コード例 #1
ファイル: matika.py プロジェクト: harshmathur1990/rhd_dq
def advection(v, f, *varargs, **kwargs):
Return advection of an N-dimensional vector field f (or a scalar field f)
along and other N-dimensional vector field v.

v is an array-like (N+1)-dimensional object containing a vector field
(the first index specifies the component of the vector field).
f is either a vector field with same shape as v, or a scalar field (ie
an N-dimensional array of same shape as each component of v).

Uses the numpy.gradient function to compute partial derivatives and
inherits the same optional arguments.
    if len(shape(v)) == 0:
        raise TypeError('Invalid vector field v')
    N = shape(v)[0]
    shp = shape(v[0])
    if len(shp) != N:
        raise TypeError('Invalid vector field v')
    D = []
    for d in v:
        if shape(d) != shp:
            raise TypeError('Invalid vector field v')
    if len(shape(f)) == N:
        D = gradient(f, *varargs, **kwargs)
        return asum(asarray(v) * D, axis=0)
    elif len(shape(f)) == N + 1:
        for d in f:
            D += [gradient(d, *varargs, **kwargs)]
        raise TypeError('Invalid scalar/vector field f')

    return [asum(asarray(v) * D[i], axis=0) for i in range(N)]
コード例 #2
    def b_matrix(self, shg, shgbar=None, lcoords=None, coords=None, det=None,
                 disp=0, **kwargs):
        """Assemble and return the B matrix"""
        B = zeros((self.ndi+self.nshr, self.num_node * self.num_dof_per_node))
        B[0, 0::2] = shg[0, :]
        B[1, 1::2] = shg[1, :]
        B[3, 0::2] = shg[1, :]
        B[3, 1::2] = shg[0, :]

        if not disp:
            return B

        # Algorithm in
        # The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals
        # By Olek C Zienkiewicz, Robert L Taylor, J.Z. Zhu
        # Jacobian at element centroid
        dNdxi = self.shape.grad([0., 0.])
        dxdxi = dot(dNdxi, coords)
        J0 = inv(dxdxi)
        dt0 = determinant(dxdxi)

        xi, eta = lcoords
        dNdxi = array([[-2. * xi, 0.], [0., -2. * eta]])
        dNdx = dt0 / det * dot(J0, dNdxi)

        G1 = array([[dNdx[0, 0],  0],
                    [0,  dNdx[0, 1]],
                    [0, 0],
                    [dNdx[0, 1], dNdx[0, 0]]])

        G2 = array([[dNdx[1, 0],  0],
                    [0,  dNdx[1, 1]],
                    [0,  0],
                    [dNdx[1, 1], dNdx[1, 0]]])
        G = concatenate((G1, G2), axis=1)
        return B, G

        # Algorithm in Taylor's original paper and
        # The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic
        # Finite Element Analysis
        # By Thomas J. R. Hughe
        xi = self.gauss_coords
        n = self.num_gauss
        dxdxi = asum([coords[i, 0] * xi[i, 0] for i in range(n)])
        dxdeta = asum([coords[i, 0] * xi[i, 1] for i in range(n)])
        dydxi = asum([coords[i, 1] * xi[i, 0] for i in range(n)])
        dydeta = asum([coords[i, 1] * xi[i, 1] for i in range(n)])

        xi, eta = lcoords
        G1 = array([[-xi * dydeta, 0],
                    [0, xi * dxdeta],
                    [0, 0],
                    [xi * dxdeta, -xi * dydeta]])
        G2 = array([[-eta * dydxi, 0.],
                    [0, eta * dxdxi],
                    [0, 0],
                    [eta * dxdxi, -eta * dydxi]])
        G = 2. / det * concatenate((G1, G2), axis=1)
        return B, G
コード例 #3
ファイル: fit2D.py プロジェクト: kevincwright/quagmire
def center_of_mass(data):
    """ Takes an input 2D data array (image), calculates and returns the
    coordinates of the center of mass, and the integrated mass"""
    Y, X = indices(data.shape)
    M00 = asum(data)
    M10 = asum(X * data)
    M01 = asum(Y * data)
    xc, yc = M10 / M00, M01 / M00 
    return xc, yc
コード例 #4
    def mass(self, X, lumped_mass=0):
        shg = self.grad(X)
        mel = zeros((self.num_dof_per_node * self.num_node,
                     self.num_dof_per_node * self.num_node))
        w = self.integration.mass_weights
        rho = self.density

        #  Loop over the integration points
        for (npt, xi) in enumerate(self.integration.mass_points):

            # Compute shape functions and derivatives wrt local coords
            N = self.shape.eval(xi)
            dNdxi = self.shape.grad(xi)
            dxdxi = dot(dNdxi, X)
            jac = det(dxdxi)

            for a in range(self.num_node):
                for b in range(self.num_node):
                    for i in range(self.num_dof_per_node):
                        row = self.num_dof_per_node * a + i
                        col = self.num_dof_per_node * b + i
                        mel[col, row] += rho * N[b] * N[a] * w[npt] * jac

        # Evaluate a lumped mass matrix using the row sum method
        if lumped_mass:
            for a in range(self.num_node * self.num_dof_per_node):
                m = asum(mel[a, :])
                mel[a, :] = 0
                mel[a, a] = m

        return mel
コード例 #5
ファイル: cloud.py プロジェクト: kevincwright/quagmire
def detect_current(cloud, showplots=False):
    Detects whether there is a vortex-like signature of persistent
    current in the center of a TOF image of an expanded ring BEC
    OD = cloud.get_OD()    
    peak_coord = cloud.results['peak coordinates']
    center_region = ROI(center=peak_coord, size=(40, 40)).slices
    cloud_center = ndi.median_filter(OD[center_region], size=2)
    minOD = cloud_center.min()
    maxOD = cloud_center.max()
    cloud_median = ndi.median_filter(cloud_center, size=10)
    belowthresh = where(cloud_center < cloud_median * 0.75, 1, 0)
    opened = ndi.binary_opening(belowthresh, iterations=1)
    closed = ndi.binary_closing(opened, iterations=3)
    current_found = ndi.label(closed)[1]
    cloud.results['current_found'] = current_found
    if showplots == True:
        fig = plt.figure(1999)
        fig.add_subplot(221, xticks=[], yticks=[])   
        plt.imshow(cloud_center, interpolation='nearest', vmin=minOD,
        fig.add_subplot(222, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(cloud_median, interpolation='nearest', vmin=minOD,
        fig.add_subplot(223, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(closed, interpolation='nearest',
        fig.add_subplot(224, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(belowthresh, interpolation='nearest',
    return current_found, asum(closed)     
コード例 #6
def robust_parameter(clusters, stats, elems):
    ''' Parameter to measure robustness of a G-mode test.
        The parameter is given by the weighted average plus a normality estimator:
        P1 = SUM( N * var ) / SUM( N )
        P2 = SUM( N^-1 * var ) / SUM( N^-1 ) 
        P3 = SUM( kstest(cluster, gaussian) )
        P = (P1/w1 + P2/w2 + P3/w3) / (w1^-1 + w2^-1 + w3^-1)
    from scipy.stats import shapiro
    from math import sqrt
    from itertools import izip
    shap, N, var = deque(), deque(), deque()
    for members, cl in izip(clusters, stats):
        # cluster size array
        # cluster variance array
        # shapiro-wilk test:
        W_vec = array([shapiro(elems[members][n])[0]**2 for n in xrange(len(elems[0]))])
        # inversed shapiro-wilk W statistic.
        shap.append( sqrt(asum(1e0/W_vec)) )

    shap, N, var = array(shap), array(N), array(var)
    w1 =  sqrt(asum(mad(var, median(var))**2))
    w3 =  mad(shap, median(shap))
    p1 = asum( N * var ) / asum(N)
    p2 = asum( var/N ) / asum(1e0/N)
    p3 = median(shap)
    return (p1/w1 + p2/w1 + p3/w3) / (2e0/w1 + 1e0/w3)
コード例 #7
ファイル: plot_shift.py プロジェクト: xiaomo/Yamabiko
 def merge(rows):
     if x0 < 0:
         for row in rows:
             yield row
         for i in range(x0, len(rows)):
             a = i - x0
             b = i + 1
             row = asum(array(rows[a:b]), 0)
             yield row
コード例 #8
ファイル: fit1D.py プロジェクト: kevincwright/quagmire
def peakguess1D(data, filter_rad=5, bgclip=0.2):
    """ Takes an input data list (1D), calculates and returns the
    position of the center of mass, and the raw and central moments up to
    second order"""
    fdata = medfilt(data, kernel_size=filter_rad)
    cfdata = where(fdata < bgclip, 0, fdata) 
    X = arange(len(cfdata))
    #calculate zeroth order raw moment
    M0 = asum(cfdata)
    #Calculate first order raw moment
    M1 = asum(X * cfdata)
    # Calculate position of the center of mass
    xc = M1 / M0
    # calculate second order raw moment
    M2 = asum(X ** 2 * cfdata)
    # Calculate the second normalized central moment (variance)
    u2 = M2 / M0 - xc ** 2
    sigma = 2 * sqrt(abs(u2))
    amp = cfdata.max()
    return [xc, sigma, amp, 0]
コード例 #9
ファイル: fit2D.py プロジェクト: kevincwright/quagmire
def moments2D(data):
    """ Takes an input 2D data array (image), calculates and returns the
    position of the centroid, and the raw and central 2D image moments up to
    second order"""
    Y, X = indices(data.shape)
    M = zeros((3, 3))
    u = zeros((3, 3))
    # perform matrix calculations
    A10 = X * data
    A01 = Y * data
    A11 = A10 * Y
    A20 = A10 * X
    A02 = A01 * Y 
    #calculate zeroth order raw moment
    M[0][0] = asum(data)
    #Calculate first order raw moments
    M[1][0] = asum(A10)
    M[0][1] = asum(A01)
    # Calculate position of the centroid
    xc, yc = M[1][0] / M[0][0], M[0][1] / M[0][0]
    # calculate second order raw moments
    M[1][1] = asum(A11)
    M[2][0] = asum(A20)
    M[0][2] = asum(A02)
    # Calculate the normalized central moments up to second order
    u[0][0] = 1
    u[1][1] = M[1][1] / M[0][0] - xc * yc
    u[2][0] = M[2][0] / M[0][0] - xc ** 2
    u[0][2] = M[0][2] / M[0][0] - yc ** 2
    return xc, yc, u
コード例 #10
 def average(self, point, fdata, v=None):
     """Inverse distance weighted average of integration point data at point"""
     if v is None:
         v = range(len(fdata[0].data))
     nx = len(v)
     ave = zeros(nx)
     w = []
     for (i, xi) in enumerate(self.integration.points):
         d = max(dist(point, xi), 1E-06)
         w.append(1. / d)
         ave[:] += [fdata[i][v][x] * w[-1] for x in range(nx)]
     ave /= asum(w)
     return ave
コード例 #11
def G(N, f, X, ct, iS):
    ''' G parameter --> Transforms a X2 estimator to a Gaussian estimator '''

    #z2  = iR * asum( ( (X - ct) / (iS + TINY) )**2  )     # Z2 estimator
    # Mahalanobis distance estimator:
    X = X - ct
    z2 = asum( fabs( X * ravel( dot(iS, X ) ) ) )

    # G transformation:
    if aall(N*f > 100e0):
       return sqrt(2e0*z2) -  sqrt(2e0*f - 1e0) 

    elif aall(N*f >= 30e0) and aall(N*f <= 100e0):
       return ((z2/f)**(1e0/3) - (1e0 - (2e0/9)*f))/sqrt((2e0/9)*f)
    elif aall(N*f < 30e0):
       return 9e9
コード例 #12
    def RegisterImages(self, pts=None):

        from skimage.feature import register_translation

        from numpy import sum as asum
        # Imavg = asum(dstack(self.Images),axis=2)/len(self.Images)

        if pts is None:


            ind = ginput(n=0, timeout=0)


        Isub = [
              int(round(ind[0][0])):int(round(ind[1][0]))] for I in self.Images

        Isubavg = asum(dstack(Isub), axis=2) / len(Isub)

        II = [
                       register_translation(Isubavg, Isub[i])[0])
            for i in range(len(Isub))

        self.Images = II

        # II = [ShiftImage(self.Images[i],pts[i]) for i in range(len(pts))]

        # for I in self.Images:
        #     shift, error, diffphase = register_translation(Imavg, I)
        #     II.append(real(ifftn(fourier_shift(fftn(I), shift))))

        self.Images = II


コード例 #13
    def AxialStack(self, stcktype='max', stdthresh=0.):

        from numpy import amax, mean, std
        from numpy import sum as asum

        if stcktype == 'max':

            self.AStack = amax(dstack(self.Images), axis=2)

        elif stcktype == 'sumabovemean':

            A = moveaxis(dstack(self.Images), 2, 0)

            # self.AStack = self.AStack - mean(self.AStack,axis=2)

            # print(mean(self.AStack,axis=2).shape)

            A = asum(A * (A > mean(A, axis=0) + std(A, axis=0) * stdthresh),
            self.AStack = A
コード例 #14
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: Gudinya/ambry
def statistics(a):

    from numpy import sum as asum

    r = ("Min, Max: {},{}\n".format(amin(a), amax(a)) +
         "Range    : {}\n".format(ptp(a)) +
         "Average  : {}\n".format(average(a)) +
         "Mean     : {}\n".format(mean(a)) +
         "Median   : {}\n".format(median(a)) +
         "StdDev   : {}\n".format(std(a)) + "Sum      : {}\n".format(asum(a)))

        # Try the method for masked arrays. The other method will not
        # respect the mask
        r += "Histogram:{}".format(
        r += "Histogram: {}".format(histogram(a)[0].ravel().tolist())

    return r
コード例 #15
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: dhvanika/databundles
def statistics(a):
    from numpy import sum as asum
    r =  ("Min, Max: {},{}\n".format(amin(a), amax(a)) +
            "Range    : {}\n".format(ptp(a)) +
            "Average  : {}\n".format(average(a))+
            "Mean     : {}\n".format(mean(a))+
            "Median   : {}\n".format(median(a))+
            "StdDev   : {}\n".format(std(a))+
            "Sum      : {}\n".format(asum(a))
        # Try the method for masked arrays. The other method will not
        # respect the mask
        r += "Histogram:{}".format(histogram(a.compressed())[0].ravel().tolist())
        r += "Histogram: {}".format(histogram(a)[0].ravel().tolist())
    return r
コード例 #16
def ImgToArray(I):

    from numpy import sum as asum
    from numpy import amax, array, amin
    from numpy.linalg import norm

    bintodec = array([256**2, 256, 1])

    II = asum(bintodec * I[:, :, 0:3], axis=-1)

    II = II / (norm(II.ravel()))

    # II[II==II[0,0]]=0
    # II[II>0] = II[II>0]-amin(II[II>0])
    # II = II*(II>0.)
    # II = II/amax(II)

    return II.astype(float)
コード例 #17
ファイル: cloud.py プロジェクト: kevincwright/quagmire
 def analyze(self):
     Analyzes basic properties of the atomic cloud and stores the results
     in the cloud.results data structure.
     Values stored in Cloud.results:
     sumOD: float
         cloud "mass"  - sum of all OD values in the cloud ROI
     relative COM: (yc, xc)
         position of the center of mass with respect to the cloud ROI
     absolute COM: (yc, xc)
         position of the center of mass in the (full) frame ROI
     maxOD: float
         Maximum value of the OD in the cloud ROI
     raw atoms: integer
         calculated number of atoms given pixel size and scattering cross section
     atoms: integer
         calculated number of atoms, including a multiplicative correction factor 
     OD = self.get_OD()
     self.results['sumOD'] = asum(OD)
     xc, yc, = center_of_mass(OD)
     self.results['relative COM'] = (yc, xc)
     top, left = self.roi.tblr[0], self.roi.tblr[2]
     self.results['absolute COM'] = (top + yc, left + xc)
     self.results['maxOD'] = ndi.median_filter(OD, size=(4, 4)).max()
     print("%s: Analyzing Cloud" % self.cloud_id)
コード例 #18
def distance(all_clusters, cluster_stats, elems):

  Nc = len(all_clusters) # Cluster size
  N  = len(elems)        # Sample Size
  M  = len(elems[0])     # Variable size

  TINY = 1e-9

# Modules:
  from numpy import zeros, array, float32, sqrt, dot, ravel, vectorize, fabs
  from numpy import sum as asum
  from collections import deque
  from gmode_module import stats, Invert

# Input:
  d2 = zeros((M,Nc,Nc), dtype=float32)
  Gc = zeros((M,Nc,Nc), dtype=float32)
  D2 = zeros((Nc,Nc),   dtype=float32)

# Hash elements of each cluster in a array:
  elems_cluster = deque()
  for a in xrange(Nc): elems_cluster.append(elems[all_clusters[a]])
  elems_cluster = array(elems_cluster)

# Calculate matrix terms:

  for a in range(0,Nc-1):

      Na = len(all_clusters[a])
      # Statistics of cluster a:
      ct_a, dev_a, S_a, R_a = cluster_stats[a]
      #iR_a = Invert(R_a)
      iS_a = Invert(S_a)

      for b in xrange(a+1,Nc):

          Nb = len(all_clusters[b])
          # Statistics of cluster b:
          ct_b, dev_b, S_b, R_b = cluster_stats[b]

          #iR_b = Invert(R_b) 
          iS_b = Invert(S_b)

          # Degrees of freedom:
          fab = (Nb - 1e0)*(M**2)/asum(R_a)
          fba = (Na - 1e0)*(M**2)/asum(R_b)
          # Calculating Z²i(a,b) e Z²i(b,a):
          #Z2iab = asum( ( (elems_cluster[b] - ct_a)/(dev_a + TINY) )**2, axis=0 )
          Z2iab = asum( fabs( (elems_cluster[b] - ct_a).T * dot(iS_a , (elems_cluster[b] - ct_a).T ).T), axis=1 )
          #Z2iba = asum( ( (elems_cluster[a] - ct_b)/(dev_b + TINY) )**2, axis=0 )
          Z2iba = asum( fabs( (elems_cluster[a] - ct_b).T * dot(iS_b , (elems_cluster[a] - ct_b).T ).T), axis=1 )

          # Calculating Z²(a,b) e Z2(b,a):

          #Z2ab = asum( dot(iR_a, Z2iab) )
          #Z2ba = asum( dot(iR_b, Z2iba) )
          Z2ab = asum(Z2iab)
          Z2ba = asum(Z2iba) 

          for i in xrange(M):

              # Calculating d² e Gc :
              d2[i][a][b] = (Z2iab[i] + Z2iab[i])/(Na + Nb - 1e0)

              Gc[i][a][b] = sqrt(2e0*(Z2iab[i] + Z2iba[i])) - sqrt(2e0*(Na + Nb) - 1e0)

          D2[a][b] = (Z2ab + Z2ba)/(fab + fba - 1e0)
          D2[b][a] = (Z2ab + Z2ba)/(fab + fba - 1e0)

  return d2, Gc, D2
コード例 #19
ファイル: psf.py プロジェクト: harshmathur1990/rhd_dq
def airyPSF(x, y, a, r, wl, T=None, resize=False):
Returns the PSF of a perfect lens with circular aperture
If resize is set to True, the size of the output array is the minimal size
allowing exact convolution (no boundary effects) with an image. So with

   len(x) = Nx, len(y) = Ny

we would obtain shape(psf) = (2*Nx - 1, 2*Ny - 1)

x, y : array_like
       Coordinate array of the image

a :    scalar (float)

r :    scalar (float)
       Distance from the optics to the object

wl :   scalar (float) / array_like

T :    scalar (float), required when wl is array_like
       Black body temperature
    if not hasattr(wl, '__len__'):
        wl = [wl]
        multiple_wl = False
        multiple_wl = True
        if T == None:
            raise ValueError('Black body temperature must be provided')
    psf_bol = []
    N = 0.
    x = asarray(x)
    y = asarray(y)
    Nx = len(x)
    Ny = len(y)
    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    dy = y[1] - y[0]
    if any(x[1:] - x[:-1] != dx) or any(y[1:] - y[:-1] != dy):
        warn("Coordinates must be equidistant")
    if resize:
        X = arange(-(Nx - 1) * dx, Nx * dx + dx / 2., dx)
        Y = arange(-(Ny - 1) * dy, Ny * dy + dy / 2., dy)
        X = roll(arange(-floor(Nx / 2.) * dx, Nx / 2. * dx, dx),
                 -int(floor(Nx / 2.)))
        Y = roll(arange(-floor(Ny / 2.) * dy, Ny / 2. * dy, dy),
                 -int(floor(Ny / 2.)))
    R, theta, z = coordCyl(X, Y, [0], [X[0], Y[0], 0], [0, 0, 1])
    R = sqrt(R[0][:, :, 0]**2 + R[1][:, :, 0]**2)
    for l in wl:
        k = 2. * pi / l
        z = .5 * k * a * (R / r) / sqrt(1. + (R / r)**2)
        z[where(R == 0.)] = 1.
        print('\tEvaluation of the Bessel function (wl = ' + str(l) + ')...')
        psf_val = (2. * asarray(j1(z), dtype=float) / z)**2
        psf_val[where(R == 0.)] = 1.
        if multiple_wl:
            pl = planck(l, T)
            pl = 1.
        psf_bol += [pl * psf_val]
        N += pl
    psf_airy = sum(psf_bol) / N
    return psf_airy / asum(psf_airy)
コード例 #20
ファイル: psf.py プロジェクト: harshmathur1990/rhd_dq
def generalPSF(mask, x, y, a, r, wl, T=None, gamma=None, sigma=None):
Returns the diffraction-limited PSF generated by a given pupil, convolved with
a Voigt profile specified by the parameters gamma and sigma.


mask :  array_like (2D)
        The actual pupil of the telescope

x, y :  array_like
        Coordinate array of the image

a :     scalar (float)

r :     scalar (float)
        Distance from the optics to the object

wl :    scalar (float) / array_like

T :     scalar (float), required when wl is array_like
        Black body temperature

gamma : scalar (float)
        Parameter of the Lorentz profile (in arcsec)

sigma : scalar (float)
        Parameter of the Gaussian profile (in arcsec)

Note:   The convolution of the Lorentz and the Gaussian profiles lead to the
=====   Voigt profile
    if not hasattr(wl, '__len__'):
        wl = [wl]
        multiple_wl = False
        multiple_wl = True
        if T == None:
            raise ValueError('Black body temperature must be provided')
    psf_bol = []
    N = 0.
    x = asarray(x)
    y = asarray(y)
    Nx = len(x)
    Ny = len(y)
    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    dy = y[1] - y[0]
    if any(x[1:] - x[:-1] != dx) or any(y[1:] - y[:-1] != dy):
        warn("Coordinates must be equidistant")
    if not (gamma is None and sigma is None):
        X = roll(arange(-floor(Nx / 2.) * dx, Nx / 2. * dx, dx),
                 -int(floor(Nx / 2.)))
        Y = roll(arange(-floor(Ny / 2.) * dy, Ny / 2. * dy, dy),
                 -int(floor(Ny / 2.)))
        R, theta, z = coordCyl(X, Y, [0], [X[0], Y[0], 0], [0, 0, 1])
        R = sqrt(R[0][:, :, 0]**2 + R[1][:, :, 0]**2)
    nonIdeal = ones((Nx, Ny), dtype=complex)
    if gamma == 0.:
        gamma = None
    if sigma == 0.:
        sigma = None
    if not gamma is None:
        gamma = r * arctan(gamma * 2. * pi / (360. * 3600.))
        nonIdeal *= fft2(.5 * gamma / (pi * (R**2 + .25 * gamma**2)))
    if not sigma is None:
        sigma = r * arctan(sigma * 2. * pi / (360. * 3600.))
        nonIdeal *= fft2(
            exp(-R**2 / (2. * sigma**2)) / (sqrt(2. * pi) * sigma))
    for l in wl:
        Lx = l / (Nx * sin(dx / r))
        Ly = l / (Ny * sin(dy / r))
        s = (1 + 2 * int(floor(.5 * a / Lx)), 1 + 2 * int(floor(.5 * a / Ly)))
        mask_resampled = resample(mask, s)
        mask_padded = real(zeroPadding(mask_resampled, (Nx, Ny)))
        #mask_shifted   = (-1)**sum(meshgrid(arange(Nx), arange(Ny)))*mask_padded
        psf_val = aabs(fft2(mask_padded))**2
        #psf_val = psf_val/psf_val[int(floor(Nx/2.)),int(floor(Ny/2.))]
        psf_val = psf_val / asum(psf_val)
        if multiple_wl:
            pl = planck(l, T)
            pl = 1.
        psf_bol += [pl * psf_val]
        N += pl
    if gamma is None and sigma is None:
        return sum(psf_bol) / N
        nonIdeal /= nonIdeal[0, 0]
        psf_nonIdeal = real(ifft2(fft2(sum(psf_bol) / N) * nonIdeal))
        #return aabs(ifft2(nonIdeal))
        return psf_nonIdeal
コード例 #21
ファイル: plot_shift.py プロジェクト: xperroni/Dejavu
 def merge(rows):
     for i in range(x0, len(rows)):
         a = i - x0
         b = i + 1
         row = asum(array(rows[a:b]), 0)
         yield row
コード例 #22
def learn_metadata(metadata_file_location):

    from numpy import array

    raw_metadata = smart_object(metadata_file_location)
    # shortand
    y = raw_metadata

    standard_metadata = smart_object()
    # shorthand
    x = standard_metadata

    # Creation date of metadata file
    x.date_number = getctime(metadata_file_location)
    %% Calculate derivative quantities  %%

    # Masses
    x.m1 = y.initial_mass1
    x.m2 = y.initial_mass2

    J = array(y.initial_ADM_angular_momentum)
    S1 = array(y.initial_spin1)
    S2 = array(y.initial_spin2)
    S = S1 + S2
    L = J - S
    P = y.initial_ADM_linear_momentum

    # Prepare to deduce initial linear momenta
    R1 = array(y.initial_position1)
    R2 = array(y.initial_position2)
    rr = R2 - R1
    R = array([[0, rr[2], -rr[1]], [-rr[2], 0, rr[0]], [rr[1], -rr[0], 0]])
    H = L - cross(y.initial_position2, P)

    rmap = abs(asum(R, axis=0)) > 1e-6
    k = next(k for k in range(len(rmap)) if rmap[k])

    P1 = zeros(P.shape)
    P1[k:] = dot(inv(R[k:, k:]), H[k:])
    P2 = array(y.initial_ADM_linear_momentum) - P1

    x.note = 'The SXS metadata give only total initial linear and angular momenta. In this code, the momenta of each BH has been deduced from basic linear algebra. However, this appraoch does not constrain the X COMPONENT of the total algular momentum, resulting in disagreement between the meta data value, and the value resulting from the appropriate sum. Use the metadata value.'

    L1 = cross(R1, P1)
    L2 = cross(R2, P2)

    B = L1 + L2
    if norm(L[k:] - B[k:]) > 1e-6:
        print '>> norm( L[k:] - B[k:] ) = %f > 1e-6' % (norm(L[k:] - B[k:]))
        msg = '>> Inconsistent handling of initial momenta. Please scrutinize.'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    x.madm = y.initial_ADM_energy

    x.P1 = P1
    x.P2 = P2
    x.S1 = S1
    x.S2 = S2

    x.b = float(y.initial_separation)
    if abs(x.b - norm(R1 - R2)) > 1e-6:
        msg = '(!!) Inconsistent assignment of initial separation.'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    x.R1 = R1
    x.R2 = R2

    x.L1 = L1
    x.L2 = L2

    x.valid = True

    x.mf = y.remnant_mass

    x.Sf = y.remnant_spin
    x.Xf = x.Sf / (x.mf * x.mf)
    x.xf = sign(x.Sf[-1]) * norm(x.Sf) / (x.mf**2)

    # NOTE that I'm not sure about the units of all of these quantities. In particular, there are cases where the initial mass is not scaled to 1. This is inconsistent with nrutils' conventions and we wish to correct that here.
    # NOTE that the order of the lines below matters significantly.

    M = x.m1 + x.m2

    _m1 = x.m1 / M
    _m2 = x.m2 / M
    x.S1 = _m1 * _m1 * x.S1 / (x.m1 * x.m1)
    x.S2 = _m2 * _m2 * x.S2 / (x.m2 * x.m2)
    x.m1, x.m2 = _m1, _m2

    _mf = y.remnant_mass / M
    x.Sf = _mf * _mf * x.Sf / (x.mf * x.mf)
    x.mf = _mf

    # QUESTION: Should the momenta and distances also be rescaled?

    return standard_metadata, raw_metadata
コード例 #23
ファイル: sxs.py プロジェクト: Cyberface/nrutils_dev
def learn_metadata( metadata_file_location ):

    from numpy import array

    raw_metadata = smart_object( metadata_file_location )
    # shortand
    y = raw_metadata

    standard_metadata = smart_object()
    # shorthand
    x = standard_metadata

    # Creation date of metadata file
    x.date_number = getctime(  metadata_file_location  )

    %% Calculate derivative quantities  %%

    # Masses
    x.m1 = y.initial_mass1
    x.m2 = y.initial_mass2

    J = array(y.initial_ADM_angular_momentum)
    S1 = array(y.initial_spin1); S2 = array(y.initial_spin2)
    S = S1 + S2
    L = J-S
    P = y.initial_ADM_linear_momentum

    # Prepare to deduce initial linear momenta
    R1 = array(y.initial_position1);
    R2 = array(y.initial_position2); rr = R2-R1
    R = array(   [  [0,rr[2],-rr[1]],  [-rr[2],0,rr[0]],  [rr[1],-rr[0],0]  ]   )
    H = L - cross( y.initial_position2, P )

    rmap = abs( asum(R,axis=0) ) > 1e-6;
    k = next(k for k in range(len(rmap)) if rmap[k])

    P1 = zeros( P.shape )
    P1[k:] = dot( inv(R[k:,k:]), H[k:] )
    P2 = array(y.initial_ADM_linear_momentum) - P1

    x.note = 'The SXS metadata give only total initial linear and angular momenta. In this code, the momenta of each BH has been deduced from basic linear algebra. However, this appraoch does not constrain the X COMPONENT of the total algular momentum, resulting in disagreement between the meta data value, and the value resulting from the appropriate sum. Use the metadata value.'

    L1 = cross(R1,P1)
    L2 = cross(R2,P2)

    B = L1 + L2
    if norm( L[k:] - B[k:] ) > 1e-6 :
        print '>> norm( L[k:] - B[k:] ) = %f > 1e-6' % (norm( L[k:] - B[k:] ))
        msg = '>> Inconsistent handling of initial momenta. Please scrutinize.'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    x.madm = y.initial_ADM_energy

    x.P1 = P1; x.P2 = P2
    x.S1 = S1; x.S2 = S2

    x.b = float( y.initial_separation )
    if abs( x.b - norm(R1-R2) ) > 1e-6:
        msg = '(!!) Inconsistent assignment of initial separation.'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    x.R1 = R1; x.R2 = R2

    x.L1 = L1; x.L2 = L2

    x.valid = True

    x.mf = y.remnant_mass

    x.Sf = y.remnant_spin
    x.Xf = x.Sf/(x.mf*x.mf)
    x.xf = sign(x.Sf[-1])*norm(x.Sf)/(x.mf**2)

    # NOTE that I'm not sure about the units of all of these quantities. In particular, there are cases where the initial mass is not scaled to 1. This is inconsistent with nrutils' conventions and we wish to correct that here.
    # NOTE that the order of the lines below matters significantly.

    M = x.m1+x.m2

    _m1 = x.m1/M
    _m2 = x.m2/M
    x.S1 = _m1*_m1*x.S1/(x.m1*x.m1)
    x.S2 = _m2*_m2*x.S2/(x.m2*x.m2)
    x.m1,x.m2 = _m1,_m2

    _mf = y.remnant_mass/M
    x.Sf = _mf*_mf*x.Sf/(x.mf*x.mf)
    x.mf = _mf

    # QUESTION: Should the momenta and distances also be rescaled?

    return standard_metadata, raw_metadata
コード例 #24
ファイル: fit1D.py プロジェクト: kevincwright/quagmire
def gsamp_pt(array, x, y, r):
    w, h = array.shape
    X, Y = meshgrid(range(w), range(h))
    S = exp(-2 * ((X - x) ** 2 + (Y - y) ** 2) / r ** 2)
    S = S / asum(S)
    return asum(S * array)
コード例 #25
def free(R):
    return R.shape[1]**2 /asum(R)