def ARLineSpectra(ar): """ Convert AR coeffs to LSPs From wikipedia: A palindromic polynomial (i.e., P) of odd degree has -1 as a root. An antipalindromic polynomial (i.e., Q) has 1 as a root. An antipalindromic polynomial of even degree has -1 and 1 as roots """ order = ar.shape[-1] ret = np.zeros(ar.shape) for a, o in core.refiter([ar, ret], core.newshape(ar.shape)): p = np.ones((order+2)) q = np.ones((order+2)) q[-1] = -1.0 for i in range(order): p[i+1] = -a[i] - a[order-i-1] q[i+1] = -a[i] + a[order-i-1] pr = np.roots(p) qr = np.roots(q) j = 0 an = np.ndarray((order+2)) for i in range(len(pr)): if np.imag(pr[i]) >= 0.0: an[j] = np.angle(pr[i]) j += 1 if np.imag(qr[i]) >= 0.0: an[j] = np.angle(qr[i]) j += 1 # The angle list (an) will always contain both 0 and pi; they # will move to the ends after the sort o[...] = np.sort(an)[1:-1] return ret;
def splitBimodal(self, x, y, largepoly=30): p = np.polyfit(x, y, largepoly) # polynomial coefficients for fit extrema = np.roots(np.polyder(p)) extrema = extrema[np.isreal(extrema)] extrema = extrema[(extrema - x[1]) * (x[-2] - extrema) > 0] # exclude the endpoints due false maxima during fitting try: root_vals = [sum([p[::-1][i]*(root**i) for i in range(len(p))]) for root in extrema] peaks = extrema[np.argpartition(root_vals, -2)][-2:] # find two peaks of bimodal distribution mid, = np.where((x - peaks[0])* (peaks[1] - x) > 0) # want data points between the peaks except: warnings.warn("Peak finding failed!") return None try: p_mid = np.polyfit(x[mid], y[mid], 2) # fit middle section to a parabola midpoint = np.roots(np.polyder(p_mid))[0] except: warnings.warn("Polynomial fit between peaks of distribution poorly conditioned. Falling back on using the minimum! May result in inaccurate split determination.") if len(mid) == 0: return None midx = np.argmin(y[mid]) midpoint = x[mid][midx] return midpoint
def polyxval(poly_coeffs, y, x1=None, x2=None, warn=False): if (x1==None or x2==None): print "Must assign range [x1, x2] in which to search for x values." return None if(x1==x2): print "x1 must not equal x2." return None if (x1 > x2): temp_x = x1 x1 = x2 x2 = temp_x # Supress warnings (default) if (warn==False): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning) poly_coeffs_y = poly_coeffs # subtract y-value from zeroth order coefficient (i.e. no x's) poly_coeffs_y[len(poly_coeffs_y)-1] -= y re_roots = \ np.roots(poly_coeffs_y)[np.roots(poly_coeffs_y).imag == 0.].real # restrict solution to range [x1, x2] x_val = re_roots[(re_roots >= x1) & (re_roots <= x2)] return x_val
def daub(p): """ The coefficients for the FIR low-pass filter producing Daubechies wavelets. p>=1 gives the order of the zero at f=1/2. There are 2p filter coefficients. Parameters ---------- p : int Order of the zero at f=1/2, can have values from 1 to 34. """ sqrt = np.sqrt if p < 1: raise ValueError("p must be at least 1.") if p==1: c = 1/sqrt(2) return np.array([c,c]) elif p==2: f = sqrt(2)/8 c = sqrt(3) return f*np.array([1+c,3+c,3-c,1-c]) elif p==3: tmp = 12*sqrt(10) z1 = 1.5 + sqrt(15+tmp)/6 - 1j*(sqrt(15)+sqrt(tmp-15))/6 z1c = np.conj(z1) f = sqrt(2)/8 d0 = np.real((1-z1)*(1-z1c)) a0 = np.real(z1*z1c) a1 = 2*np.real(z1) return f/d0*np.array([a0, 3*a0-a1, 3*a0-3*a1+1, a0-3*a1+3, 3-a1, 1]) elif p<35: # construct polynomial and factor it if p<35: P = [comb(p-1+k,k,exact=1) for k in range(p)][::-1] yj = np.roots(P) else: # try different polynomial --- needs work P = [comb(p-1+k,k,exact=1)/4.0**k for k in range(p)][::-1] yj = np.roots(P) / 4 # for each root, compute two z roots, select the one with |z|>1 # Build up final polynomial c = np.poly1d([1,1])**p q = np.poly1d([1]) for k in range(p-1): yval = yj[k] part = 2*sqrt(yval*(yval-1)) const = 1-2*yval z1 = const + part if (abs(z1)) < 1: z1 = const - part q = q * [1,-z1] q = c * np.real(q) # Normalize result q = q / np.sum(q) * sqrt(2) return q.c[::-1] else: raise ValueError("Polynomial factorization does not work " "well for p too large.")
def fit_edge_hist(bins, counts, fwhm_guess=10.0): if len(bins) == len(counts)+1: bins = bins[:-1]+0.5*(bins[1]-bins[0]) # convert bin edge to bin centers if neccesary pfit = np.polyfit(bins, counts, 3) edgeGuess = np.roots(np.polyder(pfit,2)) try: preGuessX, postGuessX = np.sort(np.roots(np.polyder(pfit,1))) except: raise ValueError("failed to generate guesses") use = bins>(edgeGuess+2*fwhm_guess) if np.sum(use)>4: pfit2 = np.polyfit(bins[use], counts[use],1) slope_guess = pfit2[0] else: slope_guess=1 pGuess = np.array([edgeGuess, np.polyval(pfit,preGuessX), np.polyval(pfit,postGuessX),fwhm_guess,slope_guess],dtype='float64') try: pOut = curve_fit(edge_model, bins, counts, pGuess) except: return (0,0,0,0,0,0) (edgeCenter, preHeight, postHeight, fwhm, bgSlope) = pOut[0] model_counts = edge_model(bins, edgeCenter, preHeight, postHeight, fwhm, bgSlope) num_degree_of_freedom = float(len(bins)-1-5) # num points - 1 - number of fitted parameters chi2 = np.sum(((counts - model_counts)**2)/model_counts)/num_degree_of_freedom return (edgeCenter, preHeight, postHeight, fwhm, bgSlope, chi2)
def lpc_to_lsf(all_lpc): if len(all_lpc.shape) < 2: all_lpc = all_lpc[None] order = all_lpc.shape[1] - 1 all_lsf = np.zeros((len(all_lpc), order)) for i in range(len(all_lpc)): lpc = all_lpc[i] lpc1 = np.append(lpc, 0) lpc2 = lpc1[::-1] sum_filt = lpc1 + lpc2 diff_filt = lpc1 - lpc2 if order % 2 != 0: deconv_diff, _ = sg.deconvolve(diff_filt, [1, 0, -1]) deconv_sum = sum_filt else: deconv_diff, _ = sg.deconvolve(diff_filt, [1, -1]) deconv_sum, _ = sg.deconvolve(sum_filt, [1, 1]) roots_diff = np.roots(deconv_diff) roots_sum = np.roots(deconv_sum) angle_diff = np.angle(roots_diff[::2]) angle_sum = np.angle(roots_sum[::2]) lsf = np.sort(np.hstack((angle_diff, angle_sum))) if len(lsf) != 0: all_lsf[i] = lsf return np.squeeze(all_lsf)
def verify_roots_of_generated_polynomial_on_unit_circle(num_of_lamda, lamda_lst): # we need to flip the coefficient left and right, because # numpy.roots function expect the coefficient in the following format: # p[0] * x**n + p[1] * x**(n-1) + ... + p[n-1]*x + p[n] # numpy.fliplr require 2D array, for 1D array, we need the follow trick lamda_new = np.fliplr([lamda_lst])[0] roots = np.roots(lamda_new) # get the absolute of the roots to see if they are on unit circle roots_abs = np.absolute(roots) # since leeya polynomial requires one symmetry, that is p[0] = p[n], p[1] = p[n-1], etc... # above polynomial will not meet this symmetry, let's just create a symmetric version lamda_symmetric = np.concatenate([lamda_new, lamda_lst]) roots_symmetric = np.roots(lamda_symmetric) # get the absolute of the roots to see if they are on unit circle roots_symmetric_abs = np.absolute(roots_symmetric) # print "num_of_lamda", num_of_lamda, 'roots_abs =', roots_abs print "num_of_lamda", num_of_lamda, 'roots_symmetric_abs =', roots_symmetric_abs # print "num_of_lamda", num_of_lamda, 'roots_symmetric =', roots_symmetric return roots, roots_abs, roots_symmetric, roots_symmetric_abs
def lsf(fir_filt): """ Find the Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) from a given FIR filter. Parameters ---------- filt : A LTI FIR filter as a LinearFilter object. Returns ------- A tuple with all LSFs in rad/sample, alternating from the forward prediction and backward prediction filters, starting with the lowest LSF value. """ den = fir_filt.denominator if len(den) != 1: raise ValueError("Filter has feedback") elif den[0] != 1: # So we don't have to worry with the denominator anymore fir_filt /= den[0] from numpy import roots rev_filt = ZFilter(fir_filt.numerator[::-1]) * z ** -1 P = fir_filt + rev_filt Q = fir_filt - rev_filt roots_p = roots(P.numerator[::-1]) roots_q = roots(Q.numerator[::-1]) lsf_p = sorted(phase(roots_p)) lsf_q = sorted(phase(roots_q)) return reduce(operator.concat, xzip(*sorted([lsf_p, lsf_q])), tuple())
def test_calculateTF(): """Test function for calculateTF()""" from ._utils import cplxpair ABCD = [[1.000000000000000, 0., 0., 0.044408783846879, -0.044408783846879], [0.999036450096481, 0.997109907515262, -0.005777399147297, 0., 0.499759089304780], [0.499759089304780, 0.999036450096481, 0.997109907515262, 0., -0.260002096136488], [0, 0, 1.000000000000000, 0, -0.796730400347216]] ABCD = np.array(ABCD) ntf, stf = calculateTF(ABCD) ntf_zeros, ntf_poles = np.roots(ntf.num), np.roots(ntf.den) stf_zeros, stf_poles = np.roots(stf.num), np.roots(stf.den) mntf_poles = np.array((1.498975311463384, 1.102565142679772, 0.132677264750882)) mntf_zeros = np.array((0.997109907515262 + 0.075972576202904j, 0.997109907515262 - 0.075972576202904j, 1.000000000000000 + 0.000000000000000j) ) mstf_zeros = np.array((-0.999999999999996,)) mstf_poles = np.array((1.498975311463384, 1.102565142679772, 0.132677264750882)) # for some reason, sometimes the zeros are in different order. ntf_zeros, mntf_zeros = cplxpair(ntf_zeros), cplxpair(mntf_zeros) stf_zeros, mstf_zeros = cplxpair(stf_zeros), cplxpair(mstf_zeros) ntf_poles, mntf_poles = cplxpair(ntf_poles), cplxpair(mntf_poles) stf_poles, mstf_poles = cplxpair(stf_poles), cplxpair(mstf_poles) assert np.allclose(ntf_zeros, mntf_zeros, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8) assert np.allclose(ntf_poles, mntf_poles, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8) assert np.allclose(stf_zeros, mstf_zeros, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8) assert np.allclose(stf_poles, mstf_poles, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
def plot_range(num, den): # The corner frequencies zero = sort(abs(roots(num))) pole = sort(abs(roots(den))) # Calculate the minimum and maximum corner frequencies needed if len(pole) == 0: corner_min = zero[0] corner_max = zero[-1] elif len(zero) == 0: corner_min = pole[0] corner_max = pole[-1] elif len(zero) > 0 and len(pole) > 0: corner_min = min(zero[0], pole[0]) corner_max = max(zero[-1], pole[-1]) else: corner_min, corner_max = 0.1, 10 # start from 2 decades lower than the lowest corner # and end at 2 decades above the highest corner freq_range = [10 ** (floor(log10(corner_min)) - 1), 10 ** (floor(log10(corner_max)) + 2)] return freq_range
def setUp(self): ABCD = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.044408783846879, -0.044408783846879], [0.999036450096481, 0.997109907515262, -0.005777399147297, 0.0, 0.499759089304780], [0.499759089304780, 0.999036450096481, 0.997109907515262, 0.0, -0.260002096136488], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.796730400347216]] ABCD = np.array(ABCD) (ntf, stf) = ds.calculateTF(ABCD) (ntf_zeros, ntf_poles) = (np.roots(ntf.num), np.roots(ntf.den)) (stf_zeros, stf_poles) = (np.roots(stf.num), np.roots(stf.den)) mntf_poles = np.array((1.498975311463384, 1.102565142679772, 0.132677264750882)) mntf_zeros = np.array((0.997109907515262 + 0.075972576202904j, 0.997109907515262 - 0.075972576202904j, 1.000000000000000 + 0.000000000000000j)) mstf_zeros = np.array((-0.999999999999996,)) mstf_poles = np.array((1.498975311463384, 1.102565142679772, 0.132677264750882)) # for some reason, sometimes the zeros are in different order. (self.ntf_zeros, self.mntf_zeros) = (cplxpair(ntf_zeros), cplxpair(mntf_zeros)) (self.stf_zeros, self.mstf_zeros) = (cplxpair(stf_zeros), cplxpair(mstf_zeros)) (self.ntf_poles, self.mntf_poles) = (cplxpair(ntf_poles), cplxpair(mntf_poles)) (self.stf_poles, self.mstf_poles) = (cplxpair(stf_poles), cplxpair(mstf_poles))
def real_roots(poly_coeffs, x1=None, x2=None, warn=False): # Supress warnings (default) if (warn==False): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning) # Evaluate roots, keeping only the real parts or those without an imaginary component re_roots = \ np.roots(poly_coeffs)[np.roots(poly_coeffs).imag == 0.].real # Go through limit possibilities, returning the appropriate values # If no limits were given then return all real roots if (x1==None and x2==None): return re_roots # The following are cases where either or both limits are given elif (x2==None): # If only lower limit was given return re_roots[(re_roots >= x1)] elif (x1==None): # If only upper limit was given return re_roots[(re_roots <= x2)] else: # If both limits are given # Check that x1 < x2 and fix if necessary if (x1 > x2): temp_x = x1 x1 = x2 x2 = temp_x return re_roots[(re_roots >= x1) & (re_roots <= x2)]
def tf2zpk(b, a): """Return zero, pole, gain (z,p,k) representation from a numerator, denominator representation of a linear filter. Parameters ---------- b : ndarray Numerator polynomial. a : ndarray Denominator polynomial. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transfer function. k : float System gain. Notes ----- If some values of `b` are too close to 0, they are removed. In that case, a BadCoefficients warning is emitted. """ b, a = normalize(b, a) b = (b + 0.0) / a[0] a = (a + 0.0) / a[0] k = b[0] b /= b[0] z = roots(b) p = roots(a) return z, p, k
def isstable(b,a,ftype='digital'): """Determine whether IIR filter (b,a) is stable Parameters ---------- b: ndarray filter numerator coefficients a: ndarray filter denominator coefficients ftype: string type of filter (`digital` or `analog`) Returns ------- stable: bool whether filter is stable or not """ if ftype=='digital': v = np.roots(a) if np.any(np.abs(v)>1.0): return False else: return True elif ftype=='analog': v = np.roots(a) if np.any(np.real(v)<0): return False else: return True
def asymptote(num, den): # create a Python list for the zeros and the poles of the system zero = list(sort(abs(roots(num)))) pole = list(sort(abs(roots(den)))) #calculate the low frequency gain -- type 0 system lf_gain = 20 * log10(abs((num[-1] / den[-1]))) # create an empty matrix to contain the corner frequencies and # the corresponding slope indicator (+1 or -1) corners = zeros((len(zero) + len(pole) + 2, 2)) starting_freq, end_freq = plot_range(num, den) corners[0] = [starting_freq, 0] corners[-1] = [end_freq, 0] # take the first elements from the list of poles and zeros # compare them and assign the slope indicator # delete the corresponding valuefrom the original list of poles and zeros for count in range(len(zero) + len(pole)): if len(zero) > 0: a = zero[0] else: a = inf if len(pole) > 0: b = pole[0] else: b = inf c = min(a, b) if c == a: corners[count + 1] = [c, 1] if len(zero) > 0: zero.pop(0) if c == b: corners[count + 1] = [c, -1] if len(pole) > 0: pole.pop(0) # now calculate the gains at the corners using # gain = +/- 20log10(upper_corner / lower_corner) asymptotic_gain = zeros_like(corners) asymptotic_gain[0, 1] = lf_gain asymptotic_gain[1, 1] = lf_gain gain = lf_gain multiplier = cumsum(corners[:, 1]) for k in range(2, len(corners)): gain += multiplier[k-1] * 20 * log10(corners[k, 0] / corners[k-1, 0]) asymptotic_gain[k, 1] = gain asymptotic_gain[:, 0] = corners[:, 0] return asymptotic_gain
def poly2lsf(a): """Prediction polynomial to line spectral frequencies. converts the prediction polynomial specified by A, into the corresponding line spectral frequencies, LSF. normalizes the prediction polynomial by A(1). .. doctest:: >>> from spectrum import poly2lsf >>> a = [1.0000, 0.6149, 0.9899, 0.0000 ,0.0031, -0.0082] >>> lsf = poly2lsf(a) >>> lsf = array([0.7842, 1.5605, 1.8776, 1.8984, 2.3593]) .. seealso:: lsf2poly, poly2rc, poly2qc, rc2is """ #Line spectral frequencies are not defined for complex polynomials. # Normalize the polynomial a = numpy.array(a) if a[0] != 1: a/=a[0] if max(numpy.abs(numpy.roots(a))) >= 1.0: error('The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle.'); # Form the sum and differnce filters p = len(a)-1 # The leading one in the polynomial is not used a1 = numpy.concatenate((a, numpy.array([0]))) a2 = a1[-1::-1] P1 = a1 - a2 # Difference filter Q1 = a1 + a2 # Sum Filter # If order is even, remove the known root at z = 1 for P1 and z = -1 for Q1 # If odd, remove both the roots from P1 if p%2: # Odd order P, r = deconvolve(P1,[1, 0 ,-1]) Q = Q1 else: # Even order P, r = deconvolve(P1, [1, -1]) Q, r = deconvolve(Q1, [1, 1]) rP = numpy.roots(P) rQ = numpy.roots(Q) aP = numpy.angle(rP[1::2]) aQ = numpy.angle(rQ[1::2]) lsf = sorted(numpy.concatenate((-aP,-aQ))) return lsf
def zplane(b,a,filename=None): """Plot the complex z-plane given a transfer function. """ # get a figure/plot ax = plt.subplot(111) # create the unit circle uc = patches.Circle((0,0), radius=1, fill=False, color='black', ls='dashed') ax.add_patch(uc) # The coefficients are less than 1, normalize the coeficients if np.max(b) > 1: kn = np.max(b) b = b/float(kn) else: kn = 1 if np.max(a) > 1: kd = np.max(a) a = a/float(kd) else: kd = 1 # Get the poles and zeros p = np.roots(a) z = np.roots(b) k = kn/float(kd) # Plot the zeros and set marker properties t1 = plt.plot(z.real, z.imag, 'go', ms=10) plt.setp( t1, markersize=10.0, markeredgewidth=1.0, markeredgecolor='k', markerfacecolor='g') # Plot the poles and set marker properties t2 = plt.plot(p.real, p.imag, 'rx', ms=10) plt.setp( t2, markersize=12.0, markeredgewidth=3.0, markeredgecolor='r', markerfacecolor='r') ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # set the ticks r = 1.5; plt.axis('scaled'); plt.axis([-r, r, -r, r]) ticks = [-1, -.5, .5, 1]; plt.xticks(ticks); plt.yticks(ticks) if filename is None: else: plt.savefig(filename) return z, p, k
def InitializeCalculations(output): """This functions calculates parameters from the input""" # SYSTEM if output['series'] is False: output['system'] = 'F' + "{0:.2f}".format(output['BASEfraction']).replace('.','_') + 'D1_8V' + \ '0'*(len(str(output['version']))%2) + str(output['version']) output['systemfolder'] = output['system'] # BASE PARTICLES output['BASEparticlevolume'] = (4.0/3.0) * np.pi * (output['BASEsigmacorrected']/2.0)**3 output['BASEdiffusion'] = (output['ReferenceT']*output['Boltzmann']) / (6.0*np.pi*output['viscosity']*(0.5*output['BASEsigma'])) output['BASEtau'] = (output['BASEsigma']**2) / output['BASEdiffusion'] output['eta'] = output['viscosity']*(output['BASEsigma']**3)/(output['Boltzmann']*output['ReferenceT']*output['BASEtau']) output['BASEfriction'] = 0.5*6.0*output['BASEsigmacorrected']*np.pi*output['eta']; if output['series'] is False: if output['basegenerator'] == 'Lbox' or output['InitialConfiguration'] == 'random': output['BOXvolume'] = output['BOXsize_x']*output['BOXsize_y']*output['BOXsize_z'] TotalParticleVolume = output['BOXvolume'] * output['BASEfraction'] output['BASEparticles'] = int(np.round(TotalParticleVolume / output['BASEparticlevolume'],0)) elif output['InitialConfiguration'] == 'BCC' or output['InitialConfiguration'] == 'FCC': output['BOXsize'] = (output['BASEparticlevolume']*output['BASEparticles']/output['BASEfraction'])**(1/3.0) output['BOXsize_x'] = output['BOXsize'] output['BOXsize_y'] = output['BOXsize'] output['BOXsize_z'] = output['BOXsize'] output['BOXvolume'] = output['BOXsize_x']*output['BOXsize_y']*output['BOXsize_z'] if output['InitialConfiguration'] == 'BCC' and output['basegenerator'] == 'Nparticles': roots = np.roots([2,0,0,-1.0*output['BASEparticles']])[::-1] # Nparticles of the basis crystal along one axis m = roots[0] output['m'] = int(round(m.real,0)) output['n'] = output['m']-1 # number of unit cells output['a'] = output['BOXsize'] / output['m'] elif output['InitialConfiguration'] == 'FCC': roots = np.roots([4,-6,3,-output['BASEparticles']]) # number of particles of the basis crystal along one axis m = roots[0] output['m'] = int(round(m.real,0)) output['n'] = output['m']-1 # number of unit cells output['a'] = output['BOXsize'] / output['m'] elif output['InitialConfiguration'] == 'BCC' and output['basegenerator'] == 'Lbox': # for a box with ratio's x,y = 1 and z = 0.5 output['m'] = int(np.round(np.power(output['BASEparticles'],(1/3.0)),0)) output['n'] = output['m']-1 # number of unit cells output['a'] = output['BOXsize'] / output['m'] if output['method'] == 'wigner': output['ALLparticles'] = output['BASEparticles'] # INTERSTITIALS elif output['method'] == 'interstitial': output['INTERsigmacorrected'] = output['INTERsigma'] / output['BASEsigma'] output['INTERfriction'] = 0.5*6.0*output['INTERsigmacorrected']*np.pi*output['eta'] output['INTERdiffusion'] = (output['ReferenceT']*output['Boltzmann']) / (6.0*np.pi*output['viscosity']*(0.5*output['INTERsigma'])) output['INTERtau'] = (output['INTERsigma']**2) / output['INTERdiffusion'] output['IBepsilon'] = 0.5*(output['BASEepsilon'] + output['INTERepsilon']) output['IBkappa'] = 0.5*(output['BASEkappa'] + output['INTERkappa']) if output['InitialConfiguration'] == 'BCC': output['INTERsites'] = 12*output['m']*output['n']*output['n'] output['INTERparticles'] = int(output['INTERsites']*output['INTERfraction']) output['ALLparticles'] = output['BASEparticles'] + output['INTERparticles'] return output
def free_ene(self, trange): self.get_data() #self.get_E0() #ax = plt.subplot(111) ndic = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.__dic.items())) #sort dictionary minF = [] minl = [] for temp in trange: xdata = [] ydata = [] i=0 for out in ndic: xdata.append(out) ind = self.__dic[out]['T'].index(temp) ydata.append(self.__dic[out]['F'][ind]/self.conv + self.__E0[i] + 13.5) i+=1 #polyfit: coeff = np.polyfit(xdata,ydata,3) p = np.poly1d(coeff) polyx = np.linspace(min(xdata),max(xdata),1000) #ax.plot(xdata,ydata,'+') #ax.plot(polyx,p(polyx)) minl.append(np.roots(p.deriv())[1]) minF.append(p(np.roots(p.deriv())[1])) #polyfit F-T coeff = np.polyfit(minl,minF,21) p = np.poly1d(coeff) polyx = np.linspace(min(minl),max(minl),1000) #ax.plot(polyx,p(polyx)) #ax.plot(minl,minF,'o') #polyfit thermal expansion: coeff = np.polyfit(trange,minl,4) p = np.poly1d(coeff) polyx = np.linspace(min(trange),max(trange),1000) #ax1 = plt.plot(polyx,p(polyx)) #ax1 = plt.plot(trange,minl,'o') #thermal expansion/T alpha = [] for i in range(len(trange)-1): alpha.append((minl[i+1]-minl[i])/(trange[i+1]-trange[i])/minl[0]*10**6.) plt.plot(trange[:-1], alpha, label = self._lname, lw=2., self.__alpha = alpha self.__minl = minl self.__minF = minF
def dual_band(F, P, E, eps, eps_R=1, x1=0.5, map_type=1): r""" Function to give modified F, P, and E polynomials after lowpass prototype dual band transformation. :param F: Polynomial F, i.e., numerator of S11 (in s-domain) :param P: Polynomial P, i.e., numerator of S21 (in s-domain) :param E: polynomial E is the denominator of S11 and S21 (in s-domain) :param eps: Constant term associated with S21 :param eps_R: Constant term associated with S11 :param x1: :param map_type: :rtype: """ if (map_type == 1) or (map_type == 2): s = sp.Symbol("s") if map_type == 1: a = -2j / (1 - x1 ** 2) b = -1j * (1 + x1 ** 2) / (1 - x1 ** 2) elif map_type == 2: a = 2j / (1 - x1 ** 2) b = 1j * (1 + x1 ** 2) / (1 - x1 ** 2) s1 = a * s ** 2 + b F = sp.Poly(F.ravel().tolist(), s) F1 = sp.simplify(F.subs(s, s1)) F1 = sp.Poly(F1, s).all_coeffs() F1 = I_to_i(F1) E = sp.Poly(E.ravel().tolist(), s) E1 = sp.simplify(E.subs(s, s1)) E1 = sp.Poly(E1, s).all_coeffs() E1 = I_to_i(E1) P = sp.Poly(P.ravel().tolist(), s) P1 = sp.simplify(P.subs(s, s1)) P1 = sp.Poly(P1, s).all_coeffs() P1 = I_to_i(P1) elif map_type == 3: F_roots = np.roots(F.ravel().tolist()) P_roots = np.roots(P.ravel().tolist()) F1_roots = Lee_roots_map(F_roots, x1) P1_roots = Lee_roots_map(P_roots, x1) P1_roots = np.concatenate((P1_roots, np.array([0, 0]))) F1 = np.poly(F1_roots) P1 = np.poly(P1_roots) F1 = np.reshape(F1, (len(F1), -1)) P1 = np.reshape(P1, (len(P1), -1)) E1 = poly_E(eps, eps_R, F1, P1)[0] return F1, P1, E1
def checkParams(aList=None,bList=None): if aList is None: raise ValueError('#CAR > 0') p = len(aList) if bList is None: raise ValueError('#CMA > 0') q = len(bList)-1 hasUniqueEigenValues=1 isStable=1 isInvertible=1 isNotRedundant=1 hasPosSigma=1 CARPoly=list() CARPoly.append(1.0) for i in xrange(p): CARPoly.append(aList[i]) CARRoots=roots(CARPoly) #print 'C-AR Roots: ' + str([rootVal for rootVal in CARRoots]) if (len(CARRoots)!=len(set(CARRoots))): hasUniqueEigenValues=0 for CARRoot in CARRoots: if (CARRoot.real>=0.0): isStable=0 #print 'isStable: %d'%(isStable) isInvertible=1 CMAPoly=list() for i in xrange(q + 1): CMAPoly.append(bList[i]) CMAPoly.reverse() CMARoots=roots(CMAPoly) #print 'C-MA Roots: ' + str([rootVal for rootVal in CMARoots]) if (len(CMARoots)!=len(set(CMARoots))): uniqueRoots=0 for CMARoot in CMARoots: if (CMARoot>0.0): isInvertible=0 #print 'isInvertible: %d'%(isInvertible) isNotRedundant=1 for CARRoot in CARRoots: for CMARoot in CMARoots: if (CARRoot==CMARoot): isNotRedundant=0 if (bList[0] <= 0.0): hasPosSigma = 0 retVal = isStable*isInvertible*isNotRedundant*hasUniqueEigenValues*hasPosSigma #print 'retVal: %d'%(retVal) return retVal
def radialUndistort(rpp, k, quot=False, der=False): '''dqD takes distorted radius and returns the radius undistorted optioally it returns the undistortion quotient rp = rpp * q ''' # polynomial coeffs, grade 7 # # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]]) # polynomial coeffs, grade 7 # # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]]) k.shape = -1 poly = [[k[4], # k3 0, k[1], # k2 0, k[0], # k1 0, 1, -r] for r in rpp] # calculate roots rootsPoly = array([roots(p) for p in poly]) # return flag, True if there is a suitable (real AND positive) solution rPRB = isreal(rootsPoly) & (0 <= real(rootsPoly)) # real Positive Real Bool retVal = any(rPRB, axis=1) rp = empty_like(rpp) if any(~ retVal): # if at least one case of non solution # calculate extrema of polyniomial rExtrema = roots([7*k[4], 0, 5*k[1], 0, 3*k[0], 0, 1]) # select real extrema in positive side, keep smallest rRealPos = min(rExtrema.real[isreal(rExtrema) & (0<=rExtrema.real)]) # assign to problematic values rp[~retVal] = rRealPos # choose minimum positive roots rp[retVal] = [min(rootsPoly[i, rPRB[i]].real) for i in arange(rpp.shape[0])[retVal]] if der: # derivada de la directa q, dQdP, dQdK = radialDistort(rp, k, der=True) if quot: return q, retVal, dQdP, dQdK else: return rp, retVal, dQdP, dQdK else: if quot: return rp / rpp, retVal else: return rp, retVal
def radialUndistort(rpp, k, quot=False, der=False): ''' takes distorted radius and returns the radius undistorted optionally it returns the distortion quotioent rpp = rp * q ''' # polynomial coeffs, grade 7 # # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]]) # polynomial coeffs, grade 7 # # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]]) k.shape = -1 poly = [[k[3], 0, k[2], 0, k[1], 0, k[0], 0, 1, -r] for r in rpp] # calculate roots rootsPoly = array([roots(p) for p in poly]) # return flag, True if there is a suitable (real AND positive) solution rPRB = isreal(rootsPoly) & (0 <= real(rootsPoly)) # real Positive Real Bool retVal = any(rPRB, axis=1) thetap = empty_like(rpp) if any(~retVal): # if at least one case of non solution # calculate extrema of polyniomial thExtrema = roots([9*k[3], 0, 7*k[2], 0, 5*k[1], 0, 3*k[0], 0, 1]) # select real extrema in positive side, keep smallest thRealPos = min(thExtrema.real[isreal(thExtrema) & (0<=thExtrema.real)]) # assign to problematic values thetap[~retVal] = thRealPos # choose minimum positive roots thetap[retVal] = [min(rootsPoly[i, rPRB[i]].real) for i in arange(rpp.shape[0])[retVal]] rp = abs(tan(thetap)) # correct negative values # if theta angle is greater than pi/2, retVal=False retVal[thetap >= pi/2] = False if der: # derivada de la directa q, dQdP, dQdK = radialDistort(rp, k, quot, der) if quot: return q, retVal, dQdP, dQdK else: return rp, retVal, dQdP, dQdK else: if quot: # returns q return rpp / rp, retVal else: return rp, retVal
def intersect_point(s1, s2, s3, r): if s1[2] == s2[2] == s3[2]: a = 2*(s3[0] - s1[0]) b = 2*(s3[1] - s1[1]) c = r[0]**2 - r[2]**2 - s1[0]**2 - s1[1]**2 + s3[0]**2 + s3[1]**2 d = 2*(s3[0] - s2[0]) e = 2*(s3[1] - s2[1]) f = r[1]**2 - r[2]**2 - s2[0]**2 - s2[1]**2 + s3[0]**2 + s3[1]**2 t1 = (a*e - b*d) x = (c*e - b*f) / t1 y = (a*f - c*d) / t1 da = 1 db = -2*s1[2] dc = s1[2]**2 - r[0]**2 + (x - s1[0])**2 + (y - s1[1])**2 z = np.roots([da, db, dc]) return np.array([x, x]), np.array([y, y]), z else: d31 = s3 - s1 d32 = s3 - s2 n1 =, s1) n2 =, s2) n3 =, s3) q = r[0]**2 - r[2]**2 - n1 + n3 p = r[1]**2 - r[2]**2 - n2 + n3 t1 = d31[0]*d32[2] - d31[2]*d32[0] t2 = 2*d32[2] a4 = (d31[2]*d32[1] - d31[1]*d32[2]) / t1 a5 = -(d31[2]*p - d32[2]*q) / (2*t1) a6 = (-2*d32[0]*a4 - 2*d32[1]) / t2 a7 = (p - 2*d32[0]*a5) / t2 a = a4**2 + 1 + a6**2 b = 2*a4*(a5 - s1[0]) - 2*s1[1] + 2*a6*(a7 - s1[2]) c = a5*(a5 - 2*s1[0]) + a7*(a7 - 2*s1[2]) + n1 - r[0]**2 y = np.roots([a, b, c]) x = a4*y+a5 z = a6*y+a7 return x, y, z
def projection(self, x_start, y_start, x_tmp, y_tmp, x_end, y_end, lc): """Computes the coordinates of a point by projection onto the segment [(x_tmp, y_tmp), (x_end, y_end)] such that the distance between (x_start, y_start) and the new point is the given cahracteristic length. Arguments --------- x_start, y_start -- coordinates of the starting point. x_tmp, y_tmp -- coordinates of the intermediate point. x_end, y_end -- coordinates of the ending point. lc -- characteristic length. Returns ------- x_target, y_target -- coordinates of the projected point. """ tol = 1.0E-06 if abs(y_end-y_tmp) >= tol: # solve for y # coefficients of the second-order polynomial a = (x_end-x_tmp)**2 + (y_end-y_tmp)**2 b = 2.0*( (x_end-x_tmp)*( y_tmp*(x_start-x_end) + y_end*(x_tmp-x_start) ) - y_start*(y_end-y_tmp)**2 ) c = (y_start**2-lc**2)*(y_end-y_tmp)**2 \ + (y_tmp*(x_start-x_end) + y_end*(x_tmp-x_start))**2 # solve the second-order polynomial: ay^2 + by + c = 0 y = np.roots([a, b, c]) # test if the point belongs to the segment test = (y_tmp <= y[0] <= y_end or y_end <= y[0] <= y_tmp) y_target = (y[0] if test else y[1]) x_target = x_tmp + (x_end-x_tmp)/(y_end-y_tmp)*(y_target-y_tmp) else: # solve for x # coefficients of the second-order polynomial a = (x_end-x_tmp)**2 + (y_end-y_tmp)**2 b = 2.0*( (x_end-x_tmp)*(y_tmp-y_start)*(y_end-y_tmp) - x_start*(x_end-x_tmp)**2 - x_tmp*(x_end-x_tmp)**2 ) c = (x_end-x_tmp)**2*((y_tmp-y_start)**2+x_start**2-lc**2) \ + x_tmp**2*(y_end-y_tmp)**2 \ - 2*x_tmp*(x_end-x_tmp)*(y_tmp-y_start)*(y_end-y_tmp) # solve the second-order polynomial: ax^2 + bx + c = 0 x = np.roots([a, b, c]) # test if the point belongs to the segment test = (x_tmp <= x[0] <= x_end or x_end <= x[0] <= x_tmp) x_target = (x[0] if test else x[1]) y_target = y_tmp + (y_end-y_tmp)/(x_end-x_tmp)*(x_target-x_tmp) return x_target, y_target
def critical_point(beta, gamma_init, ctrl_max, tol_crit, bm_value): g = gamma_init coeff_x = [1, 3 * g - 1, beta ** 2 * (1 + g) ** 4 + 3 * g * (g - 1), (g - 3) * g ** 2, -g ** 3] r = np.roots(coeff_x) for i in range(len(r)): if r[i] == np.conjugate(r[i]): r[i] = r[i].real if (r[i] > 0) & (r[i] < 1): a = r[i] a = a.real break ctrl = 0 db = np.abs(balance(a, g, beta)) dder = np.abs(balance_der(a, g, beta)) while (db > tol_crit) | (dder > tol_crit): if ( ctrl < ctrl_max ): ##Une condition servant à éviter d'être coincé indéfiniment au cas où la récursion ne fonctionnerait pas. coeff_g = [ beta ** 2, 2 * beta ** 2 * (2 * a - 1) - (1 - a) * alpha(a), beta ** 2 * (2 * a - 1) ** 2 - a * (1 - a) * alpha(a), ] r_g = np.roots(coeff_g) for i in range(len(r_g)): if r_g[i] == np.conjugate(r_g[i]): r_g[i] = r_g[i].real if (r_g[i] > 0) & (r_g[i] < 1): g = r_g[i] g = g.real break coeff_x = [1, 3 * g - 1, beta ** 2 * (1 + g) ** 4 + 3 * g * (g - 1), (g - 3) * g ** 2, -g ** 3] r = np.roots(coeff_x) for i in range(len(r)): if r[i] == np.conjugate(r[i]): r[i] = r[i].real if (r[i] > 0) & (r[i] < 1): a = r[i] a = a.real break db = np.abs(balance(a, g, beta)) dder = np.abs(balance_der(a, g, beta)) g_look = g ctrl += 1 else: break if both_mechs == 1: g = np.sqrt(1 + g) - 1 return g, db, dder
def Poly_Zeros_T(Poly_z_K, Poly_p_K, Poly_z_G, Poly_p_G): """Given the polynomial expansion in the denominator and numerator of the controller function K and G then this function return s the poles and zeros of the closed loop transfer function in terms of reference signal the arrays for the input must range from the highest order of the polynomial to the lowest""" Poly_z = numpy.polymul(Poly_z_K, Poly_z_G) Poly_p = numpy.polyadd(numpy.polymul(Poly_p_K, Poly_z_G), numpy.polymul(Poly_p_K, Poly_p_G)) # return the poles and zeros of T Zeros = numpy.roots(Poly_z) Poles = numpy.roots(Poly_p) return Poles, Zeros
def gtf2zp(B, A = np.array([1])): k = 1.0 if B[0] != 1: k *= B[0] B /= k if A[0] != 1: k /= A[0] A /= k z = np.roots(B) p = np.roots(A) return z, p, k
def get_M_1(self, M_2=None, p2_p1=None, rho2_rho1=None, T2_T1=None, p02_p01=None, p2_p01=None, **kwargs): """ Computes Mach number when one of the arguments are specified """ try: g = self.gamma except KeyError: g = kwargs['gamma'] if p2_p1 is not None: M_1 = np.sqrt((p2_p1 - 1) * (g + 1.) / 2. / g + 1.) elif rho2_rho1 is not None: M_1 = np.sqrt(2. * rho2_rho1 / (g + 1. - rho2_rho1 * (g - 1.))) elif T2_T1 is not None: a = 2. * g * (g - 1.) b = 4. * g - (g - 1.) * (g - 1.)- T2_T1 * (g + 1.) * (g + 1.) c = -2. * (g - 1.) M_1, M_11 = np.roots([a, b, c]) elif p02_p01 is not None: raise NotImplementedError elif p2_p01 is not None: raise NotImplementedError elif 'M' in kwargs.keys(): return kwargs['M'] else: logger.error('Insufficient data to calculate Mach number') return M_1
def MMS(F, Lp, Lc, F0, K): "Modified Marko-Siggia model as a function of force" f = float(F - F0) * Lp / kT(parameters["T"]) inverted_roots = roots([1.0, f - 0.75, 0.0, -0.25]) root_index = int(f >= 0.75) * 2 root_of_inverted_MS = real(inverted_roots[root_index]) return Lc * (1 - root_of_inverted_MS + (F - F0) / float(K))
0.0, -3 * P.m1 * P.g / 4 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2), -P.b / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2), 0.0 ], [ 0.0, 3 * (P.m1 + P.m2) * P.g / 2 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2) / P.ell, 3 * P.b / 2 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2) / P.ell, 0.0 ]]) B = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [1 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2)], [-3.0 / 2 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2) / P.ell]]) C = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) # gain calculation wn_th = 2.2 / tr_theta # natural frequency for angle wn_z = 2.2 / tr_z # natural frequency for position des_char_poly = np.convolve([1, 2 * zeta_z * wn_z, wn_z**2], [1, 2 * zeta_th * wn_th, wn_th**2]) des_poles = np.roots(des_char_poly) # Compute the gains if the system is controllable if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A, B)) != 4: print("The system is not controllable") else: K = cnt.acker(A, B, des_poles) Cr = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) kr = -1.0 / (Cr * np.linalg.inv(A - B @ K) @ B) print('K: ', K) print('kr: ', kr)
def arma_acovf(ar, ma, nobs=10, sigma2=1, dtype=None): """ Theoretical autocovariances of stationary ARMA processes Parameters ---------- ar : array_like, 1d The coefficients for autoregressive lag polynomial, including zero lag. ma : array_like, 1d The coefficients for moving-average lag polynomial, including zero lag. nobs : int The number of terms (lags plus zero lag) to include in returned acovf. sigma2 : float Variance of the innovation term. Returns ------- ndarray The autocovariance of ARMA process given by ar, ma. See Also -------- arma_acf : Autocorrelation function for ARMA processes. acovf : Sample autocovariance estimation. References ---------- .. [*] Brockwell, Peter J., and Richard A. Davis. 2009. Time Series: Theory and Methods. 2nd ed. 1991. New York, NY: Springer. """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.common_type(np.array(ar), np.array(ma), np.array(sigma2)) p = len(ar) - 1 q = len(ma) - 1 m = max(p, q) + 1 if sigma2.real < 0: raise ValueError('Must have positive innovation variance.') # Short-circuit for trivial corner-case if p == q == 0: out = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=dtype) out[0] = sigma2 return out elif p > 0 and np.max(np.abs(np.roots(ar))) >= 1: raise ValueError(NONSTATIONARY_ERROR) # Get the moving average representation coefficients that we need ma_coeffs = arma2ma(ar, ma, lags=m) # Solve for the first m autocovariances via the linear system # described by (BD, eq. 3.3.8) A = np.zeros((m, m), dtype=dtype) b = np.zeros((m, 1), dtype=dtype) # We need a zero-right-padded version of ar params tmp_ar = np.zeros(m, dtype=dtype) tmp_ar[:p + 1] = ar for k in range(m): A[k, :(k + 1)] = tmp_ar[:(k + 1)][::-1] A[k, 1:m - k] += tmp_ar[(k + 1):m] b[k] = sigma2 *[k:q + 1], ma_coeffs[:max((q + 1 - k), 0)]) acovf = np.zeros(max(nobs, m), dtype=dtype) try: acovf[:m] = np.linalg.solve(A, b)[:, 0] except np.linalg.LinAlgError: raise ValueError(NONSTATIONARY_ERROR) # Iteratively apply (BD, eq. 3.3.9) to solve for remaining autocovariances if nobs > m: zi = signal.lfiltic([1], ar, acovf[:m:][::-1]) acovf[m:] = signal.lfilter([1], ar, np.zeros(nobs - m, dtype=dtype), zi=zi)[0] return acovf[:nobs]
def time_of_collision(self, object_1, object_2): """ Returns the time after which these objects will collide next, returning np.infty if they will not collide on their current trajectories object_1 - int type value representing the index of the colliding particle in self.particles object_2 - int or str type value representing the index of the colliding particle in self.particles or the dimension of the constraining wall """ particle_1 = self.particles[object_1] # Check if object_2 is one of the container walls if type(object_2) == str: dimension, side = object_2.split('.') dimension = int(dimension) - 1 if side == 'Min': coordinate = particle_1.radius else: coordinate =[dimension] - particle_1.radius # In case the particle is already touching the wall and has 0 velocity if coordinate == particle_1.position[dimension]: return 0 # To avoid division by zero errors elif particle_1.velocity[dimension] == 0: return np.infty else: time = (coordinate - particle_1.position[dimension] ) / particle_1.velocity[dimension] if time > 0: return time else: return np.infty else: particle_2 = self.particles[object_2] # Check if both particles have 0 velocity if particle_1.velocity.magnitude( ) == 0 and particle_2.velocity.magnitude() == 0: return np.infty velocity_difference = particle_2.velocity - particle_1.velocity position_difference = particle_2.position - particle_1.position # Define the quadratic coefficients to find the collision time a = 0 b = 0 c = -(particle_1.radius + particle_2.radius)**2 for D in range(self.dimensions): a += velocity_difference[D]**2 b += 2 * velocity_difference[D] * position_difference[D] c += position_difference[D]**2 roots = np.roots([a, b, c]) # Find the smallest positive and real root if applicable if type(roots[0]) == np.float64: if (roots[0] < 0) != (roots[1] < 0): return max(roots) elif (roots[0] > 0) and (roots[1] > 0): return min(roots) return np.infty
@author: Hrithik """ import numpy as np from scipy import signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #if using termux import subprocess import shlex #end if gain = 50 num = [0, 0, 50, 150] char_eq = [1, 6, 58, 150] zeros = np.roots(num) poles = np.roots(char_eq) gain_2 = (poles[0]) * (poles[1]) # second order approximated transfer function num_2 = [1] zeros_2 = np.roots(num_2) poles_2 = np.array([poles[0], poles[1]]) system = signal.lti(zeros, poles, np.array([gain])) system_2 = signal.lti(zeros_2, poles_2, np.array([gain_2])) T, yout = signal.step(system) # step response without approximation T_2, yout_2 = signal.step(system_2) # step response with approximation plt.plot(T, yout, label="Without approximation") plt.plot(T_2, yout_2, 'g', label="With approximation")
def CreateBoundaryNew(h, n): coeff = [1.5, 0.0, h, 1.0] a = np.roots(coeff) x = numpy.linspace(-max(a) * 0.999, max(a) * 0.999, int(n)) x_ret, y_ret = CreateBoundary(x, h) return x_ret, y_ret
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np Ts = 30 # signal interval end = 150 # signal end point n = int(end / Ts) + 1 x = np.linspace(0, end, num=n) # signal vector #TODO: revise this array to your results y = np.array([0.000, 5.582, 10.926, 14.355, 16.189, 16.827]) # speed vector z = np.polyfit(x, y, 2) # Least squares polynomial fit, and return the coefficients. goal = 0 # if we want to let the servo run at 7 cm/sec # equation : z[0]*x^2 + z[1]*x + z[2] = goal z[2] -= goal # z[0]*x^2 + z[1]*x + z[2] - goal = 0 result = np.roots( z) # Return the roots of a polynomial with coefficients given # output the correct one if (0 <= result[0]) and (result[0] <= end): print(result[0]) else: print(result[1])
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt coeffs = [1, -9, 20] #given condition x*x-9x+20<=0 M = np.roots(coeffs) #s2<x<s1 print(np.roots(coeffs)) s1 = M.T @ np.array([1, 0]) #s1=5 s2 = M.T @ np.array([0, 1]) #s2=4 cur_x = 1 # The algorithm starts at x=4 gamma = 0.01 # step size multiplier precision = 0.00001 previous_step_size = 1 max_iters = 10000 # maximum number of iterations iters = 0 #iteration counter df = lambda x: 6 * x**2 - 30 * x + 36 while (previous_step_size > precision) & (iters < max_iters): prev_x = cur_x cur_x += gamma * df(prev_x) previous_step_size = abs(cur_x - prev_x) iters += 1 print("f'(x)=0 at", cur_x) k1 = cur_x cur_x = s2 # The algorithm starts at x=1 gamma = 0.01 # step size multiplier precision = 0.00001 previous_step_size = 1 max_iters = 10000 # maximum number of iterations iters = 0 #iteration counter
def analysis(data_org, col_name): """ """ y_org = data_org[col_name] # ============================================================================= # Find Peak(s) # ============================================================================= peaks, properties = find_peaks(y_org, width=10) gutter, properties_gutter = find_peaks(-y_org, width=2) img_save_path = './imgs/plot_with_peak_' + col_name + '.png' plt.figure() plt.plot(y_org) plt.plot(peaks, y_org[peaks], "x") plt.plot(np.zeros_like(y_org), "--", color="gray") plt.savefig(img_save_path, dpi=300) print('') print(f"Image saved to: \"{img_save_path}\"") # plt.close() x_arr = np.array(x) peaks_index = peaks # peak_x = x[peaks_index[0]] peak_x = x_arr[peaks].mean() print(f"peak_x: {peak_x}") # ============================================================================= # Poly Fit # ============================================================================= deg = 10 z = np.polyfit(x, y_org, deg, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False) p1 = np.poly1d(z) # print(f"p1: {p1}") y_fit = p1(x) z2 = np.polyfit(x, y_org, 1, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False) p2 = np.poly1d(z2) # print(f"p2: {p2}") y_line = p2(x) pp1 =, y_org, deg) pp2 =, y_org, 1) x_e = (pp1 - pp2).roots() x_e_gt_peak = x_e[(x_e > peak_x)] x_e_lt_peak = x_e[(x_e < peak_x)] # print("\n***"*3) # print(f"x_e_gt_peak: {x_e_gt_peak}") # print(f"x_e_lt_peak: {x_e_lt_peak}") # print("\n***"*3) x_left = x_e_lt_peak[-1] x_right = x_e_gt_peak[0] print(f"\nleft: {x_left}, peak: {peak_x}, right{x_right}") ## Get polynomial changing points # y = np.polyval(p1, x) Q = np.polyder(p1) # f' xs = np.roots(Q) # get the root of polynomial xs = xs[(xs > x[0]) & (xs < x[-1])] # print("\n********"*3) # print(f" Diff 2nd: {y_d2}") # print(f" xs: {xs}") Q2 = np.polyder(Q) # f'' y_d2 = np.polyval(Q2, xs) # is_gutter = [y_d2 > 0] is_gutter = np.array(y_d2 > 0) print(f"is_gutter: {is_gutter}") xs = np.array(xs) # xs = xs[tuple(is_gutter)] xs = xs[is_gutter] x_gutter_gt_peak = xs[(xs > peak_x)][0] x_gutter_lt_peak = xs[(xs < peak_x)][-1] xs = [x_gutter_lt_peak, x_gutter_gt_peak] ys = np.polyval(p1, xs) z_support = np.polyfit(xs, ys, 1, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False) p_support = np.poly1d(z_support) y_support = p_support(x) # ============================================================================= # Plot # ============================================================================= img_save_path = './imgs/poly_fit_' + col_name + '.png' plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y_org, '*', label='original values') plt.plot(x, y_fit, 'r', label='polyfit values') plt.plot(x, y_line, 'yellow', label='fit line') plt.plot(x, y_support, 'grey', label='support line') plt.plot(xs, ys, "ro") plt.legend() plt.savefig(img_save_path, dpi=300) print('') print(f"Image saved to: \"{img_save_path}\"") # plt.close() # ============================================================================= # Calculate Peak Height # ============================================================================= peaks_value = np.array(y_org[peaks]) peaks_value_fit = np.array(y_fit[peaks]) support_line_value = y_support[peaks_index] peak_height_org = peaks_value - support_line_value peak_height_fit = peaks_value_fit - support_line_value print("") print("----------------------------------------------") print(f"Peak Height (Orginal Data): {peak_height_org}") print(f"Peak Height (Curve Fitted Data): {peak_height_fit}") print("----------------------------------------------") cor1 = [xs[0], ys[0]] cor2 = [xs[1], ys[1]] cor3 = [x[peaks[0]], y_org[peaks[0]]] # a = distance(cor1, cor2) # b = distance(cor1, cor3) # c = distance(cor2, cor3) peak_area = calc_area(cor1, cor2, cor3) print("") print("----------------------------------------------") print(f"Peak Area: {peak_area}") print("----------------------------------------------") return peak_height_org, peak_height_fit, peak_area
plano = 200 r = 300 k = np.array([255, 141, 0]) amb = np.array([85,47,0]) L = np.array([-1,-1,-0.5]) scene ='RGB', size, color = 'black') for i in range(size[0]): for j in range(size[1]): sigma = np.array([i,j,plano] - o) coef = [np.linalg.norm(sigma)*np.linalg.norm(sigma),2*,o-c),np.linalg.norm(o-c)*np.linalg.norm(o-c) - r*r] raiz = np.roots(coef)[1] if np.isreal(raiz) and raiz >= 0: normal = (raiz*sigma + o - c)/np.linalg.norm(raiz*sigma + o - c) L = L/np.linalg.norm(L) cos =,L) if cos < 0: cos = 0 cor = cos*k + amb scene.putpixel((i,j),pixcolor(cor)) imshow(scene) show()
def fusion_images(multispectral, panchromatic, save_image=False, savepath=None, timeCondition=True): end = 0 start = 0 #Verifica que ambas imagenes cumplan con las condiciones if multispectral.shape[2] == 3: print('The Multispectral image has '+str(multispectral.shape[2])+' channels and size of '+str(multispectral.shape[0])+'x'+str(multispectral.shape[1])) else: sys.exit('The first image is not multispectral') if len(panchromatic.shape) == 2: print(' The Panchromatic image has a size of '+str(panchromatic.shape[0])+'x'+str(panchromatic.shape[1])) else: sys.exit('The second image is not panchromatic') size_rgb = multispectral.shape # Definición del tamaño del bloque BLOCK_SIZE = 32 # Convierte a float32 y separa las bandas RGB de la multispectral m_host = multispectral.astype(np.float32) r_host = m_host[:,:,0].astype(np.float32) g_host = m_host[:,:,1].astype(np.float32) b_host = m_host[:,:,2].astype(np.float32) size_rgb = multispectral.shape # Convierte la pancromatica a float32 panchromatic_host = panchromatic.astype(np.float32) # Inicial el time_calculated de ejecucion start=time.time() # Se pasan los array en el host al device r_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(r_host) g_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(g_host) b_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(b_host) p_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(panchromatic_host) # Se calcula la media de cada una de las bandas y se forma un arreglo con estos valores, todo esto en GPU mean_r_gpu = misc.mean(r_gpu) mean_g_gpu = misc.mean(g_gpu) mean_b_gpu = misc.mean(b_gpu) # Se obtiene el numero de bandas n_bands = size_rgb[2] # Se aparta memoria en GPU r_gpu_subs = gpuarray.zeros_like(r_gpu,np.float32) g_gpu_subs = gpuarray.zeros_like(g_gpu,np.float32) b_gpu_subs = gpuarray.zeros_like(b_gpu,np.float32) # Se realiza la resta de su respectiva media a cada uno de los pixeles de cada banda, substract( r_gpu, mean_r_gpu.get(), r_gpu_subs) substract( g_gpu, mean_g_gpu.get(), g_gpu_subs) substract( b_gpu, mean_b_gpu.get(), b_gpu_subs) # Se divide cada una de las bandas después de ser restada su media, en un conjunto de submatrices cuadradas del tamaño del bloque r_subs_split = split(r_gpu_subs.get(),BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) g_subs_split = split(g_gpu_subs.get(),BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) b_subs_split = split(b_gpu_subs.get(),BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) #Se obtiene la matrix de varianza y covarianza mat_var_cov = varianza_cov(r_subs_split,g_subs_split,b_subs_split) # Coeficiente para diaganalizar ortogonalmente coefficient = 1.0/((size_rgb[0]*size_rgb[1])-1) # Matriz diagonalizada ortogonalmente ortogonal_matrix = mat_var_cov*coefficient # Se calcula la traza de las sucesivas potencias de la matriz ortogonal inicial polynomial_trace = successive_powers(ortogonal_matrix) # Se calculan los coeficientes del polinomio caracteristico characteristic_polynomial = polynomial_coefficients(polynomial_trace, ortogonal_matrix) # Se obtienen las raices del polinomio caracteristico characteristic_polynomial_roots = np.roots(np.insert(characteristic_polynomial,0,1)) # Los vectores propios aparecen en la diagonal de la matriz eigenvalues_mat eigenvalues_mat = np.diag(characteristic_polynomial_roots) # Vectores propios para cada valor propio eigenvectors_mat = -1*ortogonal_matrix[1:n_bands,0] # Se calcular los vectores propios normalizados # Cada vector propio es una columna de la matriz mat_ortogonal_base mat_ortogonal_base, q_matrix = eigenvectors_norm(eigenvalues_mat, ortogonal_matrix, eigenvectors_mat) q_matrix_list = q_matrix.tolist() q_matrix_cpu = np.array(q_matrix_list).astype(np.float32) w1 = q_matrix_cpu[0,:] w2 = (-1)*q_matrix_cpu[1,:] w3 = q_matrix_cpu[2,:] eigenvectors = np.array((w1,w2,w3)) # Se calcula la inversa de los vectores propios inv_eigenvectors = la.inv(eigenvectors) inv_list = inv_eigenvectors.tolist() inv_eigenvector_cpu = np.array(inv_list).astype(np.float32) # Se realiza la división de las bandas en submatrices del tamaño del bloque r_subs_split_cp = split(r_host,BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) g_subs_split_cp = split(g_host,BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) b_subs_split_cp = split(b_host,BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) # Se calculan los componentes principales con las bandas originales y los vectores propios pc_1,pc_2,pc_3 = componentes_principales_original(r_subs_split_cp,g_subs_split_cp,b_subs_split_cp,q_matrix_cpu,r_host.shape[0], BLOCK_SIZE) # Se realiza la división en submatrices de la pancromática, el componente principal 2 y 3, del tamaño del bloque, p_subs_split_nb = split(panchromatic_host,BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) pc_2_subs_split_nb = split(pc_2,BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) pc_3_subs_split_nb = split(pc_3,BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE) # Se calculan los componentes con la pancromatica, componentes principales originales 2 y 3, y la inversa de los vectores propios nb1,nb2,nb3 = componentes_principales_panchromartic(p_subs_split_nb,pc_2_subs_split_nb,pc_3_subs_split_nb,inv_eigenvector_cpu,r_host.shape[0], BLOCK_SIZE) nb11 = nb1.astype(np.float32) nb22 = nb2.astype(np.float32) nb33 = nb3.astype(np.float32) nb11_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(nb11) nb22_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(nb22) nb33_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(nb33) # Se separa espacio en memoria para las matrices resultado de realizar el ajuste nb111_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(nb11_gpu) nb222_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(nb22_gpu) nb333_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(nb33_gpu) # Se realiza un ajuste cuando los valores de cada pixel es menor a 0, en GPU negative_adjustment(nb11_gpu,nb111_gpu) negative_adjustment(nb22_gpu,nb222_gpu) negative_adjustment(nb33_gpu,nb333_gpu) nb111_cpu = nb111_gpu.get().astype(np.uint8) nb222_cpu = nb222_gpu.get().astype(np.uint8) nb333_cpu = nb333_gpu.get().astype(np.uint8) end = time.time() fusioned_image=np.stack((nb111_cpu,nb222_cpu,nb333_cpu),axis=2); if(save_image): # Guarda la imagen resultando de acuerdo al tercer parametro establecido en la linea de ejecución del script if(savepath != None): t ='/pcagpu_image.tif',fusioned_image, plugin='tifffile') else: t ='pcagpu_image.tif',fusioned_image, plugin='tifffile') #time_calculated de ejecución para la transformada de Brovey en GPU time_calculated = (end-start) if(timeCondition): return {"image": fusioned_image, "time" : time_calculated} else: return fusioned_image
# In[1]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # ## Exemplo # # Estudamos a função $f(x) = x^2 + x - 6$. # In[2]: x = np.linspace(-4, 4, 50) f = lambda x: x**2 + x - 6 xr = np.roots([1, 1, -6]) print('Raízes: x1 = {:f}, x2 = {:f}'.format(xr[0], xr[1])) # função de iteração g1 = lambda x: 6 - x**2 plt.plot(x, f(x), label='$f(x)$') plt.plot(x, x, 'k--', label='$y=x$') plt.plot(x, 0 * x, 'c-.', label='$y=0$') plt.plot(x, g1(x), 'r--', label='$g_1(x)$') plt.axvline(-3, -5, 10, color='m') plt.axvline(2, -5, 10, color='m') plt.legend(loc='best') # ## Exemplo
import math import numpy as np a = 5. # in m/sec2 v = 30. # in km/h d = 25. # in m v = 30 * 1000 / (60.0 * 60.0) tlc_cam = math.sqrt(2 * d / (3 * a)) print(tlc_cam) coeff = [a / 2, v, -d] roots = (np.roots(coeff)) print(roots) print(pow(roots[0], 2) * a / 2 + roots[0] * v - d) print(pow(roots[1], 2) * a / 2 + roots[1] * v - d) tlc_cvm = (d / (v)) print(tlc_cvm)
def class_D(event_list, particle_keys, sqrt_s134, sqrt_s256, sqrt_s13, sqrt_s25, m1=0, m2=0, m3=-1, m4=-1, m5=-1, m6=-1): """ Gets the two missing momenta for the following topology: ╭────────── missing (p1) x1 ╲ s_13 ╱╰────────── visible (p3) ╲ ╱──────────── visible (p4) ╲ ╱ s_134 █████ ╱ ╲ s_256 ╱ ╲──────────── visible (p6) x2 ╱ s_25 ╲╭────────── visible (p5) ╰────────── missing (p2) m3, ..., m6 can be specified, if -1 they are calculated """ solutions = [] if not isinstance(event_list, list): if isinstance(event_list, Event): event_list = [event_list] else: raise TypeError("'event_list' should be a list of Event objects") for event in event_list: p3 = event[particle_keys[2]] p4 = event[particle_keys[3]] p5 = event[particle_keys[4]] p6 = event[particle_keys[5]] p_branches = FourMomentum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for k in event.particles: if event.is_visible(k): p_branches += event[k] [event.add_particle(key, Particle(0, 1, FourMomentum())) for key in particle_keys[:2] \ if not key in event.particles] m3 = set_mass(m3, p3) m4 = set_mass(m4, p4) m5 = set_mass(m5, p5) m6 = set_mass(m6, p6) s13 = sqrt_s13**2 s25 = sqrt_s25**2 s134 = sqrt_s134**2 s256 = sqrt_s256**2 R13 = (s13 - m3**2 - m1**2) / 2.0 R25 = (s25 - m5**2 - m2**2) / 2.0 R134 = (s134 - m1**2 - m3**2 - m4**2 - 2 * (p3 * p4)) / 2.0 R256 = (s256 - m2**2 - m5**2 - m6**2 - 2 * (p5 * p6)) / 2.0 R14 = R134 - R13 R26 = R256 - R25 # First define coefficients for vector equations: # p1 = a1 + b1*E1 + c1*E2 / p2 = a2 + b2*E2 + c2*E1 # Numbers from SymPy PF = 1/(p3.x*p4.z*p5.y*p6.z - p3.x*p4.z*p5.z*p6.y - \ p3.y*p4.z*p5.x*p6.z + p3.y*p4.z*p5.z*p6.x - \ p3.z*p4.x*p5.y*p6.z + p3.z*p4.x*p5.z*p6.y + \ p3.z*p4.y*p5.x*p6.z - p3.z*p4.y*p5.z*p6.x) a1 = PF*np.array( [-(R13*p4.z*p5.y*p6.z - R13*p4.z*p5.z*p6.y - R14*p3.z*p5.y*p6.z + \ R14*p3.z*p5.z*p6.y + R25*p3.y*p4.z*p6.z - R25*p3.z*p4.y*p6.z - \ R26*p3.y*p4.z*p5.z + R26*p3.z*p4.y*p5.z - p3.y*p4.z*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.x - \ p3.y*p4.z*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.y + p3.y*p4.z*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.x + \ p3.y*p4.z*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.y + p3.z*p4.y*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.x + \ p3.z*p4.y*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.y - p3.z*p4.y*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.x - \ p3.z*p4.y*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.y), (R13*p4.z*p5.x*p6.z - R13*p4.z*p5.z*p6.x - R14*p3.z*p5.x*p6.z + \ R14*p3.z*p5.z*p6.x + R25*p3.x*p4.z*p6.z - R25*p3.z*p4.x*p6.z - \ R26*p3.x*p4.z*p5.z + R26*p3.z*p4.x*p5.z - p3.x*p4.z*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.x - \ p3.x*p4.z*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.y + p3.x*p4.z*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.x + \ p3.x*p4.z*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.y + p3.z*p4.x*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.x + \ p3.z*p4.x*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.y - p3.z*p4.x*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.x - \ p3.z*p4.x*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.y), (R13*p4.x*p5.y*p6.z - R13*p4.x*p5.z*p6.y - R13*p4.y*p5.x*p6.z + R13*p4.y*p5.z*p6.x - \ R14*p3.x*p5.y*p6.z + R14*p3.x*p5.z*p6.y + R14*p3.y*p5.x*p6.z - R14*p3.y*p5.z*p6.x - \ R25*p3.x*p4.y*p6.z + R25*p3.y*p4.x*p6.z + R26*p3.x*p4.y*p5.z - R26*p3.y*p4.x*p5.z + \ p3.x*p4.y*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.x + p3.x*p4.y*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.y - \ p3.x*p4.y*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.x - p3.x*p4.y*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.y - \ p3.y*p4.x*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.x - p3.y*p4.x*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.y + \ p3.y*p4.x*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.x + p3.y*p4.x*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.y)], dtype=np.float ) b1 = PF*np.array( [-(-p3.E*p4.z*p5.y*p6.z + p3.E*p4.z*p5.z*p6.y + p3.z*p4.E*p5.y*p6.z - p3.z*p4.E*p5.z*p6.y), -p3.E*p4.z*p5.x*p6.z + p3.E*p4.z*p5.z*p6.x + p3.z*p4.E*p5.x*p6.z - p3.z*p4.E*p5.z*p6.x, (-p3.E*p4.x*p5.y*p6.z + p3.E*p4.x*p5.z*p6.y + p3.E*p4.y*p5.x*p6.z - p3.E*p4.y*p5.z*p6.x + \ p3.x*p4.E*p5.y*p6.z - p3.x*p4.E*p5.z*p6.y - p3.y*p4.E*p5.x*p6.z + p3.y*p4.E*p5.z*p6.x)], dtype=np.float ) c1 = PF * np.array([ -(-p3.y * p4.z * p5.E * p6.z + p3.y * p4.z * p5.z * p6.E + p3.z * p4.y * p5.E * p6.z - p3.z * p4.y * p5.z * p6.E), -p3.x * p4.z * p5.E * p6.z + p3.x * p4.z * p5.z * p6.E + p3.z * p4.x * p5.E * p6.z - p3.z * p4.x * p5.z * p6.E, (p3.x * p4.y * p5.E * p6.z - p3.x * p4.y * p5.z * p6.E - p3.y * p4.x * p5.E * p6.z + p3.y * p4.x * p5.z * p6.E) ], dtype=np.float) a2 = PF*np.array( [R13*p4.z*p5.y*p6.z - R13*p4.z*p5.z*p6.y - R14*p3.z*p5.y*p6.z + R14*p3.z*p5.z*p6.y + \ R25*p3.y*p4.z*p6.z - R25*p3.z*p4.y*p6.z - R26*p3.y*p4.z*p5.z + R26*p3.z*p4.y*p5.z - \ p3.x*p4.z*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.x + p3.x*p4.z*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.x - \ p3.y*p4.z*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.y + p3.y*p4.z*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.y + \ p3.z*p4.x*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.x - p3.z*p4.x*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.x + \ p3.z*p4.y*p5.y*p6.z*p_branches.y - p3.z*p4.y*p5.z*p6.y*p_branches.y, -(R13*p4.z*p5.x*p6.z - R13*p4.z*p5.z*p6.x - R14*p3.z*p5.x*p6.z + R14*p3.z*p5.z*p6.x + \ R25*p3.x*p4.z*p6.z - R25*p3.z*p4.x*p6.z - R26*p3.x*p4.z*p5.z + R26*p3.z*p4.x*p5.z - \ p3.x*p4.z*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.x + p3.x*p4.z*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.x - \ p3.y*p4.z*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.y + p3.y*p4.z*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.y + \ p3.z*p4.x*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.x - p3.z*p4.x*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.x + \ p3.z*p4.y*p5.x*p6.z*p_branches.y - p3.z*p4.y*p5.z*p6.x*p_branches.y), R13*p4.z*p5.x*p6.y - R13*p4.z*p5.y*p6.x - R14*p3.z*p5.x*p6.y + R14*p3.z*p5.y*p6.x + \ R25*p3.x*p4.z*p6.y - R25*p3.y*p4.z*p6.x - R25*p3.z*p4.x*p6.y + R25*p3.z*p4.y*p6.x - \ R26*p3.x*p4.z*p5.y + R26*p3.y*p4.z*p5.x + R26*p3.z*p4.x*p5.y - R26*p3.z*p4.y*p5.x - \ p3.x*p4.z*p5.x*p6.y*p_branches.x + p3.x*p4.z*p5.y*p6.x*p_branches.x - \ p3.y*p4.z*p5.x*p6.y*p_branches.y + p3.y*p4.z*p5.y*p6.x*p_branches.y + \ p3.z*p4.x*p5.x*p6.y*p_branches.x - p3.z*p4.x*p5.y*p6.x*p_branches.x + \ p3.z*p4.y*p5.x*p6.y*p_branches.y - p3.z*p4.y*p5.y*p6.x*p_branches.y], dtype=np.float ) b2 = PF * np.array([ -p3.E * p4.z * p5.y * p6.z + p3.E * p4.z * p5.z * p6.y + p3.z * p4.E * p5.y * p6.z - p3.z * p4.E * p5.z * p6.y, -(-p3.E * p4.z * p5.x * p6.z + p3.E * p4.z * p5.z * p6.x + p3.z * p4.E * p5.x * p6.z - p3.z * p4.E * p5.z * p6.x), -p3.E * p4.z * p5.x * p6.y + p3.E * p4.z * p5.y * p6.x + p3.z * p4.E * p5.x * p6.y - p3.z * p4.E * p5.y * p6.x ], dtype=np.float) c2 = PF*np.array( [-p3.y*p4.z*p5.E*p6.z + p3.y*p4.z*p5.z*p6.E + p3.z*p4.y*p5.E*p6.z - p3.z*p4.y*p5.z*p6.E, -(-p3.x*p4.z*p5.E*p6.z + p3.x*p4.z*p5.z*p6.E + p3.z*p4.x*p5.E*p6.z - p3.z*p4.x*p5.z*p6.E), -p3.x*p4.z*p5.E*p6.y + p3.x*p4.z*p5.y*p6.E + p3.y*p4.z*p5.E*p6.x - p3.y*p4.z*p5.x*p6.E + \ p3.z*p4.x*p5.E*p6.y - p3.z*p4.x*p5.y*p6.E - p3.z*p4.y*p5.E*p6.x + p3.z*p4.y*p5.x*p6.E], dtype=np.float ) # Enforcing the mass-shell equation for p1: # E1^2 = m1^2 + p1·p1 # 0 = A*E1^2 + (B0 + B1*E2)*E1 + C0 + C1*E2 + C2*E2^2 A =, b1) - 1 B0 = 2 *, b1) B1 = 2 *, c1) C0 =, a1) + m1**2 C1 = 2 *, c1) C2 =, c1) # 0 = D*E^2 + (F0 + F1*E1)*E2 + G0 + G1*E1 + G2*E1^2 D =, c2) - 1 F0 = 2 *, c2) F1 = 2 *, c2) G0 =, a2) + m2**2 G1 = 2 *, b2) G2 =, b2) E2_sols = np.roots(np.nan_to_num([(-A**2*D**2 + A*(B1*D*F1 + 2*C2*D*G2 - C2*F1**2) + \ G2*(-B1**2*D + B1*C2*F1 - C2**2*G2))/A**2, (-2*A**2*D*F0 + A*(B0*D*F1 + B1*D*G1 + B1*F0*F1 + 2*C1*D*G2 - C1*F1**2 + \ 2*C2*F0*G2 - 2*C2*F1*G1) + G2*(-2*B0*B1*D + B0*C2*F1 - B1**2*F0 + B1*C1*F1 + \ B1*C2*G1 - 2*C1*C2*G2))/A**2, (-A**2*(2*D*G0 + F0**2) + A*(B0*D*G1 + B0*F0*F1 + B1*F0*G1 + B1*F1*G0 + \ 2*C0*D*G2 - C0*F1**2 + 2*C1*F0*G2 - 2*C1*F1*G1 + 2*C2*G0*G2 - C2*G1**2) + \ G2*(-B0**2*D - 2*B0*B1*F0 + B0*C1*F1 + B0*C2*G1 - B1**2*G0 + B1*C0*F1 + B1*C1*G1 - \ 2*C0*C2*G2 - C1**2*G2))/A**2, (-2*A**2*F0*G0 + A*(B0*F0*G1 + B0*F1*G0 + B1*G0*G1 + 2*C0*F0*G2 - 2*C0*F1*G1 + \ 2*C1*G0*G2 - C1*G1**2) + G2*(-B0**2*F0 - 2*B0*B1*G0 + B0*C0*F1 + B0*C1*G1 + B1*C0*G1 - 2*C0*C1*G2))/A**2, (-A**2*G0**2 + A*(B0*G0*G1 + 2*C0*G0*G2 - C0*G1**2) + G2*(-B0**2*G0 + B0*C0*G1 - C0**2*G2))/A**2])) E2_sols = remove_complex(E2_sols) # For each E2, there will be 2 p1's, one will have the wrong mass for E2_sol in E2_sols: if not valid_energy(E2_sol): continue for pm in [-1, 1]: E1_sol = (-B0 - B1 * E2_sol + pm * ( ((B0 + B1 * E2_sol)**2 - 4 * A * (C0 + C1 * E2_sol + C2 * E2_sol**2))**0.5)) / (2 * A) p1_sol = FourMomentum(E1_sol, *(a1 + E1_sol * b1 + E2_sol * c1)) if abs(p1_sol.m2 - m1**2) > FP_TOLERANCE or not valid_energy(E1_sol): continue p2_sol = FourMomentum(E2_sol, *(a2 + E1_sol * b2 + E2_sol * c2)) if abs(p2_sol.m2 - m2**2) > FP_TOLERANCE: continue x1 = (p1_sol.E + p1_sol.z + p_branches.E + p_branches.z + p2_sol.E + p2_sol.z) / event.sqrt_s x2 = (p1_sol.E - p1_sol.z + p_branches.E - p_branches.z + p2_sol.E - p2_sol.z) / event.sqrt_s if x1 < 0.0 or x2 < 0.0 or x1 > 1.0 or x2 > 1.0: continue output_event = deepcopy(event) output_event.set_momentum(particle_keys[0], p1_sol) output_event.set_momentum(particle_keys[1], p2_sol) output_event.x1 = x1 output_event.x2 = x2 solutions.append(output_event) return solutions
color='red', linestyle='dashed') ax1.set_title(r'$\alpha= 1$') plt.legend() fig2 = plt.figure() ax2 = fig2.gca(projection='3d') A1 = np.zeros(int(33e3)) A2 = np.zeros(int(33e3)) X = np.zeros(int(33e3)) ctr = 0 for a1 in np.arange(-4, 4, 0.03): for a2 in np.arange(-4, 4, 0.03): rrr = np.roots([-1, 0, a2, a1]) #rrr = np.roots([a1,a2,0,-1]) xd0 = round(rrr[0], 5) xd1 = round(rrr[1], 5) xd2 = round(rrr[2], 5) if (np.isreal(xd0) and np.isreal(xd1) and np.isreal(xd2)): A1[ctr] = a1 A1[ctr + 1] = a1 A1[ctr + 2] = a1 A2[ctr] = a2 A2[ctr + 1] = a2 A2[ctr + 2] = a2
prev_saida = y prev_entrada = input output_data[i] = y # Escreve no arquivo with open("sai_sweep_mm_4.pcm", "wb") as output: for x in output_data: output.write(x) output.close() #Zero = wcz + wc #Polo = Flz + wcz + wc - Fl zero = [0, wc, wc] polo = [0, (Fl + wc), (wc - Fl)] z = np.roots(zero) p = np.roots(polo) print(z, p) #zplane(z,p) # Nome e tamanho da janela a ser aberta matp.figure(u"Gráfico da transformada Z", figsize=(15, 8)) # Plota os gráficos matp.subplot(411) matp.title(u"Gráfico input") matp.xlabel("amostra") matp.ylabel("Amplitude") matp.grid(1) matp.plot(data)
def _parabolic_fit(self, pseudodensity, superscript, atomi): """ Optimize phi using parabolic fitting. This is used in step 3 (for phi_A^I) and in steps 4-6 (for phi_A^II). --- Inputs --- phiA Either phi_A^I or phi_A^II superscript 1 when calculating phi_I (STEP 3) 2 when calculating phi_II (STEPS 4-6) atomi Index of target atom as in ccData object Refer to Figure S1 and S3 for an overview. """ # Set update methods for phi_A^I or phi_A^II if superscript == 1: def update(pdens, bigPhi, atomi): return self._update_phiai(pdens, bigPhi, atomi) elif superscript == 2: def update(pdens, bigPhi, atomi): return self._update_phiaii(pseudodensity, bigPhi, atomi) # lowerbigPhi is bigPhi that yields biggest negative phi. # upperbigPhi is bigPhi that yields smallest positive phi. # The point here is to find two phi values that are closest to zero (from positive side # and negative side respectively). self._candidates_phi[atomi] = numpy.array(self._candidates_phi[atomi], dtype=float) self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi] = numpy.array( self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi], dtype=float) if numpy.count_nonzero(self._candidates_phi[atomi] < 0) > 0: # If there is at least one candidate phi that is negative lower_ind = numpy.where( self._candidates_phi[atomi] == self._candidates_phi[atomi][ self._candidates_phi[atomi] < 0].max())[0][0] lowerbigPhi = self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi][lower_ind] lowerphi = self._candidates_phi[atomi][lower_ind] else: # assign some large negative number otherwise lowerbigPhi = numpy.NINF lowerphi = numpy.NINF if numpy.count_nonzero(self._candidates_phi[atomi] > 0) > 0: # If there is at least one candidate phi that is positive upper_ind = numpy.where( self._candidates_phi[atomi] == self._candidates_phi[atomi][ self._candidates_phi[atomi] > 0].min())[0][0] upperbigPhi = self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi][upper_ind] upperphi = self._candidates_phi[atomi][upper_ind] else: # assign some large positive number otherwise upperbigPhi = numpy.PINF upperphi = numpy.PINF for iteration in range(self.max_iteration): # Flow diagram on Figure S1 in doi: 10.1039/c6ra04656h details the procedure. # Find midpoint between positive bigPhi that yields phi closest to zero and negative # bigPhi closest to zero. Then, evaluate phi. # This can be thought as linear fitting compared to parabolic fitting below. midbigPhi = (lowerbigPhi + upperbigPhi) / 2.0 midphi = update(pseudodensity, midbigPhi, atomi)[0] # Exit conditions -- if any of three phi values are within the convergence level. if abs(lowerphi) < self.convergence_level: return lowerbigPhi elif abs(upperphi) < self.convergence_level: return upperbigPhi elif abs(midphi) < self.convergence_level: return midbigPhi # Parabolic fitting as described on Figure S1 in doi: 10.1039/c6ra04656h # Type casting here converts from size 1 numpy.ndarray to float xpts = numpy.array( [float(lowerbigPhi), float(midbigPhi), float(upperbigPhi)], dtype=float) ypts = numpy.array( [float(lowerphi), float(midphi), float(upperphi)], dtype=float) fit = numpy.polyfit(xpts, ypts, 2) roots = numpy.roots( fit) # max two roots (bigPhi) from parabolic fitting # Find phi for two bigPhis that were obtained from parabolic fitting. belowphi = update(pseudodensity, roots.min(), atomi)[0] abovephi = update(pseudodensity, roots.max(), atomi)[0] # If phi values from parabolically fitted bigPhis lie within the convergence level, # exit the iterative algorithm. if abs(abovephi) < self.convergence_level: return roots.min() elif abs(belowphi) < self.convergence_level: return roots.max() else: # Otherwise, corrected phi value is obtained in a way that cuts the numerical # search domain in half in each iteration. if 3 * abs(abovephi) < abs(belowphi): corbigPhi = roots.max() - 2.0 * abovephi * ( roots.max() - roots.min()) / (abovephi - belowphi) elif 3 * abs(belowphi) < abs(abovephi): corbigPhi = roots.min() - 2.0 * belowphi * ( roots.max() - roots.min()) / (abovephi - belowphi) else: corbigPhi = (roots.max() + roots.min()) / 2.0 # New candidates of phi and bigPhi are determined as bigPhi yielding largest # negative phi and bigPhi yielding smallest positve phi. This is analogous to how # the first candidiate phi values are evaluated. corphi = update(pseudodensity, corbigPhi, atomi)[0] self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi] = numpy.array( [ lowerbigPhi, midbigPhi, upperbigPhi, roots.max(), roots.min(), corbigPhi, ], dtype=float, ) self._candidates_phi[atomi] = numpy.array( [lowerphi, midphi, upperphi, abovephi, belowphi, corphi], dtype=float) # Set new upperphi and lowerphi lower_ind = numpy.where( self._candidates_phi[atomi] == self._candidates_phi[atomi][ self._candidates_phi[atomi] < 0].max())[0][0] upper_ind = numpy.where( self._candidates_phi[atomi] == self._candidates_phi[atomi][ self._candidates_phi[atomi] > 0].min())[0][0] lowerphi = self._candidates_phi[atomi][lower_ind] upperphi = self._candidates_phi[atomi][upper_ind] # If new lowerphi or upperphi values are within convergence level, exit the # iterative algorithm. Otherwise, start new linear/parabolic fitting. if abs(lowerphi) < self.convergence_level: return self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi][lower_ind] elif abs(upperphi) < self.convergence_level: return self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi][upper_ind] else: # Fitting needs to continue in this case. lowerbigPhi = self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi][lower_ind] lowerphi = self._candidates_phi[atomi][lower_ind] upperbigPhi = self._candidates_bigPhi[atomi][upper_ind] upperphi = self._candidates_phi[atomi][upper_ind] # Raise Exception if convergence is not achieved within max_iteration. raise ConvergenceError("Iterative conditioning failed to converge.")
# # Determine as raízes de $P(x) = 3x^3 +7x^2 - 36x + 20$. # #### Resolução # Para tornar claro, em primeiro lugar, vamos inserir os coeficientes de $P(x)$ em um _array_ chamado `p`. # In[2]: p = np.array([3, 7, -36, 20]) # Em seguida, fazemos: # In[3]: x = np.roots(p) # Podemos imprimir as raízes da seguinte forma: # In[4]: for i, v in enumerate(x): print(f'Raiz {i}: {v}') # ### `polyval` # # Podemos usar a função `polyval` do `numpy` para avaliar $P(x)$ em $x = x_0$. Verifiquemos, analiticamente, se as raízes anteriores satisfazem realmente o polinômio dado. # In[5]: for i in x:
def run_sparse(GG, CC, W, d, n=2, fS=1.0, xunits='Hz'): print("=" * 40) print(f"run_sparse: n={n} fS={fS}") numerator_coeffs, denominator_coeffs = interpolate(GG, CC, W, d, n, fS) def f(x): s = np.format_float_positional(x, 5, trim='-') if s[-1] == '.': s = s[:-1] if s == "-0": s = "0" return s def cf(z): if type(z) is complex or type(z) is np.complex128: sRe = f(z.real) sIm = f(z.imag) if sIm == "0": return sRe elif sRe == "0": return f"{sIm}j" elif z.imag < 0: return f"{sRe}{sIm}j" else: return f"{sRe}+{sIm}j" else: return f(z) def p(a): return '(' + (' '.join(cf(z) for z in a)) + ')' def p_factored(a): return ''.join(f'(s-({cf(-z)}))' for z in a) def convert_to_poly(k, a): c = np.array([k]) # (s - p)*c for z in a: c = z * np.block([c, np.zeros( (1, ))]) + np.block([np.zeros((1, )), c]) return c numerator_coeffs = reduce_poly(numerator_coeffs) denominator_coeffs = reduce_poly(denominator_coeffs) print(f"DFT Interpolated: {p(numerator_coeffs)} {p(denominator_coeffs)}") plot_transfer_function(1, numerator_coeffs, 1, denominator_coeffs, xunits=xunits) n_roots = np.roots(numerator_coeffs[::-1]) d_roots = np.roots(denominator_coeffs[::-1]) def pc(k, negative_roots): print(cf(k), p_factored(negative_roots)) pc(numerator_coeffs[-1], (-x for x in n_roots)) pc(denominator_coeffs[-1], (-x for x in d_roots)) print("=" * 40) n_k, n_a = numerator(GG.A, CC.A, W, d) pc(n_k, n_a) d_k, d_a = denominator(GG.A, CC.A, W, d) pc(d_k, d_a) print( f"QZ Regenerated: {p(convert_to_poly( n_k, n_a))} {p(convert_to_poly( d_k, d_a))}" )
def get_safe_action(self, observation, action, environment): flag = True landmark_near = [] for i, landmark in enumerate([0:-1]): dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square([0].state.p_pos - landmark.state.p_pos))) \ - ([0].size + landmark.size) - 0.044 if dist <= 0: landmark_near.append(landmark) flag = False if flag: return action, False x = observation[1] y = observation[2] V = observation[0] theta = observation[3] omega = observation[4] # print(theta) d_omega = action[3] - action[4] dt = a1 = x + V * np.cos(theta) * dt + theta * V * np.sin(theta) * dt b1 = -V * np.sin(theta) * dt a2 = y + V * np.sin(theta) * dt - theta * V * np.cos(theta) * dt b2 = V * np.cos(theta) * dt c1 = a1 + b1 * theta d1 = b1 * dt c2 = a2 + b2 * theta d2 = b2 * dt e1 = -2 * x * c1 f1 = -2 * x * d1 e2 = -2 * y * c2 f2 = -2 * y * d2 flag = True for _, landmark in enumerate(landmark_near): self.R = landmark.size + 0.5 *[ 0].size x0 = landmark.state.p_pos[0] y0 = landmark.state.p_pos[1] landmark0 = landmark g = d1 * d1 + d2 * d2 h = 2 * c1 * d1 + 2 * c2 * d2 + f1 + f2 i = c1 * c1 + c2 * c2 + e1 + e2 + np.square(landmark0.state.p_pos[0]) + \ np.square(landmark0.state.p_pos[1]) lower_c = np.square(landmark0.size + 0.01) upper_c = inf A = landmark0.state.p_pos[0] - x B = landmark0.state.p_pos[1] - y C = - (landmark0.state.p_pos[0]) * x \ + np.square(x) \ - (landmark0.state.p_pos[1]) * y \ + np.square(y) # solve x3 self.x0 = np.array([x, y]) self.x1 = np.array([x0, y0]) args = [ np.square(self.x1[1] - self.x0[1]) + np.square(self.x1[0] - self.x0[0]), 2 * (self.x1[1] - self.x0[1]) * np.square(self.R), np.square(np.square(self.R)) - np.square(self.R) * np.square(self.x1[0] - self.x0[0]) ] root = np.roots(args) y3_0 = root[0] + self.x1[1] y3_1 = root[1] + self.x1[1] x3_0 = (-(y3_0 - self.x1[1]) * (self.x1[1] - self.x0[1]) - np.square(self.R))/(self.x1[0] - self.x0[0]) + \ self.x1[0] x3_1 = (-(y3_1 - self.x1[1]) * (self.x1[1] - self.x0[1]) - np.square(self.R)) / (self.x1[0] - self.x0[0]) + \ self.x1[0] x3 = np.array([x3_0, y3_0]) temp1 = ((y - y0) * c1 - (x - x0) * c2 - y * x0 + y0 * x) \ * ((y - y0) * x3[0] - (x - x0) * x3[1] - y * x0 + y0 * x) x3 = np.array([x3_1, y3_1]) x3 = np.array([x3_0, y3_0]) if temp1 > 0 else np.array( [x3_1, y3_1]) x3[0] = 1.1 * x3[0] - 0.1 * self.x1[0] x3[1] = 1.1 * x3[1] - 0.1 * self.x1[1] '''print(((y - y0) * c1 - (x - x0) * d1 - y * x0 + y0 * x) * ((y - y0) * x3[0] - (x - x0) * x3[1] - y * x0 + y0 * x)) print((x3[0] - self.x0[0]) * (x3[0] - self.x1[0]) + (x3[1] - self.x0[1]) * (x3[1] - self.x1[1])) print((x3[0] - self.x1[0]) * (x3[0] - self.x1[0]) + (x3[1] - self.x1[1]) * (x3[1] - self.x1[1]) - self.R * self.R)''' temp2 = ((x3[1] - self.x0[1]) * self.x1[0] - (x3[0] - self.x0[0]) * self.x1[1] + self.x0[1] * x3[0] - self.x0[0] * x3[1]) \ * ((x3[1] - self.x0[1]) * c1 - (x3[0] - self.x0[0]) * c2 + self.x0[1] * x3[0] - self.x0[0] * x3[1]) k1 = temp2 * (x3[1] - self.x0[1]) k2 = temp2 * (x3[0] - self.x0[0]) k3 = temp2 * (self.x0[1] * x3[0] - self.x0[0] * x3[1]) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square([-1].state.p_pos - landmark.state.p_pos))) \ - ([-1].size + 1.2 * landmark.size) if temp2 > 0: flag = False break if flag: return action, False self.num_call = self.num_call + 1 # Make a MOSEK environment with mosek.Env() as env: # Attach a printer to the environment # env.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, streamprinter) # Create a task with env.Task(0, 0) as task: # task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, streamprinter) # Set up and input bounds and linear coefficients bkc = [mosek.boundkey.up] blc = [-inf] buc = [-k3 - k1 * c1 + k2 * c2] numvar = 1 bkx = [] * numvar blx = [-inf] * numvar bux = [inf] * numvar temp = 0.12 c = [-2.0 * omega - 2 * dt * d_omega] asub = [[0]] aval = [[k1 * d1 - k2 * d2]] numvar = len(bkx) numcon = len(bkc) # Append 'numcon' empty constraints. # The constraints will initially have no bounds. task.appendcons(numcon) # Append 'numvar' variables. # The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). task.appendvars(numvar) for j in range(numvar): # Set the linear term c_j in the objective. task.putcj(j, c[j]) # Set the bounds on variable j # blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] task.putvarbound(j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]) # Input column j of A task.putacol( j, # Variable (column) index. # Row index of non-zeros in column j. asub[j], aval[j]) # Non-zero Values of column j. for i in range(numcon): task.putconbound(i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]) # Set up and input quadratic objective qsubi = [0] qsubj = [0] qval = [2.0] task.putqobj(qsubi, qsubj, qval) # Input the objective sense (minimize/maximize) task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.minimize) # Optimize task.optimize() # Print a summary containing information # about the solution for debugging purposes # task.solutionsummary(mosek.streamtype.msg) prosta = task.getprosta(mosek.soltype.itr) solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr) # Output a solution xx = [0.] * numvar task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr, xx) '''if solsta == mosek.solsta.optimal: print("Optimal solution: %s" % xx) elif solsta == mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer: print("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n") elif solsta == mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer: print("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n") elif mosek.solsta.unknown: print("Unknown solution status") else: print("Other solution status")''' xx = (xx[0] - omega) / dt if xx > temp: xx = temp if xx < -temp: xx = -temp if np.abs(xx / 0.12 - d_omega) < 0.02: return action, False delta_action = xx / 0.12 - d_omega action[3] = action[3] + delta_action / 2 action[4] = action[4] - delta_action / 2 # temp = action[3] - action[4] '''action[3] = + xx[0]/2 action[4] = - xx[0]/2''' return action, True
def test_roots(self): assert_array_equal(np.roots([1, 0, 0]), [0, 0])
def irr(values): """ Return the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). This is the "average" periodically compounded rate of return that gives a net present value of 0.0; for a more complete explanation, see Notes below. Parameters ---------- values : array_like, shape(N,) Input cash flows per time period. By convention, net "deposits" are negative and net "withdrawals" are positive. Thus, for example, at least the first element of `values`, which represents the initial investment, will typically be negative. Returns ------- out : float Internal Rate of Return for periodic input values. Notes ----- The IRR is perhaps best understood through an example (illustrated using np.irr in the Examples section below). Suppose one invests 100 units and then makes the following withdrawals at regular (fixed) intervals: 39, 59, 55, 20. Assuming the ending value is 0, one's 100 unit investment yields 173 units; however, due to the combination of compounding and the periodic withdrawals, the "average" rate of return is neither simply 0.73/4 nor (1.73)^0.25-1. Rather, it is the solution (for :math:`r`) of the equation: .. math:: -100 + \\frac{39}{1+r} + \\frac{59}{(1+r)^2} + \\frac{55}{(1+r)^3} + \\frac{20}{(1+r)^4} = 0 In general, for `values` :math:`= [v_0, v_1, ... v_M]`, irr is the solution of the equation: [G]_ .. math:: \\sum_{t=0}^M{\\frac{v_t}{(1+irr)^{t}}} = 0 References ---------- .. [G] L. J. Gitman, "Principles of Managerial Finance, Brief," 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2003, pg. 348. Examples -------- >>> round(irr([-100, 39, 59, 55, 20]), 5) 0.28095 >>> round(irr([-100, 0, 0, 74]), 5) -0.0955 >>> round(irr([-100, 100, 0, -7]), 5) -0.0833 >>> round(irr([-100, 100, 0, 7]), 5) 0.06206 >>> round(irr([-5, 10.5, 1, -8, 1]), 5) 0.0886 (Compare with the Example given for """ res = np.roots(values[::-1]) mask = (res.imag == 0) & (res.real > 0) if res.size == 0: return np.nan res = res[mask].real # NPV(rate) = 0 can have more than one solution so we return # only the solution closest to zero. rate = 1.0 / res - 1 rate = rate.item(np.argmin(np.abs(rate))) return rate
def reactive_flow_solve_dispersion(k_guess, sigma_guess, par, verbose=False): # input parameters: # k -- horizontal wavenumber (required) # sigma_guess -- guess at the eigenvalue (optional) # par -- parameter structure (optional) sa = SA() if type(k_guess) is not np.ndarray: # solving for growthrate sigma at a fixed value of wavenumber k solve_for_sigma = True sa.k = k_guess if sigma_guess is None: sigma_guess = np.logspace(-1.0, 1.0, 100) if type(sigma_guess) is not np.ndarray: sigma_guess = np.asarray([sigma_guess]) else: # solving for wavenumber k at a fixed value of growthrate sigma solve_for_sigma = False sa.sigma = sigma_guess if type(sigma_guess) is not np.ndarray else sigma_guess[0] if par.F is None: par.F = np.power(1.0 + par.S * par.M * (1.0 + par.G), 1.0 / par.n) sigma = np.zeros_like(sigma_guess) k = np.zeros_like(k_guess) if solve_for_sigma: # solve eigenvalue problem to find growth rate of fastest-growing mode res = np.zeros_like(sigma_guess) exitflag = np.zeros_like(sigma_guess) converged = np.zeros_like(sigma_guess) problem_sigma = lambda s: zero_by_sigma_or_wavenumber(s, sa.k, par) for j in range(len(sigma_guess)): [sigma[j], infodict, exitflag[j], _] = fsolve(problem_sigma, sigma_guess[j], full_output=True, xtol=1.e-14) res[j] = infodict["fvec"] converged[j] = exitflag[j] == 1 and np.abs(res[j]) < par.tol if par.largeDa: m = np.roots(characteristic_polynomial(sa.k, sigma[j], par)) converged[j] = converged[j] and np.pi / 2 < np.abs(np.imag(m[0])) < np.pi if par.plot and converged[j] == 1: eig = form_eigenfunction(sa.k, sigma[j], par) # plt.plot(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0,, np.real(eig.P)) else: # solve eigenvalue problem to find wavenumber of mode problem_wavenumber = lambda s: zero_by_sigma_or_wavenumber(sa.sigma, s, par) res = np.zeros_like(k_guess) exitflag = np.zeros_like(k_guess) converged = np.zeros_like(k_guess) for j in range(len(k_guess)): [k[j], infodict, exitflag[j], _] = fsolve(problem_wavenumber, k_guess[j], full_output=True, xtol=1.e-14) res[j] = infodict["fvec"] converged[j] = exitflag[j] == 1 or abs(res[j]) < par.tol if par.largeDa: m = np.roots(characteristic_polynomial(k[j], sa.sigma, par)) converged[j] = converged[j] and np.pi / 2 < np.abs(np.imag(m[0])) < np.pi if par.plot and converged[j] == 1: eig = form_eigenfunction(k[j], sa.sigma, par) plt.plot(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0,, np.real(eig.P)) # [converged', exitflag', log10(abs(res'))]; none_converged = not np.sum(converged) # handle failure to find solution if none_converged: if verbose: print(f'FAILURE: no solution found for k={k_guess}') sa.sigma = np.nan sa.k = np.nan sa.m = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] sa.eig.P = np.nan sa.flag = False return sa elif solve_for_sigma: sa.sigma = np.amax(sigma[converged != 0]) else: sa.k = np.amax(k[converged != 0]) sa.m = np.roots(characteristic_polynomial(sa.k, sa.sigma, par)) # form and check eigenfunction sa.eig = form_eigenfunction(sa.k, sa.sigma, par) gP = np.gradient(sa.eig.P) if (gP < 0).any() and par.bc_type != 1: sa.flag = False if verbose: print(f'FAILURE: non-monotonic eigenfunction for k={sa.k}, sigma={sa.sigma}') else: sa.flag = True if verbose: print(f'SUCCESS: monotonic eigenfunction for k={sa.k}, sigma={sa.sigma}') if par.plot: plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 1,, np.real(sa.eig.P), linewidth=2) return sa
def update_temporal_cvxpy(y, g, sn, A=None, **kwargs): """ spatial: (d, f), (u, p), (d), (d, u) (d, f), (p), (d), (d) trace: (u, f), (u, p), (u) (f), (p), () """ # get_parameters sparse_penal = kwargs.get('sparse_penal') max_iters = kwargs.get('max_iters') use_cons = kwargs.get('use_cons', False) scs = kwargs.get('scs_fallback') # conform variables to generalize multiple unit case if y.ndim < 2: y = y.reshape((1, -1)) if g.ndim < 2: g = g.reshape((1, -1)) sn = np.atleast_1d(sn) if A is not None: if A.ndim < 2: A = A.reshape((-1, 1)) # get count of frames and units _T = y.shape[-1] _u = g.shape[0] if A is not None: _d = A.shape[0] # construct G matrix and decay vector per unit dc_vec = np.zeros((_u, _T)) G_ls = [] for cur_u in range(_u): cur_g = g[cur_u, :] # construct first column and row cur_c, cur_r = np.zeros(_T), np.zeros(_T) cur_c[0] = 1 cur_r[0] = 1 cur_c[1:len(cur_g) + 1] = -cur_g # update G with toeplitz matrix G_ls.append(cvx.Constant(dia_matrix(toeplitz(cur_c, cur_r)))) # update dc_vec cur_gr = np.roots(cur_c) dc_vec[cur_u, :] = np.max(cur_gr.real)**np.arange(_T) # get noise threshold thres_sn = sn * np.sqrt(_T) # construct variables b = cvx.Variable(_u) # baseline fluorescence per unit c0 = cvx.Variable(_u) # initial fluorescence per unit c = cvx.Variable((_u, _T)) # calcium trace per unit s = cvx.vstack([G_ls[u] * c[u, :] for u in range(_u)]) # spike train per unit # residual noise per unit if A is not None: sig = cvx.vstack([(A * c)[px, :] + (A * b)[px, :] + (A * cvx.diag(c0) * dc_vec)[px, :] for px in range(_d)]) noise = y - sig else: sig = cvx.vstack( [c[u, :] + b[u] + c0[u] * dc_vec[u, :] for u in range(_u)]) noise = y - sig noise = cvx.vstack( [cvx.norm(noise[i, :], 2) for i in range(noise.shape[0])]) # construct constraints cons = [] cons.append(b >= np.min(y, axis=-1)) # baseline larger than minimum cons.append(c0 >= 0) # initial fluorescence larger than 0 cons.append(s >= 0) # spike train non-negativity # noise constraints cons_noise = [noise[i] <= thres_sn[i] for i in range(thres_sn.shape[0])] try: obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum(cvx.norm(s, 1, axis=1))) prob = cvx.Problem(obj, cons + cons_noise) if use_cons: _ = prob.solve(solver='ECOS') if not (prob.status == 'optimal' or prob.status == 'optimal_inaccurate'): if use_cons: warnings.warn("constrained version of problem infeasible") raise ValueError except (ValueError, cvx.SolverError): lam = sn * sparse_penal / sn.shape[ 0] # hacky correction for near-linear relationship between sparsity and number of concurrently updated units obj = cvx.Minimize( cvx.sum(cvx.sum(noise, axis=1) + lam * cvx.norm(s, 1, axis=1))) prob = cvx.Problem(obj, cons) try: _ = prob.solve(solver='ECOS', max_iters=max_iters) if prob.status in ["infeasible", "unbounded", None]: raise ValueError except (cvx.SolverError, ValueError): try: if scs: _ = prob.solve(solver='SCS', max_iters=200) if prob.status in ["infeasible", "unbounded", None]: raise ValueError except (cvx.SolverError, ValueError): warnings.warn( "problem status is {}, returning null".format(prob.status), RuntimeWarning) return np.full((5, c.shape[0], c.shape[1]), np.nan).squeeze() if not (prob.status == 'optimal'): warnings.warn("problem solved sub-optimally", RuntimeWarning) try: return np.stack( np.broadcast_arrays(c.value, s.value, b.value.reshape((-1, 1)), c0.value.reshape((-1, 1)), dc_vec)).squeeze() except: set_trace()
while abs(check) > 0.000005: # checking if convergence criterium fulfilled y1 = y1_new y2 = y2_new P = Pneu # Coefficients of the EoS model equation A = a * P / (R**2 * T**2) B = b * P / (R * T) # Cubic equation for the gas phase c = [1, -(1-B), A - 2 * B - 3 * B**2, -(A * B - B**2 - B**3)] # Roots finds the three solutions for the cubic equation r = np.roots(c) Zliq = min(r) # liquid compressibility factor is the smallest solution # a and b for the gas phase bg = y1 * b1 + y2 * b2 ag = y1**2 * a11 + 2 * a12 * y1 * y2 + y2**2 * a22 A = ag * P / (R**2 * T**2) B = bg * P / (R * T) # Cubic equation c[0] = 1 c[1] = -(1 - B) c[2] = A - 2 * B - 3 * B**2 c[3] = -(A * B - B**2 - B**3)
def t_star(coeff: np.ndarray) -> float: """See p.21 (6.10) next.""" return np.roots([np.linalg.norm(coeff)**2, 0, 1, -1])[-1].real
def generate_velocity_profile(env: Env, path: path_t) -> np.ndarray: """ :param env: Env :param path: [n x 2] float :return: [n-1] float """ # TODO: Many repeated calculations, store value # e.g. # if a > foo(a): a = foo(a) # if a > (a_max := foo(a)): a = a_max) v = np.zeros(len(path) - 1) deltav = np.zeros(len(path) - 1) theta = np.zeros(len(path) - 1) deltav[0] = 0.0 v[0] = env.state[3] x, y = path[:, 0], path[:, 1] for xx in range(1, len(path) - 1): params = env.vel_params m = params.m mu = rolling_friction = params.rolling_friction # TODO: What are these magic numbers? g and __ Cd ? normal_reaction = m * 9.81 * np.cos(theta[xx]) + 0.96552 * np.square(v[xx]) d = 4.0 u = v[xx - 1] a = np.sqrt(np.square(x[xx] - x[xx - 1]) + np.square(y[xx] - y[xx - 1])) # assert (a == np.linalg.norm(path[xx] - path[xx - 1])) b = np.sqrt(np.square(x[xx] - x[xx + 1]) + np.square(y[xx] - y[xx + 1])) # assert (b == np.linalg.norm(path[xx] - path[xx + 1])) c = np.sqrt(np.square(x[xx + 1] - x[xx - 1]) + np.square(y[xx + 1] - y[xx - 1])) # assert (c == np.linalg.norm(path[xx + 1] - path[xx - 1])) if -1e-9 <= (a + b + c) * (a + b - c) * (a + c - b) * (b + c - a) <= 0: # colinear radius = 1000000000000000000.0 else: radius = a * b * c / (np.sqrt((a + b + c) * (a + b - c) * (a + c - b) * (b + c - a))) possible_velocities = np.roots( [ np.square(m / radius) + np.square(m) / (np.square(d) * 4) - np.square(0.96552), 0, -2 * np.square(m) * 9.81 * np.sin(theta[xx]) / radius + m * (rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(u) - m * np.square(u) / (2 * d)) / d - 2 * 0.96552 * mu * m * 9.81 * np.cos(theta[xx]), 0, np.square(m * 9.81 * np.sin(theta[xx])) + np.square(rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(u) - m * np.square(u) / (2 * d)) - np.square(mu * m * 9.81 * np.cos(theta[xx])) ] ) possible_velocities = np.sort(possible_velocities) delta = possible_velocities[3] - v[xx - 1] # assert (delta == np.max(possible_velocities) - v[xx - 1]) if delta >= (np.sqrt( np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 2 * d * (rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 1550.0) / m) - v[xx - 1]): deltav[xx] = (np.sqrt(np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 2 * d * (rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 1550.0) / m) - v[xx - 1]) else: if delta < ( np.sqrt(np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 2 * d * (rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(v[xx - 1])) / m) - v[xx - 1]): b = 2 for changes in range(1, b): u = np.sqrt(np.square(np.sqrt( radius * (mu * normal_reaction / m + 9.81 * np.sin(theta[xx])))) - 2 * d * ( rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(v[xx - 1])) / m) # TODO: we are changing the previous deltas, but not the previous velocities !? for i in range(1, changes + 1): deltav[xx - changes + i - 1] = max(deltav[xx - changes + i - 1] - (v[xx - 1] - u) / changes, (np.sqrt(np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 2 * d * ( rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square( v[xx - 1])) / m) - v[xx - 1])) # find delta again if delta < (np.sqrt( np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 2 * d * (rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(v[xx - 1])) / m) - v[xx - 1]): if xx > (b - 1): b += 1 else: if delta >= (np.sqrt(np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 2 * d * ( rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 1550.0) / m) - v[xx - 1]): deltav[xx] = (np.sqrt(np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 2 * d * ( rolling_friction + 0.445 * np.square(v[xx - 1]) - 1550.0) / m) - v[xx - 1]) else: deltav[xx] = delta else: deltav[xx] = delta v[xx] = v[xx - 1] + deltav[xx] return v
def calibration1(size, am): ''' Gets size of the desk and point on photomatrix Returns 3d coordinates of the lens in the space - L, and componets of optical axis of the lens - f norm of f approximately shows distance between lens and photomatrix ''' x1 = am[0][0] #necessary variables x2 = am[1][0] x3 = am[2][0] y1 = am[0][1] y2 = am[1][1] y3 = am[2][1] X1 = x1 - x2 X2 = x2 - x3 X3 = x3 - x1 Y1 = y1 - y2 Y2 = y2 - y3 Y3 = y3 - y1 Z1 = y1 * x2 - y2 * x1 Z2 = y2 * x3 - y3 * x2 Z3 = y3 * x1 - y1 * x3 dx1 = X1 / Z1 - X2 / Z2 dx2 = X2 / Z2 - X3 / Z3 dx3 = X3 / Z3 - X1 / Z1 dy1 = Y1 / Z1 - Y2 / Z2 dy2 = Y2 / Z2 - Y3 / Z3 dy3 = Y3 / Z3 - Y1 / Z1 k3 = -Y1 / Z1 * dx2 #coefficients of third degree polynomial ki where i - power of argument k2 = Y1 / Z1 * dx1 + dy1 * dx3 k1 = -Y3 / Z3 * dx2 + dy2 * dx3 k0 = Y3 / Z3 * dx1 cb = np.roots([k3, k2, k1, k0]) #find polynomial zeros. cb - tan of turn angle nans = [] for i in range(len(cb)): #delete imaginary roots if (np.imag(cb[i]) != 0): nans += [i] cb = np.real(np.delete(cb, nans)) cc = (cb * dy1 + dy2) / (cb * dx2 - dx1) #find cc - sin of incline angle nans = [] #delete solution > 1 by abs value. sin can't be > 1 for i in range( len(cc) ): #delete solution > 0. angle should be < 0. camera pointing down if ((abs(cc[i]) > 1) or (cc[i] > 0)): nans += [i] cc = np.delete(cc, nans) #delete cc unsuitable roots and cb both cb = np.delete(cb, nans) ca = np.zeros(len(cb)) #find ca - norm of optical vector f for i in range(len(ca)): ca[i] = -(sqrt(1 - (cc[i])**2) * Z2 / (cc[i] * X2 + (cb[i] - 1) / (cb[i] + 1) * Y2)) nans = [] #delete solutions < 0. norm can't be < 0 for i in range(len(ca)): if (ca[i] < 0): nans += [i] ca = np.delete(ca, nans) #delete unsiutable solutions for all parameters cb = np.delete(cb, nans) cc = np.delete(cc, nans) prams = np.transpose(arr([ca, atan(cb), asin(cc)])) #collecte all parameters to an array p = np.real(prams) #delete imaginary part(=0) to not spoil output f = np.zeros( p.shape) #find components of optical vector for all posible solutions for i in range(len(p)): f[i] = -p[i][0] * arr([ -cos(p[i][2]) * sin(p[i][1]), cos(p[i][1]) * cos(p[i][2]), sin(p[i][2]) ]) q = np.zeros([len(f), 3, 3]) #find components of the vector of light ray for i in range(len(f)): q[i] = pixels2rays( am, f[i] ) #cast coordinates of points on the photomatrix to components of ray vectors L = np.zeros(f.shape) #find coordinates of the lens for i in range(len(L)): L[i][2] = size / (q[i][0][0] / q[i][0][2] - q[i][2][0] / q[i][2][2]) L[i][1] = L[i][2] * q[i][0][1] / q[i][0][2] L[i][0] = L[i][2] * q[i][0][0] / q[i][0][2] return f, L
#wid=9.5e-3 #n=wid*8/L k_para = 2 * np.pi / (720) OMEGA = np.linspace(0.000001, 0.010, 20000) realomega = OMEGA * 3e8 / L N_PARA = k_para * c / OMEGA #solve ??? for n_para, omega in zip(N_PARA, OMEGA): #[n_para,omega] = [k_para*c/OMEGA,OMEGA] epsi_perp = 1 + (omega_pe / omega_ce)**2 - (omega_pi / omega)**2 epsi_para = 1 - (omega_pe / omega)**2 - (omega_pi / omega)**2 epsi_xy = (omega_pe)**2 / (omega_ce * omega) P0 = epsi_para * ((n_para**2 - epsi_perp)**2 - epsi_xy**2) P2 = (epsi_perp + epsi_para) * (n_para**2 - epsi_perp) + epsi_xy**2 P4 = epsi_perp for _ in np.roots([P4, P2, P0]): if (np.isreal(_) and _ > 0): w.append(omega) kv.append(np.sqrt(_) * omega / c) # print(kv) DP = zip(kv, w) res = sorted(DP, key=lambda v: v[0]) kv, w = zip(*res) plt.semilogx(kv, w) ''' w=[] kv=[] vte=0.00/3 for n_para,omega in zip(N_PARA,OMEGA): #[n_para,omega] = [k_para*c/OMEGA,OMEGA] epsi_perp=1+(omega_pe/omega_ce)**2 - (omega_pi/omega)**2
def class_B(event_list, particle_keys, sqrt_s12, m1=0, m2=-1): """ Gets the missing momentum for the following topology: x1 ╲ s_12 ╭── p2 (visible) █████┄┄┄┄┄┤ x2 ╱ ╰── p1 (missing) m2 can be specified, if -1 it is calculated """ solutions = [] if not isinstance(event_list, list): if isinstance(event_list, Event): event_list = [event_list] else: raise TypeError("'event_list' should be a list of Event objects") for event in event_list: p2 = event[particle_keys[1]] p_branches = FourMomentum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for k in event.particles: if event.is_visible(k): p_branches += event[k] if particle_keys[0] not in event.particles: event.add_particle(particle_keys[0], Particle(0, 1, FourMomentum())) p1x = -1 * p_branches.x p1y = -1 * p_branches.y m2 = set_mass(m2, p2) s12 = sqrt_s12**2 R12 = (s12 - m1**2 - m2**2) / 2.0 # Solve polynomial equation for p1z (Ax^2 + Bx + C) A = 1 - p2.z**2 / p2.E**2 B = -2.0 * p2.z / p2.E**2 * (R12 + p1x * p2.x + p1y * p2.y) C = m1**2 + p1x**2 + p1y**2 - 1.0/p2.E**2*(R12**2 + p1x**2*p2.x**2 + p1y**2*p2.y**2 + \ 2*(R12*p1x*p2.x + R12*p1y*p2.y + p1x*p2.x*p1y*p2.y)) p1z_sols = np.roots([A, B, C]) E1_sols = (m1**2 + p1x**2 + p1y**2 + p1z_sols**2)**0.5 E1_sols = remove_complex(E1_sols) for E1, p1z in zip(E1_sols, p1z_sols): if not valid_energy(E1): continue p1_sol = FourMomentum(E1, p1x, p1y, p1z) if abs(p1_sol.m2 - m1**2) > FP_TOLERANCE: continue x1 = (E1 + p1z + p_branches.E + p_branches.z) / event.sqrt_s x2 = (E1 - p1z + p_branches.E - p_branches.z) / event.sqrt_s if x1 < 0.0 or x2 < 0.0 or x1 > 1.0 or x2 > 1.0: continue output_event = deepcopy(event) output_event.set_momentum(particle_keys[0], p1_sol) output_event.x1 = x1 output_event.x2 = x2 solutions.append(output_event) return solutions
def class_E(event_list, particle_keys, sqrt_s13, sqrt_s24, sqrt_s_hat, rapidity, m1=0, m2=0, m3=-1, m4=-1): """ Gets the two missing momenta for the following topology: ╭─────── missing (p1) x1 ╲ s_13 ╱╰─────── visible (p3) ╲ ╱ ███┄┄┄┄███ ╱ s_hat ╲ x2 ╱ s_24 ╲╭─────── missing (p2) ╰─────── visible (p4) x1 and x2 can be set manually for debugging m1, ..., m4 can be specified, if -1 they are calculated """ solutions = [] if not isinstance(event_list, list): if isinstance(event_list, Event): event_list = [event_list] else: raise TypeError("'event_list' should be a list of Event objects") for event in event_list: # Set up the kinematic variables s_13, s_24 = sqrt_s13**2, sqrt_s24**2 p3 = event[particle_keys[2]] p4 = event[particle_keys[3]] p_branches = FourMomentum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for k in event.particles: if event.is_visible(k): p_branches += event[k] [event.add_particle(key, Particle(0, 1, FourMomentum())) for key in particle_keys[:2] \ if not key in event.particles] x1 = math.exp(rapidity) * sqrt_s_hat / event.sqrt_s x2 = math.exp(-rapidity) * sqrt_s_hat / event.sqrt_s m3 = set_mass(m3, p3) m4 = set_mass(m4, p4) p_i1 = FourMomentum(x1 * event.sqrt_s / 2, 0.0, 0.0, x1 * event.sqrt_s / 2) p_i2 = FourMomentum(x2 * event.sqrt_s / 2, 0.0, 0.0, -x2 * event.sqrt_s / 2) p_vis = p_i1 + p_i2 - p_branches Rvis = (m2**2 - m1**2 + p_vis * p_vis) / 2 R3 = p_vis * p3 - (s_13 - m1**2 - m3**2) / 2 R4 = (s_24 - m2**2 - m4**2) / 2 # Solved equations in terms of E2 from SymPy # p = E2*v_s + v_i <- vector equation PF = 1/(p3.x*p4.y*p_vis.z - p3.x*p4.z*p_vis.y - p3.y*p4.x*p_vis.z + \ p3.y*p4.z*p_vis.x + p3.z*p4.x*p_vis.y - p3.z*p4.y*p_vis.x) v_i = PF*np.array([-(R3*p4.y*p_vis.z - R3*p4.z*p_vis.y - R4*p3.y*p_vis.z + \ R4*p3.z*p_vis.y + Rvis*p3.y*p4.z - Rvis*p3.z*p4.y), (R3*p4.x*p_vis.z - R3*p4.z*p_vis.x - R4*p3.x*p_vis.z + \ R4*p3.z*p_vis.x + Rvis*p3.x*p4.z - Rvis*p3.z*p4.x), -(R3*p4.x*p_vis.y - R3*p4.y*p_vis.x - R4*p3.x*p_vis.y + \ R4*p3.y*p_vis.x + Rvis*p3.x*p4.y - Rvis*p3.y*p4.x)], dtype=np.float) v_s = PF*np.array([-(-p3.E*p4.y*p_vis.z + p3.E*p4.z*p_vis.y + p3.y*p4.E*p_vis.z - \ p3.y*p4.z*p_vis.E - p3.z*p4.E*p_vis.y + p3.z*p4.y*p_vis.E), (-p3.E*p4.x*p_vis.z + p3.E*p4.z*p_vis.x + p3.x*p4.E*p_vis.z - \ p3.x*p4.z*p_vis.E - p3.z*p4.E*p_vis.x + p3.z*p4.x*p_vis.E), -(-p3.E*p4.x*p_vis.y + p3.E*p4.y*p_vis.x + p3.x*p4.E*p_vis.y - \ p3.x*p4.y*p_vis.E - p3.y*p4.E*p_vis.x + p3.y*p4.x*p_vis.E)], dtype=np.float) # Now the solutions can be taken from E2^2 = m2^2 + p2·p2 # Using the symbols above, we have A*E2^2 + B*E2 + C = 0 A = 1 -, v_s) B = -2 * (, v_i)) C = -(m2**2 +, v_i)) E2_sols = np.roots(np.nan_to_num([A, B, C])) E2_sols = remove_complex(E2_sols) p2_sols = [ FourMomentum(E2_sol, *(E2_sol * v_s + v_i)) for E2_sol in E2_sols ] p1_sols = [p_vis - p2_sol for p2_sol in p2_sols] solutions = [] for p1_sol, p2_sol in zip(p1_sols, p2_sols): if valid_energy(p1_sol.E) and valid_energy(p2_sol.E): output_event = deepcopy(event) output_event.set_momentum(particle_keys[0], p1_sol) output_event.set_momentum(particle_keys[1], p2_sol) output_event.x1 = x1 output_event.x2 = x2 solutions.append(output_event) return solutions