コード例 #1
def cart2sphere(pt3d_cart):
    x, y, z = pt3d_cart
    rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    theta = np.atan(y / x)
    phi = np.atan((np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) / z)
    pt3d_sphere = (rho, theta, phi)
    return pt3d_sphere
コード例 #2
def NACA_four_digit(chord, t, p, m):

    # Mean line coordinates
    x_fwd = np.linspace(0, p*chord)
    x_aft = np.linspace(p*chord, chord)

    y_fwd = (m/p**2)*(2*p*(x/chord)-(x/chord)**2)
    y_aft = (m/(1-p)**2)*((1-2*p)+2*p*(x/chord)-(x/chord)**2)

    # Thickness coordinates
    yt_fwd = Naca00XX(chord, t, x_fwd)
    yt_aft = Naca00XX(chord, t, x_fwd)

    # Angle calculation so that thickness is perpendicular
    dydx_fwd = (2*m/p**2)*(p-x/chord)
    dydx_aft = (2*m/(1-p)**2)*(p-x/chord)

    theta_fwd = np.atan(dydc_fwd)
    theta_aft = np.atan(dydc_aft)

    # Calculate airfoil coordinates
    y_upper = {'x': np.append(x_fwd - yt_fwd*np.sin(theta),
                              x_aft - yt_aft*np.sin(theta)),
               'y': np.append(y_fwd + yt_fwd*np.cos(theta),
                              y_aft + yt_aft*np.cos(theta))}
    y_lower = {'x': np.append(x_fwd + yt_fwd*np.sin(theta),
                              x_aft + yt_aft*np.sin(theta)),
               'y': np.append(y_fwd - yt_fwd*np.cos(theta),
                              y_aft - yt_aft*np.cos(theta))}
    return y_upper, y_lower
コード例 #3
def PuissantINV(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, ell="GRS80"):
    ell_ = ellipsoidInstance(ell)
    M1, N1 = ell_.radiusOfCurvature(float(lat1))[:2]
    N2 = ell_.radiusOfCurvature(float(lat2))[1]
    dlat, dlon = lat2 - lat1, lon2 - lon1
    mlat = (lat1 + lat2) / 2
    _1_ = N2 * cos(lat2) * dlon
    _2_ = M1 * dlat / (1 - 3 * ell_.e1**2 * sin(lat1) * cos(lat1) * dlat /
                       (2 * (1 - ell_.e1**2 * sin(lat1)**2)))
    a12 = atan(_1_, _2_)
    X = sin(mlat) / cos(dlat / 2)
    da = X * dlon**3 * (X - X**3) / 12
    a21 = a12 + da + pi / 2
    S12 = N2 * cos(lat2) * dlat / sin(a12)
    for i in range(100):
        print("a12 :\t{}\na21 :\t{}\nS12 :{} m\n".format(
            rad2dms(a12), rad2dms(a21), S12))
        _117_ = N2 * cos(lat2) * dlon + S12**3 * sin(a12) / (
            6 * N2**2) - S12**3 * sin(a12)**3 * cos(lat2)**2 / (6 * N2**2)
        _116_1 = M1 * dlat / (1 -
                              3 * ell_.e1**2 * sin(lat1) * cos(lat1) * dlat /
                              (2 * (1 - ell_.e1**2 * sin(lat1)**2)))
        _116_2 = S12**2 * tan(lat1) * sin(a12)**2 / (2 * N1)
        _116_3 = S12**3 * cos(a12) * sin(a12)**2 * (1 + 3 * tan(lat1)**2) / (
            6 * N1**2)
        _116_ = _116_1 + _116_2 + _116_3
        a12_, a12 = atan(_117_, _116_) - a12, atan(_117_, _116_)
        da12 = a12 - a12_
        X = sin(mlat) / cos(dlat / 2)
        da = X * dlon**3 * (X - X**3) / 12
        a21 = a12 + da + pi / 2
        S12_, S12 = _117_ / sin(a12) - S12, _117_ / sin(a12)
    print("a12 :\t{}\na21 :\t{}\nS12 :{} m\n".format(rad2dms(a12),
                                                     rad2dms(a21), S12))
    return rad2dms(a12), rad2dms(a21), S12
コード例 #4
def Angle(sub_point,pre_point):
 if sub_point.y-pre_point.y>0:
  if sub_point.x<pre_point.x:
   #print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y>0 && sub_point.x<pre_point.x'
   angle=numpy.pi-abs(numpy.atan((sub_point.y - pre_point.y)/(sub_point.x - pre_point.x)))
  if sub_point.x==pre_point.x:
   #print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y>0 && sub_point.x==pre_point.x'
  if sub_point.x>pre_point.x:
   #print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y>0 && sub_point.x==sub_point.x>pre_point.x'
   angle=numpy.atan((sub_point.y - pre_point.y)/(sub_point.x - pre_point.x))
 if sub_point.y-pre_point.y<0:
  if sub_point.x<pre_point.x:
   #print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y<0 && sub_point.x<pre_point.x'
   angle=-(numpy.pi-abs(numpy.atan((sub_point.y - pre_point.y)/(sub_point.x - pre_point.x))))
  if sub_point.x==pre_point.x:
   #print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y<0 && sub_point.x==pre_point.x'
  if sub_point.x>pre_point.x:
   #print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y<0 && sub_point.x>pre_point.x'
   angle=-abs(numpy.atan((sub_point.y - pre_point.y)/(sub_point.x - pre_point.x)))
 if sub_point.y-pre_point.y==0:
  if sub_point.x>pre_point.x:
   #print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y==0 && sub_point.x>pre_point.x'
  if sub_point.x<pre_point.x:
   #print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y==0 && sub_point.x<pre_point.x'

 return angle
コード例 #5
 def mixing_plot(ax, title):
     ax = plot(ax, title)
     assert len(self.fields) == 2
     f1, f2 = self.fields
     ax.plot(self.t, [np.atan(f2(t) / f1(t))
                      for t in self.t])  #TODO: check this
     return ax
コード例 #6
def psit_26(zet=None):
    # computes temperature structure function
    dzet = np.clip(0.35 * zet, None, 50)  # stable
    psi = -((1 + 0.6667 * zet) ** 1.5 + 0.6667 * (zet - 14.28) * exp(-dzet) + 8.525)

    x = (1 - 15 * zet) ** 0.5
    psik = 2 * log((1 + x) / 2)
    x = (1 - 34.15 * zet) ** 0.3333
    psic = (
        1.5 * log((1 + x + x ** 2) / 3)
        - sqrt(3) * atan((1 + 2 * x) / sqrt(3))
        + 4 * atan(1) / sqrt(3)
    f = zet ** 2.0 / (1 + zet ** 2)
    psi = np.where(zet < 0, (1 - f) * psik + f * psic, psi)
    return psi
コード例 #7
ファイル: latitude.py プロジェクト: zhufengGNSS/pymap3d
def parametric2geodetic(parametric_lat: "ndarray",
                        ell: Ellipsoid = None,
                        deg: bool = True) -> "ndarray":
    converts from parametric latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab geodeticLatitudeFromParametric()

    parametric_lat : "ndarray"
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : "ndarray"
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    parametric_lat, ell = sanitize(parametric_lat, ell, deg)

    geodetic_lat = atan(tan(parametric_lat) / sqrt(1 - (ell.eccentricity)**2))

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
コード例 #8
ファイル: theta_conv.py プロジェクト: Peter4137/4M17
def new_theta(theta):
    n1 = (m * v_cg**2) / (R_w - h_cg * np.sin(theta - kappa)) * np.cos(kappa)
    n2 = F_d * np.sin(eta) * np.cos(beta)
    d1 = m * g * np.cos(local_slope())
    d2 = (m * v_cg**2) / (R_w - h_cg * np.sin(theta - kappa)) * np.sin(kappa)
    d3 = F_d * np.sin(eta) * np.sin(beta)
    return np.atan((n1 + n2) / (d1 - d2 - d3))
コード例 #9
def action_atan():
    Showtemplabel.delete(0, END);
    Showlabel.delete(0, END)
    Showtemplabel.config(fg='yellow', bg='#8dad96')
    Showtemplabel.insert(0, 'atan');
    Showtemplabel.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor='center')

    ans = "0"

    Showlabel.insert(0, ans);
    Showlabel.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.6, anchor='atan')

    num1 = Numberentry1.get();
        num1 = casting(num1)
        ans = str(np.atan(num1))
        Showtemplabel.delete(0, END);
        Showlabel.delete(0, END)

        Showtemplabel.config(fg='yellow', bg='#8dad96')
        Showtemplabel.insert(0, 'tan_-1');
        Showtemplabel.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor='center')

        Showlabel.insert(0, ans);
        Showlabel.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.6, anchor='center')
        messagebox.showerror("Error", "Enter a Valid number\ne.g. 123, 0.123, .123, -0.123, 123.456")
コード例 #10
def isometric2geodetic(isometric_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from isometric latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    isometric_lat : float
         isometric latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    # NOT sanitize for isometric2geo
    if deg:
        isometric_lat = radians(isometric_lat)

    conformal_lat = 2 * atan(exp(isometric_lat)) - (pi / 2)
    geodetic_lat = conformal2geodetic(conformal_lat, ell, deg=False)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
コード例 #11
    def _value_from_points(self):
        """Calculate the value for this particular gauge given the point and the circle's center"""

        raw_angle = -atan(
            (self.circle_center[1] - self.needle_point[1])
            (self.circle_center[0] - self.needle_point[0])

        if self.verbose:
            print(f"The raw angle: {raw_angle * RADS_TO_DEGS}")
            print(f"The quadrant : {self.quadrant}")

        angle_adjustment = {
            1: 0,
            2: -180,
            3: -180,
            4: 0

        adjusted_angle = raw_angle * RADS_TO_DEGS + angle_adjustment[self.quadrant]
        if self.verbose:
            print(f"Adjusted angle: {adjusted_angle}")

        m, i = trig.get_line_equation(point_a=(self.min_angle, self.min_value), point_b=(self.max_angle, self.max_value))
        value_calc = m * adjusted_angle + i
        if self.verbose:
            print(f"Maybe this is the value: {value_calc:.2f}?")
        self.gauge_reading = int(value_calc)
コード例 #12
 def getCenterandOrientation(self, M):
     cx = int(M['m10'] / M['m00'])
     cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00'])
     mu11 = M['m11'] / M['m00'] - cx * cy
     mu02 = M['m02'] / M['m00'] - cy ^ 2
     mu20 = M['m20'] / M['m00'] - cx ^ 2
     orientation = 0.5 * np.atan((2 * mu11) / (mu20 - mu02))
     return orientation
コード例 #13
def boresight2pixel(theta_b, phi_b, dk_b, r_fp, theta_fp):
    phi = np.atan(
        -np.sin(theta_fp + dk_b) * np.sin(r_fp),
        np.cos(theta_b) * np.cos(theta_fp + dk_b) * np.sin(r_fp) +
        np.sin(theta_b) * np.cos(r_fp))
    theta = -np.sin(theta_b) * np.cos(theta_fp + dk_b) * np.sin(r_fp) + np.cos(
        theta_b) * np.cos(r_fp)
    return theta, phi
コード例 #14
ファイル: sebs.py プロジェクト: suredream/asema
def PSIma(f, g):
   a = 0.33
   b = 0.41
   pi = 3.141592654
   tangens = scalar(atan((2.0 * g - 1.0) / sqrt(3.0))) * pi /180
   tangens = ifthenelse(tangens > pi/2.0, tangens - 2.0 * pi, tangens) 
   PSIma = ln(a + f) - 3.0 * b * f ** (1.0 / 3.0) + b * a ** (1.0 / 3.0) / 2.0 * ln((1 + g) ** 2.0 / (1.0 - g + sqrt(g))) + sqrt(3.0) * b * a ** (1.0 / 3.0) * tangens
   return PSIma
コード例 #15
ファイル: sampledata.py プロジェクト: HajimeKawahara/pytfat
def genstepfm(nsamp=1024, x=1.0):
    x = np.linspace(0.0, x, nsamp)
    iw = nsamp / 4 * np.atan(250 * (x - 0.5)) + np.pi * nsamp / 4
    phase = cumsum(iw) / nsamp
    y = np.cos(phase)
    iy = np.sin(phase) * im
    ynorm = np.pi / x[-1]
    return x, y + iy, iw, ynorm
コード例 #16
def ecef2lla(ecef, a=a, b=b, f=f, e=e):
    convert ECEF(meters) Cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates based on the ellipsoidal coordinates
    :param ecef:
        [x,y,z] : array of floats in ECEF coordinate (meters)

        [lat, lon, alt] : array of floats; geodetic latitude (radians), geodetic longitude (radians), altitude (meters)
    based on:
    You, Rey-Jer. (2000). Transformation of Cartesian to Geodetic Coordinates without Iterations.
    Journal of Surveying Engineering. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9453
    x, y, z = ecef
    r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    E = sqrt(a**2 - b**2)

    # eqn. 4a
    u = sqrt(0.5 * (r**2 - E**2) +
             0.5 * sqrt((r**2 - E**2)**2 + 4 * E**2 * z**2))
    Q = hypot(x, y)
    huE = hypot(u, E)
    # eqn. 4b
    if not (Q == 0 or u == 0):
        Beta = atan(huE / u * z / Q)
        if z >= 0:
            Beta = pi / 2
            Beta = -pi / 2
    # eqn. 13
    eps = ((b * u - a * huE + E**2) * sin(Beta)) / (a * huE * 1 / cos(Beta) -
                                                    E**2 * cos(Beta))
    Beta += eps
    # %% final output
    lat = atan(a / b * tan(Beta))
    lon = atan2(y, x)
    # eqn. 7
    alt = hypot(z - b * sin(Beta), Q - a * cos(Beta))
    # inside ellipsoid?
    inside = x**2 / a**2 + y**2 / a**2 + z**2 / b**2 < 1
    if inside:
        alt = -alt

    return np.array([lat, lon, alt])
コード例 #17
def atan(*args, **kw):
    arg0 = args[0]
    if isinstance(arg0, (int, float, long)):
        return _math.atan(*args,**kw)
    elif isinstance(arg0, complex):
        return _cmath.atan(*args,**kw)
    elif isinstance(arg0, _sympy.Basic):
        return _sympy.atan(*args,**kw)
        return _numpy.atan(*args,**kw)
コード例 #18
def tile_to_latlon(x__y, z, add_one=False):
    x, y = x__y
    if add_one:
        x += 1
        y += 1
    from numpy import sinh, pi, degrees
    from numpy import arctan as atan
    lat = degrees(atan(sinh(pi * (1.0 - 2.0 * y / float(1 << z)))))
    lon = x / float(1 << z) * 360.0 - 180.0
    return lat, lon
コード例 #19
def convertWorldToLongLat(worldCoordArray):
    longitude = np.subtract(
        np.multiply((np.divide(worldCoordArray[0], 256)), 360), 180)

    insideFunc = np.subtract(np.pi, (np.divide(
        np.multiply(np.multiply(2, np.pi), worldCoordArray[1]), 256)))

    latitude = np.multiply(np.divide(180, np.pi)), np.atan(
        np.multiply(0.5, np.subtract(np.exp(insideFunc), np.exp(-insideFunc))))

    return [latitude, longitude]
コード例 #20
ファイル: transforms.py プロジェクト: matt-m-herndon/vismap
 def imap(self, coords):
     # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercator_projection#Derivation_of_the_Mercator_projection
     m = np.empty(coords.shape)
     x = coords[:, 0]
     y = coords[:, 1]
     lambda_ = x / R
     phi = 2 * np.atan(np.exp(y / R) - np.pi / 2)
     m[:, 0] = np.degrees(lambda_)
     m[:, 1] = np.degrees(phi)
     m[:, 2:] = coords[:, 2:]
     return m
コード例 #21
ファイル: geopytest.py プロジェクト: zejiang-unsw/aqualord
def calc_angle(x_point_s, y_point_s, x_point_e, y_point_e):
    angle = 0
    y_se = y_point_e - y_point_s
    x_se = x_point_e - x_point_s
    if x_se == 0 and y_se > 0:
        angle = 360
    if x_se == 0 and y_se < 0:
        angle = 180
    if y_se == 0 and x_se > 0:
        angle = 90
    if y_se == 0 and x_se < 0:
        angle = 270
    if x_se > 0 and y_se > 0:
        angle = np.atan(x_se / y_se) * 180 / np.pi
    elif x_se < 0 and y_se > 0:
        angle = 360 + np.atan(x_se / y_se) * 180 / np.pi
    elif x_se < 0 and y_se < 0:
        angle = 180 + np.atan(x_se / y_se) * 180 / np.pi
    elif x_se > 0 and y_se < 0:
        angle = 180 + np.atan(x_se / y_se) * 180 / np.pi
    return angle
コード例 #22
def psiu_40(zet=None):
    # computes velocity structure function
    dzet = np.clip(0.35 * zet, None, 50)  # stable
    a = 1
    b = 3 / 4
    c = 5
    d = 0.35
    psi = -(a * zet + b * (zet - c / d) * exp(-dzet) + b * c / d)

    x = (1 - 18 * zet) ** 0.25
    psik = 2 * log((1 + x) / 2) + log((1 + x * x) / 2) - 2 * atan(x) + 2 * atan(1)

    x = (1 - 10 * zet) ** 0.3333
    psic = (
        1.5 * log((1 + x + x ** 2) / 3)
        - sqrt(3) * atan((1 + 2 * x) / sqrt(3))
        + 4 * atan(1) / sqrt(3)
    f = zet ** 2.0 / (1 + zet ** 2)
    psi = np.where(zet < 0, (1 - f) * psik + f * psic, psi)
    return psi
コード例 #23
def inverse_k(H60, d1, a1, a2, a3, d4, d6):
    p60 = H60[:3, 3]
    p50 = p60 - d6 * H60[:3, 2]
    x, y, z = p50
    theta1 = atan2(y, x)
    eta_x = sqrt(x**2 + y**2) - a1
    eta_z = z - d1

    d4_tilde = sqrt(a3**2 + d4**2)

    s3_tilde = (eta_x**2 + eta_z**2 - d4**2 - a2**2) / (2 * a2 * d4_tilde)
    c3_tilde = sqrt(1 - s3_tilde**2)

    theta3_tilde = atan2(s3_tilde, c3_tilde)
    theta3 = theta3_tilde - atan(a3 / d4)

    theta2 = atan2(eta_x * d4_tilde * c3_tilde + eta_z * (d4_tilde * s3_tilde + a2),
            eta_x * (d4_tilde * s3_tilde + a2) - eta_z * d4_tilde * c3_tilde)

    R03 = matrix([[cos(theta1) * cos(theta2 + theta3), sin(theta1) * cos(theta2 + theta3), sin(theta2 + theta3)],
        [sin(theta1), -cos(theta1), 0],
        [cos(theta1) * sin(theta2 + theta3), sin(theta1) * sin(theta2 + theta3), -cos(theta2 + theta3)]])

    rho = R03 * H60[:3, :3]

    theta4 = atan(rho[1, 2] / rho[0, 2])
    theta5 = atan2(cos(theta4) * rho[0, 2] + sin(theta4) * rho[1, 2],
            -rho[2, 2])
    theta6 = atan2(sin(theta4) * rho[0, 0] - cos(theta4) * rho[1, 0],
            sin(theta4) * rho[0, 1] - cos(theta4) * rho[1, 1])

    return [theta1,
コード例 #24
def angle_generater(sub_point, pre_point):
    if sub_point.y - pre_point.y > 0:
        if sub_point.x < pre_point.x:
            # print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y>0 && sub_point.x<pre_point.x'
            angle = numpy.pi - abs(
                    (sub_point.y - pre_point.y) / (sub_point.x - pre_point.x)))
        if sub_point.x == pre_point.x:
            # print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y>0 && sub_point.x==pre_point.x'
            angle = numpy.pi / 2
        if sub_point.x > pre_point.x:
            # print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y>0 && sub_point.x==sub_point.x>pre_point.x'
            angle = numpy.atan(
                (sub_point.y - pre_point.y) / (sub_point.x - pre_point.x))

    if sub_point.y - pre_point.y < 0:
        if sub_point.x < pre_point.x:
            # print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y<0 && sub_point.x<pre_point.x'
            angle = -(numpy.pi - abs(
                numpy.atan((sub_point.y - pre_point.y) /
                           (sub_point.x - pre_point.x))))
        if sub_point.x == pre_point.x:
            # print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y<0 && sub_point.x==pre_point.x'
            angle = -numpy.pi / 2
        if sub_point.x > pre_point.x:
            # print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y<0 && sub_point.x>pre_point.x'
            angle = -abs(
                    (sub_point.y - pre_point.y) / (sub_point.x - pre_point.x)))

    if sub_point.y - pre_point.y == 0:
        if sub_point.x > pre_point.x:
            # print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y==0 && sub_point.x>pre_point.x'
            angle = 0.0
        if sub_point.x < pre_point.x:
            # print 'sub_point.y-pre_point.y==0 && sub_point.x<pre_point.x'
            angle = numpy.pi

    return angle
コード例 #25
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: holdengill/SImMER
def find_angle(loc1, loc2):
    Calculated the angle between two locations on a grid.

        :loc1: (tuple) first location.
        :relative: (tuple) second location.

        :angle : (float) real-valued angle between loc1 and loc2.
    angle = np.atan(loc1[1] / loc2[1])
    return angle
コード例 #26
def lee_method(img):
    # print 'Lee\'s method'

    iy = ndimage.filters.sobel(img, axis=0)
    ix = ndimage.filters.sobel(img, axis=1)

    tilt = np.atan(iy.mean() / ix.mean())
    tilt = np.degrees(tilt)

    if tilt < 0:
        tilt += 360

    print('tilt', tilt)
コード例 #27
def stdtr(k, t):
    """Student's t distribution, -infinity to t.

    See Cephes docs for details.
    if k <= 0:
        raise ValueError("stdtr: df must be > 0.")
    if t == 0:
        return 0.5
    if t < -2:
        rk = k
        z = rk / (rk + t * t)
        return 0.5 * betai(0.5 * rk, 0.5, z)
    # compute integral from -t to + t
    if t < 0:
        x = -t
        x = t

    rk = k  # degrees of freedom
    z = 1 + (x * x) / rk
    # test if k is odd or even
    if (k & 1) != 0:
        # odd k
        xsqk = x / sqrt(rk)
        p = atan(xsqk)
        if k > 1:
            f = 1
            tz = 1
            j = 3
            while (j <= (k - 2)) and ((tz / f) > MACHEP):
                tz *= (j - 1) / (z * j)
                f += tz
                j += 2
            p += f * xsqk / z
        p *= 2 / PI
        # even k
        f = 1
        tz = 1
        j = 2
        while (j <= (k - 2)) and ((tz / f) > MACHEP):
            tz *= (j - 1) / (z * j)
            f += tz
            j += 2
        p = f * x / sqrt(z * rk)
    # common exit
    if t < 0:
        p = -p  # note destruction of relative accuracy
    p = 0.5 + 0.5 * p
    return p
コード例 #28
ファイル: distribution.py プロジェクト: miklou/pycogent
def stdtr(k, t):
    """Student's t distribution, -infinity to t.

    See Cephes docs for details.
    if k <= 0:
        raise ValueError, 'stdtr: df must be > 0.'
    if t == 0:
        return 0.5
    if t < -2:
        rk = k
        z = rk / (rk + t * t)
        return 0.5 * betai(0.5 * rk, 0.5, z)
    #compute integral from -t to + t
    if t < 0:
        x = -t
        x = t

    rk = k  #degrees of freedom
    z = 1 + (x * x)/rk
    #test if k is odd or even
    if (k & 1) != 0:
        #odd k
        xsqk = x/sqrt(rk)
        p = atan(xsqk)
        if k > 1:
            f = 1
            tz = 1
            j = 3
            while (j <= (k-2)) and ((tz/f) > MACHEP):
                tz *= (j-1)/(z*j)
                f += tz
                j += 2
            p += f * xsqk/z
        p *= 2/PI
        #even k
        f = 1
        tz = 1
        j = 2
        while (j <= (k-2)) and ((tz/f) > MACHEP):
            tz *= (j-1)/(z*j)
            f += tz
            j += 2
        p = f * x/sqrt(z*rk)
    #common exit
    if t < 0:
        p = -p  #note destruction of relative accuracy
    p = 0.5 + 0.5 * p
    return p
コード例 #29
    def getAnglesR_roll_pitch_yaw(self, R):
        if np.abs(R[0, 2] < 0.1) and np.abs(R[2, 2]) < 0.1:
            ang1 = np.sign(-R[2, 1]) * np.pi / 2
            ang2 = 0
            ang3 = np.arctan(R[2, 0] / R[2, 1])
        elif np.abs(R[2, 2] < 0.1) and np.abs(R[0, 2]) > 0.1:
            ang2 = np.sign(R[0, 2]) * np.pi / 2
            cosbeta = np.sqrt(R[1, 0]**2 + R[1, 1]**2)
            ang1 = np.arctan(-R[1, 2] / cosbeta)
            ang3 = np.arctan(R[1, 0] / R[1, 1])
        elif np.abs(R[2, 2]) < 0.1:
            ang3 = np.sign(R[1, 0])*np.pi/2
            cosbeta = np.sqrt(R[1, 0]**2+R[1, 1]**2)
            ang1 = np.atan(-R[1, 2] / cosbeta)
            ang2 = np.atan(R[0, 2] /R[2, 2])
            ang3 = np.arctan(R[1, 0] / R[1, 1]);
            cosbeta = np.sqrt(R[1, 0]**2 + R[1, 1]**2);
            ang1 = np.arctan(-R[1, 2] / cosbeta);
            ang2 = np.arctan(R[0, 2]/ R[2, 2]);

        return np.array((ang1, ang2, ang3)).reshape((-1, 1))
コード例 #30
def viewgeo(x_ul,y_ul,x_ur,y_ur,x_ll,y_ll,x_lr,y_lr):
	# imput "x",j
	# imput "y",i
	# imput cloud height "h"

	x_u = (x_ul + x_ur) / 2
	x_l = (x_ll + x_lr) / 2
	y_u = (y_ul + y_ur) / 2
	y_l = (y_ll + y_lr) / 2

	K_ulr = (y_ul - y_ur)/(x_ul - x_ur) # get k of the upper left and right points
	K_llr = (y_ll - y_lr) / (x_ll - x_lr) # get k of the lower left and right points
	K_aver = (K_ulr + K_llr) / 2
	omiga_par = np.atan(K_aver) # get the angle of parallel lines k (in pi)

	# AX(j)+BY(i)+C=0
	A = y_u - y_l
	B = x_l - x_u
	C = y_l * x_u - x_l * y_u

	omiga_per = np.atan(B/A) # get the angle which is perpendicular to the trace line

コード例 #31
ファイル: nonlinear.py プロジェクト: ali493/pyro
    def sliding_torque(self, ddq_r, s, dq, q, t):
        Given actual state, compute torque necessarly to guarantee convergence

        u_computed = self.model.actuator_forces(q, dq, ddq_r)

        u_discontinuous = np.dot(self.K(q, t), np.atan(s))

        u_tot = u_computed - u_discontinuous

        return u_tot
コード例 #32
def ellipticFi(phi, psi, m):
    if np.any(phi == 0):
        scalar = np.isscalar(phi) and np.isscalar(psi) and np.isscalar(m)
        phi, psi, m = np.broadcast_arrays(phi, psi, m)
        result = np.empty_like(phi, 'D')
        index = (phi == 0)
        result[index] = ellipticF(atan(sinh(abs(phi[index]))),
                                  1 - m[index]) * sign(psi[index])
        result[~index] = ellipticFi(phi[~index], psi[~index], m[~index])
        return result.reshape(1)[0] if scalar else result

    r = abs(phi)
    i = abs(psi)
    sinhpsi2 = sinh(i)**2
    cscphi2 = 1 / sin(r)**2
    cotphi2 = 1 / tan(r)**2
    b = -(cotphi2 + m * (sinhpsi2 * cscphi2) - 1 + m)
    c = (m - 1) * cotphi2
    cotlambda2 = (-b + sqrt(b * b - 4 * c)) / 2
    re = ellipticF(atan(1 / sqrt(cotlambda2)), m) * sign(phi)
    im = ellipticF(atan(sqrt(np.maximum(0, (cotlambda2 / cotphi2 - 1) / m))),
                   1 - m) * sign(psi)
    return re + 1j * im
コード例 #33
def ASBII(ATcur_P, ATxyz_P, ATxyz_K):
    |  X   |                                 Astr. Azimuth , Zenith   , Slope
    |  Y   |        ---------------+-------> from P to K     distance   distance
    |  Z   |AT_P                   |         (Apk)           (Bpk)      (Spk)
                                   |                | LAT  |   
                                   +--------------- | LON  |
                                   |                |  H   |AT_P
    |  X   |                       |
    |  Y   |        ---------------+
    |  Z   |AT_K                            
    # given====================================================================
    # ATcur_P   ---->   Cur.Coor. (LAT, LON, H)[3x1] of
    #           |||     Station Point(P) on Avg. Terr. Coor. Sys.
    #           |||
    #           ||----LAT ----> Astronomic latitude on Avg. Terr.
    #           ||              Coor. Sys.
    #           ||
    #           |-----LON ----> Astronomic longtitude on Avg. Terr.
    #           |               Coor. Sys.
    #           |
    #           ----- H   ----> Orthometric height on Avg. Terr.
    #                           Coor. Sys.
    # ATxyz_P   ---->   Car.Coor. (X, Y, Z)[3x1] of
    #                   Station Point(P) on Avg. Terr. Coor. Sys.
    # ATxyz_K   ---->   Car.Coor. (X, Y, Z)[3x1] of
    #                   Obs. Point(K) on Avg. Terr. Coor. Sys.
    # asked====================================================================
    # Apk       ---->   Astronomic azimuth
    # Spk       ---->   Distance between sta. and obs. point
    # Bpk       ---->   Zenith distance
    d = ATxyz_K - ATxyz_P
    Apk = atan(
        -d[0, 0] * sin(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) + d[1, 0] * cos(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad),
        -d[0, 0] * sin(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad) * cos(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) -
        d[1, 0] * sin(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad) * sin(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) +
        d[2, 0] * cos(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad))
    Spk = (d[0, 0]**2 + d[1, 0]**2 + d[2, 0]**2)**.5
    Bpk = acos((d[0, 0] * cos(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad) * cos(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) +
                d[1, 0] * cos(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad) * sin(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) +
                d[2, 0] * sin(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad)) / Spk)
    return angle(Apk, "rad"), Spk, angle(Bpk, "rad")
コード例 #34
def Gxyz2GcurII(Gxyz, ell='GRS80'):
    @author: Mustafa Serkan Isik
     |   x  |                  (direct)   | lat  |  
     |   y  |      ----------+--------->  | lon  |
     |   z  |G               |            |  h   |G
                   <DATUM PARAMETERS>
    # given====================================================================
    # Gxyz      ---->   Car. Coor. (x, y, z)[3x1] of
    #                   Station Point on Geodetic Coor. Sys.
    # ell       ---->   Reference ellipsoid
    # asked====================================================================
    # Gcur      ---->   Cur.Coor. (lat, lon, h)[3x1] of
    #           |||     Station Point on Geodetic Coor. Sys.
    #           |||
    #           ||----lat   ----> Ellipsoidal latitude on Geodetic
    #           ||                Coor. Sys.
    #           ||
    #           |-----lon   ----> Ellipsoidal longtitude on Geodetic
    #           |                 Coor. Sys.
    #           |
    #           ----- h     ----> Ellipsoidal height on Geodetic
    #                             Coor. Sys.
    ell_ = ellipsoidInstance(ell)  # create an ellipsoid instance
    lon = atan(Gxyz[1, 0], Gxyz[0, 0])
    p = (Gxyz[0, 0]**2 + Gxyz[1, 0]**2)**.5
    B = atan(ell_.a * Gxyz[2, 0], ell_.b * p)
    lat = atan(Gxyz[2, 0] + ell_.e2**2 * ell_.b * sin(B)**3,
               p - ell_.e1**2 * ell_.a * cos(B)**3)
    h = p / cos(lat) - ell_.radiusOfCurvature(lat)[1]
    return matrix([[angle(lat, "rad")], [angle(lon, "rad")], [h]])
コード例 #35
ファイル: todo2.py プロジェクト: EMI2016/LIDAR
def escalar (x1,y1,x2,y2,img,c,d):
    if a<500:
    #print 'dist',dista
    return pend
コード例 #36
ファイル: phaseMotion.py プロジェクト: JTPond/PyPWA
def deltaPhi(v1,v2):
    Returns the value of equation 372 in the paper by Salgado and Weygand.
    return numpy.atan(numpy.imag(v1*numpy.conj(v2))/numpy.real(v1*numpy.conj(v2)))
コード例 #37
ファイル: sebs.py プロジェクト: suredream/asema
def Rswd(DEM, Lat, Trans, DOY, Time):
   """ Potential Radiation Equator model
   (c) O. van Dam, UU, Tropenbos-Guyana
   Version 5, June 2000
   NOTE: Copyright: This program is free to use provided·
         you refer to the manualfor citation.
         Do not distribute without prior approval of the author.
         Manual and additional info: [email protected]

                   Model for calculation
               incoming potential light energy
   DEM Input Digital Elevation Model (spatial)
   Lat Latitude in decimal degrees (non-spatia)
   Trans Transmissivity tau (Gates, 1980) (non-spatial)
   DOY Day of Year (non-spatial)
   Time Time in hours (non-spatial)"""
   # constants
   pi       = 3.1415          # pi
   Sc       = 1367.0          # Solar constant (Gates, 1980) [W/m2]

   SlopMap = scalar(atan(slope(DEM)))
   AspMap  = scalar(aspect(DEM)) # aspect [deg]
   AtmPcor = ((288.0-0.0065*DEM)/288.0)**5.256 # atmospheric pressure correction [-]

   # Solar geometry
   # ----------------------------
   # SolDec  :declination sun per day  between +23 & -23 [deg]
   # HourAng :hour angle [-] of sun during day
   # SolAlt  :solar altitude [deg], height of sun above horizon
   SolDec  = -23.4*cos(360.0*(DOY+10.0)/365.0)
   HourAng = 15.0*(Time-12.01)
   SolAlt  = scalar(asin(scalar(sin(Lat)*sin(SolDec)+cos(Lat)*cos(SolDec)*cos(HourAng))))

   # Solar azimuth
   # ----------------------------
   # SolAzi  :angle solar beams to N-S axes earth [deg]
   SolAzi = scalar(acos((sin(SolDec)*cos(Lat)-cos(SolDec)*sin(Lat)*cos(HourAng))/cos(SolAlt)))
   SolAzi = ifthenelse(Time <= 12.0, SolAzi, 360.0 - SolAzi)
   # Additonal extra correction by R.Sluiter, Aug '99
   #SolAzi = ifthenelse(SolAzi > 89.994 and SolAzi < 90.0, 90.0, SolAzi)
   #SolAzi = ifthenelse(SolAzi > 269.994 and SolAzi < 270.0, 270.0, SolAzi)

   SolAzi = ifthenelse(np.logical_and(SolAzi > 89.994, SolAzi < 90.0), 90.0, SolAzi)
   SolAzi = ifthenelse(np.logical_and(SolAzi > 269.994, SolAzi < 270.0), 270.0, SolAzi)

   # Surface azimuth
   # ----------------------------
   # cosIncident :cosine of angle of incident; angle solar beams to angle surface
   cosIncident = sin(SolAlt)*cos(SlopMap)+cos(SolAlt)*sin(SlopMap)*cos(SolAzi-AspMap)

   # Critical angle sun
   # ----------------------------
   # HoriAng  :tan maximum angle over DEM in direction sun, 0 if neg·
   # CritSun  :tan of maximum angle in direction solar beams
   # Shade    :cell in sun 1, in shade 0
   #HoriAng   = horizontan(DEM,directional(SolAzi))
   HoriAng   = scalar(0.3)
   HoriAng   = ifthenelse(HoriAng < 0.0, scalar(0.0), HoriAng)
   CritSun   = ifthenelse(SolAlt > 90.0, scalar(0.0), scalar(atan(HoriAng)))
   Shade   = ifthenelse(SolAlt > CritSun, scalar(1), scalar(0))
   # Radiation outer atmosphere
   # ----------------------------
   OpCorr = Trans**((sqrt(1229.0+(614.0*sin(SolAlt))**2.0)-614.0*sin(SolAlt))*AtmPcor)     # correction for air masses [-]·
   Sout   = Sc*(1.0+0.034*cos(360.0*DOY/365.0)) # radiation outer atmosphere [W/m2]
   Snor   = Sout*OpCorr                    # rad on surface normal to the beam [W/m2]

   # Radiation at DEM
   # ----------------------------
   # Sdir   :direct sunlight on a horizontal surface [W/m2] if no shade
   # Sdiff  :diffuse light [W/m2] for shade and no shade
   # Stot   :total incomming light Sdir+Sdiff [W/m2] at Hour
   # PotRad :avg of Stot(Hour) and Stot(Hour-HourStep)
   Sdir   = ifthenelse(Snor*cosIncident*Shade < 0.0, 0.0, Snor*cosIncident*Shade)
   Sdiff  = ifthenelse(Sout*(0.271-0.294*OpCorr)*sin(SolAlt) < 0.0, 0.0, Sout*(0.271-0.294*OpCorr)*sin(SolAlt))
   #Rswd  = Sdir + Sdiff                                         # Rad [W/m2]
   Rswd = Snor
   return Rswd
コード例 #38
ファイル: density.py プロジェクト: fatune/pyfrct
def define_plane_by_planar_stereonet_coordinates(x, y):
	dir = np.degrees(np.atan2(x,y))
	l = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
	dip = 90 - np.degrees (2 * np.atan(l))
	return [dir, dip]
コード例 #39
def alignStageMotion_new(masked_file, skeletons_file):
    fps = read_fps(skeletons_file)
    with tables.File(skeletons_file, 'r+') as fid:
        # delete data from previous analysis if any
        if not '/stage_movement':
            g_stage_movement = fid.create_group('/', 'stage_movement')
            g_stage_movement = fid.get_node('/stage_movement')

        for field in ['stage_vec', 'is_stage_move', 'frame_diffs']:
            if field in g_stage_movement:
                fid.remove_node(g_stage_movement, field)

        g_stage_movement._v_attrs['has_finished'] = 0
        video_timestamp_ind = fid.get_node('/timestamp/raw')[:]
        #I can tolerate a nan in the last position
        if np.isnan(video_timestamp_ind[-1]):
            video_timestamp_ind[-1] = video_timestamp_ind[-2] 
        if np.any(np.isnan(video_timestamp_ind)):
            exit_flag = 80;
            warnings.warns('The timestamp is corrupt or do not exist.\n No stage correction processed. Exiting with has_finished flag %i.' , exit_flag)
            #turn on the has_finished flag and exit
            g_stage_movement._v_attrs['has_finished'] = exit_flag
        video_timestamp_ind = video_timestamp_ind.astype(np.int)
    # Open the information file and read the tracking delay time.
    # (help from segworm findStageMovement)
    # 2. The info file contains the tracking delay. This delay represents the
    # minimum time between stage movements and, conversely, the maximum time it
    # takes for a stage movement to complete. If the delay is too small, the
    # stage movements become chaotic. We load the value for the delay.
    with tables.File(masked_file, 'r') as fid:
        xml_info = fid.get_node('/xml_info').read().decode()
        g_mask = fid.get_node('/mask')
        #%% Read the scale conversions, we would need this when we want to convert the pixels into microns
        pixelPerMicronX = 1/g_mask._v_attrs['pixels2microns_x']
        pixelPerMicronY = 1/g_mask._v_attrs['pixels2microns_y']

    with pd.HDFStore(masked_file, 'r') as fid:
        stage_log = fid['/stage_log']
    #%this is not the cleaneast but matlab does not have a xml parser from
    #%text string
    delay_str = xml_info.partition('<delay>')[-1].partition('</delay>')[0]
    delay_time = float(delay_str) / 1000;
    delay_frames = np.ceil(delay_time * fps);
    normScale = np.sqrt((pixelPerMicronX ^ 2 + pixelPerMicronX ^ 2) / 2);
    pixelPerMicronScale =  normScale * np.array((np.sign(pixelPerMicronX), np.sign(pixelPerMicronY)));
    #% Compute the rotation matrix.
    #%rotation = 1;
    angle = np.atan(pixelPerMicronY / pixelPerMicronX);
    if angle > 0:
        angle = np.pi / 4 - angle;
        angle = np.pi / 4 + angle;
    cosAngle = np.cos(angle);
    sinAngle = np.sin(angle);
    rotation_matrix = np.array(((cosAngle, -sinAngle), (sinAngle, cosAngle)));
    #% Ev's code uses the full vectors without dropping frames
    #% 1. video2Diff differentiates a video frame by frame and outputs the
    #% differential variance. We load these frame differences.
    frame_diffs_d = getFrameDiffVar(masked_file);

    #%% Read the media times and locations from the log file.
    #% (help from segworm findStageMovement)
    #% 3. The log file contains the initial stage location at media time 0 as
    #% well as the subsequent media times and locations per stage movement. Our
    #% algorithm attempts to match the frame differences in the video (see step
    #% 1) to the media times in this log file. Therefore, we load these media
    #% times and stage locations.
    #%from the .log.csv file
    mediaTimes = stage_log['stage_time'].values;
    locations = stage_log[['stage_x', 'stage_y']].values;
    #%% The shift makes everything a bit more complicated. I have to remove the first frame, before resizing the array considering the dropping frames.
    if video_timestamp_ind.size > frame_diffs_d.size + 1:
        #%i can tolerate one frame (two with respect to the frame_diff)
        #%extra at the end of the timestamp
        video_timestamp_ind = video_timestamp_ind[:frame_diffs_d.size + 1];
    frame_diffs = np.full(int(np.max(video_timestamp_ind)), np.nan);
    dd = video_timestamp_ind - np.min(video_timestamp_ind); #shift data
    dd = dd[dd>=0];
    if frame_diffs_d.size != dd.size:
        exit_flag = 81;
        warnings.warn('Number of timestamps do not match the number read movie frames.\n No stage correction processed. Exiting with has_finished flag %i.', exit_flag)
        #%turn on the has_finished flag and exit
        with tables.File(skeletons_file, 'r+') as fid:
             fid.get_node('/stage_movement')._v_attrs['has_finished'] = exit_flag
    frame_diffs[dd] = frame_diffs_d;
    #%% try to run the aligment and return empty data if it fails 
        is_stage_move, movesI, stage_locations = \
        findStageMovement(frame_diffs, mediaTimes, locations, delay_frames, fps);
        exit_flag = 1;
        exit_flag = 82;
        warnings.warn('Returning all nan stage vector. Exiting with has_finished flag {}'.format(exit_flag))
        with tables.File(skeletons_file, 'r+') as fid:
             fid.get_node('/stage_movement')._v_attrs['has_finished'] = exit_flag
        #%remove the if we want to create an empty 
        is_stage_move = np.ones(frame_diffs.size+1);
        stage_locations = [];
        movesI = [];
    stage_vec_d, is_stage_move_d = shift2video_ref(is_stage_move, movesI, stage_locations, video_timestamp_ind)
    #%% save stage data into the skeletons.hdf5
    with tables.File(skeletons_file, 'r+') as fid:
        g_stage_movement = fid.get_node('/stage_movement')
        g_stage_movement.create_carray(g_stage_movement, 'frame_diffs', obj=frame_diffs_d)
        g_stage_movement.create_carray(g_stage_movement, 'stage_vec', obj=stage_vec_d)
        g_stage_movement.create_carray(g_stage_movement, 'is_stage_move', obj=is_stage_move_d)
        g_stage_movement._v_atttrs['fps'] = fps
        g_stage_movement._v_atttrs['delay_frames'] = delay_frames
        g_stage_movement._v_atttrs['microns_per_pixel_scale'] = pixelPerMicronScale
        g_stage_movement._v_atttrs['rotation_matrix'] = rotation_matrix
        g_stage_movement._v_attrs['has_finished'] = 1
コード例 #40
def fitness1(x):
    return -0.75 / (1 + x ** 2) - (0.65 * x * numpy.atan(1 / x)) + 0.65
コード例 #41
ファイル: cntrprop.py プロジェクト: amcdawes/Two-Beam-NLO
def guoy_phase (z, z0):
    return atan(z/z0)
コード例 #42
ファイル: multipath_moore.py プロジェクト: mikemoorester/ppp
def multipath_moore(surff, H, AntennaType, np):
    """% [dsigmaL1,dsigmaL2,dsigmaLc]=multipath_herring(elev, rough, H, Grate, np)
    % Multipath model based on Tom Herring's code
    % uses Fresnel Equations and takes into account antenna gain for direct and
    % reflected signals
    % input H is H above reflector in m
    % input elev is elevation angle of satellite (vectorised)
    % input surff is the surface reflection quality (0<surff<=1)
    % input Grate is how quick the gain goes to zero (modified dipole)
    % input np is the refractive index of the reflecting surface
    %   The dielectric constant is simply the square of the refractive index in a non-magnetic medium 
    %np = sqrt(4); % dieltric constant dry sand (3-5); %concrete is 4; 
    %water is sqrt(88-80.1-55.3-34.5) (0-20-100-200 degC) wikipedia

    [backL1, backL2]  = interpolateBackLobeGain_504()

    vel_light = 299792458.0
    fL1 = 10.23e6*77.*2. 
    fL2 = 10.23e6*60.*2. 
    wL1 = vel_light/fL1 
    wL2 = vel_light/fL2
    lcl1 = 1./(1.-(fL2/fL1)**2)
    lcl2 = -(fL2/fL1)/(1.-(fL2/fL1)**2)

    # Set refractive index of media which determines the refrection
    # coefficients. na is air, np is material below the antenna
    # The dielectric constant is simply the square of the refractive index in a non-magnetic medium 
    n1 = 1.0 # refractive coefficient of air
    np = np.sqrt(4) # dieletric costant of dry sand (3-5), concrete = 4
    #water is sqrt(88-80.1-55.3-34.5) (0-20-100-200 degC) wikipedia

    # For an AT504 mean = 1.1  
    Grate_L1_504 = 1.1044
    Grate_L2_504 = 1.0931

    GRID = 0.1
    #GRID = 0.5
    azs = np.linspace(0,360,(360./GRID) +1 )
    i = 1

    for az in azs: 
        j = 1
        zds = np.linspace(0,90,(90./GRID)+1 )

        for zd in zds : 
            e = 90. - zd
            eRad = e*np.pi/180.
            zRad = zd*np.pi/180.

            # had a bug in previous version N = floor(el*100 + 1) (when incrementing by 0.01 -> produced 
            # a counter that repeated values, so now just use n and perform a fliplr
            n = np.floor(zd*10+1)

            # NB this is using the noazi values
            # Now compute the height of the reflector taking into account the antenna PCV
            htL1 = H # + antL1.neu(1,3)/1000 + pcvL1(i,j)/1000 * sin(eRad);
            htL2 = H # + antL2.neu(1,3)/1000 + pcvL2(i,j)/1000 * sin(eRad);

            Ra = ( n1*np.cos(zRad) - np.sqrt( np**2 - (n1 * np.sin(zRad))**2  )/
                    n1*np.cos(zRad) + np.sqrt( np**2 - (n1 * np.sin(zRad))**2  ) )

            # Reflected gain from antenna
            L1_back = surff * backL1(n) * Ra;
            L2_back = surff * backL2(n) * Ra;

            # The direct Gain from the antenna for L1 => gDL1 = cos(z/G)
            # Where Grate is the rate of change of the antenna gain with zenith angle
            gDL1_504 = np.cos( zRad / Grate_L1_504 );
            gDL2_504 = np.cos( zRad / Grate_L2_504 );

            # Reflected Gain rate
            # gR = cos(90/G)(1 - sin(elev))
            dRL1_back = ( wL1/(2.*np.pi) * 
                        atan((L1_back*np.sin(4.*np.pi*(htL1/wL1)*np.sin(eRad))) / 
                            (gDL1_504 + L1_back * np.cos(4*np.pi*(htL1/wL1)*np.sin(eRad))))
            dRL2_back = ( wL2/(2.*np.pi) * 
                        np.atan((L2_back*np.sin(4*np.pi*(htL2/wL2)*np.sin(eRad))) /
                                (gDL2_504 + L2_back * np.cos(4*np.pi*(htL2/wL2)*np.sin(eRad))))
            #dR(j) = (lcl1 * dRL1_back) + (lcl2 * dRL2_back) ;
            dR(j) = (2.5457 * dRL1_back) - (1.545 * dRL2_back) 

            j = j+1

        # Make the vector a function of elevation, rather than zenith for use in the simulation
        dsigmaLc(i,:) = fliplr(dR) # ./1000;
        #dsigmaLc(i,:) = dR;

        i = i+1

    return dsigmaLc
コード例 #43
def spheroidalCF2(r, psize, axrat):
    """Spheroidal nanoparticle characteristic function.

    Form factor for ellipsoid with radii (psize/2, psize/2, axrat*psize/2)
    r      --  distance of interaction
    psize  --  The equatorial diameter
    axrat  --  The ratio of axis lengths

    From Lei et al., Phys. Rev. B, 80, 024118 (2009)
    pelpt = 1.0 * axrat

    if psize <= 0 or pelpt <= 0: 
        return numpy.zeros_like(r)

    # to simplify the equations
    v = pelpt
    d = 1.0 * psize
    d2 = d*d
    v2 = v*v

    if v == 1: 
        return sphericalCF(r, psize)

    rx = r
    if v < 1:

        r = rx[rx <= v*psize]
        r2 = r*r
        f1 = 1 - 3*r/(4*d*v)*(1-r2/(4*d2)*(1+2.0/(3*v2))) \
                - 3*r/(4*d)*(1-r2/(4*d2))*v/sqrt(1-v2)*atanh(sqrt(1-v2))

        r = rx[numpy.logical_and(rx > v*psize, rx <= psize)]
        r2 = r*r
        f2 = (3*d/(8*r)*(1+r2/(2*d2))*sqrt(1-r2/d2) \
                - 3*r/(4*d)*(1-r2/(4*d2))*atanh(sqrt(1-r2/d2)) \
                ) * v/sqrt(1-v2)

        r = rx[rx > psize]
        f3 = numpy.zeros_like(r)

        f = numpy.concatenate((f1,f2,f3))

    elif v > 1:

        r = rx[rx <= psize]
        r2 = r*r
        f1 = 1 - 3*r/(4*d*v)*(1-r2/(4*d2)*(1+2.0/(3*v2))) \
                - 3*r/(4*d)*(1-r2/(4*d2))*v/sqrt(v2-1)*atan(sqrt(v2-1))

        r = rx[numpy.logical_and(rx > psize, rx <= v*psize)]
        r2 = r*r
        f2 = 1 - 3*r/(4*d*v)*(1-r2/(4*d2)*(1+2.0/(3*v2))) \
            - 3.0/8*(1+r2/(2*d2))*sqrt(1-d2/r2)*v/sqrt(v2-1) \
            - 3*r/(4*d)*(1-r2/(4*d2))*v/sqrt(v2-1) \
            * (atan(sqrt(v2-1)) - atan(sqrt(r2/d2-1)))

        r = rx[rx > v*psize]
        f3 = numpy.zeros_like(r)

        f = numpy.concatenate((f1,f2,f3))

    return f
コード例 #44
#this function takes arrays, along with a central point-for example tagged from a picture, and returns x,y,z or lat lon coordinates
#equations based off of "Robot Navigation", 2011 by Gerald Cook
	shp = arr.shape
	xs = np.zeros(shp)
	ys = np.zeros(shp)
	N = shp[0]
	M = shp[1]
	#convert central point to meters
	c_index = [shp[0]/2 - 1,shp[1]/2 -1]
	#convert to cartesian
	for i in range(shp[0]) #rows of array
		ys[i][:] = float(L* (N+1.0-2.0*i)/(N-1.0) * np.tan(VFOV/2)) 
	for j in range(shp[1])
		xs[:][j] = float(L* (2*j - M -1.0)/(M-1.0) * np.tan(HFOV/2)) 
	#azimuth and zenith
	az = np.atan(-1*xs/L)
	zen = np.atan(np.divide(ys, np.sqrt(L*L + np.square(xs))))
	#camera coordinates
	xc = Z*np.tan(az)
	yc = Z*np.tan(zen)
	#world coordinates, 2x2 rotation matrix * [xc,yc], rotates by yaw
	xw = xc*np.cos(theta) - yc*np.sin(theta)
	yw = xc*np.sin(theta) + yc*np.cos(theta)
	#global coordinates in meters
	R = 6371000 #average radius of earth, equatorial radius is 6378137 meters
	lat_rad = center_lat*math.pi/180.0
	lon_rad = center_lon*math.pi/180.0
	xg = np.add(R*np.cos(lat_rad), xw)
	yg = np.add(R*np.cos(lat_rad)*np.sin(lon_rad),yw)
	zg = R*np.sin(lat_rad)+Z
	if met_or_lon == 0  #users