コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: arlekin147/CG_2
def main():
    P = np.array([[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, -1], [5, 1]])
    n = len(P)
    PX = P.T[0]
    PY = P.T[1]
    x = np.zeros(n)
    y = np.zeros(n)
    for num in range(0, n):
        koef = (bezyeKoef(n - 1, num))
        x = np.polyadd(x, P[num][0] * koef)
        y = np.polyadd(y, P[num][1] * koef)


    X = []
    Y = []
    print(np.polyval(y, 0))
    for t in np.linspace(0, 1, 100):
        X += [np.polyval(x, t)]
        Y += [np.polyval(y, t)]


    global fig, ax
    fig, ax = pylab.subplots()
    #ax = fig.gca(projection='2d')
    ax.plot(X, Y, label='parametric curve')
    ax.plot(PX, PY, label="orientir")
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_merge.py プロジェクト: jp3477/whisk
def solve_for_nearest( px,py,rx,ry ):
  dpx = polyder(px)
  dpy = polyder(py)
  cp = polymul( dpx, px ) + polymul( dpy, py )
  cp = polyadd( cp, -rx*dpx )      
  cp = polyadd( cp, -ry*dpy )
  t = roots(cp)
  t = real(t[isreal(t)])
  t = t[ (t>=0) * (t<=1) ]

  ##tt = linspace(0,1,100)
  ##from pylab import plot
  ##plot( polyval(px,tt), polyval(py,tt), 'k', hold = 0 )
  ##plot( [rx],[ry], 'r.' )
  ##plot( polyval(px,t[isreal(t)*(real(t)>=0)*(real(t)<=1)]),
  ##      polyval(py,t[isreal(t)*(real(t)>=0)*(real(t)<=1)]), 'o' )

  if len(t):
    if len(t) == 1:
      return t[0]
      ux = polyval( px, t )
      uy = polyval( py, t )
      d = hypot( ux - rx, uy - ry )
      return t[ d==d.min() ][0]
    t = array([0.0,1.0])
    ux = polyval( px, t )
    uy = polyval( py, t )
    d = hypot( ux - rx, uy - ry )
    if d[0] < d[1]:
      return 0.0
      return 1.0
コード例 #3
ファイル: lab02.py プロジェクト: maksiplus19/computer_alg
def PolyKaratsuba(a, b):
    if len(a) == 1 and len(b) == 1:
        return a * b

    deg_a, deg_b = len(a), len(b)
    if deg_a < deg_b:
        a, b = b, a
        deg_a, deg_b = deg_b, deg_a

    if deg_a & 1:
        deg_a += 1
        a = np.concatenate([np.zeros(1), a])

    if deg_a != deg_b:
        b = np.concatenate([np.zeros(deg_a - deg_b), b])

    a1 = a[:deg_a // 2]
    b1 = b[:deg_a // 2]
    a2 = a[deg_a // 2:]
    b2 = b[deg_a // 2:]

    result_1 = PolyKaratsuba(a1, b1) #f
    result_2 = PolyKaratsuba(a2, b2) #s
    result_3 = PolyKaratsuba(np.polyadd(a1,a2), np.polyadd(b1,b2)) #m
    result_3 = np.polysub(np.polysub(result_3, result_2), result_1)

    result_1 = np.concatenate([result_1, np.zeros(deg_a)])
    result_3 = np.concatenate([result_3, np.zeros(deg_a//2)])

    # return np.polyadd(result_1, np.polyadd(result_2, result_3))
    res = np.polyadd(result_1, np.polyadd(result_2, result_3))
    res = np.polymul(res, [1])
    return res
コード例 #4
def decode(input: str) -> str:
    codeword = string_to_list(input)

    shift = 0
    while True:
        syndrome = compute_syndrome(codeword)
        syndrome_16 = compute_syndrome_16(syndrome)
        syndrome_17 = compute_syndrome_17(syndrome)

        if compute_weight(syndrome) <= 3:
            errors = syndrome

        if compute_weight(syndrome_16) <= 2:
            errors = np.polyadd(x16, syndrome_16)

        if compute_weight(syndrome_17) <= 2:
            errors = np.polyadd(x17, syndrome_17)

        shift += 1
        codeword = np.roll(codeword, 1)

    codeword = normalize(np.polyadd(codeword, errors))
    codeword = np.roll(codeword, -shift)
    decoded_codeword = np.polydiv(codeword, G)[0]
    decoded_codeword = normalize(decoded_codeword[len(decoded_codeword) - k:])
    return list_to_string(decoded_codeword, k)
コード例 #5
def PolyKaratsuba(a: np.array, b: np.array):

    length = max(a.size, b.size)

    if length < 2:
        return a * b

    if length & 1:
        length += 1

    a = np.append(np.zeros((length - a.size, ), dtype=int), a)
    b = np.append(np.zeros((length - b.size, ), dtype=int), b)

    len2 = length // 2
    #надо поделить пополам
    al = a[:len2]
    ar = a[len2:]

    bl = b[:len2]
    br = b[len2:]

    p1 = PolyKaratsuba(al, bl)
    p2 = PolyKaratsuba(ar, br)

    p3 = PolyKaratsuba(np.polyadd(al, ar), np.polyadd(bl, br))
    p3 = np.polysub(p3, p1)
    p3 = np.polysub(p3, p2)

    p1 = np.append(p1, np.zeros((length, ), dtype=np.int))
    p3 = np.append(p3, np.zeros((len2, ), dtype=np.int))
    res = np.polyadd(p1, p2)
    res = np.polyadd(res, p3)
    while (res.size > 1 and res[0] == 0):
        res = res[1:]
    return res
コード例 #6
 def __rsub__(self,other):
     if type(other) in [int, float]:
         return ltimul(polyadd(-self.num,self.den*other),self.den)
     if type(other) in [TransFun, type(self)]:
         numer = polyadd(polymul(other.num,self.den),-polymul(self.den,other.num))
         denom = polymul(self.den,other.den)
         return ltimul(numer,denom)
コード例 #7
 def __add__(self, other):
     if type(other) in [int, float]:
         return ltimul(numpy.polyadd(self.num, self.den * other), self.den)
     if type(other) in [TransFun, type(self)]:
         numer = numpy.polyadd(numpy.polymul(self.num, other.den),
                               polymul(self.den, other.num))
         denom = numpy.polymul(self.den, other.den)
         return ltimul(numer, denom)
コード例 #8
def synthesizeFIRLattice(A_N, N, gamma):
    Function to synthesize an FIR optical lattice filter using the algorithm outlined in Section 4.5 of Madsen
    and Zhao
    Paramters: A_N: Coefficient array of polynomial in z^-1 of degree N that is part of the 2x2 transfer
                 N:   Filter order
             gamma: Loss Coefficient per stage
    Return: kappalcs: List of power coupling coefficients kappa_n's, Lc's and lc + lend for each stage, as
                      well as c_n and s_n list index is same as n Format is:
                      kappalcs[n] = (kappa_n, L_c_n, lc + lend of stage n, c_n, s_n)
               phi_l:   List of phase terms phi_n list index is n-1
                 B_N: Polynomial (in z^-1) B_N(z)
    B_N = findBPolyMA(A_N, plot=False)
    B_N_OG = B_N
    phi_l = []  #List of phi_n's
    kappalcs = []  #List of kappas, Lc's. This is what we want to return
    n = N
    while n >= 0:

        #Calculate kappa
        beta = np.absolute(B_N[0] / A_N[0])**2
        kappa = beta / (1.0 + beta)
        L_c = calcLengths(
            kappa, 2.0, 2.0
        )  #Find lengths of structures we need for layout, convert wavelengths to micrometers
        c_n = np.sqrt(1.0 - kappa)
        s_n = np.sqrt(kappa)
        kappalcs.insert(0, (kappa, L_c))
        if n > 0:
            B_N1 = np.polyadd(
                -s_n * A_N, c_n * B_N
            )  #Step-down recursion relation for B polynomial of stage N-1, this is an ndArray
            B_N1 = B_N1[1:B_N1.size]
            #B_N1 = np.poly1d(B_N1_arr[1:B_N1_arr.size])#Reduce order by 1
            #Shouldn't have complex coefs.
            for ii in range(B_N1.size):
                if np.imag(B_N1[ii]) < 2.0E-16:
                    B_N1[ii] = np.real(B_N1[ii])
            A_N1_tild = np.polyadd(c_n * A_N, s_n * B_N)
            phi_n = -(np.angle(A_N1_tild[0]) + np.angle(B_N1[0]))
            phi_l.insert(0, phi_n)
            A_N1_tild = (1.0 / gamma) * np.exp(1j * phi_n) * A_N1_tild
            A_N1 = A_N1_tild[
                0:A_N1_tild.size -
                1]  #Build polynomial A_N1(z), and reduce order by 1 by eliminating the constant term(multiplying by z)
            #Shouldn't have complex coefs.
            for ii in range(A_N1.size):
                if np.imag(A_N1[ii]) < 2.0E-16:
                    A_N1[ii] = np.real(A_N1[ii])
        n = n - 1
        A_N = A_N1
        B_N = B_N1
    return kappalcs, phi_l, B_N_OG
コード例 #9
ファイル: kernels.py プロジェクト: Stevie-T/GP_SLAM
 def __init__(self,theta=1.,maxVar=1.):
     self.theta = theta
     self.maxVar = maxVar
     p0 = np.array([theta**2.,3.*theta,3.])
     p1 = np.polyadd(np.polyder(p0),-theta*p0)
     p2 = np.polyadd(np.polyder(p1),-theta*p1)
     self.p0 = p0
     self.p1 = p1
     self.p2 = p2
コード例 #10
 def __rsub__(self, other):
     """right substraction"""
     if type(other) in [int, float]:
         return dTF(polyadd(-self._num.A1, self._den.A1 * other), self._den)
     if isinstance(other, dTF):
         numer = polyadd(polymul(other.num.A1, self._den.A1),
                         -polymul(other.den.A1, self._num.A1))
         denom = polymul(self._den.A1, other.den.A1)
         return dTF(numer, denom)
コード例 #11
def sumo_sistemas(sys3, sys4):

    if not isinstance(sys3, signal.lti):
        sys3 = signal.lti(*sys3)
    if not isinstance(sys4, signal.lti):
        sys4 = signal.lti(*sys4)
    num = np.polyadd(sys3.num, sys4.num)
    den = np.polyadd(sys3.den, sys4.den)
    sys = signal.lti(num, den)
    return sys
コード例 #12
 def __add__(self, rhs):
     if isinstance(rhs, numbers.Number):
         return TransferFunction(numpy.polyadd(self.num, self.den * rhs),
     if isinstance(rhs, scipy.signal.TransferFunction):
         numer = numpy.polyadd(numpy.polymul(self.num, rhs.den),
                               numpy.polymul(self.den, rhs.num))
         denom = numpy.polymul(self.den, rhs.den)
         return TransferFunction(numer, denom)
     raise TypeError
コード例 #13
 def __rsub__(self, lhs):
     if isinstance(lhs, numbers.Number):
         return TransferFunction(numpy.polyadd(-self.num, self.den * lhs),
     if isinstance(lhs, scipy.signal.TransferFunction):
         numer = numpy.polyadd(numpy.polymul(lhs.num, self.den),
                               -numpy.polymul(self.num, lhs.den))
         denom = numpy.polymul(self.den, lhs.den)
         return TransferFunction(numer, denom)
     raise TypeError
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_merge.py プロジェクト: jp3477/whisk
def compute_join_curvature( px, py ):
  from scipy.integrate import quad
  xp  = polyder( px, 1 )
  xpp = polyder( px, 2 )
  yp  = polyder( py, 1 )
  ypp = polyder( py, 2 )
  pn = polyadd( polymul( xp, ypp ), polymul( yp, xpp )) #numerator
  pd = polyadd( polymul( xp, xp ) , polymul( yp, yp ) ) #denominator
  integrand = lambda t:  fabs(polyval( pn, t )/( polyval( pd, t )**(1.5)) ) 
  return quad(integrand, 0, 1) [0]
コード例 #15
 def __sub__(self, other):
     if type(other) in [int, float]:
         return dTF(polyadd(self._num.A1, -self._den.A1 * other), self._den)
     if isinstance(other, dTF):
         numer = polyadd(polymul(self._num.A1, other.den.A1),
                         -polymul(self._den.A1, other.num.A1))
         denom = polymul(self._den.A1, other.den.A1)
         return dTF(numer, denom)
     raise ValueError("Cannot substract a dTF with a %s", type(other))
コード例 #16
    def _parallel(self, other):
        dt = _pickup_dt(self, other)
        if np.array_equal(self.den, other.den):
            den = self.den
            num = np.polyadd(self.num, other.num)
            den = np.convolve(self.den, other.den)
            num = np.polyadd(np.convolve(self.num, other.den),
                             np.convolve(other.num, self.den))

        return TransferFunction(num, den, dt=dt)
コード例 #17
 def deriv4_6_8_10(self, t, numout=4):
     """Returns 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th derivatives of the kernel function.
     phi0 = exp(-0.5 * t ** 2) / sqrt(2 * pi)
     pn = [1, 0, -6, 0, 3]
     out = [np.polyval(pn, t) * phi0]
     for _i in range(numout - 1):
         pnp1 = np.polyadd(-np.r_[pn, 0], np.polyder(pn))
         pnp2 = np.polyadd(-np.r_[pnp1, 0], np.polyder(pnp1))
         out.append(np.polyval(pnp2, t) * phi0)
         pn = pnp2
     return tuple(out)
コード例 #18
def Encrypt(h, msg):
    global q
    global t
    e = reduce(ChiErr(2))
    s = reduce(ChiErr(2))
    # print("e = ", e)
    # print("s = ", s)

    delta = math.floor(q / t)
    c = [delta * x for x in msg]
    c = np.polyadd(c, e)
    H = reduce(np.polymul(h, s))
    c = np.polyadd(c, H)
    return reduce(c)
コード例 #19
def ss2tf(sys_):
    Covert state space model to transfer function model.
    Only for SISO now

    a(s) = det(sI - A)
    R_{n-1} = I
    R_{n-2} = R_{n-1} * A + a_{n-1} * I
    E_{n-1} = C * R_{n-1} * B

    G(s) = (E_{n-1}s^{n-1} + E_{n-2}s^{n-2} + ... + E_0) / a(s) + D

    :param sys_: system
    :type sys_: StateSpace
    :return: corresponded transfer function model
    :rtype: TransferFunction

    n = sys_.A.shape[0]
    p = sys_.B.shape[1]
    q = sys_.C.shape[0]

    cp = np.poly(sys_.A)  # characteristic polynomial
    I = np.eye(n)
    R = I
    E = np.empty((n, q * p))

    for i in range(n):
        E[i] = (sys_.C @ R @ sys_.B).ravel('C')
        R = R @ sys_.A + cp[i + 1] * I

    # every row in E presents coefficients of each numerator polynomial
    E = E.T
    # make sure every element in D correspond to the very E's row
    D = sys_.D.flatten('C').T
    if sys_.is_siso:
        num = np.polyadd(E[0], cp * D[0])
        return TransferFunction(num, cp, dt=sys_.dt)
        # return mimo as a list of TransferFunction temporarily
        ret = []
        r = []
        for i in range(q * p):
            num = np.polyadd(E[i], cp * D[i])
            r.append(TransferFunction(num, cp, dt=sys_.dt))
            if (i + 1) % p == 0:
                r = []
        return ret
コード例 #20
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: jp3477/whisk
def root_curvature(w,side,dx,n=16):
  n = min(n, len(w.x)/4)
  L = cumulative_path_length(w)
  tt = L/L.max()
  teval = tt[n] if side==0 else tt[-n]
  px = np.polyfit(tt[n:-n],w.x[n:-n],2)
  py = np.polyfit(tt[n:-n],w.y[n:-n],2)
  xp  = np.polyder( px, 1 )
  xpp = np.polyder( px, 2 )
  yp  = np.polyder( py, 1 )
  ypp = np.polyder( py, 2 )
  pn = np.polyadd( polymul( xp, ypp ), np.polymul( yp, xpp )) #numerator
  pd = np.polyadd( polymul( xp, xp ) , np.polymul( yp, yp ) ) #denominator
  kappa = lambda t:  np.polyval( pn, t )/( np.polyval( pd, t )**(1.5)) # d Tangent angle/ds 
  return dx*kappa(teval)
コード例 #21
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: nclack/whisk
def mean_curvature(w, side, dx, n=16):
    n = min(n, len(w.x) / 4)
    L = cumulative_path_length(w)
    tt = L / L.max()
    teval = tt[n] if side == 0 else tt[-n]
    px = np.polyfit(tt[n:-n], w.x[n:-n], 2)
    py = np.polyfit(tt[n:-n], w.y[n:-n], 2)
    xp = np.polyder(px, 1)
    xpp = np.polyder(px, 2)
    yp = np.polyder(py, 1)
    ypp = np.polyder(py, 2)
    pn = np.polyadd(np.polymul(xp, ypp), np.polymul(yp, xpp))  # numerator
    pd = np.polyadd(np.polymul(xp, xp), np.polymul(yp, yp))  # denominator
    kappa = lambda t: dx * np.polyval(pn, t) / (np.polyval(pd, t) ** (1.5))  # d Tangent angle/ds * ds/dt
    return quad(kappa, 0, 1, epsrel=1e-3)[0]
コード例 #22
def X2O(E, F):
    Forms the X2O (X of port 2(output), Open) polynomial
    For the case P(lambda) is even
    Ee, Eo = Even_Odd_Parts(E)
    Fe, Fo = Even_Odd_Parts(F)

    X2On = np.polyadd(Ee, Fe)
    X2On = np.trim_zeros(X2On, 'f')

    X2Od = np.polyadd(Eo, Fo)
    X2Od = np.trim_zeros(X2Od, 'f')

    return Ee, Eo, Fe, Fo, X2On, X2Od
コード例 #23
def Encrypt(h, msg):
    global q
    global t
    e = reduce(ChiErr(9))  #This shouldn't be 2, it should be some
    s = reduce(ChiKey(9))  #dependent of d, no?

    print("e = ", e)
    # print("s = ", s)

    delta = math.floor(q / t)
    c = [delta * x for x in msg]
    c = np.polyadd(c, e)
    H = reduce(np.polymul(h, s))
    c = np.polyadd(c, H)
    return reduce(c)
コード例 #24
ファイル: extended_tf.py プロジェクト: alexberndt/PythonVRFT
 def __rsub__(self, other):
     if type(other) in [int, float]:
         return ExtendedTF(polyadd(-self.num, self.den * other),
     if type(other) in [TransFun, type(self)]:
         if len(self.den) == len(
                 other.den) and np.all(self.den == other.den):
             numer = polyadd(self.num, -other.num)
             denom = self.den
             numer = polyadd(polymul(self.num, other.den),
                             -polymul(self.den, other.num))
             denom = polymul(self.den, other.den)
         return ExtendedTF(numer, denom, dt=self._dt)
コード例 #25
    def plot(low, high, count, func, title):
        x, y = Calculator._ys(low, high, count, func)
        coeff_vector = Calculator.getNDDCoeffs(x, y)
        final_pol = np.polynomial.Polynomial([0.])  # our target polynomial
        n = coeff_vector.shape[0]  # get number of coeffs
        for i in range(n):
            p = np.polynomial.Polynomial([1.])  # create a dummy polynomial
            for j in range(i):
                # each vector has degree of i
                # their terms are dependant on 'x' values
                p_temp = np.polynomial.Polynomial([-x[j], 1.])  # (x - x_j)
                p = np.polymul(p, p_temp)  # multiply dummy with expression
            p *= coeff_vector[i]  # apply coefficient
            final_pol = np.polyadd(final_pol, p)  # add to target polynomial

        p = np.flip(final_pol[0].coef, axis=0)

        # Evaluate polynomial at X axis and plot result
        x_axis = np.linspace(low, high, num=5000)
        y_axis = np.polyval(p, x_axis)

        x_red = np.linspace(low, high, num=5000)
        y_red = [func(x) for x in np.linspace(low, high, num=5000)]
        plt.plot(x_axis, y_axis)
        plt.plot(x_red, np.array(y_red))
コード例 #26
 def add_using_polynom(self,c1,c2):
     """Adds using two polynoms from GaloisField """
     sum_of_polynoms = np.polyadd(c1,c2)
     sum_of_polynoms_upgraded = []
     for element in sum_of_polynoms:
     return tuple(sum_of_polynoms_upgraded)
コード例 #27
def E(F, P):
    Forms the Hurwitz polynomial E(lambda)
    #Generate F(jw)*F(-jw) and P(jw)*p(-jw) for n even
    #nX = X(-jw).  Changes sign of coefficients of odd order only.
    nF = np.copy(F)
    nP = np.copy(P)
    #Odd order indexing from penultimate element while stepping by 2 in reverse.
    nF[-2::-2] = -1 * nF[-2::-2]
    nP[-2::-2] = -1 * nP[-2::-2]

    FnF = np.polymul(F, nF)
    PnP = np.polymul(P, nP)

    #Form (E)(nE)=(F)(nF)+(P)(nP). Page 287. EQN(14), EQN(15)
    EnE = np.polyadd(FnF, PnP)

    E = np.array([1])
    for root in np.roots(EnE):
        if np.real(root) < 0:
            E = np.polymul(E, np.array([1, -1 * root]))

    E = np.real(E)

    return E, FnF, PnP
コード例 #28
ファイル: xferfcn.py プロジェクト: geez0x1/python-control
    def feedback(self, other=1, sign=-1):
        """Feedback interconnection between two LTI objects."""
        other = _convertToTransferFunction(other)

        if (self.inputs > 1 or self.outputs > 1 or other.inputs > 1
                or other.outputs > 1):
            # TODO: MIMO feedback
            raise NotImplementedError("TransferFunction.feedback is currently \
only implemented for SISO functions.")

        # Figure out the sampling time to use
        if (self.dt is None and other.dt is not None):
            dt = other.dt  # use dt from second argument
        elif (other.dt is None and self.dt is not None) \
                or (self.dt == other.dt):
            dt = self.dt  # use dt from first argument
            raise ValueError("Systems have different sampling times")

        num1 = self.num[0][0]
        den1 = self.den[0][0]
        num2 = other.num[0][0]
        den2 = other.den[0][0]

        num = polymul(num1, den2)
        den = polyadd(polymul(den2, den1), -sign * polymul(num2, num1))

        return TransferFunction(num, den, dt)
コード例 #29
def error(plant, sensor=None, entrada=None):
    """Negative feedback connection of plant and sensor.
    If sensor is None, then it is assumed to be 1.
    if not isinstance(plant, signal.lti):
        plant = signal.lti(*plant)

    if sensor is None:
        sensor = signal.lti([1], [1])
    elif not isinstance(sensor, signal.lti):
        sensor = signal.lti(*sensor)

    if entrada is None:
        entrada = signal.lti([1], [1])
    elif not isinstance(entrada, signal.lti):
        entrada = signal.lti(*entrada) 
 #   aux = np.polymul(plant.den, sensor.den)
    num = np.polymul(np.polymul(plant.den, sensor.den),entrada.num)
    den = np.polyadd(np.polymul(np.polymul(plant.den, sensor.den),entrada.den),
                     np.polymul(np.polymul(plant.num, sensor.num),entrada.den))
    sys = signal.lti(num, den)
    return sys
コード例 #30
def Closed_loop(Kz, Kp, Gz, Gp):
    Return zero and pole polynomial for a closed loop function.

    Kz & Gz : list
        Polynomial constants in the numerator.
    Kz & Gz : list
        Polynomial constants in the denominator.

    Zeros_poly : list
        List of zero polynomial for closed loop function.

    Poles_poly : list
        List of pole polynomial for closed loop function.


    # calculating the product of the two polynomials in the numerator
    # and denominator of transfer function GK
    Z_GK = numpy.polymul(Kz, Gz)
    P_GK = numpy.polymul(Kp, Gp)

    # calculating the polynomial of closed loop
    # sensitivity function s = 1/(1+GK)
    Zeros_poly = Z_GK
    Poles_poly = numpy.polyadd(Z_GK, P_GK)
    return Zeros_poly, Poles_poly
コード例 #31
    def sweep(self, wireFrameProjection, frame, lines,
              color=[0, 0, 255], sweepThick=5, fullsweepFrame=104):
        # calculate sweep angle
        halfcycle = fullsweepFrame / 2
        position = (frame % fullsweepFrame)
        if position > halfcycle:
            position = fullsweepFrame - position
        sweep = position / halfcycle
        allY = [n * 32 for n in range(int(self.projectedY / 32))]

        # calculate the wireframe positions
        nlanes = len(lines) - 1
        leftPolynomial = np.poly1d(lines[0].currentFit)
        rightPolynomial = np.poly1d(lines[nlanes].currentFit)

        # scanning sweep
        polySweepDiff = np.polysub(
            lines[0].currentFit) * sweep
        sweepPoly = np.polyadd(leftPolynomial, polySweepDiff)
        allX = sweepPoly(allY)
        XYPolyline = np.column_stack((allX, allY)).astype(np.int32)
        cv2.polylines(wireFrameProjection, [XYPolyline], 0, color, sweepThick)
        sweepLane = 0
        for i in range(nlanes):
            leftLine = np.poly1d(lines[i].currentFit)
            rightLine = np.poly1d(lines[i+1].currentFit)
            if (leftLine([self.projectedY])[0] <
                    sweepPoly([self.projectedY])[0] and
                    sweepPoly([self.projectedY])[0] <
                sweepLane = i
        return sweepLane
コード例 #32
    def feedback(self, other=1, sign=-1):
        """Feedback interconnection between two LTI objects."""
        other = _convertToTransferFunction(other)

        if (self.inputs > 1 or self.outputs > 1 or
                other.inputs > 1 or other.outputs > 1):
            # TODO: MIMO feedback
            raise NotImplementedError("TransferFunction.feedback is currently \
only implemented for SISO functions.")

        # Figure out the sampling time to use
        if (self.dt is None and other.dt is not None):
            dt = other.dt       # use dt from second argument
        elif (other.dt is None and self.dt is not None) \
                or (self.dt == other.dt):
            dt = self.dt        # use dt from first argument
            raise ValueError("Systems have different sampling times")

        num1 = self.num[0][0]
        den1 = self.den[0][0]
        num2 = other.num[0][0]
        den2 = other.den[0][0]

        num = polymul(num1, den2)
        den = polyadd(polymul(den2, den1), -sign * polymul(num2, num1))

        return TransferFunction(num, den, dt)
コード例 #33
    def createPolyFitRight(self,
        create adjacent lane lines using an existing lane on the left
        :param curImgFtr:
        :param leftLane:
        :param faint:
        :param resized:
        # create new right line polynomial
        polyDiff = np.polysub(leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].currentFit,
        self.currentFit = np.polyadd(leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].currentFit,
        polynomial = np.poly1d(self.currentFit)
        self.allY = leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].allY
        self.currentX = polynomial(self.allY)
        self.allX = self.currentX

        if len(self.allY) > 75:
            # We need to increase our pixel count by 2 to get to 100%
            # confidence and maintain the current pixel count to keep
            # the line detection
            self.confidence_based = len(self.allY) * 2
            self.confidence = len(self.allY) / self.confidence_based
            self.detected = True

            # create linepoly
            xy1 = np.column_stack((self.currentX + self.maskDelta, self.allY))
            xy1 = xy1.astype(np.int32)
            xy2 = np.column_stack((self.currentX - self.maskDelta, self.allY))
            xy2 = xy2.astype(np.int32)
            self.linePoly = np.concatenate((xy1, xy2[::-1]), axis=0)

            # create mask
            self.linemask = np.zeros_like(self.linemask)
            cv2.fillConvexPoly(self.linemask, self.linePoly, 64)

            # Add the point at the bottom.
            allY = np.append(self.allY, self.projectedY - 1)
            allX = polynomial(allY)
            self.XYPolyline = np.column_stack((allX, allY))
            self.XYPolyline = self.XYPolyline.astype(np.int32)

            # create the accumulator
            self.bestFit = self.currentFit

            # classify the line
            # print("classifying the right line",self.side)

            # set bottom of line
            x = polynomial([self.projectedY - 1])
            self.pixelBasePos = x[0]
コード例 #34
ファイル: detectors.py プロジェクト: casimp/pyxpb
def fwhm_polyest_e(delta_energy, two_theta, alpha, F, e_f):
    """ Estimate the fwhm profile in an energy dispersive detector.

    Calculates the fwhm wrt. the measurement accuracy of the detectors,
    the Fano factor contribution and angle variation (due to slit size
    and positioning.

        delta_energy (ndarray): Energy resolution wrt. energy (keV)
        two_theta (float): 2theta in radians
        alpha (float): Half the full angular variation.
        F (float): Fano factor (approx. 0.13 for Germanium)
        e_f (float): Energy to make electron-hole pair (approx. 3e-3 keV)

        ndarray: 1d array containing the estimated polynomial (k=2).
    # d_E^2 used to calc FWHM -> calc polynomial such that d_E^2 = A*E + B
    if isinstance(delta_energy, (int, float)):
        res_sq = [0, delta_energy ** 2]
        e, res = delta_energy[:, 0], delta_energy[:, 1]
        res_sq = np.polyfit(e, [i ** 2 for i in res], 1)

    # Polynomial terms that should fit fwhm squared
    fw_base = [(2 * alpha / np.tan(two_theta)) ** 2, F * e_f * 2.35 ** 2, 0]
    fw_e_sq = np.polyadd(fw_base, res_sq)

    # Conversion factor to put fwhm squared in terms of q
    e_q = 1000 * eV * 4 * np.pi * np.sin(two_theta / 2) / (h * c * 1e10)
    return [fw_e_sq[0], fw_e_sq[1] * e_q, fw_e_sq[2] * e_q ** 2]
コード例 #35
ファイル: extended_tf.py プロジェクト: alexberndt/PythonVRFT
 def feedback(self):
     """ Computes T(z)/(1+T(z)) """
     num = self.num
     den = self.den
     den = polyadd(num, den)
     self = ExtendedTF(num, den, dt=self.dt)
     return self
コード例 #36
ファイル: bezier.py プロジェクト: dede999/ep1_mac210
def closest1(point, bezier):
    close = None
    distance = np.infty
    for curve in bezier:
        x = curve.x_eq
        y = curve.y_eq
        x[-1] -= point.x
        y[-1] -= point.y
        dist = np.polyadd(np.polymul(x, x), np.polymul(y, y))
        d_f = np.polyder(dist)

        for r in np.roots(d_f):
            if np.isreal(r) and r >= 0 and r <= 1:
                p = Point(np.polyval(curve.x_eq, r), np.polyval(curve.y_eq, r))
                d = p.dist(point)
                if d <= distance:
                    close = curve
                    distance = d

    if close.color == (0, 0, 0):
        print("A curva mais próxima é a preta")
    elif close.color == (255, 0, 0):
        print("A curva mais próxima é a vermelha")
    elif close.color == (0, 255, 0):
        print("A curva mais próxima é a verde")
    elif close.color == (0, 0, 255):
        print("A curva mais próxima é a azul")
        print("A curva mais próxima é a roxo")
    return close
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_merge.py プロジェクト: chexenia/whisk
def compute_join_length( px, py, tlow = 0.0, thigh = 1.0 ):
  from scipy.integrate import quad
  xp  = polyder( px, 1 )
  yp  = polyder( py, 1 )
  xp2 = polymul( xp, xp )
  yp2 = polymul( yp, yp )
  p   = polyadd( xp2, yp2 )
  integrand = lambda t: sqrt( polyval( p, t ) )
  return quad(integrand, tlow, thigh) [0]
コード例 #38
def _addSISO(num1, den1, num2, den2):
    """Return num/den = num1/den1 + num2/den2.

    Each numerator and denominator is a list of polynomial coefficients.


    num = polyadd(polymul(num1, den2), polymul(num2, den1))
    den = polymul(den1, den2)

    return num, den
コード例 #39
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Johie/Skogestad-Python
def Closed_loop(Kz, Kp, Gz, Gp):
    """Kz & Gz is the polynomial constants in the numerator
    Kp & Gp is the polynomial constants in the denominator"""

    # calculating the product of the two polynomials in the numerator and denominator of transfer function GK
    Z_GK = numpy.polymul(Kz, Gz)
    P_GK = numpy.polymul(Kp, Gp)

    #calculating the polynomial of closed loop sensitivity function s = 1/(1+GK)
    Zeros_poly = Z_GK
    Poles_poly = numpy.polyadd(Z_GK, P_GK)
    return Zeros_poly, Poles_poly
コード例 #40
ファイル: signaltools.py プロジェクト: josef-pkt/scipy
def invresz(r, p, k, tol=1e-3, rtype='avg'):
    """Compute b(z) and a(z) from partial fraction expansion: r,p,k

    If M = len(b) and N = len(a)

            b(z)     b[0] + b[1] z**(-1) + ... + b[M-1] z**(-M+1)
    H(z) = ------ = ----------------------------------------------
            a(z)     a[0] + a[1] z**(-1) + ... + a[N-1] z**(-N+1)

                 r[0]                   r[-1]
         = --------------- + ... + ---------------- + k[0] + k[1]z**(-1) ...
           (1-p[0]z**(-1))         (1-p[-1]z**(-1))

    If there are any repeated roots (closer than tol), then the partial
    fraction expansion has terms like

               r[i]              r[i+1]                    r[i+n-1]
          -------------- + ------------------ + ... + ------------------
          (1-p[i]z**(-1))  (1-p[i]z**(-1))**2         (1-p[i]z**(-1))**n

    See also
    residuez, poly, polyval, unique_roots

    extra = asarray(k)
    p, indx = cmplx_sort(p)
    r = take(r, indx, 0)
    pout, mult = unique_roots(p, tol=tol, rtype=rtype)
    p = []
    for k in range(len(pout)):
        p.extend([pout[k]] * mult[k])
    a = atleast_1d(poly(p))
    if len(extra) > 0:
        b = polymul(extra, a)
        b = [0]
    indx = 0
    brev = asarray(b)[::-1]
    for k in range(len(pout)):
        temp = []
        # Construct polynomial which does not include any of this root
        for l in range(len(pout)):
            if l != k:
                temp.extend([pout[l]] * mult[l])
        for m in range(mult[k]):
            t2 = temp[:]
            t2.extend([pout[k]] * (mult[k] - m - 1))
            brev = polyadd(brev, (r[indx] * poly(t2))[::-1])
            indx += 1
    b = real_if_close(brev[::-1])
    return b, a
コード例 #41
ファイル: signaltools.py プロジェクト: mullens/khk-lights
def invres(r,p,k,tol=1e-3,rtype='avg'):
    """Compute b(s) and a(s) from partial fraction expansion: r,p,k

    If M = len(b) and N = len(a)

            b(s)     b[0] x**(M-1) + b[1] x**(M-2) + ... + b[M-1]
    H(s) = ------ = ----------------------------------------------
            a(s)     a[0] x**(N-1) + a[1] x**(N-2) + ... + a[N-1]

             r[0]       r[1]             r[-1]
         = -------- + -------- + ... + --------- + k(s)
           (s-p[0])   (s-p[1])         (s-p[-1])

    If there are any repeated roots (closer than tol), then the partial
    fraction expansion has terms like

            r[i]      r[i+1]              r[i+n-1]
          -------- + ----------- + ... + -----------
          (s-p[i])  (s-p[i])**2          (s-p[i])**n

    See Also
    residue, poly, polyval, unique_roots

    extra = k
    p, indx = cmplx_sort(p)
    r = take(r,indx,0)
    pout, mult = unique_roots(p,tol=tol,rtype=rtype)
    p = []
    for k in range(len(pout)):
    a = atleast_1d(poly(p))
    if len(extra) > 0:
        b = polymul(extra,a)
        b = [0]
    indx = 0
    for k in range(len(pout)):
        temp = []
        for l in range(len(pout)):
            if l != k:
        for m in range(mult[k]):
            t2 = temp[:]
            b = polyadd(b,r[indx]*poly(t2))
            indx += 1
    b = real_if_close(b)
    while allclose(b[0], 0, rtol=1e-14) and (b.shape[-1] > 1):
        b = b[1:]
    return b, a
コード例 #42
def Closed_loop (Kz,Kp,Gz,Gp):
    """ Kz and Gz are the polynomial constants in the numerator 
    Kp and Gp are the polynomial constants in the denominator""" 
    # calculating the product of the two polynomials in the numerator and denominator of transfer function GK
    Z_GK         =np.polymul(Kz,Gz)
    P_GK         =np.polymul(Kp,Gp)    
    # calculating the polynomial of closed loop function T=(GK/1+GK)
    Zeros_poly   =Z_GK
    Poles_poly   =np.polyadd(Z_GK,P_GK)   
    return      Zeros_poly,Poles_poly
コード例 #43
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: anyunfeifei/SDC-P5
    def createPolyFitRight(self, curImgFtr, leftLane,
                           faint=1.0, resized=False):
        # create new right line polynomial
        polyDiff = np.polysub(leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].currentFit,
        self.currentFit = np.polyadd(
            leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].currentFit, polyDiff)
        polynomial = np.poly1d(self.currentFit)
        self.allY = leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].allY
        self.currentX = polynomial(self.allY)
        self.allX = self.currentX

        if len(self.allY) > 75:
            # We need to increase our pixel count by 2 to get to 100%
            # confidence and maintain the current pixel count to keep
            # the line detection
            self.confidence_based = len(self.allY) * 2
            self.confidence = len(self.allY) / self.confidence_based
            self.detected = True

            # create linepoly
            xy1 = np.column_stack(
                (self.currentX + self.maskDelta, self.allY))
            xy1 = xy1.astype(np.int32)
            xy2 = np.column_stack(
                (self.currentX - self.maskDelta, self.allY))
            xy2 = xy2.astype(np.int32)
            self.linePoly = np.concatenate((xy1, xy2[::-1]), axis=0)

            # create mask
            self.linemask = np.zeros_like(self.linemask)
            cv2.fillConvexPoly(self.linemask, self.linePoly, 64)

            # Add the point at the bottom.
            allY = np.append(self.allY, self.projectedY - 1)
            allX = polynomial(allY)
            self.XYPolyline = np.column_stack((allX, allY))
            self.XYPolyline = self.XYPolyline.astype(np.int32)

            # create the accumulator
            self.bestFit = self.currentFit

            # classify the line
            # print("classifying the right line",self.side)
                curImgFtr.getRoadProjection(), faint=faint, resized=resized)

            # set bottom of line
            x = polynomial([self.projectedY - 1])
            self.pixelBasePos = x[0]
コード例 #44
ファイル: _primitive.py プロジェクト: JonasSC/SuMPF
 def __add__(self, other):
     """An operator overload for adding two terms with ``+``."""
     if isinstance(other, Polynomial) and self.transform == other.transform:
         return Polynomial(coefficients=numpy.polyadd(self.coefficients, other.coefficients),
     elif isinstance(other, Constant):
         if len(self.coefficients):  # pylint: disable=len-as-condition; coefficients might be a NumPy array, where __nonzero__ is not equivalent to len(.)
             coefficients = list(self.coefficients)
             coefficients[-1] += other.value
             return Polynomial(coefficients=coefficients, transform=self.transform)
             return -other
         return super().__add__(other)
コード例 #45
def Poly_Zeros_T(Poly_z_K, Poly_p_K, Poly_z_G, Poly_p_G):
    """Given the polynomial expansion in the denominator and numerator of the controller function K and G
    then this function return s the poles and zeros of the closed loop transfer function in terms of reference signal

    the arrays for the input must range from the highest order of the polynomial to the lowest"""

    Poly_z = numpy.polymul(Poly_z_K, Poly_z_G)
    Poly_p = numpy.polyadd(numpy.polymul(Poly_p_K, Poly_z_G), numpy.polymul(Poly_p_K, Poly_p_G))

    # return the poles and zeros of T
    Zeros = numpy.roots(Poly_z)
    Poles = numpy.roots(Poly_p)

    return Poles, Zeros
コード例 #46
def feedback(plant, sensor=None):
    """Negative feedback connection of plant and sensor.
    If sensor is None, then it is assumed to be 1.
    if not isinstance(plant, signal.lti):
        plant = signal.lti(*plant)
    if sensor is None:
        sensor = signal.lti([1], [1])
    elif not isinstance(sensor, signal.lti):
        sensor = signal.lti(*sensor)
    num = np.polymul(plant.num, sensor.den)
    den = np.polyadd(np.polymul(plant.den, sensor.den),
                     np.polymul(plant.num, sensor.num))
    sys = signal.lti(num, den)
    return sys
コード例 #47
def State_Space_mats(Gp_n, Gp_d, kc, ti, td):

    if ti == 0:
        Gc_d = 1
        Gc_n = [kc * ti * td, (kc * ti), kc]

        Gc_n = [kc * ti * td, (kc * ti), kc]
        Gc_d = [ti, 0]

    OL_TF_n = np.polymul(Gp_n, Gc_n)
    OL_TF_d = np.polymul(Gc_d, Gp_d)
    CL_TF_n = OL_TF_n
    CL_TF_d = np.polyadd(OL_TF_d, OL_TF_n)
    OL_mats = signal.tf2ss(OL_TF_n, OL_TF_d)  # Open Loop Transfer Function is converted to State Space
    CL_mats = signal.tf2ss(CL_TF_n, CL_TF_d)  # Closed Loop Transfer Function is converted to State Space

    return OL_mats, CL_mats
コード例 #48
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: anyunfeifei/SDC-P5
    def updatePolyFitRight(self, leftLane):
        # update new right line polynomial
        polyDiff = np.polysub(leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].currentFit,
        self.currentFit = np.polyadd(
            leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].currentFit, polyDiff)
        polynomial = np.poly1d(self.currentFit)
        self.allY = leftLane.lines[leftLane.right].allY
        self.currentX = polynomial(self.allY)
        self.allX = self.currentX

        if len(self.allY) > 150:
            # We need to increase our pixel count by 2 to get to 100%
            # confidence and maintain the current pixel count to keep
            # the line detection
            self.confidence = len(self.allY) / self.confidence_based
            if self.confidence > 0.5:
                self.detected = True
                if self.confidence > 1.0:
                    self.confidence = 1.0
                self.detected = False

            # create linepoly
            xy1 = np.column_stack(
                (self.currentX + self.maskDelta, self.allY)).astype(np.int32)
            xy2 = np.column_stack(
                (self.currentX - self.maskDelta, self.allY)).astype(np.int32)
            self.linePoly = np.concatenate((xy1, xy2[::-1]), axis=0)

            # create mask
            self.linemask = np.zeros_like(self.linemask)
            cv2.fillConvexPoly(self.linemask, self.linePoly, 64)

            # Add the point at the bottom.
            allY = np.append(self.allY, self.projectedY - 1)
            allX = polynomial(allY)
            self.XYPolyline = np.column_stack((allX, allY)).astype(np.int32)

            # create the accumulator
            self.bestFit = self.currentFit
コード例 #49
    def wireframe(self, wireFrameProjection, frame, mainLane,
                  color=[255, 255, 255], wireThick=1,
                  sweepThick=5, fullsweepFrame=26):
        # calculate the wireframe positions
        nlanes = len(mainLane.lines) - 1
        leftPolynomial = np.poly1d(mainLane.lines[0].currentFit)
        roadleftPolynomial = np.poly1d(
        roadrightPolynomial = np.poly1d(
        rightPolynomial = np.poly1d(mainLane.lines[nlanes].currentFit)
        delta = (frame * 32) % 128
        squares = []

        # horizontal lines
        for i in range(int(self.projectedY / 128)):
            y1 = 128 * i + delta
            x1 = leftPolynomial([y1])
            x2 = roadleftPolynomial([y1])
            x3 = roadrightPolynomial([y1])
            x4 = rightPolynomial([y1])
            cv2.line(wireFrameProjection, (x1, y1),
                     (x4, y1), color, wireThick * 3)
            squares.append(((x2, y1), (x3, y1)))

        # vertical lines
        allY = [n * 32 for n in range(int(self.projectedY / 32))]
        polyDiff = np.polysub(mainLane.lines[nlanes].currentFit,
                              mainLane.lines[0].currentFit) / (nlanes * 2)
        curPoly = leftPolynomial
        for i in range(nlanes * 2):
            allX = curPoly(allY)
            XYPolyline = np.column_stack((allX, allY)).astype(np.int32)
            cv2.polylines(wireFrameProjection, [
                          XYPolyline], 0, color, int(wireThick / 4))
            curPoly = np.polyadd(curPoly, polyDiff)
        return squares
コード例 #50
ファイル: margins.py プロジェクト: mp4096/python-control
def stability_margins(sysdata, returnall=False, epsw=1e-8):
    """Calculate stability margins and associated crossover frequencies.

    sysdata: LTI system or (mag, phase, omega) sequence
        sys : LTI system
            Linear SISO system
        mag, phase, omega : sequence of array_like
            Arrays of magnitudes (absolute values, not dB), phases (degrees),
            and corresponding frequencies.  Crossover frequencies returned are
            in the same units as those in `omega` (e.g., rad/sec or Hz).
    returnall: bool, optional
        If true, return all margins found. If false (default), return only the
        minimum stability margins.  For frequency data or FRD systems, only one
        margin is found and returned.
    epsw: float, optional
        Frequencies below this value (default 1e-8) are considered static gain,
        and not returned as margin.

    gm: float or array_like
        Gain margin
    pm: float or array_loke
        Phase margin
    sm: float or array_like
        Stability margin, the minimum distance from the Nyquist plot to -1
    wg: float or array_like
        Gain margin crossover frequency (where phase crosses -180 degrees)
    wp: float or array_like
        Phase margin crossover frequency (where gain crosses 0 dB)
    ws: float or array_like
        Stability margin frequency (where Nyquist plot is closest to -1)

        if isinstance(sysdata, frdata.FRD):
            sys = frdata.FRD(sysdata, smooth=True)
        elif isinstance(sysdata, xferfcn.TransferFunction):
            sys = sysdata
        elif getattr(sysdata, '__iter__', False) and len(sysdata) == 3:
            mag, phase, omega = sysdata
            sys = frdata.FRD(mag * np.exp(1j * phase * np.pi/180), 
                             omega, smooth=True)
            sys = xferfcn._convertToTransferFunction(sysdata)
    except Exception as e:
        print (e)
        raise ValueError("Margin sysdata must be either a linear system or "
                         "a 3-sequence of mag, phase, omega.")

    # calculate gain of system
    if isinstance(sys, xferfcn.TransferFunction):

        # check for siso
        if not issiso(sys):
            raise ValueError("Can only do margins for SISO system")

        # real and imaginary part polynomials in omega:
        rnum, inum = _polyimsplit(sys.num[0][0])
        rden, iden = _polyimsplit(sys.den[0][0])

        # test (imaginary part of tf) == 0, for phase crossover/gain margins
        test_w_180 = np.polyadd(np.polymul(inum, rden), np.polymul(rnum, -iden))
        w_180 = np.roots(test_w_180)
        #print ('1:w_180', w_180)

        # first remove imaginary and negative frequencies, epsw removes the
        # "0" frequency for type-2 systems
        w_180 = np.real(w_180[(np.imag(w_180) == 0) * (w_180 >= epsw)])
        #print ('2:w_180', w_180)

        # evaluate response at remaining frequencies, to test for phase 180 vs 0
        resp_w_180 = np.real(np.polyval(sys.num[0][0], 1.j*w_180) /
                             np.polyval(sys.den[0][0], 1.j*w_180))
        #print ('resp_w_180', resp_w_180)                     

        # only keep frequencies where the negative real axis is crossed
        w_180 = w_180[np.real(resp_w_180) < 0.0]

        # and sort
        #print ('3:w_180', w_180)

        # test magnitude is 1 for gain crossover/phase margins
        test_wc = np.polysub(np.polyadd(_polysqr(rnum), _polysqr(inum)),
                             np.polyadd(_polysqr(rden), _polysqr(iden)))
        wc = np.roots(test_wc)
        wc = np.real(wc[(np.imag(wc) == 0) * (wc > epsw)])

        # stability margin was a bitch to elaborate, relies on magnitude to
        # point -1, then take the derivative. Second derivative needs to be >0
        # to have a minimum
        test_wstabd = np.polyadd(_polysqr(rden), _polysqr(iden))
        test_wstabn = np.polyadd(_polysqr(np.polyadd(rnum,rden)),
        test_wstab = np.polysub(

        # find the solutions, for positive omega, and only real ones
        wstab = np.roots(test_wstab)
        #print('wstabr', wstab)
        wstab = np.real(wstab[(np.imag(wstab) == 0) * 
                        (np.real(wstab) >= 0)])
        #print('wstab', wstab)

        # and find the value of the 2nd derivative there, needs to be positive
        wstabplus = np.polyval(np.polyder(test_wstab), wstab)
        #print('wstabplus', wstabplus)
        wstab = np.real(wstab[(np.imag(wstab) == 0) * (wstab > epsw) *
                              (wstabplus > 0.)])
        #print('wstab', wstab)

        # a bit coarse, have the interpolated frd evaluated again
        def mod(w):
            """to give the function to calculate |G(jw)| = 1"""
            return np.abs(sys.evalfr(w)[0][0]) - 1

        def arg(w):
            """function to calculate the phase angle at -180 deg"""
            return np.angle(-sys.evalfr(w)[0][0])

        def dstab(w):
            """function to calculate the distance from -1 point"""
            return np.abs(sys.evalfr(w)[0][0] + 1.)

        # Find all crossings, note that this depends on omega having
        # a correct range
        widx = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(mod(sys.omega))))[0]
        wc = np.array(
            [ sp.optimize.brentq(mod, sys.omega[i], sys.omega[i+1])
              for i in widx if i+1 < len(sys.omega)])
        # find the phase crossings ang(H(jw) == -180
        widx = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(arg(sys.omega))))[0]
        #print('widx (180)', widx, sys.omega[widx])
        #print('x', sys.evalfr(sys.omega[widx])[0][0])
        widx = widx[np.real(sys.evalfr(sys.omega[widx])[0][0]) <= 0]
        #print('widx (180,2)', widx)
        w_180 = np.array(
            [ sp.optimize.brentq(arg, sys.omega[i], sys.omega[i+1])
              for i in widx if i+1 < len(sys.omega) ])
        #print('x', sys.evalfr(w_180)[0][0])
        #print('w_180', w_180)

        # find all stab margins?
        widx = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(dstab(sys.omega)))))[0]
        #print('widx', widx)
        #print('wstabx', sys.omega[widx])
        wstab = np.array([ sp.optimize.minimize_scalar(
                  dstab, bracket=(sys.omega[i], sys.omega[i+1])).x
              for i in widx if i+1 < len(sys.omega) and
              np.diff(np.diff(dstab(sys.omega[i-1:i+2])))[0] > 0 ])
        #print('wstabf0', wstab)
        wstab = wstab[(wstab >= sys.omega[0]) * 
                      (wstab <= sys.omega[-1])]
        #print ('wstabf', wstab)

    # margins, as iterables, converted frdata and xferfcn calculations to
    # vector for this
    GM = 1/np.abs(sys.evalfr(w_180)[0][0])
    SM = np.abs(sys.evalfr(wstab)[0][0]+1)
    PM = np.angle(sys.evalfr(wc)[0][0], deg=True) + 180
    if returnall:
        return GM, PM, SM, w_180, wc, wstab
        return (
            (GM.shape[0] or None) and np.amin(GM),
            (PM.shape[0] or None) and np.amin(PM),
            (SM.shape[0] or None) and np.amin(SM),
            (w_180.shape[0] or None) and w_180[GM==np.amin(GM)][0],
            (wc.shape[0] or None) and wc[PM==np.amin(PM)][0],
            (wstab.shape[0] or None) and wstab[SM==np.amin(SM)][0])
コード例 #51
        td = t_d[k]

    if ti == 0:
        Gc_d = 1
        Gc_n = [kc * ti * td, (kc * ti), kc]

        Gc_n = [kc * ti * td, (kc * ti), kc]
        Gc_d = [ti, 0]

    # The process and controller transfer functions are multiplied to make the
    # open loop TF
    OL_TF_n = np.polymul(Gp_n, Gc_n)
    OL_TF_d = np.polymul(Gc_d, Gp_d)
    CL_TF_n = OL_TF_n
    CL_TF_d = np.polyadd(OL_TF_d, OL_TF_n)
    (A, B, C, D) = signal.tf2ss(OL_TF_n, OL_TF_d)
     # Open Loop Transfer Function is converted to State Space
    (A_CL, B_CL, C_CL, D_CL) = signal.tf2ss(CL_TF_n, CL_TF_d)
     # Closed Loop Transfer Function is converted to State Space

    rootsA = np.array(linalg.eigvals(A_CL))

#    step_response = signal.lsim((A,B,C,D),u,t,X0=None,interp=1)[1]
#    step_responseDDE = DDE(A,B,C,D,t,SP_info,DT)
    step_responseEuler = Euler(A, B, C, D, t, u, DT)

    if (rootsA.real < 0).all():
        for i in range(0, entries):          # Stabilty of the Closed Loop is checked
            Y = step_responseEuler
            y[i, k] = Y[i]
コード例 #52
ファイル: demo_multiband.py プロジェクト: SteveDiamond/PyDSM
w01 = 2*fsig1/fphi
B01 = 2*B1/fphi
w11 = (np.sqrt(B01**2+4*w01**2)-B01)/2
w21 = (np.sqrt(B01**2+4*w01**2)+B01)/2
hz1 = sp.signal.butter(2, [w11, w21], 'bandpass', output='zpk')
w02 = 2*fsig2/fphi
B02 = 2*B2/fphi
w12 = (np.sqrt(B02**2+4*w02**2)-B02)/2
w22 = (np.sqrt(B02**2+4*w02**2)+B02)/2
hz2 = sp.signal.butter(2, [w12, w22], 'bandpass', output='zpk')
hz1_ab = sp.signal.zpk2tf(*hz1)
hz2_ab = sp.signal.zpk2tf(*hz2)
hz_ab_d = np.polymul(hz1_ab[1], hz2_ab[1])
hz_ab_n1 = np.polymul(hz1_ab[0], hz2_ab[1])
hz_ab_n2 = np.polymul(hz2_ab[0], hz1_ab[1])
hz_ab_n = np.polyadd(hz_ab_n1, hz_ab_n2)
hz = sp.signal.tf2zpk(hz_ab_n, hz_ab_d)

# Compute impulse response
print("...computing impulse response of filter")
hz_ir = impulse_response(hz, db=60)

# Compute the optimal NTF
print("... computing optimal NTF")
q0 = q0_from_filter_ir(order, hz_ir)
ntf_opti = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0, H_inf=H_inf)

# Determine freq values for which plots are created
fmin = 10**np.ceil(np.log10(10))
fmax = 10**np.floor(np.log10(fphi/2))
ff = np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), 1000)
コード例 #53
ファイル: margins.py プロジェクト: carldong/python-control
def stability_margins(sysdata, deg=True, returnall=False, epsw=1e-10):
    """Calculate gain, phase and stability margins and associated
    crossover frequencies.

    gm, pm, sm, wg, wp, ws = stability_margins(sysdata, deg=True,
                                               returnall=False, epsw=1e-10)

    sysdata: linsys or (mag, phase, omega) sequence
        sys : linsys
            Linear SISO system
        mag, phase, omega : sequence of array_like
            Input magnitude, phase, and frequencies (rad/sec) sequence from
            bode frequency response data
    deg=True: boolean
        If true, all input and output phases in degrees, else in radians
    returnall=False: boolean
        If true, return all margins found. Note that for frequency data or
        FRD systems, only one margin is found and returned. 
    epsw=1e-10: float
        frequencies below this value are considered static gain, and not
        returned as margin.

    gm, pm, sm, wg, wp, ws: float or array_like
        Gain margin gm, phase margin pm, stability margin sm, and
        associated crossover
        frequencies wg, wp, and ws of SISO open-loop. If more than
        one crossover frequency is detected, returns the lowest corresponding
        When requesting all margins, the return values are array_like,
        and all margins are returns for linear systems not equal to FRD

        if isinstance(sysdata, frdata.FRD):
            sys = frdata.FRD(sysdata, smooth=True)
        elif isinstance(sysdata, xferfcn.TransferFunction):
            sys = sysdata
        elif getattr(sysdata, '__iter__', False) and len(sysdata) == 3:
            mag, phase, omega = sysdata
            sys = frdata.FRD(mag*np.exp((1j/360.)*phase), omega, smooth=True)
            sys = xferfcn._convertToTransferFunction(sysdata)
    except Exception as e:
        print (e)
        raise ValueError("Margin sysdata must be either a linear system or "
                         "a 3-sequence of mag, phase, omega.")

    # calculate gain of system
    if isinstance(sys, xferfcn.TransferFunction):

        # check for siso
        if not issiso(sys):
            raise ValueError("Can only do margins for SISO system")

        # real and imaginary part polynomials in omega:
        rnum, inum = _polyimsplit(sys.num[0][0])
        rden, iden = _polyimsplit(sys.den[0][0])

        # test imaginary part of tf == 0, for phase crossover/gain margins
        test_w_180 = np.polyadd(np.polymul(inum, rden), np.polymul(rnum, -iden))
        w_180 = np.roots(test_w_180)

        # first remove imaginary and negative frequencies, epsw removes the
        # "0" frequency for type-2 systems
        w_180 = np.real(w_180[(np.imag(w_180) == 0) * (w_180 >= epsw)])

        # evaluate response at remaining frequencies, to test for phase 180 vs 0
        resp_w_180 = np.real(np.polyval(sys.num[0][0], 1.j*w_180) /
                             np.polyval(sys.den[0][0], 1.j*w_180))

        # only keep frequencies where the negative real axis is crossed
        w_180 = w_180[(resp_w_180 < 0.0)]

        # and sort

        # test magnitude is 1 for gain crossover/phase margins
        test_wc = np.polysub(np.polyadd(_polysqr(rnum), _polysqr(inum)),
                             np.polyadd(_polysqr(rden), _polysqr(iden)))
        wc = np.roots(test_wc)
        wc = np.real(wc[(np.imag(wc) == 0) * (wc > epsw)])

        # stability margin was a bitch to elaborate, relies on magnitude to
        # point -1, then take the derivative. Second derivative needs to be >0
        # to have a minimum
        test_wstabn = np.polyadd(_polysqr(rnum), _polysqr(inum))
        test_wstabd = np.polyadd(_polysqr(np.polyadd(rnum,rden)),
        test_wstab = np.polysub(

        # find the solutions
        wstab = np.roots(test_wstab)

        # and find the value of the 2nd derivative there, needs to be positive
        wstabplus = np.polyval(np.polyder(test_wstab), wstab)
        wstab = np.real(wstab[(np.imag(wstab) == 0) * (wstab > epsw) *
                              (np.abs(wstabplus) > 0.)])

        # a bit coarse, have the interpolated frd evaluated again
        def mod(w):
            """to give the function to calculate |G(jw)| = 1"""
            return [np.abs(sys.evalfr(w[0])[0][0]) - 1]

        def arg(w):
            """function to calculate the phase angle at -180 deg"""
            return [np.angle(sys.evalfr(w[0])[0][0]) + np.pi]

        def dstab(w):
            """function to calculate the distance from -1 point"""
            return np.abs(sys.evalfr(w[0])[0][0] + 1.)

        # how to calculate the frequency at which |G(jw)| = 1
        wc = np.array([sp.optimize.fsolve(mod, sys.omega[0])])[0]
        w_180 = np.array([sp.optimize.fsolve(arg, sys.omega[0])])[0]
        wstab = np.real(
            np.array([sp.optimize.fmin(dstab, sys.omega[0], disp=0)])[0])

    # margins, as iterables, converted frdata and xferfcn calculations to
    # vector for this
    PM = np.angle(sys.evalfr(wc)[0][0], deg=True) + 180
    GM = 1/(np.abs(sys.evalfr(w_180)[0][0]))
    SM = np.abs(sys.evalfr(wstab)[0][0]+1)

    if returnall:
        return GM, PM, SM, w_180, wc, wstab
        return (
            (GM.shape[0] or None) and GM[0],
            (PM.shape[0] or None) and PM[0],
            (SM.shape[0] or None) and SM[0],
            (w_180.shape[0] or None) and w_180[0],
            (wc.shape[0] or None) and wc[0],
            (wstab.shape[0] or None) and wstab[0])
コード例 #54
def Gen(num_of_gens, Gp_n, Gp_d, SP, tfinal, dt, DT):

    def plotter(kc,ti,td,x,num,entries,t,tfinal,dt,SP,kcst,tist):
        global kc_unstable, ti_unstable, td_unstable
        global kc_offset, ti_offset, td_offset
        global kc_goodpoints, ti_goodpoints, td_goodpoints
        global kc_idx, ti_idx, td_idx, xt
        por,tpr = obj.overshoot(t,x,num,entries,SP)
    #   calculates the risetime
        tr= obj.risetime(t,x,num,entries,SP)
        SSoffset = np.isneginf(por)
        UNSTABLE = np.isnan(por)  
        ISE = obj.ISE(t,x,num,entries,SP)
        IAE = obj.IAE(t,x,num,entries,SP)
        ITAE = obj.ITAE(t,x,num,entries,SP)
        goodpoints = ~(np.isnan(tr)| np.isnan(por)|np.isneginf(por))
        idx = np.arange(0,num)
        tr = tr[goodpoints]
        por = por[goodpoints]
        tpr = tpr[goodpoints]
        ISE = ISE[goodpoints]
        idx = idx[goodpoints]
        x = x[goodpoints]
        xt = x
        p = pareto.domset([itemgetter(1), itemgetter(2)], zip(idx, por, tr, ISE, IAE, ITAE))
        front = p.data
        idx, ppor, ptr, pise, piae, pitae = map(np.array, zip(*front))
        sortidx = np.argsort(ppor)
        ppor = ppor[sortidx]
        ptr = ptr[sortidx]
        pise = pise[sortidx]
        piae = piae[sortidx]
        pitae = pitae[sortidx]
        kc_unstable, ti_unstable, td_unstable = kc[UNSTABLE], ti[UNSTABLE], td[UNSTABLE]
        kc_offset, ti_offset, td_offset = kc[SSoffset], ti[SSoffset], td[SSoffset]
        kc_goodpoints, ti_goodpoints, td_goodpoints = kc[goodpoints], ti[goodpoints], td[goodpoints]
        kc_idx, ti_idx, td_idx = kc[idx], ti[idx], td[idx]

    t = np.arange(0, tfinal, dt)
    entries = len(t)
    num = 20           # number of tuning constant sets
    y = np.zeros((entries, num))
    # Controller choice
    Contr_type = 'PI'               # Choose controller by typing 'P' , 'PI' or 'PID'
    if Contr_type == 'P':
        Controller = 1
    elif Contr_type == 'PI':
        Controller = 2
    elif Contr_type == 'PID':
        Controller = 3
    [k_c, t_i, t_d] = func.RPG(num, Controller)     # Random Parameter Generator
                                        # Options: 1= P, 2 = PI, 3 = PID
    # Different Ysp inputs
    SP_input = 'step'           # Choose Set point input by typing 'step' or 'ramp'
    step_time = 0
    ramp_time = 5.
    # u = func.Ramp(t,ramp_time,SP)
    u = func.Step(t, step_time, SP)
    SP_info = [SP_input, step_time, ramp_time, SP]
    # coefficients of the transfer function Gp = kp/(s^3 + As^2 + Bs +C)
    A = 3
    B = 3
    C = 1                 # Old process coefficients used in the initial project
    kp = 0.125
    SP = SP
    kcst = np.arange(0, 60, dt)
    # Relatiopnship btwn kc and Ti obtained through the direct substitution method
    tist = kp * kcst * A ** 2 / (((A * B) - C - (kp * kcst)) * (C + (kp * kcst)))
    kczn, tizn, tdzn = ZN(Gp_n, Gp_d, t, u, Contr_type, DT)
                           # Ziegler-Nichols settings via function ZN
    kcch, tich, tdch = Cohen_Coon(Gp_n, Gp_d, t, u, Contr_type, DT)
    ## System responce
    for k in range(0, num):
        if k == num - 1:
            kc = kczn           # Inserting Ziegler-Nicholas parameters
            ti = tizn
            td = tdzn
        elif k == num - 2:        # Inserting Cohen-Coon parameters
            kc = kcch
            ti = tich
            td = tdch
            kc = k_c[k]
            ti = t_i[k]
            td = t_d[k]
        if ti == 0:
            Gc_d = 1
            Gc_n = [kc * ti * td, (kc * ti), kc]
            Gc_n = [kc * ti * td, (kc * ti), kc]
            Gc_d = [ti, 0]
        # The process and controller transfer functions are multiplied to make the
        # open loop TF
        OL_TF_n = np.polymul(Gp_n, Gc_n)
        OL_TF_d = np.polymul(Gc_d, Gp_d)
        CL_TF_n = OL_TF_n
        CL_TF_d = np.polyadd(OL_TF_d, OL_TF_n)
        (A, B, C, D) = signal.tf2ss(OL_TF_n, OL_TF_d)
         # Open Loop Transfer Function is converted to State Space
        (A_CL, B_CL, C_CL, D_CL) = signal.tf2ss(CL_TF_n, CL_TF_d)
         # Closed Loop Transfer Function is converted to State Space
        rootsA = np.array(linalg.eigvals(A_CL))
    #    step_response = signal.lsim((A,B,C,D),u,t,X0=None,interp=1)[1]
    #    step_responseDDE = DDE(A,B,C,D,t,SP_info,DT)
        step_responseEuler = Euler(A, B, C, D, t, u, DT)
        if (rootsA.real < 0).all():
            for i in range(0, entries):          # Stabilty of the Closed Loop is checked
                Y = step_responseEuler
                y[i, k] = Y[i]
            y[:, k] = np.NaN
        k_c[k] = kc
        t_i[k] = ti
    kc = k_c
    ti = t_i
    td = t_d
    y = y.T
    plotter(kc, ti, td, y, num, entries, t, tfinal, dt, SP, kcst, tist)
#    fig = plt.figure(4)
#    plt.plot(t,xt[4][:])
#    plt.show()

    return kc_unstable, ti_unstable, td_unstable, kc_offset, ti_offset, td_offset,kc_goodpoints, ti_goodpoints, td_goodpoints, kc_idx, ti_idx, td_idx 
コード例 #55
ファイル: ExtField.py プロジェクト: GardiNet/gardinet
 def add(self, u1, u2):
     return self.adjust(np.polyadd(u1, u2))