コード例 #1
ファイル: run_mc.py プロジェクト: dhruvparamhans/project3a
def calc_log_proba_mod(peptide, domain, sequence):
    Function which computes the log of the updated probability.
    For numerical stability, the sum of the logs is computed as
    log(exp(logA)+exp(logB)) which is just log(A+B)
    ix = PDZ_Data.domain_names.index(domain.name)
    alpha = PDZ_Data.fp_interaction_matrix[peptide.name][ix]

    score = eval_score(domain, sequence,0)
    z_1 = log_modified(score)
    z_2 = log_modified(-1.0*score)
    if alpha > 0:
        a = peptide.posterior_matrix[1,1]
        x = np.log(a) -z_1
        b = peptide.posterior_matrix[1,0]
        y = np.log(b) - z_2
        result = np.logaddexp(x,y)
        a = peptide.posterior_matrix[0,1]
        x = np.log(a) - z_1
        b = peptide.posterior_matrix[0,0]
        y = np.log(b) - z_2
        result = np.logaddexp(x,y)
    return result*-1.0
コード例 #2
ファイル: states.py プロジェクト: 123mitnik/pyhsmm
    def messages_backwards(self):
        'approximates duration tails at indices > trunc with geometric tails'
        aDl, aDsl, Al = self.aDl, self.aDsl, np.log(self.trans_matrix)
        trunc = self.trunc if self.trunc is not None else self.T
        T,state_dim = aDl.shape

        assert trunc > 1

        aBl = self.aBl/self.temp if self.temp is not None else self.aBl
        hmm_betal = HMMStatesEigen._messages_backwards(self._get_hmm_transition_matrix(),aBl)
        assert not np.isnan(hmm_betal).any()

        betal = np.zeros((T,state_dim),dtype=np.float64)
        betastarl = np.zeros_like(betal)

        for t in xrange(T-1,-1,-1):
            np.logaddexp.reduce(betal[t:t+trunc] + self.cumulative_likelihoods(t,t+trunc)
                    + aDl[:min(trunc,T-t)],axis=0, out=betastarl[t])
            if t+trunc < T:
                np.logaddexp(betastarl[t], self.likelihood_block(t,t+trunc+1) + aDsl[trunc -1]
                        + hmm_betal[t+trunc], out=betastarl[t])
            if T-t < trunc and self.right_censoring:
                np.logaddexp(betastarl[t], self.likelihood_block(t,None) + aDsl[T-t -1], betastarl[t])
            np.logaddexp.reduce(betastarl[t] + Al,axis=1,out=betal[t-1])
        betal[-1] = 0.

        return betal, betastarl
コード例 #3
ファイル: hsmm_states.py プロジェクト: Tell1/ml-impl
def hsmm_messages_backwards_log(
    trans_potentials, initial_state_potential,
    cumulative_obs_potentials, dur_potentials, dur_survival_potentials,
    betal, betastarl,
    left_censoring=False, right_censoring=True):
    errs = np.seterr(invalid='ignore') # logaddexp(-inf,-inf)

    T, _ = betal.shape

    betal[-1] = 0.
    for t in xrange(T-1,-1,-1):
        cB, offset = cumulative_obs_potentials(t)
        dp = dur_potentials(t)
        np.logaddexp.reduce(betal[t:t+cB.shape[0]] + cB + dur_potentials(t),
                axis=0, out=betastarl[t])
        betastarl[t] -= offset
        if right_censoring:
            np.logaddexp(betastarl[t], cB[-1] - offset + dur_survival_potentials(t),
        np.logaddexp.reduce(betastarl[t] + trans_potentials(t-1),
                axis=1, out=betal[t-1])
    betal[-1] = 0. # overwritten on last iteration

    if not left_censoring:
        normalizer = np.logaddexp.reduce(initial_state_potential + betastarl[0])
        raise NotImplementedError

    return betal, betastarl, normalizer
コード例 #4
ファイル: cost_fn.py プロジェクト: seung-lab/znn-release
def softmax_loss2(props, lbls, mask=None):
    grdts = dict()
    err = 0

    for name, prop in props.iteritems():
        # make sure that it is the output of binary class

        print "original prop: ", prop

        # rebase the prop for numerical stability
        # mathimatically, this do not affect the softmax result!
        # http://ufldl.stanford.edu/tutorial/supervised/SoftmaxRegression/
#        prop = prop - np.max(prop)
        propmax = np.max(prop, axis=0)
        prop[0,:,:,:] -= propmax
        prop[1,:,:,:] -= propmax

        log_softmax = np.empty(prop.shape, dtype=prop.dtype)
        log_softmax[0,:,:,:] = prop[0,:,:,:] - np.logaddexp( prop[0,:,:,:], prop[1,:,:,:] )
        log_softmax[1,:,:,:] = prop[1,:,:,:] - np.logaddexp( prop[0,:,:,:], prop[1,:,:,:] )
        prop = np.exp(log_softmax)
        props[name] = prop

        lbl = lbls[name]
        grdts[name] = prop - lbl
        err = err + np.sum( -lbl * log_softmax )
        print "gradient: ", grdts[name]
        assert(not np.any(np.isnan(grdts[name])))
    return (props, err, grdts)
コード例 #5
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: ericmjonas/connectodiscovery
    def compute_score_vect(self, bin_n, mu_vect, sigmasq_vect, pi_vect):
        bin_edges = np.arange(bin_n + 1, dtype=np.float32)/ (bin_n+1)
        bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + 1./bin_n 
        score_bins = np.zeros(bin_n)

        # compute the prob for each bin
        K = len(pi_vect)
        dp_per_comp_scores = np.zeros((bin_n, K), dtype=np.float32)

        for k in range(K):
            mu = mu_vect[k]
            sigmasq = sigmasq_vect[k]
            pi = pi_vect[k]
            dp_per_comp_scores[:, k] = irm.util.log_norm_dens(bin_centers, mu, sigmasq)
            dp_per_comp_scores[:, k] += np.log(pi)

        scores = dp_per_comp_scores[:, 0]
        for k in range(1, K):
            scores = np.logaddexp(scores, dp_per_comp_scores[:, k])

        # normalize
        score_total = scores[0]
        for i in range(1, bin_n):
            score_total = np.logaddexp(score_total, scores[i])
        scores -= score_total

        return scores
コード例 #6
def forward_backward(node_potentials,edge_potentials):
    H,N = node_potentials.shape
    forward = -1000.0 * np.ones([H,N],dtype=float)
    backward = -1000.0 * np.ones([H,N],dtype=float)
    forward[:,0] = np.log(node_potentials[:,0])
    ## Forward loop
    for pos in xrange(1,N):
        for current_state in xrange(H):
            for prev_state in xrange(H):
                forward_v = forward[prev_state,pos-1]
                trans_v = np.log(edge_potentials[prev_state,current_state,pos-1])
                logprob = forward_v + trans_v
                forward[current_state,pos] = np.logaddexp(forward[current_state,pos], logprob)
            forward[current_state,pos] += np.log(node_potentials[current_state,pos])
    ## Backward loop
    backward[:,N-1] = 0.0 # log(1) = 0
    for pos in xrange(N-2,-1,-1):
        for current_state in xrange(H):
            logprob = -1000.0 
            for next_state in xrange(H):
                back = backward[next_state,pos+1]
                trans = np.log(edge_potentials[current_state,next_state,pos]);
                observation = np.log(node_potentials[next_state,pos+1]);
                logprob = np.logaddexp(logprob, trans + observation + back);
            backward[current_state,pos] = logprob
    #print forward, backward
    return np.exp(forward),np.exp(backward)
コード例 #7
ファイル: stt_metric.py プロジェクト: dpom/incubator-mxnet
def ctc_loss(label, prob, remainder, seq_length, batch_size, num_gpu=1, big_num=1e10):
    label_ = [0, 0]
    prob[prob < 1 / big_num] = 1 / big_num
    log_prob = np.log(prob)

    l = len(label)
    for i in range(l):

    l_ = 2 * l + 1
    a = np.full((seq_length, l_ + 1), -big_num)
    a[0][1] = log_prob[remainder][0]
    a[0][2] = log_prob[remainder][label_[2]]
    for i in range(1, seq_length):
        row = i * int(batch_size / num_gpu) + remainder
        a[i][1] = a[i - 1][1] + log_prob[row][0]
        a[i][2] = np.logaddexp(a[i - 1][2], a[i - 1][1]) + log_prob[row][label_[2]]
        for j in range(3, l_ + 1):
            a[i][j] = np.logaddexp(a[i - 1][j], a[i - 1][j - 1])
            if label_[j] != 0 and label_[j] != label_[j - 2]:
                a[i][j] = np.logaddexp(a[i][j], a[i - 1][j - 2])
            a[i][j] += log_prob[row][label_[j]]

    return -np.logaddexp(a[seq_length - 1][l_], a[seq_length - 1][l_ - 1])
コード例 #8
ファイル: nest2pos.py プロジェクト: smirshekari/lalsuite
def compute_weights(data, Nlive):
    """Returns log_ev, log_wts for the log-likelihood samples in data,
    assumed to be a result of nested sampling with Nlive live points."""



    log_dvol = -1.0/Nlive

    log_vol = 0.0
    log_ev = -float('inf')
    for i,log_like in enumerate(start_data):
        # Volume associated with this likelihood = Vol/Nlive:
        log_wts[i] = log_like+log_this_vol
        log_ev = logaddexp(log_ev, log_wts[i])
        log_vol += log_vol_factor

    avg_log_like_end = -float('inf')
    for i,log_l in enumerate(end_data):
        avg_log_like_end = logaddexp(avg_log_like_end, log_l)

    # Each remaining live point contributes (Vol/Nlive)*like to
    # integral, but have posterior weights Vol relative to the other samples
    log_wts[-Nlive:] = log_vol+end_data

    log_ev = logaddexp(log_ev, avg_log_like_end + log_vol)

    log_wts -= log_ev

    return log_ev, log_wts
コード例 #9
def test_transition_probabilities(hm):
    alpha = hm.forward()
    beta = hm.backward()
    gamma = hm.state_probs(alpha, beta)
    xi = hm.bw(alpha, beta)

    trans = hm.transition_probabilities(xi, gamma)

    iter_trans = []
    for i in range(len(hm.hidden_states)):
        row = []
        for j in range(len(hm.hidden_states)):
            num = np.NINF
            den = np.NINF
            for seq in range(len(hm.observations)):
                num_seq = xi[seq][0][i][j]
                den_seq = gamma[seq][0][i]
                for o in range(1, len(hm.observations[seq]) - 1):
                    # xi is probability of probability
                    # of being at state i at time t and
                    # state j at time t+1
                    num_seq = np.logaddexp(num_seq, xi[seq][o][i][j])
                    # gamma is probability of being in
                    # state i at time t
                    den_seq = np.logaddexp(den_seq, gamma[seq][o][i])
                # add the current sequence contribution to total
                num = np.logaddexp(num, num_seq)
                den = np.logaddexp(den, den_seq)
            row.append(np.exp(num - den))

    assert iter_trans == approx(trans)
コード例 #10
   def equilibrium_concentrations(cls, DeltaG, Ptot, Ltot):
      Compute equilibrium concentrations for simple two-component association.

      DeltaG : float
         Reduced free energy of binding (in units of kT)
      Ptot : float or numpy array
         Total protein concentration summed over bound and unbound species, molarity.
      Ltot : float or numpy array
         Total ligand concentration summed over bound and unbound speciesl, molarity.

      P : float or numpy array with same dimensions as Ptot
         Free protein concentration, molarity.
      L : float or numpy array with same dimensions as Ptot
         Free ligand concentration, molarity.
      PL : float or numpy array with same dimensions as Ptot
         Bound complex concentration, molarity.


      # Original form:
      #Kd = np.exp(DeltaG)
      #sqrt_arg = (Ptot + Ltot + Kd)**2 - 4*Ptot*Ltot
      #sqrt_arg[sqrt_arg < 0.0] = 0.0
      #PL = 0.5 * ((Ptot + Ltot + Kd) - np.sqrt(sqrt_arg));  # complex concentration (M)

      # Numerically stable variant?
      logP = np.log(Ptot)
      logL = np.log(Ltot)
      logPLK = np.logaddexp(np.logaddexp(logP, logL), DeltaG)
      PLK = np.exp(logPLK);
      sqrt_arg = 1.0 - np.exp(np.log(4.0) + logP + logL - 2*logPLK);
      sqrt_arg[sqrt_arg < 0.0] = 0.0 # ensure always positive
      PL = 0.5 * PLK * (1.0 - np.sqrt(sqrt_arg));  # complex concentration (M)

      # Another variant
      #PL = 2*Ptot*Ltot / ((Ptot+Ltot+Kd) + np.sqrt((Ptot + Ltot + Kd)**2 - 4*Ptot*Ltot));  # complex concentration (M)
      # Yet another numerically stable variant?
      #logPLK = np.logaddexp(np.log(Ptot + Ltot),  DeltaG);
      #PLK = np.exp(logPLK);
      #xy = np.exp(np.log(Ptot) + np.log(Ltot) - 2.0*logPLK);
      #chi = 1.0 - 4.0 * xy;
      #chi[chi < 0.0] = 0.0 # prevent square roots of negative numbers
      #PL = 0.5 * PLK * (1 - np.sqrt(chi))

      # Ensure all concentrations are within limits, correcting cases where numerical issues cause problems.
      PL[PL < 0.0] = 0.0 # complex cannot have negative concentration
      #PL_max = np.minimum(Ptot, Ltot)
      #indices = np.where(PL > PL_max)
      #PL[indices] = PL_max[indices]

      # Compute remaining concentrations.
      P = Ptot - PL; # free protein concentration in sample cell after n injections (M)
      L = Ltot - PL; # free ligand concentration in sample cell after n injections (M)
      return [P, L, PL]
コード例 #11
ファイル: ball.py プロジェクト: subotto/subtracker
    def compute_visible_llr(self, data):
        background = data.frames.background
        ball = data.frames.ball

        ball.present_ll_c[...] = numpy.logaddexp(ball.color_analysis.ll, self.occlusion_analyzer.occluded_lpr)
        ball.absent_ll_c[...] = data.background.q_estimation * numpy.logaddexp(background.color_analysis.ll, self.occlusion_analyzer.occluded_lpr)

        ball.present_llr[...] = numpy.logaddexp(ball.present_ll_c - ball.absent_ll_c + self.visible_lpr, ball.absent_ll_c)
コード例 #12
 def log_proba(self, kde, value, period=None):
     if period is None:
         return kde.score([[value]])
         values = kde.score_samples([[value], [value+period], [value-period]])
         total = np.logaddexp(values[0], values[1])
         total = np.logaddexp(total, values[2])
         return total
コード例 #13
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: matthias-k/pysaliency
 def pixel_space_information_gain(self, baseline, gold_standard, stimulus, eps=1e-20):
     log_p_gold = gold_standard.log_density(stimulus)
     log_p_baseline = baseline.log_density(stimulus)
     log_p_model = self.log_density(stimulus)
     p_gold = np.exp(log_p_gold)
     p_gold[p_gold == 0] = p_gold[p_gold > 0].min()
     ig = (p_gold)*(np.logaddexp(log_p_model, np.log(eps))-np.logaddexp(log_p_baseline, np.log(eps)))
     return ig
コード例 #14
ファイル: Viterbi.py プロジェクト: iammrhelo/MLDS
    def compute_sig_PPsi ( self ,layers  , y_possible  , mode = "None" ):
        #print self.Prob[layers]
        update_Psi_o = np.zeros(self.w_o.shape)
        update_Psi_t = np.zeros(self.w_t.shape)
        update_Psi   = np.zeros(self.w.shape)
        CRF_Prob = 0
        if mode == "Start" :
            log_current_Prob = ( np.dot(self.w_o[y_possible] , self.x[layers]/(self.SEQ_LENGTH) ) + self.w_t[self.y_class][y_possible]/self.SEQ_LENGTH )  
            update_Psi_o[y_possible]               = (log_current_Prob) + np.log(self.x[layers])- np.log(self.SEQ_LENGTH) 
            update_Psi_t[self.y_class][y_possible] = (log_current_Prob) - np.log(self.SEQ_LENGTH)
            CRF_Prob = log_current_Prob
        elif mode == "End" :
            log_current_Prob           = ( self.w_t.T[self.y_class][:-1] )  
            update_Psi                 = log_current_Prob + self.CRF_Psi[layers][:] 
            update_Psi_t.T[self.y_class] = (log_current_Prob) - (self.SEQ_LENGTH) 
            CRF_Prob                   =  log_current_Prob + (self.CRF_Prob[layers][:]) 
            log_current_Prob = ( np.dot(self.w_o[y_possible] , self.x[layers]/(self.SEQ_LENGTH) ) + self.w_t.T[y_possible][:-1])  
            update_Psi                     = log_current_Prob + self.CRF_Psi[layers][:] 
            update_Psi_t.T[y_possible][:]  = (log_current_Prob) - np.log(self.SEQ_LENGTH) 
            update_Psi_o[y_possible]       = log_current_Prob + np.log(self.x[layers]) - np.log(self.SEQ_LENGTH) 
            CRF_Prob                         = log_current_Prob + self.CRF_Prob[layers][:]  
        for y_last in range(0,self.y_class):
            if mode == "Start" :
                log_current_Prob = ( np.dot(self.w_o[y_possible] , self.x[layers]/(self.SEQ_LENGTH) ) + self.w_t[self.y_class][y_possible]/self.SEQ_LENGTH )  
                update_Psi_o[y_possible]               = (log_current_Prob) + np.log(self.x[layers])- np.log(self.SEQ_LENGTH) 
                update_Psi_t[self.y_class][y_possible] = (log_current_Prob) - np.log(self.SEQ_LENGTH)

                CRF_Prob = log_current_Prob
            elif mode == "End" :
                log_current_Prob = ( self.w_t[y_last][self.y_class]/self.SEQ_LENGTH )  
                update_Psi                       = np.logaddexp ( update_Psi ,  log_current_Prob + self.CRF_Psi[layers][y_last] )
                update_Psi_t[y_last][y_possible] = np.logaddexp( update_Psi_t[y_last][y_possible] , (log_current_Prob) - (self.SEQ_LENGTH) )

                CRF_Prob                         = np.logaddexp( CRF_Prob   ,  log_current_Prob + (self.CRF_Prob[layers][y_last]) )
                log_current_Prob = ( np.dot(self.w_o[y_possible] , self.x[layers]/(self.SEQ_LENGTH) ) + self.w_t[y_last][y_possible]/self.SEQ_LENGTH )  
                update_Psi                       = np.logaddexp ( update_Psi ,  log_current_Prob + self.CRF_Psi[layers][y_last]) 
                update_Psi_t[y_last][y_possible] = np.logaddexp ( update_Psi_t[y_last][y_possible] , (log_current_Prob) - np.log(self.SEQ_LENGTH) )
                update_Psi_o[y_possible]         = np.logaddexp ( update_Psi_o[y_possible]  ,  log_current_Prob + np.log(self.x[layers]) - np.log(self.SEQ_LENGTH) )

                CRF_Prob                         = np.logaddexp( CRF_Prob , log_current_Prob + self.CRF_Prob[layers][y_last] ) 
        update_Psi = np.hstack( ( np.hstack(update_Psi_o) , np.hstack(update_Psi_t)    ) )
        if mode != "Start":
            a = update_Psi[0]
            b = CRF_Prob[0]
            for idx in range(1 , self.y_class):
                a = np.logaddexp( a , update_Psi[idx])
                b = np.logaddexp( b , CRD_Prob[idx])
            a = update_Psi
            b = CRF_Prob
        self.CRF_Psi[layers+1][y_possible]  =  a #update_Psi
        #print "update_Psi = " , update_Psi
        self.CRF_Prob[layers+1][y_possible] = b #CRF_Prob
コード例 #15
    def loglik(self, a):
        if not np.issubdtype(a.dtype, int):
            raise RuntimeError('a must be an integer array')
        if not np.all((a==0) + (a==1)):
            raise RuntimeError('a must be a binary array')

        log_p = -np.logaddexp(0., -self.odds)
        log_1_minus_p = -np.logaddexp(0., self.odds)
        return a * log_p + (1-a) * log_1_minus_p
コード例 #16
ファイル: fixes.py プロジェクト: 2011200799/scikit-learn
def _logaddexp(x1, x2, out=None):
    """Fix np.logaddexp in numpy < 1.4 when x1 == x2 == -np.inf."""
    if out is not None:
        result = np.logaddexp(x1, x2, out=out)
        result = np.logaddexp(x1, x2)

    result[np.logical_and(x1 == -np.inf, x2 == -np.inf)] = -np.inf

    return result
コード例 #17
 def marginal_dist_n(self, n, log_object_prior=None):
     log_object_prior = self._domain.log_object_prior(log_object_prior)
     marginal_dist = None
     for logP, lexicon in zip(*self.weighted_lexicons()):
         dist = self._domain.dist_n(n, lexicon, log_object_prior)
         if marginal_dist is None:
             marginal_dist = np.empty(dist.shape)
             marginal_dist[:] = -np.inf
         np.logaddexp(marginal_dist, logP + dist, out=marginal_dist)
     return marginal_dist
コード例 #18
ファイル: dependency.py プロジェクト: azzamsu/cl1-hw
    def __call__(self, h_word, c_word, h_tag, c_tag, h_pos=0, c_pos=0):
        Given a potential dependency, give score

        val = logaddexp(self.word_score(h_word, c_word),
                        self.tag_score(h_tag, c_tag))
        val = logaddexp(val, self.dist_score(h_pos, c_pos))

        return val
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: 8cH9azbsFifZ/wspr
 def test_nan(self):
     err = np.seterr(invalid="ignore")
         assert np.isnan(np.logaddexp(np.nan, np.inf))
         assert np.isnan(np.logaddexp(np.inf, np.nan))
         assert np.isnan(np.logaddexp(np.nan, 0))
         assert np.isnan(np.logaddexp(0, np.nan))
         assert np.isnan(np.logaddexp(np.nan, np.nan))
コード例 #20
ファイル: ml_toa.py プロジェクト: rferdman/swiftmonitor
def logsumexp(array):
    Recursive algorithm that sums numbers using the log of the exponentials of the input array.
        This is used because the probabilities can be very small in the likelihoods.
        Unfortunately its pretty slow.
    if len(array) == 2:
        return np.logaddexp(array[0],array[1])
        return np.logaddexp(array[0],logsumexp(array[1:]))
コード例 #21
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: dagilmore/forREST
        def _sum_log_array(self, a):
                """Sum the log probabilities in an array.

                @param a: array logs
                @type a: array of float
                @return: log(exp(a[0]) + exp(a[1]) + ... + exp(a[n]))
                @rtype: float
                m = array([-inf])
                for element in a[nonzero(a != -inf)]:
                return m[0]
コード例 #22
ファイル: bridgesampling.py プロジェクト: hpparvi/PyMSTk
def bs(x, q, q1fun, q2fun=None, means=None, sigmas=None, n2=100, niter=5, return_all=False, guess=1):


    x      : samples from the density function ``q1fun``
    q      : log-density function values corresponding to ``x``
    q1fun  : density function
    q2fun  : density function (optional) 
    means  : multivariate normal means (optional) 
    sigmas : multivariate normal sigmas (optional)
    n2     : number of samples to draw
    niter  : number of iterations
    return_all :
    guess  :


    if not q2fun:
        means = means if means is not None else np.mean(x, axis=0)
        sigmas = sigmas if sigmas is not None else 2*np.std(x, axis=0)
        q2fun = MVN(means, sigmas)
    x1s  = np.asarray(x)
    x2s  = q2fun.rvs(n2)

    lq11 = np.asarray(q).ravel()
    lq12 = np.array([q1fun(x2) for x2 in x2s]).ravel()
    lq22 = np.array([q2fun(x2) for x2 in x2s])
    lq21 = np.array([q2fun(x1) for x1 in x1s])

    n1, ln1 = lq11.size, m.log(lq11.size)
    n2, ln2 = n2, m.log(n2)
    ls1 = m.log(n1/float(n1+n2))
    ls2 = m.log(n2/float(n1+n2))
    ll1 = lq11 - lq21
    ll2 = lq12 - lq22
    lr = np.ones(niter)*guess
    for i in range(1,niter):
        A = ll2 - np.logaddexp(ls1+ll2, ls2+lr[i-1])
        Am = A.max()
        A = np.log(np.sum(np.exp(A-Am))) + Am - np.log(n2)

        B = 0.0 - np.logaddexp(ls1+ll1, ls2+lr[i-1])
        Bm = B.max()
        B = np.log(np.sum(np.exp(B-Bm)))+ Bm - np.log(n1)

        lr[i] = A-B
    return lr if return_all else lr[-1]
コード例 #23
ファイル: dmv.py プロジェクト: wammar/dmv-model
def add_outside_chart_items(parent_inside_item, children_inside_items):
  global inside, outside

  # first, make sure the parent item has been added to the outside chart.
  # if it were not added, this suggests one of two things: 
  # 1) there's a bug. 
  # 2) even though this item was created by the inside algorithm, it didn't participate in any complete parses
  #    which is why the outside chart does not contain it. to save space and time, we will not create such items
  if parent_inside_item not in outside:

  # add the left (or only) child item to the outside chart
  if children_inside_items[0] not in outside:
    outside[children_inside_items[0]] = NEGINF

  # sealing rules require special processing
  if len(children_inside_items) == 1:
    # first, determine stop cost
    direction = RIGHT if children_inside_items[0].nonterminal.type == NOT_SEALED and \
        parent_inside_item.nonterminal.type == HALF_SEALED \
        else LEFT
    adjacency = ADJ if children_inside_items[0].nonterminal.fertility == 0 else NOT_ADJ
    stop_cost = stop_params[parent_inside_item.nonterminal.pos, direction, adjacency][STOP]
    # then, update the outside score of this child
    outside[children_inside_items[0]] = logaddexp( outside[children_inside_items[0]],
                                                   outside[parent_inside_item] + stop_cost )
  # now, binary rules
  elif len(children_inside_items) == 2:
    # add the right child item to the outside chart
    if children_inside_items[1] not in outside:
      outside[children_inside_items[1]] = NEGINF
    # first, determine the cost of not stopping
    direction = LEFT if children_inside_items[0].nonterminal.type == SEALED else RIGHT
    adjacency = ADJ if direction == LEFT and children_inside_items[1].nonterminal.fertility == 0 or \
        direction == RIGHT and children_inside_items[0].nonterminal.fertility == 0 \
        else NOT_ADJ
    head_terminal = parent_inside_item.nonterminal.pos
    dependent_terminal = children_inside_items[0].nonterminal.pos if direction == LEFT else children_inside_items[1].nonterminal.pos
    no_stop_cost = stop_params[(head_terminal, direction, adjacency)][NO_STOP]
    prod_cost = prod_params[(head_terminal, direction)][dependent_terminal]

    # now, update the outside score of first child
    outside[children_inside_items[0]] = logaddexp( outside[children_inside_items[0]],
                                                   outside[parent_inside_item] + \
                                                     inside[children_inside_items[1]] + \
                                                     no_stop_cost + prod_cost)
    outside[children_inside_items[1]] = logaddexp( outside[children_inside_items[1]],
                                                   outside[parent_inside_item] + \
                                                     inside[children_inside_items[0]] + \
                                                     no_stop_cost + prod_cost)
    assert False
コード例 #24
ファイル: data_tools.py プロジェクト: igul222/nn
    def fast_js_with(self, p):
        log_p = np.array([p.log_likelihood(ngram) for ngram in p.unique_ngrams()])
        log_q = np.array([self.log_likelihood(ngram) for ngram in p.unique_ngrams()])
        log_m = np.logaddexp(log_p - np.log(2), log_q - np.log(2))
        kl_p_m = np.sum(np.exp(log_p) * (log_p - log_m))

        log_p = np.array([p.log_likelihood(ngram) for ngram in self.unique_ngrams()])
        log_q = np.array([self.log_likelihood(ngram) for ngram in self.unique_ngrams()])
        log_m = np.logaddexp(log_p - np.log(2), log_q - np.log(2))
        kl_q_m = np.sum(np.exp(log_q) * (log_q - log_m))

        return 0.5*(kl_p_m + kl_q_m) / np.log(2)
コード例 #25
ファイル: hmm.py プロジェクト: joypai/23andMe1000Genomes
def backward_probs(num_segments, num_pops, x_labels, mu_k, mu_k_y, sigma, theta, e_y_x, labels, labels_as_nums):
		forward algorithm
	# initialization
	bkd_individual = np.zeros([num_segments, num_pops*num_pops])		# initialize bkd matrix to zeros
	bkd_global = np.zeros([num_segments, num_pops*num_pops])		# initialize bkd matrix to zeros

	for individual in x_labels:
		bkd_individual = np.zeros([num_segments, num_pops*num_pops]) # reset individual
		h0 = individual[0]
		h1 = individual[1]

		# initial distribution
		for label_h0 in labels:
			for label_h1 in labels:
				# P(y1)
				p_y1 = mu_k[label_h0] * mu_k[label_h1]
				# P(x1|y1)
				p_y1x1 = mu_k_y[(h0[len(h0)-1], label_h0)] * mu_k_y[(h1[len(h0)-1], label_h1)]
				bkd_individual[len(h0)-1][labels_as_nums[(label_h0,label_h1)]] = np.logaddexp(p_y1, p_y1x1)
				bkd_global[len(h0)-1][labels_as_nums[(label_h0,label_h1)]] += np.logaddexp(p_y1, p_y1x1)

		# windows 2 - S
		for i in xrange(len(h0)-2, -1,-1):
			if h0[i+1] == h1[i+1]:
				# unknown if switch happened
				st = 0
				if h0[i+1] == h1[i] and h1[i+1] == h0[i]:
					st = 1
					st = 0

			for label_minus1_h0 in labels:
				for label_h0 in labels:
					for label_minus1_h1 in labels:
						for label_h1 in labels:
							p_switch = switch_error(sigma, st) 
							p_transition = transition_prob(label_h0, label_minus1_h0, label_h1, label_minus1_h1, st, theta, mu_k)
							p_emission = emission_prob(h0[i], h0[i+1], label_h0, label_minus1_h0, h1[i], h1[i+1], label_h1, label_minus1_h1, st, e_y_x, mu_k_y)
							# logadd = np.logaddexp(p_transition, p_emission)
							prob_i = np.logaddexp(p_switch, np.logaddexp(p_transition, p_emission))
							bkd_individual[i][labels_as_nums[(label_h0, label_h1)]] = prob_i
							bkd_global[i][labels_as_nums[(label_h0, label_h1)]] += prob_i
	# normalize
	for row in range(0, bkd_global.shape[0]):
		sum_row = bkd_global[row].sum() 
		bkd_global[row] = bkd_global[row] / sum_row
	return bkd_global
コード例 #26
 def _update_terminal_region(self, tree, terminal_regions, leaf, X, y,
                             residual, pred, sample_weight, leaf_indices):
     """Making one Newton step"""
     # terminal_region = numpy.where(terminal_regions == leaf)[0]
     terminal_region = leaf_indices
     y = y.take(terminal_region, axis=0)
     y_signed = 2. * y - 1
     pred = pred.take(terminal_region, axis=0)
     sample_weight = sample_weight.take(terminal_region)
     argument = -y_signed * pred - self.shift
     n_gradient = numpy.sum(sample_weight * y_signed * expit(argument))
     laplacian = numpy.sum(sample_weight / numpy.logaddexp(0., argument) / numpy.logaddexp(0., -argument))
     tree.value[leaf, 0, 0] = n_gradient / laplacian
コード例 #27
ファイル: noisy_bhc.py プロジェクト: stuartsale/pyBHC
    def as_merge(cls, node_left, node_right):
        """ Create a node from two other nodes
        node_left : Node
            the Node on the left
        node_right : Node
            The Node on the right
        crp_alpha = node_left.crp_alpha
        data_model = node_left.data_model
        data = np.vstack((node_left.data, node_right.data))
        data_uncerts = np.vstack((node_left.data_uncerts,

        indexes = node_left.indexes + node_right.indexes

        nk = node_left.nk + node_right.nk
        log_dk = logaddexp(math.log(crp_alpha) + math.lgamma(nk),
                           node_left.log_dk + node_right.log_dk)
        log_pi = -math.log1p(math.exp(node_left.log_dk
                                      + node_right.log_dk
                                      - math.log(crp_alpha)
                                      - math.lgamma(nk)))

        # combine sum_dicts

        sum_dict = {}
        for key in node_left.sum_dict:
            if key in node_right.sum_dict:
                sum_dict[key] = (node_left.sum_dict[key]
                                 + node_right.sum_dict[key])

        # Calculate log_rk - the log probability of the merge

        logp, sum_dict = data_model.log_marginal_likelihood(data, data_uncerts,
        numer = log_pi + logp

        neg_pi = math.log(-math.expm1(log_pi))
        log_ml = logaddexp(numer, neg_pi+node_left.log_ml+node_right.log_ml)

        log_rk = numer-log_ml

        if log_pi == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Precision error')

        return cls(data, data_uncerts, data_model, crp_alpha, log_dk,
                   log_pi, log_ml, logp, sum_dict, log_rk, node_left,
                   node_right, nk, indexes)
コード例 #28
ファイル: gaussian_hmm.py プロジェクト: keryil/kereHMM
 def estimate_transition_probabilities(self, gamma, xi):
     trans_new = np.empty_like(self.transitionMatrix)
     # trans_new[:] = -np.inf
     # local_xi = zi[:T - 1]
     # local_gamma = gamma[:T - 1]
     for from_, to in product(range(self.nStates), range(self.nStates)):
         sum_xi = -np.inf
         sum_gamma = -np.inf
         for t, gamma_ in enumerate(gamma[:-1]):
             # print "State{} --> State{}".format(from_, to)
             sum_xi = np.logaddexp(sum_xi, xi[t, from_, to])
             sum_gamma = np.logaddexp(sum_gamma, gamma_[from_])
         trans_new[from_, to] = sum_xi - sum_gamma
     return trans_new
コード例 #29
ファイル: ugr_fitting.py プロジェクト: mjvakili/redsq
def lnprob(p):
    posterior prob when there are outliers
    has two mixtures : reds and blues
    m1, m2, b1, b2, lnf1, lnf2, Q, M1, M2, lnV1, lnV2 = p
    # First check the prior.
    lp = lnprior(p)
    if not np.isfinite(lp):
	return -np.inf, None
    # Compute the vector of foreground likelihoods and include the q prior.
    ll_fg = lnlike_fg(p)
    arg1 = ll_fg + np.log(Q)

    # Compute the vector of background likelihoods and include the q prior.
    ll_bg = lnlike_bg(p)
    arg2 = ll_bg + np.log(1.0 - Q)

    # Combine these using log-add-exp for numerical stability.
    ll = np.sum(np.logaddexp(arg1, arg2))

    # We're using emcee's "blobs" feature in order to keep track of the
    # foreground and background likelihoods for reasons that will become
    # clear soon.

    return lp + ll, (arg1, arg2)
コード例 #30
def fgmc(log_fg_ratios, mu_log_vt, sigma_log_vt, Rf, maxfg):
    Function to fit the likelihood Fixme

    Lb = np.random.uniform(0., maxfg, len(Rf))
    pquit = 0

    while pquit < 0.1:
        # quit when the posterior on Lf is very close to its prior

        nsamp = len(Lb)
        Rf_sel = np.random.choice(Rf, nsamp)
        vt = np.random.lognormal(mu_log_vt, sigma_log_vt, len(Rf_sel))

        Lf = Rf_sel * vt

        log_Lf, log_Lb = log(Lf), log(Lb)

        plR = 0
        for lfr in log_fg_ratios:
            plR += np.logaddexp(lfr + log_Lf, log_Lb)

        plR -= (Lf + Lb)
        plRn = plR - max(plR)

        idx = np.exp(plRn) > np.random.random(len(plRn))

        pquit = ss.stats.ks_2samp(Lb, Lb[idx])[1]

        Lb = Lb[idx]

    return Rf_sel[idx], Lf[idx], Lb
コード例 #31
    def time_sync_decoding(self, h: torch.Tensor,
                           encoded_lengths: torch.Tensor) -> List[Hypothesis]:
        """Time synchronous beam search implementation.
        Based on https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9053040

            h: Encoded speech features (1, T_max, D_enc)

            nbest_hyps: N-best decoding results
        # Precompute some constants for blank position
        ids = list(range(self.vocab_size + 1))

        # Used when blank token is first vs last token
        if self.blank == 0:
            index_incr = 1
            index_incr = 0

        # prepare the batched beam states
        beam = min(self.beam_size, self.vocab_size)
        beam_state = self.decoder.initialize_state(
            torch.zeros(beam, device=h.device,
                        dtype=h.dtype))  # [L, B, H], [L, B, H] (for LSTMs)

        # Initialize first hypothesis for the beam (blank)
        B = [
                dec_state=self.decoder.batch_select_state(beam_state, 0),
        cache = {}

        for i in range(int(encoded_lengths)):
            hi = h[:, i:i + 1, :]

            # Update caches
            A = []
            C = B

            h_enc = hi

            # For a limited number of symmetric expansions per timestep "i"
            for v in range(self.tsd_max_symmetric_expansion_per_step):
                D = []

                # Decode a batch of beam states and scores
                beam_y, beam_state, beam_lm_tokens = self.decoder.batch_score_hypothesis(
                    C, cache, beam_state)

                # Extract the log probabilities and the predicted tokens
                beam_logp = torch.log_softmax(self.joint.joint(h_enc, beam_y),
                                              dim=-1)  # [B, 1, 1, V + 1]
                beam_logp = beam_logp[:, 0, 0, :]  # [B, V + 1]
                beam_topk = beam_logp[:, ids].topk(beam, dim=-1)

                seq_A = [h.y_sequence for h in A]

                for j, hyp in enumerate(C):
                    # create a new hypothesis in A
                    if hyp.y_sequence not in seq_A:
                        # If the sequence is not in seq_A, add it as the blank token
                        # In this step, we dont add a token but simply update score
                                score=(hyp.score +
                                       float(beam_logp[j, self.blank])),
                        # merge the existing blank hypothesis score with current score.
                        dict_pos = seq_A.index(hyp.y_sequence)

                        A[dict_pos].score = np.logaddexp(
                            (hyp.score + float(beam_logp[j, self.blank])))

                if v < self.tsd_max_symmetric_expansion_per_step:
                    for j, hyp in enumerate(C):
                        # for each current hypothesis j
                        # extract the top token score and top token id for the jth hypothesis
                        for logp, k in zip(beam_topk[0][j],
                                           beam_topk[1][j] + index_incr):
                            # create new hypothesis and store in D
                            # Note: This loop does *not* include the blank token!
                            new_hyp = Hypothesis(
                                score=(hyp.score + float(logp)),
                                y_sequence=(hyp.y_sequence + [int(k)]),
                                    beam_state, j),
                                timestep=hyp.timestep[:] + [i],


                # Prune beam
                C = sorted(D, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)[:beam]

            # Prune beam
            B = sorted(A, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)[:beam]

        return self.sort_nbest(B)
コード例 #32
    def passing_node(self, rootid, node, rootids, parallel_values):
        """Accumulate node to the integration.

        Breadth-first removed `node` and nodes active next to node (`parallel_nodes`).
        rootid and rootids are needed to identify which bootstrap instance
        should accumulate.

        rootid: TreeNode
            root node this `node` is from.
        node: TreeNode
            node being processed.
        rootids: array of ints
            for each parallel node, which root it belongs to.
        parallel_nodes: array of TreeNodes
            parallel nodes passing `node`.

        # node is being consumed
        # we have parallel arcs to parallel_nodes

        assert not isinstance(rootid, float)
        nchildren = len(node.children)
        Li = node.value
        # in which bootstraps is rootid?
        active = self.rootids[:, rootid]
        # how many live points does each bootstrap have?
        nlive = self.rootids[:, rootids].sum(axis=1)
        nlive0 = nlive[0]

        if nchildren >= 1:
            # one arc terminates, another is spawned

            # weight is the size of the slice off the volume
            if self.random:
                randompoint = np.random.beta(1, nlive, size=self.ncounters)
                logleft = log(randompoint)
                logright = log1p(-randompoint)
                logleft[0] = log1p(-exp(-1. / nlive0))
                logright[0] = -1. / nlive0
                logleft = log1p(-exp(-1. / nlive))
                logright = -1. / nlive

            logwidth = logleft + self.all_logVolremaining
            logwidth[~active] = -np.inf
            wi = logwidth[active] + Li

            # print("updating continuation...", Li)
            assert active[0], (active, rootid)
            logZ = self.all_logZ[active]
            logZnew = logaddexp(logZ, wi)
            H = exp(wi - logZnew) * Li + exp(logZ - logZnew) * (
                self.all_H[active] + logZ) - logZnew
            first_setting = np.isnan(H)
            # print()
            # print("Hnext:", H[0], first_setting[0])
            assert np.isfinite(
                H[~first_setting]).all(), (first_setting,
                                           H, wi, logZnew, Li, logZ)
            self.all_logZ[active] = np.where(first_setting, wi, logZnew)
            # print("logZ:", self.all_logZ[0])
            if first_setting[0]:
                assert np.all(np.isfinite(Li - wi)), (Li, wi)
                assert np.isfinite(self.all_H[0]), self.all_H[0]
                assert np.isfinite(H[0]), (first_setting[0], H[0],
                                           self.all_H[0], wi[0], logZnew[0],
                                           Li, logZ[0])
            self.all_H[active] = np.where(first_setting, -logwidth[active], H)
            # print("H:", self.all_H)
            assert np.isfinite(self.all_H[active]).all(), (self.all_H[active],
                                                           H[0], self.all_H[0],
                                                           wi[0], logZnew[0],
                                                           Li, logZ[0])
            # assert np.all(np.isfinite(self.all_H[active])), (H, self.all_H[active], wi, logZnew, Li, logZ)
            self.logZ = self.all_logZ[0]
            assert np.all(np.isfinite(
                self.all_logZ[active])), (self.all_logZ[active])

            # self.Lmax = max((n.value for n in parallel_nodes))
            # print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f logZremain=%.1f" % (
            #  Li, nlive[0], self.logVolremaining, wi[0], self.logZ, logZremain))
            # print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f logZremain=%.1f" % (
            #  Li, nlive[0], self.all_logVolremaining[0], (logwidth + Li)[0], self.all_logZ[0], logZremain))
            # print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=<%.1f logZremain=%.1f" % (
            #  Li, nlive[1], self.all_logVolremaining[1], (logwidth + Li)[1], self.all_logZ[1], logZremain))

            if self.all_H[0] > 0:
                # TODO: this needs to change if nlive varies
                self.logZerr = (self.all_H[0] / nlive0)**0.5
            # assert np.all(np.isfinite(self.logZerr)), (self.logZerr, self.all_H[0], nlive)

            # volume is reduced by exp(-1/N)
            self.all_logVolremaining[active] += logright[active]
            self.logVolremaining = self.all_logVolremaining[0]
            # contracting!
            # print("contracting...", Li)

            # weight is simply volume / Nlive
            logwidth = -np.inf * np.ones(self.ncounters)
            logwidth[active] = self.all_logVolremaining[active] - log(
            wi = logwidth + Li

            self.all_logZ[active] = logaddexp(self.all_logZ[active],
            self.logZ = self.all_logZ[0]

            # print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f" % (Li, nlive, self.logVolremaining, wi, self.logZ))

            # the volume shrinks by (N - 1) / N
            # self.logVolremaining += log(1 - exp(-1. / nlive))
            # if nlive = 1, we are removing the last point, so remaining
            # volume is zero (leads to log of -inf, as expected)
            with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
                self.all_logVolremaining[active] += log1p(-1.0 / nlive[active])
            self.logVolremaining = self.all_logVolremaining[0]

        V = self.all_logVolremaining - log(nlive0)
        Lmax = np.max(parallel_values)
        self.all_logZremain = V + log(np.sum(
            exp(parallel_values - Lmax))) + Lmax
        self.logZremainMax = self.all_logZremain.max()
        self.logZremain = self.all_logZremain[0]
        with np.errstate(over='ignore', under='ignore'):
            self.remainder_ratio = exp(self.logZremain - self.logZ)
            self.remainder_fraction = 1.0 / (1 +
                                             exp(self.logZ - self.logZremain))
コード例 #33
def sigmoid(x):
    return np.exp(-np.logaddexp(0, -x))
コード例 #34
def loss_func(x):
    return np.logaddexp(-x)
コード例 #35
def combine_results(saved_logl,
    """Combine a sequence of likelihoods and nodes into a summary dictionary."""

    assert np.shape(main_iterator.logweights) == (
        len(main_iterator.all_logZ)), (np.shape(main_iterator.logweights),

    saved_logl = np.array(saved_logl)
    saved_u = pointpile.getu(saved_nodeids)
    saved_v = pointpile.getp(saved_nodeids)
    saved_logwt = np.array(main_iterator.logweights)
    saved_logwt0 = saved_logwt[:, 0]
    saved_logwt_bs = saved_logwt[:, 1:]
    logZ_bs = main_iterator.all_logZ[1:]
    assert len(saved_logwt_bs) == len(saved_nodeids), (saved_logwt_bs.shape,

    if mpi_comm is not None:
        # spread logZ_bs, saved_logwt_bs
        recv_saved_logwt_bs = mpi_comm.gather(saved_logwt_bs, root=0)
        recv_saved_logwt_bs = mpi_comm.bcast(recv_saved_logwt_bs, root=0)
        saved_logwt_bs = np.concatenate(recv_saved_logwt_bs, axis=1)

        recv_logZ_bs = mpi_comm.gather(logZ_bs, root=0)
        recv_logZ_bs = mpi_comm.bcast(recv_logZ_bs, root=0)
        logZ_bs = np.concatenate(recv_logZ_bs)

    saved_wt_bs = exp(saved_logwt_bs + saved_logl.reshape((-1, 1)) - logZ_bs)
    saved_wt0 = exp(saved_logwt0 + saved_logl - main_iterator.all_logZ[0])

    # compute fraction in tail
    w = saved_wt0 / saved_wt0.sum()
    assert np.isclose(w.sum() - 1, 0), w.sum()
    ess = len(w) / (1.0 + ((len(w) * w - 1)**2).sum() / len(w))
    tail_fraction = w[np.asarray(main_iterator.istail)].sum()
    if tail_fraction != 0:
        logzerr_tail = logaddexp(
            log(tail_fraction) + main_iterator.logZ,
            main_iterator.logZ) - main_iterator.logZ
        logzerr_tail = 0

    logzerr_bs = (logZ_bs - main_iterator.logZ).max()
    logzerr_total = (logzerr_tail**2 + logzerr_bs**2)**0.5
    samples = resample_equal(saved_v, w)

    j = saved_logl.argmax()

    results = dict(
            median=np.percentile(samples, 50, axis=0).tolist(),
            errlo=np.percentile(samples, 15.8655, axis=0).tolist(),
            errup=np.percentile(samples, 84.1345, axis=0).tolist(),
            point=saved_v[j, :].tolist(),
            point_untransformed=saved_u[j, :].tolist(),
    return results
コード例 #36
    def passing_node(self, node, parallel_nodes):
        """Accumulate node to the integration.

        node: TreeNode
            breadth-first removed node
        parallel_nodes: list
            nodes active next to node

        # node is being consumed
        # we have parallel arcs to parallel_nodes

        nchildren = len(node.children)
        Li = node.value
        nlive = len(parallel_nodes)

        if nchildren >= 1:
            # one arc terminates, another is spawned

            # weight is the size of the slice off the volume
            logleft = log1p(-exp(-1. / nlive))
            logright = -1. / nlive
            if self.random:
                randompoint = np.random.beta(1, nlive)
                logleft = log(randompoint)
                logright = log1p(-randompoint)

            logwidth = logleft + self.logVolremaining
            wi = logwidth + Li
            if math.isinf(self.logZ):
                self.logZ = wi
                self.H = Li - self.logZ
                logZnew = logaddexp(self.logZ, wi)
                self.H = exp(wi - logZnew) * Li + exp(self.logZ - logZnew) * (
                    self.H + self.logZ) - logZnew
                assert np.all(np.isfinite(self.H)), (self.H, wi, logZnew, Li,
                self.logZ = logZnew

            # print(self.H)
            # self.Lmax = max(node.value, self.Lmax)
            # self.Lmax = max((n.value for n in parallel_nodes))
            # logZremain = parallel_nodes.max() + self.logVolremaining
            # print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f logZremain=%.1f" % (Li, nlive, self.logVolremaining, wi, self.logZ, logZremain))
            # volume is reduced by exp(-1/N)
            self.logVolremaining += logright
            # TODO: this needs to change if nlive varies
            self.logZerr = (self.H / nlive)**0.5
            assert np.all(np.isfinite(self.logZerr)), (self.H, nlive)
            # contracting!

            # weight is simply volume / Nlive
            logwidth = self.logVolremaining - log(nlive)
            wi = logwidth + Li

            self.logZ = logaddexp(self.logZ, wi)

            # print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f" % (Li, nlive, self.logVolremaining, wi, self.logZ))

            # the volume shrinks by (N - 1) / N
            # self.logVolremaining += log(1 - exp(-1. / nlive))
            # if nlive = 1, we are removing the last point, so remaining
            # volume is zero (leads to log of -inf, as expected)
            with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
                self.logVolremaining += log1p(-1.0 / nlive)
コード例 #37
def RDP_depend_pate_gaussian(params, alpha):
    Return the data-dependent RDP of GNMAX (proposed in PATE2)
    Bounds RDP from above of GNMax given an upper bound on q (Theorem 6).

      logq: Natural logarithm of the probability of a non-argmax outcome.
      sigma: Standard deviation of Gaussian noise.
      orders: An array_like list of Renyi orders.

      Upper bound on RPD for all orders. A scalar if orders is a scalar.

      ValueError: If the input is malformed.
    logq = params['logq']
    sigma = params['sigma']

    if alpha == 1:
        p = np.exp(logq)
        w = (2 * p - 1) * (logq - _log1mexp(logq))
        return w
    if logq > 0 or sigma < 0 or np.any(alpha < 1):  # not defined for alpha=1
        raise ValueError("Inputs are malformed.")

    if np.isneginf(logq):  # If the mechanism's output is fixed, it has 0-DP.
        print('isneginf', logq)
        if np.isscalar(alpha):
            return 0.
            return np.full_like(alpha, 0., dtype=np.float)

    variance = sigma**2

    # Use two different higher orders: mu_hi1 and mu_hi2 computed according to
    # Proposition 10.
    mu_hi2 = math.sqrt(variance * -logq)
    mu_hi1 = mu_hi2 + 1

    orders_vec = np.atleast_1d(alpha)

    ret = orders_vec / variance  # baseline: data-independent bound

    # Filter out entries where data-dependent bound does not apply.
    mask = np.logical_and(mu_hi1 > orders_vec, mu_hi2 > 1)

    rdp_hi1 = mu_hi1 / variance
    rdp_hi2 = mu_hi2 / variance

    log_a2 = (mu_hi2 - 1) * rdp_hi2

    # Make sure q is in the increasing wrt q range and A is positive.
    if (np.any(mask) and logq <= log_a2 - mu_hi2 *
        (math.log(1 + 1 / (mu_hi1 - 1)) + math.log(1 + 1 / (mu_hi2 - 1)))
            and -logq > rdp_hi2):
        # Use log1p(x) = log(1 + x) to avoid catastrophic cancellations when x ~ 0.
        log1q = _log1mexp(logq)  # log1q = log(1-q)
        log_a = (alpha - 1) * (log1q - _log1mexp(
            (logq + rdp_hi2) * (1 - 1 / mu_hi2)))
        log_b = (alpha - 1) * (rdp_hi1 - logq / (mu_hi1 - 1))

        # Use logaddexp(x, y) = log(e^x + e^y) to avoid overflow for large x, y.
        log_s1 = utils.stable_logsumexp_two(log1q + log_a, logq + log_b)
        log_s = np.logaddexp(log1q + log_a, logq + log_b)
        ret[mask] = np.minimum(ret, log_s / (alpha - 1))[mask]
    # print('alpha ={} mask {}'.format(alpha,ret))
    if ret[mask] < 0:
        print('negative ret', ret)
        print('log_s1 ={} log_s = {}'.format(log_s1, log_s))
        print('alpha = {} mu_hi1 ={}'.format(alpha, mu_hi1))
        print('log1q = {} log_a = {} log_b={} log_s = {}'.format(
            log1q, log_a, log_b, log_s))
        ret[mask] = 1. / (sigma**2) * alpha
        # print('replace ret with', ret)
    assert np.all(ret >= 0)

    if np.isscalar(alpha):
        return np.asscalar(ret)
        return ret
コード例 #38
ファイル: ctc.py プロジェクト: ishine/neural_sp
    def __call__(self, hyp, cs, r_prev, new_chunk=False):
        """Compute CTC prefix scores for next labels.

            hyp (List): prefix label sequence
            cs (np.ndarray): array of next labels. A tensor of size `[beam_width]`
            r_prev (np.ndarray): previous CTC state `[T, 2]`
            ctc_scores (np.ndarray): `[beam_width]`
            ctc_states (np.ndarray): `[beam_width, T, 2]`

        beam_width = len(cs)

        # initialize CTC states
        ylen = len(hyp) - 1  # ignore sos
        # new CTC states are prepared as a frame x (n or b) x n_labels tensor
        # that corresponds to r_t^n(h) and r_t^b(h).
        r = np.ndarray((self.xlen, 2, beam_width), dtype=np.float32)
        xs = self.log_probs[:, cs]
        if ylen == 0:
            r[0, 0] = xs[0]
            r[0, 1] = self.log0
            r[ylen - 1] = self.log0

        # Initialize CTC state for the new chunk
        if new_chunk and self.xlen_prev > 0:
            xlen_prev = r_prev.shape[0]
            r_new = np.full((self.xlen - xlen_prev, 2),
            r_new[0, 1] = r_prev[xlen_prev - 1, 1] + self.log_probs[xlen_prev,
            for i in range(xlen_prev + 1, self.xlen):
                r_new[i - xlen_prev,
                      1] = r_new[i - xlen_prev - 1,
                                 1] + self.log_probs[i, self.blank]
            r_prev = np.concatenate([r_prev, r_new], axis=0)

        # prepare forward probabilities for the last label
        r_sum = np.logaddexp(r_prev[:, 0],
                             r_prev[:, 1])  # log(r_t^n(g) + r_t^b(g))
        last = hyp[-1]
        if ylen > 0 and last in cs:
            log_phi = np.ndarray((self.xlen, beam_width), dtype=np.float32)
            for k in range(beam_width):
                log_phi[:, k] = r_sum if cs[k] != last else r_prev[:, 1]
            log_phi = r_sum  # `[T]`

        # compute forward probabilities log(r_t^n(h)), log(r_t^b(h)),
        # and log prefix probabilities log(psi)
        start = max(ylen, 1)
        log_psi = r[start - 1, 0]
        for t in range(start, self.xlen):
            # non-blank
            r[t, 0] = np.logaddexp(r[t - 1, 0], log_phi[t - 1]) + xs[t]
            # blank
            r[t, 1] = np.logaddexp(r[t - 1, 0],
                                   r[t - 1, 1]) + self.log_probs[t, self.blank]
            log_psi = np.logaddexp(log_psi, log_phi[t - 1] + xs[t])

        # get P(...eos|X) that ends with the prefix itself
        eos_pos = np.where(cs == self.eos)[0]
        if len(eos_pos) > 0:
            log_psi[eos_pos] = r_sum[-1]  # log(r_T^n(g) + r_T^b(g))

        # return the log prefix probability and CTC states, where the label axis
        # of the CTC states is moved to the first axis to slice it easily
        return log_psi, np.rollaxis(r, 2)
コード例 #39
 def forward(self, x):
     Implementation of softplus. Overflow avoided by use of the logaddexp function.
     self._lower is added before returning.
     return np.logaddexp(0, x) + self._lower
コード例 #40
 def __call__(self, y, pred):
     """Compute the deviance (= 2 * negative log-likelihood). """
     # logaddexp(0, v) == log(1.0 + exp(v))
     pred = pred.ravel()
     return -2.0 * np.mean((y * pred) - np.logaddexp(0.0, pred))
コード例 #41
    def refine_probs(self):
        """ refine_probs()

            Improve the estimated probabilities used by working with
            the full set of data allocated to each node, rather than
            just the initial sub-set used to create/split nodes.
        # travel up from leaves improving log_rk etc.

        for level_it in range(len(self.assignments) - 1, -1, -1):
            # print(level_it, self.nodes[level_it].keys())

            for node_it in self.nodes[level_it]:
                node = self.nodes[level_it][node_it]

                if node.tree_terminated:
                    if node.nk > 1:
                        # log_rk, etc are accurate
                        node.log_dk = node.true_bhc.root_node.log_dk
                        node.log_pi = node.true_bhc.root_node.log_pi
                        node.logp = node.true_bhc.root_node.logp
                        node.log_ml = node.true_bhc.root_node.log_ml
                        node.log_rk = node.true_bhc.root_node.log_rk
                        node.log_dk = self.crp_alpha
                        node.log_pi = 0.
                        node.logp = self.data_model.log_marginal_likelihood(
                        node.log_ml = node.logp
                        node.log_rk = 0.

                elif node.truncation_terminated:
                    node.log_dk = (math.log(self.crp_alpha) +
                    node.log_pi = 0.
                    node.logp = self.data_model.log_marginal_likelihood(
                    node.log_ml = node.logp
                    node.log_rk = 0.

                    left_child = self.nodes[level_it + 1][node_it * 2]
                    right_child = self.nodes[level_it + 1][node_it * 2 + 1]

                    node.log_dk = np.logaddexp(
                        math.log(self.crp_alpha) + math.lgamma(node.nk),
                        left_child.log_dk + right_child.log_dk)

                    node.log_pi = -math.log1p(
                        math.exp(left_child.log_dk + right_child.log_dk -
                                 math.log(self.crp_alpha) -
                    neg_pi = math.log(-math.expm1(node.log_pi))

                    node.logp = self.data_model.log_marginal_likelihood(

                    node.log_ml = np.logaddexp(
                        node.log_pi + node.logp,
                        neg_pi + left_child.log_ml + right_child.log_ml)
                    node.log_rk = node.log_pi + node.logp - node.log_ml

        # travel down from top improving

        for level_it in range(1, len(self.assignments)):
            for node_it in self.nodes[level_it]:
                node = self.nodes[level_it][node_it]
                parent_node = self.nodes[level_it - 1][int(node_it / 2)]

                node.prev_wk = (parent_node.prev_wk *
                                (1 - math.exp(parent_node.log_rk)))
コード例 #42
def sigmoid(x):
    if x >= 0:
        return math.exp(-np.logaddexp(0, -x))
        return math.exp(x - np.logaddexp(x, 0))
コード例 #43
    def expectation_step2(self, seqs, no_emissions=False):
        num_states = self.num_states
        num_emissions = self.num_emissions
        expected_transitions = np.zeros((num_states, num_states))
        expected_emissions = np.zeros((num_states, num_emissions))
        expected_start_count = np.zeros(num_states)
        if self.laplace:
            expected_transitions += self.laplace
            expected_emissions += self.laplace
            expected_start_count += self.laplace
        expected_emissions = np.log(expected_emissions)
        log_emissions = np.log(self.emissions.T)
        log_transitions = np.log(self.transitions)
        log_start_prob = np.log(self.start_prob)
        score = 0

        import time
        for seq in seqs:
            tic = time.clock()
            a2, b2 = self.hmm.forward_backward(seq)
            print(time.clock() - tic)

            tic = time.clock()
            fwa, bwa = self.log_fwa_bwa(seq)
            print(time.clock() - tic)
            seq_score = logsumexp(fwa[-1])
            score += seq_score
            print(time.clock() - tic)

            # emissions estimation
            b = fwa + bwa
            b -= seq_score
            print(time.clock() - tic)

            # transitions estimation
            # tic = time.clock()
            temp = np.zeros((len(seq) - 1, num_states, num_states))
            for l in range(len(seq) - 1):
                             bwa[l + 1] + log_emissions[seq[l + 1]],
                temp[l] += log_transitions
            print(time.clock() - tic)

            a = logsumexp(temp, 0)
            a -= seq_score
            a = np.exp(a)
            print(time.clock() - tic)

            # start estimation
            expected_start_count += np.exp(log_start_prob +
                                           log_emissions[seq[0]] + bwa[1] -
            print(time.clock() - tic)
            if len(seq) == 1:
                if not no_emissions:
                    expected_emissions[:, seq[0]] = np.logaddexp(
                        expected_emissions[:, seq[0]], b[0])
                expected_transitions += a[:num_states, :num_states]
                if not no_emissions:
                    for i, l in enumerate(seq):
                        expected_emissions[:, l] = np.logaddexp(
                            expected_emissions[:, l], b[i])
        if no_emissions:
            expected_emissions = self.emissions
            expected_emissions = np.exp(expected_emissions)

        return expected_transitions, expected_emissions, expected_start_count, score
コード例 #44
 def _npSoftplus(self, np_features):
   np_features = np.asarray(np_features)
   zero = np.asarray(0).astype(np_features.dtype)
   return np.logaddexp(zero, np_features)
コード例 #45
    def ctc_beam_decode_chunk(self,
        ## extend prefix in loop
        for logit in log_probs_seq:
            # turn logit to prob
            if not len(logit) == len(self.vocabulary):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The shape of prob_seq does not match with the "
                    "shape of the vocabulary.")
            # prefix_set_next: the set containing candidate prefixes
            # probs_b_cur: prefixes' probability ending with blank in current step
            # probs_nb_cur: prefixes' probability ending with non-blank in current step
            prefix_set_next, log_probs_b_cur, log_probs_nb_cur = {}, {}, {}

            log_prob_idx = self._get_pruned_log_probs(logit, cutoff_prob,

            for l in self.prefix_set_prev:
                if l not in prefix_set_next:
                    log_probs_b_cur[l], log_probs_nb_cur[l] = -float(
                        "INF"), -float("INF")

                _, org_state, org_word, org_count = self.prefix_set_prev[l]

                # extend prefix by travering prob_idx
                for c, log_prob_c in log_prob_idx:
                    cur_prefix_state, cur_last_word, cur_word_count = (
                        org_state, org_word, org_count)

                    if c == self.blank_id:
                        log_probs_b_cur[l] = np.logaddexp(log_probs_b_cur[l], \
                                            log_prob_c + np.logaddexp(self.log_probs_b_prev[l],\
                        last_char = l[-1]
                        new_char = self.vocabulary[c]
                        l_plus = l + new_char
                        if l_plus not in prefix_set_next:
                            log_probs_b_cur[l_plus], log_probs_nb_cur[
                                l_plus] = -float("INF"), -float("INF")

                        if new_char == last_char:
                            log_probs_nb_cur[l_plus] = np.logaddexp(
                                log_prob_c + self.log_probs_b_prev[l])
                            log_probs_nb_cur[l] = np.logaddexp(
                                log_prob_c + self.log_probs_nb_prev[l])
                        elif new_char == ' ' or self.char_based_lm:
                            if cur_last_word != '':
                                cur_word_count = cur_word_count + 1

                            if (self.ext_scoring_func is None) or (len(l)
                                                                   == 1):
                                log_score = 0.0
                                log_score, cur_prefix_state = \
                                        self.ext_scoring_func(cur_last_word, cur_prefix_state, cur_word_count, log=True)

                            if not self.char_based_lm:
                                cur_last_word = ''

                            log_probs_nb_cur[l_plus] = np.logaddexp(
                                log_score + log_prob_c +
                            cur_last_word = cur_last_word + new_char
                            log_probs_nb_cur[l_plus] = np.logaddexp(
                                log_probs_nb_cur[l_plus], log_prob_c +

                        if self.char_based_lm:
                            cur_last_word = new_char
                        # add l_plus into prefix_set_next
                        prefix_set_next[l_plus] = (np.logaddexp(
                            log_probs_b_cur[l_plus]), cur_prefix_state,
                # add l into prefix_set_next

                prefix_set_next[l] = (np.logaddexp(log_probs_b_cur[l],
                                      org_state, org_word, org_count)
            # update probs
            self.log_probs_b_prev, self.log_probs_nb_prev = log_probs_b_cur, log_probs_nb_cur

            ## store top beam_size prefixes
            self.prefix_set_prev = sorted(prefix_set_next.items(),
                                          key=lambda asd: asd[1][0],
            if beam_size < len(self.prefix_set_prev):
                self.prefix_set_prev = self.prefix_set_prev[:beam_size]
            self.prefix_set_prev = dict(self.prefix_set_prev)

        beam_result = []
        for seq, cur_total_state in self.prefix_set_prev.items():
            log_prob, state, last_word, word_count = cur_total_state
            if log_prob > float("-INF") and len(seq) > 1:
                # score last word by external scorer
                if (self.ext_scoring_func is not None) and (last_word != ' '):
                    if last_word != '':
                        word_count += 1
                    log_prob, _ = self.ext_scoring_func(last_word,
                beam_result.append((log_prob, seq.lstrip()))
                beam_result.append((float("-INF"), ''))

        ## output top beam_size decoding results
        beam_result = sorted(beam_result, key=lambda asd: asd[0], reverse=True)
        return beam_result[0][1]
コード例 #46
ファイル: netiter.py プロジェクト: smutch/UltraNest
def combine_results(saved_logl,
    """Combine a sequence of likelihoods and nodes into a summary dictionary.

    saved_logl: list of floats
        loglikelihoods of dead points
    saved_nodeids: list of ints
        indices of dead points
    pointpile: :pyclass:PointPile
        Point pile.
    main_iterator: :pyclass:BreadthFirstIterator
        iterator used
        MPI communicator object, or None if MPI is not used.

    results: dict
        All information of the run. Important keys:
        Number of nested sampling iterations (niter),
        Evidence estimate (logz),
        Effective Sample Size (ess),
        H (information gain),
        weighted samples (weighted_samples),
        equally weighted samples (samples),
        best-fit point information (maximum_likelihood),
        posterior summaries (posterior).
        The rank order test score (insertion_order_MWW_test) is
        included if the iterator has it.
    assert np.shape(main_iterator.logweights) == (
        len(main_iterator.all_logZ)), (np.shape(main_iterator.logweights),

    saved_logl = np.array(saved_logl)
    saved_u = pointpile.getu(saved_nodeids)
    saved_v = pointpile.getp(saved_nodeids)
    saved_logwt = np.array(main_iterator.logweights)
    saved_logwt0 = saved_logwt[:, 0]
    saved_logwt_bs = saved_logwt[:, 1:]
    logZ_bs = main_iterator.all_logZ[1:]
    assert len(saved_logwt_bs) == len(saved_nodeids), (saved_logwt_bs.shape,

    if mpi_comm is not None:
        # spread logZ_bs, saved_logwt_bs
        recv_saved_logwt_bs = mpi_comm.gather(saved_logwt_bs, root=0)
        recv_saved_logwt_bs = mpi_comm.bcast(recv_saved_logwt_bs, root=0)
        saved_logwt_bs = np.concatenate(recv_saved_logwt_bs, axis=1)

        recv_logZ_bs = mpi_comm.gather(logZ_bs, root=0)
        recv_logZ_bs = mpi_comm.bcast(recv_logZ_bs, root=0)
        logZ_bs = np.concatenate(recv_logZ_bs)

    saved_wt_bs = exp(saved_logwt_bs + saved_logl.reshape((-1, 1)) - logZ_bs)
    saved_wt0 = exp(saved_logwt0 + saved_logl - main_iterator.all_logZ[0])

    # compute fraction in tail
    w = saved_wt0 / saved_wt0.sum()
    assert np.isclose(w.sum() - 1, 0), w.sum()
    ess = len(w) / (1.0 + ((len(w) * w - 1)**2).sum() / len(w))
    tail_fraction = w[np.asarray(main_iterator.istail)].sum()
    if tail_fraction != 0:
        logzerr_tail = logaddexp(
            log(tail_fraction) + main_iterator.logZ,
            main_iterator.logZ) - main_iterator.logZ
        logzerr_tail = 0

    logzerr_bs = (logZ_bs - main_iterator.logZ).max()
    logzerr_total = (logzerr_tail**2 + logzerr_bs**2)**0.5
    samples = resample_equal(saved_v, w)

    ndim = saved_u.shape[1]
    information_gain_bits = []
    for i in range(ndim):
        H, _ = np.histogram(saved_u[:, i],
                            bins=np.linspace(0, 1, 40))
            float((np.log2(1 / ((H + 0.001) * 40)) / 40).sum()))

    j = saved_logl.argmax()

    results = dict(
            median=np.percentile(samples, 50, axis=0).tolist(),
            errlo=np.percentile(samples, 15.8655, axis=0).tolist(),
            errup=np.percentile(samples, 84.1345, axis=0).tolist(),
            point=saved_v[j, :].tolist(),
            point_untransformed=saved_u[j, :].tolist(),

    if getattr(main_iterator, 'check_insertion_order', False):
        results['insertion_order_MWW_test'] = dict(

    return results
コード例 #47
 def reference_sigmoid(x):
     return np.exp(-np.logaddexp(0, -x))
コード例 #48
def ctc_beam_search_decoder(log_probs_seq,
    Performs prefix beam search on the output of a CTC network.

        log_probs_seq (tensor): The log probabilities. Should be a 2D array (timesteps x
        lm_scorer (func): Language model function. Should take as input a string and output a
        beam_size (int): The beam width. Will keep the `beam_size` most likely candidates at each
        blank (int): Blank label index
        cutoff_prob: Cutoff probability for pruning. Defaults to `1.0`, meaning no pruning
        cutoff_top_n: Cutoff number for pruning.

        string: The decoded CTC output.
    T, V = log_probs_seq.shape
    log_cutoff_prob = math.log(cutoff_prob)
    cutoff_top_n = min(cutoff_top_n, V) if cutoff_top_n else V

    beams = Beams(is_valid=lm_scorer.is_valid if lm_scorer else None)

    for t in range(T):

        log_probs = log_probs_seq[t]

        curr_beams = list(beams.sort())

        # A default dictionary to store the next step candidates.
        num_prefixes = len(curr_beams)

        min_cutoff = -float('inf')
        full_beam = False

        if lm_scorer:
            # score - beta # it will not insert a new word or character
            min_cutoff = curr_beams[-1][-1].score_ctc + log_probs[blank]
            full_beam = num_prefixes == beam_size

        # Prunning step
        pruned_indexes = torch.arange(len(log_probs)).tolist()
        if log_cutoff_prob < 0.0 or cutoff_top_n < V:
            idxs = torch.argsort(log_probs, descending=True)
            n_idxs = min(
                (logcumsumexp(log_probs[idxs], 0) <= log_cutoff_prob).sum(),
                cutoff_top_n, V)
            pruned_indexes = idxs[:n_idxs].tolist()

        for token_index in pruned_indexes:

            p = log_probs[token_index].item()

            # The variables p_b and p_nb are respectively the
            # probabilities for the prefix given that it ends in a
            # blank and does not end in a blank at this time step.
            for prefix, beam in curr_beams:
                p_b, p_nb = beam.p_b, beam.p_nb

                if full_beam and p + beam.score_ctc < min_cutoff:

                # If we propose a blank the prefix doesn't change. Only the probability of ending
                # in blank gets updated.
                if token_index == blank:
                    beam.n_p_b = np.logaddexp(beam.n_p_b, beam.score_ctc + p)

                # Extend the prefix by the new character s and add it to the beam[' Only'] the
                # probability of not ending in blank gets updated.
                last_token_index = prefix[-1] if prefix else None

                if token_index == last_token_index:
                    # If s is repeated at the end we also update the unchanged prefix. This is the
                    # merging case.
                    beam.n_p_nb = np.logaddexp(beam.n_p_nb, p_nb + p)

                n_prefix = prefix + (token_index, )

                # Must update state for prefix search
                n_beam = beams.getitem(n_prefix, p=p, previous_beam=beam)
                if not n_beam:

                n_p_nb = n_beam.n_p_nb

                if token_index == last_token_index and p_b > -float('inf'):
                    # We don't include the previous probability of not ending in blank (p_nb)
                    # if s is repeated at the end. The CTC algorithm merges characters not
                    # separated by a blank.
                    n_p_nb = np.logaddexp(n_p_nb, p_b + p)
                elif token_index != last_token_index:
                    n_p_nb = np.logaddexp(n_p_nb, beam.score_ctc + p)

                if lm_scorer:
                    # LM scorer has access and updates the state variabl
                    p_lm = lm_scorer(n_prefix, n_beam.state)
                    n_beam.score_lm = beam.score_lm + p_lm

                n_beam.n_p_nb = n_p_nb

        # Update the probabilities
        # Trim the beam before moving on to the next time-step.

    # score the eos
    if lm_scorer:
        for prefix, beam in beams.items():
            if prefix:
                p_lm = lm_scorer(prefix, beam.state, eos=True)
                beam.score_lm += p_lm
                beam.score = beam.score_ctc + beam.score_lm

    # Return the top beam_size -log probabilities without the lm scoring
    # return [(-beam['score_ctc'], p, beam['timesteps']) for p, beam in beams.sort()]
    return [(-beam.score, p, beam.timesteps) for p, beam in beams.sort()]
コード例 #49
ファイル: dfm.py プロジェクト: ojhall94/GAIA
    sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 1500);

    labels = ["$m$", "$b$", "$Q$", "$M$", "$\ln V$"]
    truths = true_params + [true_frac, true_outliers[0], np.log(true_outliers[1])]
    corner.corner(sampler.flatchain, bins=35, labels=labels, truths=truths)


    '''Doing posteriors'''
    norm = 0.0
    post_prob = np.zeros(len(x))
    for i in range(sampler.chain.shape[1]):
        for j in range(sampler.chain.shape[0]):
            ll_fg, ll_bg = sampler.blobs[i][j]
            post_prob += np.exp(ll_fg - np.logaddexp(ll_fg, ll_bg))
            norm += 1
    post_prob /= norm

    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    # Plot the data points.
    ax1.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt=",k", ms=0, capsize=0, lw=1, zorder=999)
    # Plot the (true) outliers.
    ax1.scatter(x[m_bkg], y[m_bkg], marker="s", s=22, c=post_prob[m_bkg], cmap="gray_r", vmin=0, vmax=1, zorder=1000)
    # Plot the (true) good points.
    ax1.scatter(x[~m_bkg], y[~m_bkg], marker="o", s=22, c=post_prob[~m_bkg], cmap="gray_r", vmin=0, vmax=1, zorder=1000)

    # Plot the true line.
    ax1.plot(x0, y0, color="k", lw=1.5)

コード例 #50
 def compute_log_partition(self, ax, bx):
     a = ax + self.a
     b = bx + self.b
     A = 0.5 * (b**2 / a - self.b**2 / self.a + np.log(self.a / a))
     logZ = np.sum(np.logaddexp(np.log(1 - self.rho), np.log(self.rho) + A))
     return logZ
コード例 #51
ファイル: ctc.py プロジェクト: ishine/neural_sp
    def _beam_search(self, hyps, helper, scores_ctc, lm, lp_weight):
        beam_width = helper.beam_width
        lm_weight = helper.lm_weight
        merge_prob = True

        # scores_ctc: `[T, vocab]`
        for t in range(scores_ctc.size(0)):
            # Pick up the top-k scores
            _, topk_ids = torch.topk(
                scores_ctc[t, 1:],  # exclude blank
                k=min(beam_width, self.vocab),
            topk_ids += 1  # index:0 is for blank

            # bachfy all hypotheses (not in the cache, non-blank) for LM
            batch_hyps = [beam for beam in hyps if beam['update_lm']]
            if len(batch_hyps) > 0:
                ys = scores_ctc.new_zeros((len(batch_hyps), 1),
                for i, beam in enumerate(batch_hyps):
                    ys[i] = beam['hyp'][-1]

                # Update LM states for shallow fusion
                _, lmstates, scores_lm = helper.update_rnnlm_state_batch(
                    lm, batch_hyps, ys)

                hyp_ids_strs = [beam['hyp_ids_str'] for beam in hyps]

                for i, beam in enumerate(batch_hyps):
                    lmstate = {
                        'hxs': lmstates['hxs'][:, i:i + 1],
                        'cxs': lmstates['cxs'][:, i:i + 1]
                    } if lmstates is not None else None
                    index = hyp_ids_strs.index(beam['hyp_ids_str'])

                    hyps[index]['lmstate'] = lmstate
                    if lm is not None:
                        hyps[index]['next_scores_lm'] = scores_lm[i:i + 1]
                        hyps[index]['next_scores_lm'] = None
                    assert hyps[index]['update_lm']
                    hyps[index]['update_lm'] = False

                    # register to cache
                    self.state_cache[beam['hyp_ids_str']] = {
                        'next_scores_lm': hyps[index]['next_scores_lm'],
                        'lmstate': lmstate,

            new_hyps = []
            for j, beam in enumerate(hyps):
                p_b = beam['p_b']
                p_nb = beam['p_nb']
                total_score_lm = beam['score_lm']

                # case 1. hyp is not extended
                new_p_b = np.logaddexp(p_b + scores_ctc[t, self.blank].item(),
                                       p_nb + scores_ctc[t, self.blank].item())
                if len(beam['hyp'][1:]) > 0:
                    new_p_nb = p_nb + scores_ctc[t, beam['hyp'][-1]].item()
                    new_p_nb = LOG_0
                total_score_ctc = np.logaddexp(new_p_b, new_p_nb)
                total_score_lp = len(beam['hyp'][1:]) * lp_weight
                total_score = total_score_ctc + total_score_lp + total_score_lm * lm_weight
                    'hyp': beam['hyp'][:],
                    'hyp_ids_str': beam['hyp_ids_str'],
                    'score': total_score,
                    'p_b': new_p_b,
                    'p_nb': new_p_nb,
                    'score_ctc': total_score_ctc,
                    'score_lm': total_score_lm,
                    'score_lp': total_score_lp,
                    'next_scores_lm': beam['next_scores_lm'],
                    'lmstate': beam['lmstate'],
                    'update_lm': False

                # case 2. hyp is extended
                new_p_b = LOG_0
                for k in range(beam_width):
                    idx = topk_ids[k].item()
                    p_t = scores_ctc[t, idx].item()

                    c_prev = beam['hyp'][-1] if len(beam['hyp']) > 1 else None
                    if idx == c_prev:
                        new_p_nb = p_b + p_t
                        # TODO(hirofumi): apply character LM here
                        new_p_nb = np.logaddexp(p_b + p_t, p_nb + p_t)
                        # TODO(hirofumi): apply character LM here
                        if idx == self.space:
                            # TODO(hirofumi): apply word LM here

                    total_score_ctc = np.logaddexp(new_p_b, new_p_nb)
                    total_score_lp = (len(beam['hyp'][1:]) + 1) * lp_weight
                    total_score = total_score_ctc + total_score_lp
                    if lm is not None:
                        total_score_lm += beam['next_scores_lm'][0, 0,
                    total_score += total_score_lm * lm_weight

                    hyp_ids = beam['hyp'] + [idx]
                    hyp_ids_str = ' '.join(list(map(str, hyp_ids)))
                    exist_cache = hyp_ids_str in self.state_cache.keys()
                    if exist_cache:
                        # from cache
                        scores_lm = self.state_cache[hyp_ids_str][
                        lmstate = self.state_cache[hyp_ids_str]['lmstate']
                        # LM will be updated later
                        scores_lm = None
                        lmstate = beam['lmstate']

                        'hyp': hyp_ids,
                        'hyp_ids_str': hyp_ids_str,
                        'score': total_score,
                        'p_b': new_p_b,
                        'p_nb': new_p_nb,
                        'score_ctc': total_score_ctc,
                        'score_lm': total_score_lm,
                        'score_lp': total_score_lp,
                        'next_scores_lm': scores_lm,
                        'lmstate': lmstate,
                        'update_lm': not exist_cache

            # Pruning
            new_hyps = sorted(new_hyps, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)
            new_hyps = helper.merge_ctc_path(new_hyps, merge_prob)
            hyps = new_hyps[:beam_width]

        return hyps, new_hyps
コード例 #52
a + b

# %%
M = np.ones((3, 2))
a = np.arange(3)

# %%
# M + a

# %%
a[:, np.newaxis].shape

M + a[:, np.newaxis]

# %%
np.logaddexp(M, a[:, np.newaxis])

# %%
X = np.random.random((10, 3))

# %%
Xmean = X.mean(0)

# %%
X_centered = X - Xmean

# %%

# %%
コード例 #53
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: montefra/numpy
 def test_nan(self):
     assert_(np.isnan(np.logaddexp(np.nan, np.inf)))
     assert_(np.isnan(np.logaddexp(np.inf, np.nan)))
     assert_(np.isnan(np.logaddexp(np.nan, 0)))
     assert_(np.isnan(np.logaddexp(0, np.nan)))
     assert_(np.isnan(np.logaddexp(np.nan, np.nan)))
def softPlus(x):
    return np.logaddexp(0, x)
コード例 #55
 def numeric(self, values):
     """Evaluates e^x elementwise, adds 1, and takes the log.
     return np.logaddexp(0, values[0])
コード例 #56
 def __call__(self, y, pred):
     """Compute the deviance (= negative log-likelihood). """
     # logaddexp(0, v) == log(1.0 + exp(v))
     pred = pred.ravel()
     return np.sum(np.logaddexp(0.0, -2 * y * pred)) / y.shape[0]
コード例 #57
ファイル: test_likelihood.py プロジェクト: XuanHeIIIS/isdhic
    def log_prob(self):

        y, x = self.data, self.mock.get()

        return -np.logaddexp(np.zeros(len(x)), self.alpha * (x - y)).sum()
コード例 #58
    def time_sync_decoding(self, enc_out: torch.Tensor) -> List[Hypothesis]:
        """Time synchronous beam search implementation.

        Based on https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9053040

            enc_out: Encoder output sequence. (T, D)

            nbest_hyps: N-best hypothesis.

        beam = min(self.beam_size, self.vocab_size)

        beam_state = self.decoder.init_state(beam)

        B = [
                dec_state=self.decoder.select_state(beam_state, 0),
        cache = {}

        if self.use_lm:
            B[0].lm_state = self.lm.zero_state()

        for enc_out_t in enc_out:
            A = []
            C = B

            enc_out_t = enc_out_t.unsqueeze(0)

            for v in range(self.max_sym_exp):
                D = []

                beam_dec_out, beam_state, beam_lm_tokens = self.decoder.batch_score(

                beam_logp = torch.log_softmax(
                    self.joint_network(enc_out_t, beam_dec_out),
                beam_topk = beam_logp[:, 1:].topk(beam, dim=-1)

                seq_A = [h.yseq for h in A]

                for i, hyp in enumerate(C):
                    if hyp.yseq not in seq_A:
                                score=(hyp.score + float(beam_logp[i, 0])),
                        dict_pos = seq_A.index(hyp.yseq)

                        A[dict_pos].score = np.logaddexp(
                            (hyp.score + float(beam_logp[i, 0])))

                if v < (self.max_sym_exp - 1):
                    if self.use_lm:
                        beam_lm_scores, beam_lm_states = self.lm.batch_score(
                            beam_lm_tokens, [c.lm_state for c in C], None)

                    for i, hyp in enumerate(C):
                        for logp, k in zip(beam_topk[0][i],
                                           beam_topk[1][i] + 1):
                            new_hyp = Hypothesis(
                                score=(hyp.score + float(logp)),
                                yseq=(hyp.yseq + [int(k)]),
                                    beam_state, i),

                            if self.use_lm:
                                new_hyp.score += self.lm_weight * beam_lm_scores[
                                    i, k]
                                new_hyp.lm_state = beam_lm_states[i]


                C = sorted(D, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)[:beam]

            B = sorted(A, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)[:beam]

        return self.sort_nbest(B)
コード例 #59
def smooth_f(x, a=1):
    return np.abs((x + a * np.logaddexp(x / a, -x / a)) / 2.0)
コード例 #60
def offline_changepoint_detection(data,
                                  truncate: int = -40):
    Compute the likelihood of changepoints on data.

    data    -- the time series data
    truncate  -- the cutoff probability 10^truncate to stop computation for that changepoint log likelihood

        P  -- the log-likelihood of a datasequence [t, s], given there is no changepoint between t and s
        Q -- the log-likelihood of data
        Pcp --  the log-likelihood that the i-th changepoint is at time step t. To actually get the probility of a changepoint at time step t sum the probabilities.

    # Set up the placeholders for each parameter
    n = len(data)
    Q = np.zeros((n, ))
    g = np.zeros((n, ))
    G = np.zeros((n, ))
    P = np.ones((n, n)) * -np.inf

    # save everything in log representation
    for t in range(n):
        g[t] = prior_function(t)
        if t == 0:
            G[t] = g[t]
            G[t] = np.logaddexp(G[t - 1], g[t])

    P[n - 1, n - 1] = log_likelihood_class.pdf(data, t=n - 1, s=n)
    Q[n - 1] = P[n - 1, n - 1]

    for t in reversed(range(n - 1)):
        P_next_cp = -np.inf  # == log(0)
        for s in range(t, n - 1):
            P[t, s] = log_likelihood_class.pdf(data, t=t, s=s + 1)

            # compute recursion
            summand = P[t, s] + Q[s + 1] + g[s + 1 - t]
            P_next_cp = np.logaddexp(P_next_cp, summand)

            # truncate sum to become approx. linear in time (see
            # Fearnhead, 2006, eq. (3))
            if summand - P_next_cp < truncate:

        P[t, n - 1] = log_likelihood_class.pdf(data, t=t, s=n)

        # (1 - G) is numerical stable until G becomes numerically 1
        if G[n - 1 - t] < -1e-15:  # exp(-1e-15) = .99999...
            antiG = np.log(1 - np.exp(G[n - 1 - t]))
            # (1 - G) is approx. -log(G) for G close to 1
            antiG = np.log(-G[n - 1 - t])

        Q[t] = np.logaddexp(P_next_cp, P[t, n - 1] + antiG)

    Pcp = np.ones((n - 1, n - 1)) * -np.inf
    for t in range(n - 1):
        Pcp[0, t] = P[0, t] + Q[t + 1] + g[t] - Q[0]
        if np.isnan(Pcp[0, t]):
            Pcp[0, t] = -np.inf
    for j in range(1, n - 1):
        for t in range(j, n - 1):
            tmp_cond = (Pcp[j - 1, j - 1:t] + P[j:t + 1, t] + Q[t + 1] +
                        g[0:t - j + 1] - Q[j:t + 1])
            Pcp[j, t] = logsumexp(tmp_cond.astype(np.float32))
            if np.isnan(Pcp[j, t]):
                Pcp[j, t] = -np.inf

    return Q, P, Pcp