード例 #40
ファイル: impl.py プロジェクト: AndersonUniversity/aucontrols
def _default_gains(num, den, xlim, ylim):
    """Unsupervised gains calculation for root locus plot.

     Ogata, K. (2002). Modern control engineering (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ : New Delhi: Prentice Hall.."""

    k_break, real_break = _break_points(num, den)
    kmax = _k_max(num, den, real_break, k_break)
    kvect = np.hstack((np.linspace(0, kmax, 50), np.real(k_break)))
    mymat = _RLFindRoots(num, den, kvect)
    mymat = _RLSortRoots(mymat)
    open_loop_poles = den.roots
    open_loop_zeros = num.roots

    if (open_loop_zeros.size != 0) and (open_loop_zeros.size <
        open_loop_zeros_xl = np.append(
            np.ones(open_loop_poles.size - open_loop_zeros.size) *
        mymat_xl = np.append(mymat, open_loop_zeros_xl)
        mymat_xl = mymat
    singular_points = np.concatenate((num.roots, den.roots), axis=0)
    important_points = np.concatenate((singular_points, real_break), axis=0)
    important_points = np.concatenate((important_points, np.zeros(2)), axis=0)
    mymat_xl = np.append(mymat_xl, important_points)
    false_gain = den.coeffs[0] / num.coeffs[0]
    if false_gain < 0 and not den.order > num.order:
        raise ValueError(
            "Not implemented support for 0 degrees root "
            "locus with equal order of numerator and denominator.")

    if xlim is None and false_gain > 0:
        x_tolerance = 0.05 * (np.max(np.real(mymat_xl)) -
        xlim = _ax_lim(mymat_xl)
    elif xlim is None and false_gain < 0:
        axmin = np.min(np.real(important_points)) - (np.max(
            np.real(important_points)) - np.min(np.real(important_points)))
        axmin = np.min(np.array([axmin, np.min(np.real(mymat_xl))]))
        axmax = np.max(np.real(important_points)) + np.max(
            np.real(important_points)) - np.min(np.real(important_points))
        axmax = np.max(np.array([axmax, np.max(np.real(mymat_xl))]))
        xlim = [axmin, axmax]
        x_tolerance = 0.05 * (axmax - axmin)
        x_tolerance = 0.05 * (xlim[1] - xlim[0])

    if ylim is None:
        y_tolerance = 0.05 * (np.max(np.imag(mymat_xl)) -
        ylim = _ax_lim(mymat_xl * 1j)
        y_tolerance = 0.05 * (ylim[1] - ylim[0])

    tolerance = np.max([x_tolerance, y_tolerance])
    distance_points = np.abs(np.diff(mymat, axis=0))
    indexes_too_far = np.where(distance_points > tolerance)

    while (indexes_too_far[0].size > 0) and (kvect.size < 5000):
        for index in indexes_too_far[0]:
            new_gains = np.linspace(kvect[index], kvect[index + 1], 5)
            new_points = _RLFindRoots(num, den, new_gains[1:4])
            kvect = np.insert(kvect, index + 1, new_gains[1:4])
            mymat = np.insert(mymat, index + 1, new_points, axis=0)

        mymat = _RLSortRoots(mymat)
        distance_points = np.abs(np.diff(
            mymat, axis=0)) > tolerance  # distance between points
        indexes_too_far = np.where(distance_points)

    new_gains = kvect[-1] * np.hstack((np.logspace(0, 3, 4)))
    new_points = _RLFindRoots(num, den, new_gains[1:4])
    kvect = np.append(kvect, new_gains[1:4])
    mymat = np.concatenate((mymat, new_points), axis=0)
    mymat = _RLSortRoots(mymat)
    return kvect, mymat, xlim, ylim
コード例 #41
# a = 0; b = 1
# exact_area = 1 - cos(1)

columns = ('h', 'trapezoid area', 'error')
approx = []
error = []
errorh = []
arr = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
arr2 = [1, 1 / 2, 1 / 4, 1 / 8, 1 / 16, 1 / 32, 1 / 64, 1 / 128]
for n in arr:
    h = (b - a) / n
    total_area = 0
    for i in range(0, n):
        total_area += h * 0.5 * (f(a + i * h) + f(a + (i + 1) * h))
    error.append(np.abs(total_area - exact_area))
    errorh.append(np.abs(total_area - exact_area) / (h * h))

title_text = 'Error in the Trapezoid Approximation Method, Function: 1-x^2'
fig_background_color = 'skyblue'
fig_border = 'steelblue'
data = [
    ['h', 'Trapezoid Approximation', 'Error', 'Error/h^2'],
    [arr[0], arr2[0], approx[0], error[0], errorh[0]],
    [arr[1], arr2[1], approx[1], error[1], errorh[1]],
    [arr[2], arr2[2], approx[2], error[2], errorh[2]],
    [arr[3], arr2[3], approx[3], error[3], errorh[3]],
    [arr[4], arr2[4], approx[4], error[4], errorh[4]],
    [arr[5], arr2[5], approx[5], error[5], errorh[5]],
    [arr[6], arr2[6], approx[6], error[6], errorh[6]],
    [arr[7], arr2[7], approx[7], error[7], errorh[7]],
コード例 #42
ax = []
ay = []
az = []
muscle = []
vec = []

with open(r'C:\Users\ebuba\Desktop\test.csv') as csvDatafile:
    csvReader = csv.reader(csvDatafile, delimiter=',')
    for row in csvReader:

axmag = np.square(ax)
aymag = np.square(ay)
azmag = np.square(az)

magn = axmag+aymag+azmag

t = np.linspace(0,1,1000)
f = np.fft.fftfreq(len(magn),t[1]-t[0])

data_fft = np.abs(np.fft.fft(magn)) / len(magn)


コード例 #43
ファイル: plot_states.py プロジェクト: manubansal/atomix
def plot_tail_symbol_stats(tf, allwins, conf):

    tail_state = conf['tail_state']
    fini_state = conf['fini_state']

    tail_sym_latencies = []
    tail_sym_latencies_0 = []
    tail_sym_latencies_1 = []
    tail_sym_latencies_2 = []
    tail_sym_latencies_3 = []

    for win in allwins:
        dd0 = [d0 for d0, d1, d2, d3 in win]
        dd1 = [d1 for d0, d1, d2, d3 in win]
        dd2 = [d2 for d0, d1, d2, d3 in win]
        dd3 = [d3 for d0, d1, d2, d3 in win]

        c0_ts = [ts for (st, ts) in dd0]
        c0_st = [st for (st, ts) in dd0]

        #c1_ts = [ts for (st, ts) in dd1]
        #c1_st = [st for (st, ts) in dd1]

        #c2_ts = [ts for (st, ts) in dd2]
        #c2_st = [st for (st, ts) in dd2]

        c3_ts = [ts for (st, ts) in dd3]
        c3_st = [st for (st, ts) in dd3]

        for (st, ts) in dd0:
            if st == tail_state:
                c0_ts_tail_entry = ts

        for (st, ts) in dd0:
            if st == fini_state:
                c0_ts_fini_exit = ts

        for (st, ts) in dd1:
            if st == tail_state:
                c1_ts_tail_entry = ts

        for (st, ts) in dd1:
            if st == fini_state:
                c1_ts_fini_exit = ts

        for (st, ts) in dd2:
            if st == tail_state:
                c2_ts_tail_entry = ts

        for (st, ts) in dd2:
            if st == fini_state:
                c2_ts_fini_exit = ts

        for (st, ts) in dd3:
            if st == tail_state:
                c3_ts_tail_entry = ts

        for (st, ts) in dd3:
            if st == fini_state:
                c3_ts_fini_exit = ts

        tail_sym_latency = c3_ts_fini_exit - c0_ts_tail_entry
        tail_sym_latency_0 = c0_ts_fini_exit - c0_ts_tail_entry
        tail_sym_latency_1 = c1_ts_fini_exit - c1_ts_tail_entry
        tail_sym_latency_2 = c2_ts_fini_exit - c2_ts_tail_entry
        tail_sym_latency_3 = c3_ts_fini_exit - c3_ts_tail_entry


    tail_sym_latency_mean = np.mean(tail_sym_latencies)
    tail_sym_latency_std = np.std(tail_sym_latencies)
    tail_sym_latency_max = max(tail_sym_latencies)
    tail_sym_latency_min = min(tail_sym_latencies)
    tail_sym_latency_diff = tail_sym_latency_max - tail_sym_latency_min

    tail_sym_latency_0_mean = np.mean(tail_sym_latencies_0)
    tail_sym_latency_0_diff = max(tail_sym_latencies_0) - min(
    tail_sym_latency_1_mean = np.mean(tail_sym_latencies_1)
    tail_sym_latency_1_diff = max(tail_sym_latencies_1) - min(
    tail_sym_latency_2_mean = np.mean(tail_sym_latencies_2)
    tail_sym_latency_2_diff = max(tail_sym_latencies_2) - min(
    tail_sym_latency_3_mean = np.mean(tail_sym_latencies_3)
    tail_sym_latency_3_diff = max(tail_sym_latencies_3) - min(

    width = 0.8
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    #plt.bar(bincenters,y,width=width, color='r', yerr=menStd)
    #y = [tail_sym_latency_min, tail_sym_latency_mean, tail_sym_latency_max]
    #ystd = tail_sym_latency_std
    #ydiff = tail_sym_latency_diff
    #ymean = [tail_sym_latency_mean]
    #ymin = [tail_sym_latency_min]
    #ymax = [tail_sym_latency_max]
    #plt.bar([1, 2, 3],y, width=width, color='r', yerr=ystd)

    #xmin = [1,2]
    #xmean = [x + width for x in xmin]
    #xmax = [x + width for x in xmean]
    #plt.bar(xmin,ymin, width=width, color='g')
    #plt.bar(xmean,ymean, width=width, color='b', yerr=ystd)
    #plt.bar(xmax,ymax, width=width, color='r')

    ydiff = [
        tail_sym_latency_diff, tail_sym_latency_0_diff,
        tail_sym_latency_1_diff, tail_sym_latency_2_diff,
    ymean = [
        tail_sym_latency_mean, tail_sym_latency_0_mean,
        tail_sym_latency_1_mean, tail_sym_latency_2_mean,

    x = [-1.4, -0.4, 0.6, 1.6, 2.6]
    y = ymean
    ys = tail_sym_latencies
    errx = [v + 0.4 for v in x]
    erry = ydiff

    pltData = [x, y, errx, erry, ys]
    print os.getcwd()
    tag = os.getcwd().split('trace')[1].split('/')[-1]
    print tag
    fname = '../hist_stats.pkl'
        f = open(fname, 'rb')
            d = pickle.load(f)
        except EOFError:
            d = {}
    except IOError:
        d = {}

    f = open(fname, 'wb')
    d[tag] = pltData
    pickle.dump(d, f)
    print 'Saved plot data to %s' % fname

    plt.bar(x, y, width=width, color='g', yerr=erry)

    #(_, caps, _) = plt.errorbar(errx, ymean, ydiff, capsize=20, elinewidth=3, linestyle='.')
    (_, caps, _) = plt.errorbar(errx,

    for cap in caps:

    plt.xlabel('Core ID (-1 is for the total symbol latency)')
    plt.title('Mean tail symbol latency (err: [min, max])')
    plt.savefig('%s_plot_hist.png' % tf)

    plt.plot(ys, '.-g')
    plt.savefig('%s_plot_tail_scatter_timeorder.png' % tf)

    ys = np.abs(np.fft.fft(tail_sym_latencies))**2
    #plt.plot(ys, 'r')
    plt.plot(ys[1:], 'r')  #discard dc since it hides rest of it
    plt.savefig('%s_plot_tail_scatter_fft.png' % tf)

    ys = tail_sym_latencies
    plt.plot(ys, '.')
    plt.savefig('%s_plot_tail_scatter.png' % tf)
コード例 #44
def mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_obs, y_pred): 
    #y_obs, y_pred = np.array(y_obs), np.array(y_pred)
    #y_obs, y_pred =check_array(y_obs, y_pred)
    return  np.mean(np.abs((y_obs - y_pred) / y_obs)) * 100
コード例 #45
ファイル: relu_tran.py プロジェクト: yun-feng/convSig-shallow
				#iterate until v_max and v_min are sufficiently close
					#v is a convex function of x
					if(not np.isfinite(v_max)):
					#interate x to be determine wether v is smaller or greater than the needed one
					if x_new_min.sum()-1>=0 and x_new_max.sum()-1>=0:
コード例 #46
ファイル: vgg19_model.py プロジェクト: vernitgarg/DST
 def convergence_criterion(self):
     convergence_criterion = np.average(np.abs(np.diff(self.last_losses)))
     return convergence_criterion
コード例 #47
def find_nearest(array, value):
    array = np.asarray(array)
    idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
    return idx, array[idx]
コード例 #48
def get_MAPE(actual, predicted):
    #y_true, y_pred = np.array(actual), np.array(predicted)
    return np.round(np.mean(np.abs((actual - predicted) / actual)) * 100, 2)
コード例 #49
  def summary(self, level=0.9,
    """Summarise the posterior of the cumulative causal effect, Delta.

      level: `float` in (0,1). Determines width of CIs.
      threshold: `float`. Tests whether Delta is greater than threshold.
      tails: `int` in {1,2}. Specifies number of tails to use in tests.
      report: `str`, whether to report on 'all' or 'last' day in test period.
      rescale: `float`, an additional scaling factor for Delta.

      pd.DataFrame, a summary at level, with alpha=1-level, containing:
      - estimate, the median of Delta.
      - precision, distance between the (1-level)/tails and 0.5 quantiles.
      - lower, the value of the (1-level)/tails quantile.
      - upper, if tails=2, the level/tails quantile, otherwise inf.
      - scale, the scale parameter of Delta.
      - level, records the level parameter used to generate the report.
      - threshold, records the threshold parameter.
      - probability, the probability that Delta > threshold.

      ValueError: if tails is neither 1 nor 2.
      ValueError: if level is outside of the interval [0,1].
    # Enforce constraints on the arguments.
    if tails not in (1, 2):
      raise ValueError('tails should be either 1 or 2.')

    if level < 0.0 or level > 1.0:
      raise ValueError('level should be between 0.0 and 1.0.')

    # Calculate the relevant points to evaluate.
    alpha = (1-level) / tails
    if tails == 1:
      pupper = 1.0
    elif tails == 2:
      pupper = 1.0 - alpha

    # Obtain the appropriate posterior distribution.
    delta = self.causal_cumulative_distribution(rescale=rescale)

    # Define periods to credit to test.
    if self.use_cooldown:
      periods = [self.periods.test, self.periods.cooldown]
      periods = [self.periods.test]

    # Facts about the date index.
    dates = self.causal_effect(periods).index
    ndates = len(dates)
    dates_ones = np.ones(ndates)

    # Data for the report.
    values = {
        'dates': dates,
        'estimate': delta.mean(),
        'precision': np.abs(delta.ppf(alpha) - delta.ppf(0.5)).reshape(ndates),
        'lower': delta.ppf(alpha).reshape(ndates),
        'upper': delta.ppf(pupper).reshape(ndates),
        'scale': delta.kwds['scale'].reshape(ndates),
        'level': level * dates_ones,
        'posterior_threshold': threshold * dates_ones,
        'probability': 1.0 - delta.cdf(threshold).reshape(ndates)

    # Ordering for the report.
    ordering = ['estimate',

    # Construct the report, put it in the desired ordering.
    result = pd.DataFrame(values, index=dates)
    result = result[ordering]

    # Decide how much of the report to report.
    if report == 'all':
      lines = result.shape[0]
    elif report == 'last':
      lines = 1

    # Return the report for `lines` last days of the test period.
    return result.tail(lines)
コード例 #50
    def aggregate_descriptors(self, descriptors_stats = {}):
        aggregated = {}
        for namespace in self.descriptors:
            aggregated[namespace] = {}
            descs = self.descriptors[namespace].keys()

            stats_default = [ 'mean' ,'var', 'min', 'max' ]

            for desc in descs:
                values = self.descriptors[namespace][desc]['values']

                if (namespace, desc) in self.statsBlackList:
                    # make sure there is only one value
                    if len(values) != 1:
                        raise EssentiaError('You declared %s as a global descriptors, but there are more than 1 value: %s' % (desc, values))

                    value = values[0]
                        # if value is numeric
                        aggregated[namespace][desc] = { 'value': essentia.array(value) }
                        # if value is not numeric
                        aggregated[namespace][desc] = { 'value': value }


                aggregated[namespace][desc] = {}
                aggrDesc = aggregated[namespace][desc]

                stats = list(stats_default)
                if not isinstance(values[0], numpy.ndarray):
                    #stats += [ 'percentile_5', 'percentile_95' ]
                    stats += [ 'dmean', 'dmean2', 'dvar', 'dvar2']

                if namespace in descriptors_stats and desc in descriptors_stats[namespace]:
                    stats = descriptors_stats[namespace][desc]


                    if 'mean' in stats:
                        aggrDesc['mean'] = essentia.array(numpy.mean(values, axis=0))

                    if 'var' in stats:
                        aggrDesc['var'] = essentia.array(numpy.var(values, axis=0))

                    if 'min' in stats:
                        aggrDesc['min'] = essentia.array(numpy.min(values, axis=0))

                    if 'max' in stats:
                        aggrDesc['max'] = essentia.array(numpy.max(values, axis=0))

                    derived = None
                    derived2 = None

                    if 'dmean' in stats:
                        if not derived: derived = [a - b for a,b in izip(values[1:], values[:-1])]
                        aggrDesc['dmean'] = essentia.array(numpy.mean(numpy.abs(derived), axis=0))

                    if 'dvar' in stats:
                        if not derived: derived = [a - b for a,b in izip(values[1:], values[:-1])]
                        aggrDesc['dvar'] = essentia.array(numpy.var(derived, axis=0))

                    if 'dmean2' in stats:
                        if not derived: derived = [a - b for a,b in izip(values[1:], values[:-1])]
                        if not derived2: derived2 = [a - b for a,b in izip(derived[1:], derived[:-1])]
                        if derived2:
                            aggrDesc['dmean2'] = essentia.array(numpy.mean(numpy.abs(derived2), axis=0))
                            aggrDesc['dmean2'] = 'undefined'

                    if 'dvar2' in stats:
                        if not derived: derived = [a - b for a,b in izip(values[1:], values[:-1])]
                        if not derived2: derived2 = [a - b for a,b in izip(derived[1:], derived[:-1])]
                        if derived2:
                            aggrDesc['dvar2'] = essentia.array(numpy.var(derived2, axis=0))
                            aggrDesc['dvar2'] = 'undefined'

                    if 'frames' in stats:
                        aggrDesc['frames'] = essentia.array(values)

                    if 'single_gaussian' in stats:
                        single_gaussian = essentia.SingleGaussian()
                        (m, cov, icov) = single_gaussian(essentia.array(values))
                        aggrDesc['mean'] = m
                        aggrDesc['cov'] = cov
                        aggrDesc['icov'] = icov

                    for stat in stats:
                        if stat.startswith('percentile_'):
                            p = float(stat.split('_')[1])
                            aggrDesc[stat] = essentia.array(percentile(values, p))

                except (TypeError, ValueError): # values are not numeric

                    if len(values) == 1:
                       aggrDesc['value'] = values[0]
                       aggrDesc['value'] = []
                       for value in values:

        return aggregated
コード例 #51

def u_exact(t):
    return cos(t)

solver = odespy.RK4(f)
solver.set_initial_condition([1, 0])
N_P = 120  # no of periods
T = 2 * pi * N_P
Ns_per_period = [40, 80, 160, 320]
for N_per_period in Ns_per_period:
    N = N_per_period * N_P
    time_points = numpy.linspace(0, T, N + 1)
    u, t = solver.solve(time_points)

    x = u[:, 0]
    v = u[:, 1]
    error = u_exact(t) - x
    dt = t[1] - t[0]
    print N_per_period, numpy.abs(error).max(), numpy.abs(error).max() / dt**4

import sys
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
i = -10 * N_per_period  # start index for the last 10 periods
plot(t[i:], error[i:], 'r-')
コード例 #52
ファイル: training.py プロジェクト: SmileAtLife2018/-
def train():
    cfig = ConfigFactory()
    dataset = 'A'
    # training dataset
    img_root_dir = cfig.data_root_dir + r'part_' + dataset + r'_final/train_data/images/'
    gt_root_dir = cfig.data_root_dir + r'part_' + dataset + r'_final/train_data/ground_truth/'
    # testing dataset
    val_img_root_dir = cfig.data_root_dir + r'part_' + dataset + r'_final/test_data/images/'
    val_gt_root_dir = cfig.data_root_dir + r'part_' + dataset + r'_final/test_data/ground_truth/'

    cfig = ConfigFactory()

    # place holder
    input_img_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                           shape=(None, None, None, 3))
    density_map_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                             shape=(None, None, None, 1))

    # network generation
    inference_density_map = multi_column_cnn(input_img_placeholder)

    # density map loss
    density_map_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(
        tf.square(tf.subtract(density_map_placeholder, inference_density_map)))

    # jointly training
    joint_loss = density_map_loss
    # optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(configs.learing_rate, momentum=configs.momentum).minimize(joint_loss)
    # adam optimizer
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(cfig.lr).minimize(joint_loss)

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    file_path = cfig.log_router

    # training log route
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):

    # model saver route
    if not os.path.exists(cfig.ckpt_router):
    log = open(cfig.log_router + cfig.name + r'_training.logs',

    saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=cfig.max_ckpt_keep)
    ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(cfig.ckpt_router)

    # start session
    sess = tf.Session()
    if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
        print('load model, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path')
        saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)

    data_loader = ImageDataLoader(img_root_dir,
    data_loader_val = ImageDataLoader(val_img_root_dir,
    # start training
    for i in range(cfig.start_iters, cfig.total_iters):
        # training
        index = 1
        for blob in data_loader:
            img, gt_dmp, gt_count = blob['data'], blob['gt_density'], blob[
            feed_dict = {
                input_img_placeholder: (img - 127.5) / 128,
                density_map_placeholder: gt_dmp
            _, inf_dmp, loss = sess.run(
                [optimizer, inference_density_map, joint_loss],
            format_time = str(
                time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
            format_str = 'step %d, joint loss=%.5f, inference= %.5f, gt=%d'
            log_line = format_time, blob['fname'], format_str % (
                i * data_loader.num_samples + index, loss, inf_dmp.sum(),
            log.writelines(str(log_line) + '\n')
            index = index + 1

        if i % 50 == 0:
            val_log = open(cfig.log_router + cfig.name + r'_validating_' +
                           str(i) + '_.logs',
            absolute_error = 0.0
            square_error = 0.0
            file_index = 1
            for blob in data_loader_val:
                img, gt_dmp, gt_count = blob['data'], blob['gt_density'], blob[
                feed_dict = {
                    input_img_placeholder: (img - 127.5) / 128,
                    density_map_placeholder: gt_dmp
                inf_dmp, loss = sess.run([inference_density_map, joint_loss],
                format_time = str(
                    time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
                format_str = 'step %d, joint loss=%.5f, inference= %.5f, gt=%d'
                absolute_error = absolute_error + np.abs(
                    np.subtract(gt_count, inf_dmp.sum())).mean()
                square_error = square_error + np.power(
                    np.subtract(gt_count, inf_dmp.sum()), 2).mean()
                log_line = format_time, blob['fname'], format_str % (
                    file_index, loss, inf_dmp.sum(), gt_count)
                val_log.writelines(str(log_line) + '\n')
                file_index = file_index + 1
            mae = absolute_error / data_loader_val.num_samples
            rmse = np.sqrt(square_error / data_loader_val.num_samples)
                str('MAE_' + str(mae) + '_MSE_' + str(rmse)) + '\n')
            print(str('MAE_' + str(mae) + '_MSE_' + str(rmse)))
            saver.save(sess, cfig.ckpt_router + '/v1', global_step=i + 1)
コード例 #53
	total_dataset = form_pickle( dataset_loc, pickle_file )

train_x = total_dataset["train"]
test_x = total_dataset["test"]

scaler = MinMaxScaler()
scaled_train_x = scaler.fit_transform( train_x )
scaled_test_x = scaler.transform( test_x )

print("Loading model")
encoder = pickle.load( open(name,"rb") )

reconstructed, loss = encoder.encode_decode( scaled_test_x )

rec_rescaled = scaler.inverse_transform( reconstructed )
loss = np.abs( rec_rescaled - test_x )
text = "Average test set reconstruction error = {}".format(np.mean(loss))

reconstructed, loss = encoder.encode_decode( scaled_train_x )

rec_rescaled = scaler.inverse_transform( reconstructed )
loss = np.abs( rec_rescaled - train_x )
text += " \n Average train set reconstruction error = {}".format(np.mean(loss))
print( text )

layer = encoder.sparse_layer()
rep = layer.W[1,1:].reshape(28,28)
rep1 = layer.W[2,1:].reshape(28,28)

plt.imsave( arr=rep, cmap="gray", fname="internal_rep1"+outfile )
plt.imsave( arr=rep1, cmap="gray", fname="internal_rep2"+outfile )
コード例 #54
def FBW(x, b, X):
    """ Force at position x for bulk+wall confinement """
    return -b * (np.abs(x) >= X).astype(int) * np.sign(x)
コード例 #55
def geodgeo(p1, p2, j):
    This subroutine (1) converts vertical local height (altitude) h and geodetic
    latitude xmu into geocentric coordinates r and theta (geocentric radial
    distance and colatitude, respectively; also known as ecef coordinates),
    as well as (2) performs the inverse transformation from {r,theta} to {h,xmu}.

    The subroutine uses world geodetic system wgs84 parameters for the earth's
    ellipsoid. the angular quantities (geo colatitude theta and geodetic latitude
    xmu) are in radians, and the distances (geocentric radius r and altitude h
    above the earth's ellipsoid) are in kilometers.

    if j>0, the transformation is made from geodetic to geocentric coordinates using simple direct equations.
    if j<0, the inverse transformation from geocentric to geodetic coordinates is made by means of a fast iterative algorithm.

                  j>0            j<0
    input:    j, h,xmu        j, r,theta
    output:  j, r,theta        j, h,xmu

    Author:  N.A. Tsyganenko
    Date: Dec 5, 2007

    :param h: Altitude in km.
    :param xmu: Geodetic latitude in radian.
    :param r: Geocentric distance in km.
    :param theta: Spherical co-latitude in radian.

    # r_eq is the semi-major axis of the earth's ellipsoid,
    # and beta is its second eccentricity squared
    r_eq, beta = 6378.137, 6.73949674228e-3

    if j > 0:  # Direct transformation(GEOD->GEO):
        h, xmu = [p1, p2]
        cosxmu = np.cos(xmu)
        sinxmu = np.sin(xmu)
        den = np.sqrt(cosxmu**2 + (sinxmu / (1 + beta))**2)
        coslam = cosxmu / den
        sinlam = sinxmu / (den * (1 + beta))
        rs = r_eq / np.sqrt(1 + beta * sinlam**2)
        x = rs * coslam + h * cosxmu
        z = rs * sinlam + h * sinxmu
        r = np.sqrt(x**2 + z**2)
        theta = np.arccos(z / r)
        return r, theta
    else:  # Inverse transformation(GEO->GEOD):
        r, theta = [p1, p2]
        phi = np.pi * 0.5 - theta
        phi1, dphi, h, xmu, tol = phi, 0, 0, 0, 1e-6
        for n in range(100):
            if np.abs(dphi) > tol: break
            sp = np.sin(phi1)
            arg = sp * (1 + beta) / np.sqrt(1 + beta * (2 + beta) * sp**2)
            xmu = np.arcsin(arg)
            rs = r_eq / np.sqrt(1 + beta * np.sin(phi1)**2)
            cosfims = np.cos(phi1 - xmu)
            h = np.sqrt((rs * cosfims)**2 + r**2 - rs**2) - rs * cosfims
            z = rs * np.sin(phi1) + h * np.sin(xmu)
            x = rs * np.cos(phi1) + h * np.cos(xmu)
            rr = np.sqrt(x**2 + z**2)
            dphi = np.arcsin(z / rr) - phi
            phi1 -= dphi
        return h, xmu
コード例 #56
    u_train = u_train[idx, :]

    model = PhysicsInformedNN(X_u_train, u_train, X_f_train, layers, lb, ub, nu)

    start_time = time.time()
    elapsed = time.time() - start_time
    print("Training time: %.4f" % (elapsed))

    u_pred, f_pred = model.predict(X_star)

    error_u = np.linalg.norm(u_star - u_pred, 2) / np.linalg.norm(u_star, 2)
    print("Error u: %e" % (error_u))

    U_pred = griddata(X_star, u_pred.flatten(), (X, T), method="cubic")
    Error = np.abs(Exact - U_pred)

    ############################# Plotting ###############################

    fig, ax = newfig(1.0, 1.1)

    ####### Row 0: u(t,x) ##################
    gs0 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2)
    gs0.update(top=1 - 0.06, bottom=1 - 1 / 3, left=0.15, right=0.85, wspace=0)
    ax = plt.subplot(gs0[:, :])

    h = ax.imshow(
コード例 #57
    # bootstrapped distribution of the CORRELATIONS between the original PANAS
    # scores and the projected X scores (like we estimated above!)
    # We project the bootstrapped X matrix to the original component space and
    # then generate the cross-correlation matrix of the bootstrapped PANAS
    # scores with those projections
    Xbzs = zscore(Xb @ (U / np.linalg.norm(U, axis=0, keepdims=True)), ddof=1)
    y_corr_distrib[..., n] = (Ybz.T @ Xbzs) / (len(Xbzs) - 1)

    # Delete intermediate variables to reduce memory usage
    del Xbz, Ybz, Xbzs

# Calculate the standard error of the bootstrapped functional connection
# weights and generate bootstrap ratios from these values.
U_sum2 = (U_sum**2) / (n_boot + 1)
U_se = np.sqrt(np.abs(U_square - U_sum2) / (n_boot))
bootstrap_ratios = (U @ np.diag(sval)) / U_se

# Calculate the lower/upper confidence intervals of the bootrapped PANAS scores
y_corr_ll, y_corr_ul = np.percentile(y_corr_distrib, [2.5, 97.5], axis=-1)

# Now we can use these results to re-generate the entirety of Fig 1 from Mirchi
# et al., 2018!

# Community assignments for the MyConnectome dataset are stored online. We'll
# fetch and load those into an array so we can plot the bootstrap ratios sorted
# by communities.

from urllib.request import urlopen
コード例 #58
                            prof_timeline = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats)
                            prof_ctf = prof_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format()
                    #print('reduce '+str(c))
                end_time = time.time()

                if FLAGS.debug is True:

                    if task_index == 0:
                        check = np.allclose(C_blocks[::2], truth_blocks[::2])
                        diff = np.subtract(C_blocks[::2], truth_blocks[::2])
                        check = np.allclose(C_blocks[1::2], truth_blocks[1::2])
                        diff = np.subtract(C_blocks[1::2], truth_blocks[1::2]) 
                    print('correct: '+str(check)+' max err: '+str(np.amax(np.abs(diff.flatten()))))

                time_spent = (end_time - start_time)
                flops = ((N * N * N * 2 - N * N) / 10**9) / time_spent
                print('Test '+str(repeat)+' reducer: '+str(task_index)+': '+str(flops)+' Gflops/s '+str(time_spent)+' seconds')
        config, cluster = create_cluster('reducer', FLAGS.num_reducers)
        server  = tf.train.Server(cluster.as_cluster_def(), job_name=job_name, task_index=task_index, config=config, protocol=FLAGS.protocol)
        with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(master=server.target,
                                               config=config) as sess:
            for test in range(FLAGS.num_tests):
コード例 #59
ファイル: _dics.py プロジェクト: wronk/mne-python
def dics_source_power(info, forward, noise_csds, data_csds, reg=0.01,
                      label=None, pick_ori=None, verbose=None):
    """Dynamic Imaging of Coherent Sources (DICS).

    Calculate source power in time and frequency windows specified in the
    calculation of the data cross-spectral density matrix or matrices. Source
    power is normalized by noise power.

    NOTE : This implementation has not been heavily tested so please
    report any issues or suggestions.

    info : dict
        Measurement info, e.g. epochs.info.
    forward : dict
        Forward operator.
    noise_csds : instance or list of instances of CrossSpectralDensity
        The noise cross-spectral density matrix for a single frequency or a
        list of matrices for multiple frequencies.
    data_csds : instance or list of instances of CrossSpectralDensity
        The data cross-spectral density matrix for a single frequency or a list
        of matrices for multiple frequencies.
    reg : float
        The regularization for the cross-spectral density.
    label : Label | None
        Restricts the solution to a given label.
    pick_ori : None | 'normal'
        If 'normal', rather than pooling the orientations by taking the norm,
        only the radial component is kept.
    verbose : bool, str, int, or None
        If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose).

    stc : SourceEstimate | VolSourceEstimate
        Source power with frequency instead of time.

    The original reference is:
    Gross et al. Dynamic imaging of coherent sources: Studying neural
    interactions in the human brain. PNAS (2001) vol. 98 (2) pp. 694-699

    if isinstance(data_csds, CrossSpectralDensity):
        data_csds = [data_csds]

    if isinstance(noise_csds, CrossSpectralDensity):
        noise_csds = [noise_csds]

    def csd_shapes(x):
        return tuple(c.data.shape for c in x)

    if (csd_shapes(data_csds) != csd_shapes(noise_csds) or
       any(len(set(csd_shapes(c))) > 1 for c in [data_csds, noise_csds])):
        raise ValueError('One noise CSD matrix should be provided for each '
                         'data CSD matrix and vice versa. All CSD matrices '
                         'should have identical shape.')

    frequencies = []
    for data_csd, noise_csd in zip(data_csds, noise_csds):
        if not np.allclose(data_csd.frequencies, noise_csd.frequencies):
            raise ValueError('Data and noise CSDs should be calculated at '
                             'identical frequencies')

        # If CSD is summed over multiple frequencies, take the average
        # frequency
        if(len(data_csd.frequencies) > 1):
    fmin = frequencies[0]

    if len(frequencies) > 2:
        fstep = []
        for i in range(len(frequencies) - 1):
            fstep.append(frequencies[i + 1] - frequencies[i])
        if not np.allclose(fstep, np.mean(fstep), 1e-5):
            warn('Uneven frequency spacing in CSD object, frequencies in the '
                 'resulting stc file will be inaccurate.')
        fstep = fstep[0]
    elif len(frequencies) > 1:
        fstep = frequencies[1] - frequencies[0]
        fstep = 1  # dummy value

    picks = _setup_picks(picks=None, info=info, forward=forward)

    is_free_ori, _, proj, vertno, G =\
        _prepare_beamformer_input(info, forward, label, picks=picks,

    n_orient = 3 if is_free_ori else 1
    n_sources = G.shape[1] // n_orient
    source_power = np.zeros((n_sources, len(data_csds)))
    n_csds = len(data_csds)

    logger.info('Computing DICS source power...')
    for i, (data_csd, noise_csd) in enumerate(zip(data_csds, noise_csds)):
        if n_csds > 1:
            logger.info('    computing DICS spatial filter %d out of %d' %
                        (i + 1, n_csds))

        Cm = data_csd.data

        # Calculating regularized inverse, equivalent to an inverse operation
        # after the following regularization:
        # Cm += reg * np.trace(Cm) / len(Cm) * np.eye(len(Cm))
        Cm_inv = linalg.pinv(Cm, reg)

        # Compute spatial filters
        W = np.dot(G.T, Cm_inv)
        for k in range(n_sources):
            Wk = W[n_orient * k: n_orient * k + n_orient]
            Gk = G[:, n_orient * k: n_orient * k + n_orient]
            Ck = np.dot(Wk, Gk)

            if is_free_ori:
                # Free source orientation
                Wk[:] = np.dot(linalg.pinv(Ck, 0.1), Wk)
                # Fixed source orientation
                Wk /= Ck

            # Noise normalization
            noise_norm = np.dot(np.dot(Wk.conj(), noise_csd.data), Wk.T)
            noise_norm = np.abs(noise_norm).trace()

            # Calculating source power
            sp_temp = np.dot(np.dot(Wk.conj(), data_csd.data), Wk.T)
            sp_temp /= max(noise_norm, 1e-40)  # Avoid division by 0

            if pick_ori == 'normal':
                source_power[k, i] = np.abs(sp_temp)[2, 2]
                source_power[k, i] = np.abs(sp_temp).trace()


    subject = _subject_from_forward(forward)
    return _make_stc(source_power, vertices=vertno, tmin=fmin / 1000.,
                     tstep=fstep / 1000., subject=subject)
コード例 #60
def igrf_geo(r, theta, phi):
    Calculates components of the main (internal) geomagnetic field in the spherical geographic
    (geocentric) coordinate system, using IAGA international geomagnetic reference model
    coefficients  (e.g., http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/iaga/vmod/igrf.html, revised: 22 march, 2005)

    Before the first call of this subroutine, or if the time was changed,
    the model coefficients should be updated by calling the subroutine recalc

    Python version by Sheng Tian

    :param r: spherical geographic (geocentric) coordinates: radial distance r in units Re=6371.2 km
    :param theta: colatitude theta in radians
    :param phi: longitude phi in radians
    :return: br, btheta, bphi. Spherical components of the main geomagnetic field in nanotesla
        (positive br outward, btheta southward, bphi eastward)

    # common /geopack2/ g(105),h(105),rec(105)
    global g, h, rec

    ct = np.cos(theta)
    st = np.sin(theta)
    minst = 1e-5
    if np.abs(st) < minst: smlst = True
    else: smlst = False

    # In this new version, the optimal value of the parameter nm (maximal order of the spherical
    # harmonic expansion) is not user-prescribed, but calculated inside the subroutine, based
    # on the value of the radial distance r:
    irp3 = np.int64(r + 2)
    nm = np.int64(3 + 30 / irp3)
    if nm > 13: nm = 13
    k = nm + 1

    # r dependence is encapsulated here.
    a = np.empty(k)
    b = np.empty(k)
    ar = 1 / r  # a/r
    a[0] = ar * ar  # a[n] = (a/r)^(n+2).
    b[0] = a[0]  # b[n] = (n+1)(a/r)^(n+2)
    for n in range(1, k):
        a[n] = a[n - 1] * ar
        b[n] = a[n] * (n + 1)

    # t - short for theta, f - short for phi.
    br, bt, bf = [0.] * 3
    d, p = [0., 1]

    # m = 0. P^n,0
    m = 0
    smf, cmf = [0., 1]
    p1, d1, p2, d2 = [p, d, 0., 0]
    l0 = 0
    mn = l0
    for n in range(m, k):
        w = g[mn] * cmf + h[mn] * smf
        br += b[n] * w * p1  # p1 is P^n,m.
        bt -= a[n] * w * d1  # d1 is dP^n,m/dt.
        xk = rec[mn]
        # Eq 16c and its derivative on theta.
        d0 = ct * d1 - st * p1 - xk * d2  # dP^n,m/dt = ct*dP^n-1,m/dt - st*P_n-1,m - K^n,m*dP^n-2,m/dt
        p0 = ct * p1 - xk * p2  # P^n,m = ct*P^n-1,m - K^n,m*P^n-2,m
        d2, p2, d1 = [d1, p1, d0]
        p1 = p0
        mn += n + 1

    # Eq 16b and its derivative on theta.
    d = st * d + ct * p  # dP^m,m/dt = st*dP^m-1,m-1/dt + ct*P^m-1,m-1
    p = st * p  # P^m,m = st*P^m-1,m-1

    # Similarly for P^n,m
    l0 = 0
    for m in range(1, k):  # sum over m
        smf = np.sin(m * phi)  # sin(m*phi)
        cmf = np.cos(m * phi)  # cos(m*phi)
        p1, d1, p2, d2 = [p, d, 0., 0]
        tbf = 0.
        l0 += m + 1
        mn = l0
        for n in range(m, k):  # sum over n
            w = g[mn] * cmf + h[mn] * smf  # [g^n,m*cos(m*phi)+h^n,m*sin(m*phi)]
            br += b[n] * w * p1
            bt -= a[n] * w * d1
            tp = p1
            if smlst: tp = d1
            tbf += a[n] * (g[mn] * smf - h[mn] * cmf) * tp
            xk = rec[mn]
            d0 = ct * d1 - st * p1 - xk * d2  # dP^n,m/dt = ct*dP^n-1,m/dt - st*P_n-1,m - K^n,m*dP^n-2,m/dt
            p0 = ct * p1 - xk * p2  # P^n,m = ct*P^n-1,m - K^n,m*P^n-2,m
            d2, p2, d1 = [d1, p1, d0]
            p1 = p0
            mn += n + 1

        d = st * d + ct * p
        p = st * p

        # update B_phi.
        tbf *= m
        bf += tbf

    if smlst:
        if ct < 0.: bf = -bf
    else: bf /= st

    return br, bt, bf