コード例 #1
def mk_center_dictionary(positions, data, before=49, after=80):
    """ Computes clusters 'centers' or templates and associated data.
    Clusters' centers should be built such that they can be used for 
    subtraction, this implies that we should make them long enough, on
    both side of the peak, to see them go back to baseline. Formal
    parameters before and after bellow should therefore be set to
    larger values than the ones used for clustering. 
    positions : a vector of spike times, that should all come from the
                same cluster and correspond to reasonably 'clean'
    data : a data matrix.
    before : the number of sampling point to keep before the peak.
    after : the number of sampling point to keep after the peak.
    A dictionary with the following components:
      center: the estimate of the center (obtained from the median).
      centerD: the estimate of the center's derivative (obtained from
               the median of events cut on the derivative of data).
      centerDD: the estimate of the center's second derivative
                (obtained from the median of events cut on the second
                derivative of data).
      centerD_norm2: the squared norm of the center's derivative.
      centerDD_norm2: the squared norm of the center's second
      centerD_dot_centerDD: the scalar product of the center's first
                            and second derivatives.
      center_idx: an array of indices generated by
    from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
    from numpy import apply_along_axis as apply
    dataD = apply(lambda x: fftconvolve(x,
                                        np.array([1, 0, -1]) / 2., 'same'), 1,
    dataDD = apply(lambda x: fftconvolve(x,
                                         np.array([1, 0, -1]) / 2., 'same'), 1,

    evts = mk_events(positions, data, before, after)
    evtsD = mk_events(positions, dataD, before, after)
    evtsDD = mk_events(positions, dataDD, before, after)
    evts_median = apply(np.median, 0, evts)
    evtsD_median = apply(np.median, 0, evtsD)
    evtsDD_median = apply(np.median, 0, evtsDD)
    return {
        "center": evts_median,
        "centerD": evtsD_median,
        "centerDD": evtsDD_median,
        "centerD_norm2": np.dot(evtsD_median, evtsD_median),
        "centerDD_norm2": np.dot(evtsDD_median, evtsDD_median),
        "centerD_dot_centerDD": np.dot(evtsD_median, evtsDD_median),
        "center_idx": np.arange(-before, after + 1)
コード例 #2
def mk_center_dictionary(positions, data, before=49, after=80):
    """ Computes clusters 'centers' or templates and associated data.
    Clusters' centers should be built such that they can be used for 
    subtraction, this implies that we should make them long enough, on
    both side of the peak, to see them go back to baseline. Formal
    parameters before and after bellow should therefore be set to
    larger values than the ones used for clustering. 
    positions : a vector of spike times, that should all come from the
                same cluster and correspond to reasonably 'clean'
    data : a data matrix.
    before : the number of sampling point to keep before the peak.
    after : the number of sampling point to keep after the peak.
    A dictionary with the following components:
      center: the estimate of the center (obtained from the median).
      centerD: the estimate of the center's derivative (obtained from
               the median of events cut on the derivative of data).
      centerDD: the estimate of the center's second derivative
                (obtained from the median of events cut on the second
                derivative of data).
      centerD_norm2: the squared norm of the center's derivative.
      centerDD_norm2: the squared norm of the center's second
      centerD_dot_centerDD: the scalar product of the center's first
                            and second derivatives.
      center_idx: an array of indices generated by
    from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
    from numpy import apply_along_axis as apply
    dataD = apply(lambda x:
                  1, data)
    dataDD = apply(lambda x:
                   1, dataD)
    evts = mk_events(positions, data, before, after)
    evtsD = mk_events(positions, dataD, before, after)
    evtsDD = mk_events(positions, dataDD, before, after)
    evts_median = apply(np.median,0,evts)
    evtsD_median = apply(np.median,0,evtsD)
    evtsDD_median = apply(np.median,0,evtsDD)
    return {"center" : evts_median, 
            "centerD" : evtsD_median, 
            "centerDD" : evtsDD_median, 
            "centerD_norm2" : np.dot(evtsD_median,evtsD_median),
            "centerDD_norm2" : np.dot(evtsDD_median,evtsDD_median),
            "centerD_dot_centerDD" : np.dot(evtsD_median,
            "center_idx" : np.arange(-before,after+1)}
コード例 #3
def good_evts_fct(samp, thr=3):
    samp_med = apply(np.median, 0, samp)
    samp_mad = apply(swp.mad, 0, samp)
    above = samp_med > 0
    samp_r = samp.copy()
    for i in range(samp.shape[0]):
        samp_r[i, above] = 0
    samp_med[above] = 0
    res = apply(lambda x: np.all(abs((x - samp_med) / samp_mad) < thr), 1,
    return res
コード例 #4
ファイル: pouzat_python.py プロジェクト: craigatencio/RPmisc
def good_evts_fct(samp,thr=3):
    samp_med = apply(np.median,0,samp)
    samp_mad = apply(swp.mad,0,samp)
    above = samp_med > 0
    samp_r = samp.copy()
    for i in range(samp.shape[0]): samp_r[i,above] = 0
    samp_med[above] = 0
    res = apply(lambda x: np.all(abs((x-samp_med)/samp_mad)<thr), 1, samp_r)
コード例 #5
ファイル: gadget_profiles.py プロジェクト: ethlau/caps
def generate_profiles(raw_data, bins, halo_center) :

    singletons = ["r_in", "r_out", "Volume", "MASS"]
    quantities = raw_data.keys()+extra_quantities+singletons
    bin_values = dict(( q, [] ) for q in quantities)

    raw_data["POS "] = raw_data["POS "] - halo_center

    for i, bin in enumerate(bins[1:]) :
	print i

        in_bin = bins[i-1]
        out_bin = bin

        bin_data = select_bin(raw_data, in_bin, out_bin)

        #populate bins for weighting parameters
        bin_values["r_in"].append( in_bin )
        bin_values["r_out"].append( out_bin)
        bin_values["Volume"].append( 4./3.*pi*(out_bin**3 - in_bin**3) )
        bin_values["MASS"].append( np.sum(bin_data["MASS"]) )

        for q in quantities :

            if q in mass_weighted_properties :

            elif q in volume_weighted_properties :

            elif q == "T_sl" :

                #calculate spectroscopic temperature
                mask = (bin_data["T"] > 1e6)
                T_cut_T = bin_data["T"][mask]
                T_cut_Rho = bin_data["RHO "][mask]
                T_cut = np.array(T_cut_T, T_cut_Rho).T

                numerator = np.sum(np.apply(calc_spec_temperature, T_cut, 0.25))
                denominator = np.sum(np.apply(calc_spec_temperature, T_cut, -0.75))
                bin_values["T_sl"].append( numerator/denominator )

            else :

    for q in quantities :
        bin_values[q] = np.array(bin_values[q]) 

    return bin_values
コード例 #6
ファイル: tree.py プロジェクト: MaybeS/ITE4005
    def _build(self, train: np.ndarray, depth: int = 1) -> dict:
        # split data where value lower than v and else
        _split = lambda i, v: (train[np.where(train[:, i] < v)], train[np.where(train[:, i] >= v)])
        # information gain
        _gain = lambda gs: -sum([self.metric(g) * len(g) / len(list(chain(*gs))) for g in gs])
        # _split and calc value using metric
        _apply = np.vectorize(lambda v, i: _gain(_split(i, v)))
        # get index of applied minimum
        _mini = lambda uni, idx, i: idx[_apply(uni, i).argmax()]
        # terminal node
        _t = lambda x: Counter(x[:, -1]).most_common()

        m = apply(lambda i: _mini(*np.unique(train[:, i], True), i), 1, np.array([self.features]).T)
        idx, row = max(zip(self.features, m), key=lambda t: _gain(_split(t[0], train[t[1]][t[0]])))
        left, right = _split(idx, train[row][idx])

        node = {
            'index': idx,
            'value': train[row][idx],
            'left': left,
            'right': right,

        if not left.size or not right.size:
            node['left'] = node['right'] = _t(np.concatenate([left, right]))
        elif depth >= self.max_depth or -_gain([left, right]) < self.min_gain:
            node['left'], node['right'] = _t(left), _t(right)
            node['left'] = _t(left) if len(left) <= self.min_size else self._build(left, depth+1)
            node['right'] = _t(right) if len(right) <= self.min_size else self._build(right, depth+1)

        return node
コード例 #7
ファイル: forest.py プロジェクト: MaybeS/ITE4005
    def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> List[float]:
        """predict using generated random forest with input X

        @param: X               test X
        pred = np.array([e.predict(X) for e in self.estimators])
        return apply(lambda y: Counter(y).most_common()[0][0], 1, pred.T)
コード例 #8
def kmeans_t(points, k, iterations):
    centroids = initialize_centroids(points, k)
    for i in range(iterations):
        centroids = np.apply(np.vstack, [
            move_centroids(points, closest_centroid(points, centroids),
    return centroids
コード例 #9
def kmeans(points, iterations, initial_centroids, enable_output):
    centroids = initial_centroids
    for i in range(iterations):
        if enable_output:
            print("centroids in iteration ", i, ": ", centroids)
        centroids = np.apply(np.vstack, [
            move_centroids(points, closest_centroid(points, centroids),
    return centroids
コード例 #10
ファイル: tree.py プロジェクト: MaybeS/ITE4005
    def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> float:
        """predict using generated decision tree with input X

        @param: X               test X
        return apply(partial(self._predict, self.tree), 1, X)
コード例 #11
def mk_aligned_events(positions, data, before=14, after=30):
    """Align events on the central event using first or second order
    Taylor expansion.
    positions: a vector of indices with the positions of the
               detected events. 
    data: a matrix whose rows contains the recording channels.
    before: an integer, how many points should be within the cut
            before the reference index / time given by positions.
    after: an integer, how many points should be within the cut
           after the reference index / time given by positions.
    A tuple whose elements are:
      A matrix with as many rows as events and whose rows are the
      cuts on the different recording sites glued one after the
      other. These events have been jitter corrected using the
      second order Taylor expansion.
      A vector of events positions where "actual" positions have
      been rounded to the nearest index.
      A vector of jitter values.
    (1) The data first and second derivatives are estimated first.
    (2) Events are cut next on each of the three versions of the data.
    (3) The global median event for each of the three versions are
    (4) Each event is then aligned on the median using a first order
    Taylor expansion.
    (5) If this alignment decreases the squared norm of the event
    (6) an improvement is looked for using a second order expansion.
    If this second order expansion still decreases the squared norm
    and if the estimated jitter is larger than 1, the whole procedure
    is repeated after cutting a new the event based on a better peak
    position (7). 
    from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
    from numpy import apply_along_axis as apply
    from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
    n_evts = len(positions)
    new_positions = positions.copy()
    jitters = np.zeros(n_evts)
    # Details (1)
    dataD = apply(lambda x: fftconvolve(x,np.array([1,0,-1])/2., 'same'),
                  1, data)
    dataDD = apply(lambda x: fftconvolve(x,np.array([1,0,-1])/2.,'same'),
                   1, dataD)
    # Details (2)
    evts = mk_events(positions, data, before, after)
    evtsD = mk_events(positions, dataD, before, after)
    evtsDD = mk_events(positions, dataDD, before, after)    
    # Details (3)
    center = apply(np.median,0,evts)
    centerD = apply(np.median,0,evtsD)
    centerD_norm2 = np.dot(centerD,centerD)
    centerDD = apply(np.median,0,evtsDD)
    centerDD_norm2 = np.dot(centerDD,centerDD)
    centerD_dot_centerDD = np.dot(centerD,centerDD)
    # Details (4)
    for evt_idx in range(n_evts):
        # Details (5)
        evt = evts[evt_idx,:]
        evt_pos = positions[evt_idx]
        h = evt - center
        h_order0_norm2 = sum(h**2)
        h_dot_centerD = np.dot(h,centerD)
        jitter0 = h_dot_centerD/centerD_norm2
        h_order1_norm2 = sum((h-jitter0*centerD)**2)
        if h_order0_norm2 > h_order1_norm2:
            # Details (6)
            h_dot_centerDD = np.dot(h,centerDD)
            first = -2*h_dot_centerD + \
              2*jitter0*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + \
              3*jitter0**2*centerD_dot_centerDD + \
            second = 2*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + \
              6*jitter0*centerD_dot_centerDD + \
            jitter1 = jitter0 - first/second
            h_order2_norm2 = sum((h-jitter1*centerD- \
            if h_order1_norm2 <= h_order2_norm2:
                jitter1 = jitter0
            jitter1 = 0
        if abs(round(jitter1)) > 0:
            # Details (7)
            evt_pos -= int(round(jitter1))
            evt = cut_sgl_evt(evt_pos,data=data,
                              before=before, after=after)
            h = evt - center
            h_order0_norm2 = sum(h**2)
            h_dot_centerD = np.dot(h,centerD)
            jitter0 = h_dot_centerD/centerD_norm2
            h_order1_norm2 = sum((h-jitter0*centerD)**2)		      
            if h_order0_norm2 > h_order1_norm2:
                h_dot_centerDD = np.dot(h,centerDD)
                first = -2*h_dot_centerD + \
                  2*jitter0*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + \
                  3*jitter0**2*centerD_dot_centerDD + \
                second = 2*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + \
                  6*jitter0*centerD_dot_centerDD + \
                jitter1 = jitter0 - first/second
                h_order2_norm2 = sum((h-jitter1*centerD- \
                if h_order1_norm2 <= h_order2_norm2:
                    jitter1 = jitter0
                jitter1 = 0
        if sum(evt**2) > sum((h-jitter1*centerD-
            evts[evt_idx,:] = evt-jitter1*centerD- \
        new_positions[evt_idx] = evt_pos 
        jitters[evt_idx] = jitter1
    return (evts, new_positions,jitters)
コード例 #12
 def get_is_occupied(self):
     """Return boolean array where True refers to occupied and False to virtual."""
     norms = np.apply(self.is_k_vec_virtual, axis=1, arr=self.momenta)
     return norms < self.parameters.k_fermi
コード例 #13
ファイル: pouzat_python.py プロジェクト: craigatencio/RPmisc
for i,y in enumerate(dataQsd):
    plt.plot(qq,y,color=colors[i], linestyle='dashed')
plt.xlabel('Normal quantiles')
plt.ylabel('Empirical quantiles')

# Detect peaks
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from numpy import apply_along_axis as apply

# Smooth and threshold data
data_filtered = apply(lambda x: fftconvolve(x, np.array([1,1,1,1,1])/5.0,'same'), 1, np.array(data))
data_filtered = (data_filtered.transpose() / apply(swp.mad,1,data_filtered)).transpose()
data_filtered[data_filtered < 4] = 0

plt.plot(tt, data[0], color='black')
plt.axhline(y=4, color='blue', linestyle = 'dashed')
plt.plot(tt, data_filtered[0,], color='red')
plt.xlim([0, 0.2])
plt.ylim([-5, 10])
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')

# Get peaks
spikes0 = swp.peak(data_filtered.sum(0))
コード例 #14
ファイル: glassreg.py プロジェクト: amiller/glassreg
def apply_rotation(rot, p):
    # p is a homogeneous image point ~ (x,y,1)
    direction_vector = np.dot(invKK, p)
    rotated_direction = np.dot(rot, direction_vector)
    p_prime = np.apply(KK, rotated_direction)
    return p_prime
コード例 #15
from numpy import apply_along_axis as apply
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
import sorting_with_python as swp
from load_data import load_data
from numpy.linalg import svd
from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
import pandas as pd
import csv
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

raw_data, data_len = load_data()
tt = np.arange(0, data_len) / 1.5e4
data = list(map(lambda x: (x - np.median(x)) / swp.mad(x), raw_data))

data_filtered = apply(
    lambda x: fftconvolve(x,
                          np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) / 5., 'same'), 1,
data_filtered = (data_filtered.transpose() / \
data_filtered[data_filtered < 4] = 0

sp0 = swp.peak(data_filtered.sum(0))
sp0E = sp0[sp0 <= data_len / 2.]
sp0L = sp0[sp0 > data_len / 2.]

evtsE = swp.mk_events(sp0E, np.array(data), 49, 50)
evtsE_median = apply(np.median, 0, evtsE)
evtsE_mad = apply(swp.mad, 0, evtsE)

evtsE = swp.mk_events(sp0E, np.array(data), 14, 30)
コード例 #16
ファイル: _utility.py プロジェクト: callmespring/TestMDP
def normalize_unit_sd(array):
    def temp(v):
        return v / np.std(v)

    return np.array(apply(temp, 0, array))
コード例 #17
def mk_aligned_events(positions, data, before=14, after=30):
    """Align events on the central event using first or second order
    Taylor expansion.
    positions: a vector of indices with the positions of the
               detected events. 
    data: a matrix whose rows contains the recording channels.
    before: an integer, how many points should be within the cut
            before the reference index / time given by positions.
    after: an integer, how many points should be within the cut
           after the reference index / time given by positions.
    A tuple whose elements are:
      A matrix with as many rows as events and whose rows are the
      cuts on the different recording sites glued one after the
      other. These events have been jitter corrected using the
      second order Taylor expansion.
      A vector of events positions where "actual" positions have
      been rounded to the nearest index.
      A vector of jitter values.
    (1) The data first and second derivatives are estimated first.
    (2) Events are cut next on each of the three versions of the data.
    (3) The global median event for each of the three versions are
    (4) Each event is then aligned on the median using a first order
    Taylor expansion.
    (5) If this alignment decreases the squared norm of the event
    (6) an improvement is looked for using a second order expansion.
    If this second order expansion still decreases the squared norm
    and if the estimated jitter is larger than 1, the whole procedure
    is repeated after cutting a new the event based on a better peak
    position (7). 
    from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
    from numpy import apply_along_axis as apply
    from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
    n_evts = len(positions)
    new_positions = positions.copy()
    jitters = np.zeros(n_evts)
    # Details (1)
    dataD = apply(lambda x: fftconvolve(x,
                                        np.array([1, 0, -1]) / 2., 'same'), 1,
    dataDD = apply(lambda x: fftconvolve(x,
                                         np.array([1, 0, -1]) / 2., 'same'), 1,

    # Details (2)
    evts = mk_events(positions, data, before, after)
    evtsD = mk_events(positions, dataD, before, after)
    evtsDD = mk_events(positions, dataDD, before, after)
    # Details (3)
    center = apply(np.median, 0, evts)
    centerD = apply(np.median, 0, evtsD)
    centerD_norm2 = np.dot(centerD, centerD)
    centerDD = apply(np.median, 0, evtsDD)
    centerDD_norm2 = np.dot(centerDD, centerDD)
    centerD_dot_centerDD = np.dot(centerD, centerDD)
    # Details (4)
    for evt_idx in range(n_evts):
        # Details (5)
        evt = evts[evt_idx, :]
        evt_pos = positions[evt_idx]
        h = evt - center
        h_order0_norm2 = sum(h**2)
        h_dot_centerD = np.dot(h, centerD)
        jitter0 = h_dot_centerD / centerD_norm2
        h_order1_norm2 = sum((h - jitter0 * centerD)**2)
        if h_order0_norm2 > h_order1_norm2:
            # Details (6)
            h_dot_centerDD = np.dot(h, centerDD)
            first = -2*h_dot_centerD + \
              2*jitter0*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + \
              3*jitter0**2*centerD_dot_centerDD + \
            second = 2*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + \
              6*jitter0*centerD_dot_centerDD + \
            jitter1 = jitter0 - first / second
            h_order2_norm2 = sum((h-jitter1*centerD- \
            if h_order1_norm2 <= h_order2_norm2:
                jitter1 = jitter0
            jitter1 = 0
        if abs(round(jitter1)) > 0:
            # Details (7)
            evt_pos -= int(round(jitter1))
            evt = cut_sgl_evt(evt_pos, data=data, before=before, after=after)
            h = evt - center
            h_order0_norm2 = sum(h**2)
            h_dot_centerD = np.dot(h, centerD)
            jitter0 = h_dot_centerD / centerD_norm2
            h_order1_norm2 = sum((h - jitter0 * centerD)**2)
            if h_order0_norm2 > h_order1_norm2:
                h_dot_centerDD = np.dot(h, centerDD)
                first = -2*h_dot_centerD + \
                  2*jitter0*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + \
                  3*jitter0**2*centerD_dot_centerDD + \
                second = 2*(centerD_norm2 - h_dot_centerDD) + \
                  6*jitter0*centerD_dot_centerDD + \
                jitter1 = jitter0 - first / second
                h_order2_norm2 = sum((h-jitter1*centerD- \
                if h_order1_norm2 <= h_order2_norm2:
                    jitter1 = jitter0
                jitter1 = 0
        if sum(evt**2) > sum(
            (h - jitter1 * centerD - jitter1**2 / 2 * centerDD)**2):
            evts[evt_idx,:] = evt-jitter1*centerD- \
        new_positions[evt_idx] = evt_pos
        jitters[evt_idx] = jitter1
    return (evts, new_positions, jitters)
コード例 #18
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import apply_along_axis as apply
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
import sorting_with_python as swp
from load_data import load_data

raw_data, data_len = load_data()
tt = np.arange(0, data_len) / 1.5e4
data = list(map(lambda x: (x - np.median(x)) / swp.mad(x), raw_data))

data_filtered = apply(
    lambda x: fftconvolve(x,
                          np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) / 5., 'same'), 1,
data_filtered = (data_filtered.transpose() / \
data_filtered[data_filtered < 4] = 0

def print_stats(title, sp):
    print("Stats for %s" % title)
    print("giving %d spikes" % len(sp))
    print("a mean inter-event interval of %f sampling points" %
    print("a standard deviation of %f sampling points" %
    print("a smallest inter-event interval of %f sampling points" %
    print("and a largest of %f sampling points" % np.max(np.diff(sp)))