コード例 #1
def normalised_image(arr_in: np.array):
    Scale the contents of an array to values between 0 and 1.
    if arr_in.max() == arr_in.min():
        return np.ones_like(arr_in) * max(0, min(1, arr_in.max()))
    return (arr_in - arr_in.min()) / (arr_in.max() - arr_in.min())
コード例 #2
    def print_one_set_statistics(x_train: np.array, y_train: np.array) -> None:

        Total_data_num = len(x_train)
        print("\n________Table : Data portions info_________")
        t = Texttable()
            ['Data Portion', 'Number', 'Percent'],
            ['Total', Total_data_num, "{:.0%}".format(1)],

            "_______________________Table : Data shape info________________________"
        t = Texttable()
        t.add_rows([['Name', 'Shape', 'Min', 'Max', 'Type'],
                        'x train', x_train.shape,
                        'y train', y_train.shape,
コード例 #3
    def pixmapToImage(self, pixmap: np.array, mode="RGB"):
        if pixmap.max() > 255:
            pixmap *= 255.0 / pixmap.max()

        pixmap = np.array(pixmap, np.uint8)
        img = Image.fromarray(pixmap, mode)
        return img
コード例 #4
def scale_array(array: np.array) -> np.array:
    """ Scales a numpy array from 0 to 1. Works in 3D 
        Return np.array """
    assert array.max() - array.min() > 0

    return ((array - array.min()) / (array.max() - array.min())).astype(
コード例 #5
def character_for_2by2_pixels(square: np.array,
                              color_mode: bool = False) -> str:
    Convert 2x2 matrix (non-negative integers) to unicode character representation for plotting.
    assert square.shape == (2, 2)
    assert square.min() >= 0

    # Postprocess to remove everything that is not max color
    max_color = square.max()
    if max_color <= 1:
        binary_square = np.clip(square, a_min=0, a_max=1)
        binary_square = np.clip(square, a_min=max_color - 1,
                                a_max=max_color) - (max_color - 1)

    # binary_square = np.clip(square, a_min=0, a_max=1)
    integer_encoding = np.multiply(binary_square, BINARY_ENCODING_MATRIX).sum()
    char = UNICODE_SQUARES[integer_encoding]

    if char == "" or not color_mode:
        return char

    color_code = list(COLOR_CODES.values())[(square.max() - 1) %
    return f"{color_code}{char}{COLOR_RESET_CODE}"
コード例 #6
    def update_parameters(self, epsilons: np.array, r_plus: np.array,
                          r_minus: np.array):
        This method update internal mu and sigma according to evaluation results of perturbated parameters

        mus, sigmas, baseline, maximum_reward are updated.
        epsilons: parameter_number x sample_number
        r_plus: sample_number
        r_minus: sample_number
        self.__mu += self.mu_delta(epsilons, r_plus, r_minus)
        self.__mu = np.minimum(
            self.__mu, self.__parameter_bound["upper"])  # prevent too large
        self.__mu = np.maximum(
            self.__mu, self.__parameter_bound["lower"])  # prevent too small

        self.__sigma += self.sigma_delta(epsilons, r_plus, r_minus)
        self.__sigma = np.minimum(
            self.__sigma, self.__sigma_upper_bound)  # prevent too large sigma
        assert np.all(self.__sigma > 0), "got negative sigma\n{}".format(
        print("updated sigma", self.__sigma)

        self.__maximum_reward = max(self.__maximum_reward, r_plus.max(),
        b = self.__baseline.add_new_value(
            (r_plus.mean() + r_minus.mean()) / 2.)
コード例 #7
def plot(model, X_test: np.array, y_test: np.array, grid_step=0.02):
    cmap_light = ListedColormap(["#FFAAAA", "#AAFFAA"])
    cmap_bold = ListedColormap(["#FF0000", "#00FF00"])
    # calculate min, max and limits
    x_min, x_max = X_test.min() - 1, X_test.max() + 1
    y_min, y_max = y_test.min() - 1, y_test.max() + 1

    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(
        np.arange(x_min, x_max, grid_step), np.arange(y_min, y_max, grid_step)

    # predict class using data and kNN classifier
    Z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])

    # Put the result into a color plot
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)

    plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, Z, cmap=cmap_light)

    plt.scatter(X_test[:, 0], X_test[:, 1], c=y_test, cmap=cmap_bold)
    plt.xlim(xx.min(), xx.max())
    plt.ylim(yy.min(), yy.max())
コード例 #8
def linear_reg(xi: np.array, y: list):
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(xi, y)
    line = slope * xi + intercept
    mape = mean_absolute_percentage_error(y, line)
    line_x = np.arange(xi.min(), xi.max(),
                       (xi.max() - xi.min()) / 30) if len(xi) > 2 else []
    line_y = calculate_line(line_x, slope, intercept) if line_x != [] else []
    return line_x, line_y, r_value, mape
コード例 #9
def histogram_equalize(array: np.array, num_bins=1000):
    array = array + np.abs(array.min())
    h = np.histogram(array, bins=num_bins, range=(0, array.max()))
    c = 255 * np.cumsum(h[0]) / np.sum(h[0])

    new_img = np.zeros(array.shape)
    max_val = array.max()
    for index,value in np.ndenumerate(array):
        new_img[index] = c[int((num_bins-1) * value / max_val)]
    return np.floor(new_img)
コード例 #10
def plot_confusion_matrix(
    cm: np.array,
    classes: np.array,
    normalize: bool = False,
    title: Text = "Confusion matrix",
    zmin: int = 1,
    out: Optional[Text] = None,
) -> None:  # pragma: no cover
    """Print and plot the confusion matrix for the intent classification.
    Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`."""
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

    zmax = cm.max()
    if not cmap:
        cmap = plt.cm.Blues
        norm=LogNorm(vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax),
    tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes))
    plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=90)
    plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes)

    if normalize:
        cm = cm.astype("float") / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        logger.info("Normalized confusion matrix: \n{}".format(cm))
        logger.info("Confusion matrix, without normalization: \n{}".format(cm))

    thresh = cm.max() / 2.0
    for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])):
            cm[i, j],
            color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black",

    plt.ylabel("True label")
    plt.xlabel("Predicted label")

    # save confusion matrix to file before showing it
    if out:
        fig = plt.gcf()
        fig.set_size_inches(20, 20)
        fig.savefig(out, bbox_inches="tight")
コード例 #11
    def save_chebyshev(self, q: np.array, p: np.array):
        Pre-calculate the Chebyshev polynomials at specified grid points
        :param p:
        :param q:
        :return: None
        # if p and q were supplied before, do not re-calculate
        if self._p is not p or self._q is not q:

            # consistency checks
            assert len(p.shape) == 2 and (p.shape[0] == 1 or p.shape[1]
                                          == 1), "Array p must be flat"
            assert p.min() >= -1. and p.max(
            ) <= 1., "Range of p must be [-1, 1]"

            assert len(q.shape) == 2 and (q.shape[0] == 1 or q.shape[1]
                                          == 1), "Array q must be flat"
            assert q.min() >= -1. and q.max(
            ) <= 1., "Range of q must be [-1, 1]"

            self._p = p
            self._q = q

            self.chebyshev_t_p = get_chebyshev_list(p, np.ones_like(p), p,
            self.chebyshev_u_p = get_chebyshev_list(p, np.ones_like(p), 2. * p,

            self.chebyshev_t_q = get_chebyshev_list(q, np.ones_like(q), q,
            self.chebyshev_u_q = get_chebyshev_list(q, np.ones_like(q), 2. * q,

            #   Allocate arrays

            self.upsilon1 = np.zeros((p.size, q.size), dtype=np.complex)
            self.upsilon2 = self.upsilon1.copy()

            self.diff_p_upsilon1 = self.upsilon1.copy()
            self.diff_q_upsilon1 = self.upsilon1.copy()

            self.diff_p_upsilon2 = self.upsilon2.copy()
            self.diff_q_upsilon2 = self.upsilon2.copy()

            self.D11 = self.upsilon1.copy()
            self.D12 = self.D11.copy()
            self.D22 = self.D11.copy()

            self.classical_rho = np.zeros_like(self.D11, dtype=np.float)
コード例 #12
def normalize_data(
        data_opm_reference: np.array, data_ensembles_flownet: List[np.array]
) -> Tuple[np.array, List[np.array]]:
    This function normalizes data from a 2D numpy array containing data from the
    reference simulation and multiple ensembles of FlowNet simulations,
    using the MinMaxScaler from sklearn.preprocessing module

        data_opm_reference: is the 2D numpy array containing data from reference
        simulation replicated into as many columns as the size of ensemble of
        FlowNet realizations
        data_ensembles_flownet: is a list of 2D numpy arrays containing data from
        ensembles of FlowNet simulations; each list entry correspond to the ensemble of
        a given iteration of ES-MDA

        norm_data_opm_reference: is a normalized 2D numpy array for the reference simulation data
        norm_data_ensembles_flownet: a list of normalized 2D numpy arrays for the ensembles of
        FlowNet simulations

    for k, data_ens in enumerate(data_ensembles_flownet):
        if k == 0:
            tmp = data_ens
            tmp = np.append(tmp, data_ens, axis=1)

    matrix_data = np.append(data_opm_reference, tmp, axis=1)

    if np.isclose(data_opm_reference.max(), data_opm_reference.min()):
        if np.isclose(data_opm_reference.max(), 0.0):
            scale = np.tile(1.0, matrix_data.shape[0])
            scale = 1 / (np.tile(data_opm_reference.max(),
        scale = 1 / (np.tile(data_opm_reference.max(), matrix_data.shape[0]) -
                     np.tile(data_opm_reference.min(), matrix_data.shape[0]))

    norm_matrix_data = (matrix_data * scale[:, None] - (np.tile(
        data_opm_reference.min(), matrix_data.shape[0]) * scale)[:, None])

    n_data = int(norm_matrix_data.shape[1] / (len(data_ensembles_flownet) + 1))
    norm_data_opm_reference = norm_matrix_data[:, :n_data]
    norm_data_ensembles_flownet = []
    for k in range(len(data_ensembles_flownet)):
            norm_matrix_data[:, (k + 1) * n_data:(k + 2) * n_data])

    return norm_data_opm_reference, norm_data_ensembles_flownet
コード例 #13
def cluster_accuracy(predicted: np.array, target: np.array):
    assert predicted.size == target.size, ''.join(
        'Different size between predicted\
        and target, {} and {}').format(predicted.size, target.size)

    D = max(predicted.max(), target.max()) + 1
    w = np.zeros((D, D), dtype=np.int64)

    for i in range(predicted.size):
        w[predicted[i], target[i]] += 1

    ind_1, ind_2 = linear_sum_assignment(w.max() - w)
    return sum([w[i, j]
                for i, j in zip(ind_1, ind_2)]) * 1.0 / predicted.size, w
コード例 #14
ファイル: metric.py プロジェクト: sanjaradylov/moleculegen-ml
    def calculate_for_continuous(data_train: np.array,
                                 data_valid: np.array) -> Real:
        kde_desc_train = stats.gaussian_kde(data_train)
        kde_desc_valid = stats.gaussian_kde(data_valid)

        interval = np.linspace(
            start=min(data_train.min(), data_valid.min()),
            stop=max(data_train.max(), data_valid.max()),

        return stats.entropy(
            kde_desc_train.evaluate(interval) + 1e-10,
            kde_desc_valid.evaluate(interval) + 1e-10,
コード例 #15
def fill_by_surr(img: np.array, surr_rate: float=0.02) -> np.array:
    """Filter. Points by surrounded points.
    w_arr = np.zeros(img.shape)
    w, h = w_arr.shape
    m_limit = img.max()
    l_limit = m_limit * 0.4
    h_limit = m_limit * 0.8
    dx = int(np.round(w * surr_rate))
    dy = int(np.round(h * surr_rate))
    for i in range(w):
        for j in range(h):
            for x in range(i - dx, i + dx):
                if x < 0 or x >= w:

                for y in range(j - dy, j + dy):
                    if y < 0 or y >= h:
                    if img[x, y] > h_limit:
                        w_arr[i, j] += 2
                    elif img[x, y] > l_limit:
                        w_arr[i, j] += 1

    return w_arr / w_arr.max()
コード例 #16
    def log_histogram(self, tag: str, data: np.array, step: int, num_bars: int = 30):
        Adds a histogram to log.

        tag: str
        data: np.array
            Array of any shape.
        step: int
        num_bars: int
            The number of bars if the resulting histogram.
        data = data.ravel()
        min_ = data.min()
        max_ = data.max()
        sum_ = data.sum()
        sum_sq = data.dot(data)
        if min_ == max_:
            num = 1
            bucket_limit = [min_]
            bucket = [len(data)]
            bucket, bucket_limit = np.histogram(data, num_bars)
            num = len(bucket_limit)
            bucket_limit = bucket_limit[1:]

        hist = HistogramProto(min=min_, max=max_, sum=sum_, sum_squares=sum_sq, num=num,
                              bucket_limit=bucket_limit, bucket=bucket)
        self._write_event(tag, step, histo=hist)
コード例 #17
def _warn_available_data(test_dates: Union[float, np.array],
                         dates_with_data: np.array) -> None:
    """Warn if given dates don't falls within a range dates with measurements

        test_dates: Dates to check for available data
        dates_with_data: Dates with data available

    test_dates = np.atleast_1d(test_dates)  # In case passed a float
    if not len(dates_with_data):
        err_msg = 'No PWV data for primary receiver available on local machine.'
        raise RuntimeError(err_msg)

    # Check date falls within the range of available PWV data
    min_known_date = dates_with_data.min(),
    if (test_dates < min_known_date).any():
        min_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(min_known_date)
        raise ValueError(
            f'No PWV data found for dates before {min_date} on local machine')

    max_known_date = dates_with_data.max()
    if (test_dates > max_known_date).any():
        max_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(max_known_date)
        raise ValueError(
            f'No PWV data found for dates after {max_date} on local machine')
コード例 #18
def min_max(a: np.array) -> np.array:
    get the mean of this window len(v) and compare it to current price
    # x = ((s - s.min()) / (s.max() - s.min())).iat[-1]
    # return x * 2 - 1
    return (a - a.min()) / (a.max() - a.min())
コード例 #19
ファイル: regression.py プロジェクト: simogasp/coregression
def normalize(arr: np.array, lower: float = 0.0, upper: float = 1.0) -> tuple:
    Normalize the input data in a range given by [lower, upper]

    :code:`arrNorm, t = normalize(arr, lower, upper)`

        arr (np.array): the input data array
        lower (float): the minimum value of the new range
        upper (float): the maximum value of the new range

        (tuple): tuple containing:

            arrNorm (np.array) : the normalized data
            t (np.array) : the corresponding linear transformation s.t. :code:`arrNorm = t[0] * arr + t[1]`


    arr = arr.copy()
    if lower > upper:
        lower, upper = upper, lower

    alpha = (upper - lower) / (arr.max() - arr.min())
    t = np.array([alpha, lower - arr.min() * alpha], dtype='float')

    arr = t[0] * arr + t[1]

    return arr, t
コード例 #20
def find_content_rect(img: np.array, intensity: float=0.6) -> np.array:
    """Search submatrix with content.
    w, h = img.shape
    mid = img.max() * intensity
    x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0
    for i in range(w):
        if img[i, :h].max() > mid:
            x1 = i

    for i in range(h):
        if img[:w, i].max() > mid:
            y1 = i

    for i in range(w):
        j = w - i - 1
        if img[j, :h].max() > mid:
            x2 = j

    for i in range(h):
        j = h - i - 1
        if img[:w, j].max() > mid:
            y2 = j

    return img[x1: x2, y1: y2]
コード例 #21
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: zneha/Auto_TS
def print_ts_model_stats(
        actuals: np.array,
        predicted: np.array,
        number_as_percentage: float = 100) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    This program prints and returns MAE, RMSE, MAPE.
    If you like the MAE and RMSE as a percentage of something, just give that number
    in the input as "number_as_percentage" and it will return the MAE and RMSE as a
    ratio of that number. Returns MAE, MAE_as_percentage, and RMSE_as_percentage
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
    dfplot = pd.DataFrame([predicted, actuals]).T
    dfplot.columns = ['Forecast', 'Actual']
    plt.legend(['Forecast', 'Actual'])
    mae = mean_absolute_error(actuals, predicted)
    mae_asp = (mean_absolute_error(actuals, predicted) /
               number_as_percentage) * 100
    rmse_asp = (np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(actuals, predicted)) /
                number_as_percentage) * 100
    print('MAE (%% AUM) = %0.2f%%' % mae_asp)
    print('RMSE (%% AUM) = %0.2f%%' % rmse_asp)
    print('MAE (as %% Actual) = %0.2f%%' % (mae / abs(actuals).mean() * 100))
    _ = print_mape(actuals, predicted)
    rmse = print_rmse(actuals, predicted)
    mape = print_mape(actuals, predicted)
    print("MAPE = %0.0f%%" % (mape))
    # Normalized RMSE print('RMSE = {:,.Of}'.format(rmse))
    print('Normalized RMSE (MinMax) = %0.0f%%' %
          (100 * rmse / abs(actuals.max() - actuals.min())))
    print('Normalized RMSE = %0.0f%%' % (100 * rmse / actuals.std()))
    return mae, mae_asp, rmse_asp
コード例 #22
def calculate_confusion_matrix_from_arrays_fast(ground_truth: np.array,
                                                prediction: np.array,
                                                num_classes: int) -> np.array:
    """Calculate confusion matrix for a given set of classes.

        if GT value is outside of the [0, num_classes) it is excluded.

        10x faster than scikit learn implementation.

        Implemented by Anton Nesterenko.



    if not prediction.max() < num_classes:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Max predicted class number must be equal {num_classes - 1}")

    r = np.zeros(num_classes**2)
    valid_idx = np.where(ground_truth < num_classes)[0]
    idx, vals = np.unique(prediction[valid_idx] +
                          ground_truth[valid_idx] * num_classes,
    r[idx] = vals
    return r.reshape(num_classes, num_classes).astype(np.uint64)
コード例 #23
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: donkas/Auto_TS
def print_ts_model_stats(actuals: np.array,
                         predicted: np.array) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    This program prints and returns MAE, RMSE, MAPE.
    If you like the MAE and RMSE as a percentage of something, just give that number
    in the input as "number_as_percentage" and it will return the MAE and RMSE as a
    ratio of that number. Returns MAE, MAE_as_percentage, and RMSE_as_percentage
    number_as_percentage = actuals.std()
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
    dfplot = pd.DataFrame([actuals, predicted]).T
    dfplot.columns = ['Actual', 'Forecast']
    plt.legend(['actual', 'forecast'])
        'Random Forest: Actual vs Forecast in expanding (training) Window Cross Validation',
    print('Model Cross Validation Results:')
    mae = mean_absolute_error(actuals, predicted)
    mae_asp = (mean_absolute_error(actuals, predicted) /
               number_as_percentage) * 100
    print('    MAE (as %% Std Dev of Actuals) = %0.2f%%' % mae_asp)
    rmse = print_rmse(actuals, predicted)
    mape = print_mape(actuals, predicted)
    print("    MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error) = %0.0f%%" % (mape))
    # Normalized RMSE print('RMSE = {:,.Of}'.format(rmse))
    print('    Normalized RMSE (MinMax) = %0.0f%%' %
          (100 * rmse / abs(actuals.max() - actuals.min())))
    rmse_asp = (np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(actuals, predicted)) /
                number_as_percentage) * 100
    print('    Normalized RMSE (as Std Dev of Actuals)= %0.0f%%' % rmse_asp)
    return rmse, rmse_asp
コード例 #24
def get_card(img: Image, coords: np.array) -> Image:
    img_arr = np.array(img)

    # shift
    center = coords.sum(axis=0) / 4
    shift_x = img_arr.shape[0] / 2 - center[0]
    shift_y = img_arr.shape[1] / 2 - center[1]
    img_arr = shift_image(img_arr, shift_x, shift_y)
    coords = shift_coords(coords, shift_x, shift_y)

    # rotate
    p1 = coords[0]
    p2 = coords[1]
    delta_x = p2[0] - p1[0]
    delta_y = p2[1] - p1[1]
    theta_radians = math.atan2(-delta_y, delta_x)
    angle = -theta_radians / math.pi * 180
    img_arr = rotate_image(img_arr, angle)
    coords = rotate_coords(coords, theta_radians, img_arr.shape, radians=True)

    # crop
    a = coords.min(axis=0).astype(int)
    b = coords.max(axis=0).astype(int)
    box = (a.item(0), a.item(1), b.item(0), b.item(1))
    return Image.fromarray(img_arr).crop(box)
コード例 #25
ファイル: fitmap_functions.py プロジェクト: rf-next/ICAROS
    def fit_fcs_in_xy_bin (xybin         : Tuple[int, int],
                           selection_map : Dict[int, List[DataFrame]],
                           event_map     : DataFrame,
                           n_time_bins   : int,
                           time_diffs    : np.array,
                           nbins_z       : int,
                           nbins_e       : int,
                           range_z       : Tuple[float, float],
                           range_e       : Tuple[float, float],
                           energy        : str                 = 'S2e',
                           z             : str                 = 'Z',
                           fit           : FitType             = FitType.profile,
                           n_min         : int                 = 100)->FitParTS:
        """Returns fits in the bin specified by xybin"""

        i = xybin[0]
        j = xybin[1]
        nevt = event_map[i][j]
        tlast = time_diffs.max()
        tfrst = time_diffs.min()
        ts, masks =  get_time_series_df(n_time_bins, (tfrst, tlast), selection_map[i][j])

        logging.debug(f' ****fit_fcs_in_xy_bin: bins ={i,j}')

        if nevt > n_min:
            logging.debug(f' events in fit ={nevt}, time series = {ts}')
            return time_fcs_df(ts, masks, selection_map[i][j],
                               nbins_z, nbins_e, range_z, range_e, energy, z, fit)
            warnings.warn(f'Cannot fit: events in bin[{i}][{j}] ={event_map[i][j]} < {n_min}',

            dum = np.zeros(len(ts), dtype=float)
            return FitParTS(ts, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum)
コード例 #26
def convert_arr2qpixmap(data: np.array, resol: [float, float], size: int) -> QtGui.QPixmap:
    """ convert 2D numpy array to PySide2's QPixmap object

        data    : 2d array
        resol   : resolution for each axis
        size    : size of longest axis

        QPixmap object
        aspect_ratio ( width / height )
    fov_size = (np.asarray(data.shape) * np.asarray(resol)).tolist()
    size = float(size)
    aspect_ratio = float(np.divide(*fov_size))

    rescaled_data = data / data.max() * 255
    rescaled_data = rescaled_data.astype('uint8')
    imgobj = Image.fromarray(rescaled_data.T)
    qimgobj = ImageQt.ImageQt(imgobj)
    qpixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(qimgobj)

    if aspect_ratio > 1:  # height is longer
        width = size / aspect_ratio
        height = size
    else:  # equal or width is longer
        width = size
        height = size * aspect_ratio
    qpixmap = qpixmap.scaled(QtCore.QSize(width, height),
    return qpixmap
コード例 #27
def get_adjacency_matrix(segments: np.array):
    # slic returns labels from 0 to n
    n = segments.max() + 1
    r = np.zeros((n, n))

    x, y = segments.shape

    # horizontally iterate over pixels
    for i in range(x):
        for j in range(0, y - 1):
            seg1 = segments[i][j]
            seg2 = segments[i][j + 1]
            if seg1 != seg2:
                r[seg1][seg2] = r[seg1][seg2] + 1
                r[seg2][seg1] = r[seg2][seg1] + 1

    # vertically iterate over pixels
    for j in range(y):
        for i in range(0, x - 1):
            seg1 = segments[i][j]
            seg2 = segments[i + 1][j]
            if seg1 != seg2:
                r[seg1][seg2] = r[seg1][seg2] + 1
                r[seg2][seg1] = r[seg2][seg1] + 1
    min_pixel_count_for_neigbor = 5
    return r > min_pixel_count_for_neigbor
コード例 #28
    def train(self, x: np.array, y: np.array):
        self.train_x = x
        self.train_y = y
        self.n_classes = len(set(self.train_y))

        self.mins = x.min(axis=0)
        self.maxes = x.max(axis=0)
コード例 #29
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: YaoYu9404/swot_simulator
def interpolate_file_karin(swh_in: np.array, x_ac_in: np.array,
                           height_sdt: np.array, cross_track: np.array,
                           swh: np.array) -> np.ndarray:
    warning = False
    size_swh = np.shape(swh_in)
    if len(size_swh) == 1:
        swh_in = swh_in.reshape((1, size_swh[0]))
        size_swh = np.shape(swh_in)
    hsdt = np.zeros(size_swh)
    for j in range(size_swh[1]):
        xacj = x_ac_in[j]
        indice_ac = np.argmin(np.abs(cross_track - xacj))
        for i in range(size_swh[0]):
            threshold = swh_in[i, j]
            indices = np.argmin(np.abs(swh - threshold))
            if swh[indices] > threshold:
                indices -= 1
            if swh.max() <= threshold:
                hsdt[i, j] = height_sdt[-1, indice_ac]
                warning = True
                rswh = threshold - swh[indices]
                hsdt[i, j] = height_sdt[indices, indice_ac] * (
                    1 - rswh) + rswh * height_sdt[indices + 1, indice_ac]
    if warning is True:
            f'swh={threshold} is greater than the maximum value, '
            f'therefore swh is set to the file maximum '
            'value', RuntimeWarning)
    return hsdt
コード例 #30
def _find_nearest_slice_index(list_of_values: np.array, val1, val2=False):
        assert list_of_values.ndim == 1
    except AssertionError as e:
        raise e

    min_val = list_of_values.min()
    max_val = list_of_values.max()
    if not max_val >= val1 >= min_val:
        raise ValueError(
            f'specified coordinate value ({val1}) is outside the min/max range: [{min_val}, {max_val}]'
    index1 = (np.abs(list_of_values - val1)).argmin()

    if val2 is False:
        return index1

    if not max_val >= val2 >= min_val:
        raise ValueError(
            f'specified coordinate value ({val2}) is outside the min/max range: [{min_val}, {max_val}]'
    index2 = (np.abs(list_of_values - val2)).argmin()
    if index1 == index2:
        return index1
    elif index1 < index2:  # we'll put this check in there just in case they got the coordinates wrong
        return slice(index1, index2)
        return slice(index2, index1)